JGB Wedding Details

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The Wedding Details

Bride: Feve
Groom: Harry
Date: 21 January 2023
Time: 2:00 in the afternoon
Preparation: Smallville 21
Ceremony: Legacy
Reception Smallville

 Ingress on January 20 Smallville 21 Rehearsal @5pm

Call Time
Coordinator 6:45 Videographer 7:30 Female Entourage 6:30
Image Stylist 7:00 Designer 9:30 Male Entourage 7:30
Photographer 7:30 Image Stylist 2 Mothers/ Parents 9:00

Room Assignments ( Smallville 21 )

Type of Room Date of Stay Staying
Bride 20-22 January Bride
Female Entourage 20-21 January Entourage
Groom & Entourage 20-21 January Groom

Make-up Checklist
Entourage Pax Image Stylist
Bride 1
Mothers 2
Maid of Honor 1
Bridesmaids 8
Secondary 3
Flower Girls 3/6 Aya, Mayumi, Athena
Extra Heads
 Kids at around 9:30am
Flower Checklist ( SJ Jakosalem )
Female Entourage Pax Male Entourage Pax
Bride 1 Groom 1
Mothers 2 Fathers 2
Maid of Honor 1 Bestman 1
Secondary 3 Secondary 3
Bridesmaids 8 Groomsmen 8
Jr Bridesmaids 0 Jr Groomsmen 0
Primary Sponsors 10/10 Primary Sponsors 10/10
Flower Girls 6 Bearers
 Final Pairing of the Principal Sponsors

Fun Shoot ( Smallville 21 ) ( Gift-giving )

Outfit Concept Location/ Props


Bride ( 1 ) White Robe
Entourage (12 ) EmeraldGreen Sleepwears
Groom ( 1 ) Pre-Formal
Entourage ( 5 ) Pre -formal
 MH, 3 SS, 8 BMs ( should loose Tshirt or buttoned Shirt during make-up )
 Colored socks and shades in the box
Lunch Crew Meals
Coor: Photo: Video: HMUA: Designer: Stylist Tech:
Couple: Parents: B/MH GM/BM SS Bearers: FGs:
Suppliers: Entourage: Total : 72 pax * No Seafoods

Formal Shoot
Family Outfit Pax
Bride’s Family Parents, The Bride, 5 Siblings ( Ss, MH, 3 GMs ) 8
 Niece Aya and Father Elmo
Groom’s Family Parents, The Groom, 3 Siblings ( Bestman, 2 SS ) 6
 With IN laws ( 3 ) and Niece ( 1 ) Nephew ( 2 )
 Grandfather

Formal Shoot
Outfit Concept Location/ Props
Bride & Entourage Formal Drinks
Groom & Entourage Formal Sunglasses Drinks

Van 1:JGB Van 2: c/o the Bride Bridal Car: Smallville Family:

Church Requirements Marriage License
Requirements Bride Groom Requirements Bride Groom
Baptismal Black Pen
Confirmation Livebirth
CENOMAR ID ( Photocopy )
Marriage License CEDULA
Pre-Interview POPCOM Seminar
Pre-Cana Payables
Payables Payables

Freedom to Marry

Permit to Marry

Payables ( Church )

Payables ( Priest )

Payables ( Choir )

 Details : Unity Candle, 2 Nuptial Candles, 2 Secondary Candles, 2 Pillows

Liturgy ( The Legacy Church ) ( CPU as an Option )
Officiating Pastor Clarence Aguilar
1st Reader


2nd Reader
Prayers of the Faithful
Responsorial To be read / To be sung
Bridal March :
Saxophone ( Josaya
Call Time
Cake 3pm Busker 4pm
Lechon 4pm Lights Director NA
Photobooth DJ NA

 Head of Lechon should be displayed

 Lechon Supplier : Passi
Reception Program ( Smallville 21 )
Time Activity Key Person/s / Remarks

17:45 Guests come in and find their sets Organizing Team

18:00 Program starts / Warm up Games Host –

3 mins Loop / Monogram flashed on screen Organizing Team

3 mins Acknowledgment of Sponsors and Parents Song:

2 mins Acknowledgement of the Entourage Host

5 mins Entrances Music:

1. Secondary by Pair 1. Danceable
2. Male Entourage 2. Danceable Hit
3. Female Entourage 3. Danceable hits

1 min Teaser form RR RR Production

2 mins Grand Entrance Music :

1. The Newly-wed 1. Song:
2. The Bride’s Last Dance with the Father 2. Song: with Pics
3. The Groom’s Last Dance with the Mother 3. Song: with 3 Piics
4. The First Dance 4. Song: Memory Lane
5. The Prosperity Dance 5. Song:
2 mins Welcome Messages Key Persons
1. The Groom’s 1. The Parents
2. The Bride’s 2. The Mother

3 mins The Lovestory of the Couple

3 mins The Slicing of the Cake The Couple : Song

2 mins The Toast The Bestman

2 mins The Prayer before the Meal Pastor

19:00 Dinner
1. Instructions  Silent cueing
2. Carousel Photo Ops ( Rounds ) / Gimmicks
3. Carousel Photo Ops ( Male Sponsors )
4. Carousel Photo Ops ( Female Sponsors )
5. Carousel Photo Ops ( Bride’s Family )
6. Carousel Photo Ops ( Groom’s Family )


7. Special Entertainment
2 Songs fro the MH : MP3 Files
8. Giving of Giveaways to Sponsors
Personalized Mugs with coffee Drips ( to be given on stage )
9. Videos of the Couple ( Need not to announce )
10. Video Greetings ( To follow )
11. Interactive Games with Prizes

19:30 Special Wishes Names:

2 mins 1. Principal Sponor ( Male ) 1. Regie Esguera
2 mins 2. Principal Sponsor ( Female ) 2. Doris Austria
2 mins 3. Bride’s Friend/s 3. Chero Gustilo
2 mins 4. Groom’s Friend/s 4. Harvey ( SS )

3 mins Couple’s Game Shoe Game ???

3 mins Removal of the Garter The Newly-wed

5 mins Bachelors’ Game Single Boys: Song

5 mins Bachelorettes’ Game Single Ladies: Song

SDE Photo & Video ( can be shown when it’s ready ) The Photo Team / The Video Team

20:00 Message of the Newly-wed M

5 mins End of the Program

1. Suppliers Photo Ops
2. Guests Photo Ops

20:15 After Party DJ / The Technical

1 The Grandfather
2 The Mother is time conscious
3 Kids to look after ( activities )
4 Signature Frame
5 Language in Tagalog


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