1830-Article Text-5898-1-10-20230627
1830-Article Text-5898-1-10-20230627
1830-Article Text-5898-1-10-20230627
PhD Student at the University of Pitesti, Doctoral School of Sports Science and Physical
Education, Romania
Introduction: In the sports field, the use of proprioceptive training is an effective method in
optimizing athletes' performances. For this reason, we thought also to try this method also in the
field of physical education, namely in the physical education lesson in a public school. Our
intention was to organize an intervention through a physical exercise program that would
stimulate the proprioceptors in order to improve the sensory-motor function of children. We
wanted to observe and highlight whether students can express what they feel when they do
exercise. Before starting to practice, the students were instructed by the physical education
teacher to focus on the signals received from the external and internal environment of the body,
e.g., proprioceptive, or tactile information in the absence of visual information. Purpose: The
purpose of this study was to highlight the level of awareness in children during physical exercise
in order to evaluate and compare it with other children. Methods: bibliographic study;
observation method; the Likert scale tool; the method of comparing the results; data collection;
graphing and data analysis and interpretation. Results: The subjects of this research were a total
of 74 students, of which 48 children from the 4 th grade and 26 children from the 7 th grade,
enrolled in a public school in Bucharest. We created a chart, which we have distributed to the
students, and measured their level of awareness immediately after they finished their exercise.
Conclusions: There are large differences between the 4 th grade and the 7th grade students in
terms of the results obtained. Thus, the 4th grade children aged 10 were much more aware of what
they were feeling than the 7th grade children aged 13.
Arena-Journal of Physical Activities, nr. 11/2022 52
At the level of primary education, there is a school curriculum grouped by years of study from
the preparatory grade, the 1st and the 2nd grades, respectively for the 3rd and 4th grades. But what
is still not understood by children, their families, as well as colleagues who teach other subjects
in school, is the fact that physical education subject is not sports subject at all. Although they
may have the same meaning to all non-specialists, the terms physical education, sport and
physical activity are not synonymous because they do not have the same purpose or objectives.
This misunderstanding of the terms could mislead students about the content of our subject, as
well as what it can do for them through the multitude of specific skills that children should
achieve at the end of the academic school year.
The term kinesthesia is used, according to Konczak et al. (2009), to refer to ‘the conscious
perception of limb and body movement’ (Konczak et al., 2009) and the term proprioception is
used to refer to ‘the unconscious processing of proprioceptive signals used for reflexive motor
and postural control, while recognizing that proprioceptive information also forms the basis of
kinesthesia’ (Konczak et al., 2009). According to the same author, kinesthesia is commonly
defined as the conscious awareness of body or limb position and movement in space. It relies on
sensory information derived from receptors in muscles, tendons, and joint capsules. These
receptors provide information about muscle length, contractile speed, muscle tension, and joint
position, information that is also called proprioception or muscle sense. According to
Goldscheider's (1898) classic definition cited by Konczak et al. (2009), the four properties of
muscle sense are (a) sense of passive movement, (b) sense of active movement, (c) sense of limb
position, and (d) sense of weight (Konczak et al., 2009). Also, for all these aspects to function in
optimal parameters, health and well-being is very important in the commitment to achieve
important objectives in physical education class (Ardelean et al. 2022). In other words, exploring
children's cognitive ability, how much they like to learn, their ability to concentrate in school, and
their school skills and performance are very important as well.
It is known that, according to Aman et al. (2015) citing Sherrington (1907) 6, 'the function of
proprioception has an unconscious component where the information provided by the
proprioceptors is used for reflexive control of muscle tone and posture control'. To make a
distinction between conscious and unconscious processing of proprioceptive information, 'it has
been suggested to refer to the sense of movement as the conscious perception of the position and
movement of the limbs and body, and to reserve the term proprioception to refer to the
unconscious processing of proprioceptive information' (Aman et al., 2015 citing Konczak et al.,
Another point of view shows that the motor behavior it is controlled by perception, in the
conditions where visual perception serves the behavior (Gibson, 2015, p.213). This confirms
what Nadin (1986) stated in his study of perception that indeed perception or 'analysis of sensory
data' (Nadin, 2003) involves global information, while emission, as an effect of information
processing in the brain, is directed, structured, essential.
