Healthy Habits

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Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit »2
» I can describe personal care habits and
routines: diet (food) and physical activity.
» I can express abilities and possibilities.

I Can Take Care

of My Body

In Context » Healthy Eating

Read the poster for a campaign to encourage teenagers to live
1. Read healthy lives. Match the headings (1–3) with the examples (a–c).

How to Be a Healthy Teen

Here are some tips that can help you to grow into a healthy adult.

1. Keep active and take a break 2. Good personal hygiene 3. Eat healthy food

a. Eat a balanced diet that includes fruit and vegetables. Avoid sugars and starches.
Cut out fast foods. Drink lots of water.
b. Develop the habit of doing physical activities you enjoy: e.g. running, swimming,
or riding a bike. Get enough sleep: your body needs eight hours of sleep a night.
c. Have a shower every day. Wash your hair regularly. Brush your teeth twice a day.
Keep your nails short: fingers and toes!

2. Write Work with a partner. Complete the chart (1–9) with the tips in exercise 1.

Diet Rest Exercise Healthy habits

& routines
Study Tip
eat fruit and 4
… running have a shower
vegetables 5
… every day Take regular breaks when you are
… 6
… 7
… studying, for example, go for a
… 8
… short walk. This will improve your
… 9
… concentration and help you to focus.
module 1 // Unit 2
3. Write Answer the questions.

1. Do you have a shower every day? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2. Does your best friend get enough sleep? Yes, he (she) does. / No, he (she) doesn’t.
3. Does your teacher drink lots of water?
4. Do your classmates eat a balanced diet?
5. Do you wash your hair regularly?
6. Does your partner keep his/her nails short?

4. Speak With a partner talk about the things you can do to have a healthy life.

What can I do to be You can eat lots of fresh fruit

healthy? and vegetables. And you
can go to bed early and get
enough sleep.

Listen to a nutritionist explaining what a healthy balanced diet is and

7 5. Listen why it’s important. Match the nutrients (1–5) with their functions (a–e).

A healthy balanced diet

includes foods that give you a variety of nutrients: proteins,
vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, fats and also fibre.

1. Protein a. helps the body digest food

2. Vitamins and minerals b. help the body absorb minerals and store energy
3. Fibre c. increases your body mass: helps your muscles to grow
4. Carbohydrates d. help you grow properly and fight diseases
5. Fats e. give your body energy

6. Read Read the chart and match the nutrients (1–5) with the types of food (a–e).

Nutrient Types of Food

1. Protein: Eat two to three a. fruit, vegetables, dairy products

portions every day. (milk, yoghurt, cheese), dried beans
2. Vitamins and minerals:
b. bread, starches (potatoes, rice, pasta),
Eat four to five portions
every day.

3. Fibre: Eat four portions c. meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dried beans,
every day. dairy products and nuts

4. Carbohydrates: Eat two d. healthy: olive oil and some fish

portions every day. unhealthy: fried foods

5. Fats: Eat one portion

e. cereals and whole grain
every day.
Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Copy the chart and then play Tic Tac

7. Speak Toe with a partner.
Which foods give you

How many portions What nutrients

Which foods give
of protein do you are in vegetables
you protein? Meat, chicken, fish, dried
need a day? and fruit? beans, eggs and nuts
How many portions How many
of fruit and Which foods give portions of fibre
vegetables do you you fibre? do you need a
need a day? day?
Which foods How many servings What nutrients
contain of carbohydrates are in some fish
carbohydrates? do you need a day? and vegetables?

Look at the typical Colombian dishes (a–c) and label them with the
8. Write nutrients (1–6) they provide.

a. A paisa breakfast
A bowl of chocolate milk – nutrients: carbohydrates, fats
Arepas – nutrients: carbohydrates
Calentao – nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fats

b. Tamal
Corn – nutrients: 1….
Meat – nutrients: 2…
Peas and carrots – nutrients: 3….

c. Sancocho
Meat and chicken – nutrients: 4…
Plantain, yucca, potato – nutrients: 5…
Onion and coriander – nutrients: 6…

Give a short presentation to your class about the nutrients in

9. Speak your favourite typical dish and why they are good for you.
My favourite typical dish is a ‘paisa’ breakfast. I love
‘arepas’ and they give me lots of energy because they have
carbohydrates. Chocolate milk is my favourite drink and
has carbohydrates and fats; so my body can store energy
and use it when I do exercise. My grandmother makes great
‘calentao’ which has carbohydrates, fats and protein; the
proteins make my muscles grow.

Final task activity!

module 1 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » Be Smart: Do Exercise!

1. Read Read the slogans (1–6) and match them with the photos (a–f).

a. b. c. d. e. f.
1. Exercise 2. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Exercise 5. Exercise 6. Exercise
can can make can help can can can fight
improve bones you reduce increase diseases.
your and control stress. energy.
mood. muscles your
stronger. weight.

Listen to a P.E. teacher giving students some

8 2. Listen health tips. Decide if the statements (1–5) are
true or false.

1. Some of the students think doing exercise is hard. True

2. A horrible way to do exercise is to take your dog for a walk.
3. The teacher recommends 60 minutes of exercise every day.
4. An exercise schedule can help you to develop a good exercise routine.
5. You can do exercise when you play outdoors with your friends.

Match what the person can do (1–4) with the sport he/she plays (a–d) and
3. Read then answer the questions (a–f).

