2badr Bach NetworkOverviewpublished
2badr Bach NetworkOverviewpublished
2badr Bach NetworkOverviewpublished
Network Overview
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Network Overview
BadrBaatiah and Christian Bach
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT06604, USA, E-mail: Bbaatiah,cbach}@bridgeport.edu
Different advantages acquired from network X.25 developed for commercial services and
design, sharing information where some produced TCP/IP networks [16].
information can be send for more than one user at
Nowadays, computer networks developed in
the same time without copy and paste it. Which
different categories and in other classes from LAN
reduce efforts and costs used to send messages.In
networks and other for WAN networks. Moreover
addition hardware also can be shared where one
direction of development for software where new
printer can be used for the whole department and
protocols design for transfer data between devices
this reduces cost to pay more than one printer in
in additions other classes for peripherals devices
department. More over memory also can be shared
that support network system [15, 16].
where more than one user can used same
information where they use same memory. But in Also other class of network is produce by
other hand shared memory may create some devices ability, where all of these classes used to
problem for in consistent data where update for improve distributed system like Ameba operating
used variable by other processor may effect on its system. Where Andrew introduced new network
old value [1, 9, 11] operating system by connecting multi-processor
where the main purpose of this network
Moreover other important concept is network
timesharing system. First class is called Peer-to-Peer
protocol, where message transfer between different
P2P, where each device has same ability over
network carrier, and each carrier have specific
network, where each computer node has ability to
properties and ability can provide. Network
do. Any node can send data into other node and
protocol set of rules that organize communication
process it. Memory also can be distributed over
between network parties.in following research we
nodes which enable each part to connect and got
will explore some software concepts [9].
information from other [6]. Next class called client-
server, where server hold memories and whole data
MOTIVATION in traditional system, moreover processing operator
In this research we explore some categories of wire inside server serve for connected nodes. In additional
networks depend on scale of network, and some server can be used to protect data by using Firewall
historical review. Other hardware concepts and system to burn any attacker attempts. The main
range of each device and advantages. First version disadvantage of this system is single point of failure,
of network produce 1950 for military purposes, then where if server has a problem then whole system
new version of commercial produced for airline will be down. In addition the connection between
reservation system [14] in 1964 other big system devices will be lost. Also heavy load on network and
produced by Dartmouth to improve overloaded on server may reduce system speed [16].
telecommunication purpose to increase system
extension, where this experiment improve also Main Contributions and Paper Organization
routing process and management communication
In this paper we explore different network issue
of telephone. Paul and Leonard develop network
and some classification categories The main goal is
systems by divide message into packet, and each
to explain classes of network, scale, and network
packet may take different path to send and receive
with examples in our survey we mention some
information thought it [15]. in 1965 a novel
ways to improve some security algorithms over
invitation introduced by Thomas and Lawrence by
wire and wireless.
creating new wide network which is called wide
area network (WAN), where Roberts is a program The organization of the paper is as the
manager for network in ARPANET. In same year following. In section II we present and discuss some
widely telephone switch network introduced, after network classes. In section III we will explore some
four years a group of universities work to gather to classes of wire network. Conclusion mentioned in
produce new version ARPANET network. In 1972 section V.
nodes. Where there is no switching nor do In other hand ring topology has some problem
broadcasting and the main problem occur where also, each send packet must pass all nodes over
huge of physical nodes needed to transfer data network regardless if it arrives to its destination or
between nodes. In other hand there is no collision not. And this may break security over network more
between nodes [26] over privacy of users also will be violated. In other
hand packet direction is limited to clock wise where
if any disconnect occurred then the whole network
will be stop until fixed where send packet did not
back to sender so he will not release token.other
problem faced ring topology is extension problem
in other words if designer looking to add new
device he need to connect this device into two part
after and before not only this but also its need to
update the whole routing table for all nodes in that
network. And this may consume efforts and time
over cost of money. Bandwidth will distributed over
all devices and this may lead to reduce performance
of network if devices increase [27].
7. Hybrid Topology: Which combine all of the
Figure 4: Fully Connected Network above topologies or some time contain part of them
in this categories by connect between bus, star, and
ring to connect between devices and component of
6. Ring Topology: Where nodes connected like networks.
a ring between other where each node have same
ability like next one and the strategy for send packet Hybrid offer numbers of advantage like
over network is work one by one depend on control scalability of network where network can be
packet which called token control packet. If any extend to be connecting with other network.
node want to send data over network it will wait Moreover hybrid provides a huge ability of
until he receive token packet after that it will catch flexibility and ability to change from one for to
token packet and keep it, then start stream its data other form[28]. Also effectiveness of hybrid is very
over network until its finish and data will take high where hybrid combine between at least two
around when it receive last packet sent it then token kind of network and this enable network to work
can be released different advantages and to gather depends on its strength points. on other
disadvantage over ring strategy the first advantage hand hybrid represent the complex kind of
is when wire disconnect the network direct convert network compered to all other designs. Also
to bus topology, ring topology is very organized intelligent hub needed to enable routing
special where collision can’t be created between information from any two nodes over different
node data where only one user can send data at small networks. Moreover design and establish
time if it has token. Moreover if there is a huge data Hybrid network is so costly and consume a huge
over network then performance is still good. Also efforts from network designer and cost of money
it’s not like star topology where its need central also play a key role to design network, in addition
control point between nodes so there is no single the time is costly where sending packet between
point of fail. If network need some additional nodes will need different software and also other
component like printer or scanner over it, efficiency hardware. Other designer present other problem
of network will not be affected. Also all nodes have is how to detect error over network if you have a
same probability to control all sources over ring problem, where this network consist of different
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