According to Epuran (2011, p.75), 'the multitude and variety of exteroceptive, proprioceptive
and interoceptive information are analyzed, interpreted and organized in the cerebral cortex
system [...] on the basis of which responses, both stereotypical, can be generated for ordinary
situations, as well as unique, creative, for new situations'.
As Ifrim & Niculescu (1988, p.147) state, ‘the nervous system transforms stimuli from the
environment into either defense or adaptation movements, depending on their nature and
intensity, creating engrams7, memorizing them, and learning and their education’.
Other authors state in their books that the child's physical development depends mainly on
'hereditary baggage and environmental conditions, especially economic and social' (Gurău, 1994,
p.230), so physical exercise favors an average growth and a harmonious development that they
practice accordingly. Natural factors such as air, sun, and water 'strengthen the organism and
increase its power of adaptation to environmental conditions and resistance to their sudden
changes' (Ionescu, 1994, p.52).
In 1907, Sherrington stated that Lewandowski considered the cerebellum to be the central organ of muscle sense, as
well as the assumption that this organ is the main coordinating center of the proprioceptor reflex system.
neural imprints from the action of stimuli
Arena-Journal of Physical Activities, nr. 11/2022 54
According to Aagten-Murphy et al. (2019, p.8) and Davidenko & Hopalle & Bridgeman
(2018), potential mechanisms of visual perception (Brenton & Müller, 2018) are generated by eye
saccades during object pursuit. The authors state that 'the perceptual system will anticipate that
the visual landmark would be after the correctly executed eye movement being used to calibrate
the visual space and the auditory space in the eye movements'.
The main purpose of the elaborate processing and storage of information that takes place in
the brain is to enable us to interact with our environment both internally and externally. This is
important, because several authors (Wagman & Blau, 2020, p.140, Hutt & Redding, 2014;
Evangelos et al., 2012; Kostopoulos et al., 2012; Raibert, 1977, p.761; Wolpert & Pearson &
Ghez, 2013, p.743) argue that through stimulating the function of proprioception, new
information about the sensations felt by the body is transmitted to the central nervous system.
According to Gagea (1994, p.357), muscle contraction changes the initial positions of body
segments, moving according to all the classical rules of levers and according to the principles of
conservation of momentum, power, and energy.
Children's choices about whether and how an object is accessible, as well as what kind of
motor skills should be used, e.g., whether the object is grasped with one or two hands or with
sports equipment, are 'sized according to the anthropometric properties of the person' (Wagman
& Blau, 2020, p.140).
In physical education lessons with physical presence at school compared to video cameras
permanently closed by students in the online teaching system, a real help in increasing attention
and developing motor skills in children is also the tracking and correction of exercises
demonstrated by physical education teachers. A new word has been invented, ‘covibesity’ (Khan
& Moverley, 2020), which requires rapid, efficient, and comprehensive management involving
multiple stakeholders. This phenomenon refers to the rapid weight gain that occurred in some
people during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (Camenidis & Băițel, 2021).
What is known from the practice of teaching in students' lessons is that the motor skills of
children are similar, while the level of assimilation and the peaks reached in motor learning are
different among children in the same class. Through the creativity of didactic strategies, the
physical education teacher tries to take into account children's reaction to effort, their motivation
level, native or acquired family habits and attitudes, so that individual motor skills are improved
during school lessons.
The use of movement games by children, both during and outside of school lessons, but also
during school holidays, develops their capacity for effort. Children will improve their skills and
motor skills during the game. Mentally, they will develop a robust, balanced, mobile nervous
system, outstanding ability to focus attention and resistance to stress and mental fatigue,
operative, concrete thinking, as well as good visual-motor coordination, speed, and efficiency in
the analysis of unforeseen situations and in decision-making, anticipatory spirit (Camenidis et al.,
2020). Also, all these factors of child development (physical, technical, tactical, theoretical) could
also have an appreciable psychological load because any intervention on the motor skills
development is aimed at the person and leads to its improvement.
