Practical Chem (CHM 107)
Practical Chem (CHM 107)
Practical Chem (CHM 107)
CHM 107
It is hoped that by the end of these series of practical exercises, the students should be able to:
A normal laboratory period is two hours. A student is expected to complete the experimental
work and submit the report within that period.
The students will be divided into groups with a group leader. The group leader will
collect the apparatus needed for the experiment at the beginning of the practical period and
return same at the end of the period.
You are advised to take your laboratory work very serious and also you are advised to
keep your practical notebook if it get lost, it is your fault. Therefore, you should make sure that
at the end of practical period you hand over your practical notebook to your class representative
who will in turn submit to your instructor and will be returned to you in the laboratory through
your class representative for the next practical class after it has been marked. There should be
no account you take your practical notebook home except on the permission of your instructor
For easy identification of your practical notebook the following information of the
student should be boldly written on the front page of the notebook and the space provided
inside your notebook for same.
Laboratory safety is one of our major concern. For the protection of everyone involved in the
laboratory exercise, the following rules must be strictly followed:
1. Eating, drinking or smoking are forbidden in the lab. except in a case of emergency.
Note that tap water on benches in the lab are not fit for drinking.
2. Running or any hurried physical activity, pranks and practical jokes can cause serious
injury and therefore strictly forbidden.
3. In preparing acid solution, always add acid to water, (A-W) in a slow stream. in the
otherwise, the heat evolved becomes so great that it converts some of the water to
steam, the steam then causes drops of the acid to escape from the mixture which would
causes bodily harm.
4. Burns caused by acid, flush with sodium hydroxide. If it is cause by an alkaline, flush
with lemon juice
5. The tapping of gas from a compressed gas cylinder must be done under the supervision
of the instructor or technologist.
6. Do not go into laboratory without permission.
7. Never take anything from the lab without permission
8. Never interfere with equipment or chemicals
9. Long hair must be tied and cardigans etc. should not be allowed to hang freely.
10. When heating things, use small amounts, and watch very carefully, what you are doing
all the time.
11. Make sure you know exactly what you are supposed to do, if in doubt, ask your
12. All students must wear white laboratory coats to all practical classes, this is strongly
advisable, put it on in the lab; wear safety glasses at when it is recommended in
experiment description. Student must not go barefooted in the laboratory.
13. If any chemical spilled on work bench, cleaned and washed with water so that other
student who touch such place are not hurt.
14. Do not sit on laboratory benches or put your lab. coats, bags and cases etc. on the bench.
15. Chemical must be extremely handled with care since many are poisonous, dangerously
reactive or explosive. Do not test chemical with your tongue.
16. When a substance is to be identified by smell, the vapour should be wafted towards the
nose and sniffed carefully do not look into the open end of a test tube or reaction vessel,
and never point it at another person, because it could be dangerous.
17. Broken or cracked glassware should be carefully cleared and dumped inside a waste-
18. Never use bare hands to handle hot beakers or crucible; use proper size tongs for the
19. In the case of an accident:
a) Remain calm and immediately ask for assistance from your supervisor.
b) Report all injuries to your supervisor
c) Seek medical treatment even from a minor lab. injury.
20. The following first aid measures must be applied:
a) For chemicals in the eye, hold the eye open and flash with water (preferably
using a rubber hose attached to a water tap), continue for at least five minutes.
b) For chemicals spilled on skin, flush with large volumes of water for at least
five minutes.
21. All students must know the location of the first aid box, fire extinguishers and buckets
and also how to use the.
22. Common causes of laboratory accidents:
a) Most lab. accidents are cut from chipped glassware and from broken glass
tubing or thermometers.
b) Burns from concentrated acids and boiling solution
c) Fire (a serious hazard in any lab.) is usually caused by careless handling of
organic solvents and chemicals. Solvents must not be heated using a Bunsen
flame nor used in the vicinity of a flame, always use water bath in a case of fire
outbreak, call for fire extinguisher.
23. It is always better to filter a solution while it is still hot
24. Heating over water is preferred to avoid decrepitation.
25. The four major danger in the laboratory are:
1. Cuts and burns 2. Electric shock 3. Fires and explosions and 4. Poisoning
1. All apparatus must be clean and benches must be kept tidy and free of any apparatus
which is not required for immediate use.
2. Reagent bottles must be corked properly and put back in their proper places after used
for their stopper not be interchanged
3. No solid material e.g. pieces of paper or glassware should be dropped into the sink, as
these will block the drainage system, their rightful place is the waste-bin
4. Common reagent must be used at their locations; on no account should they be carried
to private benches
5. If any reagent is spilled on the bench or floor it must be thoroughly washed with plenty
of water and the affected part wiped dry
6. Do not ever pour back unused reagent into the reagent bottle containing the stock
7. Burettes and pipettes must be kept in an inverted position in their stand when not in use
8. Graduated glassware must not be heated or filled with hot or cold liquids. These are
calibrated at room temperature and should be used under such conditions.
