FINAL SYL Want To Get Pregnant 3.31.2022 1

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Want to Get Pregnant?

What's Common and When to Ask for Help

A menstrual cycle begins with the first day of a period – the shedding of the uterine lining – and
continues through different phases until the start of the next period. Menstrual cycle length is
unique for every woman and can range from 21-35 days. For an individual woman, cycle length
can even differ by a few days every month.

Phase 1 Starts with 1st day of period.

There are 4 phases Menstrual Lasts as long as bleeding
during a cycle: Day 1-7 continues, usually 3-7 days.
Estimated days of each phase may vary

Phase 4 Uterus Phase 2
Luteal Vagina Follicular
Day 15-End of cycle Day 7-14
The hormone progesterone The lining of the The hormone estrogen
rises, telling the ovaries to uterus thickens rises, telling the ovaries to
stop releasing eggs and develop and release an
telling the uterus to prepare Egg
egg so that it can be
for pregnancy. Unless an egg fertilized. The lining of the
was fertilized, progesterone uterus thickens, and the
will drop before the next Ovary cervix makes clear,
period begins. slippery fluid that women
may notice when wiping.
Most women ovulate between the
13th-20th day of their cycle. This Phase 3
can vary from month to month. Ovulation The ovaries release an egg. The egg
Around Day 14 will travel from the ovary, through the
Most women will start their period fallopian tube, to the uterus. The days
11-17 days after they ovulate if they leading up to ovulation are the time
are not pregnant. when pregnancy can occur.

Per month Women have the highest chance of getting pregnant

chance of when they’re under 30 years old. While many women
conception get pregnant in their 30s and 40s, the odds of getting
pregnant sharply decline after age 35.

how can I tell if I'm ovulating? how often should we have intercourse?
Most women with predictable, regular monthly cycles are You may want to aim for every 1-2 days during
ovulating. Some ways to confirm that you are ovulating the fertile window (the 6 days leading up to and
include using over-the-counter ovulation predictor kits (OPK) including the day of ovulation).
or learning a fertility awareness-based method that tracks
basal body temperature (BBT) or cervical fluid patterns
What if I'm having a hard time
getting or staying pregnant?

You are not alone.

You matter.
This is something that is
common that a lot of
people don’t talk about.

1 in 8 women have trouble

getting or staying pregnant.
It is best to talk with a health care provider if you:

Are under 35 and have had unprotected sex for 12 months (6 months
if you’re 35 or older) with no pregnancies
Have had 2 or more miscarriages
Have ever been diagnosed with a condition that could affect your
hormones or reproductive system
Have painful or irregular periods

Provider Notes:


Learn more about your cycle and get resources This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and
at Human Services (HHS) under grant number UF3MC31239-
Providing Support For The Collaborative Improvement and
Innovation Network (CoIIN) To Reduce Infant Mortality. The grant
amount totals $1,494,993. This information or content and
conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed
as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements
be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

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