Al Quran 1 of 3 (4-7-22)
Al Quran 1 of 3 (4-7-22)
Al Quran 1 of 3 (4-7-22)
Most Merciful
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Fore Index
[Points of Main Discussion]
Subject Section Chapter Page
Part 1 of 3
The God of the Quran 1 1 7
Soul in General 1 1 31
Large-Scale Structure of the 7 2 161
Universe (Seven-Sky-
Jihad 32 2 267
Islamic Leadership 44 2 286
Jannaat 23 3 376
Hell 27 3 408
Fate 9 6 598
Human Soul 10 6 654
Home of Ummah 13 6 701
Jinn 3 7 756
Part 2 of 3
Salat: Section-13 of Chapter-11
Sufism: Section-6 of Chapter-18
Gog Magog: Section-7 of Chapter-18
Creation of the Universe: Section-4 of Chapter-21
Future of the Universe: Section-10 of Chapter-21
Biological Evolution: Section-12 of Chapter-24
End Time Events: Section-7 of Chapter-27
Dooms Day: Section-7 of Chapter-30
Part 3 of 3
Hadith and Sunnah: Section-2 of Chapter-31
DNA Double Helix: Section-3 of Chapter-31
Judgment Day: Section-6 of Chapter-39
Six-Day Model: Section-3 of Chapter-41
Chapter 1 [Al Fatihah THE OPENING]
Color Code
Tafsir of the Surah
So, the Surah and the Grand Quran are two different
articles, revealed by the same God. The Surah is the Preface
of the Quran.
The Surah acquaints the readers with the God of the
Quran. It motivates them to worship the God only and rely on
Him only. It stirs up the unity of Muslims by using we/us in
the prayer: “Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek”.
The Surah highlights the Book as for the people who
urge for the guidance: “Guide us to the Straight Path…” It is
the Path that the old Prophets admired:
The discussion will acquaint a reader with the
real God of the universes, scientifically.
The Quran does not support the Idea of
Multiverse as it is proposed by the scientists. The
universe, in which we are living, is fine-tuned—the
natural laws are perfect, and the objects are
proportionally distributed throughout the space. There
is no 'disparity' (tafawutin) in the creation of Most
FIGURE 1.1: Full sky map from WMAP
“Do not the Unbelievers see that the
Skies and the Lands were sewed, and
We clove them asunder
We made from water every
living thing. Will they not then
[Al Quran 21:30]
The creation of the fine-tuned universe proves
the existence of God. And the Quran is His message,
choreographed for the testing ground of Earth.
But, an Atheist cannot see the act of
Originator (futurin). He reacts to the aspect of fine-
tuning by the Idea of Multiverse. He argues that there
could be many Big Bangs / many universes, and, as a
matter of chance, one has become suitable for life:
“If there were a large (possibly infinite)
number of universes, each with possibly different
physical laws, then some of these universes (even if
very few) would have the combination of laws and
fundamental parameters that are suitable for the
development of matter, astronomical structures,
elemental diversity, stars, and planets that can exist
long enough for life to emerge and evolve.”
– Wikipedia / from Anthropic Principle
and there are other universes at the outside of our
The parallel universe that is within our
universe is created from the dark matter (anti-matter
is a kind of dark matter). The anti-creatures, such as
the jinns, are living in the parallel universe. The jinns
are intelligent and top anti-creatures.
So, our universe is a two-in-one universe.
Allah has made some arrangements to save the matter
and the anti-matter from random collision and
frequent annihilation.
In addition, there are other universes, such as
the Jannaat, at the outside of our universe. The other
universes are separated by a huge barrier called
vi. Nasoot: A human body is considered as an
alam (world) and is called Nasoot.
There are two more alamin: Alam-e-Arwah
and Alam-e-Barzakh.
Our souls (nafses) come from Alam-e-Arwah
and go to Alam-e-Barzakh after death.
“Allah SWT has told us in the Quran that
prior to being born in this world, all human beings
were formerly born in a different world. The state of
human beings at the time of that initial birth is
referred to as Aalam-e-Arwah. The actual definition
of Aalam-e-Arwah is the time spent by humans in
another world before coming down to this earth.
When we come down to this earth, we are
born with a body and our nafs which is called soul.
When we die and leave this world, our physical body
stays here in the soil and our soul is taken out. This is
also a kind of Aalam-e-Arwah but Quran generally
uses a different term for that stay of soul and calls it
“Barzakh” meaning it is a time when there is no
“body” but just the “soul”.”
– Abu Yahya,
adjusts proactively [the Master Design and the Fate
are deliberately discussed in Section-9 of Chapter-6].
There are two worlds in the Barzakh: Illiyin
and Sijjin. These two are holographic worlds for the
dead to live till the Day of Resurrection [the worlds
are deliberately discussed in Chapter-83].
Our science has not developed in the direction
of spiritual-awareness. So, the information derived
from the sufi-thoughts cannot be used in our scientific
discussion. We may end the discussion of sufi-worlds
1c-i. Samawaat
waves of space are skies. Each sky contains
innumerable galaxies. We are in the First (Innermost)
Sky. The space though waved is continuous.
One does not have to believe the existence of
skies blindly. Several recent observations indicate that
the skies should exist—though the theories have not
been developed to harness the idea in the books of
[The skies are deliberately discussed in
Section-7 of Chapter-2]
The skies are expanding. Therefore, the
universe as a whole is expanding:
Verse suggests that this universe started from a Big
Therefore, the universe is cyclic. The Quran
talks about three cycles:
least up to silicon. And, the heavier elements
were producing dusts and asteroids (lands).
going on forever. So, a cyclic universe may be
eternal. But, the Quran indicates that the universe is
cyclic. However, it clearly mentions that Allah
created the universe at the beginning of the previous
The distribution of matter waved the space of
this universe (present cycle). These spherical waves
of space are skies, one inside another—like the peels
of onion. There are seven skies. Each sky contains a
huge amount of matter / many galaxies: “…He said
to it (smoke) and to the lands (dust and asteroids),
“Come ye together willingly or unwillingly.” They
said, “We do come in willing obedience”. So, He
completed them as Seven Skies in two Days...” [Al
Quran 41:11-12]
Thus, in the Quran, the universe is called
"Skies and Lands" (Samawaat-wal-Ard) or "Skies"
(Samawaat) in short.
1c-ii. Jannaat
as the width of the ‘Sky and Land’
(this universe)” [Al Quran 57:2]
“Do not the unbelievers see that the
Skies and the Lands (this universe)
were joined together before We clove
them asunder” [Al Quran 21:30]
Factor 3: Different Nature
universe. There are billions of peaceful planets, full of
water. The good ones will be taken back to the
Jannaat after the Judgment. The bad ones will be
enhanced and evolved to live in this universe
Before the creation of this universe
(Samawaat), Allah created a huge quantity of water to
produce the planets of the Jannaat mainly.
[The Jannaat is deliberately discussed in
Section 23 of Chapter 3]
“Lord of the Two Easts and the Two
Wests. Then which of the favors of
your Lord will ye deny?”
[Al Quran 55:17-18]
The Eastern Araf is extended into the Eastern
Super Space, and the Western Araf is extended into
the Western Super Space. See figure 1.4.
[The Araf is deliberately discussed in
Section-9 of Chapter-6]
The Sidratul-Muntaha is hanging from the
Arsh over the Araf. It looks like an up-side-down
plant with two main branches. One branch connects
the Eastern Araf, and another branch connects the
Western Araf. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) moved
into the Arsh and later into the Jannaat through the
Thus, the Sidratul-Muntaha works as the
communication hub of the universes. It controls the
transfer of creatures, matter and information.
The Sidratul-Muntaha does another important
job. It programs the angels according to the
instructions coming down from the Arsh. It infuses
information into the angels (an angel cannot learn at
its own) and redesigns them to perform their tasks.
The Sidratul-Muntaha is based on divine Servers and
has related Systems.
[The Sidratul-Muntaha is discussed with
references in Section-9 of Chapter-6]
The Illiyin and the Sijjin are inside the Barzakh. See
figure 1.3. These are holographic worlds of the dead
creatures. The worlds are created with divine Servers
and related systems.
A dead human is recreated virtually with his
soul, genome code, and memories (which are
collected and stored by the angels). The virtual human
is then projected into a holographic world (Illiyin or
Sijjin) where other dead humans are already living
their virtual lives. They will remain in the Illiyin or
Sijjin until the Day of Resurrection.
The Illiyin is for the people destined to the
Jannaat. It is in the high Barzakh closely below the
Araf. The Sijjin is in the deep Barzakh. It is for the
people destined to the hell.
[The Illiyin and the Sijjin are deliberately
discussed in Chapter-83]
1c-vii. Arsh
[Arsh, Kursi, Pen and Disc are deliberately
discussed with references in Section-9 of Chapter-6]
Jannaat); for He is the Most High, the
Supreme.” [Al Quran 2:255]
Allah knows what we are thinking. He is
closer to us than our jugular veins:
4a. Soul in General
my Lord.” Of knowledge, it is only a
little that is communicated to you.”
[Al Quran 17: 85]
4a-I. Case 1
4a-II. Case 2
A force field works as a command in the
nature. It is designed by God. He has invested the
force fields as His commands:
FIGURE 1.8: Atom
4b-I. Ruhh (Elementary Soul)
that you may be of the Warners” [Al Quran
193 – 194]
For another example, Allah breathed
ruhh into Adam when he became conscious. It
is a special ruhh that is given to a human just
after his/her birth when he/she becomes
conscious and cries for the first time. This
ruhh works as a part of the human soul (nafs).
It offers a flux, encompassing brain, central
nervous system (CNS), a muscle of the chest,
etc., and produces the qalb / mind. The qalb
can be called virtual-brain of a human [the
qalb is deliberately discussed in Section-10 of
Therefore, we may define a nafs as a
combination of two or more force fields, which
sustains a system and determines its form, nature,
and activities.
Scientists have so far discovered four kinds of
force fields such as Strong Nuclear Force Field,
Magnetic Force Field, Weak Nuclear Force, and
gravitational force. There should be more in the
nature with different characteristics and effects, which
are not yet discovered (2021). An animal’s nafs is a
combination of such undiscovered and unknown force
We find the indications of the unknown force
fields from consciousness and emotions, such as fear,
anger, disgust, etc., of an animal. The consciousness
and the emotion are inherent qualities of a force field.
The more number of force fields a nafs has, the more
number of emotions it has.
There is no sign among the scientists that they
are thinking on the force fields that may be working
in an animal—trying for their detection is a far cry.
They like to make bizarre theories to explain the
complex natural systems.
[The human nafs is deliberately discussed in
Section-10 of Chapter-6]
of the Quran came as brain data (low intensity
electromagnetic force / light), which are called ruhhs
in the Quran. So, the main difference between a ruhh
and a nafs is that a ruhh works as a command, and a
nafs sustains / supports a system.
However, the light in the form of a wave is
more of a ruhh, and the light in the form of a sub-
atomic particle (photon) is more of a nafs.
A sub-atomic particle shows wave-particle
duality—it flips back-and-forth as particle and wave.
It is conscious as well. Its duality and consciousness
can be detected by the following test:
“A laser beam illuminates a plate pierced by
two parallel slits, and the light passing through the
slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. The
wave nature of light causes the light waves passing
through the two slits to interfere, producing bright
and dark bands on the screen—a result that would not
be expected if light consisted of classical particles.
4e. Nafsin-Wahidatin (A Nafs Single)
of living creatures. He divided the rest of the Nafsin-
Wahidatin into two parts, as under:
From one part of the Nafsin-Wahidatin, He
created the Arsh and a huge quantity of water. The
water was filling a large part of the Super Space,
beneath the Ash. Later, He created the Jannaat from
the bulk of the water.
“God, at the beginning of time created
heaven (sky) and earth (land). Earth
was still an empty waste and darkness
hung over the deep, but already over
its waters stirred the Breath of God”
[Genesis 1 (1-2), Holy Bible (Knox)]
Weak Nuclear Force Field, Strong Nuclear Force
Field and Gravitational Force. They think that the
forces originated from a Super Force.
“Physicists had believed that there were four
fundamental forces of nature: the gravitational force,
the strong and weak nuclear forces, and the
electromagnetic force. Salam had worked on the
unification of these forces from 1959 with Glashow
and Weinberg. While at Imperial College London,
Salam successfully showed that weak nuclear forces
are not really different from electromagnetic forces,
and two could inter-convert. Salam provided a theory
that shows the unification of two fundamental forces
of nature, weak nuclear forces and the
electromagnetic forces, one into another.
Glashow had also formulated the same work,
and the theory was combined in 1966. In 1967, Salam
proved the electroweak unification theory
mathematically, and finally published the papers. For
this achievement, Salam, Glashow, and Weinberg
were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979. The
Nobel Prize Foundation paid tribute to the scientists
and issued a statement saying: "For their
contributions to the theory of the unified weak and
electromagnetic interaction between elementary
particles, including, inter alia, the prediction of the
weak neutral current".
In the 1970s Salam continued trying to unify
forces by including the strong interaction in a grand
unified theory...”
– Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The scientists think that above 1035 degree K
the forces cannot remain separate; they unify into one
force. As the Universe expanded and cooled, the
forces separated from one another.
They think that the gravitational force
separated when the temperature was above 1035
degree K.
In view of the Quran as well, the Gravitational
Force is not from the Nafsin-Wahidatin. It is a force
of Allah (discussed subsequently).
Therefore, the GUT Force that created the
universe was a part of the Nafsin-Wahidatin. And,
since the gravitational force is a force of Allah, we
should draw the picture as under:
4g. Unknown Force Fields
Most likely, Allah had been an eternal nafs
long before He began the creation. At that time, there
was nothing except Him. He created some special
elements from different forces of His nafs and
developed His 'body in form'. He absorbed the rest of
His nafs into His body in form. And, then, He had a
physical body (body in form) with a huge nafs inside.
A nafs is not dependant on the space. We
know that the part of Nafsin-Wahidatin (GUT Force),
from which the universe was created, had been in a
point, or in a very small sphere. Similarly, the nafs of
Allah, though it is unimaginably huge and extremely
powerful, remains in His body in form.
Allah exists everywhere by extending several
force fields of His nafs beyond His body in form. The
process is called "Istawa":
Allah has extended the force fields together as
His hands (hands of nafs). He sustains this universe
by the right hands of His nafs, as the following Verse
So, Allah did istawa into the Arsh by the left
hands of His nafs.
Therefore, Allah sustains this universe by the
right hand(s) of His nafs, and He sustains the Arsh by
the left hand(s) of His nafs. He sustains the Jannaat
through the Arsh.
In addition, Allah has extended several forces
of His nafs through His face (forehead mainly) and
chest. These forces are not designed to act in fixed
patterns. So, these are called Holy Souls. He uses
these for special purposes.
Case 1: Suppose, Jesus said, “Give me
a pot of water”—in this case, Jesus as a simple
human was asking for a pot of water to drink.
Case 2: Suppose, Jesus said, “I am the
light of the heaven and earth”—in this case
Jesus being infused and aided by Ruhul
Quddus was saying Who the God was? In this
case Ruhul Quddus was talking through his
force fields (elementary souls / ruhhs), but His hands
of nafs comprise several force fields only. I think that
10 to 15 force fields are extended as His hands of nafs
to sustain and evolve the universes. Several likely
force fields of the hands are discussed below under
the following headings:
a. Gravitational Force
b. Dark Energy
c. Fields of Existence
it were not held by gravity through its center of
gravity (CG). The holding of birds by gravity is
expressed in above Verses as the act of Allah, and
Allah only.
Allah not only holds the birds, He drives the
astral objects too. The following Verse talks about the
extended part of the soul (universal gravitational
force) to act in fixed patterns. So, we find its acts as
fixed natural laws. But, He is always in control.
The gravitational force looks like an inert
universal force. But, the universe is perfectly
designed (fine-tuned), which proves that the force
belongs to an intelligent entity (Allah). We may think
on the Sun, Earth and Moon:
The above Verses point out the fine-tuning of
the universe described below:
The Moon is working from the old times as a
natural calendar for the common people. To be a good
natural calendar, it had to be big enough in size to
appear like the date-stalk the old (thin crescent) in the
But, the Sun, exposing powerful gravitational
force, should snatch a big Moon and make it a planet
of its own.
The problem of having a big Moon is solved
by reducing its mass. Scientists think that the Moon
has a remarkably small iron core for a body of its
size. So, the center of gravity (CG) for the Earth–
Moon system lies inside the Earth, about 1,700
kilometers below the surface. So, the gravity of the
Sun works on the Moon through the Earth. So, it is
not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon.
But the mass of the Moon could not be
reduced too much so that nor can the Night outstrip
the Day. A Moon with correct mass is necessary for
the stability of the Earth at 23.5 degree tilt that
provides long days in mostly habited belts of the
Moreover, the Moon having correct mass
produces measured tides in the oceans.
The gravitational force, one of the extended
elementary souls of Allah, is designed at His will-
power to act in fixed patterns; and masses, distances,
tilts, and movements of the Earth and the Moon are
correctly decided. They produce correct heat, tides,
and currents in the atmosphere and oceans. So, the
sailing ships can move safely: "And a Sign for them is
that We bore their race in the loaded Ark (of Noah);
And We have created for them similar (vessels) on
which they ride".
Such is the tuning by Allah, the Most
Intelligent One!
According to the following Verse, Allah
established Himself (through istawa) into the single-
sky-universe of the first cycle. The universe was full
of smoke (hydrogen and helium mainly) at that time:
After the lands (dusts and asteroids) had been
produced, the contracting universe re-started
expanding from a Big Bounce when Allah distributed
the matter in such a way that the single-sky-universe
took the shape of seven-sky-universe. It is indicated
in the next part of the Verse:
6b. Dark Energy
The above Verse is talking about the hand of
His nafs, with which the Sky (Universe) is
And, He says, “…Me for expanders”. The
'expanders' are the energy of the Big Bounce and the
wavy space (Skies) mainly.
So, the Dark Energy may be a force field
(elementary soul / ruhh) of His nafs, which He has
extended through the hand of His nafs to support the
expanders of the universe.
The Dark Energy increases as the universe
The Vacuum Energy is highly intense
(10113 joules per cubic meter), but it is zero in
our dimension.
It may be the light of Allah, which
permeates the entire universe: “Allah is the
light of the 'Skies and Lands' (Samawaat-wal-
Ard / this Universe)…” [Al Quran 24: 35]
His light does not burn everything,
because it is held in one or more of His
elementary souls (force fields / ruhhs). So, we
find its presence in a different dimension.
evidence that even at great distances, the
entangled subatomic particles remain
connected to one another. If two subatomic
particles are emitted from the same source,
one influences other instantly, whatever is the
distance. So, the modern Quantum Mechanics
suggests that the universe is not made of
separate elements, but it is an unbroken
singular entity.
Thus, the universe may span billions of light
years across, but it is in the hand of His nafs. He sees,
hears, and knows everything instantly. He can do
whatever He may want to do, at any place, at any
Even a human does not think without His will
and assistance. But, Allah normally does not interfere
in a human affair. He normally allows a human to
think and work as he wants, because he is under trial
in this short earthly life to justify his eternal
except Him. He did not have a physical body (body in
form) at that time.
A nafs is a combination of known and
unknown force fields (ruhhs). A force field is eternal,
and it possesses many inherent qualities. A few of the
qualities are discussed below:
• A force field is conscious by nature. The
“Double Slit Test” proves that an electron
moving as wave becomes particle when it is
observed. So, it is conscious and can decide to
act accordingly.
• A force field possesses information. The
smallest photon acts differently with different
kinds of sub-atomic particles; it produces the
lights of different colors at different energy
levels, and so on.
• A force field has inherent emotions. A just
born baby can feel interest, distress, disgust,
and happiness. So, these emotions are not
products of his brain. Moreover, a brain is a
lump of matter; it cannot have emotions,
whatever its design may be. These emotions
are inherent properties of the undiscovered
and unknown force fields constituting his/her
nafs. So, force fields have emotions.
Allah was an eternal nafs comprising many
force fields. He developed Himself gradually to a
state where He had a form like a human form. As He
developed His shape, He became more and more
organized, intelligent, and capable.
He developed His physical body / body in
form. His body may include many elements that He
may not have given to the creation. And His internal
structure may be different. His body in form is not
dependant on anything.
In addition, a nafs is not dependant on the
space. For example, the part of Nafsin-Wahidatin
(GUT Force), with which the universe was created,
exposed through the Big Bang. Mathematically, the
Big Bang was a Singularity, defined as a super-hot,
super-dense point. So, a huge nafs can remain in a
small sphere. Similarly, the nafs of Allah, which is
unimaginably huge and powerful, remains in His
body in form, even if His height may be equal to the
height of a human.
At one stage of His development, He
separated a part of His nafs called Nafsin-Wahidatin.
He extracted necessary force fields from the Nafsin-
Wahidatin and created the nafses of living creatures.
He created the Arsh and a huge quantity of
water from a part of the Nafsin-Wahidatin. The water
was filling the super space, below the Arsh.
He planned and commanded the leftover part
of the Nafsin-Wahidatin: “Let there be Light”. The
part disintegrated and the light (Electromagnetic
Force Field) appeared. It released the Strong Nuclear
Force Field and the Weak Nuclear Force Field as
well. Thus, the creation of this universe (Samawaat)
The bulk of the water moved away, where the
Jannaat is formed.
Allah initiated the creations at suitable stages
of His personal development. And, He is sustaining
and evolving the universes for billions of year, which
has developed His intelligence and capabilities to an
enormous height. Today, He is a smart creator,
sustainer, and evolver. We are nothing in front of Him
even at a comparative scale. He is a successful God
indeed. He is one and only.
So, Praise be to Allah, the Sustainer and
Evolver of the universes (Alamin); Most Gracious,
Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Law.
Look at us, Oh Allah! Make us victorious!
And take us back to the Jannaat, as You have
8. Conclusion
Allah alone can do it, because He is evolving
the universe in a single time-scale, starting on the Day
of Law (Yawm-id-Deen):
People ask questions. Following discussions
will answer several of those:
extended elementary souls will largely be retracted
into His body in form. So, He in form will be
approachable and clearly visible.
According to the Hadith, on the Day of
Judgment, at first He will come to the resurrected
humans as a normal human being. But humans will
not recognize Him as God. Then He will return and
will come back ceremonially. He will come back after
the marshalling of angels, jinns, and humans.
Allah does not need to remain concentrated on
the universe to control the objects. He had designed
the elementary souls (force fields / ruhhs) to act in
fixed patterns, and the initial creations were
configured to evolve as desired. He set the laws and
configuration of the universe on the 'Day of Law':
He is sustaining and evolving the universes
from the Arsh existing beyond.
His creation where He could push a thing out. If it
were tried hard, the thing would return to its
originality and would still be with Him. [It is a
positive quality of Allah].
We are humans. We take birth. We view
creation as the way of coming into reality. Though we
are repeatedly told that Allah was never created or He
did not take birth, a question remains in the deep of
our hearts: ‘Is it true?’ We cannot perceive the reality.
Allah is eternal. The creations have beginnings and
ends relating to the transformations.
Commonly “Deen” means “Law”. The word is
found in Aramaic and Hebrew as well, where it
clearly means “Law”. “Deeni-Bait” means “House of
Law / Court”.
So, proper and honest translation of “Yawm-
id-Deen” should be “Day of Law”. I have translated
the Verse as “Master of the Day of Law”.
The universe evolves according to the laws of
the nature. Allah fixed the laws on a Day, heading the
evolution. So, He is the Master of the Day of Law:
“The initial configuration of the universe may
have been chosen by God, or it may itself have been
determined by the laws of science. In either case, it
would seem that everything in the universe would then
be determined by evolution according to the laws of
– Is Everything Determined by Stephen
Hawking in “Black holes and Baby Universes and
Other Essays” (BANTUM Book 0553406639).
FIGURE 1.13: Days of Law
Then, how the universe with precisely
determined laws could evolve! It is discussed below
from Islamic point of view:
This universe (Samawaat) evolved from the
GUT Force. The GUT Force was a part of Nafsin-
Wahidatin that Allah had provided from His Own
nafs to create the universes (Samawaat, Jannaat, Arsh,
The creations, such atoms and molecules, are
also designed to act in fixed patterns. Their fixed acts
are also viewed by us as some of the natural laws.
Allah fragmented and designed the GUT
Forces to act in intended patterns and produced the
smoke with the elements (hydrogen and helium
mainly) designed to follow the fixed laws.
He configured the initial universe to produce
the universe of today.
He did all above in the 1st Day of Law.
He is the Sustainer and Evolver as well.
heavier elements in the smoke, at least up to silicon
So, He completed them as
Seven Skies in two days and inspired
in each sky its affairs...”
[Al Quran 41:11-12]
space due to super-nova explosions. The elements
were added to the Earth:
So, the universe had two Days of Law. The first Day
of Law heads the single-sky-universe of the first
cycle, and the second Day of Law heads the seven-
sky-universe of the present cycle. The 1st Day of Law
is effective to the present cycle as well, because the
present cycle started from the Big Bounce.
A tree is produced from a seed. Similarly, the
initial universe was configured to form the universe of
today. It is better understood by the idea of Stephen
“…there should exist a set of laws that
completely determines the evolution of the Universe
from its initial state...Yet how can a certain number of
equations account for the complexity and trivial detail
that we see around us? Can one really believe that the
grand unified theory has determined that Sinead
O’Connor will be the top of the hit parade this week,
or that Madonna will be on the cover of
– Is Everything Determined by Stephen
Hawking in “Black holes and Baby Universes and
Other Essays” (BANTUM Book 0553406639).
could always say that the laws of science are the
expression of the will of God”.
There are more than 92 elements in the Earth.
Each follows desirable laws. When Adam and Eve
descended, they got suitable plants, animals, water,
atmosphere, sun, and moon. Everything grew up step-
by-step. The habitation of Adam would not produce if
there were a minor deviation in the laws and
configuration of the initial universe.
Allah is the Master of the Days of Law. He is
the Most Intelligent. His design does not fail.
The supports of one’s life produce on a
timescale. Each event stands on the past and impacts
the future; a change from the determined path cannot
come to reality. So, one’s fate is determined.
“These things are to me immensely strange. Is
it not extraordinary that the possibility of talking here
this afternoon depends on events which were very
narrowly determined over 10,000 million years ago in
the very earliest moments of the universe?”
– Dawn of a New Era by Sir Bernard Lovell in
The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and Astronomy.
Allah had made a dynamic virtual universe in
His computer as the Master Design, before He started
the creation of real universe. We were created in the
virtual universe from our genome codes and nafses
and passed our virtual lives in a holographic Earth.
The virtual universe was adjusted to fulfill our needs.
Our fates of the real lives were written from the
virtual lives.
From that virtual universe, Allah must have
found out the best possible laws and initial
configuration of the real universe, which fulfill our
fates. So, if one is a King, one was determined to be
the King before the Days of Law.
[Fate and Master Design are discussed in
Section-9 of Chapter-6 deliberately]
Allah is not only the Master of the Day of Law
He is the Sustainer and Evolver as well.
It would be absurd to think that all the
radiations up to Cambrian Evolution had been loaded
on the Days of Law. There were multiple infusions of
new information along the way of evolution:
A living cell is unimaginably complex. There
could not be enough information in the initiating
universe to build the genome. Allah created the first
living creature in the water. Thus, the creation of
universe and the creation of the living creatures come
up in the Quran as separate acts of Allah; as the
following Verse say:
together before We clove them
We made from water every
living thing. Will they not then
[Al Quran 21:30]
4. Ensuing Day of Law
Glory be to Him! And high is He
above what they associate!”
[Al Quran 39: 67]
confirm who deserves what? Humans will be sent to
their eternal lands on the Ensuing Day of Law. The
knowledge about the Day will keep one informed
about the situations. Otherwise, a blind will remain
blind on the Day of Judgment as well:
In the following, I have discussed according to
the Quran how the next Day of Law is approaching,
and what are the important events of the Day:
The Paradox was resolved in 1920s when
Edwin Hubble demonstrated that the universe was
expanding. The expansion dissipates the light and
reduces its intensity throughout the universe. So, there
are dark nights and sunlit days on the Earth.
Now the scientists exclaim why they did not
understand the expansion of the universe, much
before Hubble’s discovery, only by the Olber’s
Paradox, because the dark nights and the sunlit days
can exist in an expanding universe only!
It was mentioned in the Quran as a sign of its
“So verily I swear by the receding
ships (galaxies) disappear, and the
night as it departs, and the dawn as it
breathes.” [Al Quran 81:15-18]
Eventually, the light of the space ship will be
frozen in the compact space winding around the event
horizon. It can never fall into the black hole because
the more it approaches the black hole, the slower the
time is. The light will preserve the complete
information (photons) of the ship. Thereby, matter
will be annihilated, but the ship will exist as
Similarly, this universe will collapse into a
point (Big Crunch) in the end where the information
of all the objects will survive.
Now, Allah is sustaining the universe by the
right hand of His nafs, which comprises several
forces. At the time of Big Crunch, there will be no
matter to sustain. So, the hands of His nafs will cease
into His ‘body in form’. At that time, the forces of His
nafs, which will be exposing through His face, will
sustain the Big Crunch; as the following Verses say:
The universe will be a bright point in the
'forces of His nafs' exposing through His face in form.
The end state of the universe may be different
as well:
The universe is structured into skies. If the
universe collapses by rolling-up the skies, the galaxies
may not join with each other to form a Big Crunch
(Singularity). The galaxies may collapse into their
central super-massive black holes as super-dense
singularities, preserving all information. They may
remain in their relative positions even in the super-
compact space, when the skies would be rolled-up
According to the Quran and Holy Bible, the
skies will be rolled-up like a scroll for writing. Here
the space is represented by a piece of paper. So, the
galaxies should be represented by the dots on the
piece of paper. Mathematically, a singularity is a dot
preserving all information.
Finally, the super-compact skies may be a
rolling scroll in the 'forces of His nafs' exposing
through His face in form.
5d. From the face of God, the reprogrammed universe
will revive. The reviving universe will be moving to
the right hand of Allah when the Thaqal (the heavy
mass of the reviving universe) will form, and the
resurrection of the dead will occur:
“And not they honored Allah—true
honor—while, on the Day of
Resurrection, the Land (the Land of
Judgment) is assembling in His hand,
and the Skies (Samawaat / this
Universe) rolled-up in His right hand.
Glory be to Him! And high is He
above what they associate!”
[Al Quran 39: 67]
FIGURE 1.16: Super Space
Eventually, the unrolling universe will take
the form of today, but with ever living sinners
scattered in the galaxies.
5h. All creatures of matter and anti-matter will be
resurrected and assembled on the Land of Judgment.
One will see the dinosaurs walking on the land. After
the resurrection, there is no death. According to
Hadith, the animals will be merged with the land. It
means that they will be scattered in the objects of the
recreated Samawaat. If one wants to live with
dinosaurs, demons, and jinns, one may follow a sinful
life and live in the Samawaat forever. And the
resurrected scorpions will be something to reckon
with. And there will be extreme fire, heat, and boiling
water, surging.
Thus, follow the Book of God to attain
salvation to the Jannaat. Gold and silver are common
building materials over there. Precious stones are
falling on the streets like rubbles, neglected.
and day—there are indeed signs for
men of understanding. Men who
celebrate the praises of Allah standing,
sitting and lying on their sides, and
think on the creation in the Skies and
Lands: “Our Lord, Not for naught hast
Thou created this! Glory to Thee! Give
us salvation from the penalty of the
fire. Our Lord, any whom thou dost
admit to the fire, truly Thou cover with
shame, and never will wrong doers
find any helpers”!”
[Al Quran 3:190–192]
Introduction of the Grand Quran
computer "Computer for the Creations" or "CC" in short. It is
in the Arsh.
The CC is called Pen to make it understandable to the
old-time-people. It was created at first:
It was a dynamic virtual universe from the beginning
to the end in details, on a proportional time-scale. The virtual
universe is called Alam-e-Arwah by the Sufis.
We were created in the virtual universe from our
genome codes and nafses (souls). It is indicated in the
following Verse:
One's present life on the Earth is a repetition of the
virtual life. It is a repetition, because the laws and the initial
configuration of the real universe were deduced from the
virtual universe. It is indicated in the following Verses.
The Empire of Angels is automated by the same
computer (CC). It works as the Head of a huge cybernetic
system. The system is deliberately discussed in Section-9 of
Therefore, Muhammad (pbuh) preached Islam in his
virtual life too. So, the Quran is the words of virtual
Muhammad. But, as he was doing a vital job, affecting a
great number of people, Allah must have guided him to some
Later, the Pen extracted the appropriate words of
virtual Muhammad (pbuh). It organized the words as a Book
and translated it as an Arabic recitation.
“Thus do We explain the Verses that they may
say, "You have studied" and that We may
make it clear to a people who know.”
[Al Quran 6:105]
2. Revelations through Stages
3. Revelations following Events
Subsequently, the minor angels of Gabriel brought the
Verses time to time in the form of memory-data (ruhhs) and
put those into the database of his brain directly through the
Mohr-e-Nobuat. The Verses got stored in correct files
(Chapter / Surah) and lines of the database (dhikra).
In some times, several Surahs were revealing
simultaneously, but the Verses did not get mixed up due to
the database and the smart data. Probably, the alphabets, like
Alif, Lam, Mim; Ta, Sin, Mim, etc., that are found in the
beginnings of some Surahs are signs of the predetermined
saving points.
So, the Verses got stored in his brain in the correct
sequence, whenever a Verse or a group of Verses might have
been revealed. After the last Verse had been revealed, the
complete Quran was in his head, in the sequence we find it
If the special arrangements were not done, the Verses
would get memorized in the sequence of revelation that
would not make a well written book.
4. My authority to structure the Quran
I have divided the Quran into Parts. And, I have divided the
Chapters into Segments, Sections and paragraphs. I have
done it for rapid and correct comprehension. I could do it
because the structure is inborn in the Quran—one will
understand it, once one will go through the Tafsir. I have not
moved any Verse from its original position.
The Traditional Scholars may not like dividing the
Quran. But the following Verse authorizes me to do it:
In the above Verses, the "Pairs" means "Double Helix
DNA Molecules" with which every living creature is created.
therein every kind from Attractive Pair
(Zawgin Baheej) …” [Al Quran 50: 7–9]
So, the Prophet is said in the above Verses not to
grieve over them, but to lower his wings to Believers (Arab
Bedouins) and say, “Indeed, I am a Warner clear,” as We
sent down on those who divided, those who have made the
Quran in parts.”
Here, the dividing is praised because it is done to
explain the Verses; not to accept one part and reject another
They (Jews and Europeans) will understand the
reality very well, when the common people will be shifted to
the Jannaat (another universe / Paradise), and many of them
will be left scattered in the galaxies of the recreated universe
(Hell) to live forever in disasters and pains, as forgotten
Vicegerents of God.
guides by powerful words, lyrics and repetitions. Some of its
specialties are described below:
6. Parts of the Quran
At the outset, the Part (Part-1) highlights that the Book is for
the Guards (Muttaqin):
(Jihad) and established their Home called Darussalam
(Home of Peace / Morocco to the Pamirs). It is the
Furqan (War Book).
swiftly became Muslims and their land became the Primary
Muslim Territory (Darussalam / Morocco to the Pamirs).
The Part (Part-1) has formulated the Path of Jihad.
The Jihad is a responsibility of the Highest Islamic
Leadership. One cannot fight an offensive Jihad without his
permission. He is aided by the Guards (Muttaqin) who must
be oath (bayah) bound to the Leadership to fight for the cause
of Islam.
The Darussalam (Home of Peace / Morocco to
Pamirs) is already established by the Sahabah and their
followers up to 3rd generation. Now the Guards (Al
Muttaqin) are to protect mainly.
The preaching of Islam in the way of struggle and
warfare is not applicable beyond Darussalam (Home of
Peace). In light of the Quran (Part-2 of 3), the Islam is
supposed to be preached beyond the Home by Sufis (Saints)
and Daees (preachers) mainly.
lofty rank of truth? Say the Unbelievers: "This
is indeed an evident sorcerer!”
[Al Quran 10:1-2]
The Part points out the Path of Sufism by the example
of Khidr. The Part set example for the Daees by the story of
the Seven Sleepers. Islam was supposed to be preached
beyond the Darussalam (Home of Peace / Morocco to
Pamirs) by Sufis and Daees mainly.
In reality, the Islam was preached among Turkic,
Mongol, Indian and Indonesian people by the Sufis and the
Daees. The plan of Allah does not fail. The matter is
deliberately discussed in the Introduction of Part-2.
Several narrations are repeated in Part-2, but, as the
focus of the Quran is changed, the intended lessons are
different. These are repeated to fulfill the Part as well.
Hereafter. They are common members of the Islamic
Societies. They are involved in different good trades. For
example, a farmer or a goatherd or a businessman is a Doer
of Good (Muhsin) if he is not adopting bad in his trade.
The Muhsinin remain tied to the 'Local Islamic
Leadership', established in the village / community Mosques.
The Local Leadership in turn remains tied to the Highest
Islamic Leadership directly or through a 'channel of
command' rooted through the mosques at different levels.
Thus, the Muhsinin do good (ahsan) to the Highest Islamic
The Part does not talk much about struggle and
warfare (Jihad), but it ordains measures and laws to improve
Islamic families and societies where the Muttaqin come into
An apparent difference between Muttaqin and
Muhsinin is that a Muttaqi (Guard) is formally oath (Bayah)
bound to the Highest Islamic Leadership to struggle and fight
for the cause of Islam, but a Muhsin (Doer of Good) is not
oath bound.
If one chooses the Path of Muhsinin, the life is easy,
but the Muhsinin too are promised with the highest rewards.
They shine through extra prayer and extra charity; the Part-3
puts emphases on these aspects.
The narrations of Part-3 are appealing; it repeatedly
reminds the Judgment Day, Paradise, and Hell.
7a. Problems in Structuring a Chapter (Surah)
“Formation of a New Ummah”. If this Title was
selected, the readers would understand every Verse in
Now, what can be done? I cannot change the
Titles after so many hundreds of years. So, I have
written the 'Aims' below the Titles. If a Chapter is
correctly structured, the Aim of the Chapter becomes
obvious. For example, the Aim of Chapter-2 is: “To
form a New Ummah in the Religion of Abraham.”
However, I have written the Aims in the Part-
1 (Chapter-2 to 9) only. The Part includes the War
Book (Furqan / Chapter-3 to 9) where understanding
each Verse in context is essential.
In the other Parts of the Quran, the Chapters
are smaller and precise understanding is not needed.
So, I have not written the aims. Otherwise, a spelled
out Aim narrows the scope of explanation.
7bIII. Segment: Several Sections make a Segment
that gives a complete idea on an aspect of a Chapter.
Only a big Chapter needs segmentation. I have given
the Segment Headings too. A Segment Heading is not
8. Critical Subjects
8a. The critical subjects like Soul, Jinn, Fate, Paradise, Hell,
Dooms Day, Judgment Day, etc., have Points of Main
Discussion in this Book where the subjects are deliberately
discussed. The page numbers of the Points are given in the
Fore Index.
8b. The Verses are explained in this Tafsir with modern
discoveries. The Theories and Hypotheses are also used, but
those are not the bases of my explanations.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Introduction of the Part 1 of 3
[Guidance for the Guards]
In this Part (Part 1 of 3), the Quran forms a New Ummah in
the Religion of Abraham. The olds were Jews and Christians.
The Part starts at Chapter-2 and ends at Chapter-9.
Moses too raised the Children of Israel as an Ummah.
To raise an Ummah, followings are needed:
• People. The people that would form the Ummah were
identified as Arabian and Persian peoples. The
Taghuts (opposing Powers, such as disbelieving
Tribal Chiefs, Kings and Emperors) were defeated,
and the peoples converted to Islam safely and
willfully. The identification of the people is
deliberately discussed in Section-13 of Chapter-6.
• Land. The Land of the Ummah was identified as
from Morocco to the Pamirs. It is called the Home of
Peace (Darussalam). The Home is deliberately
discussed in Section-13 of Chapter-6.
• Laws of Ummah. The essential laws and rituals of
the Ummah were given in Segment-5 of Chapter-2.
• Government(s). The Quran does not suggest a Form
of Government. Thus, the scope of adopting any
Government, headed by King, Amir, President, or
Prime Minister is kept open provided that the
Governments follow the guidance of the Quran (the
Quran only) according to the directions of the Highest
Islamic Leadership (Caliph / the Highest Imam).
• Judiciary. The Quran does not give the structure of
the Judicial System. Thus, any system that judges and
gives verdict according the Quran can be adopted.
However, there may be different types of courts, such
as Islamic Court, Torah Court, Government Court,
• Sovereignty and Security. The Quran gives a War
Book from Chapter-3 to Chapter-9. The War Book is
deliberate because it formed the Ummah through
struggle and warfare (Jihad). The men dedicated to
the War Book are called Muttaqin (Guards). They
were oath bound to the Highest Islamic Leadership to
fight for the cause of Islam. But they were not paid
Army. The countries under the Highest Islamic
Leadership may have their own paid Armies and other
Security Forces. So, in the Islamic World, there may
be two Armies in a country: Voluntary Army
(Muttaqin) of the Caliph / Highest Imam, and the
local Army of the country.
• Zakat. The Highest Islamic Leadership acts from a
Mosque, preferably from the Mosque of Madinah or
from the Mosque of Kufa. He collects, spends, and
distributes Zakat through the Mosques at different
[The Islamic Leadership is deliberately discussed in
Section-44 of Chapter-2]
Chapter 2 of this Part is the Constitution of the
Ummah, and Chapter 3 to 9 is the War Book (Furqan).
The War Book guided the Guards (Muttaqin) in the
Path of Struggle and Warfare (Jihad). Here wrong
comprehension may cause severe damage. If a Chapter is
correctly structured, the Aim of the Chapter becomes
apparent, and one clearly realizes what the Verses want one
to understand and do. I have brought out the Aims as under:
To establish a new Ummah in the Religion of Abraham by
defeating the Taghuts (Powers) in the Home of Peace
(Darussalam) extending from Morocco to the Pamirs.
Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet—He could
not fail or leave the job for a next. For thirteen years, he tried
to his best to convince people, but the result was
disheartening, and the oppression on his followers was
mounting. Remember, the Mighty Moses with his Nine Signs
and the Jesus Christ with his Extreme Signs failed to such
kind of People. Finally, Muhammad too had to leave his
homeland along with his followers.
Then a different Path was adopted to establish
Islam—it was to remove the Taghuts (Opposing Powers,
such as Tribal Chiefs, Kings, and Emperors) by physical
fighting so that the general people could accept Islam in
freedom and peace.
Muhammad (pbuh) in his old age moved hundreds of
miles through the sun baked deserts of Arabia, fought many
battles, and suffered severe wounds. His followers were like
a band of saints fighting for the cause of Allah. Wherever
they stepped, the population became Muslims. By the time
Prophet (pbuh) died at the age of 63, Islam was established in
Arabian Peninsula, and his followers were poised to defeat
the Great Byzantine and Persian Empires simultaneously.
Prophet (pbuh) took utmost care to keep the battle
casualties to the minimum. Makkah was captured without
any casualty. Even at the death-bed, he was earnestly trying
to set out the expedition against Byzantine Empire. The
assembled Forces did not move due to his illness and death.
Ultimately, several Tribes revolted, and they got involved in
suppressing them. If Byzantines were defeated sooner rather
than later, these Tribal Chiefs would not dare to revolt
against Madinah. Prophet (pbuh) was an extremely intelligent
Precise knowledge of this Part is necessary to
understand how the Ummah, established by Sahabah,
Tabieen, and Tabe-Tabieen, should look like; when and
where to struggle and fight, and when and where it is not to
Color Code:
Chapter 2 [Al Baqarah THE HEIFER]
Aim of the Chapter: To form a New Ummah in the Religion
of Abraham.
