KKSU Darshan & Yoga Vijnana Dept - PSO and COs

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1) M.Sc. Yogic Science


Indian Yoga culture is full of many traditional knowledge fields, related to our existence at physical level to mental,
emotional, spiritual level. This knowledge is to be understood from traditional as well as modern perspective.
The academic programme of M.Sc Yogic Science, is designed to develop professional skill about learning yoga in
modern as well as traditional methods. Using yoga as a tool for physical to spiritual development as well as to get rid
of various illnesses, learning body’s advance level anatomy-physiology is also the main objective of this course.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: Understanding the Sanskrit literature & Indian philosophy.

PO2: Understanding the anatomy and physiology of human body, also the structure of human body and its existence
with the help of basics of Ayurveda.

PO3: To learn various aspects of yoga to maintain positive health.

PO4: Learn the specifics of various yoga poses, breathing exercises, cleansing processes and meditative practices
with Anatomical perspective.

PO5: Understand the physiological, psychological, emotional effects of yogic practices.

PO6: Learn the concept of yogic diet through diet and nutrition.

PO7: Learn the various aspects of human psychology.

PO8: Understand the therapeutic aspect of yoga, understand various models of yoga therapy and complementary
therapies through applied yoga.

PO9: Learn the research methodology with respect to various yoga objectives.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PSO1: Learn the Sanskrit literature, sanskrit poetry, selected medicinal sutras and philosophies related to nyaya,
vaisheshika, mimansa.

PSO2: Learn human anatomy and physiology, cellular, muscular, skeletal structures, learn various human systems like
cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous & endocrine systems.

PSO3: Learn and understand Indian health systems through the concept of Ayurveda, basic principles of Ayurveda
Panchakarma and cleansing processes in Ayurveda.

PSO4: Learn various aspects of yoga for positive health, learn how yoga can lead to overall physical, mental, emotional,
spiritual development.

PSO5: Learn various Indian philosophies like Charvak, Baudha, Jaina, Vedanta.

PSO6: Understand health psychology, mental disorders and various methods of yoga counselling to deal with those

PSO7: Learn and understand concept of Patanjal yoga sutras with respect to various padas/chapters.

PSO8: Understand various yoga practical modules for women, students, senior citizens, corporate professionals.
PSO9: Learn the complete process of research methodology for yoga research projects.

PSO10: Initiate and implement yoga research project.

Course Outcome (COs)–

CO1: Students can work as independent yoga professional, yoga teachers, yoga therapist.

CO2: They can setup their own yoga therapy centre.

CO3: They can work ok as yoga therapist in any other medical setup, Hospital, or Wellness centres.

CO4: They can also work as research fellows in Yoga department of various universities,

CO5: They can work as yoga professor in Yoga science department.



2) MA Yogashastra

Indian Yoga culture is full of many traditional knowledge fields, related to our existence at physical level to mental,
emotional, spiritual level. This knowledge is to be understood from traditional as well as modern perspective.
The academic programme of M.A. Yogashastra, is designed to develop professional skill about learning yoga in modern
as well as traditional methods. Using yoga as a tool for physical to spiritual development as well as to get rid of various
illnesses, develop a deep understanding of rich heritage and dynamic prevalent scenario of India through various Yoga
texts is also the main objective of this course.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: Understanding the fundamentals of Indian philosophy.

PO2: Understanding the yoga tradition.

PO3: Understanding the Yoga Upanishad and modern yoga.

PO4: Understanding the yoga allied science and western psychology.

PO5: Understanding the Yoga therapy and other therapies.

PO6: Understanding the research methodology.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PSO1: Understand the various meditation techniques like Patanjal Dhyan, Preksha Dhayan, Cyclic Meditation, Zen
Meditation, Vipassana, Nadanusandhan, etc.

PSO2: Understand the Yoga in Bhagavad Gita and various Yoga Upanishads like Tejobindu, Yogatattva, Amritanand

PSO3: Learn and understand concept of Patanjal yoga sutras with respect to various padas/chapters.

PSO4: Learn and understand concept of Hatha Yog Pradipika with respect to various padas/chapters.

