Iso 22715 2006

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First edition

Cosmetics — Packaging and labelling

Cosmétiques — Emballage et étiquetage


ISO 22715:2006

Reference number
ISO 22715:2006(E)

© ISO 2006
ISO 22715:2006(E)

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ISO 22715:2006

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ISO 22715:2006(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

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ISO 22715 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 217, Cosmetics.


ISO 22715:2006

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved iii

ISO 22715:2006

Cosmetics — Packaging and labelling

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for packaging and labelling of all cosmetic products as
defined according to national regulations or practices intended for sale or free distribution.

National regulations can, on several points, be more strict than this International Standard.

This International Standard is intended for use on cosmetics.

NOTE For packaging and labelling of toothpastes and oral rinses, see also ISO 11609 [5] and ISO 16408 [6].

2 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.


primary packaging
packaging designed to come into direct contact with the contents

2.2 ISO 22715:2006

secondary packaging
packaging designed to contain one dcbcb301bccd/iso-22715-2006
or more primary packages and including any protective materials, if

NOTE For labelling purposes, the outermost packaging is considered to be the secondary packaging that holds or
contains the package at the point of sale.

packaging at the point of sale, containing similar or different products with similar or different functions

3 Packaging
The packaging shall be designed so that, under conditions specified by the manufacturer for storage, transport
and handling, it protects against damage and deterioration and it does not adversely affect the product.

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ISO 22715:2006(E)

4 Labelling

4.1 General case

4.1.1 Information to be provided on the packaging

a) Name of the person responsible for placing the product on the market. It can be the manufacturer, or his
authorized agent, or the person to whose order a cosmetic product is manufactured or the person
responsible for its first importation into the country.

Such information may be abbreviated insofar as the abbreviation makes it generally possible to identify
the company.

b) Address of the person responsible for placing the product on the market. It can be the manufacturer, or
his authorized agent, or the person to whose order a cosmetic product is manufactured or the person
responsible for its first importation into the country.

Such information may be abbreviated insofar as the abbreviation makes it generally possible to identify
the company.

c) List of ingredients. Ingredients present at greater than 1 % shall be listed in descending order of weight at
the time they are added, followed by those in concentration of less than or equal to 1 %, in any order.
Colouring agents may be listed in any order after the other ingredients. The use of the International
Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) is strongly supported. Perfumes and aromatic compositions
may be listed as a single ingredient. For cosmetic products marketed in several colour shades, all the
colorants used in the range can be listed preceded by the sign “+/−” or the words “may contain”.
The “INCI” is an international recognized coded nomenclature that should be used as such (see
References [1], [2] and [3]).
ISO 22715:2006
d) Function of the product, unless it is clear from its presentation.
e) Storage conditions when appropriate.

f) Nominal content at the time of packaging, given by weight or volume. Units can be used when justified.

g) Manufacture batch number, date of manufacturing, or any reference for identifying the product.

h) Precautions and warning statements, when appropriate.

i) Instructions for use, when appropriate.

4.1.2 Position of the information on the packaging

Products shall bear the information mentioned above on their primary and secondary packaging in an indelible,
easily legible, visible lettering and in a language appropriate for the country of sale or free distribution.

The information mentioned in point 4.1.1 b) may, however, be indicated on the secondary packaging only.

The information mentioned in point 4.1.1 c) shall be visible to the consumer at the point of sale.

The information mentioned in point 4.1.1 d) may, however, be indicated on the secondary packaging only.
Whenever the lack of this information is confusing and may lead to inadvertent misuse, it shall also be
indicated on the primary packaging.

The information mentioned in point 4.1.1 g) may, however, be indicated on the primary packaging if visible
before opening the secondary packaging.

2 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 22715:2006(E)

4.2 Particular cases

NOTE A combination of the following particular cases is possible.

4.2.1 Small packages

Products in packages between less than 15 g or 15 ml and more than 10 g or 10 ml shall bear:

⎯ the information mentioned in points 4.1.1 a), e), h) on their primary and secondary packaging;

⎯ the information mentioned in point 4.1.1 d) on their secondary packaging only. Whenever the lack of this
information is confusing and may lead to inadvertent misuse, it shall also be provided on the primary

⎯ the information mentioned in point 4.1.1 g) on their primary packaging;

⎯ the information mentioned in point 4.1.1 c), visible to the consumer at the point of sale.

The information mentioned in points 4.1.1 b), f) and i) may be on the secondary packaging only.

Products in packages of 10 g or 10 ml and below do not require the information mentioned in point 4.1.1 f).

4.2.2 Impracticability


Where general labelling is impracticable for any reason (e.g. soap, bath balls and other small products), the
product shall bear the information on an attachment (e.g. tag, label, leaflet) or a symbol that indicates that
declaration is available on a multiple package or, failing that, on a notice in immediate proximity to the
container, or on another display device in which the cosmetic product is exposed to sale.
ISO 22715:2006
4.2.3 Single application packs
Single application packs may not require 4.1.1 f).

4.2.4 Pre-packages normally sold as a number of items

The pre-packages shall bear the information mentioned in points 4.1.1 a), b), c), d), e), f), g), h), i). As an
alternative to 4.1.1 f), the number of units in the pack may be labelled if not visible from the outside.

4.2.5 Free samples

Samples for free distribution shall bear at least the information mentioned in points 4.1.1 a), h) and i).

4.3 Recommended practices

Information on the durability of the product should be given when appropriate.

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ISO 22715:2006(E)

Annex A

Information to be provided on primary and/or secondary packaging

Table A.1 — Minimum information to be provided on packaging in the general case

Primary packaging Secondary packaging Comments

a) Name of the person

responsible for placing the Xa X
product on the market
b) Address of the person
responsible for placing the X
product on the market
c) List of ingredients Visible to the consumer at the point of sale
Whenever the lack of this
information is confusing and
may lead to inadvertent
d) Function of the product X
misuse, it shall also be
indicated on the primary
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW packaging.
e) Storage conditions X X When appropriate.
( Given by weight or volume.
f) Nominal content at the time
X X Units can be used when
of packaging ISO 22715:2006 justified.
g) Manufacture batch number, dcbcb301bccd/iso-22715-2006
date of manufacturing, or any If visible before opening the
reference for identifying the secondary packaging.
h) Precautions and warning
X X When appropriate.
i) Instructions for use X X When appropriate.
a X means that the information is to be provided on this packaging.

4 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 22715:2006(E)


[1] International Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary, Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association —
1101 17th Street, N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036-4702

[2] Commission Decision of 8 May 1996 establishing an inventory and a common nomenclature of
ingredients employed in cosmetic products, OJ EC L 132, 1 June, 1996

[3] From TN Instructions

[4] ASEAN Technical Document for Cosmetics on the Labelling Requirements 1)

[5] ISO 11609, Dentistry — Toothpastes — Requirements, test methods and marking

[6] ISO 16408, Dentistry — Oral hygiene products — Oral rinses


ISO 22715:2006

1) In preparation.

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