In the Forth Segment, by dedicating a different
Qiblah (direction of prayer), the Believers are made a new
Ummah in the Religion of Abraham.
In the Fifth Segment, the laws and rituals of the new
Ummah are given. Here fighting for the cause of Islam is
authorized, and the need to obey leadership is highlighted.
The Segments are divided in Sections. One may go
through the Section Headings given below in the Flowchart.
It will make one realize how the Chapter has developed.
Segment 3: Causes of forming a New Ummah
Section 24 [Verse 164-167]: Cut off relation with them
Section 25 [Verse 168-176]: Food Halal / Haram
Section 26 [Verse 177]: Lifestyle of Righteousness
Section 27 [Verse 178-179]: Murder
Section 28 [Verse 180-182]: Bequest
Section 29 [Verse 183-187]: Fasting
Section 30 [Verse 188]: Guideline of Economic Policy and
Section 31 [Verse 189]: New Moon
Section 32 [Verse 190-195]: Fighting
Section 33 [Verse 196-203]: Hajj
Section 34 [Verse 204-212]: Men in the Life of this World
and Hereafter
Section 35 [Verse 213-214]: Straight Path in the World of
Adversities and Sufferings
Section 36 [Verse 215]: Spending in Charity
Section 37 [Verse 216-218]: Fighting in the Path of Allah
Section 38 [Verse 219-220]: Wine, Gambling, Charity and
Section 39 [Verse 221]: Marrying Unbelieving Woman
Section 40 [Verse 222-223]: Approaching Woman
Section 41 [Verse 224-225]: Oath Taking
Section 42 [Verse 226–237]: Divorce and Marriage of
Widow and Divorced Woman
Section 43 [Verse 238-245]: As-Salat, Maintenance of
Women, and Fighting Battles
Section 44 [Verse 246–260]: Islamic Leadership (Main
Section 45 [Verse 261-274]: Spend in the Way of Allah
Section 46 [Verse 275-281]: Usury
Section 47 [Verse 282-284]: Transaction
Section 48 [Verse 285-286]: Concluding Prayers and Honor
of Sahabah
Color Code
Segment 1
The Guards
The Segment identifies the people for whom the Book (Part-
1) is aimed. It terms them as Guards (Muttaqin) and points
out their adversaries.
1. The Book
word “Taqi” means “You Guard”. So, “Muttaqi” is a
person who guards.
“Muttaqin” is used in these Verses as a term
to mean the “Guards of the Ummah”.
The next Part of the Verses: "Those who
believe in the Unseen, and perform As-Salat,
is these who will prosper", look defining the Muttaqin
(Guards), but it is not. The Verses mean that these are
prerequisites to be a Muttaqi (Guard).
To explain further, believing, performing
salat, paying zakat does not make one a Muttaqi
(Guard). One becomes Muttaqi once one take oath
(bayah) to the Highest Islamic Leadership to fight for
the cause of Islam while doing all these activities
(believing, performing salat, paying zakat, etc.).
They are voluntary Forces of the Ummah. But,
they are not paid regular Army. There may be two
Armies in an Islamic country: one is Muttaqin, under
the Highest Islamic Leadership (Caliph / Highest
Imam), and another is paid Army of the state.
Up to Chapter-9, the Muttaqin (Guards) were
repeatedly called to join in the war expeditions and
fulfill the covenant (Bayah) that they had made to the
Prophet (pbuh). Their actions in the battles were
discussed and the improvements were suggested.
Ultimately, they established the Ummah and the
Darussalam extending from Morocco to the Pamirs.
In most of the cases, “Muttaqin” is translated
as “God Fearing People” or “Righteous People”. It is
a deviated translation. The deviated translation of
such a key word puts the whole Quran in confusion. It
may be a great sin if it is done with ulterior motive.
Probably, they do it to keep people away from
unjustified revolutions and fights. But the confusion
brings more fights. If one reads this Tafsir
meticulously, one will understand when and where a
Guard should fight.
Therefore, do not translate or understand
“Muttaqin” as “God Fearing” or “Righteous” People.
Once Allah has said “Guards”, understand it as
“Guards”. The proper understanding up to Chapter-9
demands translating “Muttaqin” as “Guards”.
We often talk about Takwa. “Taqwa” literally
means “to Protect”. A Muttaqi does not provide
protection to the Ummah only; he provides protection
to himself, his family, society, and the Ummah from
human enemies and satan jinns. So, the derivatives of
“Waqa” are used as pious people as well who checks
himself and other people from doing sinful deeds.
But, in this Verse and in many other cases,
“Muttaqin” means “Guards of the Ummah” who fight
for the cause of Islam according to the instructions of
the Highest Islamic Leadership.
However, I have done my Tafsir on the
translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali. I have not changed
his translation unless it was essential to change.
Mainly, the Verse that I have explained scientifically
is retranslated by me with dictionary meanings word-
In Chapter-10, the Quran puts its focus on
Mankind and declares Muhammad (pbuh) as the
Prophet for the whole Mankind. Thereafter, the Quran
becomes "Guidance for Mankind" (Hudan lil Nas /
Chapter 10 to 30 / Part-2) and hardly talks about
struggle and warfare (Jihad).
Preaching among mankind (people living
beyond Darussalam / Morocco to the Pamirs) is the
responsibility of Sufis and Daees, like Khidr and
Seven Sleepers, where the offensive Jihad is not
3A. People that Disbelieve (Kafirun)
The preaching of 13 years was not enough for
the people of Makkah. Thus, the Verses said, “…it is
the same to them whether you warn them or do not
warn them; they will not believe.”
Thus, the Verses motivated the Muttaqin
(Guards) to prepare for Jihad (struggle and warfare).
Subsequently, the Taghuts were removed by physical
fighting, and the idolaters found security in Islam and
became Muslims willfully.
The disbelievers are easy to identify. So, the
Chapter finishes with them in short.
The next part of the Verses under discussion
say: “…Allah has set a seal on their minds and on
their hearings and on their eyes is a veil.” Actually,
the sealing and veiling are done by satan jinns. The
Verses say that it is done by Allah because nothing
can happen without His permission and facilities.
The jinns are created out of anti-matter. A
satan jinni is allowed to mount on an idolater (a
Muslim is guarded by angels). Thus, the idolater gets
possessed. The jinni shares the idolater’s wealth and
children. But the idolater cannot feel it. He acts and
behaves normally, except in the case of hearing the
call of Truth.
When one calls the idolater to the Truth, the
jinni distracts the idolater's mind utterly to protect his
(jinni’s) gain. So, the idolater feel agitated—hearing
he hears not, seeing he sees not; he feels bad and
leaves the place.
The indwelling jinni distract his mind (qalb in
the chest) by producing anger, or by reminding him
an important job he needs to do, or in some other
Normal warnings and motivations are not
effective on such people (idolaters). They need
'motivation by force' so that the satan jinns run away
from them, and they can concentrate on the Truth.
They need Preachers like Khalid bin Walid.
[The above matter will be amply clarified after
the discussion of Jinn in Section-3 of Chapter-7, and
Mind (qalb) in Section-10 of Chapter-6]
Of the people, there are some who say, "We believe in Allah
and the Last Day" while in fact they believe not. Fain would
they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only
deceive themselves and realize not! In their hearts is a
disease, and Allah has increased their disease. A painful
torment is theirs, because they are false.
grows on them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could
take away their faculty of hearing and seeing; for Allah has
power over all things.
Removing Confusion
Segment 2
Divinity of the Quran
Thereby, the Segment highlights the need of
1. The sky has been made a canopy
1b. Atmospheric Layers
FIGURE 2.4: Falling Asteroid
FIGURE 2.5: Temperature Curve
3. The Land has been made a Couch
4. To Conclude:
knowledge of science. So, it has suggested another
way to test its divinity—a challenge is put forward:
“…produce a Surah like thereunto…”
Hafez could not write like Saadi, and Saadi
could not write like Hafez. The rhythm and lyric of
each poet is different. Allah knows it: He knows that
everyone’s finger print is unique; He knows that
every date is different: “...clusters of dates hanging
low and near, and gardens of grapes, and olives, and
pomegranates, each similar, yet different” [Al Quran
The Quran is not saying about the style of
The Quran is saying that it is Guidance.
The Quran is saying that it is full of Truth.
The Quran is saying that it has no
A human cannot produce such Book.
The Quran is guiding its followers through the
hard path and surviving undaunted over the time and
time ahead. More than 1400 years have passed; the
Quran has proved itself. It is deeply rooted in human
civilization as the real Book of Guidance, complete
and perfect in all aspects.
The Quran is full Truth; there is nothing but
the Truth.
And most surprisingly, there is not a single
self-contradiction in this vast Book.
The same ancient Quran was fit to teach the
Arab Bedouins, and it is fit to teach the 'giants of
knowledge' living today.
A man or a team cannot produce such a Book.
It is from the Creator of the Universes.
He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby.
And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient,
those who break Allah's covenant (taken as Bayah to Islamic
Leadership) after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah
has ordered to be joined (breaks unity) and do mischief on
land. It is those who are the losers.
How can you reject the faith in Allah seeing that you
were without life and He gave you life? Then He will cause
you to die, and will again bring you to life, and again to Him
will you return.
by the believers as similitude of God’s favors. But, a
disbeliever could laugh at the Verse saying that
Muhammad’s canopy does not protect from the sun
and the rain, and his bed is full of sand; he has
become mad by living in the cave!
Allah could describe magnetosphere and
atmospheric layers to explain how these work as
canopy. He could describe how the land has been
made couch by producing the soft soil crust. But
Allah has not done it, because it would spoil the
earthly test environment.
Now too, when the science has developed, a
believer relates the canopy with magnetosphere and
atmospheric layers, and a disbeliever thinks the
believer’s thought as wishful thinking.
Thus, the scientific signs are described as such
that a disbeliever can disbelieve, even when the
science is developed.
Therefore, the Verses strengthen believer’s
faith, and a disbeliever remains disbeliever, as the
Verses under discussion say: “He misleads many
thereby and guides many thereby.”
The same thing is done everywhere. We
understand that this fine-tuned universe resulted from
the acts of Allah, but disbelievers fail to relate and
think it as a result of accidents and unguided
evolutions. They too have scientific logics in their
favor, as we have in our favor. However, many of our
proofs are based on definite discoveries, and they
completely rely on theories and hypotheses.
In the probability of accidental creation, one
out of trillion planets would be suitable for a creature
like us. The disbelievers are ready to believe the
existence of trillion planets, instead of believing one
God, though only a few stars show remote signs of
having any planet.
It is mathematically proved that the simplest
DNA molecule, which could replicate and produce
another similar creature, could not come up through
accidents. It needed designing by an extraordinarily
intelligent being, no less than the God of the Quran,
but the disbelievers do not believe.
Allah developed the ‘program of life’ as the
Genome Code, which can form a human body with
highly developed brain, nervous system, eyes, ears,
skin, etc. Thus, the Verses under discussion say:
“…you (you as soul in spiritual world) were without
life (without physical life), and He gave you life
(physical life from the genome code)...”
Life on the Earth is short, but it will be
repeated: “…then He will cause you to die, and will
again bring you to life, and again to Him will you
But it does not touch the heart of an idolater.
Actually, people destined to the hell will not believe.
They are ever distracted by the satan jinns, mounted
on them.
Allah protects the Faiths of Believers, except
of the defiantly disobedient, those who break Allah's
covenant (breaks bayah made to Islamic Leadership)
after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah has
ordered to be joined (unity) and do mischief on land.
Actually, Allah knows everybody, precisely.
The test is arranged to quench the losers mainly.
Section-7 of Chapter-2 [Verse 29]: Large-Scale Structure
of the Universe / Seven-Sky-Universe (Main Discussion)
He the One Who created for you what was in the assembly of
land (ma fi ardi jamian), moreover He established Himself
(through istawa) into the Sky, and fashioned them into Seven
Skies, and He of everything is All-Knowing.
So, in the 1st Cycle, the universe produced the
elements up to silicon.
The universe could produce the heavier
elements if it contracted.
In the 2nd Cycle, the contracted universe with
the "assembly of land"' restarted from a Big Bounce
as a seven-sky-universe (Present Universe).
So, the matter was together at the beginning of
the 2nd Cycle:
Part 1: General Appearance of the Universe
FIGURE 2.7: The Solar System
As the whole galaxy is rotating, the Solar
System is speeding at a rate of 220 km per second.
Despite the enormous speed, the galaxy is so huge
that one complete orbit takes two hundred million
years approximately.
3. Orientation
And, due to the yearly rotation of the Earth
around the Sun, a part of the night sky enters the day
sky, and a part of the day sky enters the night sky
every day. So, the appearance of the sky changes
from night to night (4 minutes per night).
If one will not consider these apparent
movements, one will find the stars static.
But, actually they are not static; if one could
go out of the Milky Way Galaxy quite a big distance,
one could see the entire galaxy slowly rotating in the
5. Other Galaxies
FIGURE 2.10: Mawaqin-Nujumi / Galaxy M81
And, as the Verses are talking about the Sun
and the Moon, it is Milky Way Galaxy. The galaxy is
like a super-giant space-ship floating in the space.
The galaxies were discovered in 1920s when
an American Astronomer, Edwin Hubble,
demonstrated that the Milky Way was not the only
galaxy in the Universe. There are many others.
Depending on the shape, Hubble classified the
galaxies into four types:
• Elliptical Galaxy
• Spiral Galaxy
• Barred Spiral Galaxy
• Irregular Galaxy
A large galaxy may contain hundred trillion
stars when a dwarf galaxy contains as few as ten
5b. Spiral Galaxy
Our Milky Way Galaxy has a small bar in its
center. So, it is a Barred Spiral Galaxy.
6. Orientation
7a. Group
The Local Group consists of two lobes in a
"dumbbell" shape. The Milky Way and its satellite
dwarf galaxies form one lobe, and Andromeda and its
satellites galaxies form another lobe. Two lobes move
towards one another with a velocity of 123 km/s.
7b. Cluster
The Virgo spans about one hundred and ten
million light years and contains about 1300 to 2000
7c. Supercluster
8. Summary of Part 1
Part 2: Large Scale Structure of the Universe -
time. The argument is proved by observation. Light
passing through the side of a massive object bends.
A star makes a curvature in the space-time.
All the stars in a galaxy as a whole make a curvature
for the galaxy. All the galaxies in a cluster as a whole
make a curvature for the cluster. In this way, the
curvature of the overall Universe may have been
determined by the distribution of matter in it.
But the distribution of matter cannot be
known. The end of the universe could not be
discovered in any direction, and there is no reliable
way to find out the distance of a galaxy. The galaxies
at very large distances are not visible even. If the
distribution of matter in the universe is uniform and
isotropic, the overall space may be Positively Curved,
Negatively Curved, or Flat.
The calculation of P.J.E. Peebles linked the
radio-noise with the Big Bang. This remnant radiation
of the Big Bang is now called Cosmic Microwave
Background Radiation (CMBR). Arno Penzias and
Robert Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize for their
“This immediately explained the observations
and caused enormous excitement as the mews spread
throughout the world’s astronomical community, not
least because the detection of the ‘Echo of the Big
Bang’ firmly nailed the lid on the coffin of the steady
state theory”
– To the Edge of Eternity by John Gribbin in
The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and Astronomy
edited by John Man
FIGURE 21.15: CMB Last Scattering
The design is fit for the universe that is to roll
down into the Point of Doom and revive with
resurrected humans. I have discussed the design in the
following sequence:
9. What “Samah” (Sky) means
10. Nature of Sky
11. What is Space
12. What the Quran means by “Skies”
13. Construction of the Skies
14. Structures revealing the Skies
15. Observational Evidence
16. Other Indications of the Skies
17. Signs of the Second Beginning
18. Axis of the Universe
19. Summary
FIGURE 2.17: The Earth in the Sky
The Sky has many qualities. The Quran says that the
sky can be curved and rolled:
The sky can be curved and rolled. When a
metal ball depresses a soft rubber sheet, the smaller
objects at close proximity tend to roll down toward
the ball. Similarly, the presence of matter curves the
Motion not only makes the watches move
slowly, all actions and reactions become slow. If a
chemical reaction takes one minute at rest, it will take
longer time in a moving space ship—but in the
watches of the space ship it will be one minute
because, the watches in the space ship are running
slowly. A man in motion will age slower than a man
in rest. However, in our day-to-day speeds the effects
are insignificant.
The phenomenon is practically proved:
The atomic watches of GPS satellites, orbiting
Earth, need corrections for accurate navigational fix.
Special Relativity predicts that the on-board atomic
clocks on the satellites should fall behind the clocks
on the ground by about 7 microseconds per day
because of the slower ticking rate due to the time
dilation effect of their relative motion.
Actually, motion compact the space. In
compact space everything moves slowly.
The presence of matter too makes the space
compact. On the surface of the Earth, time moves
slower than on the top of a mountain because, the
space is more compact on the surface of the Earth
(amount of slowing down is so less that it is not
detectable by the normal clock). The space around a
black hole is extremely compact, so time is extremely
slow over there.
The GPS satellites are in the orbits high
above the Earth where the curvature of space-time
due to the Earth's mass is less than it is at the Earth's
surface. A calculation using General Relativity
predicts that the clocks in each GPS satellite should
get ahead of ground-based clocks by 45 microseconds
per day.
The combination of these two effects means
that the on-board clocks of GPS Satellites should tick
faster than identical clocks on the ground by about 38
microseconds per day (45-7=38). This sounds small,
but the high precision required of the GPS system
requires nanosecond accuracy, and 38 microseconds
is 38,000 nanoseconds. If these effects were not
properly taken into account, a navigational fix based
on the GPS constellation would be false after only 2
minutes, and errors in global positions would continue
to accumulate at a rate of about 10 kilometers each
day! The whole system would be utterly worthless for
navigation in a very short time.
So, the presence of matter curves space-time.
Free moving objects follow the curvature (a free-
falling meteorite cannot hit the Earth vertically; it has
to follow a curved path to hit the Earth). The tendency
of matter to move along the curved space-time is felt
by us as gravity.
In Einstein’s view, the distribution of matter
has curved the space, so the Sun, the Moon, and the
Earth perform their complex movements precisely,
instead of falling on each other directly. But, could an
accidental distribution of matter evolve this fine-tuned
universe? Hawking’s perfect initial configuration of
the universe resulting from the uncertainly principle is
a weak story. Actually, some acts of Allah are
explained by the scientists as the acts of time:
“Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and
Sustainer of the Universes.”
[Al Quran 1: 1]
adorned it, and there is no disparity in
it?” [Al Quran 50:6]
you other than the Most Merciful? The
disbelievers are not but in delusion”
[Al Quran 67: 19-20]
He has created the Arsh, Super Space, and
Barzakh where the natural laws may be different due
to the varied presence of His extended elementary
Souls (Force Fields / Ruhhs). This Universe
(Samawaat) is an entity in the Eastern Super Space.
Show me what it is they have created
in the land (Earth). Or have they a
share in the Skies (Samawaat)?”
[Al Quran 35:40]
Therefore, the Skies should be spherical in
shape, one inside another—like the peels of onion.
And our Earth should be in the First / Innermost Sky.
with guard. Such is the Decree of the
Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.”
[Al Quran 41: 11-12]
The following diagram shows the important
stages discussed above.
“Do not the unbelievers see that the
Skies and Lands were joined together
before We clove them asunder”
[Al Quran 21:30]
Part 2 of the Verses:
These 'seven super-giant waves of space' are
'Seven Skies'. We are in the Innermost (First) Sky.
The following Verses say that the space was
expanded to create the darkness. The darkness was
needed to create the day and night for the survival of
our cattle and us.
So, the Seven-Sky-Universe began from a Big
The Sky of the Earth has been adorned with the lights
of the sun, the moon and the local stars later, after the
Universe expanded sufficiently.
The Earth has magnetic field and layered
atmosphere to protect us from the harmful radiations.
There are protections in the Solar System as
well. The asteroids are put into the belts, and the giant
Jupiter is working as a space cleaner. It keeps the
orbit of the Earth clean.
14a. Wall
has changed the idea. The Great Wall is a sheet of
galaxies 750 million light years (MLY) long, 200
million light years wide and 16 million light years
A Wall can span billions of light years.
Superclusters are now understood to be subordinates
to enormous Walls or Sheets.
The Hercules Corona Borealis Great Wall
(Her–CrB GW) is the largest wall discovered so far
(2013). The wall measures more than 10 billion light
years in length. It is 7.2 billion light-years wide and
only 900 million light-years thick. It is located in the
direction of constellations Hercules and Corona
Borealis at a distance of 10 billion light-years,
Another great concentration, CCLQG, is about
9.5 billion light years away in the direction of Leo.
The wall is 2 billion light-years in length and about 1
billion light years in width. The CCLQG may be a
part of the Huge-LQG. They are 1.8 billion light years
away from each other. The Huge-LQG is 4 billion
light years across.
Coma Wall, Sloan Wall, Sculptor Wall, Grus
Wall, Fornax Wall, etc., are some of the enormous
14b. Filaments
where large numbers of galaxies are very close to
each other are known as Superclusters. The Filaments
are seen around the boundaries of voids. Followings
are examples of the Filaments:
The Perseus-Pegasus Filament: It connects the
Pisces-Centus Supercluster with the Perseus-Pisces
The Coma Filament: The Coma Supercluster
lies within the Coma Filament. It forms part of CfA2
Great wall.
14c. Voids
14d. The Great Attractor
FIGURE 2.20: Likely First and Second Sky
15a: The First (Innermost) Sky
enough to pull the objects even at 250 million light
years away. The galaxies move toward its direction
due to the very design of the space formed by the
overall distribution of matter in the First (Innermost)
The First Sky is the core sky of the universe.
Here the galaxies should concentrate in the form of
Supercluster. In the outer skies, they would form
walls / sheets.
However, the Centaurus Supercluster with its
extensions looks like a Wall (Centaurus Wall). But, it
is a circular concentration with Norma Supercluster in
the center. The Great Attractor is located in the
Norma Supercluster.
As Norma Supercluster is falling rapidly into
the Great Attractor, it is associated with a small
“Finger of God Effect” in the plots of galactic red-
shift velocities when viewed from the perspective of
the Solar System.
The “Finger of God” is an effect where
distribution of galaxies is elongated in red-shift space
with the axis of elongation pointed toward the Solar
System. It is caused by a Doppler shift associated
with the random peculiar velocities of galaxies.
In case of Norma Finger of God, the galaxies
in the far side of Great Attractor are blue-shifted and
galaxies of the near side are red-shifted producing a
small Finger of God in the line of sight.
All matters out to a distance of about 250
million light years are flowing toward the Great
Attractor. Therefore, radius of the First Sky should be
about 300 million light years, after adding half of the
width of the surrounding belt of void (250+50).
Like Norma Finger of God, the clusters falling
into the central sphere of the Second Sky show the
Finger of God phenomena.
“Another piece of evidence for dark matter
comes from clusters of galaxies. We observe that
galaxies are not uniformly distributed throughout the
space; they are gathered together in clusters that
range from a few galaxies to millions. Presumably,
these clusters are formed because the galaxies attract
each other into groups. However, we can measure the
speeds at which individual galaxies are moving in
these clusters. We find they are so high that the
clusters would fly apart unless they were held
together by gravitational attraction. The mass
required is considerably greater than the masses of
all the galaxies. This is the case even if we take the
galaxies to have the masses required to hold
themselves together as they rotate. It follows,
therefore, that there must be extra dark matter
present in clusters of galaxies outside the galaxies
that we see.”
– Black Holes and Baby Universes by Stephen
has been observed that the galaxies of the First Sky
are closing toward the center of the First Sky (Great
Attractor), and the galaxies of the outer Skies are
flowing toward the central spheres of the respective
Skies. Within the galaxies, the objects move through
their orbits following the local curvatures of space.
existence. Again, there would have been no long-lived
stars and no life”.
–“Dawn of a New Era” by Sir Bernard
Lovell in the Encyclopedia of Space Travel and
Astronomy edited by John Man
Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, and Al. These were
created in the contracting universe of the 1st cycle.
The elements produced dust and asteroids (lands),
with which the Initial Earth could form. So, the Initial
Earth was a Silicate Earth.
Holy Bible too supports the idea that the lands
existed when the Skies (seven-sky-universe) began to
stretch out.
explosions. These elements were then sent down into
the Earth. It is said in the following Verses:
two days? And do ye join equals with
Him? He is the Lord of the universes.
And He placed therein firmly
set mountains and parked therein from
above it and determined therein its
nourishment in four days (periods)
equal; for those who ask.”
[Al Quran 41: 9-10]
excess of right-handed in the opposite direction. This
also suggests that our Universe has a preferred axis
and a net angular momentum. Since angular
momentum is conserved this means the Universe must
have been born spinning. We can't see outside of our
Universe, so we'd have to assume it is spinning
relative to other universes in a higher dimensional
space. Presumably the Big Bang was spinning
initially, and as it expanded, the net angular
momentum was dissipated among the galaxies. Now
we still see it through the preferred spin direction.”
- “Detection of a Dipole in the Handedness of
Spiral Galaxies with Redshifts z~0.04, Michael J.
Longo, Phys. Lett. B 699, 224-229 (2011).
The Axis
FIGURE 30.12: Axis of the Universe
19. Summary
Section-8 of Chapter-2 [Verse 30–33]: Creation of Adam
and his Quality to Learn
The lands are scattered throughout the
universes. If the planet Earth is a land, then the planet
Mars too is a land. There are lands (planets) in every
galaxy of the Samawaat (this universe). And, there are
lands (planets) in the Jannaat (another universe).
If I am a vicegerent of Allah on a land, then all
the creatures, living on the land, should obey my
orders. Disobeying my order should mean disobeying
the order of Allah. But elephants, lions, tigers, birds,
etc., do not obey my command!
It is because, humans are not yet appointed as
vicegerents of God; they are under test. After the
Final Judgment, humans will be sent into the lands as
responsible and empowered vicegerents of God.
A human in the Jannaat (another universe)
will be duly empowered. The poorest in the Jannaat
will get a land, ten times bigger than the Earth—it
may be a planet of the Jannaat. All creatures of his
land will obey his commands; the trees will lean to
present their fruits; the rivers will shift their courses
on order.
A human in the Samawaat (this Universe) will
be forgotten by God, as he forgot Him in his earthly
life. He will be a forgotten vicegerent of God over a
galaxy. The galaxies are objects of hell. He will be
living in a planet (land) of his galaxy.
The number of galaxies in the Samawaat is
huge. So, a vicegerent may own a major galaxy and a
cluster of dwarf galaxies infested by jinns and other
There will not be a second human in his
galaxy. However, he will get some jinns as his allies.
And he may be able to train some animals to obey a
few commands, as it can be done on the Earth.
A cow knows by birth how to walk? But a
human child needs a year to learn walking.
How they can do it?
When they develop in eggs or wombs, their
genome codes design their brains to know all they
need to know. They are physically designed to do
what they need to do. But, after they are born, they
cannot learn anything new—their brains get
programmed and fixed.
Here a human differs. While growing in the
mother's womb, at a particular stage, his / her brain
denies learning from the genes. Therefore, a human
baby knows nothing at the time of birth. He does not
know how to walk, or how to sit. And, a large part of
his big brain remains unused like the white pages.
A human baby starts learning after birth.
Therefore, the process of learning remains active
throughout his life. This is why humans have
developed so much. They have reached the Moon,
whereas the chimpanzees are still living in the forests.
A part of human brain (reptilian part mainly),
which run the organs, such as lungs, heart, kidney,
etc., are genetically programmed.
The creation of leaning brain was a great
advancement. Allah made it for humans and proudly
showed it to the angels saying: "Did I not tell you that
I know the secrets of the Sky and Land…?"
An angel too is created with the knowledge he
needs. His is programmed by origin. He cannot learn
a new thing. So, they could not learn the names, but
Adam could learn.
We see how a child keeps on learning new
words. He starts with Mama, Papa and within days he
starts telling long sentences.
It may be mentioned that some animals can
learn to obey a few commands, some birds can learn
to tell a few words, but the learning is different; it is
not like the learning of humans. They can be trained
to follow a few commands by exploiting their traits
implanted in them genetically.
And We said, "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in
the Jannaat and eat of the bountiful things therein as you will,
but approach not this tree or you run into harm and
Then the Satan made them slip therefrom and got
them out from that in which they were. And We said, "Get
you down—all with enmity between yourselves. On earth
will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood for
a time."
Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration,
and his Lord turned towards him; for He is Oft–Returning,
Most Merciful.
We said, "Get you down all from here, and if, as is
sure, there comes to you Guidance from me, whosoever
follows My Guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall
they grieve; but those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs
they shall be Companions of the Fire; they shall abide
be our friends—actually, they like to possess us and
enjoy human lives. Ultimately, they share wealth and
children of those that follow them. But any that
befriends a jinni by rejecting the Faith is led to the
blazing fire.
The jinns are deliberately discussed in
Section-3 of Chapter-7.
Segment 3
Causes of forming a New Ummah
And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the
Truth when you know. And perform As-Salat and give Zakat
and bow down your heads with those who bow down.
Do you enjoin right conduct on the people and forget
yourselves, and yet you study the Scripture? Will you not
understand? Nay, seek help with patient perseverance and
As–Salat; it is indeed hard except to those who bring a lowly
spirit, who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet
their Lord, and that they are to return to Him.
worship of the calf. So turn to your Maker and slay
yourselves; that will be better for you in the sight of your
Maker." Then He turned towards you; for He is Oft-
Returning, Most Merciful.
And remember, you said: "O Moses! We shall never
believe in you until we see Allah manifestly." But you were
dazed with thunder and lightning even as you looked on.
Then We raised you up after your death—you had the chance
to be grateful.
And We gave you the shade of clouds and sent down
to you Manna and quails saying, "Eat of the good things We
have provided for you". To Us, they did no harm, but they
harmed their own souls.
And remember, We said: "Enter this town and eat of
the plenty therein as you wish, but enter the gate with
humility in posture and in words, and We shall forgive you
your faults and increase those who do good." But the
transgressors changed the word from that which had been
given them, so We sent on the transgressors a plague from
heaven, for that they infringed repeatedly.
And remember, Moses prayed for water for his
people. We said: "Strike the rock with thy staff." Then,
gushed forth from there twelve springs. Each group knew its
own place for water. So, eat and drink of the sustenance
provided by Allah, and do no evil, nor mischief on the earth.
And remember, you said, "O Moses, we cannot
endure one kind of food, so beseech thy Lord for us to
produce for us of what the earth grows—its pot-herbs and
cucumber; its garlic, lentils, and onions." He said, "Will you
exchange the better for the worse? Go you down to any town
and you shall find what you want!"
They were covered with humiliation and misery; they
drew on themselves the wrath of Allah. This was because
they went on rejecting the Signs of Allah and slaying His
Messengers without just cause. This was because they
rebelled and went on transgressing.
1. Mumin
God and on the Day of Judgment. So, he grants
security passively.
In the Quran, the word “Mumin” is used as a
term. He must believe according to the Quran. The
Quran is deliberate in respect of the Faith. It develops
clear concept of one God by saying repeatedly, which
is God, and which is not God. So, a person that
believes according to the Quran is a perfect Believer,
and he is rightly called Mumin (Believer).
Jews and Christians should not be called
Believers (Muminin) though they are believers of one
God, because it is used as a term to identify a group
following the Quran.
In Holy Bible, Jews are called “Chosen
People” and a group is called “Faithful”. It seems that
the Book means “Believers” by the “Faithful”.
According to the Verses under discussion, a
Believer (Mumin) is to do the following things to be
rewarded by Lord:
• He has to believe on one God
• He has to believe the Last Day
• He has to do good deeds.
'Believing the Last Day' means 'believing
Dooms Day, Resurrection, Judgment, Paradise and
Hell'. The Quran forms deliberate ideas about these.
The Verses do not say how many good deeds
a Mumin has to perform. Even if he does a few (at
least two) petty good deeds in his lifetime, the last
part of the Verse becomes applicable to him: “shall
have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be
no fear, nor shall they grieve.”
However, the Verse may mean doing good
deeds in day to day life throughout. For example, a
farmer by profession is a 'doer of good deeds', and a
thief by profession is a 'doer of bad deeds'.
The Quran suggests to perform As Salat, pay
Zakat, Fast in Ramadan, perform Hajj, struggle for
the cause of Allah, pray extra at night (Tahazzud),
pay extra in Charity, and so on. These are different
types of good deeds. These take a person at a higher
level in the Paradise.
If a Believer, believing one God and the Last
Day, performs trivial good deeds, he is supposed to
get paradise according to the Verse under discussion.
But, if a person does not believe, he will not go to
paradise even if he prays throughout his life and
expends billions of dollars in charity.
Therefore, the Faith decides the destination,
and the Deeds decide the level of reward, or the level
of punishment.
There are many levels in the Jannaat
(Paradise) with great differences, as there are
differences on the Earth between the Poor and the
Rich. The position of a Martyred (Shahid) will be
sky-high in relation to a common paradise-dweller.
2. Muslim
People of the Book too can be called Muslims.
However, they do not identify them as Muslims.
When we perform As-Salat, we submit to God
by raising our hands and by prostrating before Him
repeatedly, facing the Kabah. Thus, we surrender to
the God of Abraham through a Way of Worship.
3. Muttaqi
Quran (this Part) is meant for them. They will be
rewarded in the Hereafter like the Prophets of God.
4. Muhsin
Islamic Leadership thinks him physically and/or
morally unfit, or Islamic Leadership thinks that he
does not need any more men in the organization of Al
Muttaqin, and so on.
The Muhsinin remain allied to the Imams of
the Local Mosques with a view to remain allied to the
Highest Islamic Leadership. They are common
members of the Islamic Societies.
The Part-3 of the Quran (Chapter 31 to 114) is
meant for the Muhsinin. According to the Part-3, they
are to do the followings:
a. Perform regular Salat in the local Mosque.
b. Pray extra, especially Tahazzud, at night.
c. Pay Zakat in the local Mosque to send it to
the Highest Islamic Leadership.
d. Pay extra for the cause of God.
e. Believe in the Hereafter.
Muhsinin too will be rewarded greatly in the
Afterlife, even at the scale Al Muttaqin if they can
spend significantly for the cause of God and / or can
pray extra at nights for long periods of time.
The Muhsinin are parts of Islamic Societies. If
the villagers of a village are not commanded by the
Imam of the Local Mosque authorized by the Highest
Islamic Leadership, the villagers should not be called
Muhsinin. They should be called Muslims, though
many of them may be Mumins (Believer) only.
the Mosques at different levels as per
policy given in the Quran. It is economic
power of Islam, so it should be expended
through the mosques. The Zakat should
not be mixed up with the Government tax,
even if the Government were Islamic.
2. My ideas about Mumin, Muslim,
Muttaqin, and Muhsinin differ from
traditional ideas, but my ideas are
supported by the Quran.
5. Conclusion
their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no
fear, nor shall they grieve.”
And you knew well those among you who transgressed in the
matter of the Sabbath. We said to them: "Be you apes,
despised and rejected." So, We made it an example to their
own time and to their posterity, and a lesson to those who
fear Allah.
Section-13 of Chapter-2 [Verse 67–71]: A People (Jews)
unwilling to obey
many questions, answers would come, and the
religion would become complex and difficult to
did not have water. A few observations suggest that
the oceans might have formed due to the fall of water-
bearing asteroids.
Behold! When they meet the men of Faith, they say: “We
believe”. But when they meet each other in private, they say:
“Shall you tell them what Allah has revealed to you that they
may engage you in argument about it before your Lord?”
Do you not understand? Know they not that Allah
knows what they conceal and what they reveal?
And there are among them illiterates, who know not
the Book but desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.
Then woe to those who write the Book with their own
hands and then say: “This is from Allah” to traffic with it for
a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write
and for the gain they make thereby!
And they say: "The Fire shall not touch us, but for a
few numbered days."
Say: "Have you taken a promise from Allah for He
never breaks His promise? Or is it that you say of Allah what
you do not know?" Nay, those who seek gain in evil and are
girt round by their sins, they are Companions of the Fire;
therein shall they abide. But those who have faith and work
righteousness, they are companions of the Jannaat; therein
shall they abide.
parents and kindred and orphans and those in need, speak fair
to the people, be steadfast in prayer, and practise regular
charity—then did you turn back, except a few among you,
and you backslide.
And remember, We took your covenant: Shed no
blood among you, nor turn out your own people from your
homes, and this you solemnly ratified, and to this you can
bear witness.
After this, it is you the same people who slay among
yourselves, and banish a party of you from their homes, assist
against them in guilt and transgression, and if they come to
you as captives, you ransom them, though it was not lawful
for you to banish them.
Then is it only a part of the Book that you believe in,
and do you reject the rest? But what is the reward for those
among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life?
And on the Day of Judgment, they shall be consigned to the
most grievous penalty; for Allah is not unmindful of what
you do.
These are the people who buy the life of this world at
the price of the Hereafter; their penalty shall not be lightened,
nor shall they be helped.
formation of a state). In Canaan, they were living in
tribes for about 125 years.
But they were feeling the need of a Kingdom
and a King and prayed to God through the Prophet of
the time. God made a Kingdom for them led by three
divinely guided Kings, Saul, David and Solomon,
succeeding one another.
In 1025 BCE, Talut (Saul) became the first
king (how he became King is described in Section-41
of this Chapter).
After Talut, his son in law, David, became the
After David, his son, Solomon, became the
Once Solomon died, many of the Jews
revolted against Religious Rule. They wanted heavy
yoke (religious rules) mounted on them to be
Rehoboam (Solomon’s Son) had blessing of
Solomon. After Solomon, he became king, but many
denied to accept him.
A civil war broke out. In and around 930
BCE, the country was divided into two kingdoms.
Southern half of the country including Jerusalem
remained with Rehoboam and was named "Judah".
Solomon's another son, Jeroboam, took the northern
half of the country and named it “Israel”. Many were
killed, looted, and evicted in the process.
FIGURE 2.27: Kingdom of Judah and Israel
available in Holy Bible—it points out present day
According to Holy Bible, these lost tribes will return
to Jerusalem with Jesus Christ.
Present day Afghans may be from the Lost
Tribes. Some of Afghan cultural activities are same as
ancient Jewish cultural activities. They possess
similar physical appearances and eye-colors. The
names of Tribes are similar as well:
2. Kingdom of “Judah” (Southern Kingdom)
yourselves desire not, you are puffed up with pride? Some
you called impostors and others you slay!
They say, "Our hearts are wrapped." Nay, Allah's
curse is on them for their blasphemy—little is it they believe.
And, when there comes to them a Book from Allah
confirming what is with them—although from the old they
had prayed for victory against those without Faith—when
there comes to them that which they have recognized, they
refuse to believe in it, but the curse of Allah is on those
without Faith.
Miserable is the price for which they have sold their
souls—in that they deny which Allah has sent down in
insolent envy that Allah of His Grace should send it to any of
His servants He pleases. Thus, have they drawn on
themselves Wrath upon Wrath; and humiliating is the
punishment of those who reject Faith.
When it is said to them: Believe in what Allah has
sent down, they say, "We believe in what was sent down to
us"—yet they reject all besides, even if it be Truth
confirming what is with them. Say: "Why then have you slain
the prophets of Allah in times gone by, if you did indeed
There came to you Moses with clear signs, yet you
worshipped the Calf after that, and you did behave
And remember, We took your Covenant and We
raised above you of Mount: "Hold firmly to what We have
given you and hearken." They said: "We hear and we
disobey." And their hearts absorbed the Calf because of their
Say: "Worst indeed is that which your faith enjoins on
you, if you are believers!"
Say: "If the last Home with Allah be for you specially
and not for anyone else, then seek you for death if you are
sincere." But they will never seek for death on account of
which their hands have sent on before them. And Allah is
well acquainted with the wrongdoers. You will indeed find
them of all people most greedy of life—even more than the
idolaters. Each one of them wishes he could be given a life of
a thousand years. But the grant of such life will not save him
from punishment. For Allah sees well all that they do.
Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel for he brings it
down to your heart by Allah's will a confirmation of what
went before and guidance and glad tidings for those who
believe—whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and
apostles, to Gabriel and Michael—lo! Allah is an enemy to
those who reject Faith.
We have sent down to you Manifest Verses, and none
reject them but those who are perverse. Is it not that every
time they make a Covenant, some party among them throws
it aside; nay most of them are faithless.
And when there came to them an apostle from Allah
confirming what was with them, a party of the People of the
Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if
they did not know!
They followed what the evil ones gave out against the
power of Solomon; the blasphemers were not Solomon but
the evil ones teaching men magic and such things as came
down at Babylon to the angels, Harut and Marut. But neither
of these taught anyone without saying: "We are only for trial,
so do not blaspheme." They learned from them the means to
sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus
harm anyone except by Allah's permission. And they learned
what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew
that the buyers of (black magic) would have no share in the
happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which
they did sell their souls—if they but knew!
If they had kept their Faith and guarded themselves
from evil, far better had been the reward from their Lord—if
they but knew!
And perform As-Salat and give Zakat. And whatever
good you send forth before you for your souls, you shall find
it with Allah; for Allah sees well all that you do.
And they say: "None shall enter Paradise unless he be
a Jew or a Christian."
Those are their wishful thinking. Say: "Produce your
proof if you are truthful." Nay, whoever submits his face to
Allah and is a doer of good (Muhsinun), he will get his
reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they
The Jews say, "The Christians follow nothing,” and
the Christians say, "The Jews follow nothing," yet they study
the Book (Bible)—like unto their word said who know not—
but Allah will judge between them in their quarrel on the Day
of Judgment.
And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in
places for the worship of Allah His name should be
celebrated—whose zeal is to ruin them? It was not fitting that
such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them,
there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and in the world to
come an exceeding torment. To Allah belong the East and the
West—whither so ever you turn, there is Allah's
countenance; for Allah is All–Embracing, All–Knowing.
They say: "Allah has begotten a son." Glory be to
Him! Nay, to Him belongs all that is in the Skies and Lands;
everything renders worship to Him. To Him is due the primal
origin of the Skies and Lands; when He decrees a matter, He
says to it: "Be," and it is.
And those who have no knowledge say: “Why does
not Allah speak to us or why do not a sign come to us?” So
said the people before them, words of similar import, their
hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto
any people who hold firmly to Faith. Verily, We have sent
you in truth as a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner, but of
you no question shall be asked of the Companions of the
Blazing Fire.
Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with
you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: "The
Guidance of Allah—that is the Guidance." And if you were
to follow their desires after what you have received of
Knowledge, then you would have against Allah neither any
protector, nor any helper. Those to whom We have sent the
Book study it, as it should be studied; they are the ones that
believe therein—those who reject faith therein, the loss is
their own.
O Children of Israel! Call to mind the special favor,
which I bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you to all
others. And guard yourselves against a Day when one soul
shall not avail another, nor shall compensation be accepted
from her, nor shall intercession profit her, nor shall anyone be
Segment 4
A New Ummah Created
"Our Lord! Make of us Muslims to Thy, and of our
progeny a people Muslim to Thy, and show us our ways of
worship and turn unto us; for You are the Oft–Returning,
Most Merciful.”
"Our Lord! Send among them an Apostle of their own
who shall rehearse Thy Verses to them and instruct them in
Scripture and Wisdom and sanctify them; for You are the
Exalted in Might, the Wise."
