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Acta Ophthalmologica 2013

Rates of visual field progression

in clinical glaucoma care
Anders Heijl,1 Patricia Buchholz,2 Gunilla Norrgren3 and
Boel Bengtsson1
Department of Clinical Sciences Malmö, Ophthalmology, Skåne University
Hospital, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Department for Medical and Pharmaceutical Issues, Regional Council Karlsruhe,
Karlsruhe, Germany
Allergan Ltd., Marlow International, The Parkway, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, UK

ABSTRACT. et al. 2003; Zahari et al. 2006; Leske

Purpose: To investigate rates of visual field progression and factors associated et al. 2007). Detailed data on rates of
with progression rate in open-angle glaucoma in clinical glaucoma care. progression have been reported for
Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of all patients with mani- untreated glaucoma, that is, the
fest primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma natural history of progression of glau-
(PEXG) followed ‡ 5 years with ‡5 SITA Standard fields. Exclusion criteria comatous visual field loss (VFL) in
were minimal. Demographics, intraocular pressure values (IOP), treatment the prospective trials Collaborative
Normal-Tension Glaucoma Study
and treatment changes, and visual field (VF) data were recorded. VF progres-
(CNTGS 1998) and Early Manifest
sion rates were calculated as slopes of mean deviation (MD) over time.
Glaucoma Trial (EMGT; Leske et al.
Results: Five hundred and eighty-three patients were eligible. Three hundred 1999; Anderson et al. 2001; Heijl et al.
and sixty-seven (62%) had POAG and 221 (38%) PEXG. Median MD at 2009). Data on rates of progression in
study start was )10.0 dB. Mean follow-up time was 7.8 years (SD ± 1.2); ordinary clinical glaucoma care have
mean number of VF tests was 8.9 (SD ± 2.8). Progression rates varied very been sparse until recently when impor-
much among patients with a mean of )0.80 dB ⁄ year (SD ± 0.82; median tant results have been reported from
rate, )0.62), and 5.6% of patients progressed at rates worse than )2.5 dB per New York (Ahrlich et al. 2010; De
year A negative slope of MD values was observed in 89% of patients. Mean Moraes et al. 2011; Forchheimer et al.
IOP of all visits decreased over the study period from 20.15 to 18.10 mmHg. 2011).
Higher age and mean IOP, and more intensive treatment were associated with Rate of disease progression is one of
more rapid progression, while PEXG and IOP variation were not, if treatment the most important factors determining
intensity was taken into account. the risk of visual disability or blindness
Conclusion: Rates of visual field progression in manifest glaucoma with field in glaucoma and several guidelines for
loss in ordinary clinical care were highly variable. Progression rates rapid glaucoma management recommend
enough to influence quality of life were common. assessment of rate of progression in
routine glaucoma care (European
Glaucoma Society 2008; Heijl et al.
Key words: Glaucoma – progression – rate of progression – visual field
2010). Particularly against that back-
ground, it is desirable to learn more
Acta Ophthalmol. 2013: 91: 406–412 about rates of progression under ordin-
ª 2012 The Authors
Acta Ophthalmologica ª 2012 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation
ary clinical care and of risk factors
associated with rate of progression.
doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2012.02492.x In Sweden, most glaucoma care is
Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out at delivered in the public sector, which is an unusual feature of eye care in other
countries. As a matter of fact, most
ods visual field defects progress in a primary glaucoma care in our catch-
Introduction large proportion of glaucoma patients ment area is delivered at our Depart-
The large prospective clinical glau- and that progression rates vary ment of Ophthalmology at Skåne
coma trials and other studies have very much among patients (Gliklich University Hospital in Malmö. We
demonstrated that over longtime peri- et al. 1989; Membrey et al. 2000; Eid therefore considered it meaningful to

