MOS - BMS System SAT

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Equinix Project SG1 - XIII

Method Statement for

Site Acceptance Testing of
BMS system

Commtech Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd Document: Method Statement

12A Gemmill Lane Site Acceptance Testing of BMS
Singapore 069252 system
Tel: 65366372, Fax: 65366243, Rev 0
Document Control
Contract No: SN19026
Document Title: Method Statement for Site Acceptance Testing of BMS System
Document No: R0
Rev. Date Comments:

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

0 1st Aug 2019
Name Paul Seah Kenny Neo David Armstrong

Initials PS KN DA

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Contents Page

1. Introduction 4

2. Test Instruments/Tools Required 5

3. Reference Standards 5

4. Test Procedures 6

5. Functional Testing 14

6. Fire Shutdown Test 15

7. DCIM System Verification 16

8. Test Record Sheets 16

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1. Introduction
1.1 The following test procedure has been prepared as a guideline for BMS
Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) for this project.

1.2 This is to be enhanced and developed by the Contractor. Additional testing

and commissioning requirements may be proposed by the Contractor as
appropriate and agreed with the Project M&E Engineer and Independent
Testing and Commissioning Engineer.

1.3 The objective of this procedure is to verify that the installation and
operation of the BMS System are as per M&E Engineer design intent.

1.4 The BMS Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) for this project shall be carried
out in accordance with the Client’s approved point list as well as
concurrently with the Client’s DCIM system.

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2. Test Instrumentation / Tools Required
2.1 All instrumentation used for the testing shall come complete with up to
date (with at least 6 months validity) calibration certificates that are
traceable to international standards.

2.2 The contractor undertaking the test shall ensure that the instrumentation
provided has an operating range to suit the expected test pressure result
at the mid-range point of the instrument.

2.3 The following test instrumentation & tools will be required to undertake the
tests detailed within this procedure:

 Calibrated multi-meters
 General tightening or fastening tools (screwdrivers, battery drills,
spanners etc.)
 Calibrated RH / temperature / pressure measuring instruments
 Test pens
 Walkie-talkies
 Test Jumper Cable
 Freeze Spray
 Heater (Hair Dryer)
 Cold steam generator
 Torchlight

3. Reference Standards

3.1 Any codes of practice that are local and contravene international
standards should be submitted to the design engineers for their approval
prior to implementation.

3.2 The following associated Client’s documents are to be utilized for design:

- Mechanical Standard Point List: Monitored and controlled points for

Mechanical equipment
- Standard Electrical & Misc. Point List: Monitored and controlled points
for Electrical and other equipment
- Instrument Equipment Tagging: Equinix point naming conventions
- IBX Network Architecture
- Instrumentation Specifications
- Controls Power Redundancy Standard

These standards should be adhered to throughout the testing.

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4. Test Procedures
Complete the Pre-Commissioning Checklist and start-up procedures detailed in
“Template Test Sheets BMS Testing” on each BMS System MBC (Modular
Building Controller) panel prior to software installation and prior to commencement
of point-to-point checking

Carry out the following prior to starting any testing.

4.1 Pre-Commissioning Checklist

4.1.1 Verify that the enclosure is not mounted to a vibrating surface.

4.1.2 Verify that proper wiring installations have been completed by the sub-

4.1.3 Check all point and trunk wiring for short, ground and induced / stray
voltages. Verify all termination according to as-built drawings.

4.1.4 Verify that the correct point modules have been inserted to the proper
termination address keys have been placed in proper slots. Install the
corresponding module labels.

4.1.5 Verify that required LAN trunk wires have been wired to the connectors
and placed on the temporary cover that wraps around the mounting rails,
M-Bus rails and C-Bus at the bottom of the backplane. Verify proper PMD
and LAN trunk terminations and proper shielding.

4.1.6 Verify that the power module had been installed as per required.

4.1.7 Verify that the open processor has been installed as per required.

4.1.8 Verify that the MBC has been powered with the proper voltage.

4.1.9 Use terminal software to configure the open processor as required. Verify
that the open processor status LED flashes.

4.1.10 Log on to the BMS System Database Server and upload the MBC
database. Upon completion, the insight workstation will be able to monitor
the status.