9. Above all ask your instructor/technologist/laboratory assistant questions wherever you
are in doubt.
In carrying out an experiment in the laboratory a summary of work done should be reported
generally in the following order:
v. Method or Procedure: the details of how the practical work carried out. This should
be in a reported speech.
vi. Observation: all the changes observed during the course of the reaction or experiment
e.g. changes in color, odour, or taste.
vii. Results: the raw result obtained directly form the experiment.
viii. Calculations: any calculation required for the experiment
ix. Discussion: discussion based on the experiment
x. Conclusion: a final statement of the result and inference on the experiment.
Note that variation of this format exists depending on the nature of the experiment. For
example, a table form is used in qualitative and quantitative analysis. Your instructor will tell
you when a table form is more appropriate. The format is Test/Observation/inference.
You are provided with note books in which to write up the results of your experiments.
At the end of every practical class, submit your notebooks to your supervisor for assessment.
STANDARD SOLUTION: A standard solution is the solution whose concentration (i.e. the
number of grammes of mole per litre) is accurately known. Any kind of unit weight or
volume may be used, but most commonly used is the grammes per litre.
STOCK SOLUTION: To save time and space in the laboratory, solutions that are routinely
used is purchased or prepared at a standardized concentrated form called stock solution. That
is a stock solution is a solution that is diluted to some lower concentration for actual use.
DILUTE SOLUTION: Solvent, e.g. water is added to the concentrated solution to achieve
the molarity desired for a particular solution. The process of adding more solvent to a solution
is called dilute while the solution is called a dilute solution.
NORMAL SOLUTION: A normal solution of a substance is one which contains the gramme
equivalent weight of the substance per litre of solution. It should be noted that for a given
substance the equivalent weight depends on the reaction in which it is taking part.
MOLAR SOLUTION: A molar solution of a substance is one which contains the gram-
molecular weight of the substance per dm3 of solution.
H+ (aq)/moldm-3 pH CONDITIONS
1.0 0
10-2 2
10-3 3
10-5 5
10-7 7 neutral
10-9 9
10-11 11
10-13 13
10-14 14
Litmus solution is a coloured dye. It is extracted from certain plants of the mosses and lichen
species. Litmus paper are made by dipping strips of white blotting paper into litmus solution.
The paper is then dried, cut into narrow strips and bound up into booklets. There are two major
colours of litmus viz: - Red litmus and Blue litmus.
There are two types of Classical Quantitative Analysis namely: Gravimetry and Titrations.
Gravimetry Titration
1. Acid-base titrations
2. Complexometric titrations
3. Precipitation titrations
4. Redox titrations:
Titration is the process by which a solution of a standard reagent of known molarity reacts
with another solution of unknown molarity but known volume. Using the known molarity
and volume of the solutions and the equation of the reaction, the unknown quantity
(concentration or volume) can then be calculated. When a neutralization reaction is carried
out in a quantitative way, the procedure is called an acid-base titration. Titration helps us
to achieved the chemical analysis of certain substances in solution. The following are
necessary in order to achieved a successful titration:
➢ Direct Titration: A reaction between the analyte (the substance whose concentration
or quantity is to be determine. i.e. the unknown solution) and the titrant (known
➢ Indirect Titration: The analyte forms a compound with the species that reacts with
the titrant.
➢ Back Titration: A known excess of titrant is added to the analyte. The excess of titrant
is titrated with a standard solution. It is used when the molar concentration of an excess
reaction is known but the need exists to determine the strength or concentration of an
analyte. A back titration may also be called an indirect titration
▪ It is done when the reaction occurs very slowly
▪ When the acid or (more commonly) base is an insoluble salt e.g. calcium
▪ When direct titration endpoint would be hard to discern e.g. weak acid and weak
base titration.
Two steps are typically followed in a back titration to measure the amount
consumed by the analyte and to calculate the excess quantity:
most indicators used in the analysis are weak organic acid or base.
