Calculus With Applications 11th Edition Ebook PDF
Calculus With Applications 11th Edition Ebook PDF
Calculus With Applications 11th Edition Ebook PDF
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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-97942-1
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Calculus with Applications
Lial • Greenwell • Ritchey
chapter Calculating the Derivative 209
4 4.1
Techniques for Finding Derivatives 210
Derivatives of Products and Quotients 226
4.3 The Chain Rule
4.4 Derivatives of Exponential Functions 243
4.5 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 251
Chapter 4 Review 258
Extended Application Electric Potential and Electric Field 263
chapter Graphs and the Derivative 266
5 5.1
Increasing and Decreasing Functions
Relative Extrema 278
chapter Applications of the Derivative 321
6 6.1
Absolute Extrema 322
Applications of Extrema 331
6.3 Further Business Applications: Economic Lot Size; Economic Order Quantity;
Elasticity of Demand 341
6.4 Implicit Differentiation 350
6.5 Related Rates 356
6.6 Differentials: Linear Approximation 363
Chapter 6 Review 369
Extended Application A Total Cost Model for a Training Program 373
chapter Integration 375
7 7.1
Substitution 388
chapter Further Techniques and Applications of Integration 445
8 8.1
Integration by Parts 446
Volume and Average Value
Continuous Money Flow 462
8.4 Improper Integrals 470
Chapter 8 Review 476
Extended Application Estimating Learning Curves in
Manufacturing with Integrals 479
chapter Multivariable Calculus 482
9 9.1
Functions of Several Variables
Partial Derivatives 494
chapter Differential Equations 550
10 10.1
Solutions of Elementary and Separable Differential Equations
Linear First-Order Differential Equations 565
Euler’s Method 571
10.4 Applications of Differential Equations 578
Chapter 10 Review 586
Extended Application Pollution of the Great Lakes 591
chapter Probability and Calculus 594
chapter Sequences and Series 637
12 12.1
Geometric Sequences 638
Annuities: An Application of Sequences
Taylor Polynomials at 0 653
12.4 Infinite Series 662
12.5 Taylor Series 669
12.6 Newton’s Method 678
12.7 L’Hospital’s Rule 683
Chapter 12 Review 690
Extended Application Living Assistance and Subsidized Housing 693
chapter The Trigonometric Functions 695
Our Approach
Our main goal is to present applied calculus in a concise and meaningful way so that students
can understand the full picture of the concepts they are learning and apply them to real-life
situations. This is done through a variety of means.
Focus on Applications Making this course meaningful to students is critical to their suc-
cess. Applications of the mathematics are integrated throughout the text in the exposition,
the examples, the exercise sets, and the supplementary resources. We are constantly on the
lookout for novel applications, and the text reflects our efforts to infuse it with relevance.
Our research is showcased in the Index of Applications at the back of the book and the ex-
tended list of sources of real-world data on
Calculus with Applications presents students with myriad opportunities to relate what they’re
learning to career situations through the Apply It question at the beginning of sections, the
applied examples and exercises, and the Extended Application at the end of each chapter.
Beyond the Textbook Students want resources at their fingertips and, for them, that
means digital access. So Pearson has developed a robust MyMathLab course for Calculus
with Applications. MyMathLab has a well-established and well-documented track record
of helping students succeed in mathematics. The MyMathLab online course for this text
contains over 2100 exercises to challenge students and provides help when they need it.
Students who learn best through video can view (and review) section- and example-level
videos within MyMathLab. These and other resources are available to students as a unified
and reliable tool for their success.
New Features
• W arm-Up Exercises were added to many exercise sets to provide an opportunity for stu-
dents to refresh key prerequisite skills at “point of use.”
• Graphing calculator screens have been updated to reflect the TI-84 Plus C, which features
color and a higher screen resolution. Additionally, the graphing calculator notes have
been updated throughout.
• We added more “help text” annotations to examples. These notes, set in small blue type,
appear next to the steps within worked-out examples and provide an additional aid for
students with weaker algebra skills.
• For many years this text has featured enormous amounts of real data used in examples and
exercises. The 11th edition will not disappoint in this area. We have added or updated 157
(15.9%) of the application exercises throughout the text.
• We updated exercises and examples based on user feedback and other factors. Of the 3516
exercises within the sections, 397 (11.2%) are new or updated. Of the 413 examples in the
text, 55 (13.3%) are new or updated.
• MyMathLab contains a wealth of new resources to help students learn and to help you
as you teach. Some resources were added or revised based on student usage of the previ-
ous edition of the MyMathLab course. For example, more exercises were added to those
chapters and sections that are more widely assigned.
° Hundreds of new exercises were added to the course to provide you with more options
for assignments, including:
• More application exercises throughout the text
• Setup & Solve exercises that require students to specify how to set up a problem as
well as solve it
• Exercises that take advantage of the enhanced graphing tool
° An Integrated Review version of the course contains preassigned diagnostic and reme-
diation resources for key prerequisite skills. Skills Check Quizzes help diagnose gaps in
skills prior to each chapter. MyMathLab then provides personalized help on only those
skills that a student has not mastered.
° The videos for the course have increased in number, type, and quality:
• New videos feature more applications and more challenging examples.