4.1.11 Fill-up the DDC information table so that all parameter has been captured.

4.1.12 Upon completion of these procedures, carry out point-to-point checks.

4.1.13 Point to point check shall be carried out for all pre-wired panels.

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4.2 Complete DDC Information Table in “Template Test Sheets BMS

 MBC System Name

 MBC Name
 MBC Location
 DDC Address
 System Name
 Firmware Revision
 BLN Baud Rate
 MMI Baud Rate
 MMI / Modem Baud Rate
 LAN (FLN1) Port Baud Rate
 LAN (FLN2) Port Baud Rate
 LAN (FLN3) Port Baud Rate
 M-Bus Enabled
 Yes / No
 Extended Timeout
 Yes / No
 Battery Check Status

4.3 Complete DDC Start-up Checklist “in Template Test Sheets BMS

 Connect and power up the UPS (if applicable)

 Connect and power up the BMS Database Server.
 Connect and power up the BMS Database Standby Server.
 Connect and power up the Trunk Interface II between the server and
 Load in the BMS software package.
 Connect the BMS Database Server to the BLN (Building Level
 Check for the communication status between the server and the
 Check for the communication status between the server and the
 Do database upload from MBCs to the server.
 Check the database integrity between server and MBCs.

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4.4 Complete BMS I/O Points Test Sheet

BMS I/O Points Test Sheet

Service: Location: Field Equipment BMS Reading ACK
S/ Point
Address Description Analogue Digital Analogue Digital
N Name
On On
Off Off

4.4.1 Ensure all point to point verification is completed.

4.5 Complete Commissioning “Status” Testing for ALL Status Points

4.5.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.5.2 Set up trending for the points that needed to be tested

4.5.3 Initiate a change of status “ON / OFF / TRIP” feedback from the field

4.5.4 Verify that the BMS receives the status change from the field equipment.

4.5.5 Initiate a change of status “OFF / ON / Reset” feedback from the field

4.5.6 Verify that the BMS receives the status change from the field equipment

4.5.7 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.

4.6 Complete “Command” Testing for ALL Command Points

4.6.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.6.2 Setup trending for the points that needed to be tested

4.6.3 Initiate command “ON” to the field equipment.

4.6.4 Verify that the BMS sends out the command to the field equipment.

4.6.5 Initiate command “OFF” to the field equipment.

4.6.6 Verify that the BMS receives the status change from the field equipment.

4.6.7 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.
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4.7 Complete Commissioning Alarm Testing for ALL Alarm Points

4.7.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.7.2 Set up trending of the points that require testing.

4.7.3 Initiate a simulation of alarm “ON” feedback from the field equipment.

4.7.4 Verify that the BMS receives the status change from the field equipment.

4.7.5 Verify that the printer prints out the alarm status. (If applicable)

4.7.6 Review Alarm message to ensure it is unambiguous and gives the correct
description and location of the alarm.

4.7.7 Confirm page-out message is correct as procedure 4.7.5 above.

4.7.8 Initiate a simulation of alarm “NORMAL” feedback from the field


4.7.9 Verify that the BMS receives the status change from the field equipment
and alarm paging out is functional.

4.7.10 Verify that the printer prints out the alarms return to normal status.

4.7.11 All alarm point verification test shall be carried out concurrently with the
Client DCIM system.

4.7.12 Print out the trend report and alarms print out and attached them to this
test & commissioning report.

4.8 Complete Calibration of Sensors: Temperature / Humidity / Pressure /

Flow Sensors (ALL types of sensor)

4.8.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.8.2 Setup trending for the points that needed to be tested.

4.8.3 Enable controller scanning and ensure ‘0’ scanning errors occur.

4.8.4 Using a certified calibrated instrument, measure and record space

temperature / pressure / humidity level (%RH).

4.8.5 On the appropriate BMS page, view and record the associate reading.

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4.8.6 Note the differences between the measured value (true reading) and the
BMS value, and calculate the offset required to bring the BMS value to the
same figure as the measured reading.

4.8.7 Apply the calculated offset.

4.8.8 Recheck the BMS readings against the measured readings as stated
above and re-correct as necessary to bring the difference between the two
values to zero.

4.8.9 Record the total offset applied onto the test sheets.

4.8.10 Record applied setpoint.

4.8.11 Repeat for ALL sensors; temperature, pressure, %RH and Flowmeters.

4.8.12 Verify all field sensors failure and observe system operations is as per
design specification.

4.8.13 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.

Note: - Sensor Type Acceptance Range

Temperature ±0.5˚C
Relative Humidity ± 5%RH
Pressure ± 5%
Water Flow Rate ± 2%

All sensors verification must be completed before the Heat Load and
Integrated System Test.

4.9 Commissioning of Water Leakage Detection System Interface

4.9.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.9.2 Set up trending for the points that require testing.