The hypothesis of the research was the following: there are differences in kinesthesia between
the ages of 10 and 13 when we apply a program to develop the sense of movement by stimulating
The main research methods used were the following: bibliographic study; measurement on the
Likert scale; the method of comparing the results; data collection; graphic representation; method
of data analysis and interpretation.
A total of 74 subjects (N=74 students, 48 children from the 4 th grade and 26 children from the
7th grade) were included in this study.
The children followed an exercise program with their eyes closed, and after completing it, the
students opened their eyes, took one blank model each (fig.1.1) and colored one arc of a circle
corresponding to the level of individual awareness of what they felt.
To measure the level of awareness, we applied an evaluation tool, namely the Likert scale 8 for
validating the answers given by the children, as follows: 1 = not at all; 2 = little; 3 = moderate; 4
= a lot; 5 = very much (Vrasti, 2018, p.18).
We explained 8 exercises to the children, and where they did not understand what they had to
do, we offered the following explanations:
Exercise no. 1: Recognize and name what you feel. For example: You have done this
exercise before with your eyes open. Do you recognize it now when you work with your eyes
closed? Can you say what you feel now that you've practiced with your eyes closed?
Exercise no. 2: How do you feel the effect of the exercise in your body. For example:
when we are afraid that the other children around us will laugh at us or even at ourselves, we may
not want to do the exercise anymore. Or we work without feeling like it/we don't pay
attention/we don't hear what we need to practice. Or if we don't care what those around us say,
then we may be impatient to practice/pay attention.
Exercise no. 3: The influence of the effect on individual practice. For example: Do you
feel more confident after completing the exercise than at the beginning? Notice how the effect of
the exercise influences your motor behavior. How does your motor behavior affect your current
Exercise no. 4: What do you think about when you practice. For example: Words or
sentences (positive/negative) such as: I can't do that; I will never succeed; I'm not good; I'm weak
or the opposite.
Exercise no. 5: The cause of this state/sensation come from inside or outside of you or
both. For example: Is a child laughing at you, telling you that you won't make it (external cause)
or having an internal dialogue (talking to yourself – internal cause)? Or there's noise around you
and you can't focus. Or it's quiet and you feel safe.
Exercise no. 6: I accept what I feel when I practice. For example: Try to tell yourself
what you feel even if the movement is not correct, without arguing/judging yourself or the other
children around you.
Rensis Likert created the method in 1932 as a personal contribution to his doctoral thesis to identify by scaling the
extent of a person's attitudes and feelings towards international affairs. The Likert scale is used in surveying, with
applications in business-related fields such as marketing or customer satisfaction, social sciences, and attitudinal
research projects (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rensis_Likert)
Arena-Journal of Physical Activities, nr. 11/2022 57
Exercise no. 7: Be present in your exercise. For example: I understand what I have to do,
I learned how I feel, to say what I feel, what thoughts I have, I learned to identify the cause of my
thoughts. What can you do next? Replace negative words with positive ones, both about yourself
and others. Pay attention to your motor behavior when you practice.
Exercise no. 8: Be active and aware of what you are doing. For example: You can also
decide how to approach this physical exercise in a personal practice. Choose to participate in the
lesson instead of staying away.
Our intention in carrying out an exercise program was to organize an intervention aimed at
stimulating proprioceptors. This intervention focused on using signals received from the external
and internal environment, such as proprioceptive or tactile information in the absence of visual
information to improve sensorimotor function in primary school children.
This led us to turn our attention, and scientifically discover, to what children feel when they
We wanted to analyze a comparison between the level of awareness of 4 th grade vs. 7th grade
At the beginning, physical exercises were practiced with eyes open to familiarize with
information from the external environment, e.g., demonstration of exercises by the teacher,
The results obtained from the tests are presented in graphical form in Fig. 1.2. and Fig. 1.3.
Before completing the radar chart, all children completed the same exercise program. The
results of the data processing that we obtained, we presented in the form of tables and statistical
graphs with the aim of highlighting scientific differences between the variables of the children of
the 4th grade and those of the 7th grade.
