Keeping Up With Oracle Database 12c Multitenant
Keeping Up With Oracle Database 12c Multitenant
Keeping Up With Oracle Database 12c Multitenant
Book One
CDBs, PDBs and the Multitenant World
Part of The Keeping Up with Oracle Series
Robert G. Freeman
This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Carrie and all of my children. You are all a
wonderful inspiration and keep me nice and centered.
Copyright 2015 by Robert G. Freeman. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States.
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6 INDEX 104
This book is the introductory book to the Keep Up With Oracle series. This series attempts to be the solution to a
problem. Oracle Database continues to grow and add features with every release. The pace is dizzying. A normal book
can take a year from beginning to end to get to press. By that time, the information in that book can be superseded by a
new release of the database software. As a result, the book is aged before you even have an opportunity to buy it.. Enter
the Keeping Up With Oracle series.
Another problem is that some books are just cannot be cost justified in the traditional printing world. Few
publishers are interested in printing a book that will sell maybe 500 copies in the first year. Enter the Keeping Up With
Oracle series. Our printing and delivery model is simple and much more inexpensive. Therefore we can tackle topics
with a smaller audience.
At its heart, it is the goal of the Keeping Up With Oracle series to provide a new paradigm for technical books.
Each book in the series will be focused on a specific area in the database. Individual books on this topic are kept smaller,
with the overall subject matter will be covered in one or more books. The reason for this is to make it easier to update
these books and keep them current. Instead of having to wait for the entire book to be updated, now, you the individual
parts of the book will be updated and then brought to press as soon as possible.
This book is my first effort in this new paradigm of book production. In this book I’m tackling the new
Multitenant features of the Oracle Database. This very powerful new feature of the Oracle Database, while remaining
very familiar, also changes many of the old ways you manage databases. While Multitenant might not be big now, it will
grow and quickly reach critical mass. Whether it’s now or three years from now, most DBA’s will be managing Oracle
Multitenant databases eventually. Hopefully this book will help you in your transition to a Multitenant database DBA.
No book is ever written without a lot of help. Even with this attempt to self-publish there
are still people to thank. Most of all, thanks to my wife. She read though this book and,
when it wasn’t boring her to death, she provided awesome feedback. Also, I want to just
acknowledge everyone who has helped me to being at the point in my life that I can try
this self-publishing thing. There are way too many people to name in that light.
In this chapter we will introduce you to Oracle Multitenant database. We will discuss
the Oracle Multitenant Database architecture including the concepts of the Container
Database(CDB) and the Pluggable Database (PDB). Then we will discuss CDBs and
PDBs in much more detail.
First, there is a caveat to the licensing – you can actually use Oracle Multitenant in a
limited way without any additional licensing. In this case you create a multitenant capable
database (called a CDB, which we will discuss later in this book). Then you will create a
single pluggable database (PDB – which we will discuss in more detail later) within the
CDB you created. When you only have one PDB within a CDB, then no additional license
is required. This means that you can actually run Oracle Multitenant enabled databases
within your production database environment without additional licensing right now.
Beyond this fact, I think there are a number of good reasons.
Also, you should look at Oracle Multitenant as a glimpse into the future. As such, it
makes sense to expect that more and more that database features will be embracing the
Multitenant architecture. Also, Oracle has just announced that the old Oracle architecture
(called the non-CDB architecture) will eventually be de-supported. This reason alone
should motivate you to embrace Multitenant.
In the Oracle DBA world, it’s best not to get behind. Getting behind can be easy to do.
Take, for example, Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) and how it’s grown. If you are
a DBA with a lot of past experience, then you can remember the days when RAC (or its
predecessor Oracle Parallel Server) was really rare. Many DBA’s didn’t learn about how
this feature of the database worked because they didn’t see a reason to lean. Many DBA’s
didn’t learn about how RAC worked because they didn’t have the environments to learn in
However, the future has caught up with us, and all of a sudden RAC databases are
everywhere. Those who had gotten on-board early and knew RAC didn’t find this change
impacting them at all. Those who didn’t get on board found that things had moved and
that all of a sudden job postings where RAC experience was a requirement were becoming
more common. If you didn’t know what crsctl was, much less how to start a node on a
cluster, you were behind in the curve in a very negative way.
History is set to repeat itself with Multitenant Database. While adoption might be slow
at the moment, I assure you that it is coming. In this case, Oracle has, in fact, told us that
it’s coming. Many people have complained about this, but all the complaining in the world
isn’t going to change the fact that Multitenant is going to be the way that Oracle goes in
the future.
If you have a license for Multitenant then Multitenant offers a number of features that
can be of help to you as the DBA. We will be discussing many of these features in this
book but here is short list of some of the more helpful features:
All of that being said, now is a very good time to be concerned about learning about
Oracle Multitenant.
When an Oracle CDB is crated, the databases created within that CDB are called
unique, and individually called Containers. When those containers are non-administrative
databases, we called them Pluggable Databases (PDB’s). Each PDB is completely isolated
from every other PDB. We will discuss the security considerations of the CDB
architecture in much more detail later in this book.
You create a CDB by including the enable_pluggable_database clause when issuing
the create database command. If you are creating the database with the DBCA, then there
is a checkbox option to create the database as a Multitenant database. You can also name
the new PDB in a text box that the DBCA provides for you.
The CDB is much like an Oracle database in many respects. It can run as a single
instance database, or it can be run as a Real Application Cluster (RAC) database, serving
multiple database instances. The main ways a CDB differs from a normal Oracle database
1. The CDB database instance can support more than one database (individually
called PDB’s).
2. The storage of most data dictionary information is stored locally in the individual
PDB’s and not the data dictionary of the CDB.
So, the CDB is no longer the main repository of database metadata. It has data
dictionary like structures, and it also has views that provide information that are specific to
the management of the CDB itself. A majority of the database metadata is stored at the
PDB level though. All of that being said, the data dictionary has not changed a great deal
and it will feel very familiar to you, even with the use of the PDB. We will discuss these
changes in more detail, later in this book.
There are Five primary components within the Container database. These components
The Oracle Database instance which provides the memory and process
infrastructure that supports the Container Database.
The database instance that runs the CDB is managed almost exactly like the database
instances that you have been managing for years. Settings related to the CDB are managed
through the use of a database SPFILE (or text parameter file if you prefer). It allocates the
SGA and other memory areas just as any other database instance would. Note that all
memory allocations of the SGA are at the CDB level and you do not allocate SGA
memory to individual PDB’s.
User processes can connect to the CDB or any PDB. As before, every connected user
process will create its own PGA memory areas. There are a few considerations when
configuring the parameters for a CDB. We will discuss these in more detail later when we
discuss the creation of CDB’s and PDB’s.
While there is much logical separation between the CDB and it’s child PDB’s there are
some critical components that are created in the CDB that all of the PDB’s will use. This
includes the UNDO tablespace as well as the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces of the
The CDB contains a single UNDO tablespace that serves all of the PDB’s running in
the CDB. As a result, when creating a PDB you need to be aware of how much UNTO
tablespace you will need to manage the undo requirements of the PDB’s that will be
owned by that CDB. If you are running RAC, then there will be a single UNDO
tablespace for each instance, just as there has always been. You cannot create an UNDO
tablespace in an individual PDB. If you attempt to do so, an error will occur.
Both the CDB and any PDB’s will have their own SYSTEM and SYSAUX
tablespaces. This is something that is unique in the Multitenant architecture. Most PDB
related metadata is stored locally in the PDB and the CDB data dictionary views simply
have links that point to the metadata stored in the PDB.
Storing data dictionary information locally in the PDB facilitates quick cloning
operations as well as being able to quickly plug-in or unplug a PDB. This book will talk
about the data dictionary of the CDB and PDB in many places of course. Chapter 4 in this
volume provides a more detailed look at how to use the various data dictionary views to
manage CDB’s and PDB’s in Oracle Database 12c. Later books in this series will provide
even more detailed information on the data dictionary and how to use it for a number of
things including performance monitoring, tuning, security and other common DBA tasks.
A CDB has the standard SYS and other accounts (ie: SYSTEM, MDSYS, ORDSYS
and so on) that are present in a normal database You should never create objects in the
CDB unless Oracle support specifically tells you to do so. This is really just an extension
of the idea that you should not create objects as SYS, and you should not create objects in
the SYSTEM (or SYSAUX) tablespace. Now, the entirety of the CDB is off limits for any
kind of monkey business. The CDB is for administration of the PDB’s plugged into her.
Once exception to the rule that you never create anything in the CDB is that you will
create a new kind of user in the CDB. This kind of user is called a common user. A
common user is a user that can have various levels of access across the entire CDB and all
of its PDB’s. We will discuss common users in chapters 4 and 5 of this book.
Just in case you are skipping ahead a bit, you should know that you cannot create a
regular account in a CDB. If you try to create a user account, for example ROBERT, in a
CDB you will get the following error:
This is because you can only create common user accounts in the CDB. Be patient –
we will get there. Common user accounts are very powerful, but they also take some
management in order to get them to work just the way you want, without also giving away
the keys to the kingdom.
Now that we have given you a quick look at CDB’s, let’s take a quick look at PDB’s.
The Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB)
In this section I want to give you a quick overview of the Oracle PDB architecture. I am
not going to deal with specific commands at this point, that will come later. What I want to
do is give you a basic feel for what a PDB looks and feels like. Then, you will be better
prepared to actually administer one.
First, a PDB is associated with a single CDB. A given CDB can have up to 252 PDB’s
contained in it. The PDB is, for all practical purposes, a self-contained database. It has its
own name, identifier, DBID, guid and so on. Everything in the PDB is isolated from other
PDB’s and to a large extent even from the parent CDB.
Not all Oracle Databases can support PDB’s. They have to have been created to do so.
You can quickly query the V$DATABASE data dictionary view to determine if your
database is able to create a PDB as seen in this example:
In this case, our database is capable of hosting PDB’s. This query would return a NO if
the database was not created as a CDB, and therefore not able to host PDB’s. You cannot
modify a databases ability to support PDB’s. If it cannot support a PDB and you want to
use Multitenant, then you will need to re-create the database, or create a new CDB
database and plug the non-CDB database into the newly created CDB database.
Perhaps one of the biggest differences with respect to Multitenant databases is that for
non-administrative activity you must use a TNS connect string. This means that you can’t
connect to the PDB by setting the ORACLE_SID parameter in the environment. There is a
method for administrators to connect to a PDB to perform administrative activities that
does not require the use of Oracle networking. We will discuss all of this in much more
detail throughout the book.
The requirement to use Oracle TNS Connection strings may require modification of
scripts that currently connect by setting the ORACLE_SID environmental variable
and then use SQL*Plus.
Each PDB has its own local administration accounts, including its own SYS account.
As with non-CDB databases, you can create administrative accounts inside an individual
PDB just like you would any other database. This allows for easy separation of duties,
since the PDB administrator can only access specific PDB’s they are assigned to. Of
course, each PDB can have an account with the same name. I can have a
ROBERT_ADMIN account in a PDB called PDBONE and a ROBERT_ADMIN account
in a PDB called PDBTWO. So user account namespaces are unique at the PDB level.
The CDB, and each PDB, has their own separate set of data dictionary views. Both
have the normal DBA, USER and ALL data dictionary views that you are used too. A new
set of global data dictionary views have also been added called the CDB views. The CDB
views provide global access across all PDB’s within the CDB to an administrator account
with the appropriate privileges. We will discuss the data dictionary and various dictionary
views throughout the chapter of this book, and the other books of the series.
Creating and Dropping PDB’s
Creating and removing PDB’s is fairly simple work. In this section we will briefly discuss
the different ways that you can create and remove PDB’s. We will also discuss some
issues that you will want to be aware of when you perform these operations. Later in this
book, we will go into detail on how to create PDB’s from the SQL command line. In the
next book in this series we will discuss other ways of creating PDB’s including plugging
and unplugging them. For now, let’s quickly look at the different methods that can be sued
to create and remove PDB’s.
Methods of Creating PDB’s
There are many ways of creating PDB’s which include the following:
Using the create pluggable database command to create the PDB while
connected to the CDB.
Using the create pluggable database command to plug an existing PDB into
the CDB.
Using the DBCA utility following a guided workflow.
Using Oracle Cloud Control to guide you through the creation of the PDB.
Cloning an existing PDB to a new PDB with, or without data.
Creating an empty PDB and using Oracle Data Pump to import data from one
database source into a PDB.
Each of these ways of creating a PDB comes with its own set of rules and unique
options and features. We will cover each of these as we progress through this book, and
the later books of this series.