PSO5: Learn about 10 modern thinkers of yoga like Swami Vivekananda, Satyananda Saraswati, B.K.S. Iyengar, Mahesh
Yogi, etc
PSO6: Understand the role of Yoga in education, sports, industries, for women & other varied age groups and yoga

PSO7: Learning and understand the various other therapies like massage therapy, mud therapy, chromo therapy, hydro
therapy and fasting therapy.

PSO8: Learn and understand the allied systems - Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Reiki, Pranik healing and Physiological
effects of Yogic Practices.

PSO9: Learn the complete process of research methodology for yoga research projects.

Course Outcome (COs):

CO1: Students can work as independent yoga professional, yoga teachers, yoga therapist.

CO2: They can work as yoga professor in Yoga philosophy department.

CO3: They can work ok as yoga therapist in any other medical setup, Hospital, or Wellness centres.

CO4: They can setup their own yoga therapy centre.

CO5: They can also work as research fellows in Yoga department of various universities,



3) BA Yogashastra

Indian Yoga culture is full of many traditional knowledge fields, related to our existence at physical level to mental,
emotional, spiritual level. This knowledge is to be understood from traditional as well as modern perspective.
The academic programme of BA Yogashastra, is designed to develop professional skill about learning yoga. Using yoga
as a tool for physical to spiritual development as well as learning body’s anatomy-physiology is also the main objective
of this course.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: Learn the history and philosophy of yoga, various schools of yoga, understand various Yogic principles.

PO2: Understand the basic anatomy and physiology of human body.

PO3: Understand the basic level Sanskrit language.

PO4: Learning Yoga as a therapy tool.

PO5: Perform various yogasanas, Pranayama, breathing practices, cleansing processes with the understanding of its
benefits, indications, contraindications etc.

Program specific outcomes (PSO):

PSO1: Learn the complete steps of Ashtanga yoga, various schools of yoga like Bhakti yoga Karma Yoga Gyan yoga Raja
Yoga Hatha yoga.

PSO2: Learn the yoga teaching methodology, micro and big lesson planning and execution.

PSO3: Learn various Indian Darshana philosophies, learn the samkhya metaphysics and basic yoga sutras.
PSO4: Learn educational principles and practices of yoga.

PSO5: Learn various methods of teaching yoga to different age groups of men and women.

PSO6: Learn various yoga teaching aids.

PSO7: Learn the basic yoga Upanishad, Bhagwat Geeta.

PSO8: Understand the therapeutic aspect of yoga, learn yoga therapy for stress management nervous system disorders
and other common ailments.

PSO9: Understanding the basics of human anatomy and physiology, various human body systems like skeletal muscular
respiratory circulatory digestive.

PSO10: Learn the various approaches of applied yoga and allied Sciences like Ayurveda Naturopathy Psychology.

PSO11: Perform various yogasanas, Pranayama, breathing practices, cleansing processes with the understanding of its
benefits, indications, contraindications etc.

Course outcomes (CO):

CO1: Students will become capable to work as effective yoga teachers.

CO2: Perform various yoga practices and make others also to learn and do yoga.

CO3: Students will be able to get themselves qualified for the higher education and research in Yoga.



4) PG Diploma in Yogic Science


Indian Yoga culture is full of many traditional knowledge fields, related to our existence at physical level to mental,
emotional, spiritual level. This knowledge is to be understood from traditional as well as modern perspective.
The academic programme of PG Diploma in Yogic Science, is designed to develop professional skill about learning yoga.
Using yoga as a tool for physical to spiritual development as well as learning body’s basic level anatomy-physiology is
also the main objective of this course.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: Understand various yoga text and history of yoga.

PO2: Learn the basic human anatomy and physiology

PO3: Learn various Hatha yoga techniques.

PO4: Understand the therapeutic aspects of yoga.

Program specific outcomes (PSO):

PSO1: Learn the yogic philosophy through the concepts of samkhya philosophy, Vedant, Patanjali Yog Sutra, Hatha
yoga pradipika and Bhagwat Geeta.
PSO2: Understanding the basics of human anatomy and various body systems like skeletal, muscular, respiratory,
circulatory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular system.