We have chosen to gather the data obtained as follows:
in the first column, we have written the names of the 8 exercises (items).
in the following 5 columns we have centralized the frequencies of the answers received
from the children (Likert rating scale).
in the last 3 columns we applied the statistical indicators from the Excel program ‘SUM’
(the sum of the data on each row), ‘AVERAGE’ (the arithmetic mean for each row), ‘STDEV.S’
(the standard deviation based on a sample) and the coefficient of variation (C.V.%) evaluation of
the standard deviation in relation to the arithmetic mean, in order to observe if the groups are
homogeneous or heterogeneous (CV < 10% = homogeneous population; 10% < CV < 20% =
relatively homogeneous population; 20% < CV < 30% = relatively heterogeneous population; CV
> 30% = heterogeneous population).
Analyzing the coefficient of variation (C.V.%) from the two tables, which we used to compare
the degree of variation of different characteristics (not at all, little, moderate, much and very
much), we can state that the percentage values for each exercise /item if they are closer to zero,
the smaller the variation, this fact could mean that that category/population is more homogeneous
(7th grade - 19.86%), and the average of 6.5 has a high grade of representativeness for the 7th
In the case of the coefficient of variation with a value of over 30%, heterogeneous groups
predominate in the 4th and 7th grades, and the average is considered to be no longer representative
and, therefore, it is necessary to separate the data into groups according to by the variation of
another grouping characteristic.
Arena-Journal of Physical Activities, nr. 11/2022 60
We created the frequency graph (fig.1.2) to observe the data distribution for each item and
year of study.
In the Excel program we selected the collected data and created the radar graph (fig.1.3) to
observe if there are similarities or differences between the ages of the children from the 4 th and
7th grade (10 years, respectively 13 years).
By means of the radar graph we were able to have a clear and comparative picture of the
values of the 5 variables of the Likert scale associated with the 8 exercises, both for the 4th grade
and the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 1, saying what you feel, children from the 4th grade had high values ‘very
much’ (n=48, 12±7.39) for the level of awareness compared to ‘moderate’ (n=26, 6.5±5.20) in
the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 2, how do you feel the effect, children from the 4th grade had high values
‘very much’ (n=48, 9.6±7.64) for the level of awareness compared to ‘a lot’ (n=26, 6.5 ±4.80) in
the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 3, the influence of the effect, children from the 4th grade had high values
‘very much’ (n=48, 9.6±5.73) for the level of awareness compared to ‘moderate’ (n=26, 6.5±
1.29) in the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 4, what do you think, children from the 4th grade had high values ‘very
much’ (n=48, 9.6±6.66) for the level of awareness compared to ‘a little’ (n=26, 6.5±1.29) in the
7th grade.
At the exercise no. 5, identification of the cause, children from the 4th grade had high values
‘very much’ (n=48, 9.6±8.08) for the level of awareness compared to ‘moderate’ (n=26, 6.5±
2.65) in the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 6, accepting that you feel, children from the 4th grade had high values ‘very
much’ (n=48, 12±13.71) for the level of awareness compared to ‘very much’ (n=26, 6.5±3.11) in
the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 7, paying attention to practice, children from the 4th grade had high values
‘very much’ (n=48, 12±14.85) for the level of awareness compared to ‘very much’ (n= 26,
5.2±4.02) in the 7th grade.
At the exercise no. 8, being aware of what you are doing, children from the 4th grade had high
values ‘very much’ (n=48, 12±8.79) for the level of awareness compared to ‘moderate’ (n= 26,
6.5±3.11) in the 7th grade.
Even if in school the Physical Education subject is mandatory for all students, regardless of
the level of motor skills and abilities, of the physical activities carried out in kindergarten or in
their free time, or of their previous experiences in sports, students are different from the point of
view of their psycho- neuro-motor, and the pace of motor learning may be different.
The coordination is an important component of voluntary movement because through specific
exercises of certain postural muscles could provide the stable support needed for further actions.
But even so, from the age of 10 children can be aware, and even learn to become aware, of
what they feel, how exercise affects the body, improving their proprioception function and the
quality of motor control.
We believe that the constant and conscious practice of physical exercise is the main argument
for improving and sustaining physical activity to maximize the beneficial effects on the human
We would like to express our gratitude for the support given by the students and the physical
education teacher from the Ferdinand I School, 2nd District, Bucharest, as well as the school
principal who allowed us access to this research.
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Department of Psychology and the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts