In The Lair of The Night Thing 2022-05-26
In The Lair of The Night Thing 2022-05-26
In The Lair of The Night Thing 2022-05-26
Author: David Somerville ® Art
Developers: Adam Beckwith, Avalon Palmer Cover (Daniel Mallada)
Daniel Gable, Fin Prindle Page 4: The Night Thing (Cory Trego-Erdner)
Page 10: Skarna in Mourning (Douglas Deri)
Cartography: Brian Patterson Page 15: Mother Hush (Douglas Deri)
Layout: David Somerville and Michelle Nephew Page 19: Waking Nightmare (Douglas Deri)
Producer: Justin Alexander Page 23: Runestones (Michelle Nephew)
Publishers: John Nephew and Michelle Nephew Page 24: Doorway to Nod (Daniel Mallada)
Page 25: Hunter Hunted (Ari Ibarra)
Special Thanks: Woody Eblom, Jenae Floerke,
Page 31: Gwehrsus the Boar God (Douglas Deri)
Jackie Sue Lozano, Heather O’Neill, Travis Page 33: Trader (Douglas Deri)
Winter, Justin Woodall, Casey McDonough, Back Cover: Clanfire Tales (Daniel Mallada)
Nicole Ketz, Chris Martin, and our Kickstarter
backers who made this book possible!
Last night, when the Night Thing was injured, the dread elves
Adventure Hooks
had to think fast to salvage their plot. The elf who had struck the Although the Night Thing is fearsome, nocturnal attacks by
pact with Adaki cast a disguise self spell to take on her appearance, large predators are frequent in Planegea. Jaded characters
and acted injured while the Night Thing slunk away back to the might consider such trouble none of their concern. Use any of
lair before dawn. The plan now is for the dread elves to wait until these hooks to attract the curiosity of the players.
darkness, and then—when the injured Night Thing comes back to
create a diversion—the disguised elf will assassinate Skarna and DWARVENCRAFT WEAPONS
make a show of “slaying” the Night Thing, switching himself out Skarna is pledging dwarvencraft weapons to those who can
for Adaki in the confusion. It’s a risky plan depending on illusion kill the Night Thing. Such weapons are intricately made of
in full firelight, but given Adaki’s injuries, it’s the best idea the flawlessly carved stone and carry magical powers as blessings
dread elves have, or else this whole pact will have been a waste. by the maker’s gods. Such weapons would be of great value to
anyone… it’s not the kind of offer you turn down lightly.
Skarna, desperate to avenge her son and protect her clan, has LOYAL TO THE CLANFIRE
sent messengers to bring any remaining hunters in the area If a character is part of the Two-Axe clan, they know that Skarna
to aid her people to track down and slay the Night Thing in its is a good and kind leader, and that her children deserved better
lair while it’s weak. Because of her clan’s tradition, the family than this. They might have had another friend or family member
of a fallen hunter cannot hunt for three days after a death, or injured in the attacks and therefore have a personal grudge against
the ghost of the dead will wander the world forever. She seeks the creature. At the very least they owe the chief their allegiance.
any willing to engage in a hunt on her behalf, and is offering
fine dwarvencraft weapons as a reward to those who slay the A POTENT HARVEST
monster, as well as whatever they can harvest from its carcass. Strong monsters mean strong harvests. Traveling characters
Arrival of the characters. Work with your players to are often in search of monster parts with which they can craft
consider how their characters came to respond to the call. Ask weapons, armor, wondrous items or other concoctions. Skarna
them questions such as: is offering the beast’s parts as prize for those who can slay it,
• Two-Axe clan members: You have been away from the clan and with such an unusual monster, it seems likely that the
for over a week. Why? Were you on a hunt, scouting the harvest will be good.
area, or on another errand for the clan?
• Characters from other clans: Why have you left your
clan to help Two-Axe? Are your clans allies? Do you feel
personal loyalty or obligation?
• Lone wanderers: How did you encounter Two-Axe’s
messengers in the wilderness? Why did you decide taking
on this danger was worth it?
3 4 4 Q W O A
G J t y
Now is also the time to work with the players to decide which PCs
know each other, if any. Some existing connections between char-
acters strengthen a party’s bonds, especially early in the game.
