ML QB Odd 2023

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Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester: VII (2023-24)

Subject Name: Machine Learning
Subject Code: 3170724
Faculty: Ms. Munira Topia, Ms. Dhruvi Bhatt

UNIT NO- 1 :
Introduction to Machine Learning
TOPIC:1 : Human Learning and its Types, Machine Learning and its
1. 1Identify correct groups of machine learning problems: 01
a) Given a transaction, label as fraud or regular, learn fraud detection.
b) Given set of movies found on a portal and group them into set of movies with
same genre.
c) Given database of visitors, automatically discover popularity of holiday place
segments and group visitors according to holiday place.
d) Find pattern of purchasing electronics during Diwali. [LJIET]

1-supervised learning, 2,3,4-unsupervised

1-classification 2-Regression, 3-4 Association rule
1,2- supervised learning 3,4- unsupervised learning
1,2- unsupervised learning 3,4-supervised learning
1,3-supervised learning 2,4-unsupervised learning
1,2,3-supervised learning 4-unsupervised learning
2. 2 1. Training a dog with sound of a bell to pick a ball. 01
2. Rat learning how to carefully step on Skinner box to release food.
3. Child plays game with friends in recess after observing other adults also play
games at home.

a. Example 1 is type of learning under expert guidance

b. Example 2 is type of learning by self
c. Example 3 is type of learning under expert guidance
d. Example 1,3 both are type of learning under expert guidance
e. Example 2,3 both are type of learning by self
f. Example 1,2 both are type of learning by self [LJIET]

True- a,b False-c,d,e,f

True- a,e False-b,c,d,f
True- b,d False-a,c,e,f
True- c,f False-a,b,d,e
True-d False-a,b,c,e,f
True-b,c False-a,d,e,f
3. Identify correct groups of machine learning problems: 01
1. Given a geographical data, label areas that are hit by flood or earthquake.
2. Given a set of post found on a social networking site, group users into set with
similar sentiments.
3. Given database of satellite images, automatically discover places segments where
air pollution index is similar.
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Recognizing handwritten letter and converting into e-mail. [LJIET]
1,4-supervised learning, 2,3,-unsupervised
1-classification 2-Regression, 3-4 Association rule
1,2- supervised learning 3,4- unsupervised learning
1,2- unsupervised learning 3,4-supervised learning
1,3-supervised learning 2,4-unsupervised learning
1,2,3-supervised learning 4-unsupervised learning

4. A computer program is said to ________ from experience E with respect to some 01

________ of task T and performance measure P, if it’s ___________ at ________ as
measured by performance P improves with ____________. [LJIET]
learn, class, performance, task T, experience E.
learn, performance, class, task T, experience E
learn, class, performance, experience E, task T
performance, class, learn, task T, experience E
performance, class, learn, experience E, task T
performance, learn, class, experience E, task T
5. The choice of model used for solving specific problem is? [LJIET] 01
Human task
Machine learning task
Generalization task
Decision tree
Mathematical equation
1. Give the difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning. (Dec 2021) 03
2. Define Machine learning? Briefly explain the types of learning. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 03
3. Explain the concept of penalty and reward in reinforcement learning. (Dec 2021, Jun 03, 04
2023) [LJIET] OR
Explain the concept of penalty and reward in reinforcement. Learning. (Jun 2022)
4. List and explain the types of machine learning in brief. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 07
5. Explain the process of Supervised Learning Model. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 07
6. Explain
1 how Human learning happens.[LJIET] 07
7. Compare
2 different types of Machine Learning. (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 03
8. What
3 are the different types of Supervised Learning approaches? Explain by giving 07
examples. [LJIET]
9. What
4 are the different types of Unsupervised Learning approaches? Explain by giving 07
examples. [LJIET]
10. What
5 is generalization? What role does it play in Machine Learning? [LJIET] 07
11. What is Machine Learning? List out its applications and possible ethical issues of 04
machine learning applications? (Jun 2023) [LJIET]

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TOPIC:2 :Well Posed Learning Problem, Applications of Machine
Learning, Issues in Machine Learning
1. Define Machine learning and list out few applications in Engineering? (Jan 2023) 03
2. Define issues in machine Learning. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 03
3. What do you mean by a well-posed learning problem? Explain important features that are 07
required to well-define a learning problem. (Dec 2021, Jun 2022, Jun 2023) [LJIET])
4. Draw and explain the flow diagram of machine learning procedure. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 07
5. Which
2 are the problems that cannot be solved using Machine Learning.[LJIET] 03
6. State and describe in details any two application areas of Machine Learning.[LJIET] 07

UNIT NO- 2 :
Preparing to Model
TOPIC:1 : Basic Data Types, Exploring numerical data, Exploring
categorical data, Exploring relationships between variables
1. a.
1 Divide data into two parts: training and testing 01
b. Find potential issues in data
c. Understand nature and quality of data
d. Do remediation
e. Train model based on training data
Arrange given preprocessing activities in correct order for supervised learning. [LJIET]

c, b, d, a, e
a, c, d, b, e
c, d, b, e, a
c, d, b, a, e
a, c, b, d, e
a, b, c, d, e
2. a.
2 Discrete values can assume finite or count ably infinite number of values 01
b. Pin code is example of Nominal attribute
c. Nominal attribute may or may not have finite number of values.
d. Numerical attributes can have count ably infinite values
e. Nominal and Ordinal attributes are in general discrete.
Which statement is/are false? [LJIET]

only a
both a,c
both b,e
all three c, d, e
all three a, c, d
3. __________
3 is likely to get shifted drastically due to presence of ____________. 01

Mean, Outlier
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Median, Outlier
Mean, Variance
Mean, Median
Variance, Outlier
Median, Variance
4. 4 1. Mechanism for one shot view and a. Whisker 01
understand nature of data
2. Box span from first to third b. Box Plot
3. Can range up to 1.5 times IQR c. Median
from bottom/top of box
4. Denoted by line or band in box d. Inter quartile range

1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c

1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a
1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b
1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a
5. 1. Requires at-least one independent variable 01
2. Requires at-least one dependent variable
3. Determines future outcome of data
4. Determines behavior of data [LJIET]

Supervised learning: 1,2,3 Unsupervised learnnig: 1,4

Supervised learning: 1,3 Unsupervised learnnig: 2,4
Supervised learning: 2,3 Unsupervised learnnig: 1,4
Supervised learning: 1,2 Unsupervised learnnig: 3,4
Supervised learning: 1,3,4 Unsupervised learnnig: 2
Supervised learning: 2 Unsupervised learnnig: 1,3,4
6. What is first and third quartile of data. 01
44, 35, 52, 35, 31, 37, 49, 39, 28 [LJIET]

33, 46.5
7. To explore relationship between variables what can be used? 01
1. Box plot
2. Histogram
3. Scatter plot
4. Cross tab

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8. The height of ___________ reflects total count of data elements whose value falls 01
specifically ________. [LJIET]

Bar, bin
Bin, bar
Histogram, mode
Mode, histogram
Bar, mode
Bin, mode
9. 1. Discrete values can assume only finite values 01
2. Employee ID is example of Nominal attribute
3. Nominal attribute may or may not have finite number of values.
4. Numerical attributes can have count ably infinite values
5. Nominal and Ordinal attributes are in general discrete.
Which statement is/are false? [LJIET]
only a
both a,c
both b,e
all three c, d, e
all three a, c, d
10. Numerical attributes having lesser possible number of values can be treated as 01
11. 1. Larger the value of variance indicates more dispersion in data. 01
2. Deviation between mean and median is significant high, means chances of
outliers is less.
3. Larger difference between two quartile values indicates more data spread in
respective quarter.
Identify false statements [LJIET]
All 1,2,3
Both 1,2
Both 2,3
Only 1
Only 2
Only 3
12. What is first and third quartile of data. 01
44, 12, 25, 71, 27, 59, 59, 38, 66 [LJIET]


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13. __________ data, if have possibly only two values/ labels is called ‘dichotomous’. 01

1. Define feature and explain the process of transforming numeric features to categorical 07
features with suitable example. (Jan 2023) [LJIET]
2. What is categorical data? Explain its types with examples. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 04
3. How can we take care of outliers in data? (Dec 2021, Jun 2022) [LJIET] 03
4. What is outlier? How can we take care of outliers? (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 04
5. Explain Key elements of Machine Learning. Explain various function approximation 04
methods. (Jun 2022) [LJIET]
6. 1
What are the main activities involved when you are preparing to start with modeling in 07
Machine Learning? [LJIET]
7. 2
What are the basic data types in Machine Learning? Explain by giving examples of each 07
one of them. [LJIET]
8. What are the basic data types in machine learning? Give an example of each one of them. 03
(Jun 2023) [LJIET]
9. 3
Explain in details the different components of Box Plot. State how outliers can be detected 07
using Box Plots. [LJIET]
10. 4
State and explain the two ways in which we can explore the relationship between two 07
variables (attributes). [LJIET]

TOPIC:2 : Data Issues and Remediation, Data Pre-processing

1. Issues
1 of data quality [LJIET] 01

Missing values
Missing values and outliers
Error in data collection
Error in sample selection
Error in data collection and sample selection
2. Techniques
2 for dimensionality reduction PCA stands for [LJIET] 01

Principle Component Analysis

Primary Coefficient Analysis
Principle Coefficient Analysis
Primary Component Analysis
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Partial Component Aggregation
Partial Component Aggregation
3. Dimensionality
3 reduction helps in removing _______ and _________ features. [LJIET] 01

Redundant and ir-relevant

Redundant and relevant
Noisy and redundant
Relevant and rich
Noisy and ir-relevant
Rich and noisy
4. 1.
4 removing columns which have too many missing values 01
2. removing columns which have high variance in data
3. removing columns with dissimilar data trends
which of given statement(s) is/ are correct: [LJIET]