• In addition to full-length lecture videos, MyMathLab now includes assignable,
shorter video clips that focus on a specific concept or example.
• MathTalk Videos help motivate students by pointing out relevant connections to their
majors—especially business. The videos feature Andrea Young from Ripon College
(WI), a dynamic math professor (and actor!). The videos can be used as lecture starters
or as part of homework assignments (in regular or flipped classes). Assignable exercises
that accompany the videos help make these videos a part of homework assignments.
• A Guide to Video-Based Instruction shows which exercises correspond to each
video, making it easy to assess students after they watch an instructional video. This
is perfect for flipped-classroom situations.
° L earning Catalytics is a “bring your own device” student engagement, assessment, and
classroom intelligence system. Students can use any web-enabled device—laptop, smart-
phone, or tablet—that they already have. Those with access to MyMathLab have instant
access to Learning Catalytics and can log in using their MyMathLab username and pass-
word. With Learning Catalytics, you assess students in real time, using open-ended tasks
to probe student understanding. It allows you to engage students by creating open-ended
questions that ask for numerical, algebraic, textual, or graphical responses—or just simple
multiple-choice. Learning Catalytics contains Pearson-created content for calculus so you
can take advantage of this exciting technology immediately.
Chapter R
• A dded new Your Turn exercises to ensure that there is a student assessment for each major
• Added more detail to R.2 on factoring perfect squares.
Chapter 1
• R ewrote the part of 1.1 involving graphing lines, emphasizing different methods for
• Rewrote 1.2 on supply, demand, break-even analysis, and equilibrium; giving formal
definitions that match what students would see in business and economics courses. All of
the business applications were revised, according to recommendations from reviewers,
to be more in line with business texts. Also added a new Example 6 on finding a cost
• Added color for pedagogical reasons to make content easier to follow.
Chapter 2
• U pdated the introduction to 2.1, rewriting it as an example to make it easier for students
to reference the necessary skills to identify nonlinear functions, determine the domain and
range, and estimate values from a graph.
• In 2.2, added another approach to graphing parabolas by splitting former Example 4 into
two separate examples. The new Example 5 illustrates how to graph a parabola by first
finding its characteristics (including orientation, intercepts, vertex, and axis of symmetry).
The characteristics are highlighted in a box for easy reference.
• Added quadratic regression to 2.2. Example 9 includes a by-hand method and a method
using technology.
• Rewrote Example 10 in 2.2, which illustrates translations and reflections of a graph, by
breaking it into three parts. The first part is a basic transformation, and the ensuing parts
build in complexity.
• Added the definition of a real root to 2.3 and added a Technology Note to illustrate how
to use a graphing calculator to approximate the roots of higher degree polynomials.
• Added cubic regression to 2.3 (Example 5).
Chapter 3
• A dded Caution note to 3.1 and added a new solution method to Example 9.
• Added new Example 2 to 3.3, using recent data.
• Updated Example 4 in 3.3 to use clearer wording.
Chapter 4
• C larified the rules for differentiation in 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 and added a new Example 8.
• Expanded Example 9 in 4.1 to include a new graph.
• Updated Example 10 in 4.1 and Example 4 in 4.5.
Chapter 5
• A dded new examples to 5.2 (Example 3(c)) and 5.3 (Example 6(b)).
• Expanded Example 6(a) in 5.4 to show the inflection point.
Chapter 6
• U pdated Example 3 in 6.1 to show an application of the concept.
• Modified examples in 6.2 (Example 3), 6.4 (Example 2), and 6.6 (Example 1).
Chapter 7
• dded annotations and comments to Example 10 in 7.1.
• Simplified Examples 1, 2, 3, and 6 in 7.2 and added annotations and comments.
• Added a “For Review” box to 7.3.
• Enlarged all small integral signs throughout the chapter for clarity.
• Updated Example 7 in 7.4 and Example 5 in 7.5.
• Added more explanation of the consumer surplus to 7.5.
Chapter 8
• A dded annotations to several examples in 8.1 to denote steps in integration by parts.
• Revised the solutions to Examples 4 and 5 in 8.3, giving more detail and adding annota-
tion to denote the steps in determining the accumulated amount of money flow.
Chapter 9
• R ewrote and expanded Exercise 8 in 9.1, on the Cobb-Douglas Production Function,
emphasizing the interpretation of the solutions.
• Added three new exercises to 9.1 on exponential and logarithmic functions of several
• Revised the solution to Example 4 in 9.3, giving more detail.
• Rewrote the solution to Example 3 in 9.4, illustrating how to find the extrema of a con-
strained function of one or more variables using a spreadsheet.
Chapter 10
• R
evised the solution to Example 5 in 10.1, adding annotation to denote steps in separation
of variables.
• In 10.1, added the definition of equilibrium point, explained how to determine the stability
(stable, unstable, or semistable) of the equilibrium point, and added Example 8 on equilib-
rium points and stability.
Chapter 11
• C hanged the introductory example in 11.1, which continues into 11.2, to avoid rounding
• Added a new part (d) to Example 3 in 11.3, as well as Method 2 using a graphing calcula-
tor and Method 3 using a spreadsheet.
• Changed 11.3 so that graphing calculators are the primary method of calculating normal
probabilities, and the normal table is the secondary method.