MaVa/MbVb = na/nb
Ma = Molarity of acid
Mb = Molarity of base
Va = Volume of acid
Vb = Volume of base
na, nb = Number of moles of reactions a and b respectively as obtained from the stochiometric
CONCENTRATION (C) of the unknown solution can be calculated with the expression:
Conc (g/dm3) = Molarity X Molar Mass
Students should use the format below for presenting the results of their volumetric work
1. Title of Experiment
2. Molarity Calculated for the Standard Solution
3. Procedures:
i. Solution in burette
ii. Volume of Solution in pipette (state the pipette size)
iii. Indicator used
iv. End Point (colour change)
4. Titration Readings
5. Calculation
i. Reaction equation (s)
ii. Molarity of the unknown solution using the molarity formula earlier stated
iii. Concentration of the unknown solution using the concentration formula stated
iv. Any other quantities required such as the percentage purity of a given sample
END POINT: The end point, also known as the equivalence point is very important in
volumetric analysis. The endpoint is the point at which exactly equivalent quantities of the
reactants are present. At the point, the total number of moles of the other reactant, that is, the
exact mole ratio required by the balanced chemical equation of the reaction is achieved.
Indicators enable us to detect the end point of a titration.
1. Make a list of all the pieces of apparatus found in your laboratory. Compare your list
of apparatus with those of other students. Carefully rewrite your list, arranging the
items in an alphabetical order?
2. Draw or sketch each piece of apparatus in your laboratory and write a few sentences to
describe the important features and use of the apparatus
3. List the four major dangers in the laboratory?
4. Write short notes on possible cause and prevention of accidents by these methods
5. What should you do in case of any accident in your laboratory?
Given: Two solutions are provided, one of them is sodium hydroxide and the other is hydrogen
chloride whose concentration is 0.15M.
STEP I: Rinse a clean burette with distilled water then rinse it again with a few milliliters of
the acid. Clamp it to a retort stand and fill it slightly above the zero mark with the acid. Adjust
the level of the liquid to the zero mark.
STEPII: Clean a 25cm3 pipette and rinse it with a few milliliters of the base. Use it to transfer
a known volume of the base (25cm3) into a conical flask.
STEP III: Add one or two drops of colourless phenolphthalein solution to the base and place
the flask on a piece of white tile (or filter paper) below the burette. Note the colour.
STEP IV: Allow about 2cm3 of the hydrogen chloride to run into the flask and swirl gently.
Continue to add the acid in small quantities at a time, swirling the flask to ensure proper mixing
of the solutions, until the solution just becomes colourless.
Assuming that the titration values are given on the table below
B): Titration of unknown concentration against a standard base solution
Assuming that the titration values are given on the table below
Burette reading (cm3) Rough 2nd 3rd Average volume of
acid used
Final burette reading (cm3) 23.80 21.30 19.10
Initial burette reading (cm3) 0.00 1..80 0.00
Volume of acid used
Find the following:
C): To compare the volume of standard hydrogen chloride required to neutralize a given
volume of sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) solution when (a) methyl orange and (b)
phenolphthalein are used respectively as indicator
Given: 0.1M solution of standard hydrogen chloride acid and a solution of sodium
trioxocarbonate (IV). Methyl orange and phenolphthalein indicator are used.
Procedure: Titrate the acid against the base. First of all, use methyl orange as indicator, then
repeat the set of titrations using phenolphthalein as indicator.
Assuming that the titration values are given on the table below when methyl orange indicator
was used
Assuming that the titration values are given on the table below when phenolphthalein indicator
was used
D): A is a solution containing 6.00g/dm3 of trioxonitrate (V) (HNO3) acid. B is a solution
of hydrogen sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) (Na2CO3.XH2O), containing 4.00g/dm3 of the
trioxocarbonate (IV).
Procedure: Put solution A into the burette and titrate 25cm3 or 20cm3 portion of B using
methyl orange as indicator.
Record the volume of your pipette and tabulate your burette readings.
Assuming that the titration values are given on the table below
Volume of acid used 23.70 21.60 23.70
Find the following
a. The instructor in charge will demonstrate the use of the two-pan beam balance.
b. Each group of students shall be provided with a number of solid objects of unknown
c. Working in turns, each group member shall weigh the samples provided for the group
d. Recording of results: for each object weighed, all masses used to balance the mass of
the objects weighed shall be tabulated. An example is shown below
e. Presentation of the experimental result: Title and date of the experiment
QUESTION: weigh all the mass and calculate the total masses and the average mass
Commercial acids are usually bought from manufacturers in highly concentrated forms
therefore there is need to reduce the concentrations of the commercial acids for daily laboratory
use. Certain basic information is necessary to enable one to reduce the concentrations of a
commercial acids. The information is supplied by the manufacturer written on the labels pasted
on the bottles. This information must be looked at before accepting any commercial acid into
the stock room. These facts are:
1. The percentage of the pure acid in the commercial acid. These acids are not 100% pure
acid. They contain some amount of impurities and water.
