T T TLR T T (Fir I FL 1M Ftiffi: Sa 6ffi Ig FTQ FF Sffir Ffiq TR T RTT 6rd Ori
T T TLR T T (Fir I FL 1M Ftiffi: Sa 6ffi Ig FTQ FF Sffir Ffiq TR T RTT 6rd Ori
T T TLR T T (Fir I FL 1M Ftiffi: Sa 6ffi Ig FTQ FF Sffir Ffiq TR T RTT 6rd Ori
frr!-d ft-drq-{
Ets is,-
(1) str-{drfi 3ni{r 6{i ri qd srn<o t
erien ol srff t iar 6d tr-s{qr sa qmrdq
o{att tlr iiqq. zooz (qqmt Ed). frEd frarqc 3f-{drfl 3rrn<-r 6d c.i cffe{r
g@ sqr ori d sqq t cit Ryn fi-{vri (lnstructions) or ercurfiEfo 3rtufi 6{
tf. qt fu { \,r{erl=t tsL.l qrqrdq ol aqqr$e http://www.hcrai.nic. in s{ scelel t r
(r) 3tri+o Online Application t wrw Elfu-f, gq Ssrf, qr{rt srdw 3ifu-d at t ot{
{fir rrila ur uwt vN qri w srrt{6 61 3ni{q r< 6{ ve qffen i q}cr r€l fuqr
qrvfi qr,/ 3f{ ftxi fi *r* c{ ssd,,l 3fl{IH'-dr € ot fl "il\'rfr. 1M ftiffi €{j
ert<o o1 e}fi r
?91?.1 TOtal
uif,: r.M Bt.
ST F D Ex-S ST oBc F D Ex-S MBC F D Ex-S
.,NCLI .. Neti.l
16 o7 01 00 03 :27 11 03 00 06 :48 o7 03 00 00 01
osP Total
o2 o2 o2 03 o4 13
tscftr fttr r<) of sr-qr t.rtr qfuqr 6 a'1r6 ftd fi sqq iqqqrSwR
qr snfi B. ffi Ia\ 5c: ffiZgftq, qrfr rS fuq qfiflt
ofi ur "rffi d
lt. 6fi rrff tg ffii-qd w enqffi 6r afi qrt qqq, md .r<i d so qPdpld t
fiEo, 3fift-m Rffit d d<Td di q*. srFdfttr 3rcrsq6 01 {ffi A fav wgo
or qfi fi fuqr qr sdTr r
2A /-5
\ 8'\
fr-gd fuflT{
iii. 3rlqf*qt al rrrfqn qqq q-A dqn rri sqq ffid rd d so cfdrrd ol fiqr ao sqgm
(suitable) 3flqFffi ol r+,fqR 3rRfud {ff Reserve List) rfi d-an ol w rrd,ff r
Tdf,d fifro) tg snhd qdl or gmerq r+.iqn R-6 Td A ftEd Sft-o (Horizontal against
categorywise vacancies) Eq d 6i.n I
II. fuqiTrc tg 3rrrh.r qd or qnerq ea Ril q<t A ft"'F{ etfiq (Horizontal against rotal
vacancies) sq d 6t I r
IV B-qe fudrGd fg 3rtlsd qe) 6r srRerur ed n-s r<I A frb-< elfiq (Horizontal againsr
total vacancies) wt dry t
dfro (Horizontal) 3nrem d, fus ,rct (3r1{id qrfr/ crjqfr-d w+orfi,zsrq ftrsr
srfrl 3lfr firsr c,fZslrf'el6 6q t
6Tdr q,1,/ Htql{ a,f) ar slli{6 Tqft-d E}.n. EG
qqRrd M, fus6r {6 3rrnem t. t qqrdfud fuqr qrtfl r
vi. {trd{airl trq ot crjqFa-d slft/ 3rjqfr-d sf,srfr/ 3r;q iftrsr q'f,/srfr frusr- T,frl snFf6
5q n 6rdr qtrdrcrl (frtrdT Ts ,fattr{ I}qr6 qBdr €E-d-) /.Id{d
q,f ,/
tFoZftqnrwcZrqe foelftd d ftr 3rT{Bd csf tE qT, rs scgitr srqrff tsrder r€t
di qt sr q<t o) srwern s-a {tr.ru fiqq. zooz (uurwilBa) t fa-R-a
cBrfi sd ffi i "rtr
qr}'n r
vll. wqru a.f A rd A fus< qc< &, snfti'q,i d d{d n 8 3rn<o qn dft HH q0eil
go d ufdftm 3rrf*d *M A ia( t!'fdffi srq ftqsd 6r anr r& sorfi Br
vl lt rrs{ell{ {lvrr d erq ltrsr o,t Cq 3ifi f}rgl q,t d otffiq{ ,}ot d slln{6 dsfi {\,ReIl{
rrw t Fiq iTwt 01 3rTqii-d Gfi / 3rJqii'd r+wft,2 erq lirsr rd (h1ffiq{ rti ;f+