Chapter 12
• R evised Example 4 Method 1 (Graphing Calculator) in 12.1.
• Added clarification on the TVM Solver to Example 8 in 12.2.
Chapter 13
• I n 13.1, revised coverage of translating graphs of sine and cosine functions. Also added a
box to highlight the transformation of trigonometric functions.
• Added Example 8 to 13.2, which illustrates how to find the relative extrema for trigono-
metric functions.
• In 13.2, added new exercises (37–56), which use applications of the derivative applied to trig-
onometric functions. Applications include: critical numbers, intervals in which the function
is increasing and decreasing, relative extrema, higher order derivatives, intervals in which
the functions are concave upward and concave downward, inflection points, detailed graphs,
absolute extrema, implicit differentiation, related rates, and differential approximation.
y = 24.894
M02_LIAL8774_11_AIE_C02_048-132.indd 55 18/06/15 3:12 PM
y = 1.757(1.0248)t
0 130
Figure 56
Another way to checkExercise
an exponential function fits the data is to see if points
whose x-coordinates are equally spaced have y-coordinates with a constant ratio. This
must be true for an exponential function because if ƒ1x2 = a # bx, then ƒ1x1 2 = a # bx1 and
Basic exercises are followed by an Applications section, which is grouped by subheads such
ƒ1x2 2 = a # bx2, so
as “Business and Economics.” Other types of exercises include the following:
• N
ew Warm-Up exercises at the beginning of most sections provide a chance for students
a # bx2
ƒ1x2 2the key
to refresh = # prerequisite
= bx2-x1. skills needed for the section’s exercises.
ƒ1x1 2 exercises
• Connections a bx1 integrate topics presented in different sections or chapters and are
This last expression is constant if x2 -with .
x1 is constant, that is, if the x-coordinates are equally
In the previous example, all data points have t-coordinates 10 years apart, so we can
compare the ratios of corn production for any of these first pairs of years. Here are the ratios
for 1930–1940 and for 1990–2000:
= 1.256
A01_LIAL8774_11_AIE_FM_i-xx.indd 13 26/10/15 5:42 PM
Extended Applications
• E
xtended Applications are provided at the end of every chapter as in-depth applied exer-
cises to help stimulate student interest. These activities can be completed individually or
as a group project. Additional Extended Applications for the text can be found online at
For Students For Instructors
Student’s Solutions Manual (in print and electroni- Annotated Instructor’s Edition
cally within MyMathLab) • Includes all the answers, usually on the same page as
• Provides detailed solutions to all odd-numbered text the exercises, for quick reference
exercises and sample chapter tests with answers. • Challenge problems labeled with a + (plus sign)
• ISBN 0133864537 / 9780133864533 • Numerous teaching tips
Graphing Calculator Manual for Applied Mathematics • ISBN 0321998774 / 9780321998774
Instructor’s Solutions and Resource Manual (Down-
• Contains detailed instruction for using the TI-83/ load Only)
TI-83+/ TI-84+C
• Provides complete solutions to all exercises, two ver-
• Instructions are organized by topic. sions of a pre-test and final exam, and teaching tips.
• Downloadable from within MyMathLab • Available to qualified instructors within MyMathLab or
Excel Spreadsheet Manual for Applied Mathematics through the Pearson Instructor Resource Center
(downloadable) (
• Contains detailed instruction for using Excel 2013 • ISBN 0133864650 / 9780133864656
• Instructions are organized by topic. PowerPoint Presentations (Download Only)
• Downloadable from within MyMathLab • Includes lecture content and key graphics from the
• Available to qualified instructors within MyMathLab
or through the Pearson Instructor Resource Center
• ISBN 0133983862 / 9780133983869
We wish to thank the following professors for their contributions in reviewing portions of
this text:
John Alford, Sam Houston State University
Robert David Borgersen, University of Manitoba
Jeffrey Breeding, Fordham University
C. T. Bruns, University of Colorado, Boulder
Nurit Budinsky, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Martha Morrow Chalhoub, Collin College, Preston Ridge Campus
Scott E. Clark, University of Arizona
Karabi Datta, Northern Illinois University
13 2
2. Simplify - .
7 5
3. Let x be the number of apples and y be the number of oranges. Write the following state-
ment as an algebraic equation: “The total number of apples and oranges is 75.”
4. Let s be the number of students and p be the number of professors. Write the following
statement as an algebraic equation: “There are at least four times as many students as
5 1 11
6. Solve for x: x + x = + x.
8 16 16
8. Using the variable x, write the following interval as an inequality: 1-∞, -34.
9. Solve for y: 51y - 22 + 1 … 7y + 8.
2 3
10. Solve for p: 15p - 32 7 12p + 12.
3 4
11. Carry out the operations and simplify: 15y 2 - 6y - 42 - 213y 2 - 5y + 12.
12. Multiply out and simplify 1x 2 - 2x + 321x + 12.
a2 - 6a # a - 2
16. Perform the operation and simplify: .
a2 - 4 a
x + 3 2
17. Perform the operation and simplify: 2 + 2 .
x - 1 x + x
18. Solve for x: 3x 2 + 4x = 1.
19. Solve for z: … 2.
z + 3
4 - 11x 2y 322
20. Simplify .
x - 2y 5
41/41p2/3q - 1/32 - 1
21. Simplify .
4 - 1/4 p4/3q4/3
24. Simplify 2 64b6.
25. Rationalize the denominator: .
4 - 210
R.1 Polynomials
An expression such as 9p4 is a term; the number 9 is the coefficient, p is the variable,
and 4 is the exponent. The expression p4 means p # p # p # p, while p2 means p # p, and so
on. Terms having the same variable and the same exponent, such as 9x 4 and -3x 4, are like
terms. Terms that do not have both the same variable and the same exponent, such as m2
and m4, are unlike terms.