2. The specific gravity or density of the acid. For example, the figures mostly seen on the
bottles are shown below
Bench acids are usually 2moldm-3 in strength. Standard acids of various molarities e.g.
1moldm-3,, 0.02moldm-3 0.05moldm-3 etc. are frequently used for acid-base
titrations. Note that the molar mass of the acid must be known.
In preparing stock solutions unlike alkalis and salt which can be weigh, the problem is that it
is not possible to weigh acid solutions due to experimental difficulties and the fact that they
are not usually one hundred percent pure and their specific gravities are not 1gcm-3.
1A): what volume of commercial H2SO4 must be dissolved in 1dm3 of water in order to get
0.5moldm-3 H2SO4? The relative density and percentage purity of the commercial acid are
1.84gcm-3 and 96% respectively.
1. Measuring cylinder
2. Beaker
3. 1000ml of volumetric flask
4. Distilled water
In order to prepare a 0.5moldm-3 H2SO4. 49g of the acid are required per 1dm3 of water.
The % purity of the acid is 98%. That means 98 parts of pure H2SO4 are in 100 parts of
commercial acid
The relative density of the acid is 1.84gcm-3, that means 1.84 parts of pure H2SO4 are in 1cm3
of commercial acid
27.2cm3/dm3 of the commercial acid will have to be measured out and dissolved in 1dm3 of
distilled water to get a 0.5moldm-3 H2SO4.
Usually several volumes of this bench acid are needed to go around the entire class.
If 10dm3 of this are needed to go around the class. Therefore, 27.2cm3/dm3 X 10cm2 = 272cm3
(i.e. 0.272dm3) of the commercial acid is dissolved in 10dm3 of water. On the other hand, if a
250cm3 volumetric flack is to be used for the preparation of the 0.5moldm-3 H2SO4 to be used
on a small scale, then one quarter of 27.2cm3 (27.2cm3/4) = 6.8cm3 of the commercial acid
must be dissolved in the 250cm3 flask.
Note that the concentration of the solution is exactly 0.5moldm-3 as the concentration is a little
different. To calculate the exactly concentration of your solution from the masses you used to
prepare your solution:
m = n X M = CVM
n= CV
C = n/V = m/M/V
C = concentration
C = n/V
Label your solution to avoid confusion include the solute formula, the exact concentration of
your solution prepared, date, and your name.
Alternatively: C1V1 = C2V2 equation is used if the molar concentration of the commercial
stock acid is known against the relative density and the percentage by mass. As shown below:
C1 = 18 given
C2 =
V2 = 1000cm3 (1dm3)
V1 = 0.5 X 1000/18
= 27.8cm3/dm3
Note that the value obtained is very close with the first method
C): Preparation of 0.5molar solution of H2SO4 in 1dm3 flask from commercial H2SO4.
1. Measuring cylinder
2. Beaker
3. 1000ml of volumetric flask
4. Distilled water
Step 1.
Wash the glassware (pipette, beaker, measuring cylinder and 1000ml of volumetric flask) with
distilled water and dry in oven.
Step 2.
Calculate the amount by volume of the commercial acid needed to be dissolved in 1dm 3 of
distilled water.
From the calculation above, 27.2cm3/dm3 of the commercial acid will have to be measured out
and dissolved in 1dm3 of distilled water to get a 0.5moldm-3 H2SO4.
Step 3.
The solution in the 1000ml of volumetric flask is 0.5 molar solution of H2SO4.
2): what volume of commercial HCl must be dissolved in 1dm3 of water in order to get HCl? The relative density and percentage purity of the commercial acid are
1.18gcm-3 and 36% respectively.
In order to prepare a HCl 5.5g of the acid are required per 1dm3 of water.
The % purity of the acid is 36%. That means 36 parts of pure HCl are in 100 parts of
commercial acid
The relative density of the acid is 1.18gcm-3, that means 1.18 parts of pure HCl are in 1cm3 of
commercial acid
12.8cm3/dm3 of the commercial acid will have to be measured out and dissolved in 1dm3 of
distilled water to get a HCl.