Only 1
Only 2
Only 3
Both 1,3
Both 2,3
None of given
1. What are the Techniques Provided in Data Preprocessing? Explain in brief (Jun 2022) 07
2. Define Outliers. Can they be handled in a dataset? If yes, how? [LJIET] 05
3. Explain in details the various ways to address the missing values in a dataset. [LJIET] 07
4. 2
What are the different techniques for data pre-processing. Explain in brief, dimensionality 07
reduction and feature selection.[LJIET]
5. What are the different techniques for data pre-processing? Explain in brief. (Jun 2023) 03

UNIT NO- 3 :
Modelling and Evaluation
TOPIC:1 : Selecting a model, Training a model, Model representation
and interpretability
1. 1A machine learning problem that does not include target variable is called _________ 01
and that include target variable is called _________. [LJIET]

descriptive learning, predictive learning

predictive learning, descriptive learning
descriptive learning, reinforcement learning
predictive learning, reinforcement learning
reinforcement learning, predictive learning
reinforcement learning, descriptive learning
2. Summarized
2 knowledge representation of raw data is called as? [LJIET] 01

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3 Form of – SRSWS ? [LJIET]
3. Full 01

Simple Random Sampling With Replacement

Sampling Random Simple Without Replacement
Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement
Simple Repeated Sampling With Replacement
Simple Repeated Sampling Without Replacement
Sampling Random Simple With Replacement
4. 1.
4 _______ method divides data into 3partitions namely training data, validation 01
data, test data
2. ______ is part of input data with known labels
3. ______ is used to measure performance of a model
4. ________ is used in iteration to refine a model
5. ________ is used only once on finalize models to report final performance of a
model. [LJIET]

Holdout, Test data, Validation Data, Validation Data, Test Data

Holdout, Test data, Validation Data, Training Data, Test Data
K-fold CV, Test data, Validation Data, Validation Data, Test Data
K-fold CV, Test data, Validation Data, Training Data, Test Data
3-fold CV, Test data, Validation Data, Validation Data, Test Data
3-fold CV, Test data, Validation Data, Training Data, Test Data
5. To measure the extent to which model is going wrong in estimating the relationship 01
between Independent Variable and Dependent Variable is called as? [LJIET]
Cost function
Loss function
Objective function
No free lunch
Target Function
6. ___________ randomly picks data instance from input data set , with possibility of same 01
data instance being picked up multiple times. [LJIET]
10-fold CV
k-fold CV
Stratified Random Sampling
7. Less than 0.5 – Worse than random prediction 01
0.5-0.7 weak predictive ability
0.7-0.9 good to fair predictive ability
0.9-1.0 excellent predictive ability
Given value indications are used with which measure? [LJIET]

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1. Elaborate the cross validation in training a model. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 07
2. Distinguish lazy vs eager learner with an example. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 04
3. Explain the training of Predictive Model. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 03
4. What is data sampling? Explain data sampling methods? (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 04
5. Explain K-fold cross validation method with suitable example. (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 07
6. Explain the process of K-fold-cross-validation method (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 04
7. Compare
1 and contrast Descriptive and predictive Models. [LJIET] 05
8. Explain
2 in details about the methods to train a learning model. [LJIET] 07
9. What
3 is underfitting and overfitting in the context of Machine Learning Model? [LJIET] 07
10. Write
4 about the bias-variance tradeoffs in context of model fitting. [LJIET] 07
11. Differentiate between 05
a) Lazy Vs Eager Learners
b) Bagging Vs Boosting [LJIET]
12. What is sampling? Explain Bootstrap sampling. (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 04

TOPIC:2 : Model Performance Evaluation, Performance Improvement

1. a.
1 Follows general principle of machine learning 01
b. Also called as non-parametric learning
c. Doesn’t need to refer back training data
d. Decision Tree
e. k-nearest neighbor [LJIET]

Eager Learner–a,c,d Lazy Learners -b,e

Eager Learner–a,d Lazy Learners –c,b,e
Eager Learner–a,e Lazy Learners b,c,d
Eager Learner–b,d Lazy Learners –a,c,e
Eager Learner–b,e Lazy Learners -a,c,d
Eager Learner–b,c,d Lazy Learners -a,e
2. Model
2 Accuracy [LJIET] 01

3. Sensitivity [LJIET] 01


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4. Specificity [LJIET] 01
5. Precision [LJIET] 01

6. __________ is a part of model preparation activity. [LJIET] 01
Remediate data
Cross validation
Confusion matrix
ROC curve
7. Identify false statement(s) 01
1. Mean is impacted if too many data elements are having value closer to the far end
of the range.
2. Skewness/Shape of histogram depends on nature of data.
3. Height of bin keeps on decreasing as we move toward right, is called right-skew.
4. Bivariate relationship can be visualized using scatter-plot and box-plot.
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5. Cross-tab allows operations like roll-up and drill-down [LJIET]