When a PDB is created from scratch (for example, by using the create pluggable
database SQL command) it will have its own unique SYSTEM, SYSAUX and
TEMPORARY tablespaces. Once the PDB is created, you can create other tablespaces
within the PDB as needed. The visibility of a tablespace is local to that PDB – this makes
it possible for every PDB to have tablespaces that are named the same. This also means
that all of the data in a PDB is isolated to that PDB.
When the PDB is created a TNS network service is created that will support the new
PDB. This service will also register with the database listener process so that you can
access the PDB through its service name. The default service name is the same as the
PDB, and you can create additional service names too. If fact, Oracle recommends that
you not use the default service name, and that you create new service names for security
Methods of Removing PDB’s
There are also several ways that you can remove PDB’s. These include:
All of these options will be covered in much greater detail in this and later books of
this series.
Keeping PDB’s Unique
If we are going to have several PDB’s in our CDB (and our database server and it’s
physical storage) then it’s clear that there must be some way to keep these PDB’s
separated both logically and physically. In this section we are going to discuss how Oracle
performs this separation. First we will look at how PDB’s are separated at a logical level.
Then we will look at how PDB’s are segregated at a physical level.
Keeping PDB’s Logically Unique
Given that a CDB can host many PDB’s (and that a physical server can host many
CDB’s), there must be a way that Oracle uses to avoid collisions with the physical files in
the database. There are several things that make the PDB unique. First is the name of the
PDB itself. Within a given CDB, each PDB must be named uniquely. This makes sense as
it avoids problems like collision with service names and the like.
Within the data dictionary views of the CDB there is column that represents a unique
ID for the container/PDB within that CDB. This new column is called CONT_ID column
in data CDB and PDB dictionary views. This column can be found in a number of data
dictionary views that helps you to identify which container owns which object. You will
see examples of the use of the CONT_ID column throughout the books in this series.
Next, each PDB has a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) that is assigned to it. The
GUID is generated when the PDB is created. The GUID is designed to be a globally
unique identifier for that PDB, which helps avoid various types of collisions. For example,
the GUID is used as part of the default directory path for the storage of the physical
datafiles that belong to a PDB. The GUID then physical separation and isolation for the
datafiles belonging to an individual PDBs. This is preferable to using the CON_ID
identifier instead as it would be very likely that a given CON_ID would be repeated on
given server with more than one CDB. Also, if you move a PDB from one server to
another, the possibility of CON_ID collisions is much higher than that of GUID collisions.
Clearly, using the GUID, with its assured uniqueness, eliminates the risk of PDB
related namespace collisions. So, you can see that the GUID is not only used to logically
make the PDB distinct, but that it’s also used to make the files associated with the PDB
distinct on the physical layer (by default – this can always be overridden of course).
OFA uses the GUID of the PDB as a part of the physical file naming structure. We
have seen that some DBA’s new to the CDB/PDB architecture decide to change this
standard and not use the GUID (usually because it’s a long and unruly number). I
strongly recommend that you stick to the OFA standard, including the use of the
Both the container ID and the GUID of the PDB’s can be seen through querying the
data dictionary view V$PDBS. In the following query we see the NAME, CON_ID and
GUID of each PDB currently plugged into the database.
The following example shows how you can query the V$PDBS view to get the name,
container id and guid of the PDBs in your database:
In this output we see that this CDB has three PDB’s. The first is the seed container
(PDB) called PDB$SEED. The PDB$SEED container is created when the database is first
created. It’s function is to provide a source from which to create new PDBs.
After the SEED PDB, notice that we have two other PDB’s: ROBERTPDB and
TPLUG. You can see that each PDB has a unique CON_ID associated with it. Also notice
the GUID column in the output and that each GUID is unique.
There is also the view V$CDBS which presents us with an additional row as seen here:
This view adds what we call the root container, CDB$ROOT. You can see that the
ROOT container didn’t show up in the first view, but it did show up in the second view.
This is going to be one of the main learning curves that you will have in your effort to
understand how Multitenant works. Since there is a new layer to deal with in the database
(CDB vs. PDB) there are a number of new rules related to security which impacts what
you can see when querying data dictionary views. Don’t worry though – we will cover all
of these things throughout the books of this series.
Within the Multitenant architecture, there are some objects that are shared by all of the
PDB’s, and there are some things that are not. Recall the main physical components of a
Online redo logs
Control files
SPFILE or Parameter file
Of this list, the datafiles are the only non-shared physical component in a Multitenant
database. Each tablespace in each PDB has its own set of datafiles unique to that PDB.
However the remaining objects are shared across the entire Multitenant database. For
example, all of the redo generated by all of the PDB’s is stored in the database online redo
logs. There are no online redo logs dedicated to any particular PDB. This might mean if
you have (or will have) several databases into your CDB that you will have to size the
redo log files accordingly.
SYSTEM tablespace
SYSAUX tablespace
UNDO tablespace
Temporary tablespaces
User tablespaces
Each PDB has its own SYSTEM, SYSAUX, and also its own temporary tablespace.
Also, each PDB may have its own user defined tablespaces. The one thing that is different
is that the only UNDO tablespace you will have is owned by the ROOT container (if you
are running RAC then you will have one UNDO tablespace per instance).
The typical file placement convention begins with either the configuration of the
DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter, or with the assignment of the tablespace to be
created to an ASM disk group. In both cases, Oracle will put the datafiles associated with
the CDB Database and the SEED PDB in the same directory. Under this base directory
unique directories are created for each PDB using the GUID of that PDB for the directory
name. Under these directories, OMF creates directories for the types of files to be stored,
such a datafiles. In these directories, Oracle stores the appropriate database files.
The directories controlfile, datafile and online log are the directories that store the
physical files for the CDB and the SEED database. For example, if we change into the
datafile directory, we will find these files (I’ve modified the output to make it easier to
read on many of the directory listings you will see in this book):
Here we find two SYSTEM, SYSAUX tablespace datafiles, one for the CDB and one
for the SEED database. Also we find the other tablespace datafiles. Such as temp,
undotbs2 and so on. We can see these datafiles in the V$DATAFILE data dictionary view
just like we can in a non-Multitenant database as seen in this SQL code output (this is only
a partial bit of the output):
Notice that I displayed both the CON_ID column and the name of the associated PDB.
This is to point out a couple of things. First, in a given CDB, each container has a
CON_ID assigned to it. You can find the CON_ID and the name of the container it is
associated with by querying the V$PDBS view as we did earlier in this chapter. All of the
V$ views that contain metadata related to PDB’s contain data about all of the PDB’s.
How PDB related metadata is handled differs between the V$ views and the DBA
views. Keep in mind that the V$ views (dynamic data dictionary views) normally source
from the control file or some specific internal structures that are created when the database
instance is started.
The data dictionary views (those that typically start with DBA, USER ALL and now
the new CDB views) source from various metadata in the database data dictionary. With
respect to multitenant databases, that includes data dictionary information in those PDB’s.
Remembering where the data dictionary data comes from will help you as you come to
understand why information is reported differently in the dynamic and data dictionary
views of a CDB.
For example, suppose you query the CDB_TABLES view, looking for tables for a PDB
called TEST. Assume then that the query returns no rows. Now, you know there are a ton
of tables in the TEST PDB. Given your knowledge about where the metadata from the
CDB_TABLES view comes from, what might be one reason that there are no rows
returned? One very possible reason might be that the PDB is not open. If the PDB is not
open, it can’t be queried about its data dictionary information and thus the CDB_TABLES
query will return no rows for that PDB.
Moving on, let’s look at the listing of the directory where the ROBERCDB datafiles
are located (/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ROBERTCDB) again (again, I’ve cut the directory
listing output to make it easier to read):
–––––––– ––––––––––ROBERTPDB 0C16988CADC77D93E0530100007F18D4
So now we can see that the data in this directory is likely owned by the ROBERTPDB
PDB. I say likely because you can override where datafiles get created (so always cross
check what you believe to be true against the data dictionary views of the CDB). It’s
important to realize that the PDB datafiles are only created in the GUID based directory
by default. It’s very possible to have a particular file located elsewhere, and not in that
directory. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to cross-check the data dictionary before you
go looking for physical files and assuming they are in this directory (have I said that
enough times now that you won’t forget?)
In the case of PDBs that have been copied from another CDB it is very possible that
the datafiles for that PDB may still reside in the datafile structure of the old CDB.
Use caution when cleaning what might appear to be unneeded files from a directory.
Now, let’s go look at what is in the GUID based directory. First, when we traverse into
the this directory we find another directory called datafiles. In that directory we find the
three files associated with the ROBERPDB PDB. Here is the directory listing:
These files appeared in the query against the V$DATAFILES view that we
demonstrated earlier. So, the files appear to be where they are supposed to be!
Note that all of these files that we have looked at are the files for pretty much the most
basic CDB/PDB that can be created. As you add PDB’s, and as you add various datafiles
to those PDB’s (or add them to the CDB to expand the size of its tablespaces) it’s
important to follow some form of naming standard to avoid trouble. My experience has
shown that when you are trying to free up space, it’s way too easy to find a file that is out
in the middle of nowhere on your file system. You look at things a bit and decide that it’s
not being used, and you remove it. Of course, that is when the phone calls come and you
discover that you really should not have removed that file. This is also where great tools
like lsof come in handy!
In this chapter I introduced you to Oracle Multitenant. First, we discussed some of the
reasons why you should care about Multitenant in the first place, even if you are not
licensed for it. Then we took a look at the Oracle Multitenant architecture where we
introduced you to the CDB and the PDB. Coming up next we will talk about how to create
a CDB, so that you can then start creating PDB’s.
Now that you have learned the fundamentals of a Multitenant database, let’s discuss the
creation of one. In reality, the creation of a CDB is not unlike the creation of a non-CDB
database. To create the CDB you will use either the Oracle Database Configuration
Assistant (DBCA) or the create database command. In this book, we will focus on using
the DBCA. If you want to use the create database command then please refer to the
Oracle documentation.
There are several steps involved in the creation of an Oracle CDB with the DBCA.
While these steps are similar to the creation of a non CDB, there are some special
considerations that you will want to be aware of. Also, I will provide what I think are
some best practices to follow when creating a CDB. Finally, keep in mind that when you
are creating the CDB that there will be one or more PDB’s that you will create too. This
might impact your planning of things like memory configuration or physical placement of
In this chapter we have divided the creation of the PDB into these three steps:
One thing to keep in mind while configuring a CDB is that you are configuring an
environment that will likely support more than one PDB. This impacts memory sizing,
UNDO tablespace sizing, and online redo logs sizing, perhaps significantly. Also, you
need to carefully consider configuration items that will impact the whole of the CDB. For
example the database character set of a CDB becomes the character set for all PDB’s in
that database. Choosing the wrong character set can be a big deal.
The importance of carefully selecting the character set that you will be using cannot
be understated. First, the process of changing character sets is not an easy one.
Second, during character set conversions it is possible to lose data if the existing
character set is not compatible with the one you are converting too. Third, all of the
PDB’s in a given CDB must have the same character set.
So, let’s talk about what we want to do before we create the CDB. In this section we have
classified these tasks as:
There are different arguments for and against using some descriptive metadata to name
a CDB. For example, if you intend on putting all of your test databases in the CDB, then
you might want to call the CDB test. This certainly identifies the use of the CDB.
However, I am not a big fan of this kind of naming scheme in an Enterprise environment. I
would recommend that a smarter naming convention for a CDB would be nondescript.
Why do I say this? There are several reasons:
Naming the CDB for the kind of PDB’s it contains might be confusing. For example,
you might initially plan to only store test databases on your CDB, and so you call it
something imaginative like TEST. However, in the future you might also include PDBs
that are for development and QA, along with testing. So, is TEST really the right name for
that CDB? So, planning for the future is one reason I use nondescript CDB names.
Name collisions are a possibility. It might be that you will create a second CDB for test
databases. Are you going to call it TEST1? What if you consolidate servers and all of a
sudden you have two TEST CDB’s? While there are ways to work around these issues,
using a non-descriptive SID for the database can reduce these issues.
Perhaps the biggest argument for non-descript CDB (and PDB) names is security. In
the day and age where hackers are real, and the risks are real, you don’t want to provide
anyone with any more information than you have to. When you name a CDB PROD, and
it’s the only one out of six CDB’s in your enterprise a hacker knows about – which CDB
do you think they are going to try to crack? If I have some non-descriptive SID for the
CDB, this offers me some protection from prying eyes.