INTRODUCTION: In preparing alkali solutions, unlike acidic solutions there are no much
difficulties in the sense that most alkalis are in solid form, they can be weighed directly by
using a chemical balance, electric balance or triple beam balance except ammonium hydroxide
i.e. ammonia in water (aqua ammonia) which is a colourless liquid.
i. calculate the mass of the alkali that will be needed to prepare the required standard
solution per dm3.
ii. Clean a graduated flask, wash well with water and then with distilled water.
iii. Weigh your watch-glass and record the mass
iv. Put the calculated amount of the solute on a watch-glass and weigh the watch-glass and
the contents and record the mass
v. Subtract the mass of watch-glass from the mass of watch-glass + the content to obtain
the accurate mass of the solute.
vi. Put the measured solute in a beaker add distilled water and keep steering with a glass
rod until the solute completely dissolved, rinse the glass rod into the beaker to ensure
that no solution is remaining on the glass rod.
vii. Using funnel transfer the solution into a graduated flask, rinse the beaker into the flask.
viii. Then add distilled water and shake the flask
ix. Add more distilled water to mark up to the mark of the flask and shake thoroughly.
x. The bottom of the water meniscus must be on the graduation mark. If your liquid level
exceeds the line, your solution is of unknown concentration and cannot be used.
Note: if a large group is being prepared for multiply that mass by number of dm3 of solution
i. ensure that during and after the process of dissolving the solute, no portion is lost either
by drop or drops splashing out.
ii. Follow the simple method of pouring a solution into a flask or aspirator by carefully
using glass rod and funnel to avoid loss
iii. Ensure that the glass material used in dissolving the solute and the funnel used are
iv. Some alkalis e.g NaOH is corrosive and can cause chemical burns. Do not touch NaOH.
v. Wear safety goggles and gloves
vi. If you get NaOH on your skin, immediately rinse with a large volume of water.
1000cm3 = 1dm3
Note that sometimes the concentration of the solution is not exactly 2moldm-3 as the weight
mass, there may be a little different, hence always calculate the concentration of the solution.
To calculate the exactly concentration of your solution from the masses you used to prepare
your solution:
m = n X M = CVM
n= CV
C = n/V = m/M/V
C = concentration
C = 80/40/1 = 2mol/dm3
Label your solution to avoid confusion include the solute formula, the exact concentration of
your solution prepared, date, and your name.
-For 25dm3 solution the mass of the solute required = 25x14.3 = 357.5g will be needed for
-For 250cm3 solution. The mass of the solute needed = 14.3/4 = 3.6g/250cm3
1. Calculate the volumes of commercial HNO3 fuming, that would be needed to prepare:
a. solution per dm3
b. solution per 10dm3
c. 0.05 solution per 500cm3
d. 0.03 solution per 250cm3
Given that the relative density of the acid is 1.42gcm-3 and the percentage w/w is 72%
2. Calculate the volumes of commercial HCl fuming, that would be needed to prepare:
a. solution per dm3
b. solution per 10dm3
c. 0.05 solution per 500cm3
d. 0.03 solution per 250cm3
Given that the relative density of the acid is 1.18gcm-3 and the percentage w/w is 36%
3. If the concentration in of glacial ethanoic acid is 19, the specific gravity is
1.05 and its percent w/w is 99.5%. calculate the molar concentration of a 20cm3 of the
commercial acid if it is dissolved in
a. 1dm3 b. 250cm3 c. 3.3dm3
4. What is the molar concentration of 2 H2SO4 when a dm3 of it is diluted to
5. What mass of Na2CO3.10H2O would be needed to prepare
i. solution
ii. 2 solutions for 5dm3
iii. solution for 200 students with 150cm3 each
At the end of this section you will be able to identify the type of samples, standard solution,
indicator and reactions involved in iodometric and iodimetric titrations
Gravimetry Titration
Permanganimetric and dichromatometric: are redox titrations. The difference between both
is the titrant. In permanganimetric methods the titrant is potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
Why in dichromatometric methods the titrant is potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7).
Gravimetry is not widely use. Titrations are more fast and they are widely use in chemical
laboratories. There are four types of titrations: acid-base, complexometric, precipitation and
Iodine can be involved in redox titration in two ways: iodometric and iodimetric.
IODIMETRY TITRATION: When iodine titrant (standard solution of iodine I2) is titrated
directly with a reducing agents (Analyte) such as Na2S2O3 or active metals, the method is called
that is in iodimetry titration, the analyte is a reducing agent and the titrant is iodine. The
reducing agent is the substance that reduces species. In this case, the reducing analyte reduces
iodine to iodide that is one of the products. These are direct titrations, consequently, there is
only one step reaction between the analyte and the titrant.
Analyte + Titrant (iodine I2) → product (iodide I-)
unknown know
EXAMPLE I: Quantification of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Iodine rapidly oxidizes ascorbic acid, C6H8O6, to produce dehydroascorbic acid, (C6H6O6).
C6H8O6 + I2 → C6H6O6 + 2I- + 2H+
In this titration, the iodine (I2) is produced when an oxidizing analyte e.g. KIO3, KMnO4 or
K2Cr2O7 is added to excess I- (iodide e.g. KI).