Acta Ophthalmologica 2013

study glaucoma patients who receive In this study, glaucoma diagnosis 1996, the baseline usually was the first
glaucoma care at our department, required the presence of repeatable visit after diagnosis.
because our glaucoma patients do not visual field defects in SITA Standard For each study eye, we calculated
represent a selection of patients with fields as defined by Glaucoma Hemi- visual field progression rate using lin-
particular characteristics, for example, field Test results ‘Outside Normal ear regression analysis of perimetric
patients with particularly aggressive or Limits’. The diagnosis POAG also MD values over time, where rate of
advanced disease. required open chamber angles, progression is the slope expressed in
Thus, the aim of this study was to absence of exfoliation or pigment dis- dB ⁄ year. Reliability criteria, that is,
study perimetric rates of progression persion syndrome or signs of other fixation losses, false positive or false
and factors associated with progres- secondary glaucomas. A glaucoma- negative answers, were not taken into
sion in ordinary patients with open- tous eye was classified as having account, and only a few obviously
angle glaucoma. pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEXG) artefactual fields, for example, clover
if there was any report of PEX syn- leaf fields or similar extreme outliers,
drome in that eye at any visit. were excluded from analysis. We also
Exclusion criteria were kept to a calculated mean IOP over all study
Methods minimum: patients with other oph- visits and IOP variation.
The study was a retrospective review thalmic co-morbidity except cataract Changes in drug treatment were reg-
of patient charts. with serious influence on visual field istered and compounded into a drug
results were not eligible. Other exclu- change score. Each change added one
sion criteria were blindness in the to this score, so that a patient who
Inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted
study eye at study start, participation was on the same drug treatment dur-
in the EMGT (n = 180; Leske et al. ing the study period received a score
We studied records of patients with 1999) or that the patient did not want of 0, while a patient who was switched
diagnoses of primary open-angle to contribute with data in the chart to another drug or in whom one drug
glaucoma (POAG) or pseudoexfolia- review (n = 1). was added, got a score of 1, and a
tion (PEX) glaucoma. Potential Eligibility required continuous fol- patient who encountered three changes
patients were identified with the help low-up for ‡5 years and that ‡5 Hum- received a score of 3.
of the computerized patient booking phrey SITA Standard visual field tests We studied factors that we assumed
system of our hospital (Skåne Uni- were available. might be associated with progression
versity Hospital, Malmö, Sweden), One study eye was identified for rate. In a first multiple linear regres-
comprising all visits during the last each patient. The study eye was the sion analysis, we included age, gender,
decades. Diagnoses are registered for eye with VFL or, if both eyes had mean IOP, IOP variation, presence of
all patients and visits, also for outpa- VFL, the eye with the largest VFL exfoliation syndrome (PEX) and MD
tient visits. The hospital provides pri- defined by the global perimetric mean at study start. All parameters that
mary glaucoma care for a majority deviation (MD) index. were not normally distributed (IOP
of glaucoma patients (approximately Clinical parameters collected from range, MD, drug change score) were
¾ of diagnosed patients) in the patient charts and reported in this then divided by median split.
catchment area (population 300 000) paper were age; gender; and – from As treatment may change IOP range,
in Southern Sweden. The study was study eyes – PEX status, MD values we subsequently performed a second
performed in accordance with the for all perimetric tests performed dur- multivariate analysis adding treatment
declaration of Helsinki, and approval ing the study period, medication and variables: the drug treatment score, in-
was obtained from the Ethical changes in medication, incisional and cisional surgery and ALT.
Review Board at Lund University, laser (ALT) surgeries, and concomi- In a third multivariate analysis, we
Sweden. Advertisements were pub- tant eye disease. removed all variables that did not
lished in local newspapers to allow reach the p < 0.10 significance level
glaucoma patients who had visited in the second analysis.
Statistical analysis
the department not to have data All statistical analyses were per-
from their patient records included in Descriptive analyses were performed formed using spss v. 19.0 (IBM SPSS,
the study. on demographics, follow-up time, Chicago, IL, USA).
Patient records were extracted for baseline MD and on intraocular pres-
patients who had been followed for at sure (IOP), IOP variation defined as
least 5 years during the study period, the range between the highest and
from March 1996 to August 2005. lowest IOP values measured during All eligible patients (n = 583) were
The study period was selected in this the study period, and MD values over included in the analysis. Mean age at
way because the SITA Standard (Ben- time. Study start for a patient was start was 71.4 years (min 31; max 95).
gtsson et al. 1997) was introduced as defined as the first visit that contrib- The majority of patients, 367 (63%),
the standard perimetric test in our uted records data from the patient. were female.
department from March 1996, while For patients in whom follow-up Three hundred and sixty-seven eyes
data retrieval started in September started before 1996, the study start (62%) had POAG, while 221 (38%)
2005, and because patient records on was thus usually in 1996, that is, when had PEX glaucoma. The range of dis-
paper were available for the whole the first SITA Standard fields were ease severity was large (Fig. 1).
study period. obtained. For patients diagnosed after Expressed as MD values in the study