h1ffiqr),/ 3rfr IiE-sT q,r1 (atffior qE =fq h"Iffirt) Z 3nEl6 sq t oqfrq c{ d
orieoT"1rad *fto7rqe ffi, qrryr.q a,f d 3rf,.td e{i.dtergqfuf, urfr/3r{qE.d
w+orft/ sr< ftrsr d,t/ 3ffi liusr s,fZ srfffu su t 5q6- u{71oAd tft-o Trqe
M tg 3trftd q-qi 6T dFI {t"rplt=i tw d Xa ffi 6I fr tq tt gs ffi fr 3r;q
trw $ snffii o) sm ar,r ts r€f Eti d onq w€ Erqq q,t A 3rflrfd fi sni{r 6rcr
dr'n t
lx. rrd€tFr {fwit d qr{{ 3r,q vrw al qBar u\ ffis< {tnrRIFI {fv.t d Xa FrErS cl
qrff t. s+ srqrq zrd d 3rf,rfd A 3rnfi or<r d.n t
1@:- sre liv-.sr s.f gs 3lfa frE1sr o,f or qft l-rIM rl-l w s{ d ffi
qr;q drn. afu-i qzn ER l;'fi-d{r it T€l E)i oT crIM qa ilfi Eti d
Bqrr< 3FR errqrff 3Tr,rft E{ n fi fufi-Sqr n {& i d tS Rrfr t
sr,qeff am EEo qr6q i {.qrE-d yru?r-c-t tfl ori w gd t qrO
qrrrgr-q,{ ol O qrc fum qrv.n. tgl 3{Erdrl fi-c E{ fr6 fu-ql vr sfdr
grgilq {dqn .rff qffen d sq+l d, tiA grrnfi oti ol e'iftq ftlq k{ro
03.02.2024 t t sro, gs r+,1 t srneTur tg ft-{r6 04.02.2023 t os.oz.zoza d
H(mdE n qrQ wfa qqu q,r rqf, 6fiT drn. dfua qE 3r,q?ff 6)
ffi otozzozt t os.oz.zoza q,,1 q{qrqB t fitffiqr t rfr di ot ccrol
qf,. 96 {R ,rrff d ft t slt{ Grqsff 3{r.nff E{ n fi fuffiqr n rS t
.) t-6 furft i 3rqff 6M frEo qrcq t q-cqrR-d vrqel-qe Esr dri w
frito oa.oz.zozr t oa.oz.zozs d sqqrqft i qrff so qqrur q, o) 8
sqgtr ql;l fuqr qrv.n t
fuqirrs{ of M n 3rd Era 3rMl o) rrw*ern tsrr {rqr.rq !r{ 3rrff a:r{r qit qri
fi:rrar d {-qq n €5fr-d srtrR (Appropriate Govemment) avt fifugf, qqr"rr crBoffi
zed Certi tn Authori gm f4trd Hsc n liqqrjHn rrr0 ft,vrrm FIM-q-t
Certific f Disabili trqf, orn d.n I Ss r.!r<u t r5.r gv.rc Fr+df d cr5sn
iii. erEto w d orrrnq q,f d 3r,rx?ff ol <:n t serq yrM gnr frFd Hsc t frqcTT{n
qret fuqr rrqr iq rqrq-q, (lncome & Asset Certificate) nqo tnrtr dn t
3rqfq {dqrr rff qftm d wq+r t. qfu srTn{r 6{i 61 niffiq fdE R{i-6
03.02.2024 t t rc' gg rq,i i srReTor fg fu{io 0i.o4.2023 t os.oz.zoz+ d
HryrdB n '. rfi lncome & Asset certificate ,l{gd o\,;l1 d'qr, d-fu-i qR
enqefr o) f{<io or.oa.zozr t sr.os.zozg ?hl q{qrdE t gat qR lncome &
Asset certificate urff d for t sftt enxeff 3n nfr 4{ t fi eilFfo 5c t
ordr q{ d trtltRd qTq-{d A 3FFrR qra t. n} t6 fuft d ewrff srr
faFo clrc n s.qrftd yFler q-{ tu oti w f*citE 01.04.2021 * st.os.zozg
ol wqqraE i qrfi ro qqr"r [, 6) I evgo qn fuqr Brv.n t
rff ig eraeff d *M A sqq i ssd 6r Tdifi 3rrn{i ol eiftq idB il6 qifi
q{rq q, d srnm w fu-qr dl\rrn trr{ qR fr,€l ar*'rt d sr,qpff gRr 3iftq ftlq il6 iilrfr
srrM q-r rqa rff fuqr sror B d tA or,q?ff ol gs gfiYrq oI vo YFIar-q, tn d'n fo
{d 3ni{r d 3rkq 6p 61 sqi+ro r.f d qrrdr ts.rl eIT dsfi T6 qilfl rrdd qri dri
qr $s+t md ftrw of qr rd,ftt