A polynomial is a term or a finite sum of terms in which all variables have whole num-
ber exponents, and no variables appear in denominators. Examples of polynomials include
5x 4 + 2x 3 + 6x, 8m3 + 9m2n - 6mn2 + 3n3, 10p, and -9.
Order of Operations Algebra is a language, and you must be familiar with its rules
to correctly interpret algebraic statements. The following order of operations has been agreed
upon through centuries of usage.
• Expressions in parentheses (or other grouping symbols) are calculated first, working
from the inside out. The numerator and denominator of a fraction are treated as expres-
sions in parentheses.
• Powers are performed next, going from left to right.
• Multiplication and division are performed next, going from left to right.
• Addition and subtraction are performed last, going from left to right.
For example, in the expression 361x + 122 + 3x - 2242, suppose x has the value of 2. We
would evaluate this as follows:
3612 + 122 + 3122 - 2242 = 361322 + 3122 - 2242 Evaluate the expression in the
innermost parentheses.
= 36192 + 3122 - 2242 Evaluate 3 raised to a power.
= 154 + 6 - 2222 Perform the multiplications.
13822 Perform the addition and
= subtraction from left to right.
= 1444 Evaluate the power.
x + 3x + 6
In the expression , suppose x has the value of 2. We would evaluate this as
x + 6
22 + 3122 + 6 16
= Evaluate the numerator and the denominator.
2 + 6 8
= 2 Simplify the fraction.
One use of the distributive property is to add or subtract polynomials. Only like terms
may be added or subtracted. For example,
12y4 + 6y4 = 112 + 62y4 = 18y 4,
-2m2 + 8m2 = 1-2 + 82m2 = 6m2,
but the polynomial 8y 4 + 2y 5 cannot be further simplified. To subtract polynomials, we
use the facts that - 1a + b2 = -a - b and - 1a - b2 = -a + b. In the next example, we
show how to add and subtract polynomials.
Notice in the first part of Example 5, when we multiplied 12k - 5m2 by itself, that the
product of the square of a binomial is the square of the first term, 12k22, plus twice the prod-
uct of the two terms, 12212k21-5m2, plus the square of the last term, 1-5k22.
caution Avoid the common error of writing 1x + y22 = x 2 + y 2. As the first step of
Example 5 shows, the square of a binomial has three terms, so
1x + y22 = x 2 + 2xy + y 2.
Furthermore, higher powers of a binomial also result in more than two terms. For
example, verify by multiplication that
1x + y23 = x 3 + 3x 2y + 3xy 2 + y 3.
Remember, for any value of n Z 1,
1x + y2n 3 x n + y n.
R.1 Exercises
Perform the indicated operations. 15. 13p - 1219p2 + 3p + 12
1. 12x 2 - 6x + 112 + 1-3x 2 + 7x - 22 16. 13p + 2215p2 + p - 42
2. 1-4y 2 - 3y + 82 - 12y 2 - 6y - 22 17. 12m + 1214m2 - 2m + 12
3. -612q2 + 4q - 32 + 41-q2 + 7q - 32 18. 1k + 22112k 3 - 3k 2 + k + 12
4. 213r 2 + 4r + 22 - 31-r 2 + 4r - 52 19. 1x + y + z213x - 2y - z2
5. 10.613x - 4.215x + 0.8922 - 0.4712x - 3x + 52
2 2 20. 1r + 2s - 3t212r - 2s + t2
6. 0.515r 2 + 3.2r - 62 - 11.7r 2 - 2r - 1.52 21. 1x + 121x + 221x + 32
7. -9m12m + 3m - 12
2 22. 1x - 121x + 221x - 32
8. 6x1-2x + 5x + 62
3 23. 1x + 222
9. 13t - 2y213t + 5y2 24. 12a - 4b22
10. 19k + q212k - q2 25. 1x - 2y23
11. 12 - 3x212 + 3x2 26. 13x + y23
12. 16m + 5216m - 52
Your Turn Answers
2 1 3 1
13. a y + zba y + zb 1. -9x 2 + 8x + 13 2. 12y 3 + 2y 2 - 19y - 10
5 8 5 2
3 2 5 1 3. 6x + 19x - 7
14. a r - sba r + sb
4 3 4 3 4. 27x 3 + 54x 2y + 36xy 2 + 8y 3
R.2 Factoring
Multiplication of polynomials relies on the distributive property. The reverse process, where
a polynomial is written as a product of other polynomials, is called factoring. For example,
one way to factor the number 18 is to write it as the product 9 # 2; both 9 and 2 are factors of
18. Usually, only integers are used as factors of integers. The number 18 can also be written
with three integer factors as 2 # 3 # 3.
