Effects of Cell Phone Use On Study Habits and Acad
Effects of Cell Phone Use On Study Habits and Acad
Effects of Cell Phone Use On Study Habits and Acad
DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v10i03.01
ISSN: 2349-2031
The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cell phone use on the study habits and academic
performance of the Grade 6 and 8 learners. This study utilized a descriptive comparative design of research
that examined the extent of cell phone use, study habits and academic performance among the three groups of
learners. The following major findings of the study were revealed: All groups got “satisfactory” study habits.
Their academic performance, on the other hand, was interpreted as “proficient” with a general weighted
average of 85.37.; There is no significant difference between the three groups in terms of their study habits.;
However, there exist significant differences between the academic performance of the three groups. With a p-
value of 0.013, it was found out that significant differences lie between infrequent users and moderate users
as well as infrequent users and frequent users. Based from the conclusions, the following recommendations
are hereby formulated: There is a vital need to sensitize learners and educators about the potential academic
risks associated with high cell phone use. It is also recommended for teachers to apply a detailed guidance and
explanation on how to use cell phones appropriately in classroom settings. Moreover, the school management
must be more alive to their responsibilities by ensuring conformity to the school laid down rules and
regulations on student’s use of mobile phone device during class session.
1.0 Rationale
The 21st century is an era of science and modern technology. Nations which are doing well in the fields of
computers, information technology, electronics, biotechnology and telecommunications are normally
regarded as most modern and scientifically advanced nation. In the field of telecommunication, cell phones
are wonderful invention of science. Cell phones are used for communication, entertainment, preserving
memories etc. It offers a number of functions as making or receiving calls, Short Message Service (SMS),
Multi Media Service (MMS), Bluetooth, infrared, recording audios and videos which attracts users. The
Philippines appears to be in the fore front of the developing market for cell phone service to young people. It
is one of the fastest growing mobile subscribed base in the world. Surveys and studies from a number of
countries indicate that the use of cell phones in young people is increasing rapidly and starting at a younger
age. Almost half of the mobile internet users are between 18 and 26 years. Studies show varying prevalence
of use at different ages in different countries. According to the Wireless World Forum, a research consultancy,
the number of young people using mobile voice and data services in the Asia Pacific Region will continue to
increase (Sundari,2015).
Cell phone is the only item which qualifies to become the first personal protected and private item of
possession. It gives a high regard to anyone who own such personal and private item. Ease in early adoption
is another significant merit of cell phone. Its affordability and coverage of services and its increasing
importance as a means of two-communication are responsible for the rapid expansion of cell phones all over
the world.
7749 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Vol. 10, Issue 03, March, 2023
Roel C. Sampelo, MAEE et./al Effects of Cell phone Use on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Learners
Cell phones are good for education for many reasons. First you can use cell phones for research purposes.
Although most schools have at least 1 computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isn’t
enough. It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good option is to use
cell phones for research instead. Second, some people think that some apps like Facebook, Instagram, twitter,
messenger, etc. are bad and kids will get attracted and use them in class. On the contrary, cell phones have
many educational apps as well, which are fun and exciting for a student. There are some good features of a
cell phone that are beneficial to school:
Calculator. It doesn’t matter if the cell phone is expensive or not, almost every single cell phone has a
calculator. Lots of students are required to have a calculator as one of their school supplies, but if they have
one on their phone, then they don’t have to get one.
Stopwatch. Lots of phones have a stopwatch, which can be used in science class especially when doing
Dictionary. Cell phones can be used as a dictionary, which can be very useful in a classroom setting. One can
always search on the internet for the definition.
Cell phones are perceived as a useful and important for conversation, entertainment and preserving memories.
It helps students to achieve many educational tasks and makes easy for them to keep in touch with relatives.
But at the same time, it affects inversely their studies by means of the following: Cell phones disturb and
distracts the concentration of the students in class; Excessive use of cell phones keeps students busy and they
find less time for studies; It promotes pop culture; makes limited the students’ contacts; Affects the students
health by increasing level of depression, stress and loss of appetite; it damages the areas of the brain
associated with learning, memory and movement; use of cell phones in classes, libraries and public places
violates social norms, the appropriate and acceptable behavior associated with certain situations is not
In modern classrooms, teachers face many challenges as they compete for students’ attention among the
variety of communication stimuli. One of these is the use of cell phones by the students even during class
hours just to text their friends, play games, check their Facebook, Tweet, and the like. Lenhart, Ling, Campbell
and Purcell (2010) cited that 64% of students who own cell phones have texted during class, even in schools
where cell phones are technically banned. Those texts potentially come at the expense of learning, as texting
during class reduces students’ ability to self-regulate and give sustained attention to classroom task (Wei,
Wang, & Klasuner, 2012). Similarly, Salter (2010) observed that students have consistently displayed higher
level of attachment to their mobile phones which could serve as distractions to them because of the time
channeled to the phones.
