Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
Unit »2
» I can describe personal care habits and
routines: diet (food) and physical activity.
» I can express abilities and possibilities.
1. Keep active and take a break 2. Good personal hygiene 3. Eat healthy food
a. Eat a balanced diet that includes fruit and vegetables. Avoid sugars and starches.
Cut out fast foods. Drink lots of water.
b. Develop the habit of doing physical activities you enjoy: e.g. running, swimming,
or riding a bike. Get enough sleep: your body needs eight hours of sleep a night.
c. Have a shower every day. Wash your hair regularly. Brush your teeth twice a day.
Keep your nails short: fingers and toes!
2. Write Work with a partner. Complete the chart (1–9) with the tips in exercise 1.
4. Speak With a partner talk about the things you can do to have a healthy life.
6. Read Read the chart and match the nutrients (1–5) with the types of food (a–e).
3. Fibre: Eat four portions c. meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dried beans,
every day. dairy products and nuts
Look at the typical Colombian dishes (a–c) and label them with the
8. Write nutrients (1–6) they provide.
a. A paisa breakfast
A bowl of chocolate milk – nutrients: carbohydrates, fats
Arepas – nutrients: carbohydrates
Calentao – nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fats
b. Tamal
Corn – nutrients: 1….
Meat – nutrients: 2…
Peas and carrots – nutrients: 3….
c. Sancocho
Meat and chicken – nutrients: 4…
Plantain, yucca, potato – nutrients: 5…
Onion and coriander – nutrients: 6…
1. Read Read the slogans (1–6) and match them with the photos (a–f).
a. b. c. d. e. f.
1. Exercise 2. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Exercise 5. Exercise 6. Exercise
can can make can help can can can fight
improve bones you reduce increase diseases.
your and control stress. energy.
mood. muscles your
stronger. weight.
Match what the person can do (1–4) with the sport he/she plays (a–d) and
3. Read then answer the questions (a–f).
Interview two classmates and make notes about their abilities and what
6. Speak they want to learn how to do. Use the chart in exercise 5 to help you.
Pablo can … Pablo can’t … He wants Sara can … Sara can’t … She wants to learn
to learn how to …
how to ...
Physical activity run skip play the flute
What can or can’t you do, Pablo? Sara, what do you want to learn how to do?
I can run, but I can’t skip. I want to learn how to play the flute.
module 1 // Unit 2
Work with the same classmates from exercise 6. Make suggestions about
7. Speak what they can do to learn new things.
Useful Language: Why don’t you take swimming classes? You could ask María to teach you.
You need:
some large thick card pictures cut out from marker pens
1. Write some slogans, for example, ‘Be smart: Do Exercise!’
2. Decorate your poster with the magazine pictures. Or draw your own.
3. Put the poster on your classroom wall.
Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3
… : Dirty clothes can also cause 1
… : This removes oils
skin infections and body odour. and dirt. It makes your
Wear clean clothes every day. hair smell nice and
prevents hair-loss.
… : Wash your hands … : Clean
Label the hygiene products (a–f) and then answer the questions (1–6)
2. Write so they are true for you.
Use the secret code to discover how to wash your hands properly.
5. Write Write the complete sentences.
Letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Secret code: Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A
1. Choose one personal hygiene habit: for
example, how to wash your hands properly.
2. Make a list of the steps to follow: for example,
Step 1. Get some soap. Step 2. …
3. Design a picture collage to indicate the steps:
you can draw or paint pictures or use photos
from magazines.
4. Display your collage on your classroom wall.
5. Give a talk to your classmates (or to a different
class) about the hygiene habit you chose. Final task activity!
I don’t think my
physical activity habits
are healthy because I
sometimes / never …
I think my eating
habits are healthy
because I always eat
28 fruit and vegetables.
It’s good to do exercise every day. I can’t skateboard, but I can ride a bike. It’s good
to do exercise!