4 only
4,5 only
None of given
1,2,3 only
1,4 only
All of given
8. What is not correct about Eager Learners from following 01
1. Follows the steps abstraction and generalization.
2. Need to refer back to training data.
3. Support Vector Machine
4. Very little time in training [LJIET]

2,4 only
1,2 only
3,4 only
1,3,4 only
All of given
None of give
9. 1. Arises from simplifying assumptions made by model to make target function less 01
2. Occurs from difference in training data set used to train the model
3. Due to under-fitting a model
4. Due to over-fitting a model
5. Poor performance on complex dataset
Small change in training data set magnified in model [LJIET]
Error due to bias- 1,3,5 Error due to Variance- 2,4,6
Error due to bias- 1,4,6 Error due to Variance- 2,3,5
Error due to bias- 2,4,6 Error due to Variance- 1,3,5
Error due to bias- 2,3,5 Error due to Variance- 1,4,6
Error due to bias- 1,4,5 Error due to Variance- 2,3,6
Error due to bias- 2,3,6 Error due to Variance- 1,4,5
10. In Kappa coefficient,p(pr) chance agreement is calculated as [LJIET] 01
∗ + ∗
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁
∗ ∗ ∗
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁
+ ∗ +
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁
− ∗ +
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁
∗ + −
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁
∗ − ∗
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁
11. a. R-squared Error 01
b. Silhouette Width
c. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
d. Cosine Similarity
Value lies between
1. 0 to +1
2. -1 to +1 [LJIET]

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a,c-1 b,d-2
a-1 b,c,d-2
a-2 b,c,d-1
a,b-1 c,d-2
a,c-2 b,d-1
a,b-2 c,d-1
1. While predicting malignancy of tumor of a set of patients using a classification model, 07
following are the data recorded: (a) Correct predictions – 15 malignant, 75 benign (b)
Incorrect predictions – 3 malignant, 7 benign Calculate the model accuracy, error rate,
Kappa value, sensitivity, precision, and F- measure of the model. (Jun 2023) [LJIET]
2. What is model accuracy in reference to classification? Also Explain the performance 07
parameters Precision, Recall and F-measure with its formula and example. (Jan 2023)
3. Consider the following confusion matrix of the win/loss prediction of cricket match. 04
Calculate model accuracy and error rate for the same. (Dec 2021) [LJIET]

4. Consider the following confusion matrix of the win/loss prediction of cricket match. Calculate 07
model accuracy and error rate, sensitivity, precision, F-measure and kappa value for the same.
(Jun 2023) [LJIET]
Actual Win Actual Loss
Predicted Win 85 4
Predicted Loss 2 9
5. List the methods for Model evaluation. Explain each. How we can improve the 07
performance of model. (Jun 2022) [LJIET]
6. Can
1 the performance of a learning model be improved? If yes, How? [LJIET] 07
7. Explain
2 how can we evaluate the performance of a Classification algorithm by measuring 07
Specificity, precision, recall and ROC curves [LJIET]
UNIT NO- 4 :
Basics of Feature Engineering
TOPIC:1 : Feature Construction, Feature Extraction, Feature
1. 1Meaningful attribute of data set________. [LJIET] 01

Redundant feature
Relevant feature
Input variable
Output variable
2. 1.
2 Feature construction 01
2. Feature extraction
3. Feature subset selection

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a. Discovering missing information about relationship of features
b. Creating new set of features from original features using functional mapping
c. Deriving most meaningful features from given feature space. [LJIET]

1-a, 2-b, 3-c

1-c, 2-a, 3-b
1-a, 2-c, 3-b
1-b, 2-a, 3-c
1-c, 2-b, 3-a
1-b, 2-c, 3-a
3. Text
3 data converted into numerical representation using process called as ___________. 01
In this process occurrences of a word belonging to _________ are consolidated in form
of _________. [LJIET]

Vectorization, corpus, bag-of-word

Vectorization, bag-of-word, corpus
Corpus, bag-of-word, vector
Corpus, tokens, normalization
Vectorization, token, bag-of-word
Corpus, vector, token
4. 4 1. New set of features are extracted from original set of features which are similar in 01
2. n-dimensional feature space is transformed to m-dimensional space. Where n less
than m.
3. New features transformed are orthogonal to each other
4. Sum of variance of new feature is equal to sum of variance of old feature
In context of PCA which of following is false [LJIET]

All of given
None of given
5. If P1,P2 and P3 are three principle components 01
What are true among following:
1. P1, P2 and P3 are parallel
2. Variance of P1 is largest
3. Variance of P3 is smallest
4. P1, P2 and P3 are orthogonal
5. Variance of P1 is smallest
6. Variance of P3 is largest [LJIET]

1,2 only
4,5 only
6. a. PCA 01
b. SVD
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c. LDA