So, what do I suggest for a secure naming standard? I suggest that you simply use a
random set of 8 characters for your SID. The randomness will eliminate any
descriptiveness of the SID. The reason I suggest 8 is that this is the maximum size for a
SID that Oracle recommends. While more characters might make it harder for you to
remember names of SIDs in your mind, it will also make it harder for hackers to guess at
those names.
Determining Where to put CDB files and Sizing them Correctly
Before you create your CDB, you will need to carefully consider where you will put your
datafiles, and how you will size them. In this section I will address testing the performance
of the file system you are planning on using for your database files. Then we will address
where to put database related files, and how to size them correctly.
File System Performance
One important consideration to preparing for any database is to ensure that the file system
you have configured, performs as expected and required. In Oracle Database 12c, Oracle
has started shipping it’s Orion tool. Orion can be used to test the performance of your file
system with varying types of writes and concurrency. The results of Orion will provide
you with information on IOPS, MBPS and latency rates on your file system. This is not a
book on performance tuning, so I am not going to spend a lot of time on Orion. However,
I thought I’d mention it. Orion is fully covered in the Oracle Database documentation. In
particular I’d recommend that you review Chapter 4 of the Oracle High Availability Guide
for information on configuring storage.
Also, keep in mind that the “disks” are not the only part of the storage equation. The
feeds and speeds of the connections between the disks and the database are also critical
components. If your Fibre Channel card can only handle 850Mb/s, who cares if your disk
system, with all that expensive flash in front of it can spit out data at 4000Mb/s? Just
remember, it’s the whole system and as Mr. Scott once said, “The more they over think the
plumbing the easier it is to stop up the drain”. No truer words have been spoken.
Datafile Location
It is important to determine a standard, with respect to the location of datafiles, associated
with the CDB that you are creating. Oracle provides a set of best practices with respect to
database storage. These recommendations are called the database high availability best
practices and are documented in the book Oracle Database 12c High Availability that is
available in the Oracle documentation set.
In Chapter 4 of the Oracle Database 12 High Availability book you will find a
recommendation on how to allocate storage. The overall recommendation is to use a
method called Stripe and Mirror Everything (SAME) when defining database storage. The
SAME method of allocating storage provides the best method of storing data on physical
media. Figure 2-1 provides an example of a 10-disk array that is configured using a
SAME methodology.
In figure 2-1, you will see that 2 ASM file systems are created over a set of five disks.
The other five disks are used to mirror those ASM file systems. You will see that all of the
data in the ASM disk groups is striped across the two sets of five disks. This configuration
provides a number of benefits including:
High availability. The loss of one disk will not cause any loss of data or database
availability. With ASM, the loss of a disk will also cause the data that was on the
disk to be copied to surviving blocks in the disk group that disk belonged too, as
long as space is available. In this way, you are further protected from the loss of
additional disks after the copies are complete.
Data protection. In the event of disk failure, or even block failure, ASM will copy
the lost or corrupted data from the surviving mirrored disk.
Flexible and scalable. It’s easy to expand disk groups, add disks or move disks
between disk groups all while the disk groups remain online.
Provides higher I/O bandwidths because you are spreading the I/O over a larger
number of disk spindles. This is a key consideration when dealing with databases.
You can store data in a more finite manner. Thus, you can store database files on
the faster part of the disk platters and files that don’t require as much
performance, such as backup files, can be stored on the less performant part of
the disk.
Support for copy on write technologies. These technologies support Oracle’s
ability to do fast cloning of PDB’s.
Figure 2-1 Sample Disk Array Configured for ASM Using SAME
I strongly recommend that you allow your Oracle Databases to use OMF for datafile
naming and placement. This provides a single standard that your enterprise can apply to
the naming and placement of database datafiles. In many of a clients I’ve seen in the past,
I very often find that there are no consistent standards employed with respect to datafile
placement or naming.
While dealing with physical storage is a typical database administration, or even disk
administrator responsibility and not specific to Multitenant Oracle you might wonder why
I decided to include information on allocating storage.
Many Multitenant databases that will be created are going to be on new hardware. As
such, you want to make sure you allocate the disk space in the most performant way.
Performance is critical and very often the problems I find with respect to performance
often are partly due to poor disk infrastructures.
Once you have created your file system or ASM disk group, much of the placement of
database related files can, and should be, automated. Some DBA’s just like to do their own
thing – the problem is that in an enterprise doing your own thing does not work very well.
Therefore, take advantage of the standards that the Oracle database itself provides.
When you are using ASM, Oracle creates all of the directories, and names all of the
files, for you automatically. So, the best advice I can give you there is not to override
ASM. Let it do its thing.
When you are using file systems, then we should start with setting the Oracle
parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST. This parameter provides the base directory that
Oracle will start creating database related files. The default setting for the
DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter is $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/{database name} on
Linux, and this value varies by the platform Oracle is running on.
When you create your CDB with the DBCA you will have the opportunity to set this
parameter. Then, the DBCA will create the base directory structure for you along with all
required sub-directories. DBCA will then place your database files in a standardized form
on that file system when they are created. I recommend that you configure
DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST to point to the file system that you have created and allow
Oracle to create all of the database files using the standard it employs.
Datafile Sizes
What size should you make your datafiles? Oracle provides guidance on this, and I don’t
just want to repeat what they have to say. However, there are some things that I thought I
should say with respect to datafile sizing:
First, make sure that autoextend is enabled for the SYSTEM tablespace of the CDB. I
would also recommend that you enable autoextend on the SYSAUX and UNDO
tablespaces. By default autoextend is enabled for the all of the tablespaces of the CDB
when it is created by the DBCA. You might want to disable autoextend for the temporary
tablespace, after making sure it’s sized properly. This prevents bad SQL from causing the
tablespace to grow without constraint. In development environments you will want to
constrain growth of user tablespaces by setting a limit on how big these tablespaces can
Even more important, make sure that the next value is properly set for SYSTEM,
SYSAUX and any user created tablespaces that are likely to experience growth. The
default value of next with respect to autoextend defaults to an incredibly small size when
a tablespace is created. This causes problems when tablespace extensions occur because of
the locking and significant database activity that occurs when the database had to extend a
datafile. If the next size is very small, then the database is going to be adding space to
datafiles almost constantly once you hit the allocated limit of the datafiles.. This can cause
serious performance problems. For example, the SYSTEM tablespace increments a total
of 1280 bytes by default. If your block size is 8k, that means you will need several datafile
extensions to support just the addition of one block.
Normally the default datafile sizes that DBCA will create for, system realted
tablespaces, are sufficient if properly supplemented with autoextend and a correctly set
next value.
Much of this advice applies tablespaces that will contain user data too. The initial size
of the datafile and settings for next and autoextend are critical. I also strongly advise
using bigfile tablespaces. Managing one datafile for a tablespace is generally much easier.
RMAN now supports section size backups, so you can now backup a bigfile tablespace
much easier. Certainly, there may be reasons not to use bigfile tablespaces in your
environment, but I’d make that the exception, not the rule.
Keep in mind that when you are creating the CDB, the tablespaces of the CDB are
not where a majority of your storage is going to take place. The vast majority of your
storage will be consumed by the PDB’s. You should never need to create new
tablespaces in the CDB itself, and the need to add space to the standard tablespaces
like SYSTEM and SYS should not be that frequent.
First and foremost, Oracle has the V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY view that provides the
redo log advisor’s information. The column OPTIMAL_LOG FILE_SIZE displays the
suggestion of the redo log advisor on how large you should make the redo logs. This
suggestion is based on the setting of the FAST_START_MTTR_RECOVERY parameter.
This parameter indicates to Oracle the maximum amount of time that you want to have to
spend on database instance recovery in the event of an instance crash. The higher the
number, the more time instance recovery will be. The lower the number, Oracle will try to
manage the system to minimize instance recovery time. Mainly the way this is done is
through adjusting the velocity in which dirty buffers are flushed to disk. Faster instance
recovery times demand flushing dirty buffers to disk more frequently. This is because one
of the main determinants of how long instance recovery is will be how much redo has to
be applied to the database datafiles before Oracle can open the database.
If you would like to look at historical data to cross check the recommendation of the
redo advisor you can use views such as V$LOG_HISTORY. These views can provide
some idea of how frequently log file switches are occurring in your database per day. For
example, the results of this query will show us how many log switches occurred each day
for the last 30 days:
–––- –––––-
12/31/2014 15
12/30/2014 27
01/09/2015 41
01/08/2015 35
01/07/2015 6
01/06/2015 9
01/05/2015 22
Now, if you had a log switch every 15 minutes, which is a general target I recommend,
then that would be a total of 96 log switches per day. In this database, we find that we
have much fewer log switches than that. In this case, we might want to investigate if the
online redo logs are too large, because we are not switching enough. It might also be that
this database has irregular activity and sits idle for a long period of time, each database is
different. Another query that might be helpful in determining redo log utilization is seen
All of the recommendations and guidelines in this book are just that,
recommendations and guidelines. These are very general in their nature and you
have to ensure that they work for you – there is rarely one answer that holds true for
all things.
with time_between as
(select first_time,
lag(first_time,1) over (order by first_time) last_time,
(first_time - lag(first_time,1) over (order by first_time))*1440 time_between_min
from v$log_history )
select round(avg(time_between_min),2) avg_lg_swtch_tm_mn
,round(stddev(time_between_min),2) stnd_dev_time
from time_between;
— Run on DB 2
–––––– ––––-
24.71 6.0
In the output in this example you will see that we are looking at all of the records in
V$LOG_HISTORY and determining the amount of time between each log switch. Then
we are calculating and displaying the average time between log switches. We have
included a calculation of the standard deviation of the row set also, to give you an idea of
how representative of real life that average value really is.
In the first case, we have an average time between log switches of 357 minutes, which
is quite a lot. If we look at the standard deviation number, we see it’s very high. This
indicates that there is a lot of deviation from this average number. In other words, the
average number is not very representative of any kind of trend. On the second example
notice that our average log switches is every 24 minutes and the standard deviation is quite
a bit lower. This would imply that the average number here is somewhat more consistent.
If you want to take a different look at redo generation, we can look at the historical
generation over time and determine the approximate size of our log files. This query goes
against the data dictionary tables in Oracle that store historical database information:
In this query we see that there are seven days of history currently being stored in the
view DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY. The average redo generation every 15
minutes (again, my general benchmark) is listed. The Standard deviation is listed too. This
particular database is often down for many days, so there are large gaps in time in the
records. This is why the standard deviation is so high in this case. Then, we see the size of
the redo log in the LOG_BYTES column. The final column shows us how oversized (or
undersized) the redo logs are based on the average redo generation rate. In this case, the
online redo logs are much bigger than the average amount of redo that is generated every
fifteen minutes. So, it might make sense to reclaim some space and allocate a smaller
amount of log space on your CDB for that database.
Let’s circle back to the question of sizing the online redo logs of your CDB. You will
need to go through each database that you will be moving to the new CDB and determine
what it’s redo generation rate is for whatever period of time that you want to see log
switches occur. For example, if database DB1 generated 500MB of redo every fifteen
minutes, and database DB4 generated 200MB of redo every fifteen minutes, you would
allocated redo logs sized at around 700MB or so to accommodate these two databases.
One more thing to add. All of these recommendations and whatever choices you make
need to be done under the guidance of specific SLA’s. For example, if you want to ensure
that your very busy database will lose no more than one minute worth of data, then log file
switching every ten or fifteen minutes will never meet that requirement. As always, you
need to pepper suggestions and best practices with the requirements of reality.
Before we leave the topic of sizing online redo logs, we should take a second to discuss
the ability to configure the redo log block size. Oracle Database 12c provides the ability to
define the redo block size. The default redo block size on most platforms is 512 bytes.
There are now drives out there, such as solid state drives, that have block sizes that are
higher than 512 bytes (4k seems to be the most common). You want to make sure that the
redo log block size aligns with the block size of the disks that are being written too. Oracle
supports block sizes of 512, 1024 and 4096 bytes. Some disks perform these 4k rights
natively and some of them perform them in what is called emulation mode. If your disks
are using 4k native mode then you must use a 4k redo log block size. If your disks are
using 4k emulation mode, then Oracle recommends using 4k block sizes in that case too.
You can define the block size of a redo log when you create it by using the new
blocksize parameter of the alter database add log file command. Here is an example:
If you try to change the block size to a value that is not the current disk sector size,
Oracle will return an error such as the following:
This message is telling you that your disks are not using 4096 byte sector size, and
therefore you must be off your rocker because this setting will cause terrible things to
happen to your performance. Ok, that’s not exactly word for word what it’s saying, but
you get the point. If you are using emulation mode, you will need to set the hidden
parameter _disk_sector_size_override to TRUE before you can define the block size
bigger than 512 bytes.