And, who turns away from the Religion of Abraham
except him who befools himself? Truly, We chose him in this
world, and verily in the Hereafter he will be among the
Behold! His Lord said to him: "Bow". He said: "I bow
to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universes."
And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so
did Jacob: "Oh my sons! Allah has chosen the Faith for you;
then die not except in the State of Submission.
Were you witness when death appeared before Jacob?
Behold, he said to his sons: "What will you worship after
me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy God and the God of
thy fathers—of Abraham, Ismail, and Isaac—the one God; to
Him we bow."
That was a People that have passed away. They shall
reap the fruit of what they did, and you of what you do! Of
their merits there is no question in your case!
Section-20 of Chapter-2 [Verse 135-141]: They shall reap
the fruit of what they did, and you of what you do!
Section-21 of Chapter-2 [Verse 142-150]: Formation of a
New Ummah
The fools among the people will say: “What has turned them
from the Qiblah to which they were used?” Say: “To Allah
belong both East and West; He guides whom He will to a
Way that is Straight.”
Thus, have We made of you an Ummah justly
balanced that you might be witnesses over the nations, and
the Apostle, a witness over yourselves.
And We appointed the Qiblah to which you were
used only to test those who followed the Apostle from those
who would turn on their heels. Indeed, it was momentous,
except to those guided by Allah, and never would Allah make
your faith of no effect; for Allah is to all people most surely
Full of Kindness, Most Merciful.
We see the turning of your face to the sky; now shall
We turn you to a Qiblah that shall please you. Turn then your
face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you
are, turn your faces in that direction. The People of the Book
know well that that is the truth from their Lord, nor is Allah
unmindful of what they do.
Even if you were to bring to the People of the Book
all the Signs, they would not follow your Qiblah, nor are you
going to follow their Qiblah, nor indeed will they follow each
other's Qiblah. Verily, if you follow their desires after that
which you have received of knowledge, then indeed you will
be one of the wrongdoers.
The People of the Book know this, as they know their
own sons, but some of them conceal the truth, which they
themselves know. The Truth is from your Lord, so be not at
all in doubt—to each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then
strive together towards all that is good. Where-so-ever you
are Allah will bring you together; for Allah has power over
all things.
From where-so-ever you start forth, turn your face in
the direction of the Sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth
from your Lord; and Allah is not unmindful of what you do.
So, from where-so-ever you start forth, turn your face
in the direction of the Sacred Mosque; and where-so-ever you
are, turn your face thither—that there be no ground of dispute
against you among the people, except those of them that are
bent on wickedness. So, fear them not, but fear Me; and that I
may complete My favors on you, and you may be guided.
rituals, policies and guidance. Thus, it forms the
Ummah deliberately.
FIGURE 2.29: They know this as they know their
own sons.
Segment 5
Laws and Rituals of the New Ummah
and openly declare. To them I turn; for I am Oft–Returning,
Most Merciful.
The main aim of attending Arafat is to hear
the lecture of Islamic Leadership.
Section-25 of Chapter-2 [Verse 168-176]: Food Halal /
O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have
provided for you, and be grateful to Allah if it is Him you
worship. He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood,
and the flesh of swine and that on which any other name has
been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by
necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due
limits, then is he guiltless; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Verily, those who conceal what Allah has sent down
of the Book and purchased a small gain therewith they eat
into their bellies nothing but fire. Allah will not speak to
them on the Day of Resurrection, nor purify them, and theirs
will be a painful torment. They are the ones who buy Error in
place of Guidance and Torment in place of Forgiveness—Ah!
What boldness for the Fire! Because Allah sent down the
Book in truth, but those who seek causes of dispute in the
Book are in a schism far.
pain and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such
are the People of Truth, and they are Al-Muttaqin.
bequest for Parents and Next of Kin (Children),
because some of them may be poor and deserve more.
The Verses allow making bequest for Parents
and Next of Kin only. One is not allowed to make
bequest for anybody else, even for a religious or
charitable organization. If one wants to spend
something in charity, one should spend it in one’s
Permitted to you on the night of the fasts is the
approach to your wives—they are your garments and you are
their garments; Allah knows what you used to do secretly
among yourselves, but He turned to you and forgave you. So,
now associate with them and seek what Allah has ordained
for you, and eat and drink until the white thread of dawn
appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete
your fast till the night appears. But do not associate with your
wives while you are in retreat in the mosques. Those are
limits of Allah—approach not nigh thereto.
Thus, does Allah make clear His Verses to men that
they may learn self-restraint.
They ask you concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but
signs to mark fixed periods of time in men and for
pilgrimage. It is no virtue if you enter your houses from the
back. It is virtue if you fear Allah. Enter houses through the
proper doors. And fear Allah that you may prosper.
Section-32 of Chapter-2 [Verse 190-195]: Jihad (Main
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not
transgress limits; for Allah love not transgressors. And slay
them wherever you catch them and turn them out from where
they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are
worse than slaughter. But fight them not at the Sacred
Mosque unless they fight you there. But if they fight you,
slay them; such is the reward of those who suppress faith. But
if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
And fight them on until there is no more tumult or
oppression and there prevail justice and faith in Allah, but if
they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who
practise oppression.
The prohibited month, for the prohibited month and
so, for all things prohibited there is the law of equality. If
then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you,
transgress you likewise against him. But fear Allah and know
that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah
and make not your own hands contribute to destruction but
do good; for Allah loves those who do good.
The Furqan (War Book) that starts at Chapter-
3 and ends at Chapter-9 guides the Offensive Jihad.
1. Defensive Jihad
2. Offensive Jihad
The Jihad is fought by Al Muttaqin who are
oath (Bayah) bound to the Islamic Leadership to fight
for the cause of Allah. They are pious people and
follow the guidance of the Quran strictly.
In light of the Quran, the Offensive Jihad can
be carried out to fulfill the following aims only:
a. To remove the Taghut (Powers) ruling Pagan
(Idolater) Societies so that the Pagans can
accept Islam safely and peacefully.
b. To neutralize the Munafiqun (Hypocrites)
with a view to keep Islamic Societies
supportive to the Highest Islamic Leadership.
c. To maintain peace among Muslims when one
of the groups of conflicting Muslims has
denied to obey the mediation of the Highest
Islamic Leadership.
The above points are deliberated as under:
Pagans. The matter is discussed in Section-5 of
Islam was preached in the Home of Ummah
(called Darussalam / Home of Peace) through the way
of struggle and warfare. The Home spans from
Morocco to Himalaya. The span is clarified in the
Introduction of War Book given after this Chapter.
The Home is already established by Sahabah
and their immediate followers. There is no Pagan in
the Home at present. Now, the War Book is to
maintain Islam in the Home.
Preaching Islam in the Way of the War Book
is not allowed beyond the Home of Ummah. Such
efforts have failed in Spain and East Europe. Islam is
supposed to be preached beyond the Home by Sufis
and Daees, as it was preached among Turkic, Mongol,
Indian, Indonesian and Malaysian People. It is
clarified in the Introduction of Part-2 (Part-2 of 3 of
this Tafsir).
“If two parties among the Believers
fall into a quarrel, make ye peace
between them; but if one of them
transgresses beyond bounds against the
other, then fight ye against the one that
transgresses, until it complies with the
command of Allah. But if it complies,
then make peace between them with
justice, and be fair; for Allah loves
those who are fair. The Believers are
but a single Brotherhood, so make
peace and reconciliation between your
two (contending) brothers, and fear
God that ye may receive Mercy.”
[Al Quran 49:9–10]
3. Conclusion
expeditions beyond Constantinople cannot be
termed as Jihad.
• The Battles to capture and protect
Constantinople were Jihad because it was the
seat of Byzantine Empire who were protecting
or were destined to protect Arab Pagans.
Prophet (pbuh) foresaw the capture of
Constantinople and instructed accordingly.
until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. And if any of
you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp, in compensation (of
not shaving the head) either fast or feed the poor or offer
And when you are in peaceful conditions, if anyone
wishes to continue the Umrah on to the Hajj, he must make
an offering, such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it,
he should fast three days during the Hajj and seven days on
his return, making ten days in all. This is for those whose
household is not in the Sacred Mosque. And fear Allah and
know that Allah is strict in punishment.
For Hajj are the months well known; if anyone
undertakes that duty therein, let there be no obscenity, nor
wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good
you do, Allah know it. And take a provision for the journey,
but the best of provisions is right conduct. So, fear Me, O you
that are wise.
It is no crime in you if you seek of the bounty of your
Lord. Then when you pour down from Arafat, celebrate the
praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument and celebrate His
praises as He has directed you, even though before this you
went astray.
Then depart from the place when all people depart
and ask Allah for His Forgiveness. For Allah is Oft-
Forgiving, Most Merciful.
So, when you have accomplished your holy rites,
celebrate the praises of Allah, as you used to celebrate the
praises of your fathers—yea, with far more heart and soul.
There are men who say, "Our Lord! Give us in this world!"
But they will have no portion in the Hereafter. And there are
men who say, "Our Lord! Give us good in this world and
good in the Hereafter and defend us from the torment of the
Fire!" To these will be allotted what they have earned; and
Allah is quick in account.
Celebrate the praises of Allah during the Appointed
Days. But if anyone hastens to leave in two days, there is no
blame on him; and if any one stays on, there is no blame on
him if his aim is to do right. Then fear Allah and know that
you will surely be gathered unto Him.
There is the type of man whose speech about this world's life
may dazzle you, and he calls Allah to witness about what is
in his heart, yet is he the most contentious of enemies. When
he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief
through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah love
not mischief. When it is said to him, "Fear Allah", he is led
by arrogance to crime. Enough for him is hell—an evil bed
And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn
the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is full of kindness to
devotees. O you who believe! Enter into Islam whole-
heartedly, and follow not the footsteps of Satan; for he is to
you an avowed enemy. If you backslide after the clear
(Verses) have come to you, then know that Allah is Exalted
in Power, Wise.
Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies
of clouds with angels, and the question is settled? But to
Allah do all questions go back. Ask the Children of Israel,
how many clear (Signs) We have sent them. And who-ever
changes Allah’s favour after it had come to him and accept
disbelieve (Kufr), then surely Allah is severe in punishment.
The life of this world is alluring to those who reject
faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous
will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for Allah
bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will.
They ask you, what they should spend. Say: "Whatever you
spend that is good; it is for parents, and kindred, and orphans,
and those in want, and for wayfarers. And whatever you do
that is good; Allah knows it well.
Section-37 of Chapter-2 [Verse 216-218]: Fighting in the
Path of Allah
They ask you concerning orphans. Say: “The best
thing to do is what is for their good.” If you mix their affairs
with yours, they are your brethren—but Allah knows the man
who means mischief from the man who means good.
And if Allah had wished, He could have put you into
difficulties; He is indeed Exalted in Power, Wise.
souls beforehand and fear Allah, and know that you are to
meet Him; and give good tidings to those who believe.
For those who take an oath for abstention from their wives, a
waiting for four months is ordained. If then they return, Allah
is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. But, if their intention is firm
for divorce, Allah hears and knows all things.
settle the divorce. The wife takes what she is
supposed to get and can marry another man.
The Parties can reunite the husband and wife
by mediation, but for twice in their life time. If
husband and wife have completed the acts of the Oath
of Abstention for the third time, the Parties must settle
the issue by making the divorce effective.
Then the following Verses become applicable
on them:
Subsection C: Concluding the Divorce
When you divorce women and they fulfill the term of their
(four months), either take them back on equitable terms or set
them free on equitable terms, but do not take them back to
injure them, to take undue advantage; if any one does that, he
wrongs his own soul.
Do not treat Allah's Verses as a jest, but solemnly
rehearse Allah's favors on you and the fact that He sent down
to you the Book and Wisdom for your instruction. And fear
Allah and know that Allah is well acquainted with all things.
When you divorce women and they fulfill the term of
their (four months) do not prevent them from marrying their
husbands if they mutually agree on equitable terms. This
instruction is for all among you who believe in Allah and the
Last Day. That is most virtue and purity among you. And
Allah knows, and you know not.
The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole
years, if the father desires to complete the term. But, he shall
bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms.
No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear.
No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child,
nor father on account of his child and on the heir like that. If
they both decide on stopping (stopping to give suck by
mother) by mutual consent and after due consultation, there is
no blame on them. If you decide on a foster mother for your
offspring, there is no blame on you provided you pay what
you offered on equitable terms. But fear Allah and know that
Allah sees well what you do.
Subsection E: Marriage of Widow
If any of you die and leave widows behind, they shall wait
concerning themselves four months and ten days. When they
have fulfilled their term, there is no blame on you if they
dispose of themselves in a just and reasonable manner. And
Allah is well acquainted with what you do.
Subsection G: Mahr (Dowry) in case of Mutah Marriage
Section-44 of Chapter-2 [Verse 246-260]: Islamic
Leadership (Main Discussion)
Have you not turned your vision to the Chiefs of the Children
of Israel after Moses? They said to a prophet among them:
"Appoint for us a king that we may fight in the cause of
turned back, except a small band among them. But Allah has
full knowledge of those who do wrong.
Their Prophet said to them: "Allah has appointed
Talut as king over you."
They said: "How can he exercise authority over us
when we are better fitted than he to exercise authority, and he
is not even gifted with wealth in abundance?"
He said, "Allah has chosen him above you, and has
gifted him abundantly with knowledge and stature; Allah
grants His authority to whom He pleases. Allah is All–
Embracing, and He knows all things."
And their Prophet said to them: "A sign of his
authority is that there shall come to you the Ark of the
Covenant with therein of security from your Lord and the
relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron
carried by angels. In this is a symbol for you if you indeed
have faith."
then. To them, the Leadership meant the Leadership
of Madinah only.
Ultimately, majority of people took the Bayah
of Hadrat Abu Bakr, and he became the first leader.
Abu Bakr used to call himself “Caliphatur Rasul”,
which means “Representative of Prophet”.
The Highest Islamic Leadership (Highest
Imam / Caliph) works as the Guardian of the Islamic
Ummah. He commands the Guards (the Forces of Al
Muttaqin / an unpaid paramilitary force from the
pious people). He collects zakat through the mosques
at different levels and spends it according to the
Assembly, of which there is no
doubt—some will be in the Jannaat,
and some in the Blazing Fire.
If Allah had so willed, He
could have made them a single people,
but He admits whom He will to His
Mercy; and the Wrong-doers will have
no protector, nor helper.”
[Al Quran 42:7-8]
ceremonial guards. He did not circulate money. He
did not collect tax. He did not make Paid Army and
Police. He did not establish any Court. He did not
have Ministers. He did not have Majlis al Shura /
So, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not make
a Government. He fought only to remove the Taghuts
(Powers) so that the Pagans could accept Islam freely
and peacefully. He led the people from the Mosque of
Prophet (pbuh) sent Amirs (Leaders) in
captured areas. They too controlled the people from
the Mosques. They collected zakat and sent it to
Prophet (pbuh) to spend it according to the Quran.
Therefore, the Islamic Leadership is based in
the Mosques at different levels. They sit in the
Mosques and lead regular prayers. They were easily
approachable to the people.
So, in standard scenario, the Highest Islamic
Leadership should be the Imam of the Mosque of
Madinah or of the Great Mosque of Kufa.
At national level, a National Leader should be
the Imam of a prominent Mosque of his state.
The National Imam should have Zonal Imams
under him, and the Zonal Imams should have
Community Imams under them.
The Imams of the Community (Village)
Mosques are the grassroots.
The above chain may have more tiers. The
whole Islamic World should be under one Leadership,
establish through the Mosques at different levels.
The Highest Islamic Leadership is the
Commander of the Guards (Al Muttaqin) as well,
through a different chain of command. They are like a
Paramilitary Force, but unpaid.
The Home of Ummah (Darussalam) is a huge
land with many nations and states. The National /
State Leadership may be a King / Amir / President /
Prime Minister. He may be selected, elected, or
existing traditionally. He should be oath (bayah)
bound to the Highest Islamic Leadership to follow his
orders. He should circulate money, collect taxes, and
maintain Paid Army, Police, Justice System and
Government Departments.
Thus, in every Islamic country, there will be
two Military Forces. One is the Forces of Al Muttaqin
under the Highest Islamic Leadership. Another is the
National Defense Forces of the state under the
National Leadership.
The Quran does not say that the whole
Ummah should be under a single Government. Each
state should be governed independently. Otherwise,
some nations will think that they are being subjugated
in the name of Islam. However the Highest Islamic
Leadership cannot be divided, as it is said in Chapter-
wrongdoers will have a grievous
penalty.” [Al Quran 42:21]
An Islamic Leadership should not run a
National / State Government directly. A Government
often gets corrupted and earns bad name, which is
counter-productive to the Islam Leadership. The
Governments, circulating money, collecting taxes,
maintaining regular Armies, Police, Judicial Systems,
Utility Services, etc., should be run by Kings /
Presidents / Prime Ministers / Amirs / Governors, etc.
The Highest Islamic Leadership may choose
Governors (as Kings / Amirs / Presidents / Prime
Ministers, etc.), or the Governors may be elected by
people from the ones chosen by the Highest Islamic
Leadership. They may be traditional Kings or Amirs
as well, loyal to the Highest Islamic Leadership
through Bayah.
The Governments should maintain the Justice
Systems, but the punishments of the crimes,
mentioned in the Quran, must be according to the
Quran. And, the System must follow the procedure of
the Quran to Judge and execute the punishment. The
Islamic Leadership remains observant.
Salat and Zakat often come together in the
Quran. So, both are based in the mosque. Zakat must
be collected by the mosques. It should be sent to the
Highest Islamic Leadership to spend according to the
The responsibility of a common Muslim ends
after giving Zakat to the Local Mosque. If a person
does not pay Zakat to the mosque of his area, it
should be considered as Individual Charity, not Zakat.
The rate of Zakat may be fixed by the Highest
Islamic Leadership. It may not be 2.5 percent in all
cases, at all times. But he cannot forgive it totally,
because there are needy people.
And did not Allah check one set of people by means
of another, the Earth would indeed be full of mischief. But
Allah is full of bounty to all the Worlds.
These are the Verses of Allah; We rehearse them to
you in truth; verily you are one of the apostles.
If Allah had so willed, succeeding generations would
not have fought among each other after Clear (Signs) had
come to them, but they to wrangle—some believing and
others rejecting.
If Allah had so willed, they would not have fought
each other, but Allah fulfills His plan.
demonstrated in Madinah how a Mosque based
society should be. He has set the culture among
Muslims. The Islamic leadership at national and
international level may diminish, but Islamic System,
even being greatly weakened, survives at social level,
awaiting revitalization.
In this respect, we should understand the
Evolution of Islamic Leadership too, and decide our
future acts.
of Arabs. However, the Christianity is greatly
deviated. They should become Muslims now.
In those days, many Arabians used to send
their babies to grow with the nomad tribes so that they
become fit to survive in the harsh terrain. Muawiyah
sent his son, Yazid, to his mother’s tribe. Thus, Yazid
became more of a Christian than a Muslim.
After Hazrat Ali, the People of Madinah
elected Hadrat Hasan ibn Ali as the Caliph.
Muawiyah pressurized Hadrat Hasan and neutralized
him through a treaty. The terms of the treaty
stipulated that he (Muawiyah) would become Caliph
but would not nominate a successor.
Hadrat Hasan was killed by poisoning in 670
CE. Later, in 676 CE, Muawiyah nominated his son
Yazid as his successor.
After the death of Muawiyah, Hadrat Husayn
ibn Ali, younger brother of Hadrat Hasan, was going
to Kufa to rule as a Caliph from the Great Mosque of
Kufa. Hadrat Husayn had his family and a few Al
Muttaqin with him. Yazid attacked them with his
regular Army assisted by Syrian tribal forces and
killed them on the way at Karbala.
Subsequently, Yazid invaded Madinah and
punished the people by massive killing and
destruction. The city was plundered for three days.
Around one thousand women were raped. Thus, the
People of Madinah left nominating Caliph forever.
Many Sahabah from Madinah were killed due
to the battles of Camel and Siffin. Yazid killed the
rest almost.
After the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
if the people of Madinah selected Hadrat Ali as the
Caliph, they and their children would not die in this
way. Prophet (pbuh) clearly nominated Hazrat Ali as
the next Leader.
They maintain the Guards (Al Muttaqin) under the
name of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
In the last 40 years, they have produced the
Fourth Generation Fighter Aircraft. They have
produced jet engine, advanced submarines, and
missiles with hi-tech guidance system. They have put
satellites in the space. It is because they are happy
now and dedicated to their jobs.
Similar development has been made by Turks
under Recep Tayyip Erdogan. However, Turkey lacks
well organized religious establishments.
Thus, we feel us winners. We are not fools
fighting disjointed battles here and there. We are
promising people in the Religion of Abraham.
are all things in the Skies and Lands. Who is there can
intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows
what is before or after or behind them. Nor shall they
compass aught of His knowledge except what He willed.
Extends His throne (Kursi) into the Skies and Lands, and the
guarding of both of them (Samawaat and Jannaat) does not
tire Him; for He is the Most High, the Supreme.
Let there be no compulsion in religion; Truth stands
out Clear from Error. Whoever rejects evil and believes in
Allah has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never
breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.
Allah is the Protector of those who have faith—from
the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of
those who reject faith, the patrons are Taghut—from light
they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They
will be Companions of the Fire to dwell therein.
together and clothe them with flesh". When this was shown
clearly to him, he said, "I know that God has power over all
Islam was again defeated in the First World
War. It is reviving now.
Thus, the above story of Uzayr tells Muslims
not to be disheartened.
Many died. But people should not be sorry for
that. Everybody has to die one day. Allah will bring
them back to life on the Day of Judgment, as the
following story of Abraham narrates:
Section-45 of Chapter-2 [Verse 261–274]: Spend in the
Way of Allah
children are not strong that it should be caught in a whirlwind
with fire therein, and be burnt up? Thus, does Allah make
clear to you Verses that you may consider.
O you who believe, give of the good things which you
have earned and of the fruits of the earth which We have
produced for you, and do not even aim at getting anything
which is bad in order that out of it you may give away
something, when you yourselves would not receive it except
with closed eyes; and know that Allah is free of all wants and
worthy of all praise.
The Satan threatens you with poverty and bids you to
conduct unseemly. Allah promises you His forgiveness and
bounties. And Allah cares for all and He knows all things.
He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he, to
whom wisdom is granted, receives indeed a benefit
overflowing—but none will grasp the message but men of
And whatever you spend in charity or devotion, be
sure Allah knows it all, but the wrongdoers have no helpers.
If you disclose charity, even so it is well, but if you
conceal them and make them reach those in need, that is best
for you; it will remove from you some of your evil. And
Allah is well acquainted with what you do.
It is not required of you to set them on the right path,
but Allah sets on the right path whom He pleases. Whatever
of good you give, benefits your own souls, and you shall only
do so seeking the Face of Allah.
Whatever good you give shall be rendered back to
you, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.
For those in need, who in Allah's cause are restricted
and cannot move about in the land seeking—the ignorant
man thinks because of their modesty that they are free from
want—you shall know them by their mark; they do not beg
the people at all; and whatever of good you give, be assured
Allah knows it well.
Those who spend of their goods by night and by day
in secret and in public have their reward with their Lord; on
them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one
whom Satan by his touch has driven to madness. That is
because they say, "Trade is like usury", but Allah has
permitted trade and forbidden usury. Those who after
receiving direction from their Lord desist shall be pardoned
for the past, their case is for Allah, but those who repeat are
companions of the fire. They will abide therein.
Allah will deprive usury of all blessing but will give
increase for deeds of charity; for He loves not creatures
ungrateful and wicked.
Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness,
and perform As-Salat, and give Zakat will have their reward
with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they
O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what
remained of usury if you are indeed Believers. If you do it
not, take notice of war from Allah and His apostle. But if you
turn back, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not
unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.
If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time till it is
easy for him to repay. But if you remit it by way of charity,
that is best for you if you only knew. And fear the day when
you shall be brought back to Allah. Then shall every soul be
paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly.
he can take money from the business in fixed rate on
projected profit, even if the business may be losing at
that time—it is halal because the profit or loss of a big
business is not a matter of short time, and in above
Verse, the business is declared halal. Here main point
is that he cannot go beyond the business.
For example, if the business is finally lost, he
can claim his money from the money that is
recoverable from the dead business; but if it does not
cover, he cannot ask to fulfill the amount from other
source that the person running the business may have.
If he does it, he will go beyond the business and
whatever benefits he took from the beginning to the
end will be considered as usury (riba).
The loan provider must not keep anything in
mortgage. If he has kept anything in mortgage, he has
already put a hand beyond the business, so he is
taking usury. He will only make the written deed of
However, pledge with possession is allowed
during a travel (discussed in the Verses of the next
Then what is usury? If a poor take loan from
one to meet up his basic need such as marriage,
construction of residential house, cultivation of land,
treatment, education, or for any other reason that is
not a business directly, and one takes interest from it,
then it is usury / riba.
Therefore, taking interest from a Bank is halal,
if the bank fulfills following conditions:
a. The bank invests from the deposits of
Accounts where depositors are agreed to
invest in business and ready to accept loss.
Depositors agree as well to make a common
fund and take benefit on flat-rate from overall
benefit. The Accounts may have a different
name, such as “Business Account”.
b. The bank takes benefit from the business in
which it invests.
c. The bank keeps written deed of business
where no option is kept to go beyond the
business establishment to recover the capital
amount in case the business is closed down
due to loss or any other reason.
d. The bank does not keep anything in mortgage.
The bank may keep ownership of a part of the
business in which it is investing.
e. The system is better suitable in an Islamic
Country where punishment of theft is cutting
of hand. Otherwise, money provided by the
bank may be stolen showing loss.
Finally, the Verses declare the taking of usury
as sin, but it does not declare the giving of usury as
sin. So, a person, giving interest to the Bank for his
loan will not get any sin, but the Bank and the
depositors of money in the Bank will get the sin.
him, so let him write. Let him who incurs the liability dictate
but let him fear His Lord God and not diminish aught of what
he owes.
If the party liable is mentally deficient or weak or
unable himself to dictate, let his guardian dictate faithfully.
And get two witnesses out of your own men; and if there are
not two men, then a man and two women, such as you choose
for witnesses so that if one of them errs, the other can remind
The witnesses should not refuse when they are called
Disdain not to reduce to writing for a future period
whether it be small or big—it is more just in the sight of
Allah, more suitable as evidence, and more convenient to
prevent doubts among yourselves.
But if it be a transaction, which you carry out on the
spot among yourselves, there is no blame on you if you
reduce it not to writing. But take witness whenever you make
a commercial contract and let neither scribe nor witness
suffer harm. If you do, it would be wickedness in you. So,
fear Allah—for it is Allah that teaches you; and Allah is well
acquainted with all things.
If you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe—a
pledge with possession; and if one of you deposits a thing on
trust with another, let the trustee discharge his trust, and let
him fear his Lord. Conceal not evidence; for whoever
conceals it his heart is tainted with sin; and Allah knows all
that you do.
To Allah belong all that is in the Skies and all that is
on the land. Whether you show what is in your minds or
conceal it, Allah calls you to account for it. He forgives
whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases; for Allah
has power over all things.
Looking back into the history, we see that they
fulfilled their mission extremely well. May Allah
bless them all.
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Scientific Tafsir of the Quran
Part 1 of 3 [Chapter 2 to 9]
Introduction of the War Book
[Chapter-3 to 9]
Morocco to the Pamirs. It is a Book of warfare. So, I have
translated "Furqan" as "War Book".
Such Book was given in the Torah as well, where it is
called "War Scroll". It is found with the Dead Sea Scroll.
Therefore, the Part-1 of the Quran (Guidance for the
Guards) has two major portions:
• Chapter-2 forms the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) by giving out the Qiblah and the Laws.
• Chapter-3 to Chapter-9 is the War Book that
expanded the Ummah and established its Home.
1. Home of Ummah
which came before it, that thou may warn the
‘Mother of Cities’ and all around her. Those
who believe in the Hereafter believe in this,
and they are constant in guarding their
Prayers.” [Al Quran 6:92]
there over the face of all the earth, and they
left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name
was called Babel, because there
the LORD confused the language of all the
earth. And from there the LORD dispersed
them over the face of all the earth”
[Genesis 11:1-32, Holy Bible (ESV)]
“Thus, have We sent by inspiration to thee an
Arabic Qur'an that thou may warn the Mother
of Cities and all around her, and warn of the
Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt;
some will be in the Jannaat, and some in the
Blazing Fire.” [Al Quran 42:7]
Peter was one of 12 Companions (Hawariyyun) of
Jesus Christ.
The Furqan guided the Guards through the Path of Jihad that
flared up the conversion of Pagans (Idol Worshippers) in
many folds and established Islam in the Home of Ummah
rapidly. In this area (Morocco to Pamirs), the Taghuts
(Powers) were removed by physical fighting. So, the Pagans
could accept Islam in safety.
“If it had been thy Lord's will, they would all
have believed—all who are on earth! Will
thou then compel mankind, against their will,
to believe!
No soul can believe, except by the will
of God, and He will place doubt on those who
will not understand.
[Al Quran 10:99-100]
1. The Principle of War
2. Ancient Principles
b. The Sun Tzu’s book, “The Art of War”, written about 400
BCE listed five Principals of War:
• The Moral Law, or discipline and unity of
• Heaven, or weather factors
• Earth, or the terrain
• The Commander
• Method and discipline, which included logistics
and supply
4a. The U.S. Army’s “Field Manual 100-5” has adopted the
following basic principles:
• Objective - Direct every military operation toward a
clearly defined, decisive and attainable objective.
"The ultimate military purpose of war is the
destruction of the enemy's armed forces and will to
• Offensive - Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative.
Even in defense, a military organization is expected to
maintain a level of aggressiveness by patrolling and
launching limited counter-offensives.
• Mass - Mass the effects of overwhelming combat
power at the decisive place and time.
• Economy of Force - Employ all combat power
available in the most effective way possible; allocate
minimum essential combat power to secondary
• Maneuver - Place the enemy in a position of
disadvantage through the flexible application of
combat power.
• Unity of Command - For every objective, seek unity
of command and the unity of effort.
• Security - Never permit the enemy to acquire
unexpected advantage.
• Surprise - Strike the enemy at a time or place or in a
manner for which he is unprepared.
• Simplicity - Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and
concise orders to ensure thorough understanding.
• Sustainability - To sustain a force is to generate the
means by which its fighting power and freedom of
action are maintained.
d. It gives Force Ratio, and the ways of Perseverance
and Reengagement.
e. It gives the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT keeping
the need of Preaching and Reconciliation in view.
f. It develops Islamic Families and Societies as
Economic and Administrative Back-up.
g. It has debriefed the fought battles.
h. It develops men’s spirituality for sustained
warfare and reconciles war-stricken hearts.
i. It declares Rewards in this Life and Afterlife.
The Furqan not only ordered for war, it produced the
people that will fulfill the purpose of war. Their presence and
activities inspired the pagans of the captured territories to
accept Islam. Otherwise, a religion could not be preached
simply by struggle and warfare.
The process of preaching through struggle and
warfare is not meant for preaching among People of the
Book. As one will go through the War Book (Furqan), one
will know that it allows fighting the People of Book when
they are protecting Pagans or they have attacked first.
So, the capture of Spain and beyond by the Moors or
the capture of East Europe by the Ottomans had no relation
with the Furqan (except in case of Constantinople). From the
age old times, these peoples were fighting with each other;
these wars were continuation of the same fighting. For
• Ancient Persia captured parts of Africa and
• Then Europe (Greece and Rome) captured Central
Asia and Parts of Africa.
• After the rise of Islam, Arabs and Turkic People
captured Spain and East Europe.
• In the First World War, Europe captured Africa
and Middle East.
• In 2003 USA captured Iraq.
Chapter 3 [Ali 'Imran THE FAMILY OF
The Furqan (War Book) starts from this Surah and ends at
Chapter-9 (Surah Tawbah).
The Surah sets the purpose of the Furqan as to
vanquish the Rejecters of Faith (Pagans / Idolaters). It
discusses People of the Book because many Arab Pagans, in
the Home of Ummah, were under the protection of Roman
Byzantine Emperors and Christian Kings.
The People in the Home of Ummah were tribal. A
man from a tribe could not accept Islam if the Tribal Chief
did not have accepted it. A Tribal Chief would not accept
Islam if the King and the Emperor had not accepted it. So the
Taghuts (Emperors, Kings and Tribal Chiefs) were removed
by Jihad, and the common people became free to accept
The Surah discusses the evolution of Christianity and
highlights their weaknesses (the Jews were discussed in
previous Chapter). It motivated Muslims to fight against
them, because their rule in the Middle East was detrimental
to the preaching of Islam.
The Furqan discusses several battles to bring out the
weaknesses of the Muttaqin (Guards) and suggests corrective
measures. It is done in modern days as well. In Military
Academies, old and recent battles are deliberately taught.
This Surah discusses important lessons brought out
from the Battle of Uhud. Muslims would experience similar
hard time while fighting against Byzantine Forces.
From this Surah, the Furqan (War Book) gradually
develops the simple Arabs and carry them into the
international arena where they are declared to be the best of
peoples: “You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind,
enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and
believing in Allah.” The Verse talks about the Sahabah. They
have established the Quran that clearly differentiates the right
and the wrong. It establishes perfect Faith on one God
The Surah gives deliberate ideas about Paradise and
Section 17 [Verse 95–99]: Call to Christians to follow the
religion of Abraham and Visit Kabah
Section 18 [Verse 100–109]: Way to counter the aggressions
of the People of the Book.
Segment 4: Conclusion
Tafsir of the Surah
Segment 1
The Furqan and its Purpose
However, the Furqan is not a separate Book; it
is a Book within a Book (that is the Quran). So, we
call the Quran by the name of “Furqan” as well.
The Furqan is not identified as a separate
Book, probably because some people would reject the
Book saying it to be a Book for the Sahabah only. But
Allah has not cancelled any Verse. The whole Quran,
from Chapter-1 to Chapter-114, is equally applicable
for all people at all times to contemplate and follow as
The Furqan starts at Chapter-3 and ends at
Chapter-9. It reached to the climax in Chapter-9
(Surah Tawbah). Al Muttaqin were advancing step-
by-step and captured Makkah. The gain was protected
by the Battle of Hunain. At that time, the Surah
Tawbah was revealed. Indeed, Surah Tawbah
commissioned the Muttaqin as the Forces of Allah
where Allah gave the order of subsequent wars
directly. It is the Surah at the Peak of the Furqan.
The Direction of War given in Chapter-9
(Surah Tawbah) is as under:
After this, the Pagans turned to Islam in masses.
Decades of Prophet’s (pbuh) endeavor and his
victories fascinated them already toward Islam. In
most of the cases, only the Taghuts (Opposing Tribal
Chiefs) were defeated and the people under them
happily accepted Islam.
The most important ‘Rule of Engagement’
given in Surah Tawbah is as under:
“If one amongst the Pagans asks thee
for asylum, grant it to him so that he
may hear the word of God; and then
escort him to where he can be secure.
That is because they are men without
[Al Quran (Surah Tawbah) 9:6]
“…of the People of the Book, until they pay Jizya with
willing submission and feel themselves subdued.”
Main aim was to convert all Pagans living in
the Home of Ummah (Morocco to Himalaya). But in
most of Arab Lands, the Pagans were under the
protection of Roman Byzantine Empire and allied
Christian Kings. So, Christians had to be subdued.
They were to be neutralized to the level that they pay
Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves
Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet, so
the job could not be left for another day. The
application of Force to put people into a system was
The Verses under discussion highlight that the
Quran confirms the old Books, such as the Torah and
the Gospel, but the Furqan does not confirm. The
Gospel does not order for Jihad. It aims to convert
people by motivation, prophecies, and miracles. But
the Furqan applies force.
In the old times, Jews fought several religious
battles. So, Moses too was given with a Furqan (War
Finally, once one will go through the Tafsir,
one will understand that from Chapter 3 to 9 is the
War Book of the Quran. In this Part, precise
understanding is necessary; otherwise it may create
harming misconceptions.
some Verses in the Quran, which nobody will ever
understand. But such Verses that nobody will ever
understand would not be revealed by Allah. So, I have
broken the Verse by a full stop at the point of the star
(*) and have put the trailing part of the Verse in the
next Paragraph. Now the Verses are giving reasonable
statement. It may also be mentioned that the
punctuations are not divine revelations.
There are allegorical Verses in the Quran,
which choreographs the deep thoughts. But, due to the
lack of knowledge, the Verses are often explained
differently and with ambiguity. If the explanation or
understanding of an allegorical Verse counters a clear
Verse of the Quran, the clear Verse is to be followed
by the Muttaqin (Guards), not the allegorical Verse.
The Verses do not put bar to the study of the
Quran; it put bar in the seeking of discord with the
This Part (War Book / Chapter-3 to Chapter-9)
of the Quran is driving the Muttaqin into the Jihad.
So, at the outset, the Part is suppressing the
counterproductive concepts that can be brought out
from the allegorical Verses.
However, the allegorical Verses are not
contradictory to the other Verses. The contradictions
arise due to poor understanding.
The Verses may also put extra burden on a
Muttaqi. For example, by analyzing the allegorical
Verses, a person may turn to Sufism. To a Muttaqi,
practicing Sufism may be an extra burden, when in
reality he is doing a tough job (Jihad). So, the person
turning to Sufism should keep his knowledge within
him, or within a few followers of him who are not
from Muttaqin. He must not divert a potential Muttaqi
as well from the path of Jihad.
As well as, he must not establish a Sufi
Tarikah (path) for common people and isolate a part
of them from the Command of the Highest Islamic
Leadership. One must support the Leadership
according to one’s ability; the basic Islam is clear.
Many Sahabah were saints at night, but vehement
fighters at day.
In addition, the Ummah must not be divided
into groups (Firkas), such as Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki,
Salafi, Ahle Hadith, Ismaili, Alawi, Twelvers, Sixers,
Zaidi, Kaderia, Naqshbandia, and so on, because the
basic Islam is clear.
Often the groupings (Firkas) are unknowingly
maintained by the religious schools (Madrasahs). If a
Madrasah teaches the books of a particular Firka, do
not send your children to that Madrasah. Send the
children to a Madrasah which teaches the books that
are the best on the subjects. They should avoid the
books of the Authors that are already branded. The
curriculum of a Madrasah should be so designed that
it does not lead the students into a Firka.
Section-6 of Chapter-3 [Verse 19-25]: Policies to confront
People of the Book
Section-7 of Chapter-3 [Verse 26-32]: Policies of
Allah rotates the Earth, so the land in front of
the Sun (day side) enters the night side, and the land
in the night side enters the day side.
The plants could not survive without day and
night. So, in the above Verses, the Rotation of Earth
is related to the Food Cycle.
The green plants absorb and store sunlight,
which is only source of energy that sustains the life on
Earth. The plants are consumed by herbivores,
herbivores are consumed by omnivores and
carnivores, omnivores and carnivores die in course of
time and get consumed by the insects (detritivores),
insects die and the nutrients are returned to the Earth
to be absorbed by the plants.
We get sustenance from the same cycle. So,
the Verses subsequently say: “…and You give
sustenance to whom You please, without measure.”
Allah cautions you against Himself, and Allah is full of
kindness to those that serve Him."
Say, "If you do love Allah, follow me; Allah will love
you and forgive you your sins; and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful."
Say, "Obey Allah and His Apostle." But if they turn
back, Allah loves not those who reject Faith.
Segment 2
People (Christians) that would counter the fulfillment of
the Purpose.
service, so accept this of me; for You hear and know all
things." When she was delivered, she said, "O my Lord!
Behold! I am delivered of a female child,” and Allah knew
best what she brought forth, and no wise is the male like the
female. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her
offspring to your protection from Satan, the Rejected."
celebrate the praises of thy Lord again and again and glorify
Him in the evening and in the morning."
Behold! The angels said: "O Mary! Allah has chosen you and
purified you; chosen you above the women of all nations. O
Mary, worship your Lord devoutly. Prostrate thyself and bow
down with those who bow down."
This is part of the tidings of the things unseen, which
We reveal unto you by inspiration. You were not with them
when they cast lots with arrows as to which of them should
be charged with the care of Mary; nor were you with them
when they disputed.
Behold! The angels said: "O Mary! Allah gives you glad
tidings of a Word from Him; his name will be Christ Jesus,
the son of Mary, held in honor in this World and the
Hereafter, and of those nearest to Allah. He shall speak to the
people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be of the
She said, "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when
no man has touched me?" He said, "Even so; for Allah
creates what He wills. When He has decreed a plan, He but
say to it, “Be” and it is! And Allah will teach him the Book
and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel, and an apostle to the
Children of Israel: “I have come to you with a Sign from your
Lord in that I make for you out of clay ‘as it were the figure
of a bird’ and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's
leave, and I heal those born blind and the lepers, and I
quicken the dead by Allah's leave, and I declare to you what
you eat and what you store in your houses—surely therein is
a Sign for you if you did believe. To attest the Law that was
before me and to make lawful to you part of what was
forbidden to you, I have come to you with a Sign from your
Lord. So, fear Allah and obey me. It is Allah Who is my Lord
and your Lord; then worship Him—this is a Way that is
righteousness, Allah will pay them their reward; but Allah
loves not those who do wrong.
This is what we rehearse unto you of the Signs and
the Message of Wisdom.
Allah has a form (like a human); He sits in the
Kursi, located in the Arsh, existing beyond the
universes. His nafs (main soul), permeating His body
in form, is composed of many known and unknown
force fields (elementary souls / ruhhs). He has
extended several force fields of His nafs beyond His
body in form—like a hand extends from a body. He
designed the extended force fields at His will to act in
fixed patterns, and infused the extended parts into the
space to sustain and evolve the universe, e.g., the
gravitational force is an extended elementary soul of
Allah. So, Allah is present everywhere; nothing can
exist without being sustained by Him. It is
deliberately discussed in Chapter-1.
The Holy Soul (Ruhul Quddus) too is an
extended elementary soul (force field / ruhh) of Allah,
but it is not designed to act in fixed pattern, and it is
not used to sustain and evolve the inert creations. So,
the soul is holy.
Christians thinks the Holy Soul as Angel
Gabriel and put him as one in three God. Many
Muslims too think the Holy Soul (Ruhul Quddus) as
Gabriel—though Quddus is one of the Names of
Actually, Holy Soul (Ruhul Quddus) is an
extended elementary soul (force field / ruhh) of Allah,
which is extended from His Nafs, permeating His
body in form.
Jesus is called Ruhullah (Soul of God)
because often the Holy Soul used to be infused into
the body of Jesus. Then, Jesus would be connected to
God directly, and God could aid his talking. So, Jesus
is sometimes called Qalamullah (Speech of God) as
The gravitational force is one of the extended
elementary souls (force field / ruhhs) of Allah, which
permeates the entire Universe. The soul exposes
through a deposit of matter as a pulling force. It does
not make the deposit of matter, such as the Earth,
God. Similarly, Jesus was not God, though he was a
point of exposure of the Holy Soul.
The basic remains good forever: Adonai
Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad.
The Holy Soul (Ruhul Quddus) is effective to
some extend in other humans as well. It aids the
It was foretold in Holy Bible that the Muslims
would be baptized with the Holy Soul (Ruhul
Quddus). Notice the last lines of the following
“The Baptism of God: And who can
baptize better than God? And it is He
Whom we worship.” [Al Quran 2:138]
(pbuh) was child, Gabriel opened his chest and did
something. When he grew up, He was not like other
boys; he could sense the stones offering him
salutation. Later in young age, he started going to the
Cave of Hera for meditation (the last thing an Arab
would do). He could go into a trance and could see a
distant event. He could see the angels and the jinns.
