Q2 Performance Task 1

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Name: Date:

Section: Score: /30

Performance Task # 1: Graph of Polynomial Functions

Directions: Complete the table below, then sketch the graph of the polynomial
functions. Show your solution on a separate sheet of paper.
Note: You may verify the accuracy of your graph using the Desmos Calculator.
Step 1: Perform the leading coefficient test.
Polynomial Leading Leading Degree End
Functions Term Coefficient Behaviors

right left
1. y= - (x+3) (x+1) (2x-5)
2. y= (x2-5) (x-1)2 (x-2)3
3. y= - x3+ 2x2-2x+4
4. y= x2(x2-7) (2x+3)
5. y= 2x4-3x3-18x2+6x+28

Steps 2 and 3: Compute for the x-intercepts and y-intercept.

Note: Add rows based from your answers.
Polynomial Root/Zeros Multiplicity Characteristic Behavior
Functions of Multiplicity of Graph
(odd or even) Relative
to x-axis
at this
or Is
1. y= - (x+3) (x+1)2(2x-5)

2. y= (x2-5) (x-1)2 (x-2)3

3. y= - x3+ 2x2-2x+4
4. y= x2(x2-7) (2x+3)

5. y= 2x4-3x3-

Step 4: Determine the number of turning points:

Example: at most ___________
Polynomial Degree Number of
Functions Turning
1. y= - (x+3) (x+1)2(2x-5)
2. y= (x2-5) (x-1)2 (x-2)3
3. y= - x3+ 2x2-2x+4
4. y= x2(x2-7) (2x+3)
5. y= 2x4-3x3-18x2+6x+28

Step 5: Graph of the polynomial functions:

Polynomial Graph

1. y= - (x+3) (x+1)2(2x-5)
2. y= (x2-5) (x-1)2 (x-2)3
3. y= - x3+ 2x2-2x+4
4. y= x2(x2-7) (2x+3)
5. y= 2x4-3x3-18x2+6x+28

5 4 3 2
Neatness The work is The work is The work is The work
and presented in a presented in a presented in appears sloppy
Organizatio neat, clear, neat and an organized and
n organized way organized way way but may unorganized.
that is easy to that is usually be hard to It is hard to
read and easy to read read at times. know
understand. and what
understand. information
goes together.
Accuracy All There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more
answers/graph mistakes on mistakes on than 4 errors on
Maximum of s the the the
5 points per are correct. answers/graph answers/graphs answers/graphs
item. s . .

Total # of
items: 5
Creativity The output The output The output The output
shows excellent shows average shows moderate shows little
creativity in creativity in creativity in creativity in
design. design. design. design.

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