Aust J Dermatology - 2023 - Acne

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DOI: 10.1111/ajd.




Prescription retinoid and concomitant 2021 (an increase from 1.3% of the age-­sex specific pop-
contraception use in reproductive aged women in ulation to 1.8%). The rate of oral retinoid users doubled
Australia over the study period, while topical retinoid use remained
static. Oral retinoid use was highest among younger
Laura Gerhardy1; Natasha Nassar2; Melisa Litchfield3; women, and decreased with increasing age. Contraceptive
Debra Kennedy4; Annika Smith5; Malcolm Gillies3; methods changed across the study period, with a decrease
Sallie Pearson3; Helga Zoega6; Antonia Shand7 in combined oral contraceptive dispensings, and an in-
Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney, New South Wales, crease in levonorgestrel intrauterine device dispensings.
Australia; 2Child Population and Translational Health When adjusted for the contraceptive time supplied with
Research, Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School a dispensing, the contraceptive coverage did not change
and Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics, over time. Among women receiving an oral retinoid dis-
University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, pensing, only 25% had a contraception concomitant dis-
Australia; 3School of Population Health, University of New pensing in 2021, rising slightly from 19% in 2013.
South Wales, Kensington, New South Wales, Australia; Conclusions: Oral retinoid use in Australian reproductive
Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick, New South Wales, aged women has increased over time, while PBS contracep-
Australia; 5Westmead Hospital Dermatology Department, tion coverage has remained static. Most women dispensed
Westmead, New South Wales, Australia; 6School of oral retinoids were not concomitantly dispensed PBS
Population Health, University of New South Wales and contraception, posing a risk of unplanned pregnancy and
Centre of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, congenital anomaly. Initiatives are required to improve
University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; 7Royal Hospital contraception use in women dispensed oral retinoids.
for Women and Child Population and Translational Health
Research, Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School
and Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics, Clearing the way –­Adalimumab for recalcitrant
University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia acne fulminans

Aims: Oral retinoids are teratogenic in pregnancy, and Frank Po-­Chao Chiu; Aaron Boyce
contraception is recommended to prevent pregnancy. This Townsville University Hospital, Townsville, Queensland,
study assessed the demographic characteristics and trends Australia
in use of prescription retinoids and contraception among
reproductive-­aged women (15–­44 years) in Australia. Acne fulminans (AF) is a rare, severe form of acne char-
Methods: Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) dis- acterized by the development of painful, inflammatory
pensing claims were used from a 10% random sample of nodules, pustules and haemorrhagic ulcers, often but not
Australian reproductive-­aged women between 2013 and necessarily in association with systemic manifestations
2021. Annual numbers and trends in dispensing claims including fever, arthralgia, myalgia and blood abnormali-
were described. Each retinoid dispensing was analysed ties. It typically affects adolescent males and primarily
for whether there was a concomitant contraceptive dis- involves the face, neck, arms, back and chest. The patho-
pensing within an appropriate time frame to reasonably genesis of AF is likely multifactorial and is suspected to
assume contraception co-­use. We have multiplied results include genetic susceptibility, altered immune responses,
by 10 to extrapolate to population numbers. hormonal changes, infections and other iatrogenic causes.
Results: During the study period there were over 1.5 mil- Treatment is difficult and first-­ line therapy has tradi-
lion PBS retinoid dispensings and over 20 million PBS tionally involved the use of isotretinoin with oral corti-
contraceptive dispensings. Retinoid dispensing increased costeroids. When contraindicated or ineffective, other
annually, from 61,080 women in 2013 to 92,590 women in systemic agents have been trialled including dapsone,

Editorial material and organization © 2023 Australasian College of Dermatologists Copyright of individual abstracts remains with the authors.

