Half Yearly Exam Portion and Pattern 23-24

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Senior Secondary School, Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi

Grade III
Sno Subject Date Day Portions Pattern Marks
1 English 08.12.2023 Friday Ln-6 Herschel and the stars (No descriptive) Section -A
Ln-7 Mr.Jeremy Fisher (No descriptive) 1. Reading comprehension. 10×1=10
Ln-8 The cowardly lion 2. Picture comprehension. 10×1=10
Poem-3 Parrots Section -B ( writing and grammar)
Poem-4 To make a garden. 3. Paragraph writing. 1×4=4
4. Grammar/ book back exercises 26×1=26
Section-c ( Literature)
8. Read the lines and answer the questions (Prose Extract ). 5×1=5
9. Read the lines and answer the questions ( Poem extract). 5×1=5
10. Answer the following questions( very short answer). 4×2=8
11. Answer the following questions( Short answer). 4×3=12
TOTAL 80 marks

2 Hindi 11.12.2023 Monday पाठ -6 कसके पीछे (ए ◌े )मा ा Section -A

(III language) पाठ -7 रे त का घर (ऐ ◌ै) मा ा 1. Write the swar letters. 10×1/2=5m
पाठ -8 वन म होल (ओ ◌ो) मा ा 2.Write the Barakhadi for the given letter. 10×1=10m
पाठ- 9 मटर या टमाटर (औ ◌ौ) मा ा 3.Match the pictures with their names. 5×1=5m
पाठ - 10 पक नक का मजा (ऋ) 4.join the letters and write. 5×1=5m
पाठ-11 दावत (अं ◌ं ) मा ा 5.choose the synonyms for the picture and write it. 3×1=3m
* फल के नाम (pg 56) 6.Write the English Meaning for the given words. 4×1=4m
7. Circle the correct name of the picture 5×1=5m
8.Select the correct Mathra and complete the word 3×1=3m
Section -B
9.Find the Name of the Fruit and write it 2×3=6m
10.Name the Pictures 2×2=4m
Section -C
11.Write the missing Vyanjan letters. 15m
Section- D
12.Pick out any -2 Fruits Name and Draw them. 5m
13.Oral :
1. Reading - Book pg no- 68 घंटाघर 5m
2.Recitation- हाथी राजा 5m
TOTAL 80 marks

3 Mathematics 13.12.2023 Wednesday Chapter 4 Multiplication SECTION - A

Chapter 5 Division 1. Choose the correct answers: 10×1=10
Chapter 8 Shapes, space and patterns. 2. Fill in the blanks: 6×1=6
3. Match the following: 6x1=6
4. State whether the statements are true or false: 6×1=6
5. Name the arrays and give its multiplication sentence: 6×1=6
6. Draw the lines of symmetry for these figures: 6×1=6
7. Find different ways to make the number in the centre: 6×1=6
8. Tables: 10×1=10
9. Very Short Answers: 4×2=8
10. Short Answers: 2×3=6
11. Long answers: 2×5=10
TOTAL 80 marks

4 Tamil 15.12.2023 Friday பாட :11 கா தி வ ழா? ப தி-அ

( II language) பாட :12. ெகா க ைட ஏ ேவகல? (I). ப திைய ப ேகா ட இட கைள நிர க: 5×1=5
பாட :13 . எழி ெகா ச அ வ . (II). ச யான வ ைடைய ேத ெத எ க: 5×1=5
பாட :14 . க வ க ேபா ற (III) ெசா ெசா க ப எ க: 5×1=5
பாட :15 . வ பா வ த வ ைள (Iv).ெபா க: 6×1=6
பாட :16 . லக (V).ச யா(√) தவறா(×) என றிய க : 5×1=5
பாட :17 . நா ஓநா (Vi) தெல ைத மா றி திய ெசா உ வா க: 5×1=5
பாட :18 . தி ற கைதக Vii) தி ெபா தமான வ ைடைய எ க 3×1=3
பாட :19 . ெவ ேபாமா? (IX).ேச எ க: 3×1=3
(X).எதி ெசா த க: 3×1=3
(Xi). எ கைள ைற ப தி திய ெசா உ வா க: 5×1=5
Xii).ெபா த க 3×1=3
(XIII).ஒ த ஓைச ைடய ெசா ைல எ எ க: 4×1=4
(Xiiii). எ ேவ பா அறி எ க 4×1=4
ப தி-ஆ
வ னா 4×2=8
ப தி-இ
சி வ னா 2×3=6
ப தி -ஈ
ெந வ னா 2×5=10
TOTAL 80 marks

5 GND 18.12.2023 Monday Chapter 5 : Adjectives Section A

Chapter 6 : Pronouns Q.1 Creative writing 5 Marks
Chapter 11: Conjunctions Q.2 Story writing 5 Marks
Chapter 12: Tenses Section C
Vocabulary from Pg 43 , 44, 80 and 81 Q.3 Picture description 5 Marks
Section C
Q.4 Translation 10×1=10

Section D
Q .5 Choose the correct answer 20×1=20

Q. 6 Very short answer 5×2=10

Q.7 Short answer 5×3=15

Section E
Q.8 Listening skills 5Marks
Q.9 Speaking skills 5Marks
TOTAL 80 marks

6 Science 20.12.2023 Wednesday LN 3- Soil ( non - descriptive) section-A

LN 6- Our Body 1. Choose the correct answer 10×1=10
LN 7- Housing and clothing( non - descriptive) 2.Fill in the blanks 5×1=5
LN 11- Force 3.Match the following 10×1=10
LN 12- Measurement( non - descriptive) 4.State whether the following are true or false 5×1=5
5.Answer in one word 5×1=5
6. Give one example of the following 5×1=5
7. Identify the given picture 5×1=5
8. Label the following parts in the given diagram 5×1=5
9. Sort out the following 6×1=6
10. Very short answers 4×2=8
Section -C
11. Short answers 2×3=6
12. Long answers 2×5=10
TOTAL 80 marks

7 Social science 22.12.2023 Friday Ln. 9 Life in our villages Section-A

Ln.14 Means of Transport 1. Choose the correct answer 10×1=10
Ln. 18 Times and timelines 2. Fill in the blanks 4×1=4
Ln.19 Sources of History 3. Match the following 10×1=10
Map skills( States of India) 4. State whether the following are true or false 5×1=5
5. Answer in one word 4×1=4
6. Complete the timeline 3×1=3
7. Pick the odd one out 4×1=4
8. Identify the picture and answer the following 4×1=4
9. Draw the means of Transport and write their name. 4×1=4
10. Classify the things that belong to the past and present. 4×1=4

10. Very short answers 4×2=8

Section -C
11.Short answers 2×3=6

12. Long answers 2×5=10

Map skills 4×1=4
TOTAL 80 marks

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