He could talk to them.
In the Cave of Hera, Gabriel showed him a
few Verses written on something, but he could not
read (he was unlettered). So, Gabriel embraced him
and made a path through his backbone into his brain.
The entry-point of the path appeared as Mohr-e-
Nobuat, a swollen muscle on the backbone, below the
neck. Through this path, subsequent minor angels of
Gabriel used to put the Verses of the Quran into his
brain. According to the Quran, the Verses came as
ruhhs / brain data. Necessary arrangement was also
made in his brain to store the Verses. In addition,
Gabriel probably inserted a kind of data-base into his
brain. So, when several Chapters (Surahs) were
revealed simultaneously, the Verses did not get
Similarly, Jesus needed some deviations to be
aided by Ruhul Quddus intensely.
Muhammad (Pbuh) and Jesus are two Major
Prophets who lead most people of the Abrahamic
Religion. To perform the prophetic duties, they
needed special abilities to interact with the angels and
to receive the revelations. Their souls and physiques
were modified to provide them with the abilities. But
other Prophets were not like them. Moses got
complete Book written on stone tablets, and he used
to talk to God face to face in appointed time and
Prophets except these three got guidance in
the form of visions mainly; later they wrote it down.
A few were given books into their brains through one
or a few insertions, which were demanding on them
mentally and physically.
Section-14 of Chapter-3 [Verse 69-85]: Alerting Muslims
about Christians
you constantly stood demanding, because they say: "There is
no call on us with these ignorant". But they tell a lie against
Allah, and they know it. Nay, those that keep their plighted
faith and act aright; verily Allah loves those who act aright.
Verily, those who purchase a small gain at the cost of
Allah’s Covenant, and their oaths they shall have no portion
in the Hereafter, nor will Allah speak to them or look at them
on the Day of Judgment, nor will He cleanse them; they shall
have a grievous penalty.
There is among them a section who distorts the Book
with their tongues—you would think, it is a part of the Book,
but it is no part of the Book; and they say, "That is from
Allah," but it is not from Allah. It is they who tell a lie
against Allah, and they know it!
It is not that a man to whom is given the book and
wisdom and the prophetic office should say to people: “Be
you my worshippers rather than Allah's;” on the contrary:
“Be you worshippers of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of
all;” and you have been teaching the Book, and you have
studied it earnestly—nor would he instruct you to take angels
and prophets for Lords and patrons. What! Would he bid you
to unbelief after you have bowed your will?
Behold! Allah took the covenant of the prophets,
saying: "I give you a book and wisdom; then comes to you an
apostle (Muhammad, pbuh) confirming what is with you—do
you believe in him and render him help?" Allah said, "Do
you agree and take this my Covenant as binding on you?"
They said, "We agree". He said, "Then bear witness, and I am
with you among the witnesses".
If any turn back after this, they are perverted
transgressors. Do they seek for other than the Religion of
Allah, while all creatures in the Skies and on the Lands
willing or unwilling bowed to His will, and to Him shall they
all be brought back?
Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been
revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail,
Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the books) given to
Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no
distinction between one and another among them, and to
Allah do we bow our will".
If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never
will it be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter, He will be in
the ranks of those who have lost.
How shall Allah Guide those who reject Faith after they
accepted it, and bore witness that the Apostle (Muhammad,
pbuh) was true, and that clear proofs had come unto them?
And Allah guides not a people unjust. Of such, the reward is
that on them the curse of Allah, of His angels, and of all
mankind—in that will they dwell, neither will their torment
be lightened, nor will it be delayed or postponed, except for
those that repent after that and make amends; for verily Allah
is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
But those who reject Faith after they accepted it and
then go on adding to their defiance of Faith, never will their
repentance be accepted; for they are those who have gone
astray. As to those who reject Faith and die rejecting, never
would be accepted from any such as much gold as the earth
contains, though they should offer it for ransom. For them is
a penalty grievous, and they will find no helpers.
By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you
give of that, which you love; and whatever you give, of a
truth, Allah knows it well.
If any after this invent a lie and attribute it to Allah, they are
indeed unjust wrongdoers.
Nothing of Solomon’s temple except the
stones and a wall exists at present. It was destroyed
by Babylonian and Roman Emperors.
But what happened to the King of Yemen,
Abraha, who came with the elephants to destroy
Thus, be Baptized by Allah and come to
Kabah. The Kabah bears the clear signs of spirituality.
It is called the House of weeping; even a heart of iron
melts in Kabah. These are understood once one visits
On the Day when some faces will be white, and some
faces will be black—to those whose faces will be black: "Did
you reject Faith after accepting it; taste then the penalty for
rejecting Faith!" But those whose faces will be white, they
will be in Allah's mercy; therein to dwell.
These are the Verses of Allah. We rehearse them to
you in Truth, and Allah means no injustice to any of His
creatures. To Allah belongs all that is in the Skies and on
Lands. To Him do all questions go back.
Segment 3
Preparing Muslims to confront the Roman Empire
Those who reject Faith, neither their possessions, nor
their progeny will avail them aught against Allah. They will
be companions of the Fire dwelling therein. What they spend
in the life of this world may be likened to a wind, which
brings a nipping frost; it strikes and destroys the harvest of
men who have wronged their own souls. It is not Allah that
has wronged them, but they wrong themselves.
higher than other races, such as Greeks, Germans,
British, French, Spanish, etc. They have white skins,
well-built physiques, intelligent brains, and active
natures. They crossed the oceans with wooden boats
and settled in far-flung corners of the world hundreds
of years ago. They reached the Moon decades back.
They have greatly developed in Science and
Technology. They are very much capable to influence
anybody. So, it is said in the Verse of the first
paragraph, “They will not fail to corrupt you.”
So, the Rule of Thumb is: “Take not into your
intimacy those outside your ranks”.
Holy Bible is meant for the Jews. Holy Bible
never says that do not take Awliya (friend, protector,
helper and guide) from outside, because if a Jews take
Awliya from outside, the Awliya are in the thick
soup, not the Jews. But the Muslims are counted in
billions and there are multifarious types with utter
simplicity, so the Quran has repeatedly said not to
take Awliya from outside.
Remember you said to the Faithful: "Is it not enough
for you that Allah should help you with three thousand angels
sent down?” Yea, if you remain firm and act aright, even if
the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your Lord
would help you with five thousand angels making a terrific
Allah made it but a message of hope for you and an
assurance to your hearts—there is no help except from Allah,
the Exalted, the Wise—that He might cut off a fringe of the
Unbelievers or expose them to infamy, and they should then
be turned back frustrated of their purpose.
Not for you is the decision whether He turns in mercy
to them or punishes them; for they are indeed wrongdoers. To
Allah belongs all that is in the Skies and on Lands; He
forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases;
but Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord and for a
Jannaat, whose width is that of the Skies and Lands
(Universe); prepared for the righteous those who spend
whether in prosperity or in adversity, who restrain anger and
pardon men, for Allah loves those who do good, and those
who having done something to be ashamed of or wronged
their own souls earnestly bring Allah to mind and ask for
forgiveness for their sins, and who can forgive sins except
Allah, and do not persist in what they have done, while they
know. For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord
and Jannaat with rivers flowing underneath, an eternal
dwelling. How excellent a recompense for those who work!
Background Knowledge:
1. Traditional description of the Jannaat
space with different nature, which separates the
domains of the Samawaat (this Universe) and the
In the entry of the Jannaat, they will come
across a river where they will take bath. It will make
their physiques fit for the Jannaat. They will move
further and reach another river. They will drink its
water. It will make them good hearted people. They
will not hate each other.
The people of Jannaat will have the form of
Adam. One will be sixty cubit tall. They will not have
body hair that bothers people, but will have head hair
and eyebrows. Men will not have beards. A man will
be identifiable by light green mustache, as men too
will wear ornaments.
There is no urinating or defecating in Jannaat.
They will sweat and release gas in the process of
metabolism. The perspiration of the people will not
produce bad smell. They will never be tired or sad.
They will not have children and will not wish
to have children.
The Jannaat have animals. The animals can
talk; they obey humans. The horses of Jannaat can fly.
The pebbles of Jannaat are precious stones and
pearls. The Jannaat has trees with trunks of gold.
There are huge trees; if one spends 100 years riding a
quick horse, one will not depart its shade. There are
trees, named Tuba, from which the clothes of the
people come. There are trees, which produce the
sound of Music when they sway in the wind.
The buildings of Jannaat are made of gold and
silver bricks. The mortar for those bricks is musk with
fragrance. Some homes are one gigantic hollowed
pearl, sixty-mile-high. In each building, there will be
many maidens (Hoorain). They will belong to the
person owning the building. The Hoorain are not from
the Earth.
The women wear something that does not hide
their beauty. If a finger of a woman appeared in this
world, it would illuminate all of it.
Each person in Jannaat will have many
servants who are ever delightful. The poorest in
Jannaat will have 10,000 servants carrying trays of
gold and silver. They are youths, not from the Earth.
They are beautiful like untouched pearls.
Prophet (pbuh) said that there are many
gardens in the Jannaat. There are special gardens that
have furniture and the containers made of gold and
silver. In some Hadith, these gardens are called
markets. In the Markets of Jannaat, there are free
women who do not belong to a particular person.
The Jannaat have goblets put next to the water
containers. The Jannaat have pillows to lean. The
Jannaat have fine carpets. The combs are made of
gold. The incense burners contain al-Ud, a high-
quality fragrance. The Ud of Jannaat does not need
fire to release scent.
Wine is not haram (forbidden) in Jannaat.
There are rivers of wine. The most precious is
“Zanjawir”. It will not cause headache (it would not
cause hangover if they would sleep). People being
drunk will be flying for years.
“And near above them its shades and
hang low its cluster of fruits in
And amongst them will be
passed round vessels of silver and
goblets of crystal—crystal-clear—
made of silver; they will determine the
measure thereof.
And they will be given to drink
there of a cup mixed with Zanjabil—a
fountain there, called Salsabil.
And round about them will be
youths, perpetual. If thou see them,
thou would think them scattered
And when thou look, then thou
will see blessing and a kingdom great.
Upon them will be green
garments of fine silk and heavy
brocade, and they will be adorned with
bracelets of silver, and their Lord will
give to them to drink of a wine pure
and holy.”
[Al Quran 76: 14-21]
enjoyments, such as sky diving, dangerous
expeditions, etc., sitting in a chair.
In the Jannaat, there are facilities to
“command view”, as has been said in the following
evolving in this Universe (Samawaat) billions of light
years away. So, the system may work on the
technique of teleportation [The system is already
deployed in the universes; it is discussed in Section-9
of Chapter-6].
After a time is passed, Allah will meet the
people of Jannaat and declare that He is happy on
them forever.
If the enjoyment of Jannaat is compared with
an ocean, the total enjoyment of the Earth will be
trace of water on the tip of a needle.
On the contrary, the Jannaat is full of rivers
and flowering trees. That is a place where people do
not age; where the verbal orders are materialized
instantly. The nature of this Universe negates the
creation of such object. Here everything is put into the
flow of time—aging is a must.
Adam and Eve were primarily put into the
Jannaat. The Jannaat is the home universe of
into a Fireball or a Big Crunch (the Singularity at the
end of the collapsing Universe is called Big Crunch):
The Jannaat being an everlasting creation
cannot exist in this Universe. It must be found out at
the outside.
The Quran and Hadith frequently talk about
the Samawaat (this universe) and the Jannaat (another
The Quran talks about Arsh, Araf, Barzakh,
Illiyin and Sijjin as well. We will discuss these under
appropriate Verses.
“…For the righteous are Jannaat in
nearness to their Lord; flow from
underneath it the rivers.”
[Al Quran 3:15]
We may try to imagine, how much water was
needed to create billions of planets, suitable for
human living! Following Verse indicates that a huge
quantity of water was created before the creation of
this Universe (Samawaat).
huge quantity of water was needed to create those
Therefore, it is most likely that the water,
which was created before the Big Bang, was created
for the Jannaat. The water was created through
another Big Bang, or through some other Process.
The water was floating in the Super Space like
a huge ball of water. The following Verses of Holy
Bible indicate that the Big Bang occurred in the
center of that water-ball.
smoke, has formed the Sky. In the Verses of Holy
Bible too, the Sky means the Universe.
The initial universe could have lands (dust and
asteroids) if it started from a Fireball through a Big
From the Big Bounce, the universe could
revive as a seven-sky-universe where the gases could
easily concentrate into the galaxies.
"The Big Bounce is a hypothesized cosmo-
logical model for the origin of the known universe. It
was originally suggested as a phase of the cyclic
model or oscillatory universe interpretation of the Big
Bang, where the first cosmological event was the
result of the collapse of a previous universe. It
receded from serious consideration in the early 1980s
after inflationary theory emerged as a solution to the
horizon problem, which had arisen from advances in
observations revealing the large scale structure of the
universe. In the early 2000s, inflation was found by
some theorists to be problematic and unfalsifiable in
that its various parameters could be adjusted to fit
any observations, so that the properties of the
observable universe are a matter of chance.
Alternative pictures including a Big Bounce may
provide a predictive and falsifiable possible solution
to the horizon problem, and are under active
investigation as of 2017."
– WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia
None can go out of the Universe (Samawaat)
except through special paths (As Sirat):
4. Location of Jannaat
Holy Bible too talks about a separate universe as the
place of Salvation.
a rising star in the eastern or western
corner of the sky." [Bukhari]
temperature resulting from its gravitational
contraction. It seems that some of the natural laws of
Jannaat are different from that of this universe. The
construction of the planets may also be different. The
planets of Jannaat may have cores of water.
The nature of Jannaat is not exactly same as
the nature of the Earth. For instance, there is no night
and day in the Jannaat. Even after a long period of
time, people will feel that they have entered the
Jannaat shortly. People will not become tired; they
will not sleep (but will rest sometimes in the beds).
They will never be old. Their orders will be
materialized instantly—plants, animals, and physical
objects will obey their orders (probably, their
conscious’s will be matching with the conscious’s of
the surrounding objects).
6. Salam
7. Adan
8. Khuld (the Lowest Jannaat).
the end, he was found thrusting all his wings to the
pick of his power, but there was no end. After some
times, he realized that it was an audacity to try finding
the end of creation, when he stopped and turned to
Allah for forgiveness.
7. Conclusion
7a. Anti-Universe?
than matter should possess anti-creatures (jinns),
made out of anti-matter. The anti-matter is a kind of
dark matter.
This Universe (Samawaat) will perish and
revive, including its anti-universe. But the Jannaat is
everlasting. So, Jannaat cannot be anti-universe of
this universe.
‘Jesus saw some infants at the breast.
He said to his disciples: ‘These
children at the breast are like those
who enter the kingdom’. They said to
him: ‘Shall we, then, enter the
kingdom as children?’ Jesus said to
them: ‘When you make the two one,
and when you make the inner as the
outer and the outer as the inner and the
above as below, and when you make
the female one, so that the male is no
longer male and female, when you
make eyes in place of an eye, and a
hand in place of a hand, and a foot in
place of a foot, an image in place of an
image, then you will enter the
kingdom.’ [Saying 22]
8. Summary
Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before
you; travel through the earth and see what the end of those
who rejected Truth was. Here is a plain statement to men, a
guidance and instruction to those who fear Allah! So, lose not
heart, nor fall into despair; for you must gain mastery, if you
are true in Faith.
If a wound has touched you, be sure a similar wound
has touched the others. Such days We give to men and men
by turns that Allah may know those that believe, and that He
may take to Himself from your ranks Martyr, witnesses. And
Allah loves not those that do wrong.
Allah's object also is to purge those that are true in
Faith and to deprive of blessing those that resist Faith.
Did you think that you would enter Jannaat without
Allah testing those of you who fought hard and remained
steadfast? You did indeed wish for death before you met it;
now you have seen it openly with your own eyes.
Muhammad is no more than an apostle; many were
the apostles that passed away before him. If he died or were
slain, will you then turn back on your heels? If any did turn
back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but
Allah will swiftly reward those who are grateful.
Nor can a soul die except by Allah's leave; the term
being fixed as by writing. If any do desire a reward in this
life, We shall give it to him; and if any do desire a reward in
the hereafter, We shall give it to him; and swiftly shall We
reward those that (serve us with) gratitude.
How many of the Prophets fought and with them
large bands of godly men, but they never lost heart if they
met with disaster in Allah's way, nor did they weaken, nor
give in; and Allah loves those who are firm and steadfast.
All that they said was: "Our Lord! Forgive us our sins
and anything we may have done that transgressed our duty.
Establish our feet firmly and help us against those that resist
Faith." And Allah gave them a reward in this world and the
excellent reward of the Hereafter. For Allah love those who
do good.
O you who believe! If you obey the unbelievers, they
will drive you back on your heels, and you will turn back to
your own loss. Nay, Allah is your protector; and He is the
best of helpers.
Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the
unbelievers for that they joined companions with Allah, for
which He had sent no authority; their abode will be the Fire;
and evil is the home of the wrong-doers!
Allah did indeed fulfill His promise to you, when you
with His permission were about to annihilate your enemy,
until you flinched and fell to disputing about the order and
disobeyed it, after He brought you in sight, which you love
(booty). Among you are some that hanker after this world
and some that desire the hereafter. Then did He divert you
from your foes in order to test you. But He forgave you; for
Allah is full of grace to those who believe.
Behold! You were climbing up the high ground
without even casting aside glance at any one, and the Apostle
in your rear was calling you back. There did Allah give you
one distress after another by way of requital to teach you not
to grieve for that had escaped you, and for that had befallen
you; for Allah is well aware of all that you do.
After the distress, He sent down calm on a band of
you, overcome with slumber, while another band was stirred
to anxiety by their own feelings, moved by wrong suspicions
of Allah—suspicions due to ignorance. They said: "What
affair is this of ours?" Say you: "Indeed, this affair is wholly
Allah's". They hide in their minds what they dare not reveal
to you. They say: "If we had had anything to do with this
affair, we should not have been in the slaughter here". Say:
"Even if you had remained in your homes, those for whom
death was decreed would certainly have gone forth to the
place of their death." But that Allah might test what is in your
breasts and purge what is in your hearts; for Allah know well
the secrets of your hearts.
Those of you who turned back on the day the two
hosts met—it was Satan who caused them to fail because of
some (evil) they had done. But Allah has blotted out; for
Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
O you who believe! Be not like the Unbelievers who
say of their brethren when they are travelling through the
Earth or engaged in fighting: "If they had stayed with us, they
would not have died or been slain." So, Allah makes that a
regret in their hearts. It is Allah that gives life and death, and
Allah sees well all that you do.
And if you are slain or die in the way of Allah,
forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they
could amass. And if you die or are slain—lo! it is unto Allah
that you are brought together.
It is part of the mercy of Allah that you do deal gently
with them. Were you severe or harsh-hearted, they would
have broken away from about you. So, pass over and ask for
forgiveness for them.
And consult them in affairs. Then, when you have
taken a decision, put your trust in Allah; for Allah loves those
who put their trust.
If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; if He
forsakes you, who is there after that that can help you. In
Allah then let believers put their trust.
No prophet could be false to his trust. If any person is
so false, he shall on the Day of Judgment restore what he
misappropriated. Then shall every soul receive its due,
whatever it earned; and none shall be dealt with unjustly.
Is the man who follows the good pleasure of Allah
like the man who draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and
whose abode is in Hell, a woeful refuge! They are in varying
grades in the sight of Allah, and Allah sees well all that they
Allah did confer a great favor on the believers when
He sent among them an apostle from among themselves
rehearsing unto them the signs of Allah, sanctifying them,
and instructing them in scripture and wisdom; while before
that they had been in manifest error.
What! When a single disaster smites you, although
you smote with one twice as great, do you say: "From where
does this come to us?" Say: "It is from yourselves; for Allah
has power over all things".
What you suffered on the day the two armies met was
with the leave of Allah in order that He might test the
believers, and the hypocrites also. These were told: "Come,
fight in the way of Allah, or drive". They said: "Had we
known how to fight, we should certainly have followed you".
They were that day nearer to Unbelief than to Faith; saying
with their lips what was not in their hearts; but Allah has full
knowledge of all they conceal.
The ones that say while they themselves sit: "If only
they had listened to us they would not have been slain". Say:
"Avert death from your own selves, if you speak the truth."
Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay,
they live finding their sustenance in the presence of their
Lord. They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah and with
regard to those left behind—who have not yet joined them.
The glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they
grieve; they glory in the Grace and the bounty from Allah;
and in the fact that Allah suffers not the reward of the
Faithful to be lost.
Of those who answered the call of Allah and the
Apostle even after being wounded, those who do right and
refrain from wrong have a great reward. Men said to them,
"A great army is gathering against you" and frightened them.
But it increased their Faith. They said, "For us Allah suffice,
and He is the best disposer of affairs". And they returned
with Grace and bounty from Allah; no harm ever touched
them, for they followed the good pleasure of Allah; and Allah
is the Lord of bounties unbounded.
It is only the Satan that suggests to you the fear of his
votaries. Be you not afraid of them but fear Me if you have
Let not those grieve you who rush headlong into
unbelief; not the least harm will they do to Allah. It is Allah's
plan that He will give them no portion in the Hereafter but a
severe punishment.
Those who purchase unbelief at the price of faith, not
the least harm will they do to Allah, but they will have a
grievous punishment.
Let not the unbelievers think that our respite to them
is good for themselves. We grant them respite that they may
grow in their iniquity. But they will have a shameful
Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which
you are now—until He separates what is evil from what is
good—nor will He disclose to you the secrets of the Unseen.
But He chooses of His Apostles whom He pleases. So,
believe in Allah and His apostles. And if you believe and do
right, you have a reward without measure.
Segment 4
And let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which
Allah has given them of His Grace think that it is good for
them. Nay, it will be the worse for them. Soon on the Day of
Judgment shall the things which they covetously withheld be
tied to their necks like a twisted collar. To Allah belongs the
heritage of the Skies and Lands, and Allah is well acquainted
with all that you do.
Allah has heard the taunt of those who say, "Truly,
Allah is poor, and we are rich!" We shall certainly record
their word and of slaying the prophets in defiance of right,
and We shall say, "Taste you the penalty of the Burning Fire!
This is because of that which your hands sent on before
you—Allah is never unjust to slaves."
They said, "Allah took our promise not to believe in
an apostle unless He showed us a sacrifice consumed by
Fire". Say, "There came to you apostles before me with clear
signs and even with what you ask for; why then did you slay
them if you speak the truth?"
Then if they reject you, so were rejected apostles
before you who came with clear signs, books of dark
prophesy, and the book of enlightenment.
Section-26 of Chapter-3 [Verse185-189]: Remain Firm in
Faith and Spread the Message
Every soul shall have a taste of death, and only on the Day of
Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he
who is saved far from the fire and admitted to the Jannaat
will have attained the object; for the life of this world is but
goods and chattels of deception.
You shall certainly be tried and tested in your
possessions, and in your personal selves. And you shall
certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who
received the book before you, and from those who worship
many gods, but if you persevere patiently and guard against
evil, then that will be a determining factor in all affairs.
And remember, Allah took a covenant from the
People of the Book to make it known and clear to mankind
and not to hide it, but they threw it away behind their backs
and purchased with it some miserable gain; and vile was the
bargain they made!
Think not that those who exult in what they have
brought about and love to be praised for what they have not
done—think escape the penalty? For them is a penalty
Grievous indeed.
To Allah belong the dominion of the Skies and Lands,
and Allah has power over all things.
celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying
down on their sides and contemplate the creations in the
Skies and Lands: "Our Lord! Not for naught have You
created this! Glory to You! Give us salvation from the
penalty of the Fire. Our Lord, any whom You dost admit to
the Fire, truly You cover with shame, and never will wrong-
doers find any helpers”!
Background Knowledge
• Large-Scale Structure of the Universe:
discussed in Section-7 of Chapter-2
• Jannaat: discussed in Section-23 of Chapter-3
1. Location of Hell
were? He said, “It is the scene of
those, who devoured usury.”
[Hadith, Bukhari]
Part 2 of the Hadith: “…Again, after burning
for thousands of years, it becomes White…”
The stars formed with hydrogen and helium
mainly. The gases concentrated around the
accumulations of the heavier elements, including the
dust and the asteroids.
A heavier element deposits below the lighter
element. So, the matter deposited in a star in multiple
layers, with the heaviest silicon in the center, and the
lightest hydrogen at the outermost layer.
However, the bulks of matter of a star were
hydrogen and helium, roughly at the ratio of 3:1. The
helium being heavier than hydrogen formed the core
of the star with a small nucleus of heavier elements in
the center.
A star gradually contracts due to the
gravitational force. So, the pressure in the center
continues to increase. The increasing pressure raises
the heat progressively.
At one stage, the increasing pressure and heat
initiate nuclear fusion reaction. The hydrogen atoms
in and around the core undergo fusion reaction and
produce more and more heat. The heat tries to expand
the star.
In one hand the gravity tries to squeeze the
star, on the other hand the extreme heat, produced in
the core, tries to expand the star—it brings a balance.
A balanced star burns for millions of years and
hydrogen produces helium through nuclear fusion
reaction. The helium deposits into the core.
Thus, the core gets heavier and heavier. When
it reaches to a critical mass, it starts collapsing due to
its own gravitational force, and the outer hydrogen
layer expands. The hydrogen layer growing in many
folds stretches out into the space. This is the Red
Giant State of a star.
So, after burning for a long time, a star
becomes a “Red Giant”. And, this Part of the Hadith
says: “After burning for thousands of years, the fire of
hell becomes Red…” [Tirmizi]
a tendency to undergo fission, splitting apart
spontaneously into less complex elements”
–The Life and Death of Stars by Geoffrey
Bath in The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and
Astronomy, edited by John Man
of nuclear burning reactions in the outer layers of the
object. Thereby, a White Dwarf shines.
So, we find that after burning for a long time,
a Red Giant becomes a White Dwarf. And this Part of
the Hadith says: “…Again, after burning for
thousands of years, it becomes White…”[Tirmizi]
“The white dwarf cools off in space and
becomes steadily fainter and fainter as they slowly
freeze. Eventually they form completely dead stellar
stumps. In atoms electrons and protons are crushed
together even more than they are in a white dwarf.
They bind together forming neutrons. Neutrons exert
their own ‘Neutron Degeneracy Pressure’, which is
even more powerful than that of electrons. It is able to
support a star of up to three solar masses. A neutron
star with the mass of the Sun would be about the size
of Manhattan”
– The Life and Death of Stars by Geoffrey
Bath in The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and
Astronomy, edited by John Man
FIGURE 3.8: Formation of Black Hole
In some cases, the stars having less mass than
three solar masses grasp matter from the surrounding
space (if available) and overcome neutron degeneracy
pressure at some points of time. The stars then
squeeze further and turn into Black Holes.
All stars cannot cross all three stages. A star
having less mass possesses less gravitational force. As
a result, it burns slowly for a long time. Depending on
the amount of matter, some stars end at Red Giant
State and some at White Dwarf State. Only a massive
star can turn into a Black Hole at the end of its
If a star of one solar mass turns into a Red
Giant, its diameter will increase to one hundred forty
million km. When our Sun will turn into a Red Giant,
its perimeter will cross the orbit of Mars. If it turns
into a White Dwarf, it will squeeze, and its diameter
will reduce to thirteen thousand km. If it becomes a
Neutron Star, its diameter will be sixteen km only.
And, if it becomes a Black Hole, it will be half a km
across (Stars with the mass of the Sun end at Red
Giant stage).
3. The Fire
by the intense gravity field but unable to squeeze
immediately into the tight ‘throat’ funneling down
into the hole”
– The Life and Death of Stars by Geoffrey
Bath in The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and
Astronomy, edited by John Man
FIGURE 3.14: Black Hole
A black hole surrounded by the swirling mass
of material producing immense heat through friction
is called a Quasar. The Quasars are the most violent
objects in the Universe.
It is thought that every galaxy harbors a super-
massive black hole in its central hub. The central hubs
are associated with hot gas in violent motion and
immense radiation. It is the ‘gulf of doom’ where the
stars fall, get destroyed, and produce devastating
FIGURE 3.17: Quasar
“…We made the satans (jinns) friends
to those without faith.”
[Al Quran 7:27]
And, indeed it surely a swear if you
know great” [Al Quran 56: 75–76]
placed in a violent object of the galaxy, will be in
pain, but he will not die.
The exploding galaxies are called Seyfert
Galaxies. The N-galaxies are more violent than the
Seyferts. Observation shows that the amount of matter
in the central hub determines how violent a galaxy
should be.
“The classic examples of exploding galaxies
are called Seyfert galaxies. These galaxies were first
identified in 1943 by Carl Seyfert, after whom they
are named. He found that about one percent of all
spiral galaxies have very insignificant spiral arms but
very bright central regions. Such systems have now
been studied across the spectrum. The observation
shows that the radiation of the nucleus is produced by
hot gas in violent motion with a central condensation,
concentrating the mass of millions of Suns in a small
- The Life and Death of Stars by Geoffrey
Bath in The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and
Astronomy, edited by John Man
4e. Fire of God
FIGURE 3.21: Column of Magnetic Field
does God warn off his servants: "O My
Servants! Then fear ye Me!”
[Al Quran 39:16]
“Proceed to that which ye used to
reject as false! Proceed to a shadow
having three columns, no shade of
coolness and is of no use against the
fierce Blaze. Indeed, it throws about
sparks as Forts, as if there were yellow
camels." [Al Quran 77: 29-33]
So, the hell is not full of fire only; it has cold regions
too. The black hole itself is absolutely cold, when the
Accretion Disk is extremely hot.
The surface layers of the pulsars dam up the
photons in their flight. The barrier presented by the
layers causes the temperature and pressure to build
up. It expands the layers. In the expanded state, the
radiation escapes easily, and the brightness of the star
increases rapidly to the pick. Once the radiation is
released, the outer layers cool and collapse.
There are various classes of Pulsating Stars
including the RR Lyrae, the Mira Variables, and the
Cepheids. The RR Lyrae oscillate in a period of less
than a day, the Cepheids oscillate in a typical period
of five days, whereas the Mira Variables oscillate in a
period as long as several years.
If a summer is too hot, it may be because of
these objects.
The objects radiate anti-particles as well,
which may make some of the winters colder than
However, all stars breath. The Sun breaths in a
cycle of eleven and half years, but one part of the Sun
does not eat another part—it is not divided in matter
and anti-matter zones.
and neutron stars can use iron and stones as fuels. It
proves black holes and neutron stars as pivots of the
objects of hell.
All stars cannot become black holes or
neutron stars. They produce matter that will be used
as the fuel of hell. On the Day of Judgment, the
matter produced in the average stars (like the Sun)
will be thrown into the hell, as fuel.
6. Hell in General
The Verses of the Quran and the Hadith point out the
galaxies as the objects of Hell. There are many kinds
of objects in a galaxy. We have discussed Quasars,
Pulsars, etc. But everybody will not be thrown into an
extreme object. According to the Quran and Hadith,
there are boiling water, trees (Zaqqum) with bitter
fruits, poisonous snakes and insects in the hell. These
things may be available in the planet like objects.
“These two antagonists dispute with
each other about their Lord. But those
who deny, for them will be cut out a
garment of Fire. Over their heads will
be poured out boiling water. With it
will be scalded what is within their
bodies as well as skins. In addition,
there will be maces of iron (to) them.
Every time they wish to get away from
there from anguish, they will be forced
back therein—and "Taste ye the
Penalty of Burning!”
[Al Quran 22: 19-22]
And truly before them many of
the ancients went astray!”
[Al Quran 37: 62-71]
galaxy and its surrounding space is Hawiyah. We
know that it is the most violent region of a galaxy.
The names, Saeer (Blaze), Jaheem (Blazing
Fire), Hutamah (Crushing Fire), and so on indicate
that these are levels radiating from the central super-
massive black hole.
The more is the distance from the central
super-massive black hole, the less is the extremity.
So, the outermost region of a galaxy, Jahannam, is the
least punishing zone.
The final destination, Hell or Jannaat, will be
decided according to the Faith. If a person is destined
to the Hell, his level of sin will indicate in which level
of his galaxy he deserves to fall. There are millions of
objects in a galaxy. Every object is eagerly waiting to
receive him.
There will be one man in a galaxy, or in a
group of galaxies.
them, and the sentence among the
previous generations of jinns and men
who have passed away is proved
against them; for they are utterly lost.”
[Al Quran 41: 24–25]
DNA Molecules can produce! The genomes differ in
the code only.
So, it is possible to create giants with the same
DNA Double Helix Molecules [The DNA Double
Helix is discussed in Section-3 of Chapter-31].
A human will be created suitable for the object
where he will live. Hadith says that if a person from
the hell were put into the fire of the Earth, he would
fall sleeping due to excessive comfort.
A hell-dweller’s skin will burn in the hell, but
it will regenerate spontaneously (the act of Allah will
look natural):
8. Conclusion
light of the stars and galaxies going out one by one
until all that is left is a void filled with a scattering of
black holes? Or, some more interesting fate is
– To the Edge of Eternity by John Gribbin in
The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and Astronomy,
edited by John Man
Finally, the Skies will be rolled up compactly.
In the extremely squeezed universe (Skies), the matter
will perish, but the information (photons) will
Thus, the objects of hell will survive as
information. After the Judgment, when the Skies will
be un-rolling, the objects (galaxies) will be reviving
just by gaining the volumes of space. And, they will
catch the sinners.
take to Yourself our souls in the company of the righteous.
Our Lord! Grant us what You did promise unto us through
Your apostles and save us from shame on the Day of
Judgment; for You never break Your promise".
And their Lord has accepted of them and answered
them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you,
be he male or female; you are members one of another. Those
who have left their homes, or been driven out from there, or
suffered harm in My cause, or fought or been slain, verily, I
will blot out from them their iniquities and admit them into
Jannaat with rivers flowing beneath;" a reward from the
presence of Allah; and from His presence is the best of
Let not the strutting about of the unbelievers through
the land deceive you. Little is it for enjoyment. Their ultimate
abode is Hell—what an evil bed! On the other hand, for those
who fear their Lord are Jannaat with rivers flowing beneath;
therein are they to dwell—a gift from the presence of Allah,
and that which is in the presence of Allah is the best for the
And there are certainly among the People of the Book
those who believe in Allah, in the revelation to you, and in
the revelation to them, bowing in humility to Allah; they will
not sell the Verses of Allah for a miserable gain; for them is a
reward with their Lord; and Allah is swift in account.
O you who believe, persevere in patience and
constancy—vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other
and fear Allah that you may prosper.
Chapter 4 [Al-Nisa' THE WOMEN]
Aim of the Chapter: To form Islamic Family and Society,
and to keep the societies effective by neutralizing the
Segment 4: A Call to Christians
Segment 1
Forming Islamic Family
and unknown force fields (elementary souls / ruhhs).
Allah provided it from His own Nafs.
Later, Allah created a Pair (DNA Double
Helix) for the nafs of Adam. From the strands of the
DNA Double Helix, he has created countless men and
So, when one demands a child, one should
fear Allah and the womb where Allah shapes up the
justly, then only one, or that your right hands possess—that
will be more suitable to prevent you from doing injustice.
And give the women their dower as a free gift, but if
they of their own good pleasure remit any part of it to you,
take it and enjoy it with right good cheer.
Section-3 of Chapter-4 [Verse 5-6]: Releasing the Property
of the Orphans
In these Verses, the Judges are instructed to
safeguard the interest of the family left behind by the
dead person. Family means husband, wife and
children. Dependent parents are also parts of the
family. But if the parents are rich and living
separately, they may not be considered as a part.
However, their shares must be given.
Though the shares of inheritors are specified,
these Verses give the Judges limited power to favor
the members of the deceased person’s family in terms
of choice of properties, but not in terms of value.
If the man or woman whose inheritance is in question
was left in Kalalah but has left a brother or a sister, each one
of the two gets a sixth; but if more than two, they share in a
third—after payment of legacies and debts so that no loss is
caused (to anyone).
Thus, is it ordained by Allah; and Allah is All–
Knowing, Most Forbearing.
1. Children’s Share:
In this case, deceased person has left son(s)
and daughter(s). A son and a daughter get at the ratio
of 2:1. For example, if there are three sons and two
daughters, the property is divided in eight parts—each
son get two parts, and each daughter gets one part.
This division of 2:1 is made after the payment
of legacies and debts, and after giving the shares of
deceased person’s parents and wife/wives as under:
Another 1/3 is divided among Father and
Mother of deceased person as narrated in serial 2b or
2c below (Mother gets 1/3 of this 1/3 if deceased left
no brother; but if deceased left brother, she gets 1/6 of
this 1/3).
2. Parents’ Share:
2a. “For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to
each if the deceased left son”:
The serial is related to serial 1a above. Here
“a sixth share of the inheritance to each” means that
1/6 of total property (after payment of legacies and
debts) will be divided among the Parents—it is not
1/6 (Father) + 1/6 (Mother); it is 1/12 (Father) + 1/12
It is said in this way (a sixth share of the
inheritance to each) to mean that each one of them
should get a share of property—mother being a
woman should not be deprived.
To justify above explanation, 1/6+1/6 makes
1/3, which is the share of the parents if deceased
leaves females only, as in serial 1b. Parents Share in
both cases (serial 1a and 1b) should not be the same
in the essence of these Verses.
In this case, 1/6 of total property (after
payment of legacies and debts) is equally divided
among deceased person’s father and mother, as the
Verse say: a sixth share of the inheritance to each,
(the Verse does not mention any ratio of division).
2b. “if no son, and the parents are the heirs, the
mother has a third;”:
Here, “…the parents are the heirs…” means
that the deceased person has left no brother (justified
in the next serial).
In this case, after the payment of legacies and
debts, and after the payment of female’s share, the
Parents get 1/3 or 1/2 of the property. Father gets 2/3
of 1/3 or 1/2, and mother gets 1/3 of 1/3 or 1/2.
2c. “if the deceased left brothers, the mother has a
In this case, father gets 5/6 of 1/3 or 1/2, and
mother gets 1/6 of 1/3 or 1/2 (after the payment of
legacies and debts, and after the payment of female’s
3. Husband’s Share:
4. Wife’s Share:
The last point (5) discussed below talks about
a couple of special situations:
divided at the rate of 2:1)]. Rest (2/3 of 1/6)
goes to deceased person’s mother, as it went
in serial 5a.
decreed for the guilt, and the way to release the guilty
from the confinement was opened:
Allah accepts the repentance of those who do evil in
ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn
in mercy; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.
Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue
to do evil until death faces one of them and he says, "Now
have I repented indeed", nor of those who die rejecting Faith;
for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous.
O you who believe, you are forbidden to inherit
women against their will. Nor should you treat them with
harshness that you may take away part of the dower you have
given them, except where they have been guilty of open
lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of
kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be
that you dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a
great deal of good.
But if you decide to take one wife in place of another,
even if you had given the latter a whole treasure for dower,
take not the least bit of it back. Would you take it by slander
and manifest wrong? And how could you take it when you
have gone in unto each other, and they have taken from you a
solemn covenant?
gone in—no prohibition if you have not gone in; wives of
your sons, proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in
wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for
Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Also, women already married, except those whom
your right hands possess. Thus, has Allah ordained against
Except for these, all others are lawful provided you
seek with gifts (Mahr) from your property, desiring chastity,
not lust. Seeing that you derive benefit from them, give them
their dowers as prescribed, but if after a dower is prescribed
agree mutually, there is no blame on you; and Allah is All-
Knowing, All-Wise.
The Mutah Marriage is practiced among Shia
Muslims as a temporary, verbal, and private marriage.
Segment 2
Forming Islamic Society
trade by mutual consent, nor kill yourselves, for verily Allah
has been to you Most Merciful!
If any do that in aggression and injustice, soon shall
We cast them into the Fire, and easy it is for Allah.
If you avoid the most heinous of the things, which
you are forbidden to do, We shall expel out of you all the evil
in you, and admit you to a gate of great honor.
And wish not for the things in which Allah has made
some of you to excel others—to men is allotted what they
earn, and to women what they earn, but ask Allah of His
bounty; for Allah has full knowledge of all things.
pledge (of brotherhood); give their due portion; for truly
Allah is witness to all things.
The divorced woman leave husbands house
after three monthly periods (to confirm that she is not
carrying). She may get herself engaged with another
person and can formally marry after four months in
The Chapter (Surah) is establishing Islamic
Family and Society. The Verses narrate the social
responsibilities relating to divorce. The Social
Leadership comes into play by deputing the arbiters
when a person has beaten his wife.
Once the Islamic Local Leadership has
mediated the divorce through arbiters, the divorce is
considered final, and the divorcing man looses scope
to take her back. Moreover, the divorcing man has
performed the acts of First and Second Divorce
informally, as he refused to share bed and beaten his
be tried and punished in the concept of eye for
an eye.
Serve Allah and join not any partners with Him and do good
to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who
are near of kin, neighbors who are strangers, the companion
by your side, the wayfarer, and what your right hands
possess; verily, Allah loves not the arrogant, the vainglorious,
those who are miserly, or enjoin miserliness on others, or
hide the bounties, which Allah has bestowed on them—
indeed We have prepared for those who resist Faith a
punishment that steeps them in contempt—and those who
spend of their substance to be seen of men but have no faith
in Allah and the Last Day; and whoever takes Satan as an
intimate, then what a dreadful intimate he has!
And what burden were it on them if they had faith in
Allah and in the Last Day, and they spent out of what Allah
has given them for sustenance; for Allah has full knowledge
of them.
Allah is never unjust in the least degree; if there is
any good, He doubles it and gives from Him a great reward.
How then, if We brought from each people a witness,
and We brought you as a witness against these people! On
that Day those who reject Faith and disobey the Messenger
will wish that they were buried in the earth, but they will
never be able to hide a single fact from Allah!
Bathing or Washing:
1. The Process and Occasions of Tayyammum
4. Cleanliness of Clothing
“O thou wrapped up (in a mantle),
arise and deliver thy warning! And thy
Lord do thou magnify! And purify
your clothing and avoid
uncleanliness!” [Al Quran 74:1-5]
Have you not turned your vision to those who were given a
portion of the Book—they traffic in error and wish that you
should lose the right path. But Allah has full knowledge of
your enemies; Allah is enough for a Protector, and Allah is
enough for a Helper.
when they were the only Believers in the World. But,
now the situation is different.
Anybody acting to harm the Muslims may
have the curse of Allah. He has full knowledge of the
least little thing. Behold! How they invent a lie against Allah,
but that by itself is a manifest sin!
Segment 3
Jihad against Hypocrites
Have you not turned your vision to those who were given a
portion of the Book? They believe in sorcery and evil and say
to the unbelievers that they are better guided in the way than
the Believers! They are whom Allah has cursed, and those
whom Allah has cursed, you will find have no one to help.
Have they a share in dominion or power? Behold,
they give not a farthing to their fellow-men. Or do they envy
mankind for what Allah has given them of his bounty? But
We had already given the People of Abraham the Book and
Wisdom and conferred upon them a great kingdom. Some of
them believed; and some of them averted their faces from
him, and enough is Hell for a burning fire.
Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into
the Fire; as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall
change them for fresh skins that they may taste the penalty.
Truly, Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness,
We shall soon admit to Jannaat with rivers flowing beneath;
their eternal home. Therein shall they have companions pure
and holy. We shall admit them to shades, cool and ever
Allah does command you to render back your trusts to
those to whom they are due, and when you judge between
man and man that you judge with justice. Verily how
excellent is the teaching, which He gives you! For Allah is
He Who hears and sees all things.
O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and
those charged with authority among you. If you differ in
anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His
Messenger—if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day.
That is best and most suitable for final determination.