HE ADVENTURE BEGINS AT THE CLANFIRE, JUST You have returned to a changed clan. When you left, the
before dawn. The funeral ceremony for Skarna’s son, Two-Axe clan was strong, joyful, full of pride and happy to
Brakar, is just ending, and the characters have a few be once again at the Dwarfchild Encampment. But now
moments to explore the encampment before the cere- the encampment’s defenses are destroyed and the people
mony concludes. When you’re ready to start, read: are broken. An air of tragedy hangs over the clan. Many are
missing, and the faces that remain are horror-stricken. Suuru
The dying clanfire snaps at the sky as the stars swirl above.
the Shaman is just completing a ceremony at the clanfire,
It’s autumn, and it’s almost dawn. The shaman, an ancient
where your people are gathered around a grieving Skarna.
and crooked godmarked with a single curving horn in the
middle of his red forehead, lowers his knotty hands, and
Characters who belong to the Two-Axe clan have advantage
the wailing clan goes silent. They have been mourning the
on all Intelligence (History) checks to recall information
chieftain’s slain son for three nights. By the fire, her face
about the clan and encampment, and may have lower DCs for
frozen in a stone mask of grief, stands the dwarvish chieftain,
Wisdom (Insight) checks when interacting with other clan
Skarna Two-Axe. They say she hasn’t spoken in days, except
members they know.
to send out messengers to bring back hunters to track down
the Night Thing, a beast which injured her daughter and
killed her son. The ceremony is drawing to an end—soon it The Encampment
will be time to begin the hunt.
Read or paraphrase this text:
As you conclude this narration, tell the players that they have The old shaman speaks the final phrases of the ceremony.
gathered from far and near in response to Skarna’s call. Ask A spell seems to break, and the crowd shakes itself,
each of them these questions: murmuring and nodding, and starts to break up as hunters
• What were you doing when you received word that and gatherers move away from the fire. Skarna Two-Axe
Two-Axe needed aid against a terrible nocturnal monster? remains like a half-stone statue, staring into the smoking
• As the mourning ceremony draws to a close, are you at the embers unblinking, emerald eyes.
fireside, in the crowd, or at the back of the gathering?
The characters can now move around the encampment as the
Based on their location, each character can gain a bit of insight
clan starts to return to its daily tasks. For more detail on the
on the state of the clan:
encampment, see The Two-Axe Clan (p. 27).
At the fireside. Those by the fire have a close view of Skarna
The encampment is a rough circle built around the clanfire.
herself. She is a powerfully built dwarvish woman who is
Tents and huts of various size and shapes are scattered seem-
half flesh and half stone. Her expression is grim and rigid as
ingly at random. Some are dwelling places, others contain
she stares into the fire. She clutches a heavy axe with white
stored goods or tools, or serve as workspaces for crafting,
knuckles. The axe glows with magical power and is smeared
preparing food, or other essential labor. A small, ice-cold
with a tarry black substance—the blood of the Night Thing.
stream runs at the rear of the encampment. On the far side
In the thick of the crowd. Those in the crowd can see that the
of the stream, a high embankment rises, with exposed rock
clan is a mixture of different races—humans, elves, halflings,
where digging tools have been left unattended, abandoned in
dwarves—and that all of them look exhausted from the nights
of battling against this monster. Many of them are injured
The main features of the encampment are the stream, the
with broken bones or bite marks. They regard their chief with
guarded front gate, the central clanfire, a tall fern tree hung
fear and pity... this is a clan desperately in need of help.
with stones on string, and the great tent of Skarna, where her
At the back of the gathering. Those at the back can see that
daughter is in recovery from her injuries.
the huts and tents of the encampment are almost all empty, as
Allow the players a little time to explore these places if they
everyone has gathered here at the clanfire to mourn. The only
choose. Otherwise, skip to the section labeled Skarna Two-Axe.
people who aren’t at the fire are two warriors posted at the
gate of the roughly-built wall that encircles the town and a
hunter who stands watch at the tent of the chieftain’s injured
The following locations are marked on the Two-Axe Camp map.
