IFU InviMag Universal Kit KF96 en
IFU InviMag Universal Kit KF96 en
IFU InviMag Universal Kit KF96 en
Language: EN
WARNING! Improper handling and use for other than the intended purpose can cause danger
and damage. Therefore, we ask you to read through these instructions for use and follow them
carefully. Always keep them handy. To avoid personal injury, also observe the safety
All versions of the instructions for use can be found on our website for download or can be
requested from us: www.invitek.com
Technical support:
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany
+ 49 30 9489 2908
Zona Industrial de Tondela, ZIM II, Lote 6, 3460-070 Tondela, Portugal
+351 232 817 817
The kit is in compliance with REGULATION (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. But it is not for in-
vitro diagnostic use in countries where the REGULATION (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices is not
Trademarks: InviSorb®, PSP®, InviMag®, Eppendorf®. Registered marks, trademarks, etc. used in this document, even
when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law.
InviGenius®, InviMag®, InviSorb®, Invitek®, InviTrap®, MSB®, PSP®, RTP® are registered trademarks of Invitek
Molecular GmbH.
Table of Contents
1. Safety instructions................................................................................................................ 3
2. Product information ................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Kit contents ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Reagents and equipment to be supplied by user ............................................................. 5
2.3 Storage, appearance and shelf life ................................................................................. 6
2.4 Intended use ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Product information and specifications ............................................................................. 7
2.6 Principle and procedure .................................................................................................. 8
3. Nucleic acid extraction with the InviMag® Universal Kit KF/96 .......................................... 9
3.1 Before starting a protocol ................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Sampling and storage of starting material .................................................................... 10
3.3 Preparation of starting material ..................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Serum, plasma, other cell-free body liquids ...................................................... 11
3.3.2 Blood................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.3 Swabs ................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.4 Stool samples (supernatant) .............................................................................. 12
3.3.5 Cultivated bacteria.............................................................................................. 12
3.3.6 Urine ................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.7 Tracheal secrete, BAL, sputum.......................................................................... 13
3.3.8 Cell culture supernatants ................................................................................... 13
3.4 Short protocol InviMag® Universal Kit/KF96 ................................................................. 14
3.5 Preparing and loading the KingFisher TM Flex .............................................................. 15
4. Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Step-by-step protocol of the KingFisherTM Flex ............................................................ 16
4.2 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................. 19
4.3 Warranty ........................................................................................................................ 20
4.4 Symbols used on product and labeling ......................................................................... 20
4.5 Further documents and supplementary information ..................................................... 21
4.6 Ordering information ..................................................................................................... 21
1. Safety instructions
Ensure that anyone using this product has received instructions in general safety practices for
laboratories and the safety information provided in this document.
• When and while working with chemicals, always wear protective clothing, disposable
gloves and safety glasses.
• Always change pipette tips between liquid transfers. To avoid cross-contamination, we
recommend the use of aerosol-barrier pipette tips.
• Do not reuse any consumables.
• Discard gloves if they become contaminated.
• Do not combine components of different kits unless the lot numbers are identical.
• Avoid microbial contamination of the kit reagents.
• To minimize the risk of infections from potentially infectious material, we recommend
working under laminar airflow until the samples are lysed.
Before handling chemicals read and understand all applicable safety data sheets (MSDS).
These are available online at www.invitek.com.
Dispose of kit residues and waste fluids in accordance with your country's regulations, again
refer to the MSDS. Invitek Molecular has not tested the liquid waste generated by the kit for
residual infectious materials. Contamination of the liquid waste with residual infectious
materials is highly unlikely but cannot be excluded completely. Therefore, liquid waste must
be considered infectious and must be handled and disposed of according to local safety
European Community risk and safety phrases for the components of the InviMag® Universal
Kit/KF96 to which they apply are listed below as follows:
Danger Warning
H315-H319-H334-H335-P280-P305+P351+P338 H302-H315-H319-P280-P305+P351+P338
• Microcentrifuge
• Thermo shaker (37°C - 95°C)
• Measuring cylinder (250 ml)
• Disposable gloves
• Pipette and pipette tips (filter tips are recommended)
• Vortex mixer
• Optional: Reaction tubes (1.5 ml, 15 ml, 50 ml)
*The InviMag® Universal Kit/ KF96 is validated with 2-Propanol; Rotipuran® >99.7%, p.a.,
ACS, ISO (Order no. 6752) from Carl Roth
* Possible suppliers for Isopropanol:
The kit can be used for a variety of human sample types, such as fresh or frozen venous whole
blood anticoagulated with EDTA or citrate or the respective plasma preparations, serum, rinsed
liquid from swabs, pretreated sputum, BAL, tracheal secrete, cultivated bacteria, supernatant
from stool suspension, cerebrospinal fluid, cell culture supernatants, biopsy material/tissue,
urine, and other cell-free body fluids.
The InviMag® Universal Kit/KF96 is validated for the use on a KingFisherTM Flex (Thermo
Fisher Scientific) instrument. Ensure correct function and configuration of the instrument
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Improper use of the instrument may result in lower
yields and can potentially harm the instrument.
