Reason of Objection
Reason of Objection
Reason of Objection
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No Need of Recognition
Customer objections are the voices that are raised due to some reasons customers are not ready to buy
a product/service a salesperson is selling. The reasons for customer objections might be because of
(both) the seller and prospective buyers.
Customers’ objections are common in the selling process, such objections should be overcome in order
to close a sale. It is the part of the handling objection that a seller experience in his selling journey.
Customers objections may take place due to various reasons, some of the reasons are mentioned below,
Negative Psychological Factors
Many objections are expressed by the prospects/customer due to negative psychological factors rooted
in their minds. Some prospects may say that by buying a particular product/ service they would feel
insecure. Others may say that they fear punishment, loss, or disapproval. Examples.
Objections due to psychological factors arise when buyers possess some degree of resistance, or a
negative attitude of mind, or are highly emotional. As human beings, these conditions are natural among
some buyers. Negative psychological feelings also arise among some buyers when they have to buy from
a new seller.
Sometimes, salespeople too may be cause for bias or irrational dislike of,
Tall people
Short people
Conservative people
Sometimes, negative feelings also arise due to unmatched ego states between a buyer and a seller (child
ego, parent ego, and adult ego.)
The Desire to Get Rid of the Salesperson
When a prospect/ customer does not have enough time to talk to a salesperson, he/she will not take
interest in the sales presentation. He/she wants to escape from that situation by dismissing the
salesperson. He may object to listening to even a word from the salesperson.
The next reason to get rid of a salesperson may be his/her over-aggressiveness, rudeness, impolite
manner, etc. which the customer had experienced earlier.
It is obvious that each suspect cannot be a prospect. To be a good prospect, the person must be capable
of making payment. But some prospects may take part in sales talk even if they have no money to pay.
They unnecessarily waste the time of a salesperson by asking about various products or services.
At last, they raise some serious objections. If the salesperson had suspected this situation earlier, he/she
would have moved on to the next presentation.
When a prospect does not have the need for a product or service, he/she cannot be regarded as a
prospect. And in this situation, the sales talk will prove a waste of time. The supposed prospect will
come up with several reservations about the product or service.
Genuine prospects at times, do try to find out the product features that will satisfy their needs. And,
they talk to the salesperson about several details. After a long talk, if the prospect finds that the goods
or service can not meet what they need, they come up with objections. These objections would be valid
in some way or the other.
No Need of Recognition
When a salesperson fails to convince a prospect by bringing out what needs the satisfaction the product
or service gives, the prospect will not be willing to buy the product/service. As a result, the prospect may
objections, like,
“No use for your product or service”, I am engaged in another business”, “Is there any use?”, “I don’t
want to waste my time”
Some buyers buy a product or service only after getting more information although they feel the need
for the product or service, they have the money to pay, they are also willing to spend, or they have
positive psychology made satisfy up in their mind to buy. They only want to satisfy themselves with
logical reasons they can use to justify their purchase to others.
“Please show me other colors” “May I see another model?” “Sorry, should I go to the next store?”
“Please, may I try other stores?” “I’ll come back later”.
Once a habit of buying and using a product or service is formed and if such a habit has persisted for long,
it becomes difficult to change that habit. Later on, this habit makes a buyer ‘product loyal’. In this
situation, even if a product is of better quality and is more beneficial, the prospect will not choose to
that the new product. This is indicated when a prospect shows no interest in obtaining new product or
service information.
Some prospects are bound to their traditional customs especially in societies like Nepal. These prospects
appear to be strictly found to their cultural and religious bonds. As a result, they will never even talk
about a product or service which unusable according to their custom. Objections may then be raised
against the product/ service on offer.
Higher Cost Against Product/Service Value:
In marketing terms, what a buyer sacrifice is a price or cost, and what he/she gets in return for such
sacrifice is product/ service value. This value can only satisfy his/her real needs.
That is why while buying, the buyer tries to compare the cost of his/her sacrifice and the value of the
product or service. When a prospect or a buyer finds the cost to be higher compared to the value
satisfaction that he/she will get, he/she will show strong objections to the product or service.
Although there may be many more customer objections based on customer types, needs, goals,
location, etc. however, these are some of the reasons to mention.
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