USFS Specifc FlamMap IntallationInstructions
USFS Specifc FlamMap IntallationInstructions
USFS Specifc FlamMap IntallationInstructions
3. Extract the zip file to the C:\FireApps folder you created in Step 1. Right-click on the file and
select Extract All…. If using 7-Zip, select Extract Here
Depending on installation permissions and controls instituted by various IT departments you may be
able to just Double-click on the FlamMap_setup.exe file and install. It is recommended to ACCEPT THE
For USFS users please refer to the “USFS Specific Installation Document” included in the
downloaded zip file.
Upon Install the following window may pop-up. Select “More info”, “Run anyway”
You may be asked to install Microsoft Edge WebView runtime package. If already installed on your
computer, the installation package will skip this step. It should flash 2-3 install screens, then start the
FlamMap6 Setup Wizard.
Once the program starts to install you should see the following standard Windows Installation pop-up
Click Next on all. It is recommended to accept the defaulted installation folder. Once the installation is
complete click Close.
Recommended to install to the defaulted location.
• DO NOT install the program on a server location that will be accessed across a network.
• DO NOT install in Program Files or Program Files (x86) [Often blocked to write temporary files
• DO NOT install on Desktop [creates long pathname issues]
• DO NOT install in My Documents [creates long pathname issues]
IF you choose to install the program in a Different location it must be to an area with Read/Write Access
as FlamMap requires an area that it can write and store temporary files to.
6. Open FlamMap and from the main menu select Help > About FlamMap if you have installed
and opened the correct version of the program you should see the following. The current
Build date for FlamMap is June 20, 2022
FlamMap General Information
General Information about the application and how to access the Help is discussed here. Open up
FlamMap and look at some general information about the application. On the Menu bar click
the Help button. This will open the following drop-down menu of options.
The About FlamMap and will display the following information. This will provide you
information regarding the version you are using and the build date. You may be asked for this
information during troubleshooting issues with FlamMap.
FlamMap Help
The Help in FlamMap exists in the program as an embedded and content linked Help that can be
opened separately or accessed by clicking on any of the Help buttons from any FlamMap dialog
screen which will take you to that specific location of the Help. When you first access the Help
file the screen will look like the following.
• Selecting What’s New in FlamMap will provide a general list of updated and new
features within the program.
• Selecting the Using FlamMap will display the Help file Version Number and its current
• Be sure to go through the following sections: Using FlamMap, Using the Tree Pane,
Tutorials, Runs, Using the Display Pane, Utilities, Edit Landscape Books as they all
contain useful information on using FlamMap. The Reference Stuff section goes into
detail about specific topics.
If you have an active internet connection, you can access the Help. This new version and
delivery method of the Help allows for a living document that is continually being updated with
new information being added. The Current Help File Version and Date will be visible as well. It
can be accessed from the Menu bar Help > Help. Selecting the online Help should open the Help
System in whatever your default browser is.
While this seems rather remedial it is an important topic. With FlamMap and multiple runs you
can generate a lot of outputs and depending on your landscape size, data spatial resolution these
can be many, many megabytes to GB in size! File management and organization is important.
e. Because of the ability to use long filenames and characters (see item c above) if
you use ignition files, barrier files, or other geospatial information from the
WFDSS or IFTDSS application it is recommended to rename and shorten them
prior to use in FlamMap.
7. Use FlamMap’s Archive function to save and backup and share your FlamMap projects.
IT IS the ONLY method to ensure that all your settings and data will be stored and
shared with the project. Currently, the one exception to this is Landscape Edit Rules.
Those are currently not saved with the FlamMap Archive file.
Practice organized file and data management and you will be much happier in your geospatial