Have you not turned your vision to those who declare
that they believe in the revelations that have come to you and
to those before you, and they wish to go for judgment to the
Taghut, though they were ordered to reject him; and Satans
wish is to lead them astray, far away.
When it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has
revealed and to the Messenger" you see the hypocrites avert
their faces from you in disgust. How then, when they are
seized by misfortune because of the deeds which their hands
have sent forth?
Then their come to you swearing by Allah, "We
meant no more than good-will and conciliation!" Those men,
Allah knows what is in their hearts, so keep clear of them;
but admonish them and speak to them a word to reach their
very souls.
We sent not a Messenger but to be obeyed in
accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when
they were unjust to themselves, come unto you and asked
Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness
for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft–returning,
Most Merciful.
But no, by the Lord, they can have no Faith until they
make you judge in all disputes between them and find in their
souls no resistance against your decisions but accept them
with the full conviction.
If We had ordered them to sacrifice their lives or to
leave their homes, very few of them would have done it; but
if they had done what they were told, it would have been best
for them and would have gone farthest to strengthen their
(faith), and We should then have given them from our
presence a great reward, and We should have shown them the
Straight Way.
All who obey Allah and the Messenger are in the
company of those on whom is the grace of Allah, of the
Prophets, the Sincere, the Witnesses and the Righteous. Ah!
What a beautiful fellowship! Such is the bounty from Allah,
and sufficient is it that Allah knows all.
Section-7 of this Surah discards the possibility
of establishing Socialism or Communism in the
Muslim countries. This Section discards the
possibility of establishing democracy.
In a poor country, the democracy produces a
factory of thieves. People come in power for four to
five years and start stealing Government money as
fast as possible—they view amanat (people’s wealth)
as ghanimat (war booty). They are not wrong in their
perspective, as they have captured the Government
Machineries by moving through the hard path of
In Arab countries, where people do not change
their loyalty frequently, the democracy produces
autocratic leaders. They are Taghuts if they are not
following Islam. However, Arabs are honest people;
the Leaders do not steal and transfer money to the
foreign banks.
The Islamic Leadership may face occasional
fall in national and international levels, but in village /
community level, it should survive uninterruptedly.
Islam has created societies centered by the mosques,
which restrict the vices and develops the spirituality.
In an Islamic Society, people leave in safety (safety
from the vices), and in the afterlife they would be
reaching Jannaat easily.
Section-15 of Chapter-4 [Verse 71-76]: Falling out
Socialism and Communism. The Surah directs people
to obey the Leadership of Islam.
The Hypocrites harm the Islamic Societies, so
they are dealt in this Surah. The Hypocrites are people
who identify them as Believers, but they are not
Believers in reality; Islamic Faith has not gone into
their hearts; they follow the Taghuts (Power that is
not Islamic), national and international.
Have you not turned your vision to those who were told to
hold back their hands (from fight) but establish regular
prayers and spend in regular charity? When the order for
fighting was issued to them, behold, a section of them feared
men as or even more than they should have feared Allah.
They said, “Our Lord! Why have You ordered us to fight?
Would You not grant us respite to our term, near?”
Say, “Short is the enjoyment of this world; the
hereafter is the best for those who do right—never will you
be dealt with unjustly in the very least. Wherever you are,
death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up
strong and high!”
If some good befalls them, they say, “This is from
Allah”; but if evil, they say, “This is from you”. Say: “All
things are from Allah.”
So, what is wrong with these people that they fail to
understand any word? Whatever good happens to you is
from Allah, but whatever evil happens to you is from your
soul (nafs). And We have sent you as a Messenger to
mankind; and enough is Allah for a witness.
The Pen wrote all those would happen
from the beginning to the end.”
Recitation in Arabic that ye may be
able to understand. And verily, it is in
the Mother of the Book, in Our
Presence, high, full of wisdom.”
[Al Quran 43:1-4]
The fate is deliberately discussed in Section-9
of Chapter-6.
Section-17 of Chapter-4 [Verse 86]: Return Greeting to a
thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah has thrown
out of the way, never shall you find the Way.
They but wish that you should reject Faith, as they do,
and thus be on the same footing. So, take not “Awliya”
(friends, protectors, helpers and guides) from their ranks until
they emigrate in the Way of Allah. But if they turn
renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them.
And take neither ally nor helpers from their ranks
except those who join a group between whom and you there
is a treaty, or those who approach you with hearts restraining
them from fighting you as well as fighting their own people.
If Allah had pleased, He could have given them power over
you, and they would have fought you. Therefore, if they
withdraw from you, but fight you not, and offer you peace,
then Allah has opened no way for you.
Others you will find that wish to gain your confidence
as well as that of their people. Every time they are sent back
to temptation, they succumb thereto. If they withdraw not
from you, nor give you (guarantees) of peace besides
restraining their hands, seize them and slay them wherever
you get them. In their case, We have provided you with a
clear argument against them.
Preconditions to Fight against the Hypocrites
b. The Hypocrites that are trying to gain the
confidence of the Muslims; they can be seized
and slain, as it is said in the last Paragraph of
the above Verses: “Others you will find that
wish to gain your confidence as well as that of
their people.” They may try to gain
confidence through friendship, economic aid,
amenities, and so on. If they do not stop, they
can be seized and slain.
so and so on such and such
occasions?”…and I started mentioning
all that he had said. Allah’s Apostle
smiled and said, “O ‘Umar! Go away
from me.” When I talked too much, he
said, “I have been given the choice and
so I have chosen. Had I known that he
would be forgiven by asking for
Allah’s forgiveness for more than
seventy times, surely I would have
done so.” Umar added: Allah’s
Apostle offered his funeral prayer and
returned and after a short while the two
verses of Surah Tawbah were revealed:
“Nor do thou ever pray for any of
them that dies, nor stand at his grave;
for they rejected God and His Apostle
and died in a state of perverse
rebellion [Al Quran 9:84]” Umar
added, “Later I astonished at my
daring before Allah’s Apostle on that
day. And Allah and His Apostle know
better.” [Hadith]
After the war is over (when Islamic
Leadership has ceased the hostility), there is no
punishment for the hypocrisy of a Munafiq.
The Verses under discussion ensure the
security of the Pious Muslims. If the Verses were not
revealed, Pious Muslims would hesitate to fight
against the Hypocrites (as they are known as
Muslims) who may be struggling against them in
favor of the Infidels.
the Muslims and proclaim the penalty of killing a
Believer by mistake. It has made the fighting against
hypocrites difficult.
Not equal are those believers who sit and receive no hurt, and
those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their
wealth and their lives. Allah has granted a grade higher to
those who strive and fight with their wealth and lives than to
those who sit. Unto all Allah has promised good, but those
who strive and fight He has distinguished above those who sit
by a special reward—ranks specially bestowed by Him, and
Forgiveness and Mercy. And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most
One sitting at home may look like a Hypocrite to a
struggling Muttaqi. So, above Verses alert the
When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against
their souls, they say, "In what were you?" They reply, "Weak
and oppressed were we in the Earth." They say, "Was not the
Earth of Allah spacious enough for you to move yourselves
away?" Such men will find their abode in Hell—what an evil
refuge—except those who are weak and oppressed men,
women and children who have no means in their power, nor
to direct their way. For these, there is hope that Allah will
forgive. For Allah does blot out and forgive again and again.
He who forsakes his home in the cause of Allah finds
in the Earth many a refuge, wide and spacious. Should he die
as a refugee from home for Allah and His Messenger, his
reward becomes due and sure with Allah. And Allah is Oft-
forgiving, Most Merciful.
Section-23 of Chapter-4 [Verse 101-104]: Prayer in March
Section-24 of Chapter-4 [Verse 105-126]: Follow the
Messenger / Islamic Leadership obediently– No argument
in favor of Hypocrites
We have sent down to you the Book in truth that you might
judge between men as guided by Allah. So, be not as an
advocate by those who betray their trust. And seek the
forgiveness of Allah—for Allah is Oft–forgiving, Most
And argue not on behalf of those who deceive
themselves. Verily, Allah does not like anyone who is a
betrayer, sinner—they may hide from men, but they cannot
hide from Allah—seeing that He is with them when they plot
by night in words that He cannot approve. And Allah does
compass round all that they do.
Ah! You are those who have argued for them in the
life of this world, but who will argue for them on the Day of
Judgment against Allah; or who will then be their defender?
If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul but
afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-
forgiving, Most Merciful.
And if any one earns sin, he earns it against His own
soul; and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.
But if any one earns a fault or a sin and throws it on to
one that is innocent, He carries a falsehood and a flagrant sin.
Had not the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, a party
of them would certainly have plotted to lead you astray. But,
they will only lead their own souls astray, and to you they
can do no harm in the least; for Allah has sent down to you
the Book and wisdom and taught you what you knew not, and
great is the grace of Allah unto you.
In most of their secret talks, there is no good; but if
one exhorts to a deed of charity or justice or conciliation
between men—to him who does this seeking the good
pleasure of Allah, We shall soon give a reward of the highest.
If anyone contends with the Messenger even after
guidance has been plainly conveyed to him and follows a
path other than that becoming to Men of Faith, We shall
leave him in the path he has chosen and land him in Hell;
what an evil refuge!
Allah forgive not joining other gods with Him, but He
forgives whom He pleases other sins than this. And one who
joins other gods with Allah has strayed far, far away.
Leaving Him, call but upon female deities; and they invoke
nothing but Satan, the persistent rebel!
Allah did curse him, but he said: "I will take of Your
servants a portion marked off. I will mislead them, and I will
create in them false desires—I will order them to slit the ears
of cattle and to deface the nature created by Allah." Whoever,
forsaking Allah, takes Satan as a guardian has of a surety
suffered a loss that is manifest. Satan makes them promises
and creates in them false desires; but Satan's promises are
nothing but deception. They will have their dwelling in Hell,
and from it they will find no way of escape.
But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness,
We shall soon admit them to Jannaat, with rivers flowing
beneath, to dwell therein forever. Allah's promise is the truth,
and whose word can be truer than Allah's?
It will not be in accordance of your desires, nor of
those of the People of the Book—whoever works evil will
have the recompense thereof—nor will he find besides Allah
any protector or helper.
If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or
female, and have faith, they will enter Jannaat and not the
least injustice will be done to them.
Who can be better in religion than one who submits
his whole self to Allah, does good and follows the way of
Abraham, the true in Faith? For Allah did take Abraham as a
friend. But to Allah belong all things in the Skies and on
Lands. And He it is that encompasses all things.
But if they disagree (and must part), Allah will
provide abundance for all from His all-reaching bounty; for
Allah is He that care for all and is Wise.
To Allah belong all things in the Skies and on Lands.
Verily, we have directed the People of the Book before you
and you to fear Allah. But if you deny Him, lo! unto Allah
belongs all things in the Skies and on Lands, and Allah is free
of all wants, worthy of all Praise.
Yea, unto Allah belong all things in the Skies and on
Lands, and enough is Allah to carry through all affairs. If it
were His will, He could destroy you, O mankind, and create
another race; for He has power this to do. If anyone desires a
reward in this life, in Allah's (gift) is the reward of this life
and of the hereafter; for Allah is He that hears and sees.
O you who believe, stand out firmly for justice as
witnesses to Allah even as against yourselves, or your
parents, or your kin, and whether it be rich or poor; Allah can
best protect both. Follow not the lusts, lest you swerve, and if
you distort or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well
acquainted with all that you do.
give the glad tidings that there is for them a grievous
penalty—yea, to those who take Unbelievers as Awliya
(guardians, friends, helpers, and guides) rather than
Believers. Is it honor they seek among them? Nay, all honor
is with Allah.
Already has He sent you Word in the Book that when
you hear the Verses of Allah held in defiance and ridicule,
you are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different
theme; if you did, you would be like them. Surely, Allah will
collect the hypocrites and those who defy faith—all in Hell.
The ones who wait and watch about you; if you do
gain a victory from Allah, they say: "Were we not with you?"
But if the unbelievers gain a success, they say: "Did we not
gain an advantage over you, and did we not guard you from
the Believers?" Allah will judge between you on the Day of
Judgment. And never will Allah grant to the unbelievers a
way over the believers.
The hypocrites, they think they are over-reaching
Allah, but He will over-reach them. And when they stand up
for as salat they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men,
but little do they hold Allah in remembrance, distracted in
mind even in the midst of it, being for neither one group nor
for another—whom Allah leaves straying, never will you find
for him the way.
O you who believe, take not Unbelievers as Awliya
(friends, protectors, helpers and guides) rather than Believers.
Do you wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves?
The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire; no
helper will you find for them, except for those who repent,
mend, hold fast to Allah, and purify their religion as in
Allah's sight. If so, they will be with the Believers; and soon
will Allah grant to the Believers a reward of immense value.
What can Allah gain by your punishment if you are grateful,
and you believe? Nay, it is Allah that recognizes and knows
all things.
Allah loves not that evil should be uttered in public
speech, except where injustice has been done; for Allah is He
who hears and knows all things.
Whether you disclose a good deed, or conceal it, or
cover evil with pardon, verily Allah does blot out and has
Segment 4
A Call to Christians
The people of the Book ask you to cause a Book to
descend to them from the sky. Indeed, they asked Moses for
an even greater, for they said, "Show us Allah in public"—so,
struck them the thunderbolt for their wrongdoing.
Then they worshipped the calf even after clear signs
had come to them—even so We forgave them.
And we gave Moses manifest proofs of authority.
And we raised over them the Mount for their
And we said: "Enter the gate with humility."
And we commanded them: "Transgress not in the
matter of the Sabbath."
And we took from them a solemn covenant. In that
they broke their covenant, that they rejected the signs of God,
that they slew the Messengers in defiance of right, that they
said: “Our hearts are the wrappings”.
Nay, God hath set the seal on their hearts for their
blasphemy, and little is it they believe.
That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against
Mary a grave false charge; that they said, "We killed Christ
Jesus, the Son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah."
But they killed him not, nor crucified him; but so it
was made to appear to them. And those who differ therein are
full of doubts, with no knowledge, but only conjecture to
follow; for of a surety they killed him not. Nay, Allah raised
him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
And there is none of the People of the Book but must
believe in him before his death, and on the Day of Judgment
he will be a witness against them.
For the iniquity of the Jews, we made unlawful for
them certain (foods) good and wholesome, which had been
lawful for them—in that they hindered many from Allah's
That they took usury though they were forbidden, and
that they devoured men's substance wrongfully.
And we have prepared for those among them who
reject faith a grievous punishment.
But those who are well grounded in knowledge
among them and the Believers, believe in what has been
revealed to you and what was revealed before you, and the
ones who perform as salat, and the ones who give zakat, and
the ones believe in Allah, and in the Last Day—to them shall
We soon give a great reward.
them, nor guide them to anyway except the way of Hell to
dwell therein forever; and this to Allah is easy.
O mankind! The Messenger has come to you in truth
from Allah; believe in him; it is better for you, but, if you
reject Faith—to Allah belongs all things in the Skies and on
Lands; and Allah is All–Knowing, All–wise.
Segment 5
Clearing Doubt
They ask you for a legal decision. Say, Allah directs about
Al-Kalalah. If it is a man that dies leaving a sister but no son,
she shall have half the inheritance. If a woman who left no
son, her brother takes her inheritance. If there are two sisters,
they shall have two-thirds of the inheritance; if there are
brothers and sisters, the male having twice the share of the
female. Thus, does Allah make clear to you lest you err; and
Allah has knowledge of all things.
“Move not thy tongue concerning the
(Qur'an) to make haste therewith. It is
for Us to collect it and to promulgate
it. But when We have promulgated it,
then follow thou its recital. Nay, more,
it is for Us to explain it.”
[Al Quran 75:16-19]
Likely meaning of Kalalah
Division of Property
6. “Allah directs about Al-Kalalah. If it is a man that
dies leaving a sister but no son, she shall have half
the inheritance.”
In this case, as deceased person does not have
a son, the Parents’ Share will be 1/3 or 1/2 [1/3 if the
deceased person has left two or more females
(daughters and wives) and 1/2 if the deceased person
has left only one female]. The sister gets half of the
Parents’ Share (1/2 of 1/3 or 1/2). The rest of Parent’s
Share (1/2 of 1/3 or 1/2) goes to the mother of the
deceased person.
has left only one female]. The sisters get 2/3 of the
Parents’ Share (2/3 of 1/3 or 1/2). The rest of Parent’s
Share (1/3 of 1/3 or 1/2) goes to the mother of the
deceased person.
Chapter 5 [Al Ma'idah / THE REPAST]
Aim of the Chapter: Living with the People of the Book and
the Policies of Interaction.
“Those who deny God and His Messengers
and wish to separate God from His
Messengers saying, "We believe in some but
reject others" and wish to take a course
midway, they are in truth unbelievers; and we
have prepared for unbelievers a humiliating
punishment.” [Al Quran 4:150-151]
Flowchart of the Tafsir
Segment 3: Advice to the Muslims living in Christian
Segment 4: Conclusion
General Instructions in respect of the People of the Book
for “Hajj” or “Umrah” (pilgrimage). For Allah does
command according to His will and plan.
O you who believe, violate not the sanctity of the
symbols of Allah, nor of the Sacred Month, nor of the
animals brought for sacrifice, nor the garlands that mark out
such animals, nor the people resorting to the sacred house
seeking of the bounty and good pleasure of their Lord. But
when you finish the “Ihram” you may hunt and let not the
hatred of some people in shutting you out of the Sacred
Mosque lead you to transgression. Help you one another in
righteousness and piety but help you not one another in sin
and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is strict in
Section-2 of Chapter-5 [Verse 3-5]: Marrying Woman
from People of the Book
The Chapter-11 of Leviticus gives the long list
of animals that can be eaten. The Chapter contains 46
Verses. The Verse 1 to the Verse 9 are given below:
1 Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron
and said to them,
2 "Speak to the people of Israel and
say: 'Of all the animals on the earth
these are the animals you may eat.
3 You may eat any animal that has
divided hoofs, divided into two parts,
and that also chews the cud.
4 You may not eat: the camel, because
though it chews the cud, it does not
have divided hoofs;
5 the rabbit, because though it chews
the cud, it does not have divided hoofs;
6 the hare, as well;
7 the pig, because though it has
divided hoofs, it does not chew the
8 You must not eat the meat of such
animals nor their dead bodies; they are
unclean for you.
9 Of all that lives in water you may eat
anything that has fins and scales, and
lives in sea or river.
– Leviticus 11, Holy Bible
Now, the Muslims have got from the Quran,
which meats can be eaten. The blood is declared
forbidden (haram).
The Verses highlight the need of proper
slaughtering which is required for the blood to flow
out from the carcass.
Some Christians kill the animals by the
strangling, or by the violent blow, or by the hitting on
the head, or by the goring of horn or horn-like peg.
The process of killing does not allow the blood to
flow out completely. A Muslim man marrying a
Christian woman should remain careful so that she
slaughters the animal properly, for cooking.
An animal can be trained in special way to
follow a few commands. This “special way” is “the
manner of training directed to us by Allah”.
This day things good and pure are made lawful unto
you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you
and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you) are chaste
women who are believers, and chaste women from those who
were given scripture—when you give them their due dowers
and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues. If
anyone rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the
Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of those who have lost.
He can then make wudu as narrated in the
Verses under discussion and can perform As-Salat.
it is not declared as unclean. Therefore, wearing shoe
made from the skin of swine is okay. The touch of
dog does not break one’s wudu.
Whether his body allows the discharge
to flow or whether it retains it, he is
4 Any bed the man lies on and any seat
he sits on shall be unclean.
5 Anyone who touches his bed must
wash his clothing and take a bath and
will be unclean until evening.
6 Anyone who sits on a seat where the
man has sat must wash his clothing
and take a bath and will be unclean
until evening.
7 Anyone who touches the body of a
man so affected must wash his
clothing and take a bath and will be
unclean until evening.
8 If the sick man spits on someone
who is clean, that person must wash
his clothing and take a bath and will be
unclean until evening.
9 Any saddle the sick man travels on
will be unclean.
10 All those who touch any object that
may be under him will be unclean until
evening. Anyone who picks up such an
object must wash his clothing and take
a bath and will be unclean until
11 All those whom the sick man
touches without washing his hands
must wash their clothing and take a
bath and will be unclean until evening.
12 Any clay pot the sick man touches
must be broken and any wooden
utensil must be rinsed.
13 When the man suffering from a
discharge is cured, he must allow
seven days for his purification. He
must wash his clothing and take a bath
in running water and he will be clean.
14 On the eighth day he must take two
turtledoves or two young pigeons and
come before Yahweh at the entrance to
the Tent of Meeting, and give them to
the priest.
15 The priest is to offer a sacrifice for
sin with one of them, and with the
other a burnt offering. So the priest
will perform the rite of atonement
before Yahweh for the man's
16 When a man has a seminal
discharge, he must bathe his whole
body with water and he shall be
unclean until evening.
17 Any clothing or leather touched by
a seminal discharge must be washed
and it will be unclean until evening.
18 When a woman has slept with a
man, both of them must take a bath
and they will be unclean until evening.
19 When a woman has a discharge of
blood, and blood flows from her body,
this uncleanness of her monthly
periods shall last for seven days.
Anyone who touches her will be
unclean until evening.
20 Any bed she lies on will be
unclean; any seat she sits on will be
21 Anyone who touches her bed must
wash his clothing and take a bath and
will be unclean until evening.
22 Anyone who touches any seat she
has sat on must wash his clothing and
take a bath and will be unclean until
23 If there is anything on the bed or
the chair on which she sat, anyone who
touches it will be unclean until
24 If a man sleeps with a woman who
is unclean because of her monthly
period, he shall be unclean for seven
days. Any bed he lies on will be
25 If a woman has a flow of blood for
several days outside her period, or if
her period is prolonged, during the
time this flow lasts she shall be
unclean as during her monthly periods.
26 Any bed she lies on during the time
this flow lasts will be unclean as
during her monthly period. Any seat
she sits on will be unclean; as it would
be during her monthly periods.
27 Anyone who touches them will be
unclean; he must wash his clothing and
take a bath and will be unclean until
28 When she is cured of her flow, she
will let seven days pass; then she will
be clean.
29 On the eighth day she is to take two
turtledoves or two young pigeons and
bring them to the priest at the entrance
to the Tent of Meeting.
30 With one of them the priest is to
offer a sacrifice for sin and with the
other a burnt offering. This is the way
in which the priest will perform the rite
of atonement over her before Yahweh
for the flow that made her unclean.
31 Make the sons of Israel aware of
everything unclean, lest they die
because of defiling the Tent of my
presence among them.
32 Such is the law concerning a man
with a discharge, anyone made unclean
by a seminal discharge,
33 a woman unclean because of her
monthly periods, a man or a woman
with discharge, a man who sleeps with
an unclean woman."
– Leviticus 15, Holy Bible
Now in the Quran, the easy way is prescribed.
Thanks to Sahabah who did not ask questions. Thanks
to Allah for His favour unto us.
However, if one is not satisfied, one may
follow Torah (Holy Bible) to remain clean. There is
no objection in following the Torah at times. Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) in one occasion judged according
to the Torah when he ordered for “stoning to death” to
persons that committed illegal sexual acts. The Quran
does not order for “stoning”. It is ordered in Torah as
When wudu gets broken / nullified?
4. If one goes into the state of Junuban due to
sexual intercourse and ejaculation.
from you—so fear Allah; and on Allah let believers
put their trust.
and leads them out of darkness by His will unto the light,
guides them to a path that is straight.
Indeed, those are in blasphemy that say, "Allah is
Christ the son of Mary". Say: "Who then has the least power
against Allah if His will were to destroy Christ the son of
Mary, his mother, and all every one that is on the earth? For
to Allah belong the dominion of the Skies and Lands and all
that is between. He creates what He pleases. For Allah has
power over all things."
The Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of
Allah and His beloved." Say: "Why then does He punish you
for your sins? Nay, you are but men—of the men He has
created. He forgives whom He pleases, and He punishes
whom He pleases; and to Allah belong the dominion of the
Skies and Lands and all that is between, and unto Him is the
final goal".
O People of the Book! Now has come unto you Our
Apostle making clear unto you after the break in our apostles,
lest you should say, "There came unto us no bringer of glad
tidings and no Warner." But now has come unto you a
bringer of glad tidings and a Warner. And Allah has power
over all things.
2. It is blasphemous to call Christ Jesus, God.
3. They say, "We are sons of God”. But Allah
does not want to identify humans as His
4. The last Prophet (pbuh) has come with a
complete Book that is enough for three things
described below:
a. Guides all who seek His good pleasure
to ways of peace and safety.
b. Leads them out of darkness by His will
unto the light.
c. Guides them to a path that is straight.
Segment 2
Policies to deal with the Jews living in Muslim Territories
They said, "O Moses,” while they remain there,
“never shall we be able to enter to the end of time. Go you
and your Lord, and fight you two, while we sit here."
He said: "O my Lord! I have power only over myself
and my brother, so separate us from this rebellious people!"
Allah said: "Therefore will the land be out of their
reach for forty years, in distraction will they wander through
the land, but sorrow you not over these rebellious people."
After the death of Moses, they defeated the
opposition under the leadership of Joshua and settled
in Canaan (Palestine). However, they were not
allowed by God to form a state.
More than hundred years passed peacefully,
and they started praying to God for the permission of
forming a state. Around 1000 years before the birth of
Christ, they were allowed to form a state. God put
Saul as the King over them. The country survived for
several hundred years.
Their land was centered by Mighty Empires:
Persian and Medo-Persian Empires in the East,
Assyrian Empire in the North, Greek / Roman
Empires in the west, and Egyptian Empire in the
South. The end result of statehood was: 10 Tribes
lost, 2 Tribes survived hiding among the people of
other races. As the time passed, they became hopeless
of having a state.
From flimsy historical references, it reveals
that Moses settled some Jews in Madinah. Obviously,
Moses wanted them to receive the Last Prophet
(pbuh). But when the Last Prophet (pbuh) came after
about 1800 years, many of them opposed him. So,
they were evicted from Madinah. About eight
hundred of them were killed in the process of
eviction. For one more time they toppled the plan of
However, Jews are Children of Abraham and a
nation of many Prophets. Allah often forgives them
and uses them even in their negative drive. Due to the
presence of Jews, the Arabs of Madinah knew that the
Last Prophet (pbuh) would come to their city. So, the
Arabs of Madinah were proactive to receive him. In
addition, they had idea about monotheistic religion.
And the Verses related to the People of the Book
could be revealed in practical scenario. Finally, the
eviction of Jews strengthened new Muslim Ummah
economically and politically.
Their Promised Land extends from the Nile to
the Euphrates. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) instructed,
not to allow them in Arabian Peninsula that extends
up to the line joining the tip of Red Sea and the tip of
Persian Gulf. Therefore, they are supposed to live in
the Promised Land, excluding Arabian Peninsula,
without making a State or Government.
Many of them were living in Arab countries
safely for hundreds of years. The Quran talks about
the Jews so extensively that a Muslim knows them
more than he knows his neighboring Tribes. It creates
a kind of bondage in subconscious mind. A Muslim
may look at a Jew with doubtful eyes, but never
attacks a Jew until he is physically attacked.
In 19th Century, the Jews had no state. Some
of them were pursuing to establish a homeland around
Jerusalem, but Ottoman Sultan did not allow them.
During the First World War, the Ottomans lost the
Arab lands to Britain and France. They identified
Palestine as the land of Jews.
But, Jews were reluctant to come in the barren
land—most of them were living in the rich cities of
Europe for hundreds of years.
During the Second World War, Hitler evicted
them from Europe, and they began to come into
Palestine in large groups. Muslims welcomed them
initially, but, as the crises began, several Arab Chiefs
escaped from Palestine. Many Muslims were evicted.
Many Jews settled is Muslim-Lands instead of
settling in unclaimed and purchased land.
They maintained low intensity rivalry by pet
oppositions to keep the migration of Arabs alive.
Finally, confused Autocratic Leaders of Egypt and
Syria made the people of Palestine helpless by getting
defeated in the wars.
However, the Jews are supposed to live in the
Middle East (except in Arabian Peninsula) and many
of them are living there for hundreds of years.
Therefore, the policies about them are given in this
Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam.
Behold! They each presented a sacrifice. It was accepted
from one, but not from the other. The latter said, "Be sure I
will slay you". "Surely," said the former, "Allah does accept
of the sacrifice of those who are righteous. If you do stretch
your hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch
my hand against you to slay you; for I do fear Allah, the
Cherisher of the universes. For me, I intend to let you draw
on yourself my sin as well as yours; for you will be among
the companions of the fire, and that is the reward of those
who do wrong."
The soul (nafs) of the other led him to the murder of
his brother—he murdered him and became one of the lost
Then Allah sent a raven, who scratched the ground to
show him how to hide the dead body of his brother. "Woe is
me!" said he, "Was I not even able to be as this raven and to
hide the dead body of my brother?" Then he became full of
On that account, We ordained for the Children of
Israel that if any one slew a person, unless it be for murder or
for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he slew
the whole mankind; and if any one saved a life, it would be as
if he saved the life of the whole mankind. Then, although
there came to them our apostles with clear signs, yet, even
after that many of them continued to commit excesses in the
The recompense of those who wage war against Allah
and His Apostle, and do mischief in the land is execution, or
crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite
sides, or exile from the land—that is their disgrace in this
world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter,
except for those who repent before they fall into your power;
in that case, know that Allah is Oft–forgiving, Most Merciful.
O you who believe! Do your duty to Allah, seek the
means of approach unto Him and strive in His cause that you
may prosper.
As to those who reject Faith, if they had everything
on earth and twice repeated to give as ransom for the penalty
of the Day of Judgment, it would never be accepted of them;
theirs would be a grievous penalty. Their wish will be to get
out of the Fire, but never will they get out from there—their
penalty will be one that endures.
forgiveness; for Allah is Oft–forgiving, Most Merciful. Know
you not that to Allah belongs the dominion of the Skies and
Lands? He punishes whom He pleases, and He forgives
whom He pleases; and Allah has power over all things.
“...He must return what he has stolen
...He must make restitution in full and
add a fifth of the value of it...”
- Leviticus 6:4
Sunnah. The Quran gives enough flexibility to the
Judges in respect of the punishment.
Therefore, fear not men, but fear me; and sell not my
Verses for a miserable price. And whosoever does not judge
by what Allah has revealed such are the Disbelievers.
We ordained therein for them: life for life, eye for
eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds
equal for equal; but if any one remits the retaliation by way
of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any
fail to judge by what Allah has revealed, they are Wrongdoer.
To you We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the
scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety. So,
judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow
not their vain desires diverging from the truth that have come
to you.
To each among you we have prescribed a law and an
open way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a
single people—but to test you in what He has given you. So,
strive as in a race in all virtues; the goal of you all is to Allah;
it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which
you dispute.
And this: Judge you between them by what Allah has
revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of
them, lest they beguile you from any of that which Allah has
sent down to you. And if they turn away, be assured that for
some of their crime, it is Allah's purpose to punish them; and
truly most men are rebellious.
Do they then seek judgment of ignorance? And who
is better in judgment than Allah for a people who have firm
O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians as
awliya—they are but awliya to each other. And he among
you that turns to them is of them. Verily, Allah guides not a
people unjust. Those in whose hearts are a disease you see
how eagerly they run about among them, saying: "We do fear
lest a change of fortune bring us disaster." Ah! Perhaps Allah
will give victory or a decision according to His will. Then
will they repent of the thoughts, which they secretly harbored
in their hearts. And those who believe will say: "Are these
the men who swore their strongest oaths by Allah that they
were with you?" All that they do will be in vain, and they
will fall into ruin.
O you who believe, if any from among you turn back
from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He
will love as they will love Him—lowly with the believers,
mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and
never fear of the blame of the blamers; that is the grace of
Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleases. And Allah
encompasses all, and He knows all things.
Your wali (a friend, protector, helper and guide) is
Allah, His Apostle, and the Believers those who perform As-
Salat and give Zakat, and they bow down humbly. As to
those who turn to Allah, His Apostle, and the Believers; it is
the fellowship of Allah that must certainly triumph.
O you who believe, take not as awliya those who take
your religion for a mockery or sport, whether among those
who received the scripture before you or among those who
reject faith, but fear you Allah if you have faith. When you
proclaim your call to prayer, they take it as mockery and
sport; that is because they are a people without
Say: "O people of the Book! Do you disapprove of us
for no other reason than that we believe in Allah and the
revelation that has come to us and that which came before,
and that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" Say,
"Shall I point out to you something much worse than this
regarding the recompense from Allah—those who incurred
the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom He
transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped
Taghut (Power); such are worse in rank and far more astray
from the even path!"
When they come to you, they say: "We believe," but
in fact, they enter with a mind against Faith, and they go out
with the same; but Allah knows fully all that they hide.
And you see many of them hurrying toward sin and
transgression and eating illegal things. Evil indeed are the
things that they do. Why do not the Rabbis and the Doctors
of Law forbid them from their uttering sinful words and
eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works.
The Jews say: "Allah's hand is tied up." Be their hands tied
up, and be they accursed for what they utter. Nay, both His
hands are widely outstretched. He gives and spends as He
pleases. But the revelation that come to you from Allah
increases in most of them their obstinate rebellion and
blasphemy. Among them we have placed enmity and hatred
till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of
war, Allah does extinguish it. And they strive to do mischief
on earth; and Allah loves not those who do mischief.
If only the People of the Book had believed and been
righteous, We should indeed have blotted out their iniquities
and admitted them to Jannaati-Naimi. If only they had stood
fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was
sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed
happiness from every side. There is from among them a party
on the right course, but many of them follow a course that is
Section-12 of Chapter-5 [Verse 67-68]: Call them to join
the Ummah
Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the
Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, and the Christians—any
who believe in Allah and the Last Day and work
righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Advice to the Muslims living in Christian Countries
will forbid him the Jannaat, and the Fire will be his abode.
For the wrongdoers, there will be no one to help."
They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in
a Trinity; for there is no Allah except one Allah. If they desist
not from their word, verily a grievous penalty will befall the
blasphemers among them. Why turn they not to Allah and
seek His forgiveness? For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most
Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than an apostle;
many were the apostles that passed away before him. His
mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their
food. See how Allah does make His signs clear to them; yet
see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!
Say: "Will you worship besides Allah something,
which has no power either to harm or benefit you? But Allah!
He it is that hears and knows all things."
Say: "O people of the Book, exceed not in your
religion the bounds trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow
the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by,
who misled many and strayed from the even way.
Section-16 of Chapter-5 [Verse 78-86]: Difference between
Jews and Christians
good. But those who reject Faith and belie our Verses, they
shall be companions of Hell-fire.
O you who believe make not unlawful the good things, which
Allah has made lawful for you, but commit no excess; for
Allah loves not those given to excess. Eat of the things,
which Allah has provided for you, lawful and good; but fear
Allah, in Whom you believe.
Allah will not call you to account for what is futile in your
oaths, but He will call you to account for your deliberate
oaths—for expiation feed ten indigent persons on a scale of
the average for the food of your families, or clothe them, or
give a slave his freedom. If that is beyond your means, fast
for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths you have
sworn. But keep to your oaths. Thus, does Allah make clear
to you His signs that you may be grateful.
“O ye who believe, approach not
prayers with a mind befogged, until ye
can understand all that ye say…”
[Al Quran 4:43]
Hence, the above Verses reminded to obey the
Prophet (pbuh) as well.
If a Prophet forbids eating something, it
becomes haram for the followers. The Sahabah left
drinking then and there.
believing good-doer drinks, he should fear Allah and
should continue believing and doing good deeds.
To conclude, one should train one’s child in
the way of Islam so that he never drinks a drop of
alcohol, because it is seriously forbidden in the
Verses under discussion. A Muslim by born should
never drink.
for offerings, and the garlands that mark them that you may
know that Allah has knowledge of what is in the Skies and on
Lands, and that Allah is well acquainted with all things.
Know you that Allah is strict in punishment and that Allah is
Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
There are many things that look good, but are Khabiss
in reality. A dazzling city, praised by all, may be full
of Khabiss.
Abundance of the Khabiss may please one, but
one should not forget that in the real life the Khabiss
is not better than the Tayyib that may even look poor
and humble.
though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance? O
you who believe, guard your own souls. If you follow
guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray. The
goal of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the
truth of all that you do.
Segment 4
One day Allah will gather the apostles together, and ask:
"What was the response you received?" They will say, "We
have no knowledge; it is You Who know in full all that is
Then Allah will say, "O Jesus the son of Mary!
Recount My favour to you and to thy mother. Behold! I
strengthened you with Holy Soul (Ruhul-Quddus) so that you
did speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold!
I taught you the Book and wisdom, the Law and the Gospel.
And behold, you make out of clay as it were the figure of a
bird by My leave, and you breathe into it, and it becomes a
bird by My leave; and you heal those born blind and the
lepers by My leave; and behold, you bring forth the dead by
My leave.
And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from
you when you did show them the clear Signs and the
unbelievers among them said, "This is nothing but evident
And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in
Me and Mine Apostle. They said, "We have faith and bear
witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims".
Behold! The disciples said, "O Jesus the son of Mary!
Can your Lord send down to us a table spread (with food)
from heaven?"
Jesus said, "Fear Allah, if you have faith." They said,
"We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts and to
know that you have indeed told us the truth, and that we
ourselves may be witnesses to the miracle."
Jesus the son of Mary said, "O Allah our Lord! Send
us from heaven a table set that there may be for us—for the
first and the last of us—a solemn festival and a sign from
you; and provide for our sustenance, for you are the best
Allah said, "I will send it down unto you. But if any
of you after that resist faith, I will punish him with a penalty
such as I have not inflicted on any one among all the
And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of
Mary! Did you say unto men, worship me and my mother as
gods, in derogation of Allah?"
He will say: "Glory to You, never could I say what I
had no right. Had I said such a thing, you would indeed have
known it. You know what is in my heart though I do not
know what is in Yours. Truly, You, only You are the All-
Knower of all that is hidden. Never I said to them aught
except what You did command me to say to wit, “Worship
Allah, my Lord and your Lord,” and I was a witness over
them while I dwelt among them; when You did take me up,
You was the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all
things. If You do punish them, they are Your servant; if You
do forgive them, You are the Exalted in power, the Wise."
Allah will say: "This is a day on which the truthful
will profit from their truth; theirs are gardens with rivers
flowing from beneath—their eternal Home. Allah is well-
pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great
salvation. To Allah does belong the dominion of the Skies
and Lands and all that are therein, and it is He Who has
power over all things.
Chapter 6 [Al An'am THE CATTLE]
Aim of the Chapter: To highlight the Furqan’s Way of
Preaching Islam
The Fourth Chapter highlights Islam as the religion
that was preached by the Prophets of all times. It calls People
of the Book to follow.
The Segments and Sections are given below:
Section 11 [Verse 68-70]: Negative discussion about the
Section 12 [Verse 71-73]: Allah's Guidance is the Guidance
Section 13 [Verse 74-94]: Home of Ummah and the Mother
of Cities (Main Discussion)
Section 14 [Verse 95-106]: Who is Allah
Section 15 [Verse 107-114]: Concluding Segment-2
Tafsir of the Surah
The Universe has another Determined Term
The mystery was resolved when it was
discovered that the universe was expanding. In 1920s,
an American Scientist, Edwin Hubble, discovered that
all distant galaxies were receding. The recessional
velocity increases with the distance—the further away
a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away. The nearby
galaxies are receding at a rate of two to three hundred
miles per second, while the furthest galaxies,
discovered so far, are receding at speeds nearing the
speed of light. It implies that the universe is
“Expansion solves the problem. The light and
heat from all the objects in the sky has to spread over
more thinly into the void to fill the increasing space
between them. This effectively weakens the light,
lowering the density of the energy of starlight- the
brightness of the sky- everywhere. The faster each
light source recedes, the weaker its contribution will
be, and in a universe with the more distant shells
receding more rapidly than those nearby, only the
very nears are left making any noticeable
contribution to conditions here on the Earth.”
– The Expanding Universe by John Gribbin in
The Encyclopedia of Space Travel and Astronomy,
edited by John Man.
“What! Are you more difficult to
create, or the sky? He has constructed
it. He has raised its thickness, and He
has given it order and perfection. Its
night does He endow with darkness,
and its splendor does He bring out.
And the land moreover has He
extended. He draws out there from its
moisture and its pasture. And the
mountains He firmly fixed. For use
and convenience to you and your
cattle.” [Al Quran 79: 27–33]
Quran 36: 40. The Milky Way Galaxy is like a space-
ship, carrying gases, dust, stars, and other objects like
the Sun and the Moon.]
rolling up of the scroll for writings; as
We originated the first creation, We
shall reproduce it—a promise on Us;
surely We will bring it about.”
[Al Quran 81: 104]
and pains. That is another determined term for the
So, a human is passing through a term of life
in the present cycle (2nd Cycle) of the universe. He
has another determined term of life in the next cycle
(3rd Cycle) of the universe.
The Preaching Strategy of the Furqan
And now they reject the truth when it reaches them, but soon
shall they learn the reality of what they used to mock at.
See they not how many of those before them We did
destroy? Generations We had established on the Earth in
strength such as We have not given to you; for whom We
poured out rain from the skies in abundance and gave streams
flowing beneath them; yet for their sins, We destroyed them,
and raised in their wake fresh generations.
Section-3 of Chapter-6 [Verse 7-9]: The Miracle does not
work in real sense. Learn through Observations and
Analyses. The Environment of Test is to be Maintained
will be in disasters and pains for the inherent nature of
one’s galaxy.
Allah equally owns both the universes
(Samawaat and Jannaat). He has planned to depute
His vicegerents in the objects of the universes. But all
objects are not the same—some are hostile, some are
peaceful. So, He has prepared a level plain ground of
test—it is the Earth.
The test is easy: “…any who believe in God
and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have
their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no
fear, nor shall they grieve.” [Al Quran 2:62]
So, the Earth is a place to determine who
deserves what in the eternal next term? So, there
should remain the scopes of disbelieve.
Therefore, preaching by human Messengers is
the way Allah has chosen. The last Messenger has left
the Quran that calls mankind to the Straight Path,
leading to Jannaat.
If Allah would send visible angels, the test
environment would be lost.
Say: Nay! But I am commanded to be the first of
those who bow to Allah. And be not you of the company of
those who join gods with Allah.
Say: I would, if I disobeyed my Lord, indeed have
fear of the Penalty of a Mighty Day. On that day, if the
Penalty is averted from any, it is due to Allah's Mercy; and
that would be the obvious fulfillment of all desires. If Allah
touches you with affliction, none can remove it but He; if He
touches you with happiness, He has power over all things. He
is the Irresistible above His slaves, and He is the Wise,
Acquainted with all things.
Say: What thing is most great in witness?
Say: Allah is witness between you and me. This
Qur'an has been revealed to me by inspiration that I may
warn you and all whom it reaches. Can you possibly bear
witness that besides Allah there is another God?
Say: I bear no witness!
Say: But in truth He is the only one God. And truly I
am innocent of what you join in worship with Him.
who joined gods with Allah." Behold! How they lie against
their own souls! But the which they invented will leave them
in the lurch.
Of them there are some who listen to you, but We
have thrown veils on their hearts, so they understand it not,
and deafness in their ears; if they saw every one of the signs,
not they will believe in them—in so much that when they
come to you, they dispute with you. The unbelievers say,
"These are nothing but tales of the ancients," and they
prevent others from it, and they themselves keep away. But
they only destroy their own souls, and they perceive it not.
If you could but see, when they are confronted with
the Fire! They will say: "Would that we were but sent back,
then would we not reject the Verses of our Lord, but would
be among those who believe!" Yea, in their own will become
manifest what before they concealed.