1. Matrix factorization technique

2. Identify dimensions that are independent of each other
3. Eigen values and eigen vectors are used
4. Singular, left singular and right singular matrix is produced
5. Captures variability in data set
6. Inter-class and intra-class matrices are used [LJIET]

a-2,3 b-1,4 c-5,6

a-1,2 b-5,6 c-3,4
a-3,4 b-5,6 c-1,2
a-4,5 b-3,6 c-1,2
a-2,4 b-1,5 c-3,6
a-1,3 b-2,5 c-4,6
7. a. Average information in a variable is _________. 01
b. Indicator of feature relevance ____________.
c. Features are ranked in descending order of ________. [LJIET]

Entropy, Mutual Information, Information Gain

Mutual Information, entropy, Information gain
Information gain, entropy, Mutual Information
Entropy, Information Gain, Mutual Information
Mutual Information, Information gain, entropy
Information gain, Mutual Information, entropy
8. Find the value of the person’s correlation coefficient from the following data: 01
F1= (43,21,25,42,57,59)
F2= (99,65,79,75,87,81) [LJIET]

9. 𝑛11 +𝑛00
a. 01
𝑛01 +𝑛10 +𝑛11 +𝑛00
b. Widely used in text classification
c. 𝑛01 +𝑛10 +𝑛11
d. − 𝐹2𝑖 )𝑟 [LJIET]

SMC-a, Cosine-b, Jaccard-c, Minkowski-d

SMC-b, Cosine-a, Jaccard-c, Minkowski-d
SMC-b, Cosine-c, Jaccard-a, Minkowski-d
SMC-a, Cosine-d, Jaccard-c, Minkowski-b
SMC-c, Cosine-b, Jaccard-a, Minkowski-d
SMC-c, Cosine-d, Jaccard-a, Minkowski-b
10. a. In _____________feature space is expanded. 01
b. _______ and ________ are two variants of ____________. [LJIET]
a-feature construction b-feature construction, feature extraction, feature transformation
a-feature transformation b-feature construction, feature extraction, feature subset
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a-feature transformation b-feature construction, feature extraction, feature transformation
a-feature construction b-feature selection, feature extraction, feature transformation
a-feature construction b-feature construction, feature selection, feature transformation
a-feature construction b-feature construction, feature extraction, feature selection

11. a. Text specific feature construction 01

b. Inter-class and intra-class scatter matrix
c. Eigen values and Eigen-vectors
d. Singular value matrix
1- LDA
2- PCA
3- SVD
4- Vectorization [LJIET]
a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3
a-4, b-2, c-3, d-1
a-4, b-2, c-1, d-3
a-4, b-1, c-3, d-2
a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
12. a. ∑𝑐𝑖=1 𝑠𝑖 01
b. ∑𝑛𝑥∈𝐷𝑖(𝑥 − 𝑚𝑖 )(𝑥 − 𝑚𝑖 )𝑇
c.∑𝑐𝑖=1 𝑁𝑖 (𝑚𝑖 − 𝑚)(𝑚𝑖 − 𝑚)𝑇
from above given equations 𝑆𝑊 , 𝑆𝑖 and 𝑆𝐵 relatively are? [LJIET]
a, b, c
a, c, b
b, a, c
b, c, a
c, a, b
c, b, a
13. Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance respectively for given data is? 01
F1= (2,3,6,7,8,6,6,7)
F2= (6,5.5,4,2.5,3,5.5,7,6) [LJIET]
8.6, 20.5
20.5, 8.6
8.8, 8.6
20.5, 8.8
7.2, 5.5
5.5, 8.6
14. ___________ used more frequently to calculate the distance between binary vectors is 01
Hamming distance. [LJIET]