TWO-AXE CLAN MEMBERS This immense fire has burned low overnight, and will be kept
If any of the characters are members of the Two-Axe clan,
alive as coals for cooking and preparing food throughout the
begin their portion of the story as they pass the outer wall and
day. The flame represents the life of the clan itself, and is dearly
enter the encampment. Read the following:
protected at all costs.
• Size. The Night Thing is large—as tall as a bear on its hind
legs, but in shape more like a large carnivorous dinosaur…
Setting Out
although it certainly is not one of those. It has too many When the characters depart, Quickpause (p. 27) wishes
limbs, like a spider, terrible, noxious breath, and attacks them well at the gate, warning them to run if they encounter
without need of sight. anything too big for them out in the wilderness.
• Behavior. It feared neither fire nor warning shouts, but Read or paraphrase the following:
always charged directly into the camp, attacking where the
The day-star is low in the east, morning mist curling over
fighting was thickest.
the frost that grips the wet grass. Crows call through trees
• Injury. Skarna injured it with the axe she still holds, which
tinged with autumn color, and in the air you feel the knife’s
is black with tarry blood. The monster must still be
edge of a chill, your breath visible out in front of you as you
wounded, and its trail of blood leads from the front gate
walk into the wilderness. Ahead of you on the hunting trail is
back to wherever it rests.
a dried pool of black, tarry blood, swarming with insects.
• Mourning. She would pursue the Night Thing herself, but
honor requires her to grieve for three days without hunting.
The blood is from the Night Thing. A DC 8 Wisdom (Medicine)
• Brakar. On the night her son was killed the Night Thing
reveals that it is from the night before. A DC 10 Intelligence
seemed to be hunting him in particular, ignoring others
(Nature) check reveals it to be like no natural creature’s blood,
even as they were doing their best to bring it down.
seeming more like resin or some other sticky mass than blood
• Adaki. Her daughter, Adaki, was injured as the Night Thing
from an animal. It is flammable, and ignites quickly if touched
fled—they found her trampled and unconscious when they
by fire, emitting a foul, acrid stench. The blood is too splat-
pursued it into the dark. Adaki is now resting in Skarna’s
tered to burn in a steady trail.
tent, and is seeing no visitors until she wakes.
The blood is spattered down the trail, and can be followed
If the heroes ask for resources or supplies, she says that the clan with a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check. If the characters fail
is nearly depleted after so many nights of battling this creature. that check, they can still pick up the trail with a DC 8 Intel-
If they ask for a guide or allies to help them hunt, she ligence (Investigation) check to notice how the grass has
recommends asking Vom Root-Spear, who is guarding the gate. been trampled, tree branches snapped, and blood spatters the
She commends him as a courageous and loyal fighter who will ground. From there they can pick up the trail and follow it.
do his best to avenge her son.
When the characters are done talking with her, Skarna
excuses herself, saying she is exhausted from her son’s funeral,
Forest Path
and withdraws to the Meeting Tent.
You travel into the forest, surrounded by swirling mist and
leaves of green and amber. Bothersome gnats and flies
CHIEFTAIN SKARNA TWO-AXE whine nearby as you walk along the blood trail. The land dips
and curves, crossing small creeks and old riverbeds.
Skarna Two-Axe (LG female dwarven berserker) is a powerful-
ly-built dwarvish woman whose eyes glitter with actual emer-
The characters travel for half an hour. If Vom is with them, he
ald and whose long, curly hair is streaked with true granite. She
asks about their names, their stories, and their goals. Use his
is a strong leader, a generous ally, and a good mother. When
curiosity to encourage roleplaying among your players. If they
the party meets her, she is grief-stricken at the death of her
didn’t bring Vom, ask them if they converse on the journey,
firstborn, Brakar, and anxious about her daughter, Adaki, who
giving them a chance to get to know each other’s characters.
is recovering from a terrible wound. She wields one +1 stone
great-axe and carries a second great-axe strapped to her back.
Skarna has darkvision, advantage on saving throws against Cliff & Tree
poison, and resistance against poison damage.