If you are using ASM, you can also use 4k block sizes. However, there are some issues
with the use of asmlib and you should check with Oracle before you use modified block
sizes when asmlib is in use.
This same recommendation to use the larger block size with the online redo logs
applies to setting of the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter of the database. If you are
using 4k native mode disks, then your DB_BLOCK_SIZE of the database much be
4k or larger. Also, when creating disk groups you will need to create them using the
sector_size attribute and setting the sector_size to 4k. ASM also has other rules
related to using 4k sector sizes. Review the Oracle documentation and MOS for more
information on this feature.
Now that we know how much redo log space we need for our existing database, we
need to add space for any new databases where we have no real idea of the redo
generation rate. Let’s look at that next.
Sizing Redo for an Unknown Database
Trying to figure out the unknown is a tough job. When you have a database that someone
is starting to develop, or that a outside vendor is going to provide and dump data into –
you have no way to historically know how to size the redo logs for that database. It’s
enough to make you tear your hair out.
However, I can help you with some guidelines. First, usually any database is going to
go through some testing. During testing, sizing of the online redo logs can be a totally
wild guess. I would start with some value that approximates the amount of data changes
you expect the database will go through every fifteen minutes. If you don’t even know for
sure what that would be, I’d opt to configure large log files rather than small ones, because
small log files will have a significant impact on performance, while larger log files will
have on space availability. The DBCA creates log files that are 52M in size. This is
usually universally to small for any kind of production database that is going to have
moderate volume.
Generally, I would start out with log files that are around 500MB in size. If you know
the database is going to be hit hard by DML operations, log files 1GB or even larger are
not unusual. Once you have created your log files, you can monitor how often they are
switching, and monitor the redo log advisor to determine if you need to size them up or
down. Also, there are certain database wait events that, if they are causing significant wait
times, are usually dead give aways that your log files are too small. If you see significant
waits for anything that say ‘latch: redo *’, you might have a problem with your redo logs
being too small.
If you do need to adjust the sizing of your online redo logs, this can easily be done
online. You can drop any inactive online redo log group, as long as it has been archived.
Once you drop the online redo log group, then you can add the new (probably larger)
online redo log group. These are pretty standard DBA operations and are no different in a
CDB environment, so I’m not going to spend time showing you how to drop and re-create
redo log files.
Once you have determined how much redo your unknown databases are likely to need,
add that amount to the amount you calculated for the existing databases that you can at
least get some reasonably reliable data for. This is going to be a good starting point at
sizing your online redo logs then for your CDB. Generally, I recommend three groups
with two members each to begin with. If your online redo log files are large enough, then
three groups should be plenty.
Determining Memory Requirements for the CDB
Memory is a topic that I see DBA’s just somehow go so wrong with when moving
databases to new hardware, during upgrades and when moving to a Multitenant
configuration. Usually what I see them do is just pick up a database, along with its
SPFILE, and plop it down wherever it is supposed to go, and turn it on. Somehow they
assume memory is properly configured to begin with. I have lost track of how many times
I discovered that the memory on the old box was not configured correctly. More often than
not, I find that memory is way over allocated, as opposed to under allocated – but I see a
fair share of both.
The process of determining how much memory to configure a CDB with is similar to
the process of determining the size of the online redo logs. For known databases, rather
than looking just at the configuration of memory in the parameter file, you should also
take a look at the output of the various memory advisors that Oracle makes available such
(depending on how you have configured your memory). These advisors are also available
from Oracle Cloud Control 12c. Take a moment to rationalize the amount of memory that
you are currently using against the amount of memory the advisors recommend.
This advice extends beyond the SGA to the PGA as well. V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE
provides PGA sizing recommendations that you can use to determine how to best
configure the PGA sizing parameter such as PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT and
A CDB can use any of the available memory configuration options available in Oracle
Database 12c. So you can use AMM, ASMM or manual memory management as you see
fit. I’d mention the use of huge pages in Linux, but that always seems to start a holy war
of sorts. I think that there are times to use HugePages and times not to use HugePages. My
preference is not to use them unless you can clearly articulate the reasons you want to start
using them on your current system (other than something like “someone told me so”).
There is plenty of information on the good, bad and ugly related to HugePages, so I will
leave that to your own research.
Other Options You Can Use To Properly Test and Configure Your CDB
I have you the standard command line ways that you can use to figure out how much
space to allocate to your new CDB. There are also some other tools that can be incredibly
handy. Some of them require a license and others just require they be configured.
With RAT, you can get an early eye on things like memory allocations, redo log sizing
and many other things that can go wrong if you don’t properly test systems. If you are
moving highly concurrent systems over to a CDB, it’s even more important that you allow
RAT to help you make sure that you won’t run into any snags. The more concurrency any
system experiences, the more things that can have problems. It’s always best to get an
early jump on any tuning or configuration modifications that you will need to do, before
you go into actual production.
Oracle Cloud Control can easily lead you through the capture and replay of
transactions using RAT. The Cloud Control repository will store the results for as long as
you need them, and you can produce a number of reports that allow you to review any
regression issues that might have occurred.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control also provides a new tool called the Oracle
Enterprise Manager 12c Consolidation Tool. This tool can help you investigate the
impacts of consolidating from various environments onto a single environment. You can
run various scenarios such as varying workloads between different databases, and being
able to look at your consolidation planning from different perspectives. The Consolidation
Tool also is aware of the various performance metrics of the hardware you will be moving
from and the hardware you will be moving too and uses those metrics as a part of its
capacity forecasting. We will cover OEM, including the Consolidation Tool in much more
detail in Book Three of this series.
Determining the Character Set of the CDB
We have mentioned the importance of choosing the correct character set already.
Character sets can be one of the biggest got ya’s there is when it comes to databases. In
Oracle Database 12c Release 1 all of the PDB’s must have the same character set as the
CDB. Oracle recommends that you use the Unicode character set (AL32UTF8) whenever
possible for a new CDB.
If you have databases that have other character sets, you will need to export them and
then import them into a pre-created PDB. It is beyond the scope of this book to talk about
all of the considerations that go with moving a database with one character set to a
database with another character set. Oracle provides a manual called the Database
Globalization Support Guide to assist you in efforts that involve changing character sets.
Oracle Database 12c includes a new tool to assist you in database character set
migrations to Unicode. The Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) provides a
guided workflow that helps you in your effort to migrate to a Unicode character set.
Obviously, you will need to make sure that your application will work with a different
character set, but moving to Unicode is something to consider. One note about DMU. It
currently does not support PDB’s. Therefore, if you want to use it for character set
conversions you will need to convert a non-Multitenant database. If you have a PDB that
you want to convert, you can unplug it from the CDB and convert it into a non-
Multitenant database. Once that has been completed, you can execute the character
migration with DMU. Once the character migration is complete, you can plug the database
back into the CDB.
Obviously, if you want to migrate the character set of a non-Multitenant database that
you also want to plug into a CDB, you should perform the character set migration first.
Once that is complete, then you can plug it into the CDB.
If you have databases that have different character sets that cannot be converted, then
you can simply create a CDB to contain those databases. Many CDB’s can run on the
same server, just like many non-Multitenant databases can run on the same server.
If you want to use DMU, make sure you download the most current version first.
Other Parameters that Deserve Consideration when Creating a CDB
When you create a PDB it will inherit the parameter settings/configuration of the parent
CDB. While there are a few changes that can be made at the PDB level, they are very few
and in general there isn’t a lot of granularity in configuration at the instance level. SO,
when you are preparing to create a CDB, there are some database parameters that you will
want to make sure are set properly. Because there is just one instance and one instance
parameter file, all of the parameters in the parameter file will impact every PDB. There are
some system parameters that can be set specific to a PDB. We will cover these in more
detail in Chapter 4.
The following parameters should be reviewed when you are creating your CDB:
The PROCESSES parameter – If you plan to run more than one PDB, it makes
sense that there may be a requirement to support additional processes. Consider
too that the PDB’s themselves may use Oracle features that require additional
processed, such as Advanced Queuing or the Job Scheduler. Also consider that
there will be additional users connecting to the instance and each of those
connections will require a process.
There are some ways to work around the block size issue. You can create a tablespace
with the block size of the CDB. You can then configure memory areas in the SGA for
non-standard block sizes. Then you would use transportable tablespaces and transport in
the tablespaces with the non-default block sizes. At this point, best practice would be to
move the objects in the tablespace with the non-standard block size into new tablespaces
that are the standard block size of the CDB.
Two other obvious solutions are to use Data Pump to move the data into the new PDB
or you can use a database link and suck up the data using a CTAS or similar command.
If you are going to need to use any of these features in your database, then it cannot be
contained within a CDB.
Do keep in mind that it’s very possible that any future release of 12c (including . (dot)
releases) will add any of these functions into the CDB architecture. So, don’t discount
using CDB’s until you have checked the latest documentation. I’m going to try to
keep this book up to date as much as possible but you never know!
We have now covered the pre-requisites specific to the creation of a CDB database.
Keep in mind that this list did not contain the additional requirements that are associated
with the creation of all Oracle databases, so you will need to make sure you meet those
needs as well. Also, keep in mind that with each new release of Oracle Database there
may be new, modified or dropped requirements. So, use this book as your guide, but
always check and make sure that something else isn’t going to stand in your way to
Multitenant happiness.
CDB Database Creation
Time to make the doughnuts, or in our case, create our CDB database. Keep in mind, all
we are doing right now is creating the CDB, although the DBCA will create a PDB for us.
After the CDB is created, then we would start creating or plugging in PDB’s.
So, let’s look at what is different about this create database statement with respect to
Multitenant databases. Probably the most obvious thing is the enable pluggable database
statement, which is part of the new enable_pluggable_database clause of the create
database statement. This is the key to the creation of a CDB. Unless a database is created
using this clause, then it is not a CDB. Remember, you cannot convert an existing
Multitenant database into a CDB. You can, however, move an existing non-Multitenant
database into a CDB as a PDB.
The next thing to notice is the definition of the SEED container as seen here:
Here, the characteristics of the SEED container are defined. There are two main
tablespaces in the SEED container being defined here: SYSTEM and SYSAUX. Each of
these tablespaces have their datafile attributes defined in this clause. Since these
tablespace are created in the SEED container, they will subsequently be created in any
PDB that is created, using the SEED container as the source container. The same sizes and
datafile configurations will be used in the cloned databases.
The DBCA provides a really good way to see how to properly create any Oracle
database. If you define the database attributes in the DBCA and then, instead of
creating a database, you would simply choose for it to create the files required to
manually create the database. You can then review these files and modify them for
your specific purposes. This method ensures that you run all the scripts and fulfill
the other requirements to create the database with the feature set you desire.
Once the create database command has completed executing, you will have created a
basic CDB. It will consist of the main CDB called RFCDB. That CDB will have its own
SYSTEM, SYSAUX, UNDO and default temporary tablespaces defined. It will also have
the SEED container within it as we already discussed. The CDB will be opened in READ
WRITE mode, while the SEED container will be in READ ONLY mode, which is the
mode it belongs in.
After the create database command is complete, there are other scripts to be executed
when creating a CDB database, just as there is in a non-Multitenant database. In the case
of a CDB you will run the script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catcdb.sql from the sys
as sysdba account of the CDB. Depending on what options you are running in the
database, you may need to run other scripts. Check the documentation for the options you
are running for more information on any other post-database creation steps.
Other things you will probably want to do, that you would do with a non-Multitenant
database are create a password file, backup the database and enable the automated startup
of the database when the server starts. You may also want to configure EM Express
manually, which is no different between a CDB and non-CDB database.
Once the rfcdba CDB is created, you will end up with an Oracle Multitenant database
that looks like the one shown in figure 2-2. In this figure you have your CDB (called
CDB$ROOT) with one container, the SEED container (called PDB$SEED), attached to it.
At this point, we are ready to start creating PDB’s.
If your enterprise uses DBCA and its templates, then it will be easier for the
organization to define, implement and enforce those standards. The DBCA provides one
standardized way of doing things, and this is a good thing. You will also see in the next
section that the DBCA provides a nice standardized way to manage the creation, removal,
plug-in and unplug of PDB’s into the CDB. There are a number of reasons to use the
DBCA, and I’m not going to spend a lot of time here listing them – but it’s a very
important tool, and you should use it if at all possible.
Creating a CDB with the DBCA is almost exactly like creating a non-CDB with the
DBCA. Because of this, I am only going to highlight the specific differences and perhaps
point out a thing or two. So, not a lot of pictures of screen output here!
After starting the DBCA you will choose the create database option, which will bring
up the create database dialogue. It is this next screen (creation mode) that you will treat
differently since you are creating a Multitenant capable database. There are two options
you can choose from here. You can choose the option “Create a database with default
configuration” or you can choose “Advanced Mode”.
Below that checkbox is a dialogue box that is titled, “Pluggable Database Name”.
When you create a CDB from the DBCA, it will create a single PDB, that you have named
in the dialogue box on this page, at the same time. This is not optional, however, after the
CDB is created you can easily drop that PDB if you need too. Once you click on the Next
button you will proceed through the remainder of the dialogue boxes in the same way you
would with a non-CDB. When the final dialogue box appears, you will simply click the
“Finish” button and start the creation of your CDB. Figure 2-3 provides a screen print of
the create database page, showing the two options that are available, as well as where to
define that the database is a container database if you are using the default configuration
Figure 2-3 DBCA Create a Database with Default Configuration Option Page
The next page will be the Database Identification page that you will indicate that the
database to be created is to be created as a container database. This page provides the
ability for you to create 0,1 or more PDB’s at the time the CDB is created. If you choose
to create more than 1 container database, the name of the container databases that are
created will be prefixed by the name you choose on this dialogue page. Oracle will attach
a unique identifier to the end of the PDB name. This eliminates the risk of namespace
collisions within the CDB. DBCA can create up to 252 PDBs for you this way, which
happens to be the maximum number of PDBs allowed in a single CDB. Figure 2-4
provides a screen print of the Database Identification screen that you will see when
following the Advance Mode workflow:
The Initialization Parameters page also provides the location where you will define
how memory will be assigned to the CDB. We discussed a number of considerations when
it comes to memory earlier in this chapter and you will want to apply what you know to
the decisions involving memory allocations. Further this page also provides the ability to
define the number of processes (in the sizing tab) that you want to configure the database
for. Again, we discussed the importance of properly sizing the processes value. Figure 2-5
provides a look at the Initialization Parameters page with the memory tab selected. You
can see that there are also tabs for Sizing and Character Sets, which you will want to
review. Finally, at the bottom of the page, you will see a button called “All Initialization
Parameters”. You may want to click on that button to review the database parameters and
ensure they are configured as you desire.
C:\orion>set ORACLE_SID=robertcdb
C:\orion>sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Jan 10 18:59:25 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
––– –
You can also connect to the CDB through a network connection by making a SQL*Plus
call to the CDB’s service name as seen here:
Sqlplus sys/password@mycdb
You can also use the easy connect format as seen here:
Sqlplus sys/password@//serverone:1525/mycdb
Connecting to a PDB is a bit different, and we will discuss that in the next chapter.
In this chapter I walked you through the steps you will follow when creating a Container
Database. We talked about a lot of the pre-requisite tasks that you need to complete (or
think about) first, and then we discussed creating the CDB. We covered creating a CDB
manually first, and then we continued with a discussion on creating a CDB with the
DBCA. In the next section we will discuss creating a PDB within a CDB.
Now that you have created a Container Database the next step is to create a PDB within
that container database. In this section we will discuss the creation and removal of PDBS.
We will look at how to manually create a PDB, and also we will look at using the DBCA
to create PDBS. After that, we will show you how you connect to PDB’s using their
service name. Finally we will cover removing PDB’s either through the use of the drop
pluggable database command or by using the DBCA.
Connecting to a PDB
Connecting to a PDB is somewhat different than connecting to a non-Multitenant database
or a CDB. With a non-Multitenant database or a CDB you will set the database
environment such as ORACLE_SID to the SIR of the database and then connect to it via
With a PDB there is no environment variable that you can use to connect to a PDB.
Instead, you must indicate the service name of the PDB to connect too. You can do this
using the familiar @ connection method with SQL*Plus as seen here:
sqlplus myuser/password@mypdb
This means that to be able to connect to the PDB that the PDB must be open and the
database listener must be running and the PDB service must be registered with the listener.
You can also use the EZNaming syntax which includes the host name, the listener port
servicing the PDB and the service name of the PDB. Here is an example of using the
EXNaming syntax:
Sqlplus myuser/password@//myhost:1522/mypdb
Creating a PDB Manually
Now that we have gotten our CDB created, it’s time to do the real work – create the PDBs
we want to use. That is what this section is all about. There are several ways to create a
new PDB. In this chapter we will concentrate on the use of the create pluggable database
command which is used to manually create databases. The create pluggable database
command can be used to create PDB’s in a number of ways including
The command itself is pretty straight forward. You will need to indicate the name and
password of the administrative user. To create a PDB from the SEED container you need
to login to the CDB as an administrative user using the SYSDBA privilege. This might be
SYS or a common user (which we will discuss in chapter 5). Once you are logged in then
you would issue the create pluggable database command as seen here:
Create pluggable database newpdb admin user newadmin identified by password roles=(dba);
This will create a new pluggable database called NEWPDB. This will also create an
administrative user in the PDB called NEWADMIN. Note that we used the roles keyword
to assign the DBA role to the admin user. By default, when the admin user is created it’s
granted only one privilege and one role called PDB_DBA. The default privileges that the
admin account are granted are:
Unlimited tablespace
Create pluggable database (through a grant to the PDB_DBA role)
Create session (through a grant to the PDB_DBA role)
Set container (through a grant to the PDB_DBA role)
A PDB admin user also does not have SYSDBA privileges and cannot be granted
SYSDBA privileges. Thus, the scope of the admin user is restricted to the PDB only. Once
the PDB has been created, you can see it in the V$PDBS view as seen here:
–––––––––– –––-
Notice that the OPEN_MODE of the NEWPDB PDB is MOUNTED. The create
pluggable database command does not open the PDB once it’s been created. This is done
by the DBA using the alter pluggable database open command as seen here:
–––––––––– –––-
There are a number of options your might choose from when creating a PDB. First, if
you are not using OMF, then you will need to use the file_name_convert clause to
indicate where the files of the new PDB should be located. For example, if the SEED
container datafiles are in a directory called /u01/app/oracle/oradata/mycdb/datafile. You
want to create a new PDB called NEWPDB in the directory
/u01/app/oracle/oradata/mycdb/newpdb/datafile, and you are not using OMF. You will
need to indicate the directory path conversion that you wish to use by using the
file_name_convert clause. Here is an example:
Note that the file_name_convert option is not available if you are using OMF.
You can also include the pdb_storage_clause to control the amount of physical storage
that the PDB can consume on the server. You can control the total size of the PDB or you
can control how much space it will consume if it’s using a shared temporary tablespace in
the database. The default is no limits are placed on the PDB when it is created.
Creating a PDB Cloning an Existing Local PDB with or Without Data
The create pluggable database command can also be used to create a new PDB from an
existing PDB. You use the create pluggable database to do this along with the
create_pdb_clone clause is used to make a clone of a PDB. To clone a PDB the source
PDB needs to be open and then you issue the create pluggable database command as
seen here where we are creating a PDB called COPYPDB from a PDB called MYPDB:
This will create the PDB along with the network services needed to access it. The data
from the MYPDB will be copied in this case, so we will end up with an exact copy of the
Often what we would like to do is just clone the database and all of the data structures
within it, but not copy the data in the user tablespaces. You can use the no data option of
the create pluggable database command to do that as seen in this example:
Note that using the no data option can only be done if you are copying data between
PDB’s. If you are creating a PDB from a non-CDB database then a no data copy is not
available. Additionally the following restrictions apply when using the nodata clause:
If these requirements are met, then you must to the following to prepare to clone the
PDB. I will cover this in the next section.
Cloning a PDB over a Network Link
Now that you have completed all the prerequisites related to the cloning of a remote PDB
you are now ready to perform the cloning. Here are the steps of that cloning:
1. Log into the source CDB as SYS and change to the PDB that you will be cloning
using the alter session set container command.
set ORACLE_SID=srecdb
sqlplus / as sysdba
alter session set container=srcpdb;
2. In the source PDB, create a user in the PDB or decide what user you want to use
to connect to facilitate the cloning. Grant that user the create session and create
pluggable database privileges if they do not already have those privileges.
Create user copy_user identified by copy_user;
Grant create session, create pluggable database to copy_user;
5. Create a database link that connects to the service name of the source PDB.
Create database link copy_link
connect to copy_user identified by copy_user
Using ’//myserver:1521/srcpdb’;
6. You are now ready to clone the database. Use the create pluggable database
command using the from option to clone over the network as seen here:
Create pluggable database targpdb from copy_user@copy_link;
7. Once the new PDB has been created it will be open in READ ONLY mode.
Check the status of the new PDB and then use the alter pluggable database
command to close the new PDB and then re-open it.
set ORACLE_SID=targcdb
sqlplus / as sysdba
select name, open_mode from v$pdbs;
Alter pluggable database targpdb close;
Alter pluggable database targpdb open;
select name, open_mode from v$pdbs;
8. You can now take the source PDB and shut it down and re-open it.
set ORACLE_SID=srecdb
sqlplus / as sysdba
Alter pluggable database srcpdb close;
Alter pluggable database srcpdb open read only;
If you now check the V$PDBS view on the target database you will see the new PDB has
been created and that it is open:
Additionally, this screen has a tab that is listed Database Vault & Label Security. If you
want to enable either of these features you should go to the tab and do so. We will not be
changing any of the settings on that tab in this example. Having completed the entry of the
information on this page you will click on the Next button again to go to the next page.
If you indicated earlier that you would like a default user data tablespace created, you
can change the name of that tablespace in the Customize Storage Screen. There are a
number of options you can take advantage of on this screen including changing the
datafile name and size of the tablespace before it is created. You can add a datafile to the
tablespace and you can define attributes of existing datafiles such as autoextend and the
like. One thing you might consider on the Customize Storage Screen is to change the
increment setting for each datafile with respect to autoextend. The default (1280k) is
probably way to small for reality and can cause performance problems. At a minimum I
recommend 64m extensions of datafiles. If you expect frequent extensions then I would
make the increment size equivalent to 5 to 10 percent of the number of extensions that you
would expect in a year. Round this value up to a multiple of 8 to allow for alignment with
the database block size. For example, if our datafile is 1GB in size and you expect overall
growth of 500MB over a year, you should probably set your increment to 64M (10%
would be 56MB and we are rounding up to a multiple of 8). This will help to eliminate the
performance impacts of large data file expansions during large data loads.
Returning to the Summary storage screen after making any storage modifications you
can click on Finish. Once you do the DBCA will bring up the “Progress” page and begin
the creation of the PDB. The progress page can be seen in Figure 3-7. Note that there is a
progress bar at the top of the page that will indicate how far along the creation process you
are in. The steps are listed in the middle of the screen.
During the PDB creation the DBCA provides you with two options to monitor the
progress of the creation of the database. A click box for the Activity log associated with
the creation of the PDB, and one for the Alert log of the CDB is available. When you click
on either of these, then the related logging screen will appear. These screens are also seen
in Figure 3-8.
The PDB that is created will be open in READ ONLY mode initially. You will want to
open the PDB in READ WRITE mode, so that users can access it. To do this, log into the
CDB and use the alter pluggable database <PDB_NAME> close command followed by
the alter pluggable database <PDB_NAME> open read write command.
Dropping a PDB
Now that you know how to create PDB’s, it’s time to learn how to drop them. This can be
done manually with the drop pluggable database or through the DBCA. We will discuss
each of these options in the next section.
Dropping a PDB manually
The drop pluggable database is used to drop a PDB from a CDB. The command is pretty
straight forward command. You need to be logged into the CDB as an administrative user,
using the SYSDBA privilege. Once you have logged in, you will need to close the instance
you are going to remove. This is done with the alter pluggable database close command
as seen in this example:
Now that you have closed the PDB you can drop it with the drop pluggable database
command. When you are dropping a database without unplugging (which we will discuss
in Chapter 7 in Book 2) the PDB then you will need to include the including datafiles
clause as seen in this example:
The next screen is you see will be the “Manage Pluggable Databases”, which you can
see in Figure 3-2 earlier in this section. Here you have several options. This time we are
interested in the “Delete a Pluggable Database” option. It should already be selected.
Ensure it is and then click on the Next button.
You will now be on the “Database List” screen that is shown in Figure 3-3 earlier in
this section. From this screen you will choose the CDB that contains the PDB to be
removed. Once you have selected the CDB, click on the Next button to continue.