rqe fudr€I M d 3r-f,.fd, {cftqm cE qrqrdq offi +qr f+qq, zooz d {s sq*r
n EFfd ffi rsi qra srq?ff I enil6q 61 , fln ft-i M tsi qrd 3rqffi 6I
rqe fuf,n,M A frq 3Tr{lsd sdi w aaq tg ft-{R TS fuqr qNrn I
3r5qfr-d'$Tft'G 3rjqlld w.ruft ol ffid qBar sr,q?ff 61 3rnftsd lr+f 6T FIPI sTkl
6{i tg $ci ft-er d crq q ft-qrs ern d snun w EFo qffiq n ffq'mfsn qrff aE qft
crIM c7 rqd or+r dfqr t cfr d {rq q ft-qrs terF d snsR w iilrfi srfr qqpl-q-I qlq
rS d.nt
vlt 3p ftucl o,f cq 3lft frE.€r q-,f ol ffid qtrar $tq?ff 61 3IRh-d qqrf 6T dF{ qrR
o-{i eS 3rq-i fum d qrq, fi+qrfl rlnr vq sru d snqR w faiad cl6c t frq{rJHR qft
tq qrft cctot [, lrqd orcr d.n t qft d crq, Fqffi telr{ go uru d sftrn w qrff qrfa
crrM-q-r qq 1$f frq1
vlll. furdr qfadr snrrff d qr.rd t $$ 3ffi1 sdfi 6{i o1 3ifrq fr{fo tttF 3Tci cfr al
T.g d Bri or eerq rtm
grtr srff T.g qffq-q? (oeath certificate) rgn or+ *'n t
ix. frfuq fd-drd qGor (Divorced woman) errueff d qrra n sG 3ffic arnfi 6ti d
3i{dq R-{i6 ro glqi qft n' fr'q-r6 ffiE (Divorce) d sri or cqrq (Proof) IrEd 6.{r
3fr,-dr+r 3rTd(r 6ri ol 3{trdq fr{i6 ftF frEr-qr/frErm fi'qrd qtrdT q.f n 3trnkd
gm g{ri{r d{i d 3rfuq i?ni6 A wzrd grffialr 6r filqT sror t d fi wS
ftts7lifu< Ia''dr6 qtrdT q'f or an'r f{qr sr\"n I qR grttff 6T frErE frdq sq-+ff
rorsr/src qmffq qrqrdq q 6rRFirT dkd t vs M qrRd rS gg t d Afuq
Ia-qr6 qtrdr q,f or anl tq rfi dnt
xt frE{r,/ frfuq ftsr6 qtrdr a.t d qtrfl o) fur 3lr'rEr d 3rfuq ft-{i6 oo g-ttrlrr
TS fr! qfi qr furo/ frfuq ld-dTE qtrar E'f t di lrq{fi Yrqarq, rgo or+ e}m t
qle:- swttr sr{_6 qftea3il d 3rftq q{/ 3iffiq +fe* aft q0en t qFcfud d g1n
qr qtrfird d ro. eri<o fi srnfi o{i A ffu vra t urg N 3nnc-o oj
s.ifu-d r)eTFr6 qFrdr fufud qfien of ftlq n S qrRd orff anqero d,fi
3rtr ss6r qqrur (Proo0 fufuo qfre{r + qRqrq dft-d fu iilri d R-{io d
oz F+s d 1i-d{ {rdET{ (uoen). rwern su.t alrq[(,rq, drigr d orqlds il
r*ga a;r+ dtn t
7- \'IEt{If,I (Nationalitv):-
Adr n figft; d er,q?ff d fuc 116 3ins{6 i fu aa,
(o) ,{r{d 6r irrR-6A of lndia). {n
(A citizen
({{) tqrd 6r cFrR-6 dt (A citizen of Nepal), ur
(O T-ri 6r nurqr d (A subject of Bhutan) |
q{Eo- e-d,t (re) enr 0r) € lrqRra srrq?ff, Td qfu E).n firsd qa i qrro sron aRI qr-rdT
8- 3lrg (Ase):-
A candidate for direct recruitment to the Service must have attained the age of 18 years
and must not have attained the age of 40 years, on the first day of January next following
(01.01.2025) the last date fixed for receipt of the application. PROVIDED that:
(1) the upper age limit shall be relaxed by five years in the case of the member of the
Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class or More Backward Classes
or Economically Weaker Sections or Women candidates.