Personality Trait. Skarna is in shock and denial when A curve in the path reveals a sudden climb ahead—a granite
the party meets her and tends to speak in short, clipped cliff rises from the forest floor, as high as five or six hunters.
sentences, focusing entirely on practical matters. Any The steep cliff face is plastered with wet green and yellow
reference to emotion is waved away with a dismissive leaves. A huge, dead fern tree leans at an angle against the
hand gesture. All she cares about is the death of the Night cliff. Its roots are half-dug out of the earth and its crown
Thing. This is unsettling to her clan, who know her as a warm rests near the top of the cliff. The tree is sticky with the
person, quick to laugh and full of the joy of life. smeared blood of the Night Thing, which must have used
Ideal. Skarna believes that survival without honor is not this tree to reach the top.
survival at all. She has always led her people to be faithful
allies in peace, hunt, festival, and battle. This commitment The characters must climb the cliff to follow the trail of the
to honor is why she is unable to break her own taboo against Night Thing. The ascent is not easy, and the party must be
hunting before the mourning period for her son has ended. resourceful to solve the challenge of the ascent. The cliff is 30
Bond. As chieftain, Skarna is utterly committed to the feet high, and the tree leans against it at a steep angle, leaving 5
wellbeing of her clan and her surviving daughter. She will feet of exposed rock between the top of the tree and the top of
take no action that she believes will harm her people. the cliff. If a character makes it to the top, there are young trees
Flaw. Skarna is so devoted to honor that she rarely growing there which are easy to fasten a rope to, allowing a
detects treachery in others, and is willfully blind to her simple path to the top for the rest of the party.
daughter’s dark streak of jealousy. No better path. If the characters seek another way forward,
they can attempt a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check to find an
alternative route and relocate the trail at the top of the cliff.
a s d
tifiable. The head of some unknown beast is mounted on the
wall like a hunting trophy, its mouth stitched jaggedly. Its
eyes roll and blink and follow the characters miserably as they
move around the space.
m c ; l k
4 2
14 In the Lair of the Night Thing
Confronted with obvious evil, the characters might try to
This green hag is old and ugly, with a long nose and chin, lank
bypass Mother Hush, searching for another exit besides her
white hair, a hunched posture, and a tendency to cackle and
hut. If that happens, after some time passes, she approaches
call the characters “my child” or “pet” or “dearie.”
them and begins her parlay.
Personality Trait. Mother Hush has a sickly-sweet
Combat. If the characters attack her, she attempts to avoid
demeanor, behaving like a doting grandmother, and what-
taking damage without dealing any damage herself. Should
ever mischief the characters get into she seems to thor-
she be near death, she will awaken the treant to fight on her
oughly enjoy and approve of. The only things that make her
behalf and attempt to slip away invisibly.
unhappy are attempts at directness, honesty, kindness, or
Cooperation. If at least one of the characters cooperate, even
generosity, which she despises outright.
if all the others refuse, she will open the way to the Night
Ideal. Misery. Mother Hush believes that mortals are
Thing’s lair. Otherwise she will continue to try and coax them
made to suffer, and the more extended and complex their
to make a trade with her.
suffering, the better.
Information. If the characters ask her for any information
Bond. She is working as an agent of a higher authority,
on the Night Thing, she rolls a Charisma (Deception) check to
and wants the players to succeed in eradicating the Dread
lie and say she’s never heard of such a beast. If they ask about
Elves so that she can use their door to Nod unsupervised, in
any other named NPC she briefly alters her appearance to take
accordance with her larger scheme, wherein she can travel
on a mockery of their appearance, with their worst features
through Nod and use its magic to accomplish her masters’
exaggerated, saying something like “who, you mean me?” ...
ends. Look through the “Threats” section in Chapter 11 of
she will then answer as suits her whim, but all with the goal
Planegea and decide which one you’d like her affiliated with...
of gaining the character’s trust enough to access their secrets
almost any of them could use quick passage through time
and send them on their way.
and space, and access to sources of great magical power.
Flaw. Arrogance. Mother Hush is supremely convinced
of her own intelligence, and will show off her power and
The hag is allied with a greater evil power, and is playing
cleverness any chance she gets.
both sides, working with the dread elves and also eager to see
them destroyed now that they’ve outlived their usefulness to
her. If you want to use this adventure as the start of a longer
campaign, figuring out who Mother Hush was working for
could be a fruitful avenue of inquiry for the characters.
