Ecgc Project

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1St slide Export Guarantee Corporation Of India (ECGC) The government of India set up the Export Risks Insurance

e Corporation (ERIC) in July 1957 in order to provide export credit insurance support to Indian exporters. To bring the Indian identity into sharper focus, the corporations name was once again changed to the present Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited in 1983. ECGC is a company wholly owned by the government of India. Being essentially an export promotion organization, it functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. It is managed by a Board of Directors comprising representatives of the Government, RBI, Banking, Insurance and exporting community 2nd slide Role Of ECGC of India ECGC was established in year 1957 by the Government of India to strengthen the export promotion drive by covering the risk on exporting credit. The goal of ECGC is to provide cost-effective insurance and trade related services to meet the needs and expectations of the Indian export market. It provides a range of credit risk insurance cover to exporters against loss in export of goods and services. ECGC also offers guarantees to banks and financial institutions to enable exporters to obtain better facilities from them. 3rd sd Services provided by ECGC to exporters 1. To provide risk cover to the exporters against the risk associated in world market, viz., political risk and commercial risk. 2. To provide exporters information regarding credit-worthiness of overseas buyers. 3. Provides information on approximately 180 countries with its own credit ratings. 4. To help exporters to obtain financial assistance from commercial banks and other financial institutions. 5. To provide other essential services which are not provided by other commercial insurance companies. 6. To assists exporters in recovering bad debts. 7. To help exporter to develop and diversify their exports.

8. ECGC has also made a foray into information services by signing an alliance with M/s Dun & Bradsheet Corporation, the largest database company in the world, to provide information on domestic as well as foreign business companies, exporters, importers banks and other institutions. 4TH SL Financial Guarantees issued by ECGC to banks In order to provide financial assistance to the exporters through commercial banks and other financial institutions, ECGC guarantees various loans provided by these financial intermediaries to the exporters. Due to the guarantees given by the ECGC, commercial banks can liberally lend money to the exporters. The nature of guarantees provided by the ECGC depends upon the purpose of finance. 5TH SL Main Types of Guarantees offered: 1. Packing Credit Guarantee:- Any loan given by banks to an exporter at the pre-shipment stage against a confirmed export order or L/C qualifies for PCG. The guarantees assure the banks that in the event of an exporter failing to discharge his liabilities to the bank, ECGC would make good a major portion of the banks loss; bank is required to be co-insurer to the extent of the remaining loss. Features of this guarantee are: Any loan given to an exporter for the manufacture, processing, purchasing or packing of goods meant for export against a firm order or Letter of Credit qualifies for PCG. Pre-shipment advances given by banks to parties who enter into contracts for export of services or for construction works abroad to meet preliminary expenses in connection with such contracts are also eligible for cover under the guarantee. 6TH SL The guarantee, issued for a period of 12 months based on a proposal from the bank, covers all the advances that may be made by the bank during the period to an individual exporter within an approved limit. Approval of ECGC has to be obtained if the period for repayment of any advance is to be extended beyond 360 days from the date of advance. Whole-turnover Packing Credit Guarantee can be issued to banks which wish to obtain cover for packing credit advances granted to all its customers

on all India basis. Under this option, premiums are lower and higher percentage of cover is offered. 7TH SL 2.Post shipment Export Credit Guarantee: Banks extend post-shipment finance to exporters through purchase, negotiation or discount of export bills or advances against such bills. The post-shipment credit guarantee provides protection to banks against non-realization of export proceeds and the resultant failure of the exporter to repay the advances availed. However, it is necessary that the exporter concerned should hold suitable policy of ECGC. The percentage of loss covered under this guarantee is 75%. Features of this policy are: Individual Post-Shipment credit Guarantee can also be obtained for finance granted against L/C bills, even where an exporter does not hold an ECGC policy, provided that the exporter makes shipments solely against letters of credit. This guarantee can also be issued on whole turnover basis wherein the percentage of cover under shall be 90% for advances granted to exporters holding ECGC policy. Advances to non-policyholders are also covered with the percentage of cover being 65%. 8TH SL 3.Export Production Finance Guarantee:- This guarantee enables banks to sanction advances at pre-shipment stage to the full extent of the domestic cost of production. Here again, the bank would be entitled to 66.67% of its loss from the corporation. 4. Export Finance Guarantee:- This guarantee covers post-shipment advances granted by banks to exporters against export incentives receivable in the form of duty drawback. The percentage of loss covered under this agreement is 75%. 5. Export Finance (Overseas Lending) Guarantee:- If a bank financing an overseas project provides a foreign currency loan to a contractor, it can protect itself from the risk of non-payment by obtaining Export Finance (Overseas Lending) Guarantee. The percentage of loss covered under this guarantee is 75%. 9TH SL 6. Export Performance Guarantee:This is akin to a counter-guarantee to protect a bank against losses that it may suffer on account of guarantees given by it on behalf of exporters. Exporters are often called upon to furnish a bank guarantee to the foreign parties to ensure due performance or against advance payment or in lieu of retention money. The Export Performance Guarantee protects the banks against 75% of the losses. In the case of bid bonds relating to exports on medium/long term credit, overseas projects and projects in India financed by international financial institutions as well

as supplies to such projects, guarantee is granted on payment on 25% of the prescribed premium. The balance of 75% becomes payable by the bankers if the exporter succeeds in the bid and gets the contract. 10TH SL Notable Records of ECGC 11TH SL Largest Policy short term Rs.250 crores Largest database on buyers 3 lakhs Largest credit limit Rs.80 Crores Largest claim paid Rs.120 crores Quickest claim paid 2 days Highest compensation-Iraq Rs 788 Crores

Conclusion Indian Exports have grown from Rs 8,45,533 Crs in 2009-10 to Rs 11,42,648 in 2010-11 35% increase. And when compared to export of Rs 2,01,674 Crs in 2000-01 the growth is of 467% This exponential increase has resulted in greater exposure to credit risks for exporters. Companies typically use export credit insurance to mitigate risks such as buyer default, insolvency, war, government restrictions on money transfer and political risks that contribute to their overall business risk. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. (ECGC) is a Government of India Enterprise, set up to provide cost-effective insurance and trade services to the burgeoning Indian export market with Indias export growing more exponential in coming years the role of ECGC will be even more vital in promoting this growth.

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