2022-23 F.y.b.com (CBCS) Syllabus Sem-Ii
2022-23 F.y.b.com (CBCS) Syllabus Sem-Ii
2022-23 F.y.b.com (CBCS) Syllabus Sem-Ii
Course Objectives:-
Introduced the students to the basic principles of microeconomic theory.
To introduced the students behaviour of consumer, producer in Economy, Price determination in
market and also factor pricing.
How to microeconomic concepts can be applied to analyze real life situations.
1. Monopoly Lecturers 12
a. Meaning , Definition & Features
b. Short Run & Long Run Equilibrium of Firm
c. Price Discrimination: Meaning , Definition & Features
b. Types of Price Discrimination
c. Essential Conditions for Price Discrimination
d. Dumping
2. Monopolistic Competition Lecturers 10
a. Meaning , Definition & Features
b. Product Discrimination
c. Short Run Equilibrium of Firm Under Monopolistic Competition
d. Long Run Equilibrium of Firm Under Monopolistic Competition
3. Oligopoly Lecturers 08
a. Meaning , Definition & Features
c. Price Determination Under Oligopoly
d. The Kinked Demand Curve
4. Duopoly Lecturers 08
a. Meaning , Definition & Features
b. Price Determination
c. Stackleberg & Bertrand Model
d. Monopsony
5. Factor Pricing - I Lecturers 10
a. The Theory of Distribution
b. Rent: Meaning & Definition
b. Ricardo Theory of Rent
c. Wage: Meaning & Definition
a. Causes of Wages In Different Occupations
b. The Theories of Wages
1. Meaning of branch
2. Accounting for branch transactions in the books of Head office under –
i. Debtors System and
1. Meaning of Consignment
Accounting for Consignment transaction in the books of the consigner and the consignee, 08
6. Stores Accounting
ii. Pricing of Materials issues under FIFO, LIFO, Simple Average Method, and
7. Stock levels – Reordering level, Maximum level, Minimum level, Average level,
Danger level, 18
Reference Books:
[a] Books on Financial Accounting –
1. Advanced Accountancy Vol. I ,- R. L.Gupta& M. Radhaswamy - Sultan Chand & Sons
2. Fundamentals of Accounting, - Dr. T. P. Ghosh, - Sultan Chand & Sons
3. Accountancy For C.A. Foundation Course , - P.C. Tulsian, - Tata Mcgraw Hill
4. Advanced Accountancy Volume –I - P. C. Tulsian , Pearson Education, New Delhi
5. Advanced Accounts, - M.C. Shukla, T. S. Grewal & S.C. Gupta, - S. Chand & Co Ltd. 30
6. Fundamentals of Accounting, - Dr. S.N. Maheshwari&Dr. S.K. Maheshwari,-Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
7. Financial Accounting - A Mukherjee &M. Haneef - Tata Mc-Graw Hill 8. Advanced Accounting – Dr Ashok Sehgal
and Dr Deepak Sehgal – Taxmann Publications, New Delhi
Objectives –
To train students in quantitative techniques
To prepare students for logical and data presentation and analysis aspects
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to understand essential quantitative techniques
Students will be ready with Data Presentation and Data Analysis Skills
Section-I – Mathematics
Unit 1. Commercial Arithmetic Lectures: 10
a) Calculation of Simple Interest ,Compound Interest and EMI
b) Meaning of an annuity
c) Types of an annuity :- annuity due, annuity regular
d) Present value and future value of an annuity
e) Sinking fund
f) Numerical Problems
Section-II (Statistics)
Unit 4 – Introduction To Statistics Lectures: 10
a) Meaning of Statistics
b) Applications of Statistics in Business, Commerce and Management
c) Limitations of Statistics
d) Population, sample, census, sampling
e) Data, raw data, primary data, secondary data
f) variable, Discrete variable, Continuous variable, Attribute
g) Classification and tabulation of data
i. Meaning of classification and tabulation
ii. Distinction between classification and tabulation
iii. Construction of table:- one-way and two-way tables
iv. Classification of raw data according to values of a variable
References –
Business Mathematics By Sancheti & Kapoor Sultan chand& sons, New Delhi
Business Mathematics and Analysis By Anand Sharma Himalaya Publishing House
Business Statistics By S.C.Gupta & Indra Gupta Himalaya Publising House
Statistical Methods By S. P. Gupta Sultan Chand
Practical Business Mathematics by S.A.Bari,New Literature Publishing Company, New Delhi
Mathematics for Commerce by K. Selvakumar, Notion Press Chennai
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
Total Lecturers: 60
Exam: 60 Marks)
Objectives –
1.1, Office Manager: Role , Function , Duties and Responsibilities, Position and Status of Office Manager
2.3, Office Forms – Objectives, Advantages, Types of Forms, Control and Standardization of
2.4, Modern Mail Services: Mailing Department, Courier Service, Speed Post, Fax, Tag, Email:
Need, Importance, Difficulties.