4.9.3 Compare the physical state of the WD against the BMS Screen. At a
nominated distance of the cable, apply a small but satisfactory amount of
water to activate an alarm. Ensure local physical alarm and BMS Screen
alarm, change and match.

4.9.4 Confirm that the alarm description is clear and unambiguous as to its
source and cause. Any further description shall be added if required.

4.9.5 Confirm (if applicable) that any associated shut-off valves close on alarm.

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4.9.6 Dry off water from the cable using absorption sponge. Make sure the
panel & BMS do not “auto-reset” once the cable has dried. Check the local
physical alarm and BMS Screen state match.

4.9.7 Reset the WLD panel and confirm that the BMS alarm also returns to

4.9.8 Carry out a cable fault test and confirm that the BMS receives a “Fault” not
alarm, and that (if applicable) all valves remain open.

4.9.9 Repeat for all zones or protected areas.

4.9.10 Fail the power supply to the WLD panel and confirm that BMS receives a
power failure alarm, and valves remain open.

4.9.11 Print out alarm report for the equipment that has just been completed.
Attach to Record sheet.

4.9.12 Print out the complete trend report / alarms report and attached to this
testing & commissioning report.

4.10 Commissioning of Fire System Interface

4.10.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.10.2 Confirm that the Fire panel descriptions / locations are correctly recorded
in the BMS.

4.10.3 Set up trending of the points that require testing.

4.10.4 At BMS Screen check the state of the Digital Input and compare against
display (where applicable) on equipment being monitored.

4.10.5 Either by closing or opening using test jumper cable changes the state of
the Digital Input to the opposite state at the start of the procedure.

4.10.6 At BMS Screen check the state of the Digital Input (On / Off or Normal /
Alarm or Open / Closed etc…) If point is an alarm, confirm BMS Screen

4.10.7 During Fire Systems testing, monitor and record all status and alarm
points and confirm they are identical with the actual field equipment.

4.10.8 Confirm Alarm description is clear and unambiguous as to its source and
cause. Further description is added if required.

4.10.9 Repeat test items for all fire alarms / alert Stages and confirm that at all
times the BMS represents EXACTLY the field equipment status.
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4.10.10 Carry out tests to field equipment for power failure / fault, cable faults,
detector faults, and ALL field equipment fault alarms, and ensure the BMS
reflects EXACTLY the field equipment status.

4.10.11 Print out the complete trend report / alarms report and attached to this test
& commissioning report.

4.11 Commissioning of High-Level Interfaces

All high-level interfaces shall be proven off site at the earliest

opportunity and the results issued to confirm not only a correct
handshake; but that all types of parameters are readable and that
both parties are in agreement on any conversions necessary.

4.11.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.11.2 Set up trending of the points that require testing.

4.11.3 Initiate Open Processor Driver scanning through BMS. Ensure that zero
(0) scanning errors occur.

4.11.4 Compare the physical state of the Equipment via local LCD display against
the BMS / DCIM Screen.

4.11.5 Toggle the Status points of the particular piece of equipment. Ensure local
physical status and BMS / DCIM Screen state, change and match.

4.11.6 Compare the physical alarm of the equipment via local LCD display
against the BMS / DCIM Screen.

4.11.7 Toggle the Alarm point of the equipment. Ensure the local physical alarm
and BMS / DCIM Screen alarm, change and match.

4.11.8 Check the Alarm message is correct and unambiguous.

4.11.9 Compare the unit local LCD display of the equipment analogue readings
against the BMS / DCIM Screen.

4.11.10 Ensure all data points scaling are correct.

4.11.11 All high-level interface verification test shall be carried out concurrently
with the Client DCIM system

4.11.12 Print out alarm report for the equipment that has just been completed.
Attach to Record sheet.

4.11.13 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.

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4.12 AC Control Valve Verification Testing & Commissioning

4.12.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

4.12.2 Set up trending of the points that require testing.

4.12.3 Ensure the device being controlled is active.

4.12.4 Ensure local physical state and BMS Screen AC equipment on control,
4.12.5 Command the AC equipment control setpoint higher than the current
temperature reading.

4.12.6 Valve will be modulated to satisfy the new setpoint. Verify the valve
position to match.

4.12.7 Command the AC equipment control set point lower than the current
temperature reading.

4.12.8 Valve will be modulated to satisfy the new setpoint. Verify the valve
position to match.

4.12.9 Command the control valve to 50% open and observe in the field the

4.12.10 Command the control valve to 100% open and observe in the field the

4.12.11 Command the valve to 0% open and observe that the valve fully closes in
the field

4.12.12 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.

