2023 Bece English Lang Paper 1
2023 Bece English Lang Paper 1
2023 Bece English Lang Paper 1
From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.
2. You cannot swim in the sea,….you? 9. Their sister wore a…………….to the party.
A. Couldn’t A. Beautiful silk pink dress
B. Can B. Silk pink beautiful dress
C. Don’t C. Pink beautiful dress
D. Did D. Beautiful pink silk dress
Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in
each sentence.
In each of the following sentences, a group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives
lettered A to D the one that best explains the underlined group of words.
21. I was informed at the eleventh hour about D. Cried all the more.
his decision to leave town. This means
that I heard it 23. When we went Nina’s house, we were told
A. Very late that she had gone away bag and baggage.
B. At eleven o’clock. This means that Nina had gone away
C. Immediately. A. Leaving all her children.
D. In good time. B. Leaving all the belongings
C. Without informing anyone.
22. We tried all we could to amuse her but D. With all her belongings.
she kept a straight face. This means that
A. Did not listen to us.
B. Looked straight ahead.
C. Refused to laugh.
24. Samantha’s main problem is that she can 25. When he lost his job, Yaro was left to sink
see no further than her nose. This means or swim. This means that Yaro
that Samantha A. Had to find another job.
A. Lacks foresight. B. Shouted for help.
B. Is easy deceived. C. Had to survive on his own.
C. Has a long nose. D. Was depressed.
D. Cannot think.
From the list of words lettered A to D, Choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word
underlined in each sentence.
26. She accidentally tore her dress. 29. We finished several projects last year.
A. Intentionally A. Initiated
B. Willingly B. Concluded
C. Carelessly C. Stopped
D. Foolishly D. Organized
27. The story was written in simple language. 30. The unfavourable weather affected their
A. Foreign health.
B. Strange A. Beautiful
C. Local B. Pleasant
D. Complex C. Cool
D. Promising
28. The arrogant storekeeper lost all his
A. Respectful
B. Obedient
C. Modest
D. Sympathetic