PSO3: Learn the nervous system functioning of human brain and its function.

PSO4: Learn various Asanas, Pranayama, cleansing processes and other yogic practices as per Hatha yoga pradipika.

PSO5: Learn yoga as a therapy, various yogic practices to get rid of psychosomatic disorders.

PSO6: Learn various yoga models to be taught to various age groups of women, children, old age people.

PSO7: Learn practical yoga in the form of various yoga poses, cleansing practices, breathing practices, meditative

Course outcomes (CO):

CO1: Students will become eligible for higher education in Yoga.

CO2: Students will be able to conduct their own yoga classes.

CO3: They can work as yoga teachers in schools, colleges, institutions, teaching basic yoga practices.



5) Yoga Setu

The academic programme of Yoga Setu, is designed to equip participants, with the basic yoga knowledge, in order to
develop understanding of yoga as a philosophy & practice.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: Understand various yoga text and history of yoga.

PO2: Learn the basic human anatomy and physiology

PO3: Learn about Patanjal Yog Sutra and Hatha yoga Pradipika.

PO4: Learn and understand practically, various yoga practices.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PSO1: Learn and understand concept of Patanjal yoga sutras.

PSO2: Learn and understand concept of Hatha Yog Pradipika.

PSO3: Learn and understand the basic human anatomy and physiology

PSO4: Learn & Understand Yoga for Wellness & Stress management.

PSO5: Learn practical Aasanas, Suryanamskars, Shatkarmas, Sukshma Vyayam, Meditation.

Course Outcome (COs):

CO1: Students will become eligible for higher education in Yoga.

CO2: Students will be able to do their own basic yoga practice without anyone’s guidance.


1) ACHARYA (M.A.) Darshan

Sanskrit has great ancient philosophical heritage in the world. Which is known as Darshana. Darshana is the
compilation of different philosophical schools of thoughts. It consists orthodox and heterodox schools. The thoughts
based on Vedic Authority are considered as orthodox and the thoughts which denies the Vedic authority are
considered as heterodox. Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedant are orthodox schools of thoughts
and Charvaka, Buddhism and Jainism are the heterodox schools of thoughts. Acharya Darshana course is designed to
learn these different schools and to develop their relevance in modern society.


To preserve and propagate ancient wisdom as preserved in Sanskrit.

To practice ancient methods of Shastric Teaching.

To establish relevance of Darshana in modern society.

To make a bridge between tradition and modernity.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: To understand the ancient wisdom through Sanskrit Language.

PO2: To understand various schools of thoughts through Sanskrit.

PO3: To understand the impact of these different schools on religious, cultural and social life.

PO4: To learn the analysis of these philosophical thoughts and to find their impact on mind growth.

PO5: To have disciplined studies for further development.

PO6: To find the relevance of this ancient wisdom in today’s scenario.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PO1: This course introduces students about Ancient Shastric way of thinking.

PO2: This course focuses on students to understand similarities and differences among different schools of thoughts.

PO3: This course makes students to think deeply on these Shastric thoughts as the base of different belief systems and
their evolution.

PO4: This course will help students to comprehend Shastric Method of thought analysis and will enhance students’
analytic approach in thought process.

PO5: Shastric method of learning is helpful to make students disciplined in their study which will be useful for them
for their further study and development.

PO6: This course will not only help students to be expert in traditional knowledge but also will help them to find the
relevance of this Shastric Knowledge in modern times as well.
Course Outcome (COs)–

These courses fulfil the objectives of the University of preserving Shastric knowledge tradition.

Providing opportunities for the students who are interested in learning Shastras.

Creating new tradition of learning and teaching of Sanskrit through medium of Sanskrit.

Creating a new generation of modern scholars with traditional knowledge in society.

CO1: To establish importance of Shastric Tradition in modern times.

CO2: To Spread awareness of different philosophical thoughts.

CO3: To understand the co-existence of different paths and their importance.

CO4: To promote critical thinking.

CO5: To encourage study and research.