1. She can ride a bike. a. football

2. He can run and throw the ball at the same time. b. cycling
3. He can control a ball with his feet. c. swimming
4. She can breathe underwater. d. basketball 23

a. Can the girl ride a bike? Yes, she can.

b. Can the boy ride a bike? No, he can’t.
c. Can the boy play football? Study Tip
d. Can the girl swim?
e. Can the boy do two things with a ball at the same time? Make a study schedule:
f. Can the girl play basketball? plan what to learn and
when and find a quiet
place to work.
Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

Listen to some friends talking about their abilities.

9 4. Listen Complete the table.

Sofía Paola Nico

can can’t can can’t can can’t
swim I can swim,
but I can’t skateboard.
run fast
ride a bike 21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking
sing What new things are you learning this
year? What skills are you improving?
speak English
speak French

5. Write Complete the chart so it is true for you.

I can ... I can’t … I want to learn how to …

Physical activity swim, skip skateboard play basketball
Arts play the guitar
Hobbies and skills

Interview two classmates and make notes about their abilities and what
6. Speak they want to learn how to do. Use the chart in exercise 5 to help you.

Pablo can … Pablo can’t … He wants Sara can … Sara can’t … She wants to learn
to learn how to …
how to ...
Physical activity run skip play the flute

What can or can’t you do, Pablo? Sara, what do you want to learn how to do?

I can run, but I can’t skip. I want to learn how to play the flute.
module 1 // Unit 2
Work with the same classmates from exercise 6. Make suggestions about
7. Speak what they can do to learn new things.

Sara, you want to Pablo, you want to

learn to play the learn how to … .
flute. Why don’t you You could … .
look at some flute
lessons for beginners
on the internet?

Useful Language: Why don’t you take swimming classes? You could ask María to teach you.

Follow the instructions and design a slogan

8. Write noticeboard to motivate you and your
Final task activity!
classmates to do more exercise.

You need:

some large thick card pictures cut out from marker pens
1. Write some slogans, for example, ‘Be smart: Do Exercise!’
2. Decorate your poster with the magazine pictures. Or draw your own.
3. Put the poster on your classroom wall.

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Being Clean is Cool and Fun!

Read the infographic about personal hygiene and complete
1. Read it (1–7) with the headings (a–g).

a. Use deodorant d. Dental care g. Keep your fingernails

b. Change your clothes e. Wash your hands clean and short
c. Wash your hair regularly f. Have a shower

… : Dirty clothes can also cause 1
… : This removes oils
skin infections and body odour. and dirt. It makes your
Wear clean clothes every day. hair smell nice and
prevents hair-loss.
… : Wash your hands … : Clean

before you eat and your body

after you use the and skin with a
toilet. This can prevent refreshing shower
stomach infections. Personal every day. Also
Hygiene have a shower after
you do exercise.
… : Long, dirty nails can
spread infection. You
can prevent horrible skin 3
… : Take good care of your
infections if you cut your teeth and your smile! Brush
nails regularly and keep 4
… : It isn’t cool to your teeth at least twice a day
them clean. smell bad! So use (morning and evening). This can
deodorant under also help prevent gum disease.
your armpits and
on your feet!

Label the hygiene products (a–f) and then answer the questions (1–6)
2. Write so they are true for you.

1. Do you use a hairbrush

to brush your teeth? No, I
26 don’t. I use a hairbrush to
brush my hair.
a. d. 2. Do you use deodorant to
smell nice? Yes, I do.
3. Do you use soap and water
to wash your face?
e. 4. Do you brush your teeth
b. twice a month?
5. Do you use nail clippers to
cut your hair?
6. Do you use shampoo to
c. f. wash your hair?
module 1 // Unit 2
Listen to Camila talking about her personal hygiene routines and
10 3. Listen complete the chart.

Personal Hygiene Routines

Action Always Often Sometimes Never
a. have a shower
b. wash hair
c. brush teeth
d. keep nails clean and short
e. wear clean clothes
f. wash hands before you eat
g. use deodorant

Work with a partner and describe Camila’s personal hygiene

4. Speak routines. Use the information in the chart in exercise 3.

She always takes

Yes, that’s right
a shower.
and she sometimes
washes her hair.

Use the secret code to discover how to wash your hands properly.
5. Write Write the complete sentences.

Letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Secret code: Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A

1. Wash your hands for … seconds. G S R I G B

2. Use … and … to wash your hands. D Z G V I H L Z K
3. Wash your hands before you … . V Z G
4. Wash your hands after you go to the … G L R O V G
5. … your hands with a clean towel. W I B
Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Write In groups, prepare a hygiene exhibit. Follow the instructions (1–5).

To wash your hands you need

soap and water. Always wash
your hands before you eat and
after you use the toilet.
Use soap Rub your hands together Use your
and water. under the water. fingers.

Don’t forget Rinse your hands. Dry your

your wrists. hands.

1. Choose one personal hygiene habit: for
example, how to wash your hands properly.
2. Make a list of the steps to follow: for example,
Step 1. Get some soap. Step 2. …
3. Design a picture collage to indicate the steps:
you can draw or paint pictures or use photos
from magazines.
4. Display your collage on your classroom wall.
5. Give a talk to your classmates (or to a different
class) about the hygiene habit you chose. Final task activity!

Think about your eating, physical activity and personal hygiene

7. Speak habits. In groups, discuss how healthy your habits are.

I don’t think my
physical activity habits
are healthy because I
sometimes / never …

I think my eating
habits are healthy
because I always eat
28 fruit and vegetables.

Listen and repeat the sentences. Make sure you pronounce

11 8. Pronunciation the short forms.

It’s good to do exercise every day. I can’t skateboard, but I can ride a bike. It’s good
to do exercise!

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