Acta Ophthalmologica 2013

70 negative; 60% statistically significant start of the follow-up period was asso-
at the p < 0.05 level. ciated with slower progression, possi-
60 bly because of truncation (cf.
Intraocular pressure
Number of eyes

When the treatment parameters

40 Mean IOP and SD for each study medications, ALT and trabeculecto-
year are shown in Fig. 3 for all eyes mies were added to the multivariate
and for eyes with POAG and PEX analysis, IOP range was no longer sta-
20 glaucoma. Mean IOP in the whole tistically significant (p = 0.101) while
cohort decreased from 20.15 mmHg in mean IOP (p = 0.033), age
1996 to 18.10 mmHg in 2005 (Fig. 3). (p = 0.000) and MD remained signifi-
0 IOP variation (highest – lowest cant. As expected, this analysis also
–32 –28 –24 –20 –16 –12 –8 –4 0 recorded IOP) varied among study showed that changes in medication,
MD (dB)
eyes from 2 to 61 mmHg, with a med- ALTs and trabeculectomies were more
Fig. 1. Mean deviation (MD) at the begin- ian of 13. common in eyes with steeper negative
ning of the follow-up period. The whole spec- slopes (drug change score p = 0.003;
trum of glaucomatous field loss is covered. ALT p = 0.041; trabeculectomies
Medications and surgery
The median MD ()10.0 dB) corresponds to p = 0.040).
moderately advanced glaucoma. The median number of additions and The results of the third multivariate
changes in medication was 3; mini- analysis including only factors signifi-
eye at study start, severity ranged mum 0 and maximum 30. Argon laser cant at the p < 0.1 level in the second
from )30.4 to +1.6 dB; the median trabeculoplasty was performed in 179
MD corresponded to moderately eyes, once in 127 eyes, twice in 48 and
30 All
advanced glaucoma, )10.0 dB (Mills three times in four eyes. Sixty eyes
et al. 2006). underwent incisional surgeries (all tra- 25
Mean follow-up time for the study beculectomies), all once only.

Mean IOP (mmHg)

period was 7.8 years (SD ± 1.2;
range, 5.0–9.6 years). The mean num- 15
Factors associated with progression
ber of visual field tests per eye was 8.9
(SD ± 2.8; range, 5–25). The results of the first multiple linear
Progression rates are clear from regression analysis are shown in 5
Fig. 2. The mean MD slope was Table 1. Older age, higher mean IOP
)0.80 dB ⁄ year (SD ± 0.82, median, and IOP range were all associated (A) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
)0.62), and slopes ranged from )5.58 with significantly faster progression
to +1.24 dB ⁄ year (Fig. 3) with a (more negative slopes), while gender
negatively skewed distribution. and presence of pseudoexfoliation
Eighty-nine percentage of slopes were syndrome were not. More field loss at 25
Mean IOP (mmHg)


90 15

(B) 0
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

30 PEX

Mean IOP (mmHg)

40 20


10 (C) 0
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
–6.0 –5.6 –5.2 –4.8 –4.4 –4.0 –3.6 –3.2 –2.8 –2.4 –2.0 –1.6 –1.2 –0.8 –0.4 0 +0.4 +0.8 +1.2 Fig. 3. Mean intraocular pressure (IOP) over
Rate of progression (dB/year) time ±1 standard deviation for all eyes (A),
for the group of eyes with primary open-
Fig. 2. Rates of progression expressed in dB ⁄ year. The distribution is wide and has a negative angle glaucoma (B) and exfoliation glaucoma
tail of rapidly progressing eyes. (C). IOP decreased slowly over time.