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15. a. Filter approach 01
b. Wrapper approach
c. Hybrid approach
d. Embedded approach
1. Induction algorithm
2. Statistical tests
3. Induction algorithm and statistical tests
Simultaneous selection and classification [LJIET]
a-2 b-1 c-3 d-4
a-1 b-2 c-3 d-4
a-1 b-2 c-4 d-3
a-2 b-1 c-4 d-3
a-1 b-3 c-2 d-4
a-2 b-3 c-1 d-4
16. What is true about feature selection process 01
1. No new feature is generated
2. Improving efficiency of a learning model
3. Better understanding of underlying model
4. Faster and cost effective model
Used functional mapping [LJIET]
1,2,3,4 only
1,3,4,5 only
1,2,5 only
All of given
None of given
1,2 only
17. What is true if groups are well separated in LDA 01
1. Intra-group mean are far away from each other
2. Data points are close to intra-group mean
3. Intra-group mean from grand-mean is large. [LJIET]
All of given
1,2 only
2,3 only
1,3 only
None of given
1 only
18. What features are ALWAYS candidate for rejection in the process of feature subset selection 01
a. Redundant features
b. Irrelevant features
c. Weakly relevant features
d. Non-redundant features[LJIET]
a,b only
a,b,c only
all of given
c only
b,c only
b,c,d only
19. Which is not a search strategy[LJIET] 01
Sequential forward selection
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Sequential backward selection
Bi-directional selection
Bi-directional elimination
Recursive elimination
Recursive Selection
1. Show various distance-based similarity measure with its example. (Jan 2023) 04
2. What is the purpose of Singular value decomposition? How does it achieve? 04
(Jan 2023) [LJIET]
3. What is principal component analysis? How does it work? Explain. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 07
4. Explain the need of feature engineering in ML. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 03
5. Differentiate PCA and LDA. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 04
6. Explain SVD as a feature extraction technique with suitable example. (Dec 2021) 07
7. 1
What is a feature? What is feature Engineering? What are the major elements of Feature 05
Engineering? Explain them.[LJIET]
8. 2
Explain the process of feature engineering in context of a text categorization problem. 05
9. 3
Differentiate between SMC and Jaccard Coefficients. [LJIET] 05
10. 4
Explain in short the three methods for Feature Extraction. [LJIET] 07
11. Explain with an example, main underlying concept of feature extraction. What are the most 07
popular algorithms of feature extraction, briefly explain any one. (Jun 2023) [LJIET]
12. 5
State and explain the methods to find out the similarity or redundancy aspect of the 07
attributes in a dataset. [LJIET]
13. What is feature selection? Why it is needed? What are the different approaches of feature 07
selection, briefly explain any one. (Jun 2023) [LJIET]
UNIT NO- 5 :
Brief overview of Probability
TOPIC:1 : Basic concept of Probability, Random Variables, Discrete
Distributions, Continuous Distribution, Central Theorem, Monte Carlo
1. Define the following terms. 03
(i) Variance
(ii) Covariance
(iii) Joint Probability (Jan 2023) [LJIET]
2. What is Bernoulli distribution? Explain briefly with its formula.(Jan 2023) [LJIET] 03
3. What is conditional probability? Define its importance. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 03
4. If 3% of electronic units manufactured by a company are defective. Find the probability 03
that in a sample of 200 units, less than 2 bulbs are defective. (Dec 2021) [LJIET]
5. In a communication system each data packet consists of 1000 bits. Due to the noise, each 03
bit may be received in error with probability 0.1. It is assumed bit errors occur
independently. Find the probability that there are more than 120 errors in a certain data
packet. (Dec 2021) [LJIET]
6. Explain Binomial Distribution with an example. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 04

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7. Explain Monte Carlo Approximation. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 07
8. Define
1 the Bayesian interpretation of probability. [LJIET] 05
9. Define
2 probability of union of two events with equation. (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 03
10. What
3 is joint probability? Explain it using appropriate equations. [LJIET] 05
11. What
4 is the chain rule of probability? [LJIET] 05
12. What
5 do you mean by Conditional Probability [LJIET] 05
13. Define
6 Covariance and Correlation [LJIET] 05
14. What is hypothesis? Give examples [LJIET] 05
15. What is joint probability? What is its formula? (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 03
16. Let X be a discrete random variable with the following PMF 07

a. Find the range RX of the random variable X.

b. Find P(X ≤ 0.5)
c. Find P(0.25<X<0.75)
d. Find P(X = 0.2|X<0.6) [LJIET]
17. Two equal and fair dice are rolled and we observed two numbers X and Y. 07
a. Find RX, RY and the PMFs of X and Y.
b. Find P(X = 2,Y = 6).
c. Find P(X>3|Y = 2).
d. If Z = X + Y. Find the range and PMF of Z.
e. Find P(X = 4|Z = 8). [LJIET]
18. In an exam, there were 20 multiple-choice questions. Each question had 44 possible 07
options. A student knew the answer to 10 questions, but the other 10 questions were
unknown to him and he chose answers randomly. If the score of the student X is equal to
the total number of correct answers, then find out the probability mass function (PMF) of
X. What is PMF(X>15)? [LJIET]
19. Consider a radar station monitoring air traffic. For simplicity we chunk time into periods 07
of five minutes and assume that they are independent of each other. Within each five
minute period, there may be an airplane flying over the radar station with probability 5%,
or there is no airplane (we exclude the possibility that there are several airplanes). If there
is an airplane, it will be detected by the radar with a probability of 99%. If there is no
airplane, the radar will give a false alarm and detect a non-existent airplane with a
probability of 10%.
a) How many airplanes fly over the radar station on average per day (24 hours)?
b) How many false alarms (there is an alarm even though there is no airplane) and how
many false no-alarms (there is no alarm even though there is an airplane) are there on
average per day? [LJIET]
20. A manufacturing process produces thousands of capacitor per day. Every hour, supervisor 07
selects a random sample of 50 capacitor and classifies each capacitor in the sample as
conforming or non – conforming. Find the probability of finding one or fewer
nonconforming parts of capacitor. [LJIET]