(2) there shall be no age limit in the case of widow and divorcee women candidate.
(3) the upper age limit for the reservists, namely defence services personnel transferred to
the reserve shall be 50 years.
(4) the upper age limit mentioned above shall not apply in the case of ex-prisoner, who had
served under Government on a substantive basis on any post before his conviction and
was eligible for appointment under the rules.
(5) that in the case of other ex-prisoner the upper age limit mentioned above shall be
relaxed by a period equal to the term of imprisonment served by him provided he was
not over age before convictlon and was eligible for appointment under the Rules.
(6) the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by a period equal to the service
rendered in the N.C.C. in the case of Cadet instructors and if the resultant age does not
exceed the prescribed maximum age limit by more than 3 years, they shall be deemed
to be within the prescribed age limit.
(7) the Released Emergency Commissioned Officers and short service Commissioned
Officers after released from the Army shall be deemed to be within the age limit, even
though they have crossed the age limit, when they appear before the commission, had
they been eligible as such at the time of their joining the Commission in the Army.
(8) the persons appointed temporarily to a post in the Service shall be deemed to be within
the age limit, had they been within the age limit when they were initially appointed
even though they have crossed the age limit and shall be allowed up to two chances.
Note- the above relaxation in age will be admissible only in one category.
(9) the upper age limit shall be relaxed by 5 years in case of the Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities. Such age relaxation shall be in addition to the age relaxation already
provided to different categories in Rajasthan High Court Staff Service Rules, 2002.
9- sR', Gharacted:-
+{r n S$ lrff d enqrff ar qfti ter 6q arB( d 3-$ Aqr ri Frqts{ A ftq Grtrd
(Qualifo) znt 1 elrleff a):
\a '\2'2c)
f{E-d fr-dFE
(1) No male or female candidate, who has more than one wife/husband living shall be eligible
for appolntment to the Service.
(2) No female candidate, who is married to a person having already a wife living, shall be
eligible for appointment.
(3) No married candidate shall be eligible for appointment to the service if he/she had at the
time of his/ her marriage accepted any dowry.
Note: - For the purpose of this rule dowry has the same meaning as in the Dowry Prohibition
Act, 1.961 (Central Act 28 of 1961)
(4) No candidate shall be eligible for appointment, if he has more than two children on/or after
the date of commencement of Rules of 2002.
Provided that :
(i) The candidate having more than two children shall not be deemed to be
disqualified for appointment so long as number of children he/she has on the
date of commencement of this rule does not increase.
(ii) Where a candidate has only one child from earlier delivery but more than one
child are born out of a single subsequent delivery, the children so born shall be
deemed to be one entity while counting the total number of children'
(iii) While counting the total number of children of a candidate, the child born from
earlier delivery and having disability shall not be counted.