6.3, Meeting, Essentials of Valid meeting & drafting notices, Agenda & Minutes
References –
Office Organization and Management-Arora. S.P. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Objectives –
To make students aware about e-banking basics
To train students about e-CRM and e-Security
To prepare students for M-Commerce and understand e-SCM
Course Outcomes
Students will be able to understand important practices of e-banking
Students will be prepared for key aspects of M-Commerce , e-CRM and e-SCM
Required Lectures: 60
Recommended books:
1. Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act 1960 with Rules 1961 by S. D. Dighe, Snow White Publications
Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.
2. Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act 1960 with Rules 1961 by K S Gupta Hind Law House Pune.
3. Bare Act – Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act 1960 and Rules 1961 published by Govt. of
4. Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act 1960 with Rules 1961 by A. K. Gupte and S. D. Dighe, Hind Law
House Pune
5. Rajasekhar D. Savings and Credit Systems of the poor: Some NGO experiences, NOVIB and HIVOS
6. www.nabard.org
7. www.Sahakarayukta.maha.gov.in
8. www.agricoop.nic.in
9. http://www.mudra.org.in/AboutUs/Genesis
10. http://www.makeinindia.com
11. Mahasahakar.maharashtra.gov.in
12. Testscea.mahaonlinegov.in
13. http://www.nsdcindia.org
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon
(NACC Accredited ‘A’ Grade University)
F Y B COM (under CBCS) –2022-23
Paper: 207 a - Elective- Principles & Practices of Banking-II
60+ 40 Pattern : External Marks 60 + Internal Marks 40 = Maximum Total Marks :100
Required Lectures hours = 60
Course Objectives:
To provide students insight into functions & Role of Reserve Bank of India.
To acquire knowledge about working of Indian Banking system.
To aware the students regarding the Transfer System in India.
To make the students understand the various services offered and various risks faced by
It is helpful to understand the detail knowledge of banking and financial situations
To aware the students regarding the Money market & Capital Market in India.
Reference Books:
1. E Gordon and K Natrajan- Banking-Theory, Law and Practice- HimalayaPublishing House.
2. “Banking Theory and Practice” by Dr. P.K. Srivastava, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Padmalatha Suresh& Justin Paul , Management of Banking Financial Services. Fourth edition by
4. K C Shekhar&LekshmyShekhar, Banking Theory and Practice, Vikas Publishing
5. Know Your Banking - I Basics of Banking - Taxmann
6. K C Shekhar&LekshmyShekhar,Banking Theory and Practice,Vikas Publishing
7. R K Gupta &HimanshuGupta ,Credit Appraisal & Analysis of Financial Statement - A Hand Book For
Bankers And Finance Managers ,Notion Press.
8. Kumar Arun,Banking Industry and Non-performing Assets (NPAs),New Century Publications
9. Monetary theory :16th ed. M.C.Vaish ,vikas publishing house pvt ltd2005
10. Basics Of Banking &FiinanceDr K M Bhattacharya & O P Agrawal
11. Banking Theory & Practice; K.C..Shekhr&LaxmiShekhar.Vikas Publishing
12. 5. Banking Theory, Law & Practice K P M Sunderam& D N Varshney S Chand
13. V. Rajaraman, Credit Appraisal Risk Analysis & Decision Making, Snowwhite Publications
14. Empowering AatmanirbharNiveshak The First Indian Depository to Register 3 CroreDemat Accounts
15. The Indian Capital Market – An OverviewHandbook for NSDL Depository Operations Module,
16. R.B.I. Bulletins &www.rbi.org.in
17. बँक िं ग सिद्धिंत एवम व्यवहधर: Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd (1 January 2015)
1. Dr. AvtarSingh : Company Law; Eastern Book Company, 34, Lalbagh, Lucknow.
2. C.R. Datta :Datta on the Company Law; Lexis Nexis, Butterworths Wadhwa,Nagpur.
3. A. Ramaiya : Guide to the Companies Act; Lexis Nexis, Butterworths Wadhwa,Nagpur.
4. A.K. Mujumdar, Dr.G.K. Kapoor: Company Law and Practice; Taxmann, 59/32, New Rohtak Road,
5. M.C. Kuchhal : Modern Indian Company Law; Shri Mahavir Book Depot, 2603,NaiSarak, Delhi.
6. H.K. Saharay : Company Law; Universal Law Publishing Co., C-FF-1A, DilkhushIndustrial Estate,
G.T. Karnal Road, Delhi.
7. D.K. Jain : Company Law Ready Reckoner; Bharat Law House Pvt. Ltd.; T-1/95, Mangolpuri
Industrial Area, Delhi.