Next you will see the Delete Pluggable Database screen as seen in Figure 3-9. This
screen provides a drop down list of PDB’s that are available to be dropped. Once you have
selected the database to be removed, click on the Next button. This will lead to the DBCA
Summary screen. This screen provides an over view of the activities to be performed.
Click on Finish and the PDB will be deleted.
Once the PDB is open, issue the alter pluggable database command to rename the
PDB. Oracle will also adjust the service name of the PDB to the name it is being changed
to. Once the PDB is renamed you will take it out of restricted session and then it is ready
to be used.
Sqlplus / as sysdba
Alter session set container=oldpdb;
Startup open restrict
Alter pluggable database oldpdb rename global_name to newpdb;
Alter system disable restricted session;
In this chapter we have covered a large variety of ways that PDB’s can be created in a
CDB. We discussed creating PDB’s by using the SEED container. We also discussed how
to clone a PDB using another PDB as the source of the new PDB. We discussed how you
can do this and either include the data within the PDB or without data from the PDB. We
also discussed creating PDB’s using the DBCA. Then we discussed dropping the PDB
both using the PDB and the DBCA. Finally we discussed renaming a PDB from the
command line prompt. We have covered a lot of ground here, but these are not the only
ways of getting PDB’s into a CDB. Later in this book we will discuss plugging PDB’s into
a CDB and unplugging PDB’s from a CDB. Next up though, we will discuss
administration activities that are new to Multitenant databases.
There is one additional feature for creating clone PDB’s that I didn’t mention in this
chapter, or in this book for that matter. This is a feature called CloneDB. This feature
provides the ability to create clones quickly, using copy on write technologies. Rest
assured that I will be covering CloneDB in book two of this series.
There are several things you will want to know about the administration of CDB and
PDB databases. In many ways the administration of both the CDB and its PDB’s is not
that far removed from what you are used to already. In this section we will discuss the
following topics:
–––- –––––––––
–––- ––––––––––
With that many containers you will probably agree that there is can be a lot of
confusion when working in that environment. When you perform activities in a given
PDB you will want to make sure you are in the correct PDB. If you are in SQL*Plus you
can use the SQL*Plus built in commands show con_name and show con_id to see which
container you are in and it’s container id as seen in this example:
In this case we can see that we are in the NEWPDB PDB and the container ID is 5.
You can also derive this information in PL/SQL through a call to sys_context. The
standard namespace that contains the user environment settings (USERENV) has new
parameters that are associated with Multitenant database. Table 4-1 provides a list of the
sys_context Attributes that are associated with Multitenant databases.
Attribute Description
Here is an example of a query that calls the sys_context function returning the name of
the container you are currently in:
Exposing your Multitenant Environment Using SQL*Plus
Oracle has added new features to SQL*Plus that will help you as you navigate through the
various containers in your database. Knowing these commands will help you to effectively
navigate the PDB environment. You can see the list of these new commands in table 4-2.
Command Purpose
show con_name Displays the name of the container that you are currently
Show pdbs Displays the PDB’s in the CDB and their current state.
In this example we will demonstrate the use of the show con_name and show pdbs
command from SQL*PLUS:
SQL> show con_name
First, you will notice that many of the V$ data dictionary views that you are already
familiar with, like V$TABLESPACE now have a new column called CON_ID. This
column represents the container that the record belongs too. For example, look at the
partial output from this query:
As you can see the NEWPDB PDB is assigned to CON_ID 5. You can see that there
are 3 tablespaces assigned to the NEWPDB PDB. The DBA, USER and ALL views do not
have this additional column in them in most cases. There are a few new views that contain
the container ID in them, but the vast majority do not. The data contained in the DBA,
USER and ALL views is dependent on which PDB you are logged into. If you are in the
ROOT container, then all you will see is information related to the ROOT container. If you
are in a PDB called TEST then you will only see the objects in the TEST PDB. Here is an
Notice the difference between these two queries. The first one shows that there are
2340 rows in the DBA_TABLES view in the ROOT container. The second query shows
that there are 2338 tables in the NEWPDB container. This demonstrates the scope of the
DBA, USER and ALL views is limited to the container that you are logged into.
However, a new kind of data dictionary view, called the CDB_ view has been added
and it does contain the container ID for the objects in the database. For example, there is a
CDB_TABLES view. Since we are still in the NEWPDB container, let’s look at a select
count(*) from that view:
Now, let’s move back into the ROOT container and see what happens when we query
the CDB_TABLES view:
The reason that the CDB view shows so many more records here is that it contains the
tables for all of the PDB’s. This can be demonstrated by the following query:
Now, I know you are sharp and you noticed that only one PDB (and the ROOT
container) is showing up in this view. That’s because the CDB_TABLES view is only
populated when the PDB is open either in READ ONLY or READ WRITE mode. So, the
CDB views provide a look at PDB related objects to an administrator account logged into
the ROOT PDB. In non ROOT PDBS the scope of the CDB views is only for that PDB.
There is one additional twist to all of this and it’s a user type that is new to Multitenant
databases called a common user. We will discuss the common user, and about it’s
privileges, in the next chapter.
Oracle Database 12c Multitenant Specific Data Dictionary Views
Now that we have covered the scope of the various database views, it might be a good
idea to give you a quick summary of the various views that are associated with
Multitenant databases. Table 4-3 lists the most common V$ views that you will use to
manage Multitenant databases. Table 4-4 below lists the most common
DBA|ALL|USER_* views used to manage Multitenant databases. Also, don’t forget that
most of the DBA views have a related CDB_ view.
Table 4-3 Commonly Used V$ Views For Multitenant
Table 4-4 Commonly Used DBA|ALL and USER Views For Multitenant
The CON_ID column in the database views can be joined with the CON_ID column in
the V$PDBS view to get the actual name of the container. Here is an example of a join
between the V$TABLESPACE and V$PDBS view to see the name of a the tablespaces
and the PDB’s that they are assigned too:
Using the Alter Pluggable Database Command to Startup and Shutdown Databases
The alter pluggable database command can be used to startup and shutdown a pluggable
database when logged into the CDB using the SYSDBA, SYSOPER, SYSBACKUP or
SYSDG privileges. The alter pluggable database has a number of options to open a PDB
with as seen in table 4-5 and a number of options to close a PDB in table 4-6. Each of the
tables also has an example of the use of the option.
Open read Open the PDB in read Alter pluggable database mypdb
only only mode. open read only;
close (default) Close the PDB normally Alter pluggable database mypdb close;
Immediate Force the PDB closed Alter pluggable database mypdb close
We are deliberately not addressing RAC instances here. We will be addressing RAC
and Oracle Multitenant in Book four.
The options available with the startup pluggable database command can be seen in
table 4-6. Note that in most cases the open option does not need to be included since it’s
the default value.
Force Force the PDB open Startup pluggable database mypdb force
Upgrade Open the PDB in upgrade Startup pluggable database mypdb upgrade
Restricted Open the PDB in restricted Startup pluggable database mypdb restricted
Read only Open the PDB in read only Startup pluggable database mypdb open read only
Using the SQL*Plus Startup and Shutdown Commands from within a PDB.
The same options seen in Table 4-6 are available when using the SQL*Plus startup
command when you are connected to the PDB. Since the PDB will be mounted, the only
way to connect to it will be via the alter session set container command. Here is an
example of connecting to a mounted PDB and starting it up with the SQL*Plus startup
SQL> startup
Pluggable Database opened.
Let’s look at an example of this. First, we are going to look at the saved state for the
NEWPDB PDB by querying the DBA_PDB_SAVED_STATES view:
The DBA_PDB_SAVED_STATES view is empty when a PDB has no state set for a
given PDB. Now, let’s look at the current state of the NEWPDB PDB:
–––––––––– –––-
So the NEWPDB PDB is open and in READ WRITE mode. Want to ensure that the
NEWPDB returns to this mode if the CDB that the NEWPDB PDB is in restarted. So, we
will use the alter pluggable database save state command to ensure the state of the PDB
will be preserved across CDB restarts:
–––––––––– ––––-
Now the current state of the NEWPDB PDB is saved and will be preserved across
restarts of the parent CDB. Let’s restart the CDB and see if this works:
You can see that the NEWPDB returned to READ WRITE mode after the database was
restarted, just like we wanted.
To return to the default behavior for a PDB on a CDB restart, you will need to discard
the saved state. This is done with the alter pluggable database discard saved state
command. Here is an example where we return the NEWPDB PDB to the default state at
CDB restart (which is MOUNTED). After resetting the state, notice that we no longer get
any rows back when we query the DBA_PDB_SAVED_STATES view:
You can set the global storage limit on a PDB when it’s created, by using the
pdb_storage_clause clause of the create pluggable database command as seen in this
To alter an existing storage limit or to define a new storage limit for a PDB you use the
pdb_storage_clause clause along with the alter pluggable database command. To use
this command you must be logged into the PDB with a user that has the alter database
privilege. A common or local user of the PDB can be used to configure storage levels (we
will discuss common and local users in the next chapter).
An Oracle PDB can use one of two temporary tablespace types (we will discuss this in
the next chapter). First, the CDB has a temporary tablespace that is common to the entire
CDB. All PDB’s can use this temporary tablespace, and by default all users in a PDB are
assigned to that tablespace. If you are using a shared temporary tablespace, you can limit
the amount of storage a PDB can consume in that tablespace by using the
pdb_storage_clause either when creating a PDB or when using the alter pluggable
database command. In this example, we are creating a PDB with storage limits on the
CDB shared temporary tablespace:
You can also use the alter pluggable database command to adjust or add storage
limits on the shared temporary tablespace:
Alter pluggable database newpdb storage (max_shared_temp_size 500m);
The default setting for these limits is for them to be unlimited. If you wish to return the
storage settings to unlimited you can use the unlimited keyword to do so as seen in this
Other tablespace commands, such as those associated with resizing and adding
datafiles work the same within a PDB as they do within the parent CDB or a non-
Multitenant Oracle database.
Using the Alter System Command in a CDB and a PDB
There is no significant difference when the alter system command is executed from a
CDB. The same privileges are required and the same restrictions apply. The only
difference that is noticeable is that common users are used in a CDB and they are not even
available in a non-Multitenant database. We will discuss common users in detail in the
next chapter. All PDB’s inherit the system settings from the CDB. These defaults can be
over ridden by using the scope= parameter. Thus, you can set specific parameters for a
PDB within an SPFILE so that they will be persistent.
There is a more limited list of alter system commands that can be used when you are
connected to a PDB. To use the alter system commands you have the appropriate grants
to use these commands. These privileges are the same as those required within a non-
Multitenant database or a CDB. Table 4-8 lists the various alter system commands that
can be run from within a PDB.
alter system enable restricted session alter system disable restricted session
Like many other things, the alter system command’s scope is limited to the PDB you
are logged into. So, if you are logged into the MYPDB container, you can only kill
sessions in the MYPDB container. Of course, if you are logged into the root as SYS or a
common user, then you can kill any session.
Within a PDB, the alter system set command can modify parameters that have a
setting of TRUE in the ISPDB_MODIFIABLE column of the
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER view. In version there were over 180 system
parameters that were modifiable at the PDB level. Almost 200 system parameters were not
able to be modified in a PDB.
When you alter a system parameter you can save that parameter so that it’s persistent
across restarts of the PDB and its parent CDB. Thus, a given parameter can have multiple
values across PDBs and the parent CDB. This can be seen by querying the
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER view as seen here:
The reason for the outer join is because the V$CONTAINERS view does not provide
a row for CON_ID 0, which is the CON_ID for all the default parameters.
We can change the sessions parameter in the MYPDB PDB as seen here:
This parameter will persist through restarts of the PDB or the CDB.
Using the Alter Session Command in a CDB and a PDB
The alter session command can be used within a PDB or a CDB just as you do in a
non-Multitenant database. You have already seen the use of the alter session set
container command which provides the ability to move between containers when you are
at the SQL prompt. All of the parameters related with the alter session set command are
available within a PDB.
Temporary Tablespaces in a Multitenant Database
When a CDB is created, it will be created with its own temporary tablespace. When you
create a PDB from the SEED database using the create pluggable database, a default
temporary tablespace will be created in that pluggable database. All users who are created
in the CDB (common users) or it’s PDB’s will be assigned the default temporary
tablespace when they are created.
In early Oracle documentation in the past there was some reference to the ability of a
PDB to share the CDB’s temporary tablespace as a common temporary tablespace.
There are many references to this on the internet as well. In this functionality
is not available nor was it documented at the time this book was written.
Every CDB and PDB has a default temporary tablespace assigned when it’s created.
When the CDB is created by the DBCA, or the PDB is created by the DBCA or the create
pluggable database command, a default temporary tablespace will be created. The name of
this tablespace is TEMP. You can see the setting of the default temporary tablespace by
querying the DATABASE_PROPERTIES view and looking for the PROPERTY_NAME
called DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE. Here is an example of such a query:
–––––––––– –––––
When a user is created in the CDB or PDB it will be assigned to the defined default
temporary tablespace if one is not otherwise specified.
Let’s look at a simple example first. Let’s assume you have the following script that
you wish to run in all of the containers of the database. The script, in this case, sets the
parameter sessions to 600 in all containers. The script is an easy, single line script that we
will put into a SQL file called set_sessions.sql. We will save this file to a directory called
$ORACLE_BASE/scripts. Here is the single line of the script:
Now that we have created the script, we want to use to run it in all of the
containers of the database. The command to do so looks like this:
The result of the script above is that the sessions.sql script that is contained in the
$ORACLE_BASE/script directory first in the root container, and then in the remaining
containers. The script creates log files of its operations for review afterwards to
ensure no errors have occurred. The script offers a number of different options
that are available that make quite flexible. For example, you can have the run a SQL statement from the command line itself as seen here:
Once the code has completed running you will find a variety of logs in the
/tmp directory that start with the name sessions_out and then end with unique identifiers to
keep the logs unique. The file name convention is platform specific. In these logs you will
find the results of the scripts that were run, or in the case of the example above you will
see the results of the query that was executed.
At the time this book was written the Oracle documentation indicates that you
should use single quotes instead of double quotes. In our testing, the statement
required double quotes as we have used in our examples.
Avoiding CDB Crashes
If you have ever run into corruption issues with database datafiles you know that they can
be a pain. However, very often the errors are localized to just a few blocks, and in a non-
Multitenant database environment the database will continue to run normally. The
offending datafile usually would be taken offline or sometimes it would remain online and
users would only see errors when their process reads those bad blocks.
In Oracle Database 12c, the current default behavior if a PDB has any number of disk
related errors, it will crash the entire CDB rather than just impacting the PDB itself. This
is probably not the behavior that most enterprises want out of a Multitenant environment.
To address this issue you can set the parameter _datafile_write_errors_crash_instance to a
value of FALSE. The default value for this parameter is TRUE. You can see the current
value of this parameter in your instance by running this query:
To reset the parameter you use the alter system command as seen here:
This has been an important chapter as we really got into the meat of managing a
Multitenant database. In the next chapter we will address users and security in a
Multitenant database. Perhaps it is in that area that the largest number of impactful change
to Oracle Database have occurred.
There are some differences though, and we will focus on some of these differences in
this chapter. First we will look at the additional types of users that you need to be aware of
in Multitenant databases. For each user, we will look at their purpose, how to create them,
and we will also look at the security concerns related to those kinds of users.
In a Multitenant database, you cannot create normal user accounts when connected to
the root of the CDB. For example, let’s say I wanted to create an account called dbargf
while connected to the root of a CDB called NEWPDB. This attempt will fail as seen here:
SQL> create user dbargf identified by robert;
create user dbargf identified by robert
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
Of course, we don’t want to use the SYS account every time we need to manage the
CDB. So, can we create accounts that can be used to manage some of all functions of the
CDB? Also, we know that accounts in PDB’s are local to that PDB. Rather than creating
the same account in fifteen different PDB’s, is there a way to create one common account
that is created in all of the PDB’s? The answer is yes and the name of that account is the
Common User Account.
With a Common User Account we can create a sort of global account. Like other
Oracle accounts, the common user account has no privileges when it’s created. Through
the assignment of system and object grants and also the use of roles, we can assign
privileges in a very granular way, just as with normal database accounts. Only, in the cast
of Common User Accounts, the user account can have privileges granted in any PDB,
across PDB’s and in the CDB itself. It can become, in essence, a CDB super user account,
if that is your wish.
In this section we will discuss common user accounts and how they are used in a
Multitenant database. We will also discuss how to configure them for CDB management
Remember that in the CDB model, the individual PDBs are isolated from each other.
All accounts created when connected to a PDB then is only related to that PDB. This is
true for normal user accounts and privileged user accounts.
This provides the ability to isolate administration of individual PDB’s to specific PDB
administrative accounts. These kinds of accounts are called local administrator accounts.
Users that are created locally within a PDB are called local users.
Common Users and Roles
As we mentioned in the previous section, you cannot create a normal “user” account when
connected to the root container of a CDB. Instead we create accounts called common user
accounts in the CDB. In this section we will first look at how to create a common user.
Most of this discussion also applies to the creation and security aspects of roles as well.
Where there is a difference, I will highlight that difference.
From the point of view of division of responsibilities the typical security model in a
CDB is to have few CDB administrators and have the majority of administration activities
occur at the PDB level. This allows you to DBAs to their various databases without a need
to over allocate access to these DBA accounts.
In the next sections we will cover the creation of common users. We will then discuss
the various ways you can grant privileges to common users after they have been created.
Creating and Removing Common Users
In a Multitenant database the ROOT container is special. It is the owner of all other PDBs
within the database. You can access the ROOT container by using the standard Oracle
database accounts like SYS (as sysdba) and SYSTEM (with or without SYSDBA) or you
can create new accounts. However, you cannot create just any account when you are
connected to the root container. Instead, you must create what is known as a common user
When it’s created, the common user account is created in both the CDB and it’s also
created in all PDB’s that are in the database. If a PDB is not open when the common user
account is created, then the account will be created when the PDB is later opened. New
PDB’s that are plugged into the CDB will have the common user account added to them
when they are plugged in.
Even though the common user account is created in all PDB’s, it has no privileges
anywhere by default. Therefore, nobody can use a common user account until it is granted
privileges needed for whatever access is required.
The common user accounts can be used in a number of different ways. You can create
common user accounts for your DBA staff, granting those accounts privileges only to the
PDB’s a given DBA would administer. This way, you can have DBA’s who administer
only specific PDB’s and who do not have the ability to administer the CDB as a whole.
Another example might be the creation of a common user account that is granted
privileges to be able to backup the database, but nothing else.
A common user account has a special format to its name. The common user account
name is identified by a prefix which is followed by the account name. By default, the
prefix of a common user account is C##. So, if I wanted to create a common user account
called dbargf I would actually create an account called C##dbargf as seen in this example:
Once this common user is created, it’s just like any other account – it lacks privileges
of any kind. For example, if we try to log into the new c##dbargf account we get a familiar
ORA-01045: user C##DBARGF lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied
As you can see, just like a regular user account, a common user account needs to be
granted privileges like any other user account you might create. Let’s look at how we
grant privileges in the ROOT container to a common user account next.
You can drop a common user with the drop user command as seen here:
Common Roles
Just like you can create a common user, you can also create a common role. The
concept is the same. The role is created in all of the PDB’s, but the privileges granted to
that common role is granular to the level of the PDB (or CDB).
Creation of a common role is the same. The common role name begins with a C##
prefix, just like a common user. Here is an example of the creation of a common role:
Now that we can create a common user or common role, we need to be able to grant
privileges to them. There are two different situations we want to address with respect to
granting privileges to common user accounts. The first is when you are logged into the
ROOT container and you grant privileges to the common user from within the ROOT
container. The second situation is granting privileges to a common user from within a
PDB. Let’s look at these two situations next.
Granting Privileges to the Common User (or Role) When Connected to the ROOT
In this section we will look at how you grant privileges (or roles) to common user
accounts (or common roles). This is important since both common users and common
roles have no privileges when they are created.
The types of privileges within a Multitenant database are the same as in the traditional
non-Multitenant database. The first kind of privilege is the system privilege. These
privileges provide access to system level commands. Examples of system privileges
include commands such as the alter session, create tablespace and create user
The second kind of privilege is an object privilege. These privileges provide specific
access to database objects such as database tables. Any account that is created in a
Multitenant database, including common accounts, must have privileges assigned before
these accounts can actually do anything in the Multitenant database. Let’s look at issuing
both system and object level privileges when you are connected to the root container as a
common user.
Granting Common Users System Grants within the ROOT Container
An example of a system privilege would be granting access to the ROOT container of
the CDB. As with non-Multitenant databases, we grant the create session privilege to the
account. To grant this privilege, you need to connect to the ROOT container with a
privileged account such as the SYS user and use the grant command to enable the
common user to log into the container.
In this example we connect to the container as SYS and issue the grant to provide the
C##DBARGF privileges required to connect to the ROOT container.
So, now we can connect to the CDB, but we still can’t really do anything until we have
granted additional privileges to the common user account, such as the DBA role.
Part of what the previous example demonstrates is that the granting of system and
object grants is largely the same as with non-Multitenant databases. The same applies to
roles, which can be used to group and classify a set of privileges (or other roles). By
default, all privileges granted are scoped to the ROOT container only. By default,
privileges granted to common accounts do not apply to that account within any PDB.
For example, if you grant the alter session system privilege to C##DBARGF and try to
change into another container, you will receive an error because C##DBARGF has been
granted no privileges in that container. Here is what such an error would look like:
It is in this way that the isolation of PDB’s is maintained (by default). The scope of all
grants is limited to the container (or PDB) which they are granted. So, if you grant a
privilege in the NEWPDB PDB, then that grant only has effect in the NEWPDB PDB.
This means that we need to look at how to grant common users access to PDBs, and
perform actions in them. We will discuss that shortly.
Cascading ROOT Container System Privilege Grants to PDBs
Until now we have created a common user account. We have also granted it privileges
within the ROOT container. Now, we want to extend this and grant the common user
account we created system privileges in all PDB’s. For example, we want the C##RGF
account to be able to connect to any PDB after we have created that account. We can
perform this grant, globally, from within the ROOT container.
To do this, we need to be connected into the ROOT container with an account that has
already been granted one of two privileges:
For example, we created the C##DBARGF account earlier. Our intention is to use
C##DBARGF is to use it as a common DBA account. We have decided to grant two
system privileges to that account. These privileges are create user and grant any
privilege. Here are the commands we would issue:
connect / as sysdba
grant grant any privilege to c##dbargf;
grant create user to c##dbargf;
This leads to an important point within a Multitenant database, and that is one of scope.
When you issued the create user grant, the C##DBARGF account would seemingly be
able to create users at that point. However, if you connect to the C##DBARGF account
and try to create a user you will get the following error:
SQL>Connect c##dbargf/robert
SQL> create user c##dbanew identified by dbanew;
create user c##dbanew identified by dbanew
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Why are we getting this error? The problem is one of scope. When you create a
common user, remember that this user is created in every PDB within the database. You
cannot create a common user that is only present in the ROOT container. This means that,
while you are just issuing the create user command once, the practical result is that it’s
being cascaded through all of the PDBs. That leads to the problem we are facing. The
default scope of any grant statement is to grant privileges in the current container only.
Because we granted the create user privilege in the ROOT container, that grant only
applies to that container. As soon as the create user command cascades to create the
common user in one of the PDBs it will fail because C##DBARGF does not have
privileges to create a user in any of the PDBs of that database.
We solve this problem by adding the container clause to the grant command as seen
SQL>Connect / as sysdba
SQL> grant create session to c##dbargf container=all;
Grant succeeded.
Now, let’s try that create user command again:
Now it worked! This is important to remember when issuing system grants to common
users, otherwise you might experience failures and wonder what went wrong.
Let’s look at another example of privilege cascade. We have created the C##DBANEW
user. Let’s grant it the create session privilege and connect to the ROOT container using
that account:
So good so far. What if we try to log into a PDB though? Here is what happens:
Again, we can see that granting a privilege within the ROOT container only has effect
in that container. Because we want to make sure the C##DBANEW account can connect
to all PDBs then we need to scope of that grant be across the entire CDB. To do this we
need to add the container clause to the grant statement. The container clause provides us
with the ability to indicate what the scope of the grant command is. When you are in the
ROOT container, there are two choices for the container clause. The first is the default,
which is CURRENT. The second, which is optional, is ALL.
In this case, we will reissue the create user and create session grants, adding the
container=all parameter. This will ensure both grants impact the all PDBs.
After the execution of these grants, you can now connect to any PDB and create users
within that PDB.
In some cases, such as the create user command, the grant command must include the
container=all parameter. The default value for this clause from within the ROOT
container is CURRENT. The need to use the container=all parameter is not required in
most cases. In many cases, you may wish to limit a specific privilege to the ROOT
container and one or more individual PDBs. In this case, you would issue the grant
command in the ROOT container. Then you would log into the individual PDBs and grant
the privilege to the common user from within that PDB. We will discuss granting
privileges to a common user from inside of a PDB next.
To manage this level of security what you need to do is issue the create session system
grant to the common user from within the PDB that you want the grant to apply too. In
this case, we have a common user called C##HRDBA and we want to grant it access to the
PDB called HR. What we will do is connect to the HR PDB using the admin user of that
PDB. As you will recall, the admin user is defined in the create pluggable database
command. Once we connect to the HR PDB, we will grant the C##HRDBA account the
create session privilege so that it can connect to the PDB. We will then test the connection:
C:\Robert\logs>sqlplus robert/robert@//minint-2hgbgqc:1522/hr
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Jan 18 15:08:26 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Last Successful login time: Sun Jan 18 2015 15:06:31 -08:00
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> grant create session to c##hrdba;
Grant succeeded.
In this case, the C##HRDBA user can now log into the HR PDB. However, if it tries to
log into another PDB that it has not been granted create session privileges on, the
connection fails. Both cases are demonstrated here:
C:\Robert\logs>sqlplus c##hrdba/robert@//minint-2hgbgqc:1522/hr
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Jan 18 15:12:56 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> quit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
C:\Robert\logs>sqlplus c##hrdba/robert@//minint-2hgbgqc:1522/mypdb
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Jan 18 15:13:04 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-01045: user C##HRDBA lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied
It is a best practice in most cases to grant specific system privileges to common users
from the specific PDB rather than grant sweeping privileges that permit common users
access to all of the PDBs in the database.
Granting Object Privileges to Common Users From Within PDBs
For example, say there is a table in the NEWPDB PDB called TESTING that was created
by a local account (we will discuss local accounts later in this section) called ROBERT.
We want to grant SELECT access to this table to the common user C##DBARGF, but we
don’t want to grant C##DBARGF sweeping system privileges like select any table. In
this case, the owner of the object (ROBER) or a local PDB administrator would need to
grant access to that object to the C##DBARGF common user. As an alternative they could
grant access to a role (local or common) and then grant that role to the common user.
In this example, we first log into the NEWPDB PDB as a local user called ROBERT.
The ROBERT user will create a table called TESTING. Then, the ROBERT user will
grant the select privilege to the common user C##DBARGF account:
C:\Robert\logs>sqlplus robert/robert@//minint-2hgbgqc:1522/newpdb
SQL*Plus: Release Production
on Sun Jan 18 13:38:56 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Last Successful login time: Sun Jan 18 2015 13:24:18 -08:00
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> create table testing (id number);
Table created.
SQL> grant select on testing to c##dbargf;
Grant succeeded.
Keep in mind that the TESTING table is owned by the ROBERT user. Also, note in
this example that we didn’t need to use the container clause when we issued the grant
command. The container clause is really not valid when you are in a PDB – the only
available option there is CURRENT.
Continuing our example. we connect to the NEWPDB PDB with the C##DBARGF
account that we just provided select privileges on the ROBERT.TESTING table too. We
then issue a select command to demonstrate that the C##DBARGF now has select
privileges to that object:
Now, the C##DBARGF account can connect to the NEWPDB PDB and query the
ROBERT.TESTING table since it has access to that object now by virtue of the select
grant issued to it. Here is an example where the C##DBARGF account is used to query
that table:
Recapping Grants
We have covered a lot of ground on both system and object grants to common users. It
might be worthwhile to summarize the things we have covered. Table 5-1 provides a
quick summary of the scope of a specific grant to an object, depending on where that
grant occurred and if the container option has been used.
The most obvious local administration account in a PDB created from the SEED
container is the admin account that is defined in the create pluggable database command.
Even this administrative user has limited privileges when it’s created. By default, when the
admin user is created in a new PDB it has these privileges:
Unlimited tablespace
Create pluggable database (through a grant to the pdb_dba role)
Create session (through a grant to the pdb_dba role)
Set container (through a grant to the pdb_dba role)
So, while you can connect using the newly created PDB admin user, there isn’t much
you can do with it until you grant it additional privileges. You can use the pdb_dba_roles
clause of the create pluggable database command to grant additional roles (such as
DBA) to the admin user when you create the PDB, or you can log in afterwards as SYS
and grant the admin user it’s privileges.
Local Users
The local user in a PDB is just like a non-administrative user account in a non-Multitenant
database. You create the accounts inside the PDB you want them assigned to by using the
create user command. Once the user account is created you can administer privileges,
create and delete objects, load and execute PL/SQL objects and any other activity that a
normal user account would perform. The namespace for a user account name is limited to
the PDB, so the same user account can exist in more than one PDB. This is very helpful
for cloning purposes where you want to take an existing database and clone it to a newly
created database.
Now, assume that in PDB2 we have a user called USER2. PDB2.USER2 has a need to
access the data in the SOURCE_TABLE in the PDB1.USER1 PDB. To do this, we can
create a database link between the two PDBs called TOUSER1. We will connect to the
USER2 schema in the PDB2 PDB which we have already granted the privileges required
to create a database link to PDB2.USER2. Then we will create a database link using the
create database link command. This database link will point to the PDB1.USER1
schema, so we can query the SOURCE_TABLE table. Here is an example of this
sqlplus USER2/robert@//minint-2hgbgqc:1522/pdb2
Another method of access data through a PDB is to use the containers clause which
was introduced in Oracle Database This features requires that you use a common
user, and that the object to be queried is owned by that common user. Let’s look at an
example. We can look at the USER_USERS tables across the PDBS by issuing the
following query. First, we have to be connected to the ROOT container. Then you issue
the select statement using the containers clause:
Connect / as sysdba
Select count(*) from containers(user_users);
This query will cross all PDBs (including the root container) and generate a common
count(*) for the USER_USERS views. Note that if you are not connected to the ROOT
container the results you will get back will be for only the PDB you are connected too.
This cross PDB activity can be done for user created tables too. There are some pretty
restrictive rules, however:
This is also the end of Book one of this series on Oracle Multitenant and I hope you
liked it. Coming up in Part 2 is even more coverage on Oracle Multitenant databases. In
Part Two we discuss:
Then, in Part Three we will provide even more coverage on Multitenant databases. In
Part Three we will discuss:
Finally, in Part Four we will finish off this series by covering the following topics:
I hope you enjoyed this book and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series on Oracle
Multitenant databases.
$ORACLE_HOME, 42, 85
_datafile_write_errors_crash_instance, 86
_disk_sector_size_override, 32
account namespaces, 9
administrative accounts, 9, 90, 100
Advanced Queuing, 37, 52
alter pluggable database, 51, 55, 64, 65, 66, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80
Alter pluggable database, 52, 54, 55, 64, 66, 75, 80
alter pluggable database close, 64
alter pluggable database discard saved state, 79
alter session, 54, 66, 67, 71, 76, 77, 83, 87, 92, 93
alter session set container, 54, 66, 71, 76, 77, 83, 93
alter system, 67, 81, 82, 86, 87
ASM, 14, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 38
autoextend, 26, 27, 40, 41, 62
Automatic Data Optimization, 39
block sizes, 32, 38
catcon, 84, 85, 87
CDB, iii, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
92, 93, 95, 97, 100, 103, See Container Database
CDB$ROOT , 5, 16
cdb_pdb_saved_states, 78
cdb_tables, 71, 72
Client Side Cache, 39
common user, 8, 50, 72, 82, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102
con_id, 12, 13, 16, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 78, 79, 82, 83, 86
con_name, 68, 69, 71, 89
CONT_ID column, 11
Container Database
CDB, 1, 3, 4, 5, 44, 48, 49
Continuous Query Notification, 39
Control files, 13
create database, 4, 20, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 102
create database command, 4, 20, 42
Create database link, 54
create pluggable database, 10, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 80, 83, 84, 97, 100, 101
Create pluggable database, 50, 51, 52, 54, 80, 101
create pluggable database command, 49, 52
create session privilege, 54, 88, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99
create tablespace, 81
Create user command, 54
creating the CDB, 20, 40
data dictionary , 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 28, 31, 67, 70, 71, 73, 87
Data Pump, 38
Database Change Notification, 39
Database character sets, 36
Database instance , 5
database instance recovery, 28
Database Migration Assistant for Unicode, 36
datafiles, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 41, 51, 60, 62, 64, 81, 82, 86
Datafiles, 13
dba_hist_sysmetric_history, 31
dba_pdb_saved_states, 78, 79
DBA_PDBS, 73, 78
DBCA, 4, 10, 11, 20, 26, 27, 33, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 84
DMU, 36, 37
drop pluggable database command, 11, 49, 64
enable pluggable database, 41
file_name_convert, 51
Flashback Transaction Backout, 39
Flashback Transaction Query, 39
Global Unique Identifier, 11
GUID, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18
Heat map, 39
high availability, 23
instance crash, 28
Job Scheduler, 37
memory requirements, 21
Multitenant database, i, 4, 13, 15, 20, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 49, 67, 68, 70, 74,
81, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 94, 101, 103
Name collisions, 22
non-CDB, 8, 20, 21, 42, 44, 46
OMF, 14, 25, 38, 51, 60
Online redo logs, 13
Oracle Enterprise Manager, 11, 36, 74, 103
Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Consolidation Tool, 36
Oracle Fail Safe, 39
Oracle Managed Files, 14, 38
Oracle Multitenant, i, 1, 3, 19, 42, 67, 76, 79, 103
Oracle Real Application Clusters, 2
Oracle Real-Application Testing, 35
Oracle Streams, 39
Orion, 23
Parameter file, 13
PDB, iii, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 35, 36,
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88,
90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, See Pluggable Database
pdb_storage_clause, 52, 80
physical datafiles, 11
Pluggable database , 5, 51, 64, 78, 79
Pluggable Database, 1, 3, 5, 8, 44, 57, 59, 60, 65, 75, 76, 77
RAC. See Oracle Real Application Clusters
Redo, 27, 28, 33, 79
redo logs, 13, 21, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38
ROOT , 5, 13, 14, 16, 42, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 76, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100,
ROOT container, 71, 90, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97
SAME, 24, 25
security, 22, 87, 88, 90, 97
SEED , 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 38, 41, 42, 50, 51, 55, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 74, 78, 79, 83,
100, 101
SEED container , 5, 41, 42, 50, 51, 62, 66, 100, 101
select any table privilege, 98
SGA, 3, 6, 34, 35, 38, 77
Show Command, 69
Shutdown command, 53, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79
SID, 9, 22, 47, 48, 49, 54, 55
SPFILE, 6, 13, 34, 81
sqlplus, 48, 49, 54, 55, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102
Startup command, 42, 66, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79
Stripe and Mirror Everything, 24
sys_context package, 67, 87
SYSAUX Tablespace, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 41, 42, 50, 70, 74
SYSDBA, 50, 64, 75, 76, 89, 90
SYSOPER, 75, 76, 89
SYSTEM tablespace, 14, 26, 27
SYSTEM Tablespace, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 41, 42, 50, 70, 74, 82, 90, 100
tablespace, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26, 27, 38, 41, 50, 52, 60, 62, 70, 74, 80, 81, 83,
84, 92, 101
TEMPORARY tablespace, 10
Temporary tablespaces, 14
UNDO, 6, 14, 21, 26, 42
UNDO tablespace, 7, 14
Unicode, 36
Unicode character set, 36
uniquess, 11
User tablespaces, 14
v$containers, 13, 16, 68, 72, 82, 83
V$CONTAINERS, 67, 73, 83
v$database, 8, 48
v$log, 29, 30, 31
v$log_history, 29, 30
v$pdbs, 12, 17, 51, 55, 68, 70, 74, 78, 79
V$PDBS, 12, 16, 17, 51, 55, 68, 73, 74
v$system_parameter, 82, 83
Robert G. Freeman works in the Public Sector Group of the North American Sales
Organization for Oracle Corp as an Oracle Database Expert. In this position he provides
technical assistance for new and existing customers who are installing, upgrading or
adding to existing database infrastructures. Robert has been working with Oracle
Databases for over 25 years. He is the author of numerous books including Oracle
Database 12c New Features, Oracle Database 12c RMAN Backup and Recovery and
several other books. Robert lives in Las Vegas, NV. with his wonderful wife Carrie and his
sixth child Amelia. Robert is the father of five other amazing children who are now five
wonderful adults who he is very proud of.