The Greatest Common Factor To factor the algebraic expression 15m + 45,
first note that both 15m and 45 are divisible by 15; 15m = 15 # m and 45 = 15 # 3. By the
distributive property,
15m + 45 = 15 # m + 15 # 3 = 151m + 32.
Both 15 and m + 3 are factors of 15m + 45. Since 15 divides into both terms of
15m + 45 (and is the largest number that will do so), 15 is the greatest common factor for
the polynomial 15m + 45. The process of writing 15m + 45 as 151m + 32 is often called
factoring out the greatest common factor.
Example 1 Factoring
Factor out the greatest common factor.
(a) 12p - 18q
Solution Both 12p and 18q are divisible by 6. Therefore,
12p - 18q = 6 # 2p - 6 # 3q = 612p - 3q2.
(b) 8x 3 - 9x 2 + 15x
Solution Each of these terms is divisible by x.
One can always check factorization by finding the product of the factors and comparing
it to the original expression.
caution When factoring out the greatest common factor in an expression like 2x 2 + x,
be careful to remember the 1 in the second term.
2x 2 + x = 2x 2 + 1x = x12x + 12, not x12x2.
If the coefficient of the squared term is not 1, work as shown on the next page.
Special Factorizations Four special factorizations occur so often that they are
listed here for future reference.
Special Factorizations
x 2 - y 2 = 1x + y21x - y2 Difference of two squares
x 2 + 2xy + y 2 = 1x + y22 Perfect square
x 3 - y 3 = 1x - y21x 2 + xy + y 22 Difference of two cubes
x 3 + y 3 = 1x + y21x 2 - xy + y 22 Sum of two cubes
caution In factoring, always look for a common factor first. Since 36x 2 - 4y 2 has a com-
mon factor of 4,
36x 2 - 4y 2 = 419x 2 - y 22 = 413x + y213x - y2.
It would be incomplete to factor it as
36x 2 - 4y 2 = 16x + 2y216x - 2y2,
since each factor can be factored still further. To factor means to factor com-
pletely, so that each polynomial factor is prime.
R.2 Exercises
Factor each polynomial. If a polynomial cannot be factored, 15. 21m2 + 13mn + 2n2
write prime. Factor out the greatest common factor as necessary.
16. 6a2 - 48a - 120
1. 7a3 + 14a2 17. 3m3 + 12m2 + 9m
3 2
2. 3y + 24y + 9y 18. 4a2 + 10a + 6
4 2 3 2 2
3. 13p q - 39p q + 26p q 19. 24a4 + 10a3b - 4a2b2
4 3 2 2
4. 60m - 120m n + 50m n 20. 24x 4 + 36x 3y - 60x 2y 2
5. m2 - 5m - 14 21. x 2 - 64 22. 9m2 - 25
6. x + 4x - 5 23. 10x 2 - 160 24. 9x 2 + 64
7. z + 9z + 20 25. z 2 + 14zy + 49y 2 26. s 2 - 10st + 25t 2
8. b - 8b + 7 2
27. 9p - 24p + 16 28. a3 - 216
9. a2 - 6ab + 5b2 29. 27r 3 - 64s 3 30. 3m3 + 375
2 2
10. s + 2st - 35t 31. x 4 - y 4 32. 16a4 - 81b4
2 2
11. y - 4yz - 21z
12. 3x 2 + 4x - 7 Your Turn Answers
13. 3a2 + 10a + 7 1. 2z 212z 2 + 2z + 92 2. 1x + 221x - 52
14. 15y + y - 2 3. 12a - b213a + 4b2
= # 1R Z 02
, Division
When writing a rational expression in lowest terms, we may need to use the fact that
= am - n. For example,
x4 1x 4 1 x4 x3
= # = # x4 - 1 = x3 = .
1 1
3x 3x 3 x 3 3 3
caution One of the most common errors in algebra involves incorrect use of the funda-
mental property of rational expressions. Only common factors may be divided
or “canceled.” It is essential to factor rational expressions before writing them
in lowest terms. In Example 1(b), for instance, it is not correct to “cancel” k 2
(or cancel k, or divide 12 by -3) because the additions and subtraction must be
performed first. Here they cannot be performed, so it is not possible to divide.
After factoring, however, the fundamental property can be used to write the
expression in lowest terms.
3 # 6 # 31y + 32 3#3 9
= = = Reduce to lowest terms.
6 # 51y + 32 5 5
m2 + 5m + 6 # m
(b) 2
m + 3 m + 3m + 2
Solution Factor where possible.
1m + 221m + 32
# m
m + 3 1m + 221m + 12
m1m + 22 1m + 32 m
= = Reduce to lowest terms.
1 m + 3 2 1 m + 2 2 1m + 12 m + 1
9p - 36 51 p - 42
(c) ,
12 18
Solution Use the division property of rational expressions.
9p - 36 51 p - 42 9p - 36
, = # 18 Invert and multiply.
12 18 12 51 p - 42
91 p − 42
# 6#3 27 Factor and reduce to lowest
= = terms.
51 p − 42 10
4 11
(d) -
5k 5k
Solution As shown in the list of properties, to subtract two rational expressions
that have the same denominators, subtract the numerators while keeping the same
4 11 4 - 11 7
- = = -
5k 5k 5k 5k
7 9 1
(e) + +
p 2p 3p
Solution These three fractions cannot be added until their denominators are the same.
