MCH 014
MCH 014
MCH 014
Received: 2 June 2003 Returned for revision: 12 September 2003 Accepted: 3 October 2003 Published electronically: 20 November 2003
However, few data are available on the formation of graft unions in vegetables. In this work, the structural
development of the graft union formation in tomato plants is studied, together with the possible relationship
with activities of peroxidases and catalases.
d Methods Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings of cultivar Fanny were grafted on the rootstock of
cultivar AR-9704 using the `tongue approach grafting' method, and were grown in a crop chamber. A study of
the structural development of the graft union and the involvement of peroxidases and catalases in the process
of graft formation was carried out during the ®rst stages of the graft union (4, 8 and 15 d after grafting).
d Key Results Observation of the structure of the graft union showed formation of xylem and phloem vessels
through the graft union 8 d after grafting. In addition, root hydraulic conductance, L0, indicate that the graft
union is fully functional 8 d after grafting, which coincided with an increase of peroxidase and catalase activ-
d Conclusions These results suggest that increased peroxidase and catalase activities might be implicated in graft
F I G . 3. Wiesner stain during graft development at day 4 (A, D, G and J), day 8 (B, E, H and K) and day 15 (C, F, I and L). Positive staining is shown
as a pink colour. (A±C) Sections of the rootstock at 250 mm below the graft union. (D±F) Sections of the graft union. (G±I) Sections of the scion
250 mm above the graft union. (J±L) Sections of the scion at 1 mm above the graft union.
F I G . 2. Scanning electron microscopy of grafted plants. (A) Stem cross-section from control plants before grafting. Bar = 2 mm. (B) Scion cross-
section from graft union at day 4, showing a necrotic layer at the graft interface. Bar = 1 mm. (C) Scion cross-section, detail of callus cells in a graft
union at 4 d, showing hypertrophic cells (arrow). Bar = 500 mm. (D) Transverse section of a scion at 8 d showing the pith totally destroyed, although
the vascular system was unaltered (arrows). Bar = 2 mm. (E) Longitudinal section of the graft at 8 d showing the graft union (arrow). Bar = 2 mm.
(F) Longitudinal section of the graft at 15 d (arrow = graft union). Bar = 2 mm. (G) Detail of xylem vessels from the graft union. Bar = 50 mm. (H)
An external view of the graft union at 15 d after grafting. Bar = 2 mm. * Cavity of the pith.
58 FernaÂndez-GarcõÂa et al. Ð Graft Union in Tomato