Then the iodine (I2) produced is usually titrated with standard thiosulfate solution.
Iodometry is not a direct titration because it involves two steps reactions:
• analyte + I- (iodide) → I2 (unknown)
• I2 + titrant (standard thiosulfate) → product Known
Example 2: Quantification of Copper or Potassium
2Cu2+ + 4I- → 2CuI + I2
I2 + 2S2O32- → 2I- + S4O62-
Cu is the analyte of unknown concentration
sodium thiosulfate (Titrant-standard solutions) is the known concentration
Iodimetric titrations:
a) A reducing analyte
b) One step reaction
c) Standard solution is Iodine (I2)
Iodometric titrations:
a) An oxidizing analyte
b) Two step reactions
c) Standard solution is Sodium thiosulfate
1. Weigh between 3.1g and 3.2g of iodine (I2) in a stoppered glass weighing bottle.
2. Weigh separately 20g of potassium iodide and dissolve it in about 100cm3 of distilled
3. Dissolve the iodine in the potassium iodine solution and make up to the mark (250cm3)
with distilled water.
4. Weigh 6.2g of Na2S2O3 and dissolve in the recently boiled water and make up to the
mark with the boiled water.
Note that Boiled water is used because of the CO2 dissolved in water and bacteria action
which cause the slow decomposition of Na2S2O3
• After the preparation, add two to three drops of chloroform or 10mg of mercury(II)
iodide per cm3 to check the effects.
1. Measure 20cm3 or 25cm3 portion of the standard iodine solution with pipette into a
conical flask.
2. Put the Na2S2O3 in a burette and titrate with 20cm3 or 25cm3 portion of the standard
iodine solution and note the average titre value.
3. Add 2cm3 (2 or 3 drops) of starch indicator, when the solution turns yellow,
continue the titration until the blue-black colouration is discharged at end point.
4. Note your readings and calculate the average titre value
The mass of iodine dissolved in 250cm3 = 3.18g
Volume of pipette = 20cm3
Let’s take the average titre value = 19.60cm3
Molar Conc. of iodine = n/v = m/M/V
1000cm3 = 1dm3
250cm3 = 4dm3
∴ 3.18/254/250
= = 0.00005 x 1000 = 0.05mol
1000cm3 of iodine contain 0.05mole
20cm3 of iodine contain = 0.05 x 20 x 1
1000 1
= 0.001mol
PRINCIPLES: Copper (II) ion reacts with the iodide ion to form Copper (I) iodide with the
liberation of iodine which is titrated with Na2S2O3 solution.
2Cu2+ + 4I- → 2CuI(aq) + I2
I2 + 2S2O32- → S4O62- + 2I-
2S2O32- : I2 : 2Cu2+
2mole 1mole 2mole
0.10 0.05 0.10
2Na2S2O3.5H2O : I2 : CuSO4 5H20
Molar Mass (2 x 248g) 254g (2 x 249g)
496 254 498
0.1x 248 0.05x254 0.1 x 249
24.8g/dm3 12.7g/dm3 24.9g/dm3
6.2g/250cm3 3.175g/250cm3 6.22g/250cm3
1. Weigh between 3.1g or 3.2g of iodine in a well stoppered glass weighing bottle.
2. Weigh separately 20g of potassium iodide and dissolve it in about 100cm3 of distilled
3. Dissolve the iodine in the potassium iodine solution and make up to the mark (250cm3)
with distilled water.
4. Prepare approximately 0.1mol/dm3 solution of Na2S2O3 and CuSO4. Weigh 6.2g of
Na2S2O3 and dissolve in 250cm3 volumetric flask and 6.225g of CuSO4 in another
250cm3 of volumetric flask.
1. Measure 20cm3 or 25cm3 portion of the CuSO4 solution with pipette into a three
conical flask.
2. Add Na2CO3 solution to each flask until a slight blush-green precipitate of basic
Copper (II) trioxocarbonate (IV) is formed.
2CuSO4 + 2Na2CO3 → CuO.CuCO3 + 2Na2SO4 +
Na2CO3 is added because Cu2+(aq) is acidic due to hydrolysis.
3. The mixture in the flask is then acidified by adding ethanoic acid drop by drop until
the precipitate dissolves and a clear blue solution is obtained.
The ethanoic acid set free the cu2+ ions which then react with the iodide ions to liberate iodine.
4. pipette 20cm3 of 10% potassium iodide to the Cu2+(aq) in each flask and titrate the
liberated iodine with Na2S2O3 in the burette.