A common denominator into which p, 2p, and 3p all divide is 6p. Note that 12p is also
a common denominator, but 6p is the least common denominator. Use the fundamental
property to rewrite each rational expression with a denominator of 6p.
x + 1 5x - 1
(f) -
x 2 + 5x + 6 x 2 - x - 12
Solution To find the least common denominator, we first factor each denominator.
Then we change each fraction so they all have the same denominator, being careful to
multiply only by quotients that equal 1.
x + 1 5x - 1
- 2
x + 5x + 6 x - x - 12
x + 1 5x - 1
= - Factor denominators.
1x + 221x + 32 1x + 321x - 42
x + 1 # 1x − 42 - 5x - 1 # 1x + 22 Rewrite with
1x + 221x + 32 1 x − 4 2 1x + 321x - 42 1 x + 2 2 denominators.
1x 2 - 3x - 42 - 15x 2 + 9x - 22
= Multiply numerators.
1x + 221x + 321x - 42
R.3 Exercises
Write each rational expression in lowest terms. 2m2 - 5m - 12 4m2 - 9
23. 2
, 2
5v 2 25p 3 m - 10m + 24 m - 9m + 18
1. 2.
35v 10p2 4n2 + 4n - 3 # 8n2 + 32n + 30
8k + 16 21t - 152 6n2 - n - 15 4n2 + 16n + 15
3. 4.
9k + 18 1t - 1521t + 22 a + 1 a - 1 3 1
25. - 26. +
4x - 8x 2 2
36y + 72y 2 2 p 2
5. 6.
4x 2 9y 6 3 1 2 4
27. - 28. + +
2 2 5y 2 6m 5m m
m - 4m + 4 r - r - 6
7. 8. 1 2 5 2
m2 + m - 6 r 2 + r - 12 29. + 30. -
m - 1 m 2r + 3 r
3x 2 + 3x - 6 z 2 - 5z + 6
9. 10. 8 2 2 3
x2 - 4 z2 - 4 31. + 32. +
3 a - 12 a - 1 1
5 k - 22 4 k - 22
m4 - 16 6y 2 + 11y + 4
11. 12. 4 3
4m2 - 16 3y 2 + 7y + 4 33. 2
+ 2
x + 4x + 3 x - x - 2
Perform the indicated operations.
y 1
34. -
9k 2 # 5 15p3 6p 2
y + 2y - 3 2
y + 4y + 3
13. 14. ,
25 3k 9p2 10p2 3k 2k
35. 2
- 2
3a + 3b # 12 a - 3 a - 3 2k + 3k - 2 2k - 7k + 3
15. 16. ,
4c 51a + b2 16 32 4m m
36. 2
- 2
9y - 18 3y + 6 3m + 7m - 6 3m - 14m + 8
2k - 16 4k - 32
, 18. #
6 3 6y + 12 15y - 30 2 1 a - 1 5x + 2 3 1
37. + + 2 38. + 2 - 2
2 a + 2 a a + 2a 2
x - 1 x + x x - x
4a + 12
a - 9
6r - 18 # 12r - 16
2a - 10 a2 - a - 20 9r 2 + 6r - 24 4r - 12
Your Turn Answers
k 2 + 4k - 12 # k 2 + k - 12
k 2 + 10k + 24 k2 - 9 1. 1z + 22/ 12z + 12
m2 + 3m + 2 m2 + 5m + 6 2. (a) 1z + 22/ 1z - 32
22. , 2
m + 5m + 4 m + 10m + 24 (b) 61a2 + 12/ 31a - 221a + 221a + 124
R.4 Equations
Linear Equations Equations that can be written in the form ax + b = 0, where a and
b are real numbers, with a Z 0, are linear equations. Examples of linear equations include
5y + 9 = 16, 8x = 4, and -3p + 5 = -8. Equations that are not linear include absolute
value equations such as 0 x 0 = 4. The following properties are used to solve linear equations.
Properties of Equality
For all real numbers a, b, and c:
1. If a = b, then a + c = b + c. Addition property of equality
(The same number may be added
to both sides of an equation.)
2. If a = b, then ac = bc. Multiplication property of equality
(Both sides of an equation may be
multiplied by the same number.)
2# = 2 # 3,
or x = 6.
The following example shows how these properties are used to solve linear equations.
The goal is to isolate the variable. The solutions should always be checked by substitution
into the original equation.
x = Multiply both sides by 15 .
Your Turn 1 Solve Check by substituting into the original equation. The left side becomes 211 / 52 - 5 + 8
3x - 7 = 415x + 22 - 7x. and the right side becomes 311 / 52 + 2 32 - 311 / 524. Verify that both of these expressions
simplify to 17 / 5. TRY YOUR TURN 1
Zero-Factor Property
If a and b are real numbers, with ab = 0, then either
a = 0 or b = 0 1or both2.
By the zero-factor property, the product 13r - 1212r + 32 can equal 0 if and only if
3r - 1 = 0 or 2r + 3 = 0.