You can plant seeds for future adventures by leaving small MOTHER HUSH’S DEPARTURE
clues to her patron in the hut. Use the table here for inspira-
With that, she steps into the creek and walks forward one
tion, or invent your own clues. If the characters ask about any
step, two steps, three steps... she’s ankle deep in the water,
of these clues, Mother Hush will answer evasively, or simply
and then knee deep. She keeps walking, and it’s up to her
tell them to mind their own business.
waist, and then her neck, and then her head disappears
Patron Clue under the water. The creek—too small to swallow a
The Giant Empires A giant’s obsidian knife is hung in a person—rushes on. She does not return.
place of honor on the wall
Mother Hush has used a combination of the minor illusion cantrip
The Brood A map on the table is weighed down
along with her Invisible Passage ability to seemingly disappear
with chromatic dragon scales
into the water. In truth, she’s lying under the creek, waiting for
Kelodhros A large model of a ziggurat takes up the characters to pass on. If discovered, she will laugh off the
Ascendant one wall, with ritual markings along whole thing as a bit of showing off and wish them well as they
each side set off.
Fiendish Gods Ritual objects of fiendish worship are
arranged in a circle on the floor THE BLACK WILLOW
Vyrkha the Shepherd A finely sketched portrait shows The brook is frigid and fast, plunging downhill. You can pick
a young human warlord, riding a your way along its edge while keeping mostly dry. It leaps
sabertooth into battle and gurgles over mossy rocks and around sandbars for many
Duru Humanoid figures made of twisted minutes, before spilling out into a slower pool at the foot of
twigs and thorns and vines lie a great black willow, its long tendrils trailing in the calmer
motionless in a corner water. From its branches, you hear rustling and the cries of
The Recusance A complex arcane spell is marked on what sound like enormous birds.
one wall, drawn in ash and blood, with
tattoo supplies nearby The branches of the window are the roosting place for 5
tentwings (p. 26) who are used by the dread elves in the
The Gift of Thirst Jars of blood sit near the fire, being kept
lair as mounts. The characters must make a Dexterity (Stealth)
warm as if for expected company
check against the tentwings’ Wisdom (Perception). If the
Craven of the A tarred basket holding transparent tentwings perceive them, they will screech loudly, but will not
Kraken Coast slime sits under an open window attack unless the characters do so first.
The Crawling Awful A strange, devious black device gleams
on the table—it seems not to be made ENTRANCES
by or for humanoid hands This willow’s roots hide the door to the dread elf lair. There is
Deepthought A shelf holds the skull of each kind of also another entrance at the top of the trunk if the characters
bird that dwells in the forest, neatly climb the tree—this is much larger, 8 feet in diameter, and is
arranged into perfect rows where the Night Thing crawled into and out of its hiding place.
It’s possible to discover this by exploring the tree or by making
Nazh-Agaa A wooden stake and jar of blessed
a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check to perceive the blood trail,
water are arranged near the bed
which has been mostly scrubbed away by the dread elves.
Characters who search for the door in the roots, as Mother
Hush suggested, must succeed on a DC 8 Intelligence (Investi-
Brook & Willow gation) check to find the door, which also reveals its presence
Once Mother Hush is satisfied that everyone who is willing with the spell detect magic, glowing with evocation energy
has sold their secrets, she leads the party outside, walks to the from the trap at its handle. The door can also be found if the
clearing’s edge, and whispers to the trees. The characters hear characters spend a short rest at the tree while seeking the
the sound of running water, and the tree twists aside to reveal entrance.
a small brook traveling downhill. The dread elves in the lair are not actively keeping watch, as
The rocks at the brook’s edge are smeared with the black, they believe their lair is undetected. Therefore the characters
tarry blood of the Night Thing, but the blood trail disap- have no need of Dexterity (Stealth) checks when approaching
pears at the water’s edge. Mother Hush tells them to follow the door... but the players don’t need to know that.
the water, and that they’ll find what they’re looking for The door itself is trapped with a spell, which must be
when they see the black tree. She says the doorway is in the disarmed with a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or it
roots, and to be wary of tricks inside. casts magic missile at first level, targeting the three creatures
closest to the door when triggered. If more than three targets
are equally close, targets are chosen randomly.