Texting, the ability to send short messages to another person, is perhaps one of the more popular features of
modern cell phones. Roughly 94% of 18-34 year-olds report that they send or receive text messages using
their phones, and 63% if this age group access the Internet using their phone (Zickhur, 2011).
Campbell (2006) reported that young people ages 18 to 23 are more tolerant of mobile phones in the classroom
when compared to older age brackets. Essentially, “Young people tend to have very positive perceptions of
mobile phones and regard the technology as an important tool for social connection”.
7750 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Vol. 10, Issue 03, March, 2023
Roel C. Sampelo, MAEE et./al Effects of Cell phone Use on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Learners
Results of interviews with teachers have proven that rampant use of social networking, texting and chatting
on cell phones results in lower grades and poor academic performance of students. While people of various
ages find cell phones convenient and useful, younger generations tend to appreciate them more and be more
dependent from them. From own experience and observation, some students have the habit of keeping their
cell phones on during classes and studies, even in the library, thereby distracting others. In this context, there
is a need for a study. The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cell phone use on the
study habits and academic performance of the Grade 6 and 8 learners of Anahawan Elementary School and of
Anahawan National High School, Anahawan, Bato, Leyte.
3.0 Methodology
This study utilized a descriptive comparative design of research. Specifically, it made use of a descriptive
method in order to describe the cellphone use of the learners, their study habits and academic performance in
school. This utilized a survey through a questionnaire to see the general picture of the problem under
investigation. Furthermore, it is comparative in the sense that this study also examined the extent of cell phone
use, study habits and performance among the 3 groups of learners. The study was conducted in the 2 schools
of Anahawan, Bato, Leyte. The first is Anahawan Central School, located at the heart of Barangay Anahawan,
the largest barangay in the municipality of Bato, Leyte. It has 17 regular teachers headed by a full-fledged
principal. It offers a complete elementary grade level and a kindergarten. It has a population of 400 pupils.
The school is accessible by land transportation and well supported by the Parents-Teachers Association. The
second school is Anahawan National High School. It attained its status as a National High School by virtue of
the Executive Order 189 placing all municipal and barangay high schools under the national government.
7751 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Vol. 10, Issue 03, March, 2023
Roel C. Sampelo, MAEE et./al Effects of Cell phone Use on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Learners
Respondents for this study were two different groups of learners from two schools in Anahawan, Bato, Leyte.
All grade 6 pupils of Anahawan Central School composed of 54 pupils comprised the first group. The second
group were the one hundred sixty-one (161) Grade 8 students coming from the five sections of Anahawan
National High School. These are: Section Artemis-33, Aphrodite-34, Athena-31, Apollo-31, Ares-32. Of this
number, 78 were males and 83 were females. A stratified random sampling was employed to get the number
of respondents representing this group. Ages of respondents ranged from 13 to 16 years and own a cell phone
or use a cellphone regularly. The study utilized two sets of questionnaires: one for the learners to elicit
information about their profile regarding cell phone usage. This is a 20-item questionnaire to determine the
profile of the students in terms of cell phone use.
The other set sought information about their study habits. The study habits questionnaire is adopted from the
University of Central Florida Students Academic Resource Center. This instrument consists of 30 items
soliciting information on what behaviors are exhibited by the students when 1) studying, 2) managing their
time, 3) taking notes, 4) reading textbooks, 5) memorizing, and 6) preparing for tests. Each topic consists of
5 items each. It uses a three-point rating scale which are coded as follows: 1-rarely, 2-sometimes, and 3-often.
Since the respondents are students, the researcher asked permission from the school’s district supervisor and
principals of the two schools to allow him to conduct the present study to the Grade 6 pupils of Anahawan
Central School and Grade 8 students in Anahawan NHS under Bato District. Once approved, the researcher
personally met the teachers-in-charge of the two grade levels and the Grade 8 students to explain to them the
objectives of the study and arranged the schedule of instrument administration. The respondents were required
to answer the survey questionnaires by giving the most appropriate response to each item and were required
to return back the questionnaires to the researcher. Actual observation, personal interviews of selected
learners, and documentary analysis was done right after the retrieval of the questionnaires. Simultaneously,
data gathering of the pupils’ academic performance was also done.