2) Sammanita Shastri Darshana

Sanskrit has great ancient philosophical heritage in the world. Which is known as Darshana. Darshana is the
compilation of different philosophical schools of thoughts. It consists orthodox and heterodox schools. The thoughts
based on Vedic Authority are considered as orthodox and the thoughts which denies the Vedic authority are
considered as heterodox. Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedant are orthodox schools of thoughts
and Charvaka, Buddhism and Jainism are the heterodox schools of thoughts. Acharya Darshana course is designed to
learn these different schools and to develop their relevance in modern society.


To preserve and propagate ancient wisdom as preserved in Sanskrit.

To practice ancient methods of Shastric Teaching.

To establish relevance of Darshana in modern society.

To make a bridge between tradition and modernity.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: To understand the ancient wisdom through Sanskrit Language.

PO2: To understand various schools of thoughts through Sanskrit.

PO3: To understand the impact of these different schools on religious, cultural and social life.

PO4: To learn the analysis of these philosophical thoughts and to find their impact on mind growth.

PO5: To have disciplined studies for further development.

PO6: To find the relevance of this ancient wisdom in today’s scenario.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PO1: This course introduces students about Ancient Shastric way of thinking.

PO2: This course focuses on students to understand similarities and differences among different schools of thoughts.

PO3: This course makes students to think deeply on these Shastric thoughts as the base of different belief systems and
their evolution.

PO4: This course will help students to comprehend Shastric Method of thought analysis and will enhance students’
analytic approach in thought process.

PO5: Shastric method of learning is helpful to make students disciplined in their study which will be useful for them
for their further study and development.

PO6: This course will not only help students to be expert in traditional knowledge but also will help them to find the
relevance of this Shastric Knowledge in modern times as well.

Course Outcome (COs)–

These courses fulfil the objectives of the University of preserving shastric knowledge tradition.

Providing opportunities for the students who are interested in learning Shastras.

Creating new tradition of learning and teaching of Sanskrit through medium of Sanskrit.

Creating a new generation of modern scholars with traditional knowledge in society.

CO1: To establish importance of Shastric Tradition in modern times.

CO2: To Spread awareness of different philosophical thoughts.

CO3: To understand the co-existence of different paths and their importance.

CO4: To promote critical thinking.

CO5: To encourage study and research.



3) Prakshastri

Sanskrit has great ancient philosophical heritage. Which is known as Darshana. Darshana is the compilation of different
philosophical schools of thoughts.Young students need to know about their ancient heritage. Which has evolved and
developed through ages. Introduction of this ancient school of wisdom will be very helpful to young minds to learn,
develope and propagate these ancient thoughts at early age.


To preserve and propagate ancient wisdom as preserved in Sanskrit.

To practice ancient methods of Shastric Teaching.

To establish relevance of Darshana in modern society.

To make a bridge between tradition and modernity.

Programme Outcomes (PO):

PO1: To understand the ancient wisdom through Sanskrit Language.

PO2: To understand various schools of thoughts through Sanskrit.

PO3: To understand the impact of these different schools on religious, cultural and social life.

PO4: To learn the analysis of these philosophical thoughts and to find their impact on mind growth.

PO5: To have disciplined studies for further development.

PO6: To find the relevance of this ancient wisdom in today’s scenario.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

PO1: This course introduces students about Ancient Shastric way of thinking.

PO2: This course focuses on students to understand similarities and differences among different schools of thoughts.

PO3: This course makes students to think deeply on these Shastric thoughts as the base of different belief systems and
their evolution.

PO4: This course will help students to comprehend Shastric Method of thought analysis and will enhance students’
analytic approach in thought process.

PO5: Shastric method of learning is helpful to make students disciplined in their study, which will be useful for them
for their further study and development.

PO6: This course will not only help students to be expert in traditional knowledge but also will help them to find the
relevance of this Shastric Knowledge in modern times as well.

Course Outcome (COs)–

CO1: To establish importance of Shastric Tradition in modern times.

CO2: To Spread awareness of different philosophical thoughts.

CO3: To understand the co-existence of different paths of beliefs and their importance.

CO4: To inculcate critical thinking.

CO5: To encourage study and research.

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