Your Turn 2 Solve
2m2 + 7m = 15. Solve each of these equations separately to find that the solutions are 1 / 3 and -3 / 2. Check
these solutions by substituting them into the original equation. TRY YOUR TURN 2
caution Remember, the zero-factor property requires that the product of two (or more)
factors be equal to zero, not some other quantity. It would be incorrect to use
the zero-factor property with an equation in the form 1x + 321x - 12 = 4, for
If a quadratic equation cannot be solved easily by factoring, use the quadratic formula.
(The derivation of the quadratic formula is given in most algebra books.)
Quadratic Formula
The solutions of the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where a Z 0, are given by
−b ± !b2 − 4ac
x = .
The ± sign represents the two solutions of the equation. To find both of the solutions, first
use + and then use -.
4 + 6 10 4 − 6 -2
x = = = 5 or x = = = -1
2 2 2 2
caution Notice in the quadratic formula that the square root is added to or subtracted
from the value of -b before dividing by 2a.
I see increasing reason to believe that the view formed some time
back as to the origin of the Makonde bush is the correct one. I have
no doubt that it is not a natural product, but the result of human
occupation. Those parts of the high country where man—as a very
slight amount of practice enables the eye to perceive at once—has not
yet penetrated with axe and hoe, are still occupied by a splendid
timber forest quite able to sustain a comparison with our mixed
forests in Germany. But wherever man has once built his hut or tilled
his field, this horrible bush springs up. Every phase of this process
may be seen in the course of a couple of hours’ walk along the main
road. From the bush to right or left, one hears the sound of the axe—
not from one spot only, but from several directions at once. A few
steps further on, we can see what is taking place. The brush has been
cut down and piled up in heaps to the height of a yard or more,
between which the trunks of the large trees stand up like the last
pillars of a magnificent ruined building. These, too, present a
melancholy spectacle: the destructive Makonde have ringed them—
cut a broad strip of bark all round to ensure their dying off—and also
piled up pyramids of brush round them. Father and son, mother and
son-in-law, are chopping away perseveringly in the background—too
busy, almost, to look round at the white stranger, who usually excites
so much interest. If you pass by the same place a week later, the piles
of brushwood have disappeared and a thick layer of ashes has taken
the place of the green forest. The large trees stretch their
smouldering trunks and branches in dumb accusation to heaven—if
they have not already fallen and been more or less reduced to ashes,
perhaps only showing as a white stripe on the dark ground.
This work of destruction is carried out by the Makonde alike on the
virgin forest and on the bush which has sprung up on sites already
cultivated and deserted. In the second case they are saved the trouble
of burning the large trees, these being entirely absent in the
secondary bush.
After burning this piece of forest ground and loosening it with the
hoe, the native sows his corn and plants his vegetables. All over the
country, he goes in for bed-culture, which requires, and, in fact,
receives, the most careful attention. Weeds are nowhere tolerated in
the south of German East Africa. The crops may fail on the plains,
where droughts are frequent, but never on the plateau with its
abundant rains and heavy dews. Its fortunate inhabitants even have
the satisfaction of seeing the proud Wayao and Wamakua working
for them as labourers, driven by hunger to serve where they were
accustomed to rule.
But the light, sandy soil is soon exhausted, and would yield no
harvest the second year if cultivated twice running. This fact has
been familiar to the native for ages; consequently he provides in
time, and, while his crop is growing, prepares the next plot with axe
and firebrand. Next year he plants this with his various crops and
lets the first piece lie fallow. For a short time it remains waste and
desolate; then nature steps in to repair the destruction wrought by
man; a thousand new growths spring out of the exhausted soil, and
even the old stumps put forth fresh shoots. Next year the new growth
is up to one’s knees, and in a few years more it is that terrible,
impenetrable bush, which maintains its position till the black
occupier of the land has made the round of all the available sites and
come back to his starting point.
The Makonde are, body and soul, so to speak, one with this bush.
According to my Yao informants, indeed, their name means nothing
else but “bush people.” Their own tradition says that they have been
settled up here for a very long time, but to my surprise they laid great
stress on an original immigration. Their old homes were in the
south-east, near Mikindani and the mouth of the Rovuma, whence
their peaceful forefathers were driven by the continual raids of the
Sakalavas from Madagascar and the warlike Shirazis[47] of the coast,
to take refuge on the almost inaccessible plateau. I have studied
African ethnology for twenty years, but the fact that changes of
population in this apparently quiet and peaceable corner of the earth
could have been occasioned by outside enterprises taking place on
the high seas, was completely new to me. It is, no doubt, however,
The charming tribal legend of the Makonde—besides informing us
of other interesting matters—explains why they have to live in the
thickest of the bush and a long way from the edge of the plateau,
instead of making their permanent homes beside the purling brooks
and springs of the low country.
“The place where the tribe originated is Mahuta, on the southern
side of the plateau towards the Rovuma, where of old time there was
nothing but thick bush. Out of this bush came a man who never
washed himself or shaved his head, and who ate and drank but little.