But if they were returned, they would certainly
relapse to the things they were forbidden, for they are indeed
And they say: "There is nothing except our life on this
earth, and never shall we be raised up again."
If you could but see when they are confronted with
their Lord! He will say: "Is not this the truth?"
They will say: "Yea, by our Lord!"
He will say: "Taste you then the Penalty, because you
rejected Faith."
Lost indeed are they who treat it as a falsehood that
they must meet Allah, until on a sudden the hour is on them,
and they say: "Ah! Woe unto us that we took no thought of
it". For they bear their burdens on their backs, and worsen
indeed are the burdens that they bear?
What is the life of this world but play and
amusement? But best is the Home in the Hereafter—for those
who are righteous.
Will you not then understand?
As to the dead, Allah will raise them up, then will they be
turned unto Him.
And they said, "Why is not a Sign sent down to him
from his Lord?"
Say: “Allah certainly has power to send down a
Sign”, but most of them understand not.
believe in thee, and we shall send
away the Children of Israel with thee."
But every time We removed
the penalty from them according to a
fixed term, which they had to fulfill,
behold, they broke their word!
So, We exacted retribution
from them. We drowned them in the
sea, because they rejected Our Signs
and failed to take warning from them.”
[Al Quran 7: 132–136]
another son Jeroboam. The People of Israel soon
began worshipping the Baal.
What happens if the miracle is so great that
none can call it sorcery? Jesus had such power. He
could make the dead alive. But the Power was given
with the scope of test. Jesus was created without a
father. People call him Son of God.
Only a few believed him (Jesus), but many of
others were out to kill him as soon as possible.
Ultimately, God had to rescue him from crucifixion.
We are difficult things indeed!
So, Allah took a different path to press the
teachings home. It was the path of struggle and
warfare (Jihad). A small number of deeply motivated
people took refuge in Madinah. They formed their
own society and preached the religion with the Divine
Verses, reasoning, and personal examples; at the same
time fought battles to remove the Taghuts and expand
the area of influence. A Prophet with miraculous
power would be counterproductive in this way of
Actually, Islam is not preached only, it is
established and maintained by the application of
compulsory-group-prayers (Salat mainly) and Laws.
After Muhammad (pbuh) died, his followers
followed the same way. They did not feel the
requirement of Miraculous Power to preach the
The Christianity is preached by Saintly
Preachers (mainly Fathers from Vatican). Islam does
not renounce such preaching as well. Islam was
preached among Mongol, Indian and Indonesian
people by the Saints (Sufis). It is discussed in the
Introduction of Part-2.
the hell directly. Some of them think that only Jews
and Christians will go to paradise, and others will not.
But the above Verses of the Quran declare that
not the names of humans only, all the creatures are
listed in the Book (Lawh-Mahfuz) as separate
communities, and all will be resurrected.
However, Holy Bible mentions the Book as
“…another Book…which is the Book of Life” where
name of everybody will not be found. This “another
Book” may be the record of people that will go
Jannaat. In the main Book, all living creatures are
listed as separate communities.
wrongdoers, the last remnant was cut off. Praise be to Allah,
the Cherisher of the Universes.
They are created to be the Vicegerents of God in the
lands (objects) of the Samawaat and the Jannaat.
Section-8 of Chapter-6 [Verse 48-58]: Obligations of
Prophet (pbuh) and Suggested Standpoints
We send the apostles only to give good news and to warn. So,
those who believe and mend, upon them shall be no fear, nor
shall they grieve. But those who reject Our Verses, them shall
punishment touch; for that they ceased not from
Say: I tell you not that with me are the treasures of
Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an
angel; I but follow what is revealed to me.
Say: “Can the blind be held equal to the seeing; will
you then consider not?”
Give this warning to those in who is the fear that they
will be brought before their Lord; except for Him, they will
have no protector, nor intercessor—that they may guard.
Turn not away those who call on their Lord morning and
evening seeking His Face. In naught are you accountable for
them and in naught are they accountable for you that you
should turn them away and thus be of the unjust.
Thus, We have tried some of them with others that
they might say: "Is it these whom Allah has favored from
amongst us?"
Does not Allah know best those who are grateful?
When those come to you who believe in Our Verses,
say: "Peace be on you. Your Lord has decreed for Himself
Mercy. Verily, if any of you did evil in ignorance and
thereafter repented and amended—lo! He is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful."
Thus, do We explain the Verses in detail that the way
of the sinners may be shown up.
Say: I am forbidden to worship those other than Allah
whom you call upon.
Say: I will not follow your vain desires; if I did, I
would stray from the path and be not of the company of those
who receive guidance.
Say: For me, I on a clear proof from my Lord, but you
deny it. I have not gotten what you are asking for impatiently
(Miraculous Sign). The command rests with none but Allah.
He declares the truth, and He is the best of judges.
Say: If I had that which you are asking for
impatiently, the matter would be settled at once between you
and me. But Allah knows best those who do wrong.
With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none
knows but He. He knows whatever there is on the earth and
in the sea. Not a leaf does fall but with His knowledge. There
is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything fresh
or dry, but is in a “Record Clear”.
5. Barzakh (Barrier)
6. The Cybernetic System of the Universe
7. The Observer
8. Ruhh (Soul)
9. Angels
10. Reporting back to the CC
11. Reporting to Allah
12. Several Chief Angels
13. Conclusion
Background Knowledge
1. Role of Allah
“And Elohim created the man in His
own image; in the image of Elohim He
created him. He created them male and
female.” [Genesis 1:27, Holy Bible]
hands of nafs may be comprised of 10 to 12 force
The Gravitational Force Field is an elementary
soul of Allah, which He has extended to sustain and
move the objects. The Vacuum Energy, the Dark
Energy, and many of the Quantum Fields may also be
His extended elementary souls.
He, at His will, has designed the extended
elementary souls to act in fixed patterns. So, we view
their acts as natural laws.
In addition, he has extended a few of His
elementary souls (force fields / ruhhs) from His face
and chest. He uses those for different purposes.
So, Allah exists everywhere. He is closer to us
than our jugular veins. He sustains the creations from
the level of sub-atomic particles to the level of giant
universes. He sees everything, hears everything. He
can do whatever He may want to do, at any place, at
any time. Every inert thing is devotedly obedient to
Him. He says, “Be”, and it is!
Allah has designed the space into seven
spherical waves (seven skies), one inside another—
like the peels of onion. The objects are moving in the
skies through their paths, predetermined by Him. We
view His all-embracing grip and performances as the
acts of Time. He rotates the Earth to change the day
and night.
against Time; I am Time; I change the
day and night.” [Al Bukhari]
angels organized in a Hierarchy. The Head of the
system is a huge computer. When we read the Quran
and the Hadith, we come to know about the computer
from the narrations of its components. These are:
a. The Pen,
b. The Disc,
c. The Motherboard
I have discussed the components in the
following to understand the computer and its role in
materializing the fates.
It is already written when a leaf will grow, and
when and how it will fall. It happens naturally. The
angels monitor the compliance.
Allah knows what is written and what is
happening, so it is said in the Verse under discussion:
“…Not a leaf does fall, but with His knowledge…”
The above Hadith mentions the Disc (Lawh-Mahfuz)
as the “Place of Remembrance”. We too use our
computer CDs / Hard Discs as instruments to keep
The computer (CC) belongs to Allah who
created genome, genome code and human brain. It
predicted our fates. It monitors the materialization of
the fates by the angels. So, it should be an
unimaginably developed outstanding computer. I am
comparing it with a man-made computer to have an
idea only.
2d-I. Software
So, the CC was programmed with necessary
software and data. The following Hadith indicates that
the CC can act on short commands.
2d-III. File Inscriptions
2d-V. A Rational Computer
God. It said to the sixth angel who had
just sounded the trumpet, "Release the
four angels chained at the banks of the
great river Euphrates”
–Revelation 9 (13-14), Holy Bible
“Those before them did devise plots,
but in all things the Master-Designing
is Allah's. He knows the doings of
every soul, and soon will the
Unbelievers know who gets home in
the end.” [Al Quran 13:42]
We are there in the Virtual Universe. Each
human genome code, coded in 23 Pairs of DNA
Double Helix, was produced in the CC from the
parent-genome-codes sequentially from the beginning
(from the given codes of Adam and Eve). Basing on
the genome codes, the CC could produce the humans
in the Virtual Universe. The virtual humans had
virtual brains as well, to function independently. It is
indicated in the following Verse:
in some points of time to clear the ways ahead. On the
real Earth of today, we are controlled in the same
points by the angels. Allah has incorporated some
events of test as well.
Thus, every event is already enacted in the
Virtual Universe:
should it write? Allah ordered to write
the fate of everybody. The Pen wrote
all those would happen from the
beginning to the end." [Tirmizi]
However, his fate is fixed in the real life. And
he is guided by the angels to follow the determined
paths. But he has free thinking. If he repents, his sin is
Only the fates of living creatures were written
from the Master Design (Virtual Universe). The
details of creations are unimaginably huge. The
highly powerful CC says:
The CC has planned to send angels. The
angels will monitor the activities of living creatures to
ensure that the creatures who are supposed to die in
the earthquake remain in the points of death and die
as planned, and the creatures who are not supposed to
die do not go into the place of death. The angels
collect the souls of the dead as well. And there are
many other jobs that are done by the angels according
to the directions of the CC.
The CC could extract the fates of living
creatures from the Master Design (Virtual Universe)
and could translate it as orders for the angels. So, the
CC is intelligent. If the CC is compared with the
Earth, a laptop computer is like a dust. In spite of that
the CC is a computer. It will punish the men in hell
unwaveringly by robotic angels.
The CC and the angels are in charge of the
hell fire. In the following Verses, ‘Over it is
Nineteen’ means that ‘Over the objects of hell is CC’
that commands through nineteen Chief Angels.
Thus, the Empire of Angels is automated by
the CC. If one wants to get rid of this computer (CC),
one has to move to the Jannaat, where it supports as
His." So, did those who went before
But what is the mission of
apostles but to preach the Clear
Message? For, We assuredly sent
among every People an apostle:
Worship Allah and avoid Taghut
Then of the people were some
whom God guided, and of them were
some upon whom the straying was
justified. So, travel through the Earth
and see, what the end of those who
denied was”
[Al Quran16: 35-36]
leading the life of an Unbeliever and heading to the
hell. But as soon as he believes on one God and the
Last Day, Allah (if He wills) opens an alternative fate
for him, which leads him to the Jannaat. Allah is Just
and Merciful.
On the Day of Final Judgment, each human
will be shown his complete life history when he will
understand how many times he was called to the
Truth through preachers, books, situations and signs.
The History of Islam is written in blood to keep the
call alive.
The deeds are fixed; if a person is destined to
do a sin, he will do it. But, if he repents, his sin is
forgiven. The repentance too is a matter of thought.
In the above Verses, we find a part: “…some
whom God guided, and of them were some upon
whom the straying was justified”. Here “some God
guided” does not mean that for others the path of
accepting the True Faith was closed; they were given
equal opportunities, but they did not come—that was
how their straying were justified.
Why some were guided by Allah and some
were not guided? Probably, the guided ones grew
tendency to accept the True Faith. May be, they
became soft hearted to the Prophet (pbuh) or to the
True Faith. May be, they were thinking that they
would accept the True Faith one day, but were not
very serious about it. If Allah did not guide them, they
would remain in the Wrong Faith, and the prediction
would come true—the straying would be justified in
their cases as well. But Allah guided them, because
He is Merciful.
Others were equally called. They had equal
opportunities to accept the True Faith. But nothing
could soften their hearts. They kept on hating the True
Faith and the Prophets of God. Many Prophets were
killed. They gave no scope to guide them. So, the
predictions about them were confirmed through their
lives on the Earth.
Allah felt judging one on the basis of one’s
Virtual Life unjustified. So, humans are put into the
Earth to justify the eternal destinations—the Earth is
merely a testing ground.
with you I award mercy to anyone I
like’. He said to the hell, ‘Among my
servants I punish anyone I wish, with
you. You are my wrath. Both of you
will be filled up with them.’ About
hell, it will not be filled-up unless
Allah puts His leg into it. Then it will
say, ‘enough, enough, enough.’ Then it
will be filled up and its one part will
come to another part. Allah will not do
injustice to any of His creations. About
the Jannaat, of course Allah will fill-up
that with His servants."
[Bokhari and Muslim]
4. Records
4a. Amal-Nama
“It is He who dies you (yatawaffakum)
by night and has knowledge of all that
you have done by day. By day, does
He raise you up again that a term
appointed be fulfilled. In the end, unto
Him will be your return. Then He will
show you the truth of all that you did.”
[Al Quran 6:60]
Allah prefers hiding one’s sin. Mainly, the
Amal-Nama will be used for Judgment. Many sins are
not written in the Amal-Nama.
However, for some heinous sinners, the Book
will be opened.
5. Barzakh (Barrier)
There are special domains inside the Barzakh
where matter and energies can survive. The Illiyin
and the Sijjin are such domains.
e. CC (Computer for the Creations)
f. Main Canals
g. Axis of the Universe (Samawaat)
h. Command Station
i. The Fortress
j. Sakinah (Indwelling)
6a. Arsh
6b. Araf
The universe is so big that the angel, sent to
his job-station, cannot return; the Dooms Day will
arrive before he can return.
6c. Veil
“Then I was taken to the Baitul-
Mamur. Every day 70,000 angels visit
it and never returning to it again,
another (group) coming after them.”
6d. Sidratul-Muntaha
System, the Sidratul-Muntaha should be considered as
the Heart.
The Sidratul-Muntaha provides passage to the
creatures, information and objects. It has Check Posts
to control their movements. If one moves up through
the Sidratul-Muntaha, one reaches the Arsh. But,
nobody is allowed to move without authority.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was allowed to
move up. He left accompanying Gabriel under the
eastern branch of Sidratul-Muntaha and moved up
alone to the Arsh. At the highest level of his journey
and heard the noise of Pen (CC).
From the Arsh, Prophet (pbuh) moved down
to the Jannaat through the western branch of Sidratul-
Muntaha (first descent). While returning through the
same path, he found Gabriel waiting where he was
“…For, it is indeed a Message of
instruction. Therefore, let who-so will
keep it in remembrance—in Books
(Lawh-Mahfuz) held in honor, exalted,
kept pure and holy by the hands of
Scribes (Scribe Angels).”
[Al Quran 80: 11-15]
Hadith: “In the Seventh Sky, I saw
rivers of light, such that the light that
was coming from them made the eyes
blind. Rivers of Darkness were also
there that were covered over with ice,
and the sound of thunder crashing
could be heard. I was busy looking at
these rivers when Jibra'il (Gabriel)
said to me, "O' Muhammad, be
thankful to Allah for the graces and
bounties that have been chosen for
you." [Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 18]
6g. Axis of the Universe (Samawaat)
and a net angular momentum. Since angular
momentum is conserved this means the Universe must
have been born spinning. We can't see outside of our
Universe, so we'd have to assume it is spinning
relative to other universes in a higher dimensional
space. Presumably the Big Bang was spinning
initially, and as it expanded, the net angular
momentum was dissipated among the galaxies. Now
we still see it through the preferred spin direction.”
– “Detection of a Dipole in the Handedness of
Spiral Galaxies with Red shifts z ~0.04, Michael J.
Longo, Phys. Lett. B 699, 224-229 (2011).
timescale through Command Stations, Fortresses and
Sakinah, discussed below. So, the distance does not
But, I call it “Command Station” to maintain
the sense of its purpose.
During the Night Journey (Miraz), Prophet
(pbuh) visited the Command Stations (Lofty Stations)
step by step. He saw Adam in the Command Station
of the First Sky, Jesus in the Second Sky, Moses in
the Sixth Sky, Abraham in the Seventh Sky. He saw
several other Prophets as well.
A Command Station receives, preserves, and
passes on the data coming from the CC via Sidratul-
Muntaha. So, a Command Station must be having
Server (Computer) like systems.
The angels may carry the data and put it into
the Servers. Or the data may be transferred through
the channels and sub-channels independently.
The data may be transferred in the Quantum
Teleportation technique as well. In quantum reality, in
many cases, two distinct physical systems are
characterized by a single state in such a way that if
one characterizes the state of one part, must refer to
the state of the other part. So, information can be
transferred instantly. If one is writing in a Quantum
Teleportation System of a Command Station, then one
is also writing in its counter-part, incorporated in the
Sidratul-Muntaha, hanging above the Araf, billions of
light years away.
It is proved in 1982 through the experiment
carried out by Alain Aspect and his team. The
experiment provides strong evidence that even at
great distances the atomic particles remain connected
to one another—they are entangled. It shows that
quantum event at one location can affect an event at
another location without any obvious mechanism for
communication between two locations.
It is likely that there are 19 Command Stations
and Arch Angels:
a. Seven in this Universe (one in each Sky).
b. Eight in the Jannaat (one in each level).
c. Two in the Araf (Angel Malek in the
Eastern Araf and Angel Rizwan in the
Western Araf).
d. One commands the Angels of Arsh.
e. One commands the Angels in Sidratul-
Muntaha, Illiyin and Sijjin.
The Fortresses are stars or star-like objects.
The angels are created out of light. So, they remain
energetic in the stars or star-like objects.
However, they are driven away by the angels
as soon as possible.
6j. Sakinah (Indwelling)
The whole System becomes clear if we
discuss how the Quran was descended:
• The Quran was written and preserved in the
• The Verses of the Quran were sent to Sidratul-
Muntaha that programmed the angels to
deliver the Verses.
• The angels and the Verses in the form of ruhhs
(electromagnetic-brain-data) were put into a
group of thousand years. The group moved
through the Channels and descended into the
Command Station of the First (Innermost)
• The Command Station preserved the Verses in
a Server, and the angels in a Fortress.
• In due time, the package of the Quran (angels
and ruhhs) were put into a Sakinah, and the
Sakinah was sent near the Earth.
• From the Sakinah, the angels with the Verses
came to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) day by
If a Sakinah is close to one, one feels weak
and fall sleeping. It is a security measure of the
Sakinah against the jinns trying to gain information.
However, the characteristic was used to calm the
Sahabah after the Battle of Ohud.
7. The Observer
fail. However, if an impromptu situation really arises
and demands change, Allah does it.
When Jonah left prematurely, the people
understood that their time was about to end. At the
last moment, they repented and asked for forgiveness
to God, when the angels of destruction were in the
vicinity. Allah forgave and lifted the punishment.
8. Ruhh (Soul)
8a. Angel-programming Ruhh
8c. Human Nafs
9. Angels
angels for a particular task are programmed at a time
and sent in one packet.
Therefore, the angels cannot deviate from
following through the orders; they are sinless (minor
angels are robotic). Prophet (pbuh) saw the
programming during the Night Journey (Miraj):
differently in different Hadith. A thing like a “Moth
of Gold” remains over an angel when he sits on a leaf.
Most likely, this Moth of Gold is the programming
The commands / ruhhs are delivered into the
Sidratul-Muntaha from the CC. The Sidratul-Muntaha
produces desired electric pulses and other things
unknown to program the angels. The electric pulses
are spurted through the ‘Moths of Gold’ into the
angels sitting on the leaves. Therefore, when an angel
is programmed, he (angel) sparkles with the light
After programming and tasking, the angels are
packed in a group that includes the Task Performing
Ruhhs and the Nafses in cases. The group is sent
down into a Command Station through the Channels
flowing from the Araf.
It may be mentioned that the final release of
angels, destined for a great destruction, remains in the
hand of Allah, not in the hand of a Chief Angel. Thus,
great destructions get delayed, even may not come at
all (Allah is Merciful). Noah was living for 900 years.
People were hearing about the ensuing Flood, but it
was delaying and delaying.
The destruction of Nineveh was cancelled.
We are living in the verge of the end-time-
destructions, related to the coming of Mahdi and
Jesus Christ. The signs of their coming are appearing,
but the events of destructions are not rolling down.
There are several Books of Prophecy in Holy Bible.
One may read those to know the signs.
Allah made the Master Plan; He can adjust.
cursing the person. At the end of duty, they go back to
the Retiring Fortress where they will keep on cursing
the one till the Doomsday.
Every night, when a man sleeps, his brain-data
is copied and collected by some angels. They send it
to the CC.
both of them (Samawaat and Jannaat);
for He is the Most High, the Supreme.”
[Al Quran 2:255]
12a. Israfil
12b. Azrail
leaf falls down, Azrail sees the name and collects his
soul within forty days. It is likely that the tree is
connected to the CC. The leaves fall according to the
commands of the CC.
It is narrated in the Hadith that the body of
Azrail is so big that if the water of all the oceans were
poured onto his head, not a single drop would reach
his feet.
He does not leave his seat for collecting the
souls. He has a dedicated hand for each human. Each
hand has an eye. Azrail uses the hand to look at a
person seventy times a day. It means that wherever
the person goes, the dedicated hand of Azrail follows.
The dedicated hand ceases after the collecting his
After collecting the soul of every living being,
only one hand will remain, with which he will collect
his own soul.
12c. Gabriel
12d. Michael
13. Conclusion
Section-10 of Chapter-6 [Verse 60-67]: Human Soul (Main
the Nafsin-Wahidatin was greater than the GUT
Force. It may be called GUT Force + (plus).
The unknown force fields were needed to
create the nafses (composite souls) of the living
It is better if one reading this Section has read
the "Basic Idea about Soul" from Section-1 of
In this Section, I have discussed human souls.
It is the main discussion of human souls. The
discussion will progress in the following sequence:
1. Types of Human Souls
2. Human Ruhh
3. Ruhh and Deep Sleep
4. Ruhh and Hearing
5. Ruhh and Memory-Data
7. Nature of Nafs
8. Role of Nafs
9. The Resurrection and the Nafs
10. The Need of Guarding
Universe (hell), or is it should be an object of the
Jannaat (paradise)?
A human is not only tested, his souls and
memories are developed on the Earth for his eternal
Each human has two souls:
• Ruhh
• Nafs
Both, Ruhh and Nafs, are translated as Soul,
but they are different.
The nafs is a combination of unknown (not yet
discovered) force fields. The force fields originated
from the Nafsin-Wahidatin:
A ruhh is an unknown elementary force field.
Allah gives ruhh directly from Himself:
2a. Consciousness
Then Allah gave ruhh directly from Himself.
He breathed the ruhh into Adam, and he became
conscious and tried to get up:
ruhh. Emotion relates to consciousness. Everything is
conscious. A subatomic particle, moving though the
space as waves, becomes particle if it is observed. So,
it is conscious and has emotion to take form as
needed. Similarly, the ruhh and nafs, being the force
fields, have emotions. The ruhh has two emotions
such as happiness and joy, and the nafs has many,
such as fear, greed, anger, love, and so on.
Then the nafs can feed data of its emotions,
such as fear, love, greed, etc., into the ruhh, which
trigger a thought in the mind with the assistance of
brain and nervous system and can make a human
conscious (living, in the divine language).
Thereby, the ruhh makes the nafs active, and
then the nafs makes the body active.
A human dies through two steps. In the first
step, his ruhh is seized by Allah. So, his mind gets
dismantled and the nafs get inactive, as a result he
becomes unconscious (dies, in the divine language).
In the second step, his nafs is drawn out and collected
by the angels, and he dies permanently.
In simple term, a man falls asleep (becomes
unconscious) when his ruhh is taken out by Allah; he
finally dies when the nafs is taken out by the angels.
The above Verse is telling the act of Allah only.
whole body becomes pure; and when
that one goes wrong, the whole body
goes wrong. Be informed that it is the
qalb.” [Hadith]
The brain, the nerves, the muscles, and the
ruhh jointly make the mind in the chest. The mind
helps produce the mental-visions. It works as the
virtual brain. Some of the visions get recorded in the
brain; unimportant visions get erased.
The data comes to the ruhh directly from eyes,
ears, skin, and brain. The ruhh concentrate on the data
that satisfies it. It may think on the gentle breeze it
may be feeling, or it may think on the person he may
be seeing, or it may think about a memory. It may
also amplify the thought with the data of brain.
Other animals do not have ruhh. So, they do
not have the mind (qalb) to produce thoughts and
visions. A dog never thinks sitting in a corner that it
has become the king of a jungle and commanding all
other animals.
“The qalb (mind) of a Believer
remains between two Fingers of
Allah” [Hadith]
qalb. Once Allah likes one, He makes one’s qalb
pleasant to Him and develops the connection.
body, or He may only disconnect it from some vital
points, or He may draw it out from a human body
partially. It is thought by some Sufis that a developed
ruhh may extend to the Arsh during sleep and can
observe the future event from Alam-e-Mesal (Virtual
Universe) as dream.
Other animals do not have ruhhs (they have
nafs only). One can steel everything from a man’s
house while he is sleeping, but one cannot enter a
lion’s cave even if it is sleeping, even with stomach
full. Slight vibration will break its sleep, and it may
attack. Other animals do not have a ruhh—so, their
sleep is not related to ruhh—so, their sleep is not
A short sleep is enough for a beast: A horse
sleeps 2 hour in a 24-hour-day, and that two-hour-
sleep too may be divided into many parts.
But, a human brain is massive and extremely
active. It needs proper rest that can be achieved by
long deep sleep only. So, the ruhh related sleep is
incorporated. To incorporate the ruhh related sleep,
special changes are made in a human physique by
modifying his genome code. It is said in the following
I will also discuss the design and activities of
DNA Molecule (Pair). The discussion will also be
required to understand the role of nafs in the
resurrection of a human.
The Quran talks about the Pair in many
Verses. I have discussed several Verses below:
FIGURE 6.6: The Noble Pair (DNA Double Helix)
A DNA Molecule is a long linear polymer. Its
structural arrangement looks like an immensely long
ladder joined in the middle by weak hydrogen.
A human DNA Double Helix is about six feet
long. It remains coiled in the nucleus of a cell. There
are 46 DNA Double Helix in a human cell.
A DNA Double Helix Molecule contains
many Genes. A gene is a region of a DNA Molecule
that encodes function. A human DNA Molecule has
about 23,000 genes. However, it accounts for 2 % of
the DNA. The function of other 98 % is not clear.
The genes act as instructions to make proteins
and enzymes. With only 20 types of amino acids,
available in the cytoplasm, the DNA Double Helix
can produce over 1000 types of proteins needed for a
human body. It can produce over 2000 types of
The DNA Double Helix molecules replicate
and divide the nucleus. Ultimately the cell gets
divided. It produces different kinds of cells. Over 250
types of cells make a human body. Every type of cell
has specific programs needed to function.
The formation of a human body starts from a
cell (zygote). DNA Double Helix contains body plan
genes and switches to guide and control the
formation. It does not make nerve cell in the hair, or
hair cell in the nerve. Ultimately, a human child is
born with more than 100 trillion cells perfectly
organized. Can it be believed that the whole process
of formation is guided by the code of DNA Double
Helix Molecules that remain in the nucleus of the cell,
not visible to the naked-eye?
These are highly complicated processes. So, in
above Verses, the pair (DNA Double Helix) is called
“Noble Pair” (Zawgin Kareem).
Allah created it personally. Its accidental
creation is impossible.
So, a DNA Double Helix is rightly called
“Attractive Pair” (Zawgin Baheej).
The Pairs are created for us and from us, as
the Verse says: He has made for you pairs from
among yourselves.
And it is the means of reproduction, as the
Verse says: by this means does He multiply you.
Therefore, in this Verse, the “Pairs” means
Haploid Chromosomes that are available in a sperm.
Each Haploid Chromosome contains one DNA
Double Helix (Pair) with little changes in the code so
that the offspring is like the parents but not exactly
like the parents.
The Diploid Chromosomes are produced in
the Zygote through fusion of sperm and ovum, which
produces the specific code of the child with hereditary
traits from the parents.
The DNA Double Helix of plants and animals
are chemically and structurally same. It is the genome
codes that vary. One code makes a horse and another
code makes a tree.
4. Ruhh and Hearing
“It is He who dies you (yatawaffakum)
by night, and He knows what you
committed by the day. Then He raises
you up therein so that is fulfilled term
specified. In the end, unto Him will be
your return. Then He will show you
the truth of all that you did.”
[Al Quran 6:60]
6. Nafs
both suffer equally from diseases and disasters. What
the angels guard?
In subsequent discussion it will be clear that
the angels guard the “nafs” of a Believer.
According to the Quran, a nafs is detached
from a body at the time of death only.
7. Nature of Nafs
“By the Nafs, and the proportion and
order given to it, and its enlightenment
as to its wrong and its right; truly he
succeeds that purifies it and fails that
corrupts it!” [Al Quran 91: 7-10]
Psychologist Robert Plutchik states that there
are eight basic emotions: joy, sadness; trust, disgust;
fear, anger; surprise, anticipation.
• Wrong impulse related to uncontrolled
negative emotions may resist a nafs from
getting enlightened.
• The whisper of the satan jinni, which is
produced from the anti-matter, may stain
the nafs.
• The possession of satan jinni, created from
the anti-matter, may darken a nafs
• There may be other reasons as well.
A nafs may be enlightened by the light of
Allah. But, Allah would enlighten one that He likes.
Allah is present everywhere. He is closer to us
than our jugular veins. We do not see Him, because
He is beyond the veils. His light is not exposed in our
known three-dimensional world. A bit was exposed in
front of Moses, and the hill burnt. Even the Earth
cannot sustain the pressure of His light, as Hazrat
Rabeya Basri, a Muslim saint, narrated. The Light of
Allah can be exposed inside a human body through
his nafs. A human being is a “Home of Allah” which
is highlighted in the following Verses:
8. Role of Nafs
d. Nafs and the Third Eye
e. Nafs and Whisper of Satan Jinni
f. Nafs and Sexual Drive
g. Nafs build Character
h. Nafs and Self-restraint
Similarly, brain sends pulses of sadness and
joy throughout a body, but the senses are felt in the
chest, where ruhh is located. Sadness and joy are ruhh
related senses. In extreme joy, the chest expands; and
in extreme sadness, the chest tends to crunch.
A beast has a nafs only. So, it feels the nafs
related emotions only. It feels fear in danger,
aggression, anger, pain in hurt, love and attraction to
counterpart, hatred, disgust, pleasure in eating,
comfort in good weather and dwelling, etc. It does
not have a ruhh, so it does not have the ruhh related
feelings such as sorrow and happiness. If one has
slaughtered a sheep in front of other sheep, they are
not unhappy.
[Only the dogs show the signs of happiness
seeing its master. But, it is not happiness; it is the sign
of love that is related to its nafs. Its sensational acts of
receiving its master are acts of play that is seen
among the puppies. A dog remains a puppy to its
master throughout its life. Sometimes, pet beast
brings hunted creature in the house in half dead
condition, as it would bring it for its offspring.
Therefore, the waves of brain are translated
and felt as fear, sorrow, joy, and so forth by nafs and
ruhh. And, the nafs and the ruhh inspire the brain to
act, according to their inherent natures.
Humans are highly developed creatures. A
human brain helps by producing the hormones. For
example, the brain produces a hormone that helps to
withstand the fear by balancing the body and
releasing extra energy. The formation of the hormone
takes time. For example, when one is flying by an
aircraft, the fear of flying is suppressed after about an
hour. So, the hormone needs about an hour to form
and suppress the fear.
8d. Nafs and the Third Eye
8f. Nafs and Sexual Drive
The character cannot be changed, because the
nafs cannot be changed. Allah has created a nafs with
designed force fields (elementary souls / ruhhs) that
are almost unchangeable. For example, to neutralize
and change the Weak Nuclear Force Field, one needs
a temperature of 1015 degree K.
However, strong Faith on Allah and religious
knowledge can make a difference. When we learn a
new thing, new nerve cells are produced in our brains.
For example, if I learn, “There is no God but Allah”,
it will create new nerve cells in my brain to store this
information. If I use this ideology to decide my
actions, it will store the data in different parts of the
brain and will create nervous connections with many
other parts. The more I will use the ideology, the
stronger will be connections. A time will come when
this ideology will be my primary deciding factor—it
being the source of strongest electric pulses in my
brain. Thereby, it may neutralize a plan of misdeed.
Therefore, a pious man despite having a tyrant and
arrogant nafs may remain good.
As a human grows, the drive of nafs gradually
increases toward good or bad. For example, if a
person is fat, and he is not hungry, his brain has no
technical reason to plan for eating. But still, the man
may be eating, because he never controls his nafs, so
it has become greedy.
So, the sawm (fasting) and self-restrain purify
a nafs.
how much of them the earth takes
away; with Us is a record guarding”
[Al Quran 50: 3–4]
But the nafs of a created human is designed. It
will assist DNA to form the body at the time of
A human will be recreated with the same
DNA he had on the Earth so that he cannot deny him
to be the same person who committed the sins.
On the Day of Resurrection, a Set of DNA
Double Helix Molecules (46) collected from the
remains of his body will be attached to his Nafs. It
will form the cell, and will multiply it in the way it
developed in the mother’s womb. The body will
develop by absorbing supplied matter in the
surroundings. So, a human will resurrect like the
growing of a plant on the earth, but in a high speed.
Yes, We are able to put together in
perfect order the very tips of his
fingers.” [Al Qur'an, 75:4]
Therefore, if one is re-created with one’s Nafs
and DNA, one should suffer memory loss. Nafs and
DNA re-create a human with the brain of a newborn
baby, as his/her brain was just before the first cry. So,
the memory of each human is collected and preserved
in the “Record Guarding”:
return. Then He will show you what you used to do.”
However, Allah would not disclose the secrets of one
person to another. He is Merciful and Honored; He
protects one’s honor.
The angels collect the data and deposit it in
the Server of the Command Station of the First Sky.
From the Command Station, the data go to Lawh-
Mahfuz via Sidratul-Muntaha and get preserved in
one’s file.
Just after Resurrection, humans will lose their
senses, when each human will be fed with the brain-
data directly into his brain. It will be like the feeding
of data into a hard disc of a computer. When a person
will regain his sense, he will know himself; he will
remember everything of his earthly life.
The above Verses narrate that Allah persistently
guards His worshipper by angels. The angels guard
his nafs. The reasons of guarding the nafs are
discussed below:
A human body is like a mold and his nafs is
like a cast during his formation and development in
the mother’s womb and on the Earth. The nafs gets
designed and programmed with the process of
shaping up of the human body. It preserves the
program of formation and becomes a drive to
resurrect a body.
Till death, a nafs remains in the mode of
development. A nafs develops and picks up the job of
sustaining the body. Earthly pain and struggle develop
the nafs. The more it is punished, the stronger it is. It
is created to face the toughness of the Universe
A nafs gets fixed and hardened at the time of
death. In subsequent phase of virtual reality (in Illiyin
or Sijjin, discussed in Chapter-83), it grows bigger
and stronger, but its design and program do not
change, because its mold is dead and decomposed in
the grave.
We know how much temperature is needed to
dissolve electro-magnetic force field with strong
nuclear force field; it is 1028 degree Kelvin. One may
achieve that temperature, if one can compact the
whole universe into the state of Big Bang. A nafs too
is a combination of force fields (these force fields are
not yet discovered). So, once a nafs gets hardened at
the time of death, it goes beyond the scope of change.
A nafs can be designed and programmed in a
physical human body only, through the passage of
time. It is as such by design—the force fields of a
human nafs are conscious, and they have the affinity
to take the shape of the body it is sustaining. And they
being the force fields get imprinted with the
information of development (Allah has power over all
Then the joined body may be called a devil-
human body. If we could see anti-matter, we would
see many humans merged with the satan jinns.
In course of time, the nafs gets designed to
hold a human body (baryonic-matter-body) and a jinn
body (anti-matter-body) together. The nafs becomes a
program of forming a devil-human body.
During the resurrection, the nafs will form the
body in devil-human shape with developed facilities
to connect a body of anti-matter. The jinn will possess
him at that time too.
The person will be a multi-dimensional being.
The dimension of the jinns will be open to him. He
will be able to interact with the other jinns as well.
After the resurrection, he will be hopeless of
going to the Jannaat seeing his devil-human body.
The Quran says:
Ignominy will cover their (faces); no
defender will they have from God.
Their faces will be covered, as it were
with pieces from the depth of the
darkness of night. They are
companions of the Fire; they will abide
therein!”[Al Quran 10:27]
By the Day of Resurrection, each nafs will
become fully matured in one direction—either to hold
a devil-human body in the violence of Samawaat (this
universe), or to hold a handsome / beautiful human
body in the peace of Jannaat (another universe /
On the Day of Resurrection, all souls (nafses)
will be released. By then, a nafs will be so developed
that it will form its physical body with supplied
matter and a Set of DNA Double Helix Molecules
(46). Mother’s womb will not be required at that time.
That is the real birth of a human being, because after
that birth he will never be able to die or sleep. He will
never change. He will live forever. Woe to those who
will resurrect with devil shaped body, recognizable by
their marks only!
If the nafs of a person becomes powerful
enough to help his resurrection, his material body
cannot be destroyed. If he falls into a process of
destruction, his nafs will continue regenerating his
body-parts from the available cells.
After the Judgment, a person with devil-
human body will be a forgotten vicegerent of God
over a whole galaxy of this Universe (the galaxies are
the objects of hell). The Universe (Samawaat) is
basically created for the jinns. He will be able to
interact with the jinns living in the anti-galaxies.
be your common lot, and We are not to
be frustrated from changing your
forms and creating you in that ye know
And ye certainly know already the first
form of creation; why then do ye not
celebrate His praises?”
[Al Quran 56: 58-62]
If He only delivers us from these, we shall truly show our
gratitude." Say: "Allah rescues you from these and all
distresses—and yet you worship false gods!"
Say: "He has power to send calamities on you from
above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party
strife giving you a taste of mutual vengeance each from the
other." See how variously We explain the Verses that they
may understand.
But your people reject this, though it is the truth. Say:
"Not mine is the responsibility for arranging your affairs; for
every message is a limit of time, and soon shall you know it."
Section-12 of Chapter-6 [Verse 71-73]: Allah's Guidance is
the Guidance
Lo! Abraham said to his father, Azar: "Do you take idols for
gods? Verily, I see you and your people in manifest error."
Thus, did We show Abraham the Power and the Laws
of the Skies and Lands that he be one of those who have
Faith with certainty.
When the night covered him over, He saw a star. He
said: "This is my Lord." But when it set, he said: "I love not
those that set." When he saw the moon rising in splendor, he
said: "This is my Lord." But when the moon set, he said:
"Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among those
who go astray." When he saw the sun rising in splendor, he
said: "This is my Lord; this is the greatest." But when the sun
set, he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from your (guilt)
of giving partners to Allah. For me, I have set my face firmly
and truly towards Him Who created the Skies and Lands, and
never shall I give partners to Allah."
His people disputed with him. He said: "You to
dispute with me about Allah when He has guided me? I fear
not those whom you associate with Him in worship, unless
my Lord wills. My Lord comprehends in His knowledge all
things. Will you not be admonished? And how should I fear
those whom you associate in worship with Allah when you
fear not to give partners to Allah without any warrant having
been given to you? Which of two parties have more right to
security, if you but know? It is those who believe and confuse
not their beliefs with wrong that are in security, for they are
on guidance."
That was the reasoning about Us, which We gave to
Abraham against his people.
We raise whom We will degree after degree. For your
Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge.
We gave him Isaac and Jacob—all We guided. And
before him We guided Noah and among his progeny David,
Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron—thus, do We
reward those who do good. And Zakariya and John, and Jesus
and Elias—all in the ranks of the righteous.
And Ismail and Elisha and Jonas and Lot—and to all
We gave favour above the nations.
And to their fathers, and progeny, and brethren—We
chose them, and We guided them to a straight Way.
This is the Guidance of Allah. He gives that guidance
to whom He pleases of His worshippers.
If they were to join other gods with Him, all that they
did would be vain for them. These were the men to whom
We gave the Book, and Authority, and Prophet-hood.
If these reject them, behold, We shall entrust their
charge to a new people who reject them not.
They are those whom Allah had guided.
So, follow the guidance.
Say: "No reward for this do I ask of you. This is no
less than a message for the nations." No just estimate of
Allah do they make when they say: "Nothing does Allah send
down to man."
Say: "Who then sent down the Book which Moses
brought—a light and guidance to men? But you make it into
sheets for show while you conceal much. Therein were you
taught that which you knew not—neither you, nor your
Say: "Allah". Then leave them to plunge in vain
discourse and trifling.
And this is a Book (Al Quran), which We have sent
down, bringing blessings and confirming which came before
it, that you may warn the Mother of Cities and all around her.
Those who believe in the hereafter believe in this, and they
are constant in guarding their Prayers.
Therefore, the Home of Ummah extends from
Morocco to Himalaya. It is the land of Arab and
Iranian people. Islam was preached in this area by
Sahabah, Tabieen and Tabe-Tabieen through the Way
of Struggle and Warfare.
The People of Greater Iran became Muslims,
and the Arabs of the Middle East and Africa became
Muslims rapidly by the grace of Allah. Their
territories form the main Muslim World of today.
However, the concept of home (Home of
Ummah) falls in the strategy of preaching only. Islam
was destined to be preached in the Home through the
way of Furqan (struggle and warfare), and the
Muttaqin were guided accordingly. They defeated the
Taghuts, starting from the Emperors to the opposing
Tribal Chiefs, and people accepted Islam safely and
Historians even do not know when and how
the people of Eastern Iran (now Afghanistan) became
Muslims. The same happened throughout the whole
Home of Ummah. As if they were waiting for
Sahabah to arrive. Actually, Allah changes the heart.
He established the Home of Ummah from Morocco to
the Pamirs.
But, as a Religion, the Islam is for the whole
World. It was destined to be preached beyond the
Home by Sufis and Daees (Preachers) through the
Way of Dawah (Invitation). In reality, we find that the
Islam was preached among Turkic, Mongol, Indian,
and Indonesian People by Sufis and Daees.
“If it had been thy Lord's will, they
would all have believed,- all who are
on Earth! wilt thou then compel
mankind, against their will, to believe!
No soul can believe, except by the will
of God, and He will place doubt on
those who will not understand.”
[Al Quran 10:99-100]
build ourselves a city and a tower with
its top in the heavens, and let us make
a name for ourselves, lest we be
dispersed over the face of the whole
earth.” And the Lord came down to see
the city and the tower, which the
children of man had built...”
– Genesis 11:1-32, Holy Bible (ESV)
The remains of Babylon are located 64 km
north of Kufa where Hazrat Ali moved the
Headquarters of Islamic Caliphate.
2a. Seleucia
2b. Ctesiphon
2c. Kufa
the time of Abraham and, most likely, it is the center
of Darussalam (Home of Peace), mentioned in the
2d. Baghdad
Caliph Al-Mansur commissioned the
construction of the City on 30 July 762. He named the
city Madinat al-Salaam (City of Peace). This was the
official name on coins, weights, and other official
usage, although the common people continued to use
the old name, Baghdad.
In 1258 AD, after about 500 years, Baghdad
was destroyed by Halagu Khan, and the Caliphate
ended [half a Day for Abbasids].
The Cities progressively superseded each
other throughout history. These Cities are actually
extensions of ancient Babylon, the Mother of Cities.
Islam had to return to Babylon with Force,
because Abraham was evicted from there—that is
how it seems Allah works.
Today in 2020, the evolution of Islam clearly
indicates that the Quran means “Babylon” by “Mother
of Cities” that includes surrounding areas such as
Baghdad at the north, and Kufa at the south.
and Gomorrah. It will never be
inhabited, nor will it be settled from
generation to generation; nor will the
Arabian pitch tents there, nor will the
shepherds make their sheepfolds there”
[Isaiah 13: 17-20]
“She who is at Babylon, who is
likewise chosen, sends you greetings,
and so does Mark, my son. Greet one
another with the kiss of love. Peace to
all of you who are in Christ.”