The product is not intended to be used with heparinized blood samples. The product is
intended for use by professionals only, such as laboratory technicians, physicians and
biologists trained in molecular biological techniques and in vitro diagnostic procedures
Yield and quality of purified nucleic acids depend on the sample type, sample source, transport,
storage, age, the virus titer and for blood samples also on the leukocyte count.
For determination of yield please note that nucleic acids purified with this kit contain Carrier RNA
(5 μg per 200 μl sample), which account for most of the nucleic acids present in the eluate.
Especially viral nucleic acids from biological sample material are usually very low concentrated
and therefore almost impossible to be quantified photometrically. Quantitative RT-PCR is
recommended for yield determination.
The kit is validated for leukocyte counts of 3x106 - 1x107 cells/ml. Excessively high cell counts
may lead to undesirable effects on the purification process. It is therefore recommended to
consider sample input volume as a parameter during the implementation of your in vitro
diagnostic protocol. If required, samples may be pre-diluted with PBS or DNase/RNase free
water prior to the isolation and purification process.
Downstream Applications:
Yield and quality of isolated nucleic acids are in general suitable for plenty of molecular-
diagnostic applications such as PCR techniques, NGS, hybridization methods and HLA typing.
Downstream applications should be performed according to the respective manufacturers’
1. Lyse samples
Samples are lysed at elevated temperatures. Lysis is performed in the presence of Lysis Buffer
HLT, Proteinase K and optionally lysozyme to break bacterial cell walls and to digest proteins.
The addition of Carrier RNA is required for the enhancement and stabilization of viral DNA/RNA
recovery and to purify very small amounts of viral nucleic acids.
Master Mix
For easier handling, we recommend preparing a master mix consisting of Lysis Buffer HLT,
Proteinase K and, if required, Carrier RNA. When preparing the master mix, it is recommended
to prepare a volume that exceeds the total number of reactions by 5 %.
Always prepare the master mix fresh and shortly before use.
Isolating genomic DNA, bacterial DNA and viral DNA/RNA:
Per sample 200 µl Lysis Buffer HLT, 20 µl Proteinase K and 20 µl Carrier RNA are required.
Isolating genomic DNA:
Per sample 220 µl Lysis Buffer HLT and 20 µl Proteinase K are required. The use of Carrier
RNA is not required.
Extraction control
Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the optimal amount of extraction control
for specific downstream applications.
Low volumes of extraction control (DNA or RNA) must be combined with the provided Carrier
RNA in one mixture. The vials with Carrier RNA contain 1.2 ml stock solution. Add the
respective amount of extraction control nucleic acid to the Carrier RNA, if a high volume is
necessary (> 25% of the total Carrier RNA Volume), replace the appropriate amount of
DNase/RNase free water during dilution of the Carrier RNA.
Alternatively, extraction controls can be added after lysis, at the Binding step.
Serum, plasma, other cell-free body liquids: Serum or plasma derived from venous whole
blood (treated with anticoagulants like EDTA or citrate, but not with heparin), synovial fluid
samples or other cell-free body fluids can be used for extraction. Whole blood should not be
vortexed as to avoid hemolysis. Allow serum tubes to sit for at least 30 min before
centrifugation. Follow blood collection system instructions for preparation of serum or plasma.
It is recommended to separate plasma/serum through centrifugation within 12 h. Supernatants
obtained using systems without gel separator should be transferred to fresh sample tubes. For
short-term storage, samples can be kept on ice for 1-2 hours. For up to 24 h samples can be
stored at -20°C. For long-term storage, freezing samples in aliquots at –80°C is recommended.
Repeated freeze-thaw cycles may negatively affect sample integrity and cause e.g.
denaturation/precipitation of proteins, potentially resulting in reduced yield, quality or viral
titers. In addition, cryoprecipitates formed during thaw-freeze cycles can cause problems. If
cryoprecipitate is visible, centrifuge at 6.800 x g for 3 min. The clear supernatant should be
used immediately.
Blood: Blood samples (stabilized with EDTA or citrate but not heparinized) can be stored at
room temperature for 2-3 hours. For short-term storage (up to 24 h) samples should be stored
at 2-8°C. For long-term storage, freezing samples at -20°C or -80°C is recommended.
Dry swabs: prepare the samples as described in the corresponding sample preparation
method. Store dry at 4-8°C.
Swabs in stabilization medium: the stabilization liquid can be handled as cell-free body fluid.
Please note that some stabilization agents may cause a reduced yield due to incompatibility
with chemistry used in the kit. Store according to the manufacturer’s requirements.
Stool samples: Samples contain DNases and RNases which can quickly cause DNA and
RNA degradation. Therefore, samples should be stored frozen at – 80°C.
Cultivated bacteria: After cultivation bacteria must be pelleted and frozen at -20°C or -80°C
for long-term storage. Resuspension is described in the corresponding sample preparation
Urine: Depending on bacteria titer and application a starting volume of 15-50 ml urine is
recommended. Centrifuge the sample to pellet bacteria and remove the supernatant
completely (urea contaminations can inhibit PCR reactions). For some applications fresh urine
can be used directly. For long-term storage, freezing samples at -20°C or -80°C is
Tracheal secrete, BAL, sputum: Samples contain DNases and RNases, which can quickly
cause DNA and RNA degradation. Therefore, samples should be stored frozen at – 80°C.