5. Titrate the Na2S2O3 against 20cm3 of the 0.05 mol/dm3 standard iodine solution.
a. Molar Conc. of iodine solution =
Volume of iodine solution used = 20cm3
Let’s take the average litre value of Na2S2O3 solution = 17.35cm3
b. Volume of CuSO4 solution = 20cm3
Average volume of Na2S2O3 solution = 19.69 cm3
CiVi = ns
CsVs ns
Let molar conc. of iodine solution be Ci
Volume of iodine solution be Vi
Molar conc. of Na2S2O3 solution be Cs
Volume of Na2S2O3 solution be Vs
Molar Ratio of I to Na2S2O3 = 1 : 2
∴ CiVi = 1
CsVs 2
(0.05) (20) = 1
Cs x 17.35 2
Cs = 0.05 x 20 x 2 =
The pH value of a solution is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.
The Sorensen’s method, pH is defined as
pH = - Log10 [H+] = Log10 1/[H+].
According to the definition of pH, we have pH = - Log10 [H+] = -Log [10-7] i.e. pH = 7
This is the pH of pure water, which defines our standard of pH for a neutral solution.
If we add hydrogen ions to water, e.g. by pouring in hydrochloric acid, so that the
hydrogen ion concentration increases to 0.1mol dm-3 at equilibrium then. pH = - log (10-1) =1.
This shows that the pH of an acidic solution is less than 7.
On the other hand, if we pour alkali into water, the water equilibrium will shift to the left
in order to “Mop Up” the added hydroxide ions. That is, the concentration of hydrogen ions
will decrease. If we assume that in an alkali like sodium hydroxide. Solution the concentration
of hydroxide ions is 0.1mol dm-3 (10-1 moldm-3) we shall have (H+(aq)] x [10-1 Moldm-3] = 10-
moldm-3. So [H+ (aq)] = 10-13 mol dm-3 and pH = 13. This shows that the PH of an alkaline
solution is more than 7.
H+ (aq) / mol dm-3 pH CONDITIONS
1.0 0
10-2 2
10-3 3
10-5 5
10-7 7 neutral
10-9 9
10-11 11
10-13 13
10-14 14
10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-12 10-13 10-14
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Increasing Increasing
Strongly mildly neutral mildly strongly
Acidic acidic alkaline alkaline
Example I: find the pH in which the hydrogen ion, H+ concentration is 6.38 x10-6 moldm-3
pH = - log10 [H+]
= - log10 6.38 + 6
= - 0.805 + 6
= 5.195 = 5.2
2. Calculate
∴ H+ = 10-14 / (OH-)
REQUIREMENTS: Test tube, test tube stand, dropper, white glazed tile, pH paper or
universal indicator solution, pH paper, pH meter, distilled water and solution of given samples.
iv. Add 2 drops of BDH (British Drug House) universal indicator with the help of a
dropper to each test tube. Observe carefully the colour in each test tube and match it
with pH paper booklet or pH chat.
1 Dil. HCl Red 1
2. Dil. Solution of NaOH Purple 14
3. Dil. Solution of CH3COOH Yellow 6
4. Lemon juice Orange 2
5. Water Green 7
6. Dil. Solution of NaHCO3 Blue 9
1. Acid samples with pH less than 7
2. Basic samples with pH greater than 7
3. Neutral samples with pH = 7
Students will be able to:
• Gain understanding of the purpose of chromatography.
• Measure and graph pigment separation.
• Use evidence gathered from the chromatograms to support their conclusions about which
suspects can be excluded from suspicion based on evidence.
• Understand that the separation of dye molecules in chromatography is a physical property of
the dye and movement of the dye is unique for each different dye molecule.
• Defend their conclusions about the dyes based on the evidence that they gathered.
What is Chromatography?
Chromatography is a laboratory method that is widely used for the separation, identification,
and determination of chemical components of a complex mixture. More specifically,
chromatography separates compounds based on differences in their structure, size, and/or
composition. Analytical chemist uses chromatography to conduct qualitative analysis (identify
the components) and quantitative analysis (determine the concentration) of unknown
substances. No other separation method is as powerful and generally applicable as
Salicylic acid contains a phenolic group when acetylated it gives its acetyl derivative. Phenols
are known to be irritating. The Bayer Company replaced the phenol group with an ester group.
This esterified compound (acetylsalicylic acid, also known as aspirin) was shown to be much
less irritating than salicylic acid.
Aspirin is an effective analgesic (pain reliever), antipyretic (fever reducer) and anti-
inflammatory agent and is one of the most widely used non-prescription drugs.
+ O → + CH3CO2H
OH C CH3 ethanoic
Salicylic acid O Aspirin OCOCH3 mol.