– 1 Peter 5:13-14, Holy Bible (ESV)
What the Holy Bible means by Daughter of
Babylon / Mystery Babylon the Great / the Great City
is indicated in the following Verses:
preparing to punish a Great Prostitute sitting in huge
water body. According to the experts of Bible
Prophecy, a “Woman” means a “Priestly System”.
Then, the “Great Prostitute” should mean a
“Corrupted School of Thought”. Their concepts lead
people to pass gay law, support dating culture and
free sex, and teach the theory of Biological Evolution
to children who may take it as law.
In the Second vision, described in the Second
Paragraph, Prophet saw a Woman who is the Mother
of the Prostitute. The Mother (Priestly System)
preached the concept of “All Forgiven”. Thus, she
spoiled her daughters.
In the vision, the Woman (Mother of all
Prostitutes) was arrayed in purple and scarlet, which
indicates the Woman as Vatican, because Bishops and
Cardinals wear Purple and Scarlet dresses.
Therefore, the 'Mother of all Prostitutes' is
Vatican. It is the Mystery Babylon the Great.
4. People around Mother of the Cities (Babylon)
Who can be more wicked than one who invents a lie
against Allah or says, “I have received inspiration,” when he
has received none, or who says, “I can reveal the like of what
Allah has revealed”? And if you could but see when the
wicked are in agonies of death! The angels stretch forth their
hands: ‘Yield up your souls. This day shall you receive your
reward, a penalty of shame, for that you used to tell lies
against Allah and scornfully to reject of His signs. And
behold, you come to Us bare and alone, as We created you
for the first time; you have left behind you all which We
bestowed on you—we see not with you your intercessors
whom you thought to be partners in your affairs. So now, all
relations between you have been cut off, and all that you used
to claim has vanished from you.’
with the narration of plants: “It is Allah Who causes
the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and
The size, mass, orbit and speed of the Moon
are precisely designed. It is revolving around the earth
constantly. Its appearance changes from thin to round
and back in a perfect order. The common people are
using it as a natural calendar from the age-old time.
The Lunar Year is counted from the Migration
(Hizrat) of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
However, people use the sun as well, for the
reckoning. The Solar Year is counted from the birth
of Jesus Christ.
The Jewish calendar is considered to be lunar
calendar. But, it is adjusted in the cycles of 19 years,
to match the solar calendar, by adding an additional
month every three years or so. Thus, in some of the
years, they have 13 months. It facilitates cultivation,
harvesting and observation of festivals, but it has
made their calendar baseless (neither lunar, nor solar)
and has made the Biblical History doubtful in respect
of time. The transposing is forbidden in the Quran:
pleasing to them. But God guides not
those who reject Faith.”
[Al Quran 9:36-37]
It is He Who sets the stars for you that you may guide
yourselves with their help through the dark spaces of land
and sea; We detail Our Signs for people who know.
It is He Who has produced you from a Soul Single (Nafsin-
Wahidatin) so a place of residing and a storage; We have
explained in detail Our revelations for people who
difference is based on the fact that some cellular
brain function remains even after the heart has
stopped beating. Cryonics preserves some of that cell
function so that, at least theoretically, the person can
be brought back to life at a later date.” -
1. Favorable Pairs:
knows precise location of everything. So, the earth
itself may be the store.
The DNA Molecules are extremely smart
molecules. They make a man old and finally kill him.
So, the DNA Molecules may prepare for the death.
They may make some arrangement so that their
grouping is not lost, and they can be used for
resurrecting the creature, such as they may make the
wall of the nucleus strong before or soon after the
death of the person—the way they make the cell-walls
strong in cases of some single cell prokaryotic
creatures to survive in a hostile environment.
When the nature of resurrection will evolve in
the Universe and the nourishing substances will be
supplied, all Sets of DNA Molecules (trillions) will
start reviving. But those will form the lumps of flesh.
Only the Sets of DNA Molecules that will be
entangled to the nafses will form the perfect bodies.
The lumps of flesh will be rotten and produce
pus and nutrients. It will be eaten by the resurrected
animals and by the hell dwelling humans.
Any creature that has nafs will resurrect.
However, other animals will not be taken to the
Jannaat. They will find their places in the Samawaat
(this Universe). They will be robust and adjusted to
the nature of their abodes.
The genome code of each individual is there in
the Master Design as well (discussed in Section-9 of
this Chapter). But a human needs to be created from a
Set of DNA Molecules (23 Pairs) he had on the Earth;
otherwise he may deny being him to be the same
person once the punishment is proclaimed.
2. Memory Data
“It is He who dies you (yatawaffakum)
by night, and He knows what you
committed by the day. Then He raises
you up therein so that is fulfilled term
specified. In the end, unto Him will be
your return. Then He will show you
what you used to do.” [Al Quran 6:60]
Pairs; He creates you in the wombs of
your mothers—creation after
creation—three tortures (on Allah).
That Allah is your Lord; for Him is the
dominion. There is no god but He.
Then how are you turned away?”
[Al Quran 39:6]
to bear and the ripeness thereof. Verily, in these things there
are signs for people who believe.
Yet they join the Jinns as partners in worship with
Allah, though He has created them, and they attribute falsely
having no knowledge sons and daughters to Him—Praise and
glory be to Him above what they attribute to Him!
To Him is due the primal origin of the Skies and
Lands (Universe)—how can He have a son when He has no
consort? He created all things, and He has full knowledge of
all things.
If God had a wife, she would be an entity like
God. But, the evolution of the universe proves that
only one God is acting here. There is no indication of
a second one like Him. He has no consort.
And, if there were a Baby-God, he could not
exist inside the Father-God in unborn state. He would
need a part of a universe, as his abode, from where
the Father-God would have had to remove Himself.
Ultimately, the universe would be divided.
“To Him is due the primal origin of the Skies
and Lands (Universe)—how can He have a son when
He has no consort?”
That is Allah, your Lord; there is no god but He, the Creator
of all things—then worship you Him.
And He is on everything a Lawyer (wakilun). No
vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision. He is
above all comprehension yet is acquainted with all things.
the objects. The Sufis say that the whole universe is
on His palm.
The force fields of the hand are designed at
His will to act in fixed patterns that we view as
natural laws. For example, the gravitational force
field is a force field of His nafs, which is extended
through His hands, sustaining the universes.
Sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, bits of
free forces and energies, which originated from the
Nafsin-Wahidatin (GUT Force+), are held in the
hand. They act and move on His direction and
program, expressed as destiny. He disposes the
The living creatures are also controlled by
Him. The players of two Football Teams may look
free, but the game is monitored by Allah and His
angels. The fate of every game is decided. Even the
best player of the world cannot give guarantee of his
penalty kick. His muscles are controlled by electric
pulses, coming from the brain. The electric pulses are
held in the force fields that are constituents of the
hands of His nafs. The will of Allah gets preference in
the materialization of an act. Even a man does not
think without His will.
The above Verses inform: “And He is on
everything a Wakilun. No vision can grasp Him, but
His grasp is over all vision. He is above all
comprehension yet is acquainted with all things.”
Thus, We explain variously the Verses so that they
may say, "You have taught diligently," and that We may
make the matter clear to those who know.
Follow what you are taught by inspiration from your
Lord—there is no god but He—and turn aside from those
who join gods with Allah.
If it had been Allah's Plan, they would not have taken false
gods—but We made you not one to watch over their doings,
nor you are set over them to dispose of their affairs.
Revile not you those whom they call upon besides
Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance.
Thus, have We made alluring to each people its own doings.
In the end will they return to their Lord, and We shall then
tell them the truth of all that they did.
They swear their strongest oaths by Allah that if a
sign came to them, by it they would believe. Say: “Certainly
signs are in the power of Allah.” But what will make you
realize that if signs came, they will not believe—We shall
turn to their hearts and their eyes even as they refused to
believe in this in the first instance; We shall leave them in
their trespasses to wander in distraction.
Even if We did send unto them angels, and the dead
did speak unto them, and We gathered together all things
before their very eyes, they are not the ones to believe unless
it is in Allah's Plan. But most of them ignore.
Likewise, did We make for every Messenger an
enemy—evil ones among men and Jinns inspiring each other
with flowery discourses by way of deception. If your Lord
had so planned, they would not have done it. So, leave them
and their inventions alone. To such let the hearts of those
incline who have no faith in the hereafter. Let them delight in
it and let them earn from it what they may.
Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than Allah when He
it is Who has sent unto you the Book explained in detail?"
They know full well to whom We have given the Book that it
has been sent down from your Lord in truth—never be then
of those who doubt.
The people that counter the preaching of Islam; their
ways and counter-measures
The word of your Lord does find its fulfillment in truth and in
justice; none can change His words—for He is the one Who
hears and knows all.
Were you to follow the common run of those on earth
they will lead you away from the Way of Allah; they follow
nothing but conjecture; they do nothing but lie. Your Lord
knows best who strays from His way; He knows best who
they are that receive His guidance.
So, eat of on which Allah's name has been
pronounced, if you have faith in His Verses. Why should you
not eat of on which Allah's name has been pronounced when
He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you
except under compulsion of necessity?
But many do mislead by their appetites, unchecked by
knowledge. Thy Lord knows best those who transgress—
eschew all sin, open or secret; those who earn sin will get due
recompense for their "earnings".
Eat of not on which Allah's name has not been
pronounced—that would be impiety. But the satans ever
inspire their friends to contend with you; if you were to obey
them, you would indeed be Pagans.
Can he, who was dead, to whom We gave life and a
Light whereby he can walk among men, be like him who is in
the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out?
Thus, to those without faith their own deeds seem pleasing.
are (not only) chaste women who are
believers, but chaste women among
the People of the Book…”
[Al Quran 5:5]
For the distressed poor, the ritually impure
(haram) foods are halal under compulsion of
necessity. But the foods provided by the Wicked
Leaders, national and international, are forbidden in
all cases, as the above Verses say: But many do
mislead by their appetites, unchecked by knowledge.
Thy Lord knows best those who transgress—eschew
all sin, open or secret; those who earn sin will get due
recompense for their "earnings". So, a Muslim
refugee cannot take aid from a person or organization
that is countering Islam.
One day He will gather them all together: "O you
assembly of Jinns! Certainly, you have many of the
Their friends among men will say: "Our Lord! Some
of us were enjoyed by others (jinns), and we reached our
term, which You did appoint for us."
He will say: "The Fire be your dwelling-place; you
will dwell therein forever, except as Allah wills." For your
Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge.
Thus, do We make the wrongdoers turn to each other
because of what they earn.
"O you assembly of Jinns and men, came there not
unto you apostles from among you, setting forth unto you My
signs and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours?"
They (Jinns) will say, "We have seen (them) adopt
ourselves and deluded them (in) the life of the World, and
they bear witness against themselves that they rejected faith."
The possession by a jinni cannot be sensed,
because it does not create any abnormal feeling in the
possessed human. The human behave normally.
He cannot see the jinni, mounting on him,
because he cannot see anti-matter (the jinns are
created from anti-matter).
So, the Wicked Leader remains unaware of
The nafs (soul) of the Wicked Leader
gradually gets deformed because of the possession by
the jinni. At the time of death, his nafs gets fixed. He
will resurrect with a robust devil-human body. His
resurrected body will be more suitable as a ride of a
jinni. He will be able to communicate with them.
So, the Verses say: “…and they bear witness
against themselves (physical changes) that they
rejected faith."
They will end up in the violent galaxies of this
Universe (Samawaat). Basically, the Universe is the
domain of the jinns. The original home of humans is
Jannaat. So, the Verses say: One day He will gather
them all together: "O you assembly of Jinns!
Certainly, you have many of the mankind."
Each major galaxy of this universe will get a
human, because humans are the vicegerents of God.
However, the vicegerents, delegated in this universe
(Samawaat), will be forgotten. They will be in pain.
forgot the meeting of this day of theirs,
and as they were wont to reject Our
Signs.” [Al Quran 7:51]
are accepted ways of life, and the freedom of
humanity prevails. The satan jinns are mounted on
many of them enjoying these facilities. Thus, many of
them will be resurrected in devil-human shape and
will find their homes in the objects of hell (galaxies of
this Universe / Samawaat).
And they assign to Allah a share of the tilth and cattle, which
He has created, and they say: “This is for Allah, according to
their claim, and this is for our partners.” But the share of their
“partners” reaches not Allah, while the share of Allah reaches
their “partners”! Evil is the way they judge! Even so in the
eyes of most of the Pagans their "partners" made alluring the
slaughter of their children in order to lead them to their own
destruction and cause confusion in their religion. If Allah had
willed, they would not have done so. But leave alone them
and their inventions.
And they say that such and such cattle and crops are
forbidden and none should eat of them except those whom
we allow, and there are cattle forbidden to yoke or burden,
and cattle on which the name of Allah is not pronounced—
inventions against Allah's name. Soon will He requite them
for their inventions.
They say: "What is in the wombs of such and such
cattle is specially reserved for our men and forbidden to our
women; but if it is dead, then all have share therein. For their
attribution, He will soon punish them; for He is full of
wisdom and knowledge.
Lost are those who killed their children foolishly
without knowledge; and forbid food, which Allah has
provided for them, inventing against Allah. They have indeed
gone astray and heeded no guidance.
It is He Who produces gardens with trellises and
without, and dates, and tilth with produce of all kinds, and
olives, and pomegranates similar and different. Eat of their
fruit in their season, but render the dues that are proper on the
day that the harvest is gathered; but waste not by excess; for
Allah loves not the wasters.
Of the cattle are some for burden and some for meat.
Eat what Allah has provided for you and follow not the
footsteps of Satan; for he is to you an avowed enemy.
Eight pairs (eight DNA Double Helix): of the sheep
two (one DNA Double Helix from male, one DNA Double
Helix from female), and of the goats two (one DNA Double
Helix from male, one DNA Double Helix from female)—say,
has He forbidden the two males, or the two females, or which
the wombs of the two females enclose? Tell me with
knowledge if you are truthful.
Of camels two (one DNA Double Helix from male,
one DNA Double Helix from female), and of oxen two (one
DNA Double Helix from male, one DNA Double Helix from
female)—say, has He forbidden the two males, or the two
females, or which the wombs of the two females enclose?
Were you present when Allah ordered you such a thing? But
who does more wrong than one who invents a lie against
Allah to lead astray men without knowledge? For Allah
guides not people who do wrong.
Islam is the Religion of Abraham
Section-20 of Chapter-6 [Verse 148-149]: Difference in the
Idea of Determinism
Those who give partners will say: "If Allah had wished, we
should not have given partners to Him, nor would our fathers;
nor should we have had any taboos." So, did their ancestors
argue falsely, until they tasted of Our wrath. Say: "Have you
any knowledge? If so, produce it before us—you follow
nothing but conjecture; you do nothing but lie."
Say: "With Allah is the argument that reaches home;
if it had been His will, He could indeed have guided you all."
Be good to your parents.
Kill not your children on a plea of want—We provide
sustenance for you and for them.
Come not nigh to shameful deeds whether open or
Take not life, which Allah has made sacred, except by
way of justice and law.
Thus, does He command you that you may learn
And (Say): “Come not near to the orphan's property
except to improve it until he attain the age of full strength.
Give measure and weight with justice—no burden do We
place on any soul but that which it can bear. Whenever you
speak, speak justly even if a near relative is concerned. And
fulfill the covenant of Allah.
Thus, does He command you that you may
“Verily, this is My way, leading straight—follow it;
follow not paths; they will scatter you about from His path.”
“Thus, does He command you that you may be
down to two peoples before us, and for our part, we remained
unacquainted with all that they learned by assiduous study."
Or lest you should say: "If the Book had only been
sent down to us, we should have followed its guidance better
than they."
Now then has come unto you a clear (Book) from
your Lord, and a guide, and a mercy (Al Quran)—then who
could do more wrong than one who rejects Allah's Verses,
and turns away from there?
In good time shall We requite those who turn away
from Our Verses with a dreadful penalty for their turning
As for those who divide their religion and break up
into sects, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair
is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all that
they did.
He that does good shall have ten times as much to his
credit. He that does evil shall only be recompensed according
to his evil. No wrong shall be done unto them.
Section-24 of Chapter-6 [Verse 165]: Some people are
given more just to Test.
domain—no human will ever be under another
Chapter 7 [Al A'raf THE HEIGHTS]
Aim of the Chapter: The final call before declaring all out
war against the Pagans (Idolaters)
Segment 3: Calling People to the Truth
Segment 1
Reward and Punishment
Alif, Lam, Mim, Saad, Book sent down unto you, so let not
your breast be narrow therefrom that you warn thereby. And
a reminder unto the Believers: follow what has been sent
down unto you from your Lord, and follow not any Awliya
(friends, protectors, helpers and guides) besides Him. Little
do you remember!
Creator of the universes—mankind is honored that He
has sent them the Messages.
The Quran is tough to keep the humans on
track (on the Straight Path). Allah is kind and sober,
though He holds the absolute power; He says, “Be”
and it is!
According to above Verses, a Mumin cannot
accept anybody except Allah as his wali (a friend,
protector, helper and guide). A Mumin follows the
Quran. Thereby He takes Allah as his wali.
The Highest Islamic Leadership (Caliph)
commands according to the Quran. The words of the
Bayah (Oath) must be chosen carefully. If an order of
the Islamic Leadership violets the instruction of the
Quran, it cannot be followed.
Section-3 of Chapter-7 [Verse 11-25]: Jinn (Main
When they tasted of the tree, their shame became
manifest to them, and they began to sew together the leaves
of the garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto
them: "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you that Satan
was an avowed enemy unto you?" They said, "Our Lord! We
have wronged our own souls. If you forgive us not and
bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost."
Said: “Get you down with enmity between
yourselves; on the Earth will be your dwelling place and your
means of livelihood for a time;” He said, “Therein shall you
live, and therein shall you die, and from it shall you be
brought out.”
recompense of what it has earned and
none of them be wronged.”
[Al Quran 54:22]
We need to know about the jinns because they
are seriously acting against us to show us unfit to be
the vicegerents of God. And they do not want us
going back to the Jannaat.
In this Section, I will discuss the Jinns in
details. The discussion will progress in the following
1. Two-in-One Universe
2. Jinns, a perfect Universal Creature
3. The Root of Rivalry
4. The Followers of Iblis (Chief Satan)
5. Ability of Provocation
6. Why Jinns follow Iblis to Provoke Humans
7. Conclusion
8. Summary
1. Two-in-One Universe
whole anti-world and anti-people made out of anti-
particles. However, if you meet your anti-self, do not
shake hands! You would both vanish in a great flash
of light.”
– A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.
range from a few galaxies to millions. Presumably,
these clusters are formed because the galaxies attract
each other into groups. However, we can measure the
speeds at which individual galaxies are moving in
these clusters. We find they are so high that the
clusters would fly apart unless they were held
together by gravitational attraction. The mass
required is considerably greater than the masses of
all the galaxies. This is the case even if we take the
galaxies to have the masses required to hold
themselves together as they rotate. It follows,
therefore, that there must be extra dark matter
present in clusters of galaxies outside the galaxies
that we see.”
– Black Holes and Baby Universes by Stephen
The Quran says that jinns are created from the
fire of hole (black hole).
make two different dimensions with the black holes as
the connectors.
The anti-galaxy houses many animals made
from anti-matter. Holy Bible talks about an end time
event when demons will be thrown into the abyss.
Abyss means deep hole. It is a black hole. A black
hole makes a gate of an anti-galaxy. If a jinni is
thrown into a black hole, he returns to his dimension
and needs a thousand year to come back.
The Universe (Samawaat) is a two-in-one-
universe: one is for the creatures of matter (baryonic
matter), and another is for the creatures of anti-matter.
We are top creatures of matter, and the jinns are top
creatures of anti-matter.
Probably so, Satan (Azazil) argued with God
saying that he was created from the fire (fire of hole /
anti-matter), and Adam was created from the earth
(baryonic matter), why should he prostrate himself
before Adam. It otherwise meant that a creature of
matter cannot interact with a creature of anti-matter,
why should he accept the leadership Adam?
Allah did not accept this argument, which
means that inter-action will be possible one day.
Probably, a human has dormant system in his
body and soul (nafs) to interact with a jinni. The
system will be active among resurrected people
destined to the hell (the galaxies of the re-created
universe will be considered by humans as the objects
of hell). If a resurrected human would not have the
ability, Allah would not say the hell-dwellers to call
the jinns, as has been narrated in the following Verse:
“One Day He will say, "Call on those
whom you thought to be My partners,"
and they will call on them, but they
will not listen to them. And We shall
set a Crucible (Mawbiqan) between
them, and the Sinful shall see the fire
and apprehend that they have to fall
therein—no means will they find to
turn away from there.”
[Al Quran 18: 52-53]
“If then they have patience, the Fire
will be a home for them! And if they
beg to be received into favor, into
favor will they not be received. And
We have destined for them intimate
companions who made alluring to
them what was before them and behind
them, and the sentence among the
previous generations of jinns and men
who have passed away is proved
against them; for they are utterly lost.”
[Al Quran 41: 24-25]
planet with its oceans of water, layered atmosphere,
powerful magnetic shield, and innumerable living
On the contrary, the jinns look like a creature
of this Universe. In the Book of Enoch, the jinns are
called “Sons of the Sky”. In the Quran and Holy
Bible, the sky/skies mean this universe (Samawaat).
So, the jinns are sons of this universe. This universe is
their original home.
Allah is supremely intelligent Creator. If He
has created the jinns for this universe, they must be
extremely suitable for this universe. Their long life,
food and mobility indicate that they are extremely
suitable. They are perfect universal creatures. It is
discussed as under:
2b. Food
It seems that the jinns are not worried for their food
supply. They may even have the ability to absorb
energy (anti-energy) from the nature directly—like
the trees gain energy from the Sun. In addition, they
may have a few kinds of foods, crude in nature, and
amply available. Thus, they are not worried about
their food and can persistently follow the humans to
involve them in evil deeds.
In one occasion, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
became happy on several jinns (good ones), and he
prayed for their food. So, they got another two kinds,
bones and hairs, which would produce their foods
once they had picked those up. But bones and hairs
are not their staple foods; they already had regular
source of energy.
2c. Mobility
and/or by seeing their shapes—the angels have
different shapes depending on their nature of job.
If a jinni can know the future from a Fortress,
he informs it to some of the foretellers, or to the
enemies of Truth. The jinni whispers information into
a human’s ear. The whisperings do not produce any
sound, but it is sensed by the nafs (soul) of a human.
The nafs transfers the sense into the qalb (mind /
virtual brain) that in turn produces a faint thought.
The brain vitalizes the thought. Adam was provoked
in this way:
future (aided by jinns in cases) helps him find his
strategy. The satans help as well to unite the evil
to those on the Earth, or whether their
Lord intends to guide them to right
conduct” [Al Quran 72: 9-10]
3. Final Destination
will be punished for their disobediences to God and
for harming humans.
A disbelieving human, such as an idolater,
will be resurrected with a devil-human body suitable
to interact with a jinni. He will be a vicegerent of God
over a whole galaxy, where the jinns too will live. But
he will be a forgotten vicegerent; God would not
accept his prayers:
nurture jinns” would be the Motto of Allah in this
universe. Allah does not forget in real sense.
However, Allah will make the humans robust
to survive.
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I
will create a vicegerent on a land…"
[Al Quran 2:30]
5. The Followers of Iblis (Chief Satan)
6. Ability of Provocation
6a. Watching
see us from their dimension of space, where we do
not see them.
6b. Whispering
anti-matter (like the same gravitational force
influences both matter and anti-matter). So, the
whispers of anti-matter produce the waves in the nafs.
The nafs transfer the sensing-waves into the ruhh,
through the vital points in the chest.
The ruhh is a highly designed unknown force
field that is given by Allah directly. The ruhh is
anchored in a muscle of the chest. The ruhh works as
the platform of the qalb (mind / virtual brain). It is
discussed in Section-10 of Chapter-6.
The ruhh receives the sensing-waves and
produces the thought being aided by the brain through
the nerves of the anchoring muscles.
The nerves and brain can act on the sensing-
waves because these are the waves of the force fields,
comprising the souls (ruhh and nafs)
permanently after the resurrection when
humans will see the jinns and angels as good
as they see the baryonic creatures.
6c. Mounting
But, the idolater does not understand that he is
possessed. “Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the
Space; from the mischief of created things; from the
mischief of Darkness as it overspreads…” [Al Quran
In the mother’s womb and on the Earth, a nafs
is like a cast and a body is like a mold. Here, the nafs
remains in the mode of development. So, the nafs of a
possessed idolater gradually takes up a devil-human
shape. His dormant systems to interact with the anti-
creatures gradually mature. Thus the program of
creation, recorded by nafs, gets deformed.
A deformed nafs will resurrect the human in a
devil-human shape. During the resurrection, a body
will be like a cast and a nafs will be like a mold.
A satan jinn leaves an idolater at the time of
his (idolater’s) death.
A nafs gets hardened soon after the death of a
The nafs of a dead idolater is kept in the Sijjin
where it develops, but its design and program does
not change. It becomes robust in size and power; it
becomes efficient. The idolater will resurrect as a
giant in a devil-human shape.
will become apparent to them satan,
what they earned, and will surround
them what they used to mock!”
[Al Quran 39: 47–48]
the Irresistible from above over His worshippers, and
He sets guardians (angels) over you…and they never
fail in their duty – Al Quran 6:61).
A witched woman is never seen in a Muslim
society, but there are many incidents of witch-hunting
in the Pagan Societies.
Humans have beautiful houses, domestic
animals, cars, boats, aircrafts, dresses, travel sites,
etc., to enjoy. But the jinns, even being an intelligent
creature, almost have nothing in comparison to
humans. Moreover, they are not honored to other
creatures like humans, because they are not
vicegerents of God.
A human woman is beautiful and elegant.
Human brain is more intelligent and efficient.
Therefore, an immoral jinni would not leave
the scope of possessing a human body. A satan jinni
enjoys the charms of human life through the occupied
person. But the human does not feel or understand
that he is possessed by a jinni.
reached our term, which You did
appoint for us…” [Al Quran 6:128]
8. Conclusion
One may think that we are humans, so we feel
us important. But it is not the case. If it were known
that the Planet Saturn has an intelligent life form,
NASA would leave no stone unturned to reach there.
The same it is for Allah; He is more interested on
objects where living creatures exist. And humans are
highly developed intelligent living creatures—they
think and talk. Allah created them in His own image.
The Universe is a huge creation. Some
humans must live here:
enough?’The hell will say: ‘Are there
any more?’ Then another group will be
thrown into the hell and the hell will
be asked: ‘Is it enough?’ The hell will
say: ‘Are there any more?’ Then Allah
will put His leg into the hell. Then the
hell will be satisfied and say: ‘Enough,
Enough, Enough.’ And its one part
will be squeezed with another part”
“Allah created the ‘Skies and Lands’
(this Universe) for just ends and in
order that each soul may find the
recompense of what it has earned and
none of them be wronged.”
[Al Quran 54:22]
“…We made the satans friends to
those without faith.” [Al Quran 7:27]
but not to His creations as a mover by his will-power
or verbal command. The creations of this universe are
not free to obey, and humans are not developed to
intrude and influence.
However, a human is a conscious being, and
the inert entities of the Universe are conscious too.
But, a human cannot influence or allowed to influence
the inert entities as he may want to.
The Jannaat (another universe) is most
probably sustained and evolved by Allah differently,
and a human in the Jannaat would be developed to
influence the creations of his region. Probably, so, the
inert objects of the Jannaat will obey his command.
be hearing, seeing and feeling are hallucinations
created by his brain.
However, if one tries to connect God through
meditation and prayers, then it is good.
But, there are pagan ways of meditation also;
one is described below:
A nafs is the main soul of a human. It (nafs)
spreads throughout one’s body with its center below
the navel. A nafs is a combination of unknown force
fields. It is complex and has many vital points.
Generally, these vital points are identified as Chakras.
In Satanic Meditation, in the name of
balancing the Chakras, satan jinns are called
repeatedly through deep meditation aided by music.
One of the renowned Satanic Meditations is called
“Kundalini”. “Kundalini” means “Coiled Serpent” (in
Holy Bible the Satan is called Serpent).
In Kundalini Meditation, the word they chant
repeatedly is “Kundalini Arohona”, which means
“Serpent Mount”.
Satan). The satan can watch and whisper only, if the
human is a Believer, but in case of a Pagan it mounts
The mounting has already happened in case of
a Pagan; he does not need to shout for it—his
kundanilini (coiled serpent / satan jinn) is already
mounted. The satan jinn is his friend on the Earth and
in the hell. He may be able to get some petty jobs
done by the satan jinns. But, a satan jinni cannot act
in human dimension; he (satan jinn) does the job by
convincing other humans through the jinns. However,
a human achieves nothing beyond his fate.
A person befriending a satan jinni will be in
the hell forever.
The scope of forgiveness remains open in the
whole earthly life. The pagan should leave the satan
by turning to Allah, and by asking for shelter to Him.
FIGURE 7.2: Central Nervous System
9. Summary
as He created you in the beginning, so shall you return. Some
He has guided; others deserved to be in error—surely, they
took satans as awliya instead of Allah and thought that they
were guided.
O Children of Adam! Take your adornment while
praying and going round the Kabah, and eat and drink, but
waste not by extravagance; for Allah loves not the wasters.
1. Clothing
2. Be careful in Sufi Endeavor
that you should face Him only in every place of
worship, in prayers, and invoke Him only making
your religion sincere to Him…”
On the Earth, humans are in the process of
development. Here, one cannot merge with Allah in
such deep level that one should become an instrument
of enjoyment for Him. On the Earth, it is not possible
to be a constant Home of Allah, because every human
is to die [Idris and Jesus were lifted, Moses had a fake
death and was lifted, Mansoor was burned to dust—
once Allah is tied with someone, He is tied in real
sense; it cannot be erased].
If one wants to be a Home of Allah in the
afterlife, one is to mature properly and keep one’s
nafs unharmed. The Verses say: “…As He created
you in the beginning, so shall you return”. Allah
creates a human in a good form, suitable for Him. But
his nafs may get deformed in earthly life due to the
possession of satan jinni. Humans with deformed
nafses will resurrect in deformed shapes. Allah would
not like a deformed human as His home. They will be
suitable to interact with the satan jinns and live in the
Samawaat (hell) forever.
The main aim of Sufi endeavor is to clean the
nafs; the rest lies in the Hand of Allah.
However, Sufi Endeavor is not necessary for
going to Jannaat. One may follow the Straight Path of
Islam revealed to Muhammad (pbuh), the Seal
Prophets, and the Mercy of God. Islam completes in
direct understanding of the Quran.
3. Extravagance
Say: the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are:
shameful deeds, whether open or secret, sins and trespasses
against truth or reason, assigning of partners to Allah for
which He has given no authority, and saying things about
Allah of which you have no knowledge.
They will reply:"They have left us in the lurch".
And they will bear witness against themselves that
they had rejected Allah.
He will say: "Enter you in the company of the peoples
who passed away before you—men and jinns—into the Fire."
Every time a new people enter, it curses its sister people until
they follow each other—all into the Fire.
1. Regular Salvation
“They will say: "Our Lord! Twice hast
Thou made us without life, and twice
hast Thou given us Life! Now have we
recognized our sins; is there any way
out?" [Al Quran: 40:11]
“Then death and Hades were thrown
into the lake of fire. This is the second
death, the lake of fire.”
[Revelation 20:14, Holy Bible]
The idolaters will never die and will remain in
the hell forever. It is said in the following Verse of
Holy Bible:
Muhammad (pbuh) has means and ability to move
through the Skies (Samawaat / this Universe), as he
moved during the Night Journey (Miraz). He will
salvage personally.
The idolaters will remain in hell for all the time that
the ‘Skies and Lands’ (Universe) will endure, as it is
said in the following Verse:
All galaxies hold super-massive black holes in
their centers. A black hole sucks matter from the
surrounding space. In course of time, it may devour
all the matter of a galaxy. It may take billions of
years. Once all the matter of a galaxy would be
devoured by the central super-massive black hole, the
person of that galaxy may be shifted to Jannaat
through a different path:
Hawking flourished an idea of going out of
this Universe through a black hole:
“As a black hole gives off particles and
radiation, it will lose mass. This will cause the black
hole to get smaller and to send out particles more
rapidly. Eventually, it will get down to zero mass and
will disappear completely. What will happen then to
the objects, including possible space ships that have
fallen into the black hole? According to some recent
work of mine, the answer is that they will go off into a
little baby universe of their own. A small self-
contained universe branches off from our region of
the universe. This baby universe may join on again to
our region of space-time. If it does, it would appear to
us to be another black hole that and then evaporated.
Particles that fell into one black hole would appear as
particles by the other black hole, and vice versa.
This sounds like just what is required to allow
space travel through black holes. You just steer your
space ship into a suitable black hole. It had better be
a pretty big one, though or the gravitational forces
will tear you into spaghetti before you get inside. You
would then hope to reappear out of some other hole,
though you wouldn’t be able to choose where.
However, there’s a snag in this intergalactic
transportation scheme. The baby universes that take
the particle that fell into the hole occur in what is
called imaginary time. In real time, an astronaut who
fell into a black hole would come to a sticky end. He
would be torn apart by the difference between the
gravitational force on his head and his feet. Even the
particles that made up his body would not survive.
Their histories, in real time, would come to an end at
a singularity. But the histories of the particles in
imaginary time would continue. They would pass into
the baby universe and would re-emerge as the
particles emitted by another black hole. Thus, in a
sense, the astronaut would be transported to another
region of the universe. However, the particles that
emerged would not look much like the astronaut. Nor
might it be much consolation to him, as he ran into
the singularity in real time, to know that his particles
will survive in imaginary time. The motto for anyone
who falls into a black hole must be: ‘Think
–Black holes and Baby Universes by Stephen
of a person will burn in immense fire, and it will be in
the process of repair.
“I’m sorry to disappoint prospective galactic
tourists, but this scenario doesn’t work: if you jump
into a black hole, you will get torn apart and crushed
out of existence. However, there is a sense in which
the particles that make up your body would carry on
into another universe. I don’t know if it would be
much consolation to someone being made into
spaghetti in a black hole to know that his particles
might survive.”
– Black holes and Baby Universes by Stephen
5. Natural Salvation
“…as We originated the first creation,
We shall reproduce it—a promise on
Us; surely We will bring it about.”
[Al Quran 21:104]
Section-7 of Chapter-7 [Verse 46-49]: Men in the Araf
Mercy? (Lo! they are said:) enter you the Jannaat; no
fear shall be on you, nor shall you grieve."
[The CC, the Sidratul-Muntaha, and the
related systems are deliberately discussed in Section-9
of Chapter-6]
“But on this Day the Believers will
laugh at the Unbelievers. On thrones
they observe.
Will not the Unbelievers have
been paid back for what they did?”
[Al Quran 83: 34-36]
controlled by His deed. Unquestionably, for Him the creation
and affairs; blessed be God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of
the Universes!"
Thus, He established Himself (through istawa) in both
of the creations.
He has infused the right hand of His nafs into
this universe, and He has infused the left hand of His
nafs into the Arsh. The hands comprise several forces
needed for sustaining and evolving the creations.
The gravitational force, which is exposing
through the deposits of matter, is a force of His hand.
So, as the above Verses say: “He covers the night
with the day, seeking it rapidly, and the sun and the
moon and the stars controlled by His deed.”
The forces, extended through the hands, are
designed at His will to act in fixed patters. So, we
view their acts as natural laws.
[Allah, soul and istawa are broadly discussed
in Chapter-1.]
as the above Verses say: “Do no mischief on the earth
after it has been set in order…”—His Mercy is near.
As a human grow in the mother’s womb, his
nafs gets designed as a program of creation. He will
be resurrected by his programmed nafs from a Set of
his earthly DNA Molecules (46).
The nafs of an idolater gets deformed due the
possession of satan jinns. A deformed nafs will form a
deformed devil-human body. I have discussed in
Section-10 of Chapter-6 how a satan jinn spoils a
human’s nafs and what is the role of a nafs in
It is easier to remain religious in an Islamic
Society because there is almost no bar, casino,
prostitution, etc. The religious persons are guarded by
the angels from the intrusions of the satan jinns. So,
the nafses of religious persons remain good. The good
nafses will produce good physiques during the
The products will be visible on the Day of
Judgment. So, the Verses say: “From the land that is
clean and good, by the will of its Cherisher, springs
up produce after its kind; but from the land that is
bad springs up nothing but that which is niggardly.”
Therefore, Muslims should remain patient and
maintain the societies under the Islamic Rule, even if
they were undergoing hardship.
History of the Divine Revelation in the Progeny of Noah
The way of preaching Islam has been designed by
Allah keeping their historically proven character in view.
10a. Noah
people, like Mongols, Russians, Turkic Peoples,
Greeks, Romans, French, Germans, Britons and
Spanish are from the people of Noah—one goes;
another comes. Thanks to God that He purified them
to some extent by the flood.
However, only the Jews are pure by blood.
Allah has made the descendants of Abraham
kings. One will hardly find a stable kingly dynasty
without the blood of Abraham, which includes the
People of the Quraysh Tribe as well.
The destroyed People
The desert animals are also specialized, but
the deserts are scattered throughout the world—
migration is possible.
Therefore, the protection of species, a pair of
male and female, by the boat indicates that the Polar
Region was flooded.
Moreover, Noah was a Prophet of a people.
Other peoples were not supposed to die for their sins.
So, the People of Noah only was destroyed, not
The Flood
the northern ice cap and massive rain from the skies
aided the pouring of water. So, water rose rapidly, and
the people were drowned.
FIGURE 7.6: Europe in the last Glacial Period
“O ye that are sprung from those
whom We carried with Noah! Verily
he was a devotee most grateful. And
We decreed for the Children of Israel
in the Book, that twice would they
do mischief on the earth and be
elated with mighty arrogance!
[Al Quran 17:3-4]
The Boat
sink the total landmass under 6500 feet high water.
And the water did not come from outer space; it came
from the fountains and the rain.
10b. Hud
wicked people. They turned to Paganism though they
were descendants of Noah. They invented three gods
called Samd, Samud and Hara.
To isolate a people as a sovereign entity an
old-time-leader would use religion—a people who
were worshipping idols X, Y and Z would not join
with people who were worshipping idols P, Q and R.
They needed the idols to commit the people in the
battles as well, because when question of life and
death comes a human needs divine assurance. So,
many kings had so-called protecting idols served by
pet priests who would give the assurance of victory
and protection. Some kings even used to claim them
as the descendants of gods.
Ads knew Allah, as they were descendants of
Noah. They did not refuse to worship Him (Allah).
They refused to worship Allah alone, which is a great
After the final warning by Hud, they were
destroyed, most probably by a draught followed by a
strong storm (Cyclone / Hurricane).
Thus, the mighty smart Ads, living in the tall
buildings, were swept away by the wind!
10c. Salih
inheritors after the Ad people and gave you habitations in the
land. You build for yourselves palaces and castles in the
plains and carve out homes in the mountains. So, bring to
remembrance the benefits from Allah, and refrain from evil
and mischief on the earth."
The leaders of the arrogant party among his people
said to those who were counted powerless, to such of them as
believed, "Know you indeed that Salih is a Messenger from
his Lord?" They said: "We do indeed believe in the
revelation, which has been sent through him."
The Arrogant Party said: "For our part, we reject what
you believe in." Then, they ham-strung the she-camel and
insolently defied the order of their Lord saying: "O Salih,
bring about your threats, if you are a Messenger!"
So, the earthquake took them unaware, and they lay
prostrate in their homes in the morning!
So, Salih left them saying: "O my people! I did indeed
convey to you the message, for which my Lord sent me. I
gave you good counsel, but you love not good counselors!"
However, all Thamuds did not die. There were
Believers among the Poor People of Thamud. It is
likely that the Poor were living around the town in
indigent settlements. Probably so, their homes were
not affected due to the earthquake. Only the people
who were Disbelievers and had palaces in the plains
and carved out homes in the mountains were affected
by the earthquake and died (they lay prostrate in their
homes in the morning).
10d. Lut
FIGURE 7.11: General Area of Sodom
10e. Shuaib
acquainted with everything. I have discussed Him in
The Verse is linked to the previous Verses
where it is said: “…nor could we by any manner of
means return thereto unless it be as in the will and
plan of Allah, our Lord”.
So the part, “Our Lord can reach out to the
utmost recesses of things by His knowledge.” means
that Allah knows the future.
People of Abraham, the men of
Midian, and the cities overthrown? To
them came their apostles with clear
signs. It is not God Who wrongs them,
but they wrong their own souls”
[Al Quran 9:70]
FIGURE 7.12: Gulf of Aqaba and Midian
missions. It means that when Moses was moving to
the sacred valley of Tuwa (where he saw the Fire), the
People of Midian were being destroyed or about to be
From the valley of Tuwa Moses was sent to
After the People of Midian had been destroyed
by the earthquake, lamenting Shuaib moved to the
People of the Wood. Later, the People of Wood too
were destroyed.
Shuaib is a central figure in the
Druze population. They claim him as their ancestor.
The tomb of Prophet Shuaib has been a site of annual
pilgrimage for many Druze for centuries.
In Druze tradition, it is believed that towards
the end of his life, Shuaib took refuge near the Sea of
Galilee where he died in old age.
Did the people of the towns feel secure against the
coming of Our wrath by night, while they were asleep? Or
else, did they feel secure against its coming in broad daylight,
while they played about? Did they then feel secure against
the plan of Allah? But no one can feel secure from the plan of
Allah, except those to ruin! To those who inherit the earth in
succession, to its possessors is it not a guiding that if We so
willed We could punish them for their sins and seal up their
hearts so that they could not hear?
Such were the towns whose story We relate unto you.
There came indeed to them their messengers with clear
(signs). But they would not believe what they had rejected
before. Thus, does Allah seal up the hearts of those who
reject faith. Most of them We found not men to their
covenant, but most of them We found rebellious and
Then threw his rod, and behold it was a serpent
manifest! And he drew out his hand, and behold it was white
to all beholders!
The Chiefs of the People of Pharaoh said, "This is
indeed a sorcerer well-versed. His plan is to get you out of
your land."
(Pharaoh Said,) "Then what is it you counsel?"
They said: "Keep him and his brother in suspense and
send to the cities men to collect and bring up to you all
sorcerers well-versed."
So, there came the sorcerers to Pharaoh. They said:
"Of course we shall have a reward if we win!"
He said: "Yea, and moreover you will be of the
They said: "O Moses! Will you throw, or shall we
have the throw?"
Moses said: "Throw you."
So, when they threw they bewitched the eyes of the
people and struck terror into them; for they showed a great
We put it into Moses' mind by inspiration: "Throw
your rod." And behold! It swallows up straight away all the
falsehoods, which they fake!
Thus, truth was confirmed, and all that they did was
made of no effect. So, they were defeated there and returned
But the sorcerers fell down prostrate in adoration,
saying, "We believe in the Lord of the universes, the Lord of
Moses and Aaron."
Pharaoh said: "Believe you in Him before I give you
permission? Surely this is a trick, which you have planned in
the city to drive out its people, but soon shall you know. Be
sure I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides,
and I will cause you all to die on the cross."
They said: "Verily, we are returning to our Lord. But
you take vengeance on us simply because we believed in the
signs of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! Pour out
on us patience and constancy and take our souls unto you as
The Chiefs of Pharaoh's people said: "Will you leave
Moses and his people to spread mischief in the land and to
abandon you and your gods?"
He said: "Their male children will we slay; their
females will we save alive; and we have indeed irresistible
power over them."