Once either entrance is found or the lair is entered, the
characters can advance to 2nd level. This may be a good place
to end your session.
Adversaries Location Notes
journeys into the lair of the Night Thing and discover
the conspiracy between Adaki Two-Axe, Mother Hush, Adaki (dwarf 2. Central Watching from inside the
and the dread elves of the Nightmare World. In this noble) Chamber ritual circle, invisible and
intangible until revealed by
section they will investigate the lair, encounter Adaki
the purple firelight
in her dwarven and Night Thing forms, and learn of the
danger back in the Two-Axe camp which they must ultimately 4 drow tribal 4. Living If aware of the characters,
rush back to confront. warriors Chamber will attack with war cries,
alerting the leaders
illuminated by the purple light of the crystals. No matter If the PCs have darkvision or bring light into the chamber, read:
what happens, she will remain still and quiet until revealed.
This appears to be a living area. Eight straw mattresses
Consider how the characters’ words affect her—she watches
covered in fur blankets are pushed close to the walls with a
and judges everything they say and do within her sight.
scattering of half a dozen clay pots. There is a tall wooden
Blood. The blood in the center of the chamber does not lead
rack where fish and various types of fungus are being dried
anywhere, since Adaki transformed back into herself once
and prepared for preservation, and one 5-foot-tall black pole
she reached the lair. It has since been scrubbed by the dread
on which is mounted a large purple crystal.
elves to remove its stench, so there are no tracks that can be
detected in it.
The party may have already alerted the 4 dread elf tribal
Ladder. The ladder up the trunk leads to the crown of the
warriors to their presence. If they haven’t (and enter the cham-
tree, but there is also a side passage just out of sight from the
ber without light), read:
main chamber, 15 feet above the floor, which leads to a similar
ladder down into the Door Chamber (Area 7). Crouched on some of the mattresses, their voices low in
Listening in. If the characters have managed to avoid alert- earnest conversation are four elves. Their skin is translucent,
ing the enemies in the Council Chamber (Area 6) to their like ink in water, and they blend into the shadows. Long
presence, they can hear three muffled voices (two female, one spears rest beside them. They glance frequently with
male) through the door on the northwest wall. They are speak- worried eyes toward the doorway behind them.
ing softly but urgently in Undercommon. Any character who
speaks Undercommon can listen at the door and overhear the The dread elves are speaking in Undercommon. They are
council’s debate (see sidebar, p. 22). discussing the sudden change in plans, with their leader
Developments. If the characters have not attracted the having disguised himself as Adaki, and are uncertain what the
attention of the tribal warriors yet, noisy behavior in the coming evening will hold. They are the lowest in status and
central chamber will summon them. They prefer to fight in await the outcome of a debate in the Council Chamber (6). Two
total darkness, and three of them will make Dexterity (Stealth) of them think that their leader’s plan will work out fine, while
checks to hide from the characters until they can ambush the other two believe the plan has already failed and that they
them, while the fourth will make a Dexterity (Stealth) check should all return to Nod and try again another season.
to sneak through the bone Pyre Chamber (Area 5) and alert Developments. As soon as they become aware of the charac-
their allies in the Council Chamber (Area 6), who will also try ters, they will attack them with war-cries that will alert their
to instigate a surprise attack on the party. allies in the Council Chamber (Area 6). They will attempt to
surround the characters if possible, using their pack tactics in
3. SCRATCHING CHAMBER the darkness for greatest advantage.
Loot. Each tribal warrior carries a spear, hide armor, bone
This chamber is dark and empty, except for a purple crystal
jewelry worth 1 ps, and a cooking knife.
mounted on a 5-foot-tall black pole, and an elaborate carving
Mattresses. The mattresses are where each of the dread
that has been scratched with rough blades into the wall and floor.
elves keeps their personal effects, and can be searched with a
successful DC 8 Intelligence (Investigation) check. In the two
If the PCs examine the carving, read or paraphrase the following:
mattresses on the northeast wall are hidden a dagger and 3
Near the ceiling of the chamber, you see a carving of a door crossbow bolts. In the four mattresses on the southeast wall
standing open, and from this door emerge six figures—a are hidden four carved icons of a door, one for each mattress.