Wt. 60
C7H6O3 Acetic anhydride or C9H8O4
mol. Wt. 138 ethanolic (CH3CO)2O
mol. Wt. 102
Salicylic acid, ethanoic anhydride, ice, 50% ferric chloride, conc. H2SO4, sodium hydrogen
trioxocarbonate (IV) solution.
APPARATUS: Glass rod, 250ml beaker, 100ml conical flask, stirrer, thermometer, Bunsen
PART I: Preparation of Aspirin
1. Weigh out about 9.7 gram (0.07mol) of salicylic acid on a piece of weighing paper. To
do this, first weigh a piece of weighing paper. Place some salicylic acid on the weighing
paper and weigh again. Add or remove solid until you have about 9.7gram of it on the
paper. Record the mass of the weighing paper plus the solid. Subtract to determine the
mass of the salicylic acid. Place this solid into a 100-ml Erlenmeyer flask
2. In the hood, measure out 13.2ml (0.14mol) of acetic anhydride in a small graduated
cylinder and add it to the flask. From this point on, keep your flask under the hood,
because it now contains acetic anhydride (the vapors of acetic anhydride are very
3. Add 10 drops of concentrated (85%) sulphuric acid. This will be the catalyst for the
reaction, stir the mixture for thorough mixing.
4. Heat at 60OC for 15 minutes with occasional stirring.
5. Pour the reaction mixture in a 250ml of beaker and stir vigorously
6. Wash down the remaining with a little water
7. Continue stirring till the smell of ethanoic anhydride disappears. Observe the smell by
dipping a glass rod in the solution and smell the end.
8. To speed up decomposition of the unreacted ethanoic anhydride, if necessary. In the
hood, set up a ring stand and set a hot plate/magnetic stirrer on the base of the ring
stand. Put some water in a glass crystallization dish and set this on the hot plate – this
will be your hot water bath. Put your reaction flask in the water bath, and secure it in
place with a utility clamp attached to the ring stand.
9. Start heating the reaction, and turn on the magnetic stirrer or. Once the water bath starts
boiling, start timing the reaction. When the mixture has been allowed to react at 100°C
(the temperature of boiling water) for 15 minutes, you can consider the reaction to be
10. When there is no more smell of ethanoic anhydride, cool the solution in ice water and
filter the precipitate formed with filter paper.
11. Wash or rinse the precipitate with deionized water, dry the residue. The mass of this
residue (Aspirin) is your actual yield.
i. Write out the balanced equation for the reaction between salicylic acid and
ethanoic anhydride.
ii. Determine the theoretical yield and calculate the percentage yield of the crude
product. Yield= 10.7g. %yield = actual yield X 100
Theoretical yield .
iii. Find a suitable solvent for crystallisation and recrystallise 2g of the crude
iv. Dry and determine the melting points of the crude and purity products. The
product melt with decomposition at 135O-137OC.
v. According to your results from IV of this experiment, what can you say about
the purity of your aspirin?
vi. If you measured the melting point of the solid product from this experiment
and obtained a melting range of 122-128 °C, what does this tell you?
vii. Explaine how conc. H2SO4 catalyses the speed of the reaction salicylic acid
and ethanoic anhydride
viii. Why is ethanoic anhydride preferred in this reaction?
ix. Aspirin that has been stored for a long time may give a vinegar-like odor and
give a purple color with FeCl3. What reaction would cause this to happen?
Part 2: Recrystallization of Aspirin
1. Set aside a small amount of the crude aspirin you obtained in step 11 – you will test its
purity later. (You will need enough to test its melting point and to test its reactivity with
2. Transfer the rest of the crude aspirin to a 50-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 4 ml of ethanol
and warm the flask on a hot plate until all of the solid dissolves. Immediately remove
the flask from the heat and slowly add 13 ml of cold water. Crystals should form. Chill
this solution in an ice-water bath, and collect the crystals using vacuum filtration.
Carefully lift the filter paper with the crystals on it and place it on a clean watch glass.
Leave this aspirin in your drawer to dry until the next laboratory period.
3. At the following laboratory period (when your aspirin is dry), weigh the aspirin on a
piece of weighing paper or a weighing boat. (You will need to scrape it off of the filter
Part 3: Purity of Aspirin.
1. Using a melting point apparatus, determine the melting point of your crude aspirin and
your recrystallized aspirin. (In order to get a meaningful result for the melting point
determination, the solids must be dry.) The melting point should be recorded as a range
– the first reading is the temperature at which the sample starts to liquefy, and the
second reading is taken when the sample is completely melted. The melting point of
pure aspirin is 135°C – 137°C and the melting point of salicylic acid is 158°C.
Comment on the purity of your aspirin based on its melting point.