How To Do Design Thinking Better
How To Do Design Thinking Better
How To Do Design Thinking Better
Christine Rösch
O RG A N I Z AT I O N S JUL 1, 2020
II 05:26 / 11:58
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Design thinking has become tremendously popular. Practice. He and Thompson recently
Businesses in every industry talk about ideating and
published paper on
paperon this
onthis topic
topic and teach
iterating, a linguistic nod to the creative process
a course together on using creativity as a
made famous by design and consulting firm IDEO.
business tool.
The design-thinking approach loosely
follows a four-step process that involves So why does design thinking work? And
observing a problem, reframing it, how can businesses effectively apply these
designing solutions, and testing them—all principles themselves? Thompson and
with the end goal of improving how Schonthal explain.
humans experience a product or service.
them to count how many times the players packaging of its arthritis medication was
on a particular team passed the ball. too difficult for patients to open.
About 45 seconds into the video, a woman So the IDEO design team interviewed and
wearing a full-body gorilla costume —crucially—also observed patients who
walked across the screen. But a large used the medication going about their
number of participants didn’t notice this daily routine. One elderly woman with
oddity at all. They were too focused on arthritis said she had no trouble opening
counting passes—an illustration of a the packaging. But when the IDEO team
phenomenon psychologists call asked her to actually show them how she
inattentional blindness. did it, she took her pill bottle out of a
drawer and put it on a meat slicer, then
“People are very limited in what they’re used the meat slicer to cut open the top of
able to perceive in their visual world when
the container, because twisting the cap off
they’re focused on one thing,” Thompson
herself was too painful.
explains. “Coupled with the fact that
people believe themselves to be in the “One of the biggest takeaways from this
99th percentile with regard to their example is to never take what people say
perceptive abilities, that’s a dangerous they do at face value,” Schonthal says.
combination.” “Actually seeing with your own eyes what
is going on can immediately spark
So how can we get better at noticing
identification of unmet needs or better
ways of solving a problem.” 3/7
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1/1/24, 1:43 PM How to Do Design Thinking Better
Leigh David
Thompson Schonthal
J. Jay Gerber Professor Clinical Professor of
of Dispute Resolution & Strategy; Director of
Organizations; Entrepreneurship
Professor of Programs at Kellogg;
Management & Faculty Director of the
Organizations; Director Zell Fellows Program;
of Kellogg Team and Director of the Levy
Group Research Center; Institute for
Professor of Entrepreneurial Practice
Psychology, Weinberg
College of Arts &
Sciences (Courtesy) 6/7
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