masked giant, a dragon bound in vines, a wolf-skinned One mattress also holds a small clay figure with a feminine
war-god, a circle of hooded figures with empty faces, a shape. The mattress on the southwest wall conceals a potion of
huge beetle, and a throne full of darkness. These figures healing, and the mattress on the northwest wall hides a vial of
are depicted flying down towards countless tiny human basic poison.
silhouettes scratched near the floor and into the ground, as Pots. The pots hold various liquids. Roll on this table for
if they were soaring down from the door to wreak terrible their contents:
destruction on the mortals below.
d8 Pot contents
The dread elves spend much of their time elaborating this 1 Waste
terrifying carving of nightmares descending from their world
2–4 Water
to maraud the mortal realms. The order of these figures is the
order in which figurines must be placed to unlock the night- 5–7 Oil
mare realm in the Key Chamber (Area 8).
8 Wine
There is nothing else in this chamber. The ceiling is 10 feet
high, and the only doors are to the Central Chamber (Area 2)
Rack. On the large wooden rack is raw fish and unsorted
and the Labyrinth Chamber (Area 1).
mushrooms equal to 2 rations (once cooked) and 5 cooked
rations. There are also 10 portions of salt in a small woven bag
4. LIVING CHAMBER and a strange purple vegetable that gives off a biter smell. A
This low-ceilinged chamber is almost entirely pitch black, DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check suggests it might be a plant
illuminated only by the daylight spilling from the next room native to the Nightmare World. Eating it gives a creature dark-
and the low glow of coals in a small cooking hearth near the vision for 4 hours and produces vivid dreams during sleep for
center of the room. 24 hours after consumption.
Hearth. On the hearth are cooked fish equal to 1 ration.
Bonus Actions
Quickflight. The tentwing moves up to half its fly speed.
m o s h
r n x 1 7
3 8 c In the Lair of the Night Thing 29
The Two-Axe clan can be any size and have any NPCs you As a lesser god, Gwehrsus remains hidden from the world,
wish to introduce. The members listed here are offered as lest some enterprising greater god or magic user attempt
suggestions, to quickly provide names and identities, as to kill him and take his divine ivory. Gwehrsus dwells in a
well as some intriguing secrets to propel further adven- secret hallow—a great muddy gulch that dips down suddenly
tures. However, you should consider this list a starting place, between two hills. Gwehrus has made the gulch undetectable
and alter it however you see fit for the stories you want to with his divine power, except to those he wills to find it.
explore at your table. A sense of pride. When entering the hallow, Gwehrsus’s
divine influence causes one to feel an immense sense of pride
MEMBER ROLE SECRET and satisfaction, realizing all the things one has achieved and
Skarna Two-Axe. . . Chieftain. . . . . . . . . . Loved Brakar most done right in the world.
Suuru . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaman. . . . . . . . . . . Afraid of Little Blue Short-term thinking. It’s hard to form long plans in Gwehr-
Ensik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Knew Adaki’s secret sus’s hallow. The god’s influence makes fixed ideas about the
Vorn Root-Spear. . . Hunter. . . . . . . . . . . . Loved Adaki
future difficult to consider, and the past seems largely irrel-
Quickpause. . . . . . . Hunter. . . . . . . . . . . . On the run from Nod
Uldush . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Fisher. . . . . . . Still mourns dead wife evant. Gwehrsus is focused on the here-and-now, and those
Tojabor. . . . . . . . . . . . Shaman’s Aide. . . . Resents Suuru who enter his sway have trouble taking anything else seriously
Wikwik. . . . . . . . . . . . Shaman’s Aide. . . . Haunted while in his gulch.
Little Blue. . . . . . . . . Shaman’s Aide. . . . Druidic powers Magical gifts. Gwehrsus is generous and impulsive, and will
Squareshell. . . . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . In love with ancestor happily enchant objects or give short-term boons to those who
Riga Wolfknife. . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . Causes trouble for fun ask. These boons and enchantments rarely last long, but they
Thullum . . . . . . . . . . . Crafter. . . . . . . . . . . . Hates Fulgarodo can serve a useful purpose for their short duration, if used
Fulgarodo. . . . . . . . . Drinkmaster. . . . . . Hates Thullum before the magic runs out.