4.13 Metering (Electricity and Water) Testing

4.13.1 Perform verification of kWh / Water volume meters of data collection and
time-based accumulation. Ensure pulses are registering on “Inst Value” on
BMS Screen.

4.13.2 For kWh / Water volume (where applicable) meters, compare the local
instantaneous value from metering instrumentation against the BMS
Screen. Ensure these two figures correlate within an accuracy of less than
+/- 5%.

4.13.3 Enable the Peak Reset for the applicable meter under test. Ensure Peak
Value resets to current instantaneous value. Ensure “Peak Reset” point
automatically returns to disable.
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4.13.4 Ensure Trending verifies correct operation of all time-based
consumption/instantaneous BMS data points below:

 ACD=Actual Consumption Day

 ACM=Actual Consumption Month
 ACY=Actual Consumption Year
 PCD=Previous Consumption Day
 PCM=Previous Consumption Month
 PCY=Previous Consumption Year
 Peak Value
 Instantaneous Value

5. Functional Testing

General Checks

5.1 All the BMS Sub-Systems and associated devices are powered up, fully
configured and have passed 100% of all relevant BMS Interface tests

5.2 All the BMS and ACS panels powered up, fully configured and passed
supplier diagnostics.

5.3 Check the BMS database and graphics are complete to facilitate these

5.4 Ensure the Trend Setup for the equipment under test has been completed.

5.5 Confirm the control logic diagram has been approved by the Consultant.

5.6 Initiate a scheduled start-up and shutdown sequence for each piece of
equipment or system and observe the equipment / system for the correct

5.7 Initiate a scheduled changeover of equipment if applicable on a daily or

weekly schedule.

5.8 Confirm the required schedule start and stop times and enter into the

5.9 Restart the equipment, initiate each type of alarm in the field and confirm
the correct operation / changeover of system or equipment in the field.

5.10 Confirm that the correct alarm message has been raised and issued by
SMS / pager system.

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5.11 Confirm if “mismatch” alarm is raised if any command is different from

5.12 Follow the logic chart through for all alarms / failure combinations to
confirm the correct operation of the equipment or system.

5.13 Check all graphic representations display correctly e.g. alarm points turn
red on the graphic, and that all equipment references are correct.

5.14 Print out alarm report for the equipment that has just been completed.
Attach to Record sheet.

5.15 Perform Hardware / Server / Manager / Switches failure to verify that all
system monitoring is still available.

5.16 Perform DDC and Unitary Controller failures and verify system status and
equipment operations.

5.17 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.

6. Fire Shutdown (In conjunction with General ACMV Fans)

6.1 During Fire inspection verification ensure that when General Fire Alarm is
active (“In Alarm”)

6.2 The Supply and Exhaust Fans assume the correct operational mode required
by Local Fire Authority.

6.3 When the General Fire Alarm clears (“Return to Normal”) ensure the fans
(SF/EF) maintain the their “Fire Alarm” running mode.

6.4 Ensure after “Fire Reset” is enabled that all fans assume “Normal” operation

6.5 Ensure “Fire Reset” point automatically returns to disable.

6.6 Print out alarm report for the equipment that has just been completed. Attach
to Record sheet.

6.7 Compile results together with Engineers Report Sheet and Fire test sheets
confirming all times and durations of tests match.

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7. DCIM System Verification

7.1 Inspect that all wiring installation has been done properly according to the

7.2 Ensure communication between equipment, BMS system and DCIM

system is healthy.

7.3 Compare the physical state of the Equipment via local LCD display
against the BMS / DCIM Screen.

7.4 Compare the physical alarm of the equipment via local LCD display
against the BMS / DCIM Screen.

7.5 Toggle the Alarm point of the equipment. Ensure the local physical alarm
and BMS / DCIM Screen alarm, change and match.

7.6 Check the Alarm message is correct and unambiguous.

7.7 Compare the unit local LCD display of the equipment analogue readings
against the BMS / DCIM Screen.

7.8 All DCIM point verification shall be in accordance with the Client’s
approved DCIM point list.

7.9 Print out alarm report for the equipment that has just been completed.
Attach to Record sheet.

7.10 Print out the trend report and attached to this test & commissioning report.

8. Test Record Sheets

 Test Sheet Documents
 Graphics Print Outs
 Trend Reports
 Alarm Print Outs
 Alarm Messages

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