All gathered data were subjected to appropriate statistical treatment for the purpose of interpretation and
analysis. The frequency, percentage, and means were used to determine the profile of the cell phone use of the
learners. The learners were then grouped according to the following ranges:
Range Description
3.67 – 5.00 Frequent Users
2.34 – 3.66 Moderate Users
1.00 – 2.33 Infrequent Users
As to study habits and academic performance, means and standard deviation were used. Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) was used to determine the significant difference of the variables of the study. As a result of the
study, an intervention program was proposed.
Out the twenty items in the language comprehension test for grade 3, the pupils got a mean score of 15.26 in
Mother Tongue while they got only a mean score of 13.46 in the English language. This implies that the pupils
7752 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Vol. 10, Issue 03, March, 2023
Roel C. Sampelo, MAEE et./al Effects of Cell phone Use on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Learners
got a higher score in their language comprehension test in mathematics using the mother tongue with 76.32%
out of the 20 items and only 67.29% using the English language. Scores in both language comprehension test
got approximately equal standard deviations of 4.03 and 4.67 in Mother Tongue and English, respectively.
This means that the scores in both languages deviate more or less the same around their respective means.
These results further imply that the pupils did better in their math comprehension using the Mother Tongues
Studies have found evidence to suggest that mother-tongue education leads to better academic performance.
In their paper “Estimating the impact of language of instruction in South African primary schools: A fixed
effects approach”, Taylor and Coetzee (2013) find that “among children in schools of a similar quality and
coming from similar home backgrounds, those who were taught in their home language during the first three
years of primary school performed better in the English test in grades four, five and six than children who
were exposed to English as the language of instruction in grades one, two and three (Marnewick, 2015). The
study by Pelesco & Borong (2021) also found that speaking in one's native tongue helped pupils improve their
performance, particularly their expression. This finding seems to be in line with the results of this study which
promoted the advantage of mother-tongue instruction in the early stages of children’s education.
The general weighted average of all Grade 3 pupils is 87.34 interpreted as “proficient”. This means that the
Grade 3 pupil-respondents are already “proficient” in terms of their mathematics performance. Considering
that Mathematics is commonly the dreaded subject by the pupils, it is good to note that these group of pupils
are already proficient in this subject. However, there is still a chance to improve and hopefully be able to
increase their performance up to the “advanced” level.
The result of this study is similar to that of Estonato, et.al. (2017) entitled “Effectiveness of Mathematics
Proficiency Sessions (MPS) for Primary Pupils”. wherein the overall mathematics proficiency level of their
Grades 1, 2 and 3 pupil-respondents is in the proficiency level with a proficiency score of 85.20%. Thus, it
can be deduced that there is a substantial evidence of improvement both in the performance and proficiency
level of pupils since from beginning level during the pretest, the performance of the pupils was raised to
proficiency category.
7753 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Vol. 10, Issue 03, March, 2023
Roel C. Sampelo, MAEE et./al Effects of Cell phone Use on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Learners
Since the value is significant even at 0.01 level, there is sufficient evidence to reject the first null hypothesis.
In other words, the pupils’ mathematics performance is highly significantly correlated to their language
comprehension in Mother Tongue. The same result was achieved when mathematics performance is correlated
with language comprehension in English. With a Pearson r value of .608 (p-value=.000), this reject the second
null hypothesis. This implies that there is a significant relationship between mathematics performance and
language comprehension in English. The difference lies in the degree of correlation. The Mother Tongue
language has a high positive correlation with mathematics performance while the English language has only
moderate positive correlation.
In 2009, the Department of Education (DepEd) recognized the benefits of teaching children using their mother
tongue or first language. Local and international research has found that children learn to speak, read, and
write more quickly in their first language, and can pick up a second and third language more easily if taught
in their first language. In the same way, they acquire other academic competencies more quickly, particularly
in science and math (Llaneta, 2018).
These results also coincide with that of Aguja, et. al. (2018) in their study “Improving Pupils’ Mathematics
Achievement Through Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education”. Results revealed that the mathematics
pupils when exposed to either English or Filipino language exhibited “good” performance on items in the
remembering and understanding levels while “fair” performance was noted in items where applying skills
were required. Whereas, pupils tend to perform better in Mathematics when Filipino is the medium of teaching
and learning. Results provided evidence that the pupils’ first language positively affect their Mathematics
6.0 References
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