(iv) Any candidate who performed remarriage which is not against any law and
before such the remarriage he is not disqualified for appointment, he shall not
be disqualified if any child is born out of single delivery from such remarriage'
Explanation : For above purposes, child born within 280 days from the date of
commencement of the Rules of 2OO2 shall not constitute disqualification'
ie,- {rtr€rFr lEl qrqldq 6ffi +qr ftqq, 2002 (q2rRi{tBd) or ftqq se. (a)
>- 13
fud furi
13- qfiefl 6t dq 3ft qrd{Fq Fcheme & Syllabus of Examination):-
The competitive examination shall be held to test the ability of the candidate in the
following subjects and each subject will carry the number of marks shown as under:-
1 SECTION-A The Written Test shall consist of one paper consisting of 100
multiple choice questions of 01 mark each, comprising of:-
(100 Marks): Min. Marks
Name ofPaper
For SC/ST For other Duration
&PH candidates
Pa rt A 80
Computer Knowledge
40 45 2 Hours
Part-8 20
Min. Marks
Paper I
Language Duration for SC, ST for other
&PH candidates
Hindi 25
Paper-l M in utes
20 22.s
Speed Test I
E nglis h 25
Efficiency Test 20
50 20 22.5
(Microsoft Minutes
word & Excel)
.rfr s{ <qrf,r ctta d snqtsr o1 fdE (wtethod of conductins speed
Efficien Test
i. The font for Computer Test shall be "Kruti Dev 010" for Hindi and
"CALIBRI' for E nglish.
iv. The marks in the Speed Test shall be awarded as per the
following formula:
(20/8000) x Net Speed (in correct depressions per hour)
3 sEcTtoN-c On the basis of marks secured in Written Test and Typewriting Test
PERSONAL on Computer, amongst those candidates, who secure 40% marks in
INTERVIEW case of Scheduled CasteScheduled Tribes & Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities and 45% marks in case of other categories, in
(20 Marks)
the Written Test and Typewriting Test on computer, respectively and
45% in the aggregate, to the extent of three times of total number of
vacancies (Category wise) shall be declared qualified to be called for
interview but in the said range all those candidates who secure the
same percentage of marks shall be included.
Final result shall be prepared on the basis of total marks secured in Written Test, Type
Writing Test on Computer and lnterview.
18 \a. 'o
Notei Merit of the candidates securing equal aggregate marks in Written Test, Typewriting
Test on Computer and lnterview shall firstly be determined on the basis of higher marks
obtained in the Typewriting Test on Computer and in case, the candidates secure equal
marks even in Typewriting Test on Computer, the merit shall be determined havinB regard
to age i.e. the candidate, older in age shall be given higher place in merit.
fun $rt{r 6{i a1 qhqr n qqf}rd lirn-ft{yr qpifufl H{q q{ {-Rstl=r sa qrqrirq
afr 3rE-fd Me w er.rds 6r ft-d qdf,) | 3rlqfard oi sarE fi orfi t fu Gfi-fi{rft sde{
6{i e Td ffi{nt 6f ffiTf-6 qa d vq Me o) ffid qrrql<Rrcr w M €t
1s- 3ni{r o<i d \'rIrq STll {ri@e L!!4j!!q App!9 ,-
sffiq qtfrr go um ori o4.0i.2024 (gwn-qn) d <)q-6{ ot.oo Q kci6 oa
ol sqq frqr oz.zozl ftfuan) oJ qrti os,oo qd irr t
ffi 3lrifi (Online Application) ott s dTdr{:r roat gffi qcr 6{i d sw}o qrq