He went out and made a human figure from the wood of a tree
growing in the open country, which he took home to his abode in the
bush and there set it upright. In the night this image came to life and
was a woman. The man and woman went down together to the
Rovuma to wash themselves. Here the woman gave birth to a still-
born child. They left that place and passed over the high land into the
valley of the Mbemkuru, where the woman had another child, which
was also born dead. Then they returned to the high bush country of
Mahuta, where the third child was born, which lived and grew up. In
course of time, the couple had many more children, and called
themselves Wamatanda. These were the ancestral stock of the
Makonde, also called Wamakonde,[48] i.e., aborigines. Their
forefather, the man from the bush, gave his children the command to
bury their dead upright, in memory of the mother of their race who
was cut out of wood and awoke to life when standing upright. He also
warned them against settling in the valleys and near large streams,
for sickness and death dwelt there. They were to make it a rule to
have their huts at least an hour’s walk from the nearest watering-
place; then their children would thrive and escape illness.”
The explanation of the name Makonde given by my informants is
somewhat different from that contained in the above legend, which I
extract from a little book (small, but packed with information), by
Pater Adams, entitled Lindi und sein Hinterland. Otherwise, my
results agree exactly with the statements of the legend. Washing?
Hapana—there is no such thing. Why should they do so? As it is, the
supply of water scarcely suffices for cooking and drinking; other
people do not wash, so why should the Makonde distinguish himself
by such needless eccentricity? As for shaving the head, the short,
woolly crop scarcely needs it,[49] so the second ancestral precept is
likewise easy enough to follow. Beyond this, however, there is
nothing ridiculous in the ancestor’s advice. I have obtained from
various local artists a fairly large number of figures carved in wood,
ranging from fifteen to twenty-three inches in height, and
representing women belonging to the great group of the Mavia,
Makonde, and Matambwe tribes. The carving is remarkably well
done and renders the female type with great accuracy, especially the
keloid ornamentation, to be described later on. As to the object and
meaning of their works the sculptors either could or (more probably)
would tell me nothing, and I was forced to content myself with the
scanty information vouchsafed by one man, who said that the figures
were merely intended to represent the nembo—the artificial
deformations of pelele, ear-discs, and keloids. The legend recorded
by Pater Adams places these figures in a new light. They must surely
be more than mere dolls; and we may even venture to assume that
they are—though the majority of present-day Makonde are probably
unaware of the fact—representations of the tribal ancestress.
The references in the legend to the descent from Mahuta to the
Rovuma, and to a journey across the highlands into the Mbekuru
valley, undoubtedly indicate the previous history of the tribe, the
travels of the ancestral pair typifying the migrations of their
descendants. The descent to the neighbouring Rovuma valley, with
its extraordinary fertility and great abundance of game, is intelligible
at a glance—but the crossing of the Lukuledi depression, the ascent
to the Rondo Plateau and the descent to the Mbemkuru, also lie
within the bounds of probability, for all these districts have exactly
the same character as the extreme south. Now, however, comes a
point of especial interest for our bacteriological age. The primitive
Makonde did not enjoy their lives in the marshy river-valleys.
Disease raged among them, and many died. It was only after they
had returned to their original home near Mahuta, that the health
conditions of these people improved. We are very apt to think of the
African as a stupid person whose ignorance of nature is only equalled
by his fear of it, and who looks on all mishaps as caused by evil
spirits and malignant natural powers. It is much more correct to
assume in this case that the people very early learnt to distinguish
districts infested with malaria from those where it is absent.
This knowledge is crystallized in the
ancestral warning against settling in the
valleys and near the great waters, the
dwelling-places of disease and death. At the
same time, for security against the hostile
Mavia south of the Rovuma, it was enacted
that every settlement must be not less than a
certain distance from the southern edge of the
plateau. Such in fact is their mode of life at the
present day. It is not such a bad one, and
certainly they are both safer and more
comfortable than the Makua, the recent
intruders from the south, who have made USUAL METHOD OF
good their footing on the western edge of the CLOSING HUT-DOOR
plateau, extending over a fairly wide belt of
country. Neither Makua nor Makonde show in their dwellings
anything of the size and comeliness of the Yao houses in the plain,
especially at Masasi, Chingulungulu and Zuza’s. Jumbe Chauro, a
Makonde hamlet not far from Newala, on the road to Mahuta, is the
most important settlement of the tribe I have yet seen, and has fairly
spacious huts. But how slovenly is their construction compared with
the palatial residences of the elephant-hunters living in the plain.
The roofs are still more untidy than in the general run of huts during
the dry season, the walls show here and there the scanty beginnings
or the lamentable remains of the mud plastering, and the interior is a
veritable dog-kennel; dirt, dust and disorder everywhere. A few huts
only show any attempt at division into rooms, and this consists
merely of very roughly-made bamboo partitions. In one point alone
have I noticed any indication of progress—in the method of fastening
the door. Houses all over the south are secured in a simple but
ingenious manner. The door consists of a set of stout pieces of wood
or bamboo, tied with bark-string to two cross-pieces, and moving in
two grooves round one of the door-posts, so as to open inwards. If
the owner wishes to leave home, he takes two logs as thick as a man’s
upper arm and about a yard long. One of these is placed obliquely
against the middle of the door from the inside, so as to form an angle
of from 60° to 75° with the ground. He then places the second piece
horizontally across the first, pressing it downward with all his might.
It is kept in place by two strong posts planted in the ground a few
inches inside the door. This fastening is absolutely safe, but of course
cannot be applied to both doors at once, otherwise how could the
owner leave or enter his house? I have not yet succeeded in finding
out how the back door is fastened.