8. R. Suryanarayanan : Company Law Ready Reckoner; Commercial Law Publishers,151, Rajinder
Market, Opp. Tis Hazari Court, Delhi.
9. L.C.B. Gower : Principles of Modern Company Law; Stevens & Sons Ltd.,London.
10. Taxmann’s : Circulars & Clarifications on Company Law; Taxmann, 59/32, NewRohtak Road, New
11. Publications of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICSI House, 23. Institutional Area,
Lodi Road, New Delhi.
12. G.K. Kapoor and A.P. Suri: Corporate Law, Taxmann, 59/32, New Rohtak Road, NewDelhi
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
(A' Grade NAAC Re-Accredited (3rd Cycle))
F. Y. B. Com – CBCS From :- June 2022.
Paper: 207 c - Elective - Marketing & Advertising
60 + 40 Pattern: External Marks 60 +Internal Marks 40 = Maximum Total Marks: 100
Required Lectures: 60
Reference Book:
1. Kadavekar & Kothovade - Vipanan Vyavasthapan (Marathi)
2. Bodhankar Sudhir & Vekhande- Vipanan Vyavasthapan (Marathi)
3. Deshamukh Prabhakar - Vipanan Vyavasthapan (Marathi)
4. Kadvekar, Jain, Antony Rose- Modern Marketing Management – Diamond Publication.
5. Pratibha Joshi & Others - Vipanan, Vikray kala aani Prasidhdi Part III (Jahirat) (Marathi)
6. Sangita Sharma& Raghuvir Singh – Advertising
7. Namita Rajput & Mira Vashitha – Advertisement & Personal Selling
8. S. A. Chunawala: Advertising An Introductory Text: Himalaya Publication
9. G.S. Shuda. Sales and Advertising Management, . Indus Valley Publication , Jaipur
10. Kulkarni Mahesh - Advertising - Nirali Prakashan
Total Marks: 100(Internal Continuous Assessment:40 Marks +External Theory Exam:60 Marks)
To acquaint the students with the concepts of advance concepts of statistics and their tools.
To enable the students to use the advance business statistics concepts in the day to day business life.
Course Outcomes
Students will become acquainted with advance concepts and tools of business statistics.
Students will be able to use the advance business statistics concepts in day to day business life.
Business Statistics By S. C. Gupta, Indra Gupta Himalaya Publishing House
Statistical Methods By S. P. Gupta Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi
Business Statistics By Sancheti&Kapoor Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Operations Research By P.K. Gupta and D.S. Hira S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
(A' Grade NAAC Re-Accredited (3rd Cycle))
Paper: 207 e - Elective - Principles & Practices of Insurance
60 + 40 Pattern: External Marks 60 +Internal Marks 40 = Maximum Total Marks: 100
Required Lectures: 60
Required Lectures: 60
Course Objectives –
a) The course intends to give an introduction and to prepare students in understanding important concepts
of Business Environment. It further aims to act as a foundation for many of the environmental approaches
of business
b) To lay a foundation for understanding the various types of Environments
c) To gain the ability for understanding environmental parts which impact on business processes
UNIT 5: Multinational Corporations (MNCs) & Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Lectures 12
5.1 MNCs
5.1.1 Meaning, Definition & Features
5.1.2 Merits &Demerits
5.2 FDI
5.2.1 Introduction, Concept, Classification, Benefits & Negative impacts
5.2.2 The role of FDI in Economic Development
5.3 IMF - International Organizations and Arrangements
Reference Books:
1. Rangarajan, C.A.; Perspective in Economics, S.Chand & Sons, New Delhi
2. Corporate Governance: Chris A. Mallin, Oxford.
3. Jain, P.C., India Builds Her War Economy (Kitab Mahal, Allahabad, 1943).
4. Capital Market Instrument: Moorad Chaudhry, Financial times professional serious
5. Cherunilam, Francis; Business Environment - Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House
6. Mishra And Puri; Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delh,
7. M. Adhikary; Economic Environment of Business – Sultan Chand & Sons.
8. International Business environment: Leslie Hamilton, Oxford University Press; Second edition (26
July 2012)
9. Justin Paul: Business Environment, 1st edition, Tata MH
10. Francesco Perrini, Stefano, and Antonio Tencati, Developing Corporate Social Responsibility-A
European Perspective, Edward Elgar
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (NAAC Reaccredited ‘A’ Grade University)
F. Y. B.Com – w. e. f. AY 2022-23
SEMESTER: II - Paper: 207 g – Geography of Disaster Management
60 + 40 Pattern: External Marks 60 +Internal Marks 40 = Maximum Total Marks: 100
Required Lectures: 60
1. To Understand role and responsibilities of different agencies and government in Disaster
2. To understand role of various modern technologies in Disaster Management
3. To get information regarding disaster medicine.
Reference Books: