Prof. Akkaoui Elhachemi Oral Communication S2
Prof. Akkaoui Elhachemi Oral Communication S2
Prof. Akkaoui Elhachemi Oral Communication S2
❑ How well you will communicate with others will determine your
success in your profesion and in your interpersonal relaionships.
Transactional Model
Interactive Model
In what
Who Said? channel?
With what
Noise Interferences
Key Features
❑One way communication.
❑Senders send messages and receivers only receive.
❑No feedback
❑Used for mass communication.
❑Good at audience persuasion and propaganda
❑Intentional results.
❑Communication is not continuous as there is no
❑No way to know if communication is effective.
Criticisms of Linear Model
Communication has a particular beginning and an
end, so it is not continuous.
There is no concept of feedback which makes it
inapplicable to direct human communication and only
applicable to mass communication like newspaper,
television, etc.
Human communication is mostly circular rather than
linear as audience is also an active participant.
Communication may not happen in turns and more
than one message can be sent at the same time.
The sender must have the ability to encode and the
receiver must have the ability to decode.
The model has become less relevant to electronic
communication and internet where it’s not clear who
is the sender and who is the receiver.
Types of Communication within
the Linear Model.
As an attempt to explore and understand the human
nature scientifically, Aristotle developed a linear model
of communication for oral communication known as
Aristotle’s Model of Communication.
Characteristics of
a Good Speaker
Pathos Logos
Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication
Person-Radio-Channel (waves)-Radio-Person
Whatever happens that causes the interruption of
Simultaneous feedback
Helical Model
Eye contact.
Use of time.
Physical Appearance.
“The mind is a wonderful thing. It starts
working the minute you are born and never
stops until you get up to speak in public”
Roscoe Drummond
Needles and Shots
Public Speaking
Lack of Positive Experience Being the Center of Attention
Feelings of Isolation
Why Do We
Hate Public
Body language
Skin Colour
“90% of how well the talk
will go is determined
before the speaker steps
on the platform.”
Prepare the right way.
Sender Receiver
Major Components of COM
▪ The process of COM begins with :
➢ The sender who sends/encodes a message using
speech or writing as medium or channel for COM.
➢ The message is received/decoded by the listener
➢ The listener who evaluates the information and
comprehends the meaning of the message
Channel, noise and
CHANNEL: can be formal or informal speech or
writing .
❖Use Formal Vocabulary
2. Choosing Strong verbs : more preferable than
phrasal verbs:
Establish instead of set up
To wipe out eliminate
Produce churn out
Tolerate put up with
Assemble put together
Academic and Everyday 4
❖Use Formal Vocabulary
❖Use Appropriate Transitions
❖ Avoid Redundancy (= not needed)
▪ Conciseness is a mark of good academic
▪ For an effective essay, you should write
precisely and concisely, using only
necessary words to convey what you want
to say.
▪ Do not add words just to lengthen your
essay or create fancy (= extravagant)
▪ To weed out (= to get rid of ) redundancy, ask
To recapitulate: (Effective
academic writing)
❖Effective academic writing is based on:
➢Using formal vocabulary,
➢Using appropriate transitions,
➢Avoiding redundancy and achieving
conciseness and preciseness,
➢Getting rid of constractions (*can’t= can not),
➢Being aware of commonly misused words (to
avoid words used in spoken English).
Voice 7
▪ Objectives:
▪ To make speech more pleasant to listen to
▪ To provide emphasis
▪ To call attention to your ideas
▪ To make your speech more interesting and not
3. Stress or Stress patterns
Stress patterns are ways in which sounds, syllables
and words are accented.
To create suspense,
To add emphasis,
An age of tension :
Inability to communicate can result in tremendous mental
tension, especially when the organistion knows that its
rivals are more successful only because they are better
▪ Reduces Miscommunication:
The manner in which a message is perceived by the
receiver often leads to miscommunication. To avoid
this, the organisation must learn to communicate,
keeping in mind the attitudes and mental framework
of the customers as well as employees who receives
Creates relations:
Lack of effective communication in any
organisation may lead to misunderstanding.
Good relationship within organisation and
with outsiders is essential for success in
❑Verbal and non-verbal COM
➢ Verbal COM: refer to COM through words
➢ Non-verbal COM: through symbols (signs, facial
expression, picture…)
old cliche: ‘‘actions speak louder than words’’
▪ body language is part of non-verbal COM
▪ Use of Non-Verbal COM:
▪ For traffic signs: red/green tells the road user of the
safety or danger
▪ Visual non-verbal COM are useful as an aid to verbal
COM. For example: maps, charts and graphs convey
ideas related to geography
❖Use of Non-Verbal COM
▪ Human beings repond more powerfully to pictures,
sounds and colours than to language. A film showing a
story is more effective than a narrated and written
story. News on the TV is more realistic and effective
than on the radio because of the visuals.
a- Language
1. Accuracy: to use words in the right way.
2. Vividness: vivid words hold attention and make
people see, hear, and feel the idea they are
b- Organisation
1. Unity: to stick to the subject and not to deviate from it.
2. Emphasis: to emphsise the speaker’ point of
view and the purpose of his
3. Coherence: inter-relatinship of ideas and logical
transition from one idea to the next.
When you proceed from one to the next in such a
way that the second seems to be the natural sequel
to the first, you have coherence.
❑General Barriers to
▪ Barriers at Communication Process
✓ Lack of sensitivity to receiver: (the message is not adopted to its
✓ Lack of basic communication skills: (when the speaker misuse
words, the receiver cannot understand fully the message).
✓ Insufficient knowledge of the subject
✓ Information overload: (a message with overcharged information is less
likely to be understood).
✓ Emotional interference: the speaker who is preoccupied with
emotions (anger, hostility, joy and fear) is unable to communicate
▪ Transmitting Barriers
✓ Physical Distractions (noise, grammatical/spelling errors destroy
✓ Channel Barriers (use of inapropriate channel may disrupt
▪ General Barriers to Communication