PHC Detailed Order - PTI Election Symbol
PHC Detailed Order - PTI Election Symbol
PHC Detailed Order - PTI Election Symbol
WP No. 6173-P/2023
SYED ARSHAD ALI. J:- The question before us, in the
present case, is whether the Election Commission of Pakistan
(ECP) has the power and jurisdiction under Article 218 (3),
Anicle 2L9 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, 1973 (Constitution) read with sections 208 and Zl5
(5) of the Election Act,2017 (Act) to question, adjudicate and
probe the Intra Party Election of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf
(PTD which was conducted by the PTI on the directions of
ECP on 2'd Decembe \ 2023 .
argued that the ECP has no jurisdiction to probe the Intra Party
under the Election Act or Rules, the ECP has inherent power
to collect evidence in order to form an opinion regarding the
- validity and procedure adherence of intra par:ty election. To
5,4' fuither bolster the said arguments, the learned counsel has also
referred to Suo Moto case No. 07 of 2017 reported as PLD
2019 SC 318.
=7i', accordance with section 209 of the Election Act, 2017 along
with all relevant documents to ECP on 04.12.2023. In the
Petition filed by the appellant before it for decision
on rnerits, in accordance with lqw".
(3) It shall be the duty of the Election Commission to
organize and conduct the election and to make such
arrangements as are necessary to ensure that the election
is conducted honestly, justly, fatrly and in accordance
with law, and that corrupt practices are guarded against.
(e) such other functions as may be speci/ied by an Act
of Maj I i s - e - Sho or a (P arl i ame nt).
Election Act.2017
201. Constitution of political parties. - (1) A political
party shall formulate its constitution, by whatever name
called, which shall include-
(a) the aims and objectives of the politica,l party;
(b) organizational structure of the political party at
the Federal, Provincial and local levels, whichever is
@ membership fee to be paid by the members where
(d) designation and tenure of the ofice-bearers of the
political party;
(e) criteria for receipt and collection of funds for the
political party; and
(/) procedurefor-
(i) election of ffice-bearers;
>4 (it) powers and functions of ffice-bearers including
fi nancial de cis ion-makin g ;
(iii) selection or nomination of party candidates for
election to public ffices and legtslative bodies;
(iv) resolution of disputes between mernbers and
political partl, including issues relating to suspension
and expulsion of members; and
(v) method and rnanner of amendments in the
constitution of the political party.
public. Messrs Dwarka Prasad v. State of U.P. (AIR
1954 SC 224), P.P. Enterprises v. Union of India
(ArR te82 SC 1016).
ii. The Court would see both to the nature of the
restriction and procedure prescribed by the statute
for enforcing the restriction on the individual
freedom. Not only substantive but procedural
provisions of statute also enter into the verdict of its
reasonableness Kishan Chan v. Commissioner of
Police (AIR 1961 SC 705).
iii. The principles of natural justice are an element in
considering reasonableness of a restriction but the
elaborate rules of natural justice mry be excluded
expressly or by necessary irnplication where
procedural provisions are made in the statute.
Haradhan Saha v. State of W.B. (1975 3 SCC 1981.
iv. Absence of provisionfor review makes the provisions
unreasonable. K.T. Moopil Nair v. State of Kerala
(ArR 196r SC ss2).
v. Retrospectivity of a law may also be the relevant
factor of law, although a retrospectivity of law does
not makc it automatically unreasonable.
Narottamdas v. State of Maddhya Pradesh and
others (AIR 1964 SC 1667).
vi. Reasonable restriction also includes cases of total
prohibition of a particular trade or business which
deprive a person of his fundamental right under
certain circurnstances. Nartndra Ktmar v. Union of
India (AIR 1960 SC 430).
nation, for improvements particularly in
administrative procedures and policies as well as in
the legislative filed, even to the extent of proposing
and pressing for amendment of the Constitution
itself (see page 692 of the Report)".
reproduced as under:-
"The tertn "election is a comprehensive term and
includes all the stages of the election comrnencing
_frorn, the calling of the electorate to vote until the
declaration and notification of the Jinal result.
Obviously casting of votes for the candidates is the
, most important stage in the process of elections.
Now while Rule-9 of the Rules permits a political
party to obtain a cotilrnon symbol to focilitate the
voter to identify hk party candidate, section 21 of
the Act omits to recognize this right. But this Court
has found that elections may be held on party basis
in every constituency by virtue of the Fundamental
Right conferred on the citizens of this country by
Article 17(2) of the Constitution. Thus qn
inconsistency exists between Section 2l of the Act
and the Fundamental Right aforesaid. Section 21,
as it now stands, is neither cognizant of the
existence of political parties nor accords any
recognition to them. Indeed be failure therein to
moke any provision for allocation of any symbol to
v a political party, which alone can enable it to
ffictively participate in the process of elections,
renders nugatory the right to form a political party
and accomplish its objectives, namely, to organize
and fight an election with a view to capturing
political power. Accordingly, I agree with rly
learned brother Shafiur Rahman, J. that Section 2l
is vocative of the Fundamental Right contained in
Article 17(2) and ts void to the extent indicated by
him. The petition, accordingly, must succeed.
25. The survey of the case-law stated above and the
enabling provision of the Constitution as well as the Act lead
us to the conclusion that it is the fundamental right of every
citizen of Pakistan not only to form political par:ty but the
political pafiy should be provided a conducive atmosphere to
contest election for the Parliament, Provincial Assembly,
Senate and to form a Government. It has the right to contest
election under a common symbol this constitutional right
cannot be denied to it on the basis of absurd provision of law.
Therefore, the impugned decision of the ECP is backed by no
legal provision either under the Act or under the Constitution.
Therefore, the same is illegal.
26. Above are the reasons for our short order dated
10.01 .2024, which is reproduced as under:-
Date of hearing & announcement
Ofjudgment...... .......09-1 0 .01.2024
Date of preparation & signing
Ofjudgment............. 12.01.2024
Nawab Shah CS (DB) Justice Ijaz Anwar & Justice Syed Arshad Ali