frqr d crqrd trto ar ftio frfuq Et qrtnr enMt ol s-ore ff qr& tu 3lff{r
ot 3rfdq ffi5 ssq 6r *0ryfuq R-rr !pnrtq fitrtRd qtqr :E[ gllr at eiqdrilr
orir6q 6t, {-h-a foil}sZnr.rfto +{r d< (c.s.C.) d?n tc-tf6.r (Net-Banking) zlr
tB-c//dR-c or€ d qwq t fuIfRf, vfrar go at <rRr qqr ol sr sd'fi t
3 3f-{dr{r 3rr}(r d 3Ttr{q ffi6 il6 .{t qri sd sri<c A 66R ffi srqt t sqR
qfrfuqi Wl gs sfi T& di ol furfr il rw*qrn sa qrirT.rq gm qltfi 3tffifd 6t
kqr w\"n t
5 3Triffi 3ffic a{ri{r.rrd q{q 3[rdl TA-{dq frtrJrs fi sqdts ott rsd stftft+
3nn{6 ol fer tr)-dgm q6?r{-q-{ (dtc{ 6rd. t-r org, gltfu'r dr{*ts. qNm-J G 3rMR
6rd t n ol{ ff go) .fi 3rtrds or+ *n ffis w sifo-o obrro sTri({-q, q 3rrds
foq arq sBrrs cpn xiq srico d eEv e) dQrT rdo qfien qzj srenon d q+rq fi T&
p oieigo qE?r+-[, tle] +f,{ 316 31ssa5 frr6 1
IEWIE qrqq ar{r qfur dlr$ Cd qq5i t 3lrdfud fu( iiTi 61 ${r{{r t rr{ 3rk6
3ndfud d qr rrff it$twr d
Gr t "rfci crw di of <elr i q0flr er-q d,lrit,/ffif n fi qrq)fud
qftii6AHqqt t rsrR-d of "nqlff r coEr fr{ qdA qId
I B' \L' 'e
19- 3mrcfr cqrq-q;r rN o Obiection Ce rtificate
(4) fufr rff srqeff oi qftet i qFqfrrd di A fA\ frffi ri ron or qr*r ftIl,/?tiil{ ffiII
tq r€l d.n r
i-n 3rn{6 ffi 6l{1 3rfdq ft{ro ro sffi-I en}fi 6{ lTvffrr itT
(e) "ff*
sl i
on fifl rrqr i. s{d €l {rsfelFl €dI aIr{IrFr{I Ertl er<fuq (Provisional)
a.i ft* qlt tr I fudi 3{rn{6 4) qffet t iai d iAc grtl d+e qra cdlr q' srff os i{d
# - * 3rftn'rq =r€l dfl fu {rqerri tsEI alnntr{I sfld $qEfdr 3{fuq (rinat)
-o t qn fr .d t spror enico em sni<l rl t ol 'rff clqEqi sS 3i{ eo
.rg i r <rqterrr szt qrfl.rq gm erriff d Xa rdre] i q ftqqrJHR
qt;rdr al
.nc d "a
;'"ri oA 3Iq. ie{Fr6 d-rot oen rgqfr-d BTFdZtrJqft( Tafr./5
frE .sr o,f Zeft fr-., 4,f ,/ 3n1tr6 Es i ^"q.
d / fa-"qrrrsr /Tdf,E
#zqe-#za"*74ro< aor ctrdr/sqE ffi a;T3riq $ sq t qrrdr d 3rq
qflr z"r qrar t d gs q.e{r
."#" #; Wr r* 6{i d cntrrs w ssoi 'rqr*or qr s6-fr t fms6r stq<fuo
t( rsd 3rql# (Candidature) fiffi .ff rot w re d
gri srrift 6T d,rr t
q€ .\r-.2-t:
frEd frflT{
( 11) 3r{Fdd slrrn d trdq d tosrrq (Prevent'on of use of Unfair Means ),- qfiensfi drr
vffer n er5fuo qrrrii or r*.r 6{i c{ rr'Rerit sa qErTFRr ssd fr-F€ Bgfuil
orffi os roor t fusi sffe{rrff d ffi;a qrs{arrq srffio qffer (rff t 3lJfrn
fitrit d rloqnq d 3rqc,rq) 3rBftqq, zozz d gerro lafu6 crqqrn d 3rf,.f-d qgfr'd
+Ttff oTffi fufi qnr rt eFqkd t r
[13 ) 3{ftqftd qr 3[{fud €rqrl flrr Mwq (Emolovment of irre gular or lmproper Means) -
o){ ewff, d qft-Eqq 6-{i 6r qr imrda ildrnq ffil rrsc-s al ,rff t. rga rri or
qr tfr oen ori or qfl {€l i qr ftpar t u acen f g++ ffi or qT cfrefl qr
qrenon t €r5fud uttrrt or rdq ori qr nror rfrrr qr{i 6r rqffi oti qr qffe{r i
qiyr cd qr qTe crrv il sqfurd +i d fa! Iaffi rfr ron d srq 3{ffid u ergfuo
€Trr;r. 6r,r t ari qr fiffi ri trw n 3rrqfU-dr d faq sroa sT 3Tn qel sq t sqpfi cr<
rri d rqr€ or dff t ur Fgfu qrffiZ.rff qIffirdm dfi dR-d fu-qr.rqr i d,
sd o) srwrfuo srMf,i d ftq rrr<rfr il{ri d sftRir, enff w i qr fiffi
frfrEE ordrqfu d fr\ ffid fu-qr qdrn-
(a) ftgfu rrffi7rff srG-oft Enr. +S ff furft E\. errqfd!'f d trq-q d fAc
3rlq)fud frffi qfrer t
di qr frren@R t
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