Contact - Modem Setup - TP-Link HX510 Mesh
Contact - Modem Setup - TP-Link HX510 Mesh
Contact - Modem Setup - TP-Link HX510 Mesh
1. On your phone or tablet download the Aginet app from the Google
Play or App Store (scan the QR code for quick access) and make sure
the app has access to your local network.
2. Ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi and near the modem so it
can be found easily.
3. Click on Continue without creating a TP-Link.
4. A screen will pop up saying HX510 is found, click on Set up device. If it doesn’t appear
check your device is connected to Wi-Fi. Refresh your device either by pulling down
the screen or closing and opening the app again.
5. Click on Connect to a modem – it will locate your device and ask for a password.
Use password1 all in lower case.
6. Select the room where the modem is located (e.g. bedroom) and click Next.
7. Select your connection profile, or the default ipoe_10_0_d and click Next.
8. You’ll be asked to check the present profile settings – just click Next.
9. You’ll be asked if you want band steering, leave this on and click Next.
10. If you’d like to change your network name, you can simply type a new one in the
Network Name field (e.g. Sam’s TP-Link). You can also do the same for your password.
11. Click Connect. If you need to add another modem (mesh device) you’ll be able to now,
otherwise just click Done and you’re all set up.
CT1256 02/23
Want more coverage? If you need to extend the Wi-Fi coverage in your home, you can order additional
TP-Link HX510 Mesh Wi-Fi units. Details about how to do this are in our FAQs at