Hesher. . . . . . . . . . . . Sorcerer. . . . . . . . . . Despises Bar
Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorcerer. . . . . . . . . . Fascinated by Eskren
Eskren . . . . . . . . . . . . Outcast. . . . . . . . . . . Exploring dark magic
Hekeshu . . . . . . . . . . Hunter. . . . . . . . . . . . Plans to marry Zaulga Gwehrsus is a NG celestial god of the here-and-now, and his
Randa. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hunter. . . . . . . . . . . . Murderer divine domains include nature, life, and war. The warlike side
Amash . . . . . . . . . . . . Crafter. . . . . . . . . . . . Prophetic dreams of Gwehrsus rarely arises, as he prefers to remain hidden from
Dokh Daslas. . . . . . .Crafter. . . . . . . . . . . . Hides sorcerous power conflict. But when cornered, or when his pride is threatened,
Zaulga. . . . . . . . . . . . . Crafter. . . . . . . . . . . . Plans to leave the clan Gwehrsus is capable of flying into a destructive rage that
Pethgami . . . . . . . . . Caretaker. . . . . . . . . Steals supplies makes the forest and hills tremble.
Klebos . . . . . . . . . . . . Caretaker. . . . . . . . . Dying of hidden illness
Uekyu. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . In love with Shasha DESIRES OF THE BOAR-GOD
Shasha. . . . . . . . . . . . Fisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixes poisons Above all else, Gwehrsus desires to be left alone, allowed
Khuad. . . . . . . . . . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . Afraid of the dark
to enjoy his proud pleasure in his own divinity and the
Etadulath . . . . . . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . Can talk with insects
Muchless . . . . . . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . Secret blood-dancer gulch-hallow he’s sealed off from the world. But every now
Baros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . Private stash of food and then his mind will turn to other concerns, such as:
Humhum. . . . . . . . . . Gatherer. . . . . . . . . . A child of Kraia Divine ivory. Although Gwehrsus is a good god and not
Ant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reincarnated hero inclined to send his followers against another god, like most
Tiegi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fathered by Dokh deities he covets more power. He knows that there are other
gods nearby, and should one of them ever die, he would
be happy to be brought their divine ivory, so that he could
consume it and become stronger. He recognizes doing so is
morally questionable among other gods, but is proud enough
to believe that—as long as he doesn’t raise a tusk against the
Gods & Greater Powers dead god himself—nobody could blame him for taking advan-
tage of an opportunity.
Like most clans, the people of Two-Axe live in a network of
Local druids. Gwehrsus is aware that there is a small circle
powerful magical beings, relying on the patronage of a god to
of druids somewhere in his domain. He suspects no more than
protect them. Suuru has long been devoted to Gwehrsus, the
two or three of them exist, but feels the drain on his divine
Giant Boar-God, but there are other entities that must be dealt
power sometimes when they’re enacting their rites and ritu-
with as well in the wilderness, especially when the cold bite of
als. He is afraid to mention them, concerned that raising the
winter forces the clan to travel southwards.
sword against them might incur their wrath and send them
into this hidden hallow. However, if they ever grow in power
GWEHRSUS THE GIANT BOAR or threaten him, his wrath might be aroused and he could
The secretive Gwehrsus has been the divine power protecting
send those who will do his bidding to root them out.
the clan for many years. Gwehrus is a first-strata god, meaning
Shrine-building. Since the consumption of divine ivory is
his power is localized to a small area. Although only Suuru has
unlikely, Gwehrsus is passively interested in other ways of
seen him, Gwehrsus appears in the form of a giant red boar,
expanding his power, including the construction of shrines to
with a single curving tusk protruding from his mighty snout.
himself. Occasionally he asks Suuru to erect a new monument
Gwehrsus is proud and short-sighted, but genuinely good and
somewhere in the wilderness, usually at a high place so it can
desires nothing but the wellbeing of those who serve him.
be seen from a distance. Such shrines focus his divine magic,
and expand his influence a bit farther. Of course, the construc-
tion of these shrines is dangerous work, attracting attention