Career Management
Career Management
Career Management
Academic Year 2023-2024
Individual Assignment
Due: This assignment is due by the end of module fourteen.
Submit to: Assignment 5 submission folder. Submission folders can be accessed by selecting
Course Tools and then Assignments on the course navigation bar.
During modules 13 and 14, you were given a series of activities to complete. You explored what
success means as you pursue career goals and examined the SMART method for goal setting.
You also learnt about the rights and responsibilities in the workplace. This assignments asks you
to reflect on lifelong learning and indicating your approach to ensuring you remain updated on
rights in the workplace. Finally, you will choose and outline a career goal using the SMART
method for goal setting.
Module 14 concludes the course by reflecting on, and actioning career goals. Committing to
taking action will support your job search success and workplace success.
6. Create a development plan that outlines activities, tools and milestones to support the
transition from college to their chosen career.
7. Outline the behavioural indicators and workplace rights and responsibilities which may
support or infringe on professional opportunities.
How Your Assignment Will be Graded
A rubric has been created and can be found attached to the submission folder. Submission
folders can be accessed by selecting Course Tools and then Assignments on the course
navigation bar.
Late Policy - The School of Interdisciplinary Studies Late Policy states that you will be deducted
10% per day for each day your assignment is late. After 7 days, you will be assigned a 0% for
the assignment. See the School of Interdisciplinary Studies Late Policy for further guidelines.
Use of any form of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is strictly forbidden throughout all
stages of this assessment, including brainstorming, idea generation, outline formation, etc. This
includes your cover letter and resume.
Generative AI may include (but is not limited to) chatbots, coding tools and image/art
generating tools, or other technologies that produce work for you. Using AI in any capacity
throughout the assessment process will be in violation of Conestoga’s Academic Offences policy
under the category of Unauthorized Aids and Assistance (Cheating) or Copying from Others or
Self Copying. The consequence of this violation is that an academic offence will be filed, with
the severity of the penalty dependent on previous offences. In cases where you are unsure if
something is considered generative AI, always ask your professor before using.
List of Activities
My Reflections
To increase opportunities for progression in your industry, you will need to develop and gain
key competencies continually. Identify one asset and one skill you plan to develop or gain in the
next six months to one year? Indicate why each will be of value to an employer in your industry.
1. Business Acumen – I plan to gain more financial education by reading, participating in online
courses, networking, and collaborating with my colleagues.
2. Project Management – I plan to revisit the project management course resources from this
course, connect with my professors, and volunteer in ongoing and upcoming healthcare
projects to gain hands-on knowledge. I also plan to acquire a PMP certification from PMI.
Approaches you will take to remain aware of your rights in your place of work.
1. I will read my collective agreement carefully and use official resources like the employee handbook,
HR policies, government websites, etc.
2. If my job is unionized, I will also utilize those resources to get professional guidance through my
union representative, lawyers, and colleagues.
Where I can find current information about rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
1. Official government websites like the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and the
Ministry of Labor websites.
2. Professional Organizations or Professional l like Lawyers, or unions are able to help us find more
information about our rights as an employee.
Goal setting should include key elements to ensure you create an effective plan for success. In
module 14, we looked at a SMART goal-setting method to guide this process. Using the SMART
method, indicate your next career goal and how this will be achieved.
Identify how this career goal fits the SMART method of goal setting by entering your plan into
the table below.
Specific My goal is precisely to make 5 in-person and 50 New LinkedIn Connections in the
Canadian Healthcare Industry.
Measurable My goals are measurable, I can track in-person connections by adding the
meetings to my calendar and save business cards, I can also track LinkedIn
connections using insights.
Attainable/ The goal is achievable, I will be further breaking it down to 1 in-person and 10
Achievable LinkedIn connections each month which is realistic.
Relevant As I graduate from this course, expanding my network is important for career
growth in healthcare, finding new opportunities, information, and collaborations.
Time Bound My Goal has a set deadline, 31 June 2024 which keeps me motivated and sets a
timeframe for the goal.