Australas J Dermatol. 2023;64(Suppl. 1):3–6. | 3


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methotrexate or cyclosporine. For AF refractory to con- 12 months in patients aged ≥12 years from the extension
ventional therapies, use of certain biologic agents have re- study are presented.
cently emerged as potentially effective treatment options. Methods: All patients who continued into the open-­
Herein, we report the case of a 14-­year-­old male who label, long-­term extension study (NCT02682264) applied
developed isotretinoin-­induced AF that was successfully clascoterone twice daily to the entire face and, if desired,
managed with off-­label use of Adalimumab. He presented any truncal acne, for up to 9 months. Patients achieving
with a 1-­year history of severe cystic acne involving his Investigator's Global Assessment score of 0 or 1 (IGA 0/1)
face, chest and back, which was non-­responsive to topical could stop treatment and resume if/when acne worsened.
therapy and antibiotics. Within 2 weeks of commencing Safety was assessed from treatment-­ emergent adverse
isotretinoin and despite concurrent oral prednisone, our events (TEAEs) and local skin reactions (LSRs [telangi-
patient developed painful pustules, haemorrhagic nodules ectasia, skin atrophy, striae rubrae, erythema, edema,
and leukocytosis with associated malaise and lethargy. He scaling/dryness, stinging/burning, and pruritus]) in all
was diagnosed with AF, which flared repeatedly despite treated patients. Efficacy was assessed from percentage of
minimal doses of isotretinoin, ongoing oral prednisone patients with IGA 0/1 among those who completed the ex-
and antibiotics. Upon review of the current literature and tension study without significant protocol deviations (per-­
considering the side effect profile of other systemic agents, protocol [PP] population).
he was commenced on Adalimumab. Within 6 weeks, our Results: Of 598 patients treated in the extension study, 108
patient demonstrated clinical improvement and tolerated (18.1%) experienced 187 TEAEs, with similar frequency
increased doses of daily isotretinoin without complica- between patients previously treated with vehicle (52/287
tion. He has continued improving after 6 months of treat- [18.1%]) vs. clascoterone (56/311 [18.0%]). Frequency of
ment, without requiring oral prednisone or antibiotics. LSRs was low throughout the study. Percentage of PP pa-
This case demonstrates the effectiveness of Humira as a tients with facial and truncal IGA 0/1 increased over time
newer, well-­tolerated therapy for the treatment of AF in to 48.9% (156/319) and 52.4% (65/124), respectively, at
adolescent patients, where traditional treatments have end of study and was greatest in patients applying clasco-
been unsuccessful. Acne fulminans (AF) is a rare, severe terone for 12 months (face, 67/119 [56.3%]).
form of acne characterized by the development of painful, Conclusions: Clascoterone cream 1% maintained a fa-
inflammatory nodules, pustules and. vourable safety and efficacy profile for up to 12 months in
patients aged ≥12 years.

Long-­term safety and efficacy of 1% clascoterone

cream in patients ≥12 years old with acne vulgaris Efficacy and safety of clascoterone cream 1% in
patients with acne vulgaris across subgroups
Lawrence Eichenfield1; Adelaide Hebert2; defined by demographic characteristics
Linda Stein Gold3; Martina Cartwright4; Luigi Moro5;
Jenny Han6; Nicholas Squittieri7; Alessandro Mazzetti8 Lawrence Eichenfield1; Adelaide Hebert2;
University of California San Diego School of Medicine Diane Thiboutot3; Linda Stein Gold4;
and Rady Children's Hospital San Diego, San Diego, Martina Cartwright5; Luigi Moro6; Jenny Han7;
California, USA; 2UTHealth McGovern Medical School, Nicholas Squittieri8; Alessandro Mazzetti9
Camperdown, California, USA; 3Henry Ford Health 1
University of California San Diego School of Medicine
System, West Bloomfield, Michigan, USA; 4Cassiopea Inc., and Rady Children's Hospital San Diego, San Diego,
Beverly Hills, California, USA; 5Cassiopea S.p.A., Lainate, California, USA; 2UTHealth McGovern Medical School,
Italy; 6Pharmapace Inc.; 7Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, California, USA; 3Penn State Hershey Dermatology,
Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, USA; 8Cassiopea S.p.A., San California, USA; 4Henry Ford Health System, West
Diego, California, USA Bloomfield, Michigan, USA; 5Cassiopea Inc., Beverly
Hills, California, USA; 6Cassiopea S.p.A., Lainate, Italy;
Aims: Clascoterone cream 1% is approved for the treat- Pharmapace Inc.; 8Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc.,
ment of acne vulgaris in patients aged ≥12 years based on Princeton, New Jersey, USA; 9Cassiopea S.p.A., San Diego,
results in two 12-­week, randomized, double-­blind, vehicle-­ California, USA
controlled, Phase 3 studies in patients with moderate-­to-­
severe acne. Patients who completed one of these pivotal Aims: Clascoterone cream 1% is approved for the treat-
studies could enter an open-­ label long-­term extension ment of acne vulgaris in patients aged ≥12 years. Pooled
study and receive treatment for up to 9 additional months. efficacy and safety data analyses stratified by age and sex
Long-­term safety and efficacy of clascoterone for up to from two Phase 3 studies and a long-­term extension study

14400960, 2023, S1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Romania, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

of clascoterone cream 1% in patients ≥12 years of age with quickly resolved after cessation of medication and support-
moderate-­to-­severe acne vulgaris are presented. ive treatment with fluids. This case highlights the impor-
Methods: Patients with moderate-­ to-­
severe acne tance of routine follow up and laboratory monitoring in a
were randomized 1:1 to twice-­daily treatment of the commonly treated skin disorder.
face with clascoterone or vehicle for 12 weeks; all pa-
tients continuing into the extension study applied
clascoterone for up to 9 additional months. Efficacy Trichloroacetic acid paint for boxcar and
was assessed from proportion of randomized patients polymorphic acne scars
achieving Investigator's Global Assessment score of 0
or 1 (IGA 0/1) among those completing the extension Cong Sun1; Davin Lim2
study per protocol (PP population). Safety was assessed Mater Hospital Brisbane, Brisbane, Queensland,
from treatment-­emergent adverse events (TEAEs) in Australia; 2Cutis Clinic, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
all treated patients.
Results: Of 709/712 patients aged ≥12 years origi- Background: Scarring is a common complication of acne
nally randomized to clascoterone/vehicle, 63.9%/60.4% vulgaris with a significant impact on the psychological
were female, with mean ± standard deviation age well-­being of patients. Focal application of high concen-
19.8 ± 6.1/19.5 ± 6.1 years; 11/13 were male patients tration trichloroacetic acid (TCA) has been proven effica-
aged ≥25 years. Among patients in the PP population cious in treating ice-­pick scars, but the utility in other scar
randomized to clascoterone/vehicle, 17.3%/3.8% (12–­ types is understudied.
17 years; p < 0.0001), 25.3%/8.6% (≥18 years; p < 0.0001), Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy
and 32.6%/10.1% (female patients ≥25 years; p = 0.0009) and safety of 90% TCA in boxcar and polymorphic acne
achieved IGA 0/1 by Week 12; 45.3%, 55.4%, and 44.4% scars using a novel brush applicator.
of extension study patients aged 12–­17, ≥18, and female Materials and Methods: Forty-­one patients with acne
patients ≥25 years, respectively, achieved IGA 0/1 after scars were recruited for treatment of boxcar and polymor-
12 months applying clascoterone. Frequency of TEAEs phic scar with 90% TCA applied with a cosmetic brush.
through Week 12 in clascoterone/vehicle-­treated patients Each patient received 3 treatment sessions spaced be-
was 10.8%/14.2%, 11.5%/11.6%, and 9.6%/12.9% for ages tween 7 and 9 weeks apart.
12–­17, ≥18, and female patients ≥25 years, respectively. Results: All participants had good to excellent outcomes
Conclusions: Clascoterone efficacy and safety were as per Jacob and colleagues grading. Patients with skin
maintained in adolescent and adult patients, including fe- Type 3–­6 had more excellent outcomes (13 patient, 59%)
male patients aged ≥25 years. than patients of skin type 1–­2 (9 patients, 41%). Two par-
ticipants (5%) had postprocedural complications. Five
participants (14%) were on concomitant isotretinoin with
Rhabdomyolysis induced by low dose isotretinoin no appreciable increase in reepithelialization time or rate
of complications.
Lois Zhang1; Margot Whitfeld2; Nancy Todes-­Taylor3 Conclusion: Focal 90% TCA with a cosmetic brush appli-
St. Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, cator is safe and effective in treating boxcar and polymor-
Australia; 2Department of Dermatology St Vincent's phic scars. The clinical outcome is good to excellent with
Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; low rates of complication. Fine paint brush is a new novel
St Leonards Dermatology & Laser, St Leonards, applicator for TCA CROSS technique which allows accu-
New South Wales, Australia rate application and minimize spillover over healthy skin.

The use of isotretinoin in the treatment of acne vulgaris is

common practice within dermatology clinics as it is highly Stem cell therapy for facial rejuvenation
effective in moderate to severe cases. Side effects with treat-
ment are generally well tolerated as low-­dosing is becoming Redwan Al-­Karim Bhuiyan
more favourable. Rhabdomyolysis is a rare complication of Dermatology Department, Tamavua P.J.Twomey Hospital,
treatment with isotretinoin with only a few reported cases Suva, Fiji
in the literature. We present a case where low-­dose treat-
ment in combination with vigorous exercise had induced Adipose-­ derived stem cells (ADSC) are a potent skin
rhabdomyolysis in an otherwise healthy 16-­year-­old male regeneration agent. They release growth hormones and
who had been on treatment for 5 months. His symptoms anti-­inflammatory cytokines, promote tissue regenera-
had primarily consisted of fatigue and myalgia which tion by boosting extracellular protein production, and

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secrete antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. The studies it was found that most of the cases platelet rich
result obtained in an office technique, without cell incu- plasma(PRP), ADSC are found safer and can be used for
bation and counting, is stromal vascular fraction, which the therapy of skin defects and wounds. In addition, SVF
contains not only stem cells but also a variety of other ac- is a source of stem cells, but its ability to regenerate is
tive cells such as pericytes, preadipocytes, immune cells, also dependent on other active cells. Regenerative medi-
and extracellular matrix. When adipose-­ derived stem cine is still in its early stages. Physicians are fascinated by
cells were injected into the dermis, they enhanced skin the mechanism of action of ADSCs and their multidirec-
density and attractiveness while also increasing skin hy- tional influence on dermal regeneration. ADSCs release
dration and the number of capillary capillaries. In this antioxidative chemicals, stimulate wound healing, and
study our main goal is to describe the possibility of using secrete ECM proteins. Several studies have shown that
autologous-­derived medicines in face rejuvenation. A sys- ADSC injections enhance skin density and have anti-­
tematic review of English and non-­English articles using wrinkle benefits. Skin moisture increases, and the overall
MEDLINE and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register look improves. The majority of fat and stem cell transfers
(1960–­2005), and EMBASE (1991–­2005). Search terms performed for cosmetic reasons are one-­stage in-­office
included randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical procedures that do not include cytometry or cell count-
trial, random allocation, double-­blind method, experi- ing. The survival and viability of stem cells appear to be
mental study, stem cell therapy, adipose tissue stem cell, substantially related to the harvesting procedure, and
skin aging, wound healing, fat cell. According to multiple there are no unambiguous standards.

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