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UNIT NO- 6 :
Bayesian Concept Learning
TOPIC:1 : Impotence of Bayesian methods, Bayesian theorem, Bayes’
theorem and concept learning, Bayesian Belief Network
1. In
1 a bolt factory, machines A1, A2 and A3 manufactures respectively 25%, 35% and 01
40% of the total machines. Of these 5%, 4% and 2% are defective bolts. A bolt is drawn
at random from the product and is found to be defective. What is probability that it was
manufacture by machine A2? [LJIET]
1. Explain the concept of Bayesian belief network. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 04
2. Explain posterior probability with its formula. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 03
3. Explain how Naïve Bayes classifier is used for Spam Filtering. (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 04
4. What is likelihood probability? Give an example. (Dec 2021, Jun 2022, Jun 2023) 04/ 03
5. Explain Bayes’ theorem in details.(Jun 2022) [LJIET] 07
6. Explain
1 following with example: 07
a. Prior probability
b. Posterior probability
c. Likelihood [LJIET]
7. Explain
2 Naïve Bayes classifier with example and its use in practical life. [LJIET] 07
8. What
3 are Bayesian Belief Networks? Where are they used? Can they solve all types of 07
9. How
4 Bayes theorem support the concept learning principle? [LJIET] 07
10. In
5 an airport security checking system, the passenger are checked to find out any intruder. 07
Let I indicate whether somebody is an intruder (I) or not (I) and A indicate alarm whether
raised (A=1) or not (A). Alarm will be raised if an intruder is identified with probability
P(A|I)=0.98. Alarm will be raised if non-intruder with probability P(A|I)=0.001, which
implies error factor. The probability of intruder in population of passenger is P(I) =
0.00001. What is probability that alarm is raised when a person actually is an intruder?
11. For
6 preparation of the exam questions are of types A, B or C. Probability of A, B or C 07
appearing in the exam are 30%, 20% and 50% respectively. During preparation student
solved 9 of 10 problems type A, 2 of 10 problems type B, and 6 of 10 problems of type C.
What is probability that the student will solve the problem will be of type A? [LJIET]
12. A
7 tumor can be malignant or non-malignant. Only 0.5% of population has malignant 07
tumor. Laboratory report detects malignancy present with 98% accuracy. Also laboratory
report shows malignancy not present correctly in 97% of cases. If a Lab report is showing
malignancy is present, should we declare this as malignant tumor or not. [LJIET]
13. What
8 is optimal Bayes classifier? Explain.[LJIET] 07
14. What is concept learning? Explain with example (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 04
UNIT NO- 7 :
Supervised Learning: Classification and Regression:
TOPIC:1 : Supervised Learning, Classification Model, Learning steps,
Classification algorithms
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1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of SVM? (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 03
2. Define Entropy. Show its importance with suitable example. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 04
3. Explain decision tree approach with suitable example. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 07
4. Explain Decision tree algorithm (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 04
5. Explain KNN algorithm with suitable example. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 07
6. What are the factors determining the effectiveness of SVM? (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 03
7. Define: 03
a. Supervised Learning
b. Classification
c. Regression (Jun 2022) [LJIET]
8. Write a note on KNN. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 04
9. List Classification algorithms. Explain Decision Tree as classification 04
method. (Jun 2022) [LJIET]
10. Discuss appropriate problems for decision tree learning in detail. (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 07
11. Discuss the error rate and validation error in the kNN algorithm. (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 07
12. What
1 is supervised learning? Why it is called so? Give three example of supervised 07
13. Explain
2 in brief, the SVM model. Give its advantage and disadvantage.[LJIET] 07
14. Write
3 note on: Validation error in kNN, error rate in kNN choosing value of k in kNN, 07
inductive bias in decision tree.[LJIET]
15. Explain
4 in brief: Decision tree algorithm.[LJIET] 07
16. Explain
5 in brief: Random forest model.[LJIET] 07
17. Explain
6 following w.r.t decision trees: node and leaf, entropy, information gain[LJIET] 07
18. Discuss
7 SVM model in detail with different scenarios. [LJIET] 07
19. Discuss
8 how to calculate distance between the test data and training data in kNN.[LJIET] 07
20. Discuss
9 OOB error and variable importance in random forest.[LJIET] 07
21. How
1 to avoid over fitting decision tree? Explain in detail.[LJIET] 07
22. What is supervised learning? Draw and explain classification steps in detail (Jun 2023) 07
23. Write the strength and weakness of decision tree method. (Jun 2023) [LJIET] 03
TOPIC:2 : Regression, Regression algorithms
1. Define linear regression. Also explain Sum of squares with its formula. (Jan 2023) 04
2. Explain sum of squares due to error in multiple linear regression with example. (Dec 2021) 03
Define sum of squares due to error in multiple linear regression.[LJIET]
3. Explain dependent variable and an independent variable in a linear equation with example. 03
(Dec 2021, Jun 2023) [LJIET]
4. What are the conditions of a negative slope in linear regression? (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 03
5. What
1 is simple linear regression? What is dependent and independent variable in linear 07

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6. What
2 are condition of a positive slope and conditions of negative slope in linear 07
7. What
3 is multiple linear regression? Give example.[LJIET] 07
8. What
4 is multicollinearity in regression equation? Explain.[LJIET] 07
9. Explain
5 rise, run, and slope in graph. Find slope if points on line are (-3,-2) and (2,2) 07
10. How
6 to improve accuracy of linear regression model?[LJIET] 07
11. Explain OLS algorithm with steps.[LJIET] 07