InviMag® Universal Kit/KF96 10 EN-v2-2023
Cell culture supernatants: Prepare supernatant samples like other cell-free body fluid
samples described in the corresponding sample preparation method. For long-term storage,
freezing samples at -20°C or -80°C is recommended.
3.3.2 Blood
Always mix the sample well before extraction.
Transfer 200 µl sample into a cavity of the Lysis Plate.
For extraction of genomic DNA add 220 µl Lysis Buffer HLT and 20 µl Proteinase K to each
sample or add 240 µl Master Mix.
3.3.3 Swabs
a) Dry Swabs
Rinse the swabs in a suitable vial in the lowest possible volume of PBS or DNase/RNase-free
water (for nasopharyngeal swabs about 400 µl, for oral swabs about 600 µl). Squeeze the
swab to the inner wall of the vial to obtain as much sample as possible.
Use 200 µl of the rinsed solution for extraction.
Add 200 µl Lysis Buffer HLT, 20 µl Proteinase K and 20 µl Carrier RNA (optional for preparation
of genomic DNA) to each sample or add 240 µl Master Mix.
Alternatively, swabs can be rinsed directly in 200 µl DNase/RNase free water plus Master Mix.
Insert swabs to single cavities of the lysis plate and incubate for 5-10 min at RT, mix
occasionally. Take care to avoid cross contamination.
For the preparation of bacterial DNA, the addition of 20 µl Lysozyme is recommended.
Lysozyme needs to be added to the Lysis Plate before adding samples or other reagents.
3.3.6 Urine
Depending on bacteria titer and application a starting volume of 15-50 ml urine is
recommended. Centrifuge the sample to pellet bacteria and remove the supernatant
completely (urea contaminations can inhibit PCR reactions). Resuspend the bacteria pellet in
200 µl PBS Buffer.
For some applications 200 µl of fresh urine can be used directly.
Transfer the sample to the Lysis Plate and add 20 µl Lysozyme.
Add 200 µl Lysis Buffer HLT, 20 µl Proteinase K and 20 µl Carrier RNA to each sample or add
240 µl Master Mix.
Magnetic separation
Magnetic Separation
2. Lysis Plate: Prepare the Lysis Plate according to the sample type, as described in
“Preparation of starting material”.
3. Switch on the KingFisherTM Flex instrument
4. Tip Plate: Place the KF96 Tip Comb for DW magnets on the Elution Plate (Tip Plate).
5. Choose an assay for starting the run (all assays are available for download at the Invitek
Diagnostics web page).
InviMag_Universal_KF96_V2: protocol for extraction of genomic DNA and nucleic
acids of all kinds of pathogens including difficult to lyse pathogens.
InviMag_Universal_KF96_Virus: protocol for the extraction of nucleic acids from
viruses from plasma or swab samples.
6. Load prepared plates into the position specified in the display of the instrument
7. “START” the run
8. After the lysis steps, the instrument pauses and 230 µl Binding Solution and 20 µl
SNAP Solution must be added to each reaction.
Note: Mix SNAP Solution before use by vortexing vigorously!
9. Place the plate back to the instrument (watch out for correct plate orientation) and
continue the run by pressing the “START” button. The instrument will now continue
the purification process without any further user interaction.
10. After extraction: A transfer of purified nucleic acids to 1,5 ml Receiver Tubes
(provided) is recommended.
Keep nucleic acids at -20°C or -80°C until further use.
Protocol: InviMag_Universal_KF96_V2
Low amount Insufficient cell lysis Increase lysis time in the provided run file.
of nucleic Reduce amount of starting material.
Incomplete elution Increase the volume of Elution Buffer M.
change the modified volume in the provided run file, too.
Low nucleic acid- Elute with in a lower volume (minimum 50 µl) of Elution
concentration in the Buffer M. Change the modified volume in the run file, too.
Degraded Incorrect storage of starting Ensure that the starting material is appropriately stored.
nucleic acids material Avoid repeated thaw-freeze cycles of the sample material.
Nucleic acids Ethanol carryover during Increase time of drying step for removal of ethanol in the
do not elution run file.
perform well
in Salt carry-over during Check the Wash Buffers for salt precipitates. If there are
downstream- elution any precipitates visible, solve them by carefully warming
applications up to 30°C
(e.g. real-time Ensure that the Wash Buffers are at room temperature
PCR or NGS) before use.
No PCR result for genomic Due to the very gentle isolation procedure, it may happen
DNA that isolated genomic DNA forms a cluster. To avoid this,
the primary PCR denaturation step at 95°C should be
prolonged to 5 min
Magnetic Residues of magnetic Centrifuge eluted nucleic acids at full speed for 1 min and
beads carry- particles in eluted transfer supernatant to a new tube.
over extraction
If, despite careful study of the operating instructions and further information, you still require
assistance, please contact us at techsupport@invitek.com or the dealer responsible for you.
Revision history
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
2023-04-17 EN-v2-2023