Said Moses to his people: "Pray for help from Allah,
and in patience and constancy; for the earth is Allah's; He
gives it as a heritage to such of His servants as He pleases,
and the end is for the Righteous."
They said: "We have had trouble both before and after
you came to us."
He said: "It may be that your Lord will destroy your
enemy and make you inheritors in the earth so that He may
see how you act?"
We punished the people of Pharaoh with years of
droughts and shortness of crops that they might receive
admonition. But when good came, they said, "This is due to
us"; when gripped by calamity, they ascribed it to evil omens
connected with Moses and those with him. Behold! In truth
the omens of evil are theirs in Allah's sight, but most of them
do not understand!
They said: "Whatever be the signs you bring to work
therewith your sorcery on us, we shall never believe in you.
So, We sent on them Wholesale Death, Locusts, Lice,
Frogs, and Blood—signs openly self-explained. But they
were steeped in arrogance—a people given to sin.
Every time the penalty fell on them, they said, "O
Moses! On our behalf, call on your Lord in virtue of his
promise to you. If you will remove the penalty from us, we
shall truly believe in you, and we shall send away the
Children of Israel with you." But every time We removed the
penalty from them to a fixed term, which they had to fulfill,
behold, they broke their word!
So, We exacted retribution from them. We drowned
them in the sea because they rejected Our Signs and failed to
take warning from them. And We made a people considered
weak inheritors of the lands in both East and West, lands
whereon We sent down Our blessings.
The fair promise of your Lord was fulfilled for the
Children of Israel because they had patience and constancy.
And We leveled to the ground the great works and fine
buildings, which Pharaoh and his people erected.
(Pharaoh). Probably so, the signs of Moses could not
bring out the desired result among the People of
Above Verses say that Jews were made
inheritors of the land, East and West. It was the East
and the West of River Jordan. After the death of
Moses, they captured Canaan. Subsequently, they
made a kingdom and extended into the East.
When Moses came to the place appointed by Us and
his Lord addressed him, He said: "O my Lord! Show
(Thyself) to me that I may look upon you."
Allah said: "By no means can you see Me, but look
upon the mount, if it stands still in its place, then shall you
see Me."
So, when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He
made it collapsed to dust. And Moses fell down unconscious.
When he recovered his senses, he said, "Glory be to You! To
You I turn in repentance, and I am the first to believe."
Said, "O Moses, I have chosen you above men by My
Messages and by My Speaking, so hold that which I have
given you and be of the grateful." And We wrote for him on
the tablets the lesson to be drawn from all things and the
explanation for all things, "Take and hold these with firmness
and enjoin your people to hold fast by the best in the
precepts; soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked."
Those who behave arrogantly on the earth in defiance
of right, them will I turn away from My Verses—even if they
see all the signs, they will not believe in them; and if they see
the way of right conduct, they will not adopt it as the way;
but if they see the way of error, that is the way they will
adopt; for they have rejected our signs and failed to take
warning from them.
Those who reject Our Verses and the meeting in the
Hereafter vain are their deeds. Can they expect to be
rewarded except what they used to do?
Section-13 of Chapter-7 [Verse 148-153]: People inventing
Section-14 of Chapter-7 [Verse 154-159]: Muhammad
(pbuh) in Torah
both life and death. So, believe in God and His Messenger,
the unlettered Prophet who believe in God and His words;
follow him that you may be guided."
Of the people of Moses there is a section who guide
and do justice in the light of truth.
When some of them said: "Why do you preach to a
people whom God will destroy or visit with a terrible
punishment?" Said the preachers, "To discharge our duty to
your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him."
When they disregarded the warnings that had been
given them, We rescued those who forbade evil, but We
visited the wrong-doers with a grievous punishment, because
they were given to transgression.
When in their insolence they transgressed
prohibitions, We said to them: "Be you apes, despised and
Behold! Your Lord did declare that He would send
against them—till the Day of Qiyamah—those who would
afflict them with grievous penalty; your Lord is quick in
retribution, but He is also Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
We broke them up into Sections on this Earth. There
are among them some that are the righteous, and some that
are the opposite. We have tried them with both prosperity and
adversity, in order that they might turn.
However, Allah declared punishments as well.
The list of punishments too is big. The followings are
among those:
shall give you there a trembling heart
and failing of eyes, and sorrow of
mind… (66)And your life shall be in
doubt before you, and you shall fear
day and night, and shall have no
assurance of your life… (67) In the
morning you shall say, Oh that it were
evening! And in the evening you shall
say, Oh that it were morning! For the
fear of your heart with which you fear,
and for the sight of your eyes which
you shall see.
– Deuteronomy (Torah) 28: 15–68,
Hebraic Roots Bible
prohibited the Jews from burying their dead. They
were eventually afforded burial when Antoninus Pius
succeeded Hadrian as Roman Emperor. According to
the Babylonian Talmud after the war Hadrian
continued the persecution of Jews.” – Wikipedia
Thereby, they broke up into Sections and
scattered throughout the Earth. It destroyed their
religious schools and greatly affected their religious
The Verses under discussion says: “Behold!
Your Lord did declare that He would send against
them—till the Day of Qiyamah—those who would
afflict them with grievous penalty; your Lord is quick
in retribution, but He is also Oft-forgiving, Most
We know what happened to them in Germany
during the Second World War. And now, they are
fighting in the North, in the East, and in the South.
Continue fighting—till the Day of Qiyamah. Did
Moses not tell you to follow Muhammad (pbuh)?
They are waiting for a Messiah—so wait.
The Messiah will come with an utter
anything but the truth? And they study what is in the Book.
But best for the righteous is the home in the Hereafter. Will
you not understand?
As to those who hold fast by the Book and establish
regular prayer—never shall We suffer the reward of the
righteous to perish.
When We raised the Mount over them, as if it had
been a canopy, and they thought it was going to fall on them:
"Hold firmly to what We have given you and bring to
remembrance what is therein; perchance you may fear God."
out near the foundation, continued their attacks, till
the workmen, after repeated scorching, could
approach no more, and gave up the attempt.
In the above Verses, the Quran reminds them
the story, how they were commanded to hold the
Torah. And it clearly says to follow the Last Prophet,
Muhammad (pbuh).
In 637 CE Caliph Omar captured Jerusalem.
By 691 CE, the Quraysh Caliphs built Al Aqsa
Mosque and the Dome of Rock. It was prophesized in
Holy Bible. Holy Bible is a Book of many
“A priest shall be on his Throne” means “a
Caliph” —a Caliph is a priest as well as a Ruler.
Therefore, according to the Prophecy, the
Caliphs from the Tribe of Quraysh would rebuild the
In reality, they built Al Aqsa Mosque and the
Dome of Rock and no explosion occurred.
Segment 3
Calling People to the Truth
does not have a material brain to remember, think and
So, something more was done. To understand
it, we are to think, what the words means by: “…your
Lord drew forth from the Children of Adam—from
their backs—their descendants, and made them
In Section-9 of Chapter-6, we have discussed
that before Allah began the creation of the Universe,
He had made a Master Design in His computer (CC),
which was a dynamic virtual universe.
The genome code of each human was
produced by the CC from the genome codes of his
father and mother, sequentially from Adam and Eve.
From the genome codes, the CC could
produce our virtual physiques, including the virtual
brains, to operate in the Master Design (Virtual
So, each human was produced in the virtual
universe from the backs of their parents.
Our souls (nafses) are combination of
unknown force fields. The CC, most likely, energized
our nafses with our virtual physiques and put us on a
holographic land, as holographic humans, where we
We cannot remember the event, as soul cannot
carry forward the memory (a soul being a combined
force field can have some information imprinted, but
it does not work as memory we use). Thus, it has been
reminded in above Verses so that we do not say on
the Day of Judgment that we didn’t know.
Section-19 of Chapter-7 [Verse 175-180]: Call – Guidance
is in the Hand of Allah
grant unto them, for My scheme is strong. Do they not
reflect, there is no madness in their companion? He is but a
Perspicuous Warner.
Do they see in the dominion of the Skies and Lands
and all that God has created that it may well be that their
terms is nigh drawing to an end? In what message after this
will they then believe?
To such as God rejects from His guidance, there can
be no guide; He will leave them in their trespasses wandering
in distraction.
When they are united, she bears a light burden and carries it
about. When she grows heavy, they both pray to God their
Lord, "If You give us a goodly child, we vow, we shall be
grateful." But when He gives them a goodly child, they
ascribe to others a share in the gift they have received, but
God is exalted, high above the partners they ascribe to Him.
Do they indeed ascribe to Him as partners things that
can create nothing, but are themselves created? No aid can
they give them, nor can they aid themselves!
If you call them to guidance, they will not obey. For
you, it is the same whether you call them, or you hold your
Verily, those whom you call upon besides God are
servants like unto you: Call upon them and let them listen to
your prayer, if you are truthful!
Have they feet to walk with? Or hands to lay hold
with? Or eyes to see with? Or ears to hear with? Say, "Call
your god–partners, scheme against me, and give me no
respite! Verily, my Protector is Allah Who revealed the
Book, and He protects the righteous. But those you call upon
besides Him are unable to help you and indeed to help
themselves. If you call them to guidance, they hear not. You
will see them looking at you, but they see not.”
Show forgiveness; command what is right; and turn
away from the ignorant.
But their brethren plunge them deeper into error, and
never relax.
If you bring them not a miracle, they say, "Why have
you not brought it?" Say, "I but follow what is revealed to me
from my Lord; this is lights from your Lord and guidance and
mercy for any who have faith."
Chapter 8 [Al Anfal THE SPOILS OF WAR]
Aim of the Chapter: To provide the General Instructions of
The next Surah (Chapter-9) declares all out war against the
Pagans. Before declaring the war, important policies and
guidelines of war have been given in this Surah.
A group of Verses may have been revealed depending
on the need of time, but it is important to us where the Verses
have been put in the Quran.
Allah is strict in punishment. This is, so test it, and surely for
the disbelievers is the torment of the fire.
was not your act but Allah's. How can a Muslim give
up when Allah is so intensely close to him!
The Verses allow to recoil for tactical gain;
the Verses also allow to withdraw to a troop, poised
to fight or fighting the same war.
That, and surely, Allah makes feeble the plans and stratagem
of the unbelievers.
If you ask for a judgment, now the judgment has
come to you.
And if you cease, it will be better for you; and if you
return, so shall we return, and your forces will be of no avail
to you however numerous they be—and verily Allah is with
those who believe!
O you who believe, obey Allah and His Messenger and turn
not away from him when you hear. Nor be like those who
say, "We hear", but listen not. Verily, the worst of beasts in
the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb; those who
understand not—if Allah had found in them any good, He
would indeed have made them listen; if He had made them
listen, they would but have turned back and declined.
O you who believe, give your response to Allah and
His Messenger when he calls you to that which will give you
life; and know that Allah comes in between a man and his
heart, and that it is He to Whom you shall be gathered.
And fear tumult or oppression, which affects not in
particular those of you who do wrong—and know that Allah
is strict in punishment.
It should be carefully planned by well
educated, well trained, and wise planners. Otherwise a
Force may fall in the condition of ISIS who tried to
establish terror by killing unarmed military cadets of
Iraq, by posting the videos of execution, and by
burning the fighter pilot of Jordan alive. These acts
outraged the general people.
But, the US Army did not earn bad name,
because their bombing did not kill the civilians
indiscriminately. They used precision guided bombs
and carefully selected the targets. They broadcasted
their activities regularly and freely to the people; there
were embedded Reporters with the advancing
meeting of the two forces; for Allah
has power over all things.”
[Al Quran 8:41]
for them in every stratagem; but if
they repent and perform “As-Salat”
and give “Zakat”, then open the way
for them; for Allah is Oft–forgiving,
Most Merciful”
[Al Quran 9:5 (Surah Tawbah)]
So, Pagans had to be fought till they accepted Islam,
and the People of the Book had to be fought till they
were subdued and started paying jizya willingly. The
People of the Book could keep their religion.
Therefore, the “Furqan” is a “Book of Jihad
leading to the physical fighting”. The giving of
Furqan starts at Chapter-3 and ends at Chapter-9. It
authorizes Al Muttaqin to resort to offensive war for
Preaching Islam. It is given with the “Rules of
Soon Prophet (pbuh) departed. But his
followers continued. They were ordered by the
Prophet (pbuh) to capture as far as a camel could go.
Within three generations, the Home of Ummah
(Darussalam), spanning from Morocco to the Pamirs,
was established, and Islam was accepted by the
population throughout the land.
The people of a captured territory could easily
understand that those saintly fighters were fighting for
the cause of Allah only, and accepted Islam willfully.
going to send them a penalty while you were among them,
nor was He going to send it while they could ask for pardon.
But what plea they have that Allah should not punish
them when they keep out from the sacred mosque, and they
are not its guardians. No men can be its guardians except the
Guards (Muttaqin), but most of them do not understand.
Their prayer at the House is nothing but whistling and
clapping of hands: "Taste you the penalty because you
The Unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder from the
path of Allah, and so will they continue to spend, but in the
end, it will become an anguish for them. Then they will be
overcome, and the unbelievers will be gathered together to
In order that Allah may separate the impure from the
pure, put the impure one on another, heap them together, and
cast them into Hell. They will be the ones to have lost.
Say to the Unbelievers: if they desist, their past would
be forgiven, but if they return (to hostility), then the
precedent of the former peoples has already taken place.
Jannaat. Thus, the universes will be filled up after the
contemptible in their eyes that Allah might accomplish a
matter already enacted; for to Allah do all questions go back.
O you who believe, when you meet a force be firm and call
Allah in remembrance much that you may prosper. And obey
Allah and His Messenger, and fall into no disputes lest you
lose heart and your power depart, and be patient and
persevering, for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.
And be not like those who started from their homes
insolently, and to be seen of men, and to hinder from the path
of Allah; for Allah compasses round about all that they do.
Remember Satan made their acts seem alluring to
them and said: "No one among men can overcome you this
day while I am near to you". But when the two forces came
in sight of each other, he turned on his heels and said: "Lo! I
am clear of you. Lo! I see what you see not. Lo! I fear Allah;
for Allah is Strict in Punishment."
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who
reject Him—they will not believe. They are those with whom
you did make a covenant, but they break their covenant every
time, and they have not the fear. If you gain the mastery over
them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those
who are behind them.
If you fear treachery from any group, throw back
(their covenant) to them on equal terms; for Allah loves not
the treacherous. And let not those who disbelieve think that
they can outstrip. Verily, they will never be able to save
Section-12 of Chapter-8 [Verse 60-63]: Develop Force
Section-13 of Chapter-8 [Verse 64-66]: Force Ratio
and Anti-Tank back-ups. They have different types of
weapon in balanced proportion, communication
instruments, night vision devices, good maps and
GPSs. They have highly trained Commanders, and
they fight in the framework of well-developed plans.
They are specially trained before they are committed
to a battle fields. Their area is watched by drones,
satellites, and surveillance RADARs to save them
from being surprised.
So, if a People have not followed the
instruction of previous Section—Against them make
ready your strength to the utmost of your power—
they should not get involved in the War of Furqan.
The Furqan relates to the war for preaching
Islam among Pagans (Idolaters), and it keeps the
Muslim Societies supportive to the Islamic
Leadership. The Furqan is not for national defense.
A basic Army and organized people are
enough for the defense of a country. Fight tooth and
nail when you are attacked. It too is a kind of Jihad,
but not a Jihad of Furqan. The permission of such
defensive Jihad is given in Chapter-2, and the Furqan
start at Chapter-3.
The main point of above discussion is that the
Force Ratio must be considered while planning an
offensive war of the Furqan, and today’s Force Ratio
does not depend on manpower only.
And follow the conscience of Prophet (pbuh)
as visible in the Battle of Ditch and in the Capture of
Makkah. If a leader does not value your life, don’t
value him as a leader. However, understand the
decisive moment of “do or die” as well.
Section-14 of Chapter-8 [Verse 67-71]: Terror and
Prisoner of War
abode will be the Fire, and evil is the
home of the wrong-doers!”
[Al Quran 3:151]
The Muslims under Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) had many battles to fight in future. They were
destined to capture a great part of the World. Allah
knew the future. So, Allah wanted terror to be
established in the initial days, from the Battle of Badr.
But, the terror was not established in the
Battle of Badr. It was established later by Khalid ibne
reaching a Pagan Tribe, the Tribe had already
converted to Islam.
Later, the establishment of terror was not
required, as the following Verses allowed Muslims to
take prisoners.
was not there. Within about two years (during Hadrat
Abu Bakr) he consolidated Arabian Peninsula and the
Force moved against Roman Byzantine Empire.
Prophet (pbuh) was very compassionate to
Arabs. He dug a huge ditch through extreme hardship
to avoid casualties. He prepared for the Battle of
Makkah with extreme care and captured without
bloodshed. To him each Muttaqi was counted as well
as other Arabs. He was ordered in Chapter-4 to fight
and kill the hypocrites, but he did not do it [the Quran
is a Book of Guidance, not a Book of Orders, so the
Highest Islamic Leadership can delay or avoid a
Jihad]. The Quran says:
But it does not mean that Prophet (pbuh) was
a weak Commander. He dealt with the Jews severely
and unwaveringly and did what he was supposed to
do for the eternal safety of the Islam. Makkah and
Madinah had to be freed from all viable adversaries
and their counter-thoughts forever.
In modern time, the terror is established by
massive 'use of force' in the initial days of war. It is
called ‘Shock and Awe’.
“Shock and Awe is a tactic based on the use of
overwhelming power and spectacular displays of
force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the
battlefield and destroy their will to fight.”
– Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
To conclude:
something better than what has been taken from you, and He
will forgive you; for Allah is Oft–forgiving, Most Merciful."
But if they have treacherous designs against you, they have
already been in treason against Allah, and so has He given
(you) power over them; and Allah is He Who has knowledge
and wisdom.
Those who believed and adopted exile and fought for the
Faith with their property and their persons in the cause of
Allah as well as those who gave asylum and aid—these are
friends and protectors one of another.
As to those who believed but came not into exile, you
owe no duty of protection to them until they come into exile;
but if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help
them, except against a people with whom you have a treaty of
mutual alliance. And Allah sees all that you do.
The Unbelievers are protectors one of another. Unless
you do this, there would be tumult and oppression on earth,
and great mischief.
Those who believe and adopt exile and fight for the
Faith in the cause of Allah as well as those who give asylum
and aid—these are in very truth the Believers; for them is the
forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous.
And those who accept Faith subsequently and adopt
exile and fight for the Faith in your company they are of you.
But kindred by blood have prior rights against each other in
the Book of Allah. Verily, Allah is well-acquainted with all
Chapter 9 [Al Tawbah THE REPENTANCE]
Aim of the Chapter: To declare all out War against the
Pagans and to direct subsequent Mobilizations.
The Segments and Sections are given as under:
Section 11 [Verse: 53-57]: Rejected Contributions
Section 12 [Verse 58-60]: Security against Slandering
Islamic Leadership
Section 13 [Verse: 61-63]: Security against Demeaning
Islamic Leadership
Section 14 [Verse: 64-74]: Counter Propaganda
Section 15 [Verse 75-80]: Security of Believers giving
Charity for War Expedition
Section 16 [Verse: 81-96]: Punishment of Evading War
Section 17 [Verse: 97-106]: Caution in respect of Desert
Section 18 [Verse: 107-110]: The Importance of Unity
Section 19 [Verse: 111-112]: Believers Sold-Out
Segment 5: Conclusion
Tafsir of the Surah
The Declaration of War
in the end, had to pick up the arms to remove the
Taghuts so that the people could accept Islam in
Moses went to Egypt with 9 clear signs, but
the result was zero. The Christianity was preached in
Arabia by highly trained Preachers for about 500
years, but the result was disheartening. But, Allah is
very compassionate on Arabians and Iranians. Finally
He adopted the Way of Furqan to press the teaching
home. The Way was needed for the land due to the
nature its people, and its social and political
their oaths are nothing to them, that thus they may be
Will you not fight people who violated their oaths,
plotted to expel the Apostle, while they did attack you first?
Do you fear them? Nay, it is Allah Whom you should more
justly fear, if you believe!
Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your
hands, cover them with shame, help you over them, heal the
breasts of Believers, and calm the resentment of their minds;
for Allah will turn to whom He will, and Allah is All-
Knowing, All-Wise.
Or think you that you shall be forsaken while Allah
did not make evident those among you who strive with might
and main and take none for friends and protectors except
Allah, His Apostle, and the Believers? And Allah is well–
acquainted with that you do.
Segment 2
Islam entering a New Phase
established in Arabian Peninsula. The Kabah became
the Spiritual Center of Muslims.
Those who believe and suffer exile and strove hard and
fought in Allah's cause with their wealth and their lives have
the highest rank in the sight of Allah. They are the successful.
Their Lord does give them glad tidings of a Mercy from
Himself, of His good pleasure, and of Jannaat; for them
wherein are delights that endure. They will dwell therein
forever. Verily in Allah's presence is a reward, the greatest.
Mainly, the Muhajirs fall in this group.
The Ansars are given the good news of
Jannaat in subsequent Verses, but the Verses do not
mention that they have the Highest Rank.
It was almost like the giving of retirement, as
the decision of Allah was pronounced. After the
revelation of these Verses, Prophet (pbuh) too was
seen trying to uplift the new generation. Often, he
selected very young Sahabah to lead the battles.
During his illness before death, he assembled a Force
against Roman Empire at the outskirts of Madinah
under a very Young Leader and appointed Hazrat Ali
(32) as the Protector of Madinah. However, the Force
did not move due to his death.
O you who believe, take not as Awliya your fathers and your
brothers if they love infidelity above Faith—if any of you do
so, they do wrong. Say, if it be that your fathers, your sons,
your brothers, your mates, or your kindred, the wealth that
you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline,
or the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than
Allah, or His Apostle, or the striving in His cause, then wait
until Allah brings about His decision; and Allah guides not
the rebellious.
Assuredly, Allah did help you in many battlefields
and on the day of Hunain. Behold, your great numbers elated
you, but they availed you naught—the land, for all that it is
wide, did constrain you, and you turned back in retreat. But
Allah did pour His calm on the Apostle and on the Believers
and sent down forces, which you saw not. He punished the
Unbelievers. Thus, does He reward those without Faith.
Again, Allah will after this turn to whom He will; for
Allah is Oft–forgiving, Most Merciful.
Empire, the Super Powers of the Times. Arabs are
tough and courageous people, no doubt in it. But how
the Forces of general Arabs could defeat well-trained
and well-organized Armies of Roman and Persian
They succeeded due to the help of Allah. The
help is promised through this Surah. The First
Paragraph of above Verses narrates how the People of
Furqan should be. The Second Paragraph describes
how the help will be. The Third Paragraph promises
for the help of Allah in future.
Most likely, the War Book includes a group of
dedicated angels given to aid the Leader of Al
Muttaqin (the Highest Islamic Leadership), as the
above Verses say: But Allah did pour His calm on the
Apostle and on the Believers and sent down forces,
which you saw not. The Force of Angels was used in
the Battle of Hunain—it is still available for the
In 1980, U.S. Delta Force secretly moved into
the First Desert Base in Iran with eight Helicopters
and transport aircraft to rescue the hostages of US
Embassy in the next night. Three helicopters went out
of action: one had cracked rotor blade, one
encountered hydraulic problem, and one went out of
action due to the desert storm. They cancelled the
Mission and were withdrawing when the desert storm
came again and a transport aircraft collided with a
helicopter. Both were destroyed and several were
killed. Imam Khomeini described the sand storms as
the acts of these Angels.
And there are many unknown enemy moves
that are foiled in the last 40 years (2019) and the
Leadership of IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard
Corps / can also be de-abbreviated as Islamic Jihadi
Muttaqin Corps) is surviving in Iran.
Afghan Mujahedeen too got the help in many
occasions while they were fighting against USSR.
There are books written on this matter.
But why Taliban were not helped in 2001 in
the war against USA? It was because they were
enforcing Hadith that Prophet (pbuh) wanted to be
burned [Hadith is deliberately discussed in Section-2
of Chapter-31]. They compelled people to keep beard,
banned the Music, stopped cultural activities instead
of guiding it, compelled women to wear niqab (veil
on face), restricted the movement of women and
stopped their education, dismantled the Houses of
Sufis, and most importantly they failed to contact and
obey the Central Islamic Leadership rising in Iran
(because many of them thought themselves Sunni).
Thus, they restricted and disturbed the life of Muslims
without any authority from the Quran. The Divine
Forces of Furqan is not likely to help such people in
such activities.
Only, the orders and instructions, which are
clearly given in the Quran, can be enforced among the
people. Now, the Taliban are Okay (2021), as they
have corrected themselves.
Finally, Taliban cannot be blamed fully. They
are taught by Madrasahs that teach Hadith and
Sunnah mainly. The half-hearted curriculum of those
Madrasahs was devised in British India.
Finally, the dedicated angels are given for the
men that are fighting a 'Battle of Furqan' (offensive
Jihad to establish Islam). And a Battle of Furqan must
be fought with the permission of the Highest Islamic
Leadership. So, the Force of the angels may not be
available to the men who do not have his permission.
O you who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean, so let them
not after this year of theirs approach the Sacred Mosque. And
if you fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills,
out of His bounty; for Allah is All–knowing, All–wise.
Segment 3
The Rules of Engagement
Fight those who believe not in Allah, nor the Last Day, nor
hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and
His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (-fight the
Pagans); from those who were given the Book, until they pay
Jizya willingly while they are subdued (-fight the Jews and
paid Zakat. It meant that the Muttaqin were to fight
the Pagans until they became Muslims.
But, the Pagans of the Middle East and Africa
were under the protection of Roman Byzantine
Empire and her allies. So, in the above Verse, the
policy to fight against the People of the Book was
given, which is: “…from those who were given the
Book—until they pay Jizya willingly while they are
The Verse did not mean that all the Christians
of the world were to be brought under subjugation; it
meant the Christians who were countering the
preaching of Islam in the Home of Ummah extending
from Morocco to the Pamirs.
Babylon is considered as the Mother of Cities.
It is the birthplace of Abraham. It was a city of
Mesopotamia, located in the Middle East (Iraq).
The ruins of Mesopotamia show that the
civilization is over 7000 years old. It is the oldest
civilization of mankind and is called the Cradle of
According to Holy Bible too, Babylon is the
first city of mankind. The city life began in Babylon.
Therefore, Babylon can be identified as the
Mother of Cities.
Who are the 'People around Babylon'?
They are Arabs and Iranian People. These
races were interactive to Babylon form the ancient
times. It was their center of gravity.
Therefore, 'Mother of Cities' is 'Babylon' and
the 'People around Her' are 'Arabs and Iranian
People'. Their lands form the Home of Ummah,
which extends from Morocco to the Pamirs.
Today, there should be no doubt about it, as
entire population of this area has become Muslims. It
is the main land of the Muslim World of today. All
Pagans of the area had to accept Islam; Christians and
Jews were subdued and had to pay Jizya. It was done
by Prophet (pbuh) and his immediate followers (up to
3rd generation) according to the guidance of the
But, the Prophet (pbuh) had no world map;
how he could identify the extent of this Home? So, he
gave a simple order: ‘Do not go, where the camels do
not go’ (or words to that effect). It meant that do not
carry out a military expedition beyond the ‘camel
going area’. It looks like a Bedouin idea—not to go
where the camels do not go. But today we understand
the intelligence of this order. Look into the map—
Islam is spread in the ‘camel going area’ mainly.
However, in today’s scenario, making a
defensive Navy is desirable. A blue water Navy
should not be made.
Muslims captured the whole Home of Ummah
where Arabians and Iranians were living. Thus, the
Mission of the Furqan was complete.
The capturing of land to preach Islam beyond
the Home of Ummah is forbidden in light of the
following Verses:
area throughout a year, and a grazed area needs time
to grow the grass again. But the movement would not
be possible if they were not organized into Tribes.
There would not be any security in the moves and
halts, and the locals would not allow them to enter
their area with the cattle.
Such a group of people, organized under the
strong Tribal Leadership, could not accept Islam until
the Tribal Chief had accepted it, and the Tribal Chief
would not accept Islam until the King had accepted it.
So, these areas were to be captured so that the
Taghuts (Tribal Chiefs / Kings / Emperors) were
neutralized and the people could accept Islam freely.
The people of other parts of the world live in
loosely bound societies. The lands are resourceful to
make its people independent. If other people capture
their land, they view them as invaders and reject
them. “Dawah” by Muslim Saints and Preachers is the
way of preaching Islam in these lands. People of
Indonesia and Malaysia became Muslims without
being captured. The matter is discussed in the
Introduction of Part-2 (Guidance to Mankind).
It is worth mentioning that the camel going
area is the Home of Ummah in relation to the
‘Strategy of Preaching’ only. As a religion, the Islam
is for the whole mankind, which is clearly mentioned
in Chapter-10.
Like Muslims, Christians too have a Home.
One may read in Holy Bible, how Pope Paul was
driven into Europe.
“They travelled through the region of
Phrygia and Galatia because the Holy
Spirit did not let them preach the
message in the province of Asia. When
they reached the border of Mysia, they
tried to go into the province of
Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus did not
allow them…That night Paul had a
vision in which he saw a Macedonian
standing and begging him: Come over
Macedonia and help us…”
– Acts 16 (6-10), Holy Bible
In other words, now there is no Pagan in the
Home of Ummah, so there is no scope of fighting the
Pagans, so there is no need of subduing Christians, so
Jizya should not be taken from the People of the
Even if there were a fight with the Pagans, and
a small neutral Christian community was living in a
corner, subduing them and taking Jizya from them
would not be justified in light of this Chapter.
However, we cannot cancel it; according to
the Hadith, it will be cancelled by Jesus Christ,
coming soon.
Moreover, Muslims pay Zakat; if Jews and
Christians do not pay Jizya, the Muslims and they will
not remain in the equal footing—price will be less in
their shops. So, if Zakat is collected centrally, money
at the equal rate should be collected from them too, as
This is the only Verse in the Quran that talks
about Jizya. It allows taking Jizya from People of the
Book only. So, Jizya cannot be taken from the Pagans
living in the Home of Ummah. They should be
motivated to accept Islam. If they do not accept, they
should be fought. If they surrender, they should be
kept arrested in secured place and motivated till the
time they accept Islam. Regarding Pagans, motivation
and sword go hand in hand.
However, this is about the policy; in reality,
there is no Pagan at present in the Home of Ummah
(from Morocco to Himalaya). Prophet (pbuh) and
Sahabah did not leave their job undone.
But do not think that the Jihad is finished. The
Jihad is necessary to maintain Islam in the Home of
Ummah. But the Jihad is likely to be low intensity
political Jihad, as IRGC is doing in Iran (2020). And
the Jihad must be done according to the order of the
Highest Islamic Leadership.
The Jews call Uzair, a son of Allah; and the Christians call
Christ, the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth;
they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say.
Allah's curse be on them. How they are deluded away from
the Truth!
They take their priests and their anchorites to be their
lords in derogation of Allah and Christ the son of Mary, yet
they were commanded to worship but One God—there is no
god but He; praise and glory to Him from having the partners
they associate.
Fain would they extinguish the light of Allah with
their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His light
should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest
(it). It is He Who has sent His Apostle with guidance and the
Religion of Truth to proclaim it over all religion, even though
the Pagans may detest (it).
O you who believe, there are indeed many among the
priests and anchorites who in Falsehood devour the substance
of men and hinder from the Way of Allah. And there are
those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the Way of
Allah. Announce unto them a most grievous penalty. On the
Day when heat will be produced out of that in the fire of Hell,
and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and
their backs—this is that which you buried for yourselves;
taste ye then that you buried!
The number of months in the sight of Allah is
twelve—so ordained by Him the day He created the Skies
and Lands; of them four are sacred—that is the straight
usage. So wrong not yourselves therein and fight the Pagans
all together as they fight you all together. But know that
Allah is with those who restrain themselves.
Verily, the transposing is an addition to unbelief—the
Unbelievers are led to wrong thereby for they make it lawful
one year and forbidden another year in order to adjust the
number of months forbidden by Allah and make such
forbidden ones lawful. The evil of their course seems
pleasing to them. But Allah guides not those who reject Faith.
often used to say in public lectures, ‘Support me, the
Palaces of Damascus will be yours’ (words to that
Segment 4
Instructing New Generation in respect of War Expedition
O you who believe, what is the matter with you that when
you are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, you cling
heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to
the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life as
compared with the Hereafter. Unless you go forth, He will
punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your
place; but Him you would not harm in the least for Allah has
power over all things.
If you help not, certainly, Allah did indeed help him
when the Unbelievers drove him out; he had no more than
one companion; they two were in the cave, and he said to his
companion, "Have no fear, for Allah is with us". Then Allah
sent down His peace upon him and strengthened him with
forces, which you saw not, and humbled to the depths the
word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to
the heights; for Allah is Exalted in Might, Wise.
Go you forth lightly or heavily and strive and struggle
with your goods and your persons in the cause of Allah. That
is best for you, if you knew.
If there had been immediate gain and the journey
easy, they would without doubt have followed you, but the
distance was long on them. They would indeed swear by
Allah: if we only could, we should certainly have come out
with you. They destroy their own souls. And Allah does
know that they are certainly lying.
May Allah forgive you—why did you grant them
leave until you saw those who told the truth in a clear light,
and you had known the liars? Those who believe in Allah and
the Last Day ask you for no exemption from fighting with
their properties and their lives. And Allah knows well those
who do their duty. Only those ask you for exemption who
believe not in Allah and the Last Day, and whose hearts are
in doubt so that they are tossed in their doubts to and fro. If
they had intended to come out, they would certainly have
made some preparation therefore; but Allah was averse to
their being sent forth, so He made them lag behind and they
were told: Sit you among those who sit (women).
If they had come out with you, they would not have added to
your (strength), but only disorder, hurrying to and fro in your
midst, and sowing sedition among you; and there would have
been some among you who would have listened to them. But
Allah knows well those who do wrong. Indeed, they had
plotted sedition before and upset matters for you until the
Truth arrived, and the Decree of Allah became manifest
much to their disgust.
Among them is a man who says: "Grant me
exemption and draw me not into trial." Have they not fallen
into trial already? And indeed, Hell surrounds the
If good befalls you, it grieves them; but if a
misfortune befalls you, they say, "We took indeed our
precautions beforehand", and they turn away rejoicing. Say,
"Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for
us; He is our protector"; and on Allah let the Believers put
their trust.
Say, "Can you expect for us other than one of two
glorious things? But we can expect for you either that Allah
will send his punishment from Himself, or by our hands. So,
wait; we too will wait with you."
Section-11 of Chapter-9 [Verse 53-57]: Rejected
And among them are men who slander you in the matter of
the alms (sadaqah)—if they are given part thereof, they are
pleased, but if not, behold, they are indignant! If only they
had been content with what Allah and His Apostle gave them
and had said, "Sufficient unto us is Allah; Allah and His
Apostle will soon give us of His bounty; to Allah do we turn
our hopes!"
Alms are for the poor, and the needy, and those who
collect them, for those whose hearts have been (recently)
reconciled (to Truth), and in bondage, and for those in debt in
the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarer—ordained by Allah;
and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.
Section-13 of Chapter-9 [Verse: 61-63]: Security against
demeaning Islamic Leadership
Among them are men who annoy the Prophet and say, "He is
(lending his) ear (to every news)." Say, "He listens to what is
best for you; he believes in Allah, has faith in the Believers,
and is a Mercy to those of you who believe." But those who
annoy the Apostle will have a grievous penalty.
To you they swear by Allah in order to please you
(Muslims), but it is more fitting that they should please Allah
and His Apostle if they are Believers. Know they not that for
those who oppose Allah and His Apostle is the Fire of Hell,
wherein they shall dwell; that is the disgrace supreme.
and the rejecters of Faith the fire of hell. Therein shall they
dwell. Sufficient is it for them. For them is the curse of Allah,
and an enduring punishment.
As in the case of those before you, they were mightier
than you in power and more flourishing in wealth and
children. They had their enjoyment of their portion, and you
have of yours, as did those before you; and you indulge in
idle talk, as they did. They, their works are fruitless in this
world and in the Hereafter, and they will lose.
Has not the story reached them of those before
them—the People of Noah, and Ad, and Thamud; the People
of Abraham, the men of Midian; and the cities overthrown?
To them came their apostles with clear signs. It is not Allah
Who wrongs them, but they wrong their own souls.
The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of
another. They enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil.
They perform As-Salat and give Zakat and obey Allah and
His Apostle. On them will Allah pour His mercy; for Allah is
Exalted in power, Wise.
Allah has promised to Believers, men and women,
Jannaat, under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever,
and beautiful mansions in Jannaati-Adnin. But the greatest
bliss is the good pleasure of Allah; that is the supreme
O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and
the Hypocrites and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,
an evil refuge indeed. They swear by Allah that they said
nothing, but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it
after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot, which they
were unable to carry out—this revenge of theirs was only
return for the bounty with which Allah and His Apostle had
enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them, but if
they turn back, Allah will punish them with a grievous
penalty in this life and in the Hereafter. They shall have none
on earth to protect or help them.
Among them are men who made a covenant with Allah that if
He bestowed on them of His bounty, they would give in
charity and be truly among those who are righteous. But
when He did bestow of His bounty, they became covetous
and turned back, averse. So, He has put as a consequence
hypocrisy into their hearts till the Day whereon they shall
meet Him, because they broke their covenant with Allah, and
because they lied. Know they not that Allah do know their
secret, and their secret counsels, and that Allah knows well
all things unseen?
Those who defame such of the believers who give
charity voluntarily, and such who could not find to give
charity except what is available to them—so they mock at
them. Allah will throw back their mockery on them, and they
shall have a grievous penalty. Whether you ask for their
forgiveness, or not—if you ask seventy times for their
forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them, because they have
rejected Allah and His Apostle; and Allah guides not those
who are perversely rebellious.
Allah; they hated to strive and fight with their properties and
their lives in the cause of Allah; thy said, "Go not forth in the
heat." Say, "The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat." If only they
could understand! Let them laugh a little; much will they
weep—a recompense for what they do.
If then, Allah bring you back to any of them, and they
ask your permission to come out, say, "Never shall you come
out with me, nor fight an enemy with me, for you preferred to
sit inactive on the first occasion. Then sit you with those who
lag behind."
Nor do you ever pray for any of them that dies, nor
stand at his grave, for they rejected Allah and His Apostle
and died in a state of perverse rebellion.
Nor let their wealth, nor do their sons dazzle you;
Allah's plan is to punish them with these things in this world,
and that their souls may perish in their denial of Allah.
When a Surah comes down enjoining them to believe
in Allah and to strive and fight along with His Apostle, those
with wealth and influence among them ask you for
exemption and say, "Leave us, we would be with those who
sit." They prefer to be with who remain behind; their hearts
are sealed, and so they understand not.
But the Apostle, and those who believe with him
strive and fight with their wealth and their lives; for them are
good things, and it is they who will prosper. Allah has
prepared for them Jannaat, under which rivers flow, to dwell
therein—that is the supreme felicity.
And there were among the desert Arabs men who
made excuses and came to claim exemption and those who
were false to Allah and His Apostle sat inactive. Soon a
grievous penalty will seize the Unbelievers among them.
There is no blame on those who are infirm, or ill, or
who find no resources to spend; if they are sincere to Allah
and His Apostle, no ground can there be against such as do
right; and Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Nor on those who came to you to be provided with
mounts, and when you said, "I can find no mounts for you,"
they turned back; their eyes streaming with tears of grief that
they had no resources wherewith to provide the expenses.
The ground is against such as claim exemption while
they are rich. They prefer to stay with the (people) who
remain behind; Allah has sealed their hearts, so they know
not. They will present their excuses to you when you return
to them. Say you, "Present no excuses; we shall not believe
you; Allah has already informed us of the true state of
matters concerning you. It is your actions that Allah and His
Apostle will observe. In the end, will you be brought back to
Him Who knows what is hidden and what is open; then He
will show you the truth of all that you did."
They will swear to you by Allah, when you return to
them, that you may leave them alone. So, leave them alone,
for they are an abomination, and Hell is their dwelling
place—a fitting recompense for what they did. They will
swear unto you that you may be pleased with them, but if you
are pleased with them—Allah is not pleased with those who
which Allah has sent down to His Apostle; but Allah is All-
knowing, All-Wise.
Some of the desert Arabs looks upon what they spend
as a fine and watch for calamities for you; on them be the
calamity of evil. And Allah is He that hears and knows.
But some of the desert Arabs believe in Allah and the
Last Day and look upon what they spend in Allah’s cause as
means of nearness to Allah, and a cause of receiving the
Messenger’s invocation. Indeed, these are a means of
nearness for them; soon will Allah admit them to His Mercy.
Indeed, Allah is Oft–forgiving, Most Merciful.
And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhajirun
(Makkans who forsook their homes) and the Ansars (those of
Madinah who helped and gave them shelter) and those who
followed them in good deeds—well pleased is Allah with
them, as are they with Him. For them He has prepared
Jannaat under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever; that
is the supreme felicity.
Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are
hypocrites as well as among the Madinah folk; they are
obstinate in hypocrisy; you know them not; We know them;
twice shall We punish them and in addition shall they be sent
to a grievous penalty. Others have acknowledged their
wrongdoings; they have mixed an act that was good with
another that was evil. Perhaps, Allah will turn unto them; for
Allah is Oft–Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Of their goods, take Sadaqah (alms) so that you might
purify and sanctify them and pray on their behalf. Verily,
your prayers are a source of security for them; and Allah is
one Who hears and knows.
Know they not that Allah does accept repentance
from His votaries and receives their gifts of charity, and that
Allah is verily He, the Oft–Returning, Most Merciful?
And say, "Work; soon will Allah observe your work,
and His Apostle, and the Believers. Soon will you be brought
back to the Knower of what is hidden and what is open. Then
will He show you the truth of all that you did."
There are others held in suspense for the command of
Allah whether He will punish them or turn in mercy to them;
and Allah is All–Knowing, Wise.
Section-19 of Chapter-9 [Verse 111-112]: Believers Sold-
Segment 5
It is not fitting for the Prophet and those who believe that
they should pray for forgiveness for Pagans even though they
be of kin, after it is clear to them that they are companions of
the Fire.
And Abraham prayed for his father's forgiveness only
because of a promise he had made to him. But when it
became clear to him that he was an enemy to Allah, he
dissociated himself from him, for Abraham was most tender-
hearted, forbearing.
Section-21 of Chapter-9 [Verse 115-118]: The Forgiven
O you who believe, fear Allah and be with those who are
true. It was not fitting for the people of Madinah and the
Bedouin Arabs of the neighborhood to refuse to follow
Allah's Apostle, nor to prefer their own lives to his, because
nothing could they suffer or do, but was reckoned to their
credit as a deed of righteousness—whether they suffered
thirst, or fatigue, or hunger in the cause of Allah; nor they
take any step to raise the anger of disbelievers, nor inflict any
injury upon the enemy but is written to their credit as a deed
of righteousness. Surely, Allah wastes not the reward of those
who do good, nor could they spend anything, small or great,
nor cut across a valley but the deed is inscribed to their credit
that Allah may reward them the best (of) what they used (to)
O you who believe, fight the unbelievers who gird you about,
and let them find firmness in you; and know that Allah is
with those who fear Him.
Yea, those who believe their faith are increased, and
they do rejoice. But those, in whose hearts are a disease, it
will add doubt to their doubt; and they will die in a state of
See they not that they are tried every year once or
twice? Yet they turn not in repentance, and they take no heed.
Whenever there comes down a Surah, they look at
each other, "Does anyone see you?" Then they turn aside.
Allah has turned their hearts, for they are a people that
understand not.