UNIT NO- 8 :
Unsupervised Learning
TOPIC:1 : Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning, Applications,
Association rules
1. How does the apriori principle help in reducing the calculation overhead for a market 07
basket analysis? Explain with an example. (Jan 2023) [LJIET]
2. Mention few applications areas of unsupervised learning in Engineering. (Jan 2023) 03
3. Explain how the Market Basket Analysis uses the concepts of association analysis. (Dec 07
2021) [LJIET]
4. Explain the Apriori algorithm for association rule learning with an example. (Dec 2021, 07
Jun 2023) [LJIET]
5. 1
How unsupervised learning is different from supervised leaning? Explain with 07
6. 2
Mention few application areas of unsupervised learning.[LJIET] 07
7. 3
How apriori algorithm helps in reducing the calculation overhead for market basket 07
analysis? Give example.[LJIET]
8. 4
What is Association rule? What are the Applications of Association rule mining? Define 07
support and confidence in Association rule mining.[LJIET]
9. A
5 database has 4 transactions, shown below. 07

Assuming a minimum level of support min_sup = 60% and a minimum level of confidence
min_conf = 80%.
a. Find all frequent item-sets using the Apriori algorithm.
b. List all of the strong association rules, along with their support and confidence
values for
buys(item1, item2)  buys(item3) items can be A, B etc.[LJIET]
TOPIC:2 : Clustering
1. In
1 which situation k-means clustering fails to give good results?[LJIET] 01

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1. Briefly explain K-Medoids. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 04
2. Explain k-means clustering technique. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 07
3. Describe the concept of single link and complete link in the context of hierarchical 04
clustering. (Dec 2021) [LJIET]
4. Describe the main difference in the approach of k-means and k-medoids algorithms with 07
a neat diagram. (Dec 2021) [LJIET]
5. What is Clustering? Explain K-mean clustering algorithm. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 04, 07
Explain K-mean clustering algorithm (Jun 2023) [LJIET]
6. Describe
1 how quality of clusters are measured in k-means algorithm?[LJIET] 07
7. What
2 are three broad categories of clustering technique? Explain characteristics of each 07
8. Explain
4 k-means method with step-by-step algorithm.[LJIET] 07
9. Given
5 a set of one-dimensional data point: {5,10,15,20,25,30,35}. Assume that k=2 and 07
first set of random centroid is selected as {15,32} and then it is refined with {12,30}
a. Create two clusters with each set of centroid mentioned above following the
k-means approach.
b. Calculate SSE for each set of centroid.[LJIET]
10. How to re-compute cluster centroids in k-means algorithm?[LJIET] 07
11. Explain concept of clustering with neat diagram.[LJIET] 07
UNIT NO- 9 :
Neural Network:
TOPIC:1 : Introduction to neural network, Biological and Artificial
Neurons, Types of Activation functions, Implementation of ANN,
Architecture, Leaning process, Backpropogation, Deep Learning
1. Show the Step, ReLU and sigmoid activation functions with its equations and sketch(Jan 2023) 07
2. Briefly explain Perceptron and Mention its limitation. (Jan 2023) [LJIET] 03
3. What is difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 03
4. Draw a flow chart which represents backpropagation algorithm. (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 04
5. Explain Rosenblatt’s perceptron model. (Dec 2021) [LJIET] 04
6. Write a short note on feed forward neural network. (Jun 2022) [LJIET] 04
7. Describe, in details, the process of adjusting the interconnection weights in a multi-layer 07
neural network. (Dec 2021) [LJIET]
8. Explain, with example, the challenge in assigning synaptic weights for the interconnection 07
between neurons? How can this challenge be addressed? (Dec 2021) [LJIET]
9. What
1 is function of summation junction of a neuron? What is threshold activation 07
10. What are the different types of activation functions popularly used? Explain each of 07
them. (Jun 2023) [LJIET]
11. What
0 is step function? What is the difference of step function with threshold 07
12. Explain
3 McCulloch-Pitts model of neuron.[LJIET] 07

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13. Explain
4 the basic structure of multi-layer perceptron. Explain how it can solve XOR 07
14. What
5 is Artificial Neural Network (ANN)? Explain some of salient highlights in different 07
architectural option for ANN.[LJIET]
15. Explain
6 learning process of ANN. With example explain challenges in assigning synaptic 07
weights for interconnection of neuron.[LJIET]
16. Explain in details backpropagation algorithm. What are the steps? What are the 07
17. Write short note on: Single-layer feed forward ANN, Recurrent network, Gradient 07
descendent. [LJIET]
18. Write Short note on: Deep learning, Multi-layer perceptron, Artificial neuron.[LJIET] 07
19. Explain in detail, the backpropagation algorithm. What are the limitations of this 07
algorithm? (Jun 2023) [LJIET]

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