Acta Ophthalmologica 2013

Table 1. Results of multivariate analysis of factors associated with rate of progression not makes it impossible to analyse
including treatment parameters. whether such systemic health parame-
Variable Reference Slope Significance
ters were associated with glaucoma
progression rate. At the same time,
Age N⁄A )0.019 0.000 the retrospective study design can be a
Mean IOP N⁄A )0.036 0.001 considered strength, resulting in data
IOP range* <12 mmHg )0.256 0.000 that represent ordinary routine clinical
MD* Worse than )10.03 dB )0.175 0.009
care. We consider it likely that with a
PEX syndrome No )0.071 0.206
Gender Male 0.078 0.250
prospective study design, eyes with
higher progression rates would have
IOP, intraocular pressure; MD, mean deviation. received more drastic changes of treat-
* Divided by median split. ment, including surgery, that might
Yes ⁄ no. have resulted in lower IOP values and
somewhat lower progression rates and
Table 2. Results of multivariate analysis of factors associated with rate of progression when that adherence might have been higher
including treatment parameters. than in ordinary glaucoma care.
Variable Reference Slope Significance Treatment intensity and target pres-
sures may of course differ between
Age N⁄A )0.021 0.000 centres and will influence rate of pro-
Mean IOP N⁄A )0.028 0.011 gression. Even small differences in
MD* Worse than )10.03 dB )0.188 0.004
IOP may make a difference. Thus,
ALT No )0.182 0.021
Trabeculectomies No )0.283 0.012 several of the large prospective trials
of glaucoma and ocular hypertension
IOP, intraocular pressure; MD, mean deviation. have shown that the risk of progres-
* Divided by median split. sion may on the average decrease by
Yes ⁄ no. 10% or more for each mmHg of IOP
reduction (Gordon et al. 2002; Leske
multivariate analysis are shown in yses, the IOP range was no longer et al. 2003; Miglior et al. 2007; Chau-
Table 2. Age, mean IOP, MD at study significant. han et al. 2008). Even if percentage
start, ALT and trabeculectomies were This study has strengths and weak- reduction of risk is not identical to
all significantly associated with more nesses. Among the strengths is the reduction of rate of progression, they
rapid progression. large number of patients analysed. are closely related. The Malmö
The data are also quite representative department did not have a strict, writ-
for all treated glaucoma patients in ten care programme for glaucoma,
the catchment area. This is attribut- and over 20 physicians were involved
Discussion able to the unusual structure of Swed- in the glaucoma care. Experience var-
In this large group of patients treated ish ophthalmic care, where a single ied among physicians most of whom
for open-angle glaucoma, a majority university hospital site can provide were not glaucoma specialists.
progressed during a mean follow-up most primary glaucoma care in a large IOP levels on treatment reflect the
time of 7.8 years. catchment area. In most other EU level of treatment intensity. It is there-
Rate of progression varied very countries, this type of data is not fore of interest to compare the IOP
much among patients; the median rate obtainable as glaucoma patients have levels in the current study with other
of progression corresponded to going access to multiple health care provid- published figures. In the current study,
from a normal to a blind field in ers and receive treatment in a variety mean IOP was just over 20 mmHg in
approximately 50 years, but a consid- of settings: office-based private prac- 1996 and decreased by 2 mmHg dur-
erable minority progressed much fas- tices, private clinics or state-owned ing the study period. These IOP val-
ter. Fast progression, for example clinics ⁄ hospitals. Another strength is ues are similar to those found in other
>1.0 dB ⁄ year, was relatively common that most patients came to regularly chart analyses performed in Europe
(Fig. 2). Progression at such rates is scheduled appointments, which led to during the same time period. In a con-
clearly important for quality of life. In a relatively large number of fields col- secutively recruited retrospective chart
10–15 years, eyes progressing at such lected over a time interval long analysis in Sweden and France of sev-
rapid rates would go from early glau- enough for reasonable assessments of eral hundred patients with open-angle
coma to advanced glaucoma or from rate of progression. The fields were glaucoma and ocular hypertension,
moderate to severe disease (Mills et al. also always obtained with the same mean IOP over time in treated
2006). SITA Standard 30-2 test, eliminating patients was 18.2 ± 4.2 mmHg,
Study results confirmed mean IOP errors caused by different threshold 18.9 ± 4.9 in the Swedish group
as risk factors for glaucoma progres- characteristics among tests (Heijl et al. (Lindblom et al. 2006). This is very
sion. In initial analyses, IOP range 2000). similar to the results of the current
was also a significant risk factor in This is a retrospective study. This is results, particularly because our means
first multivariate analyses, but when a weakness because much data, for include some untreated IOP values in
factors indicating treatment and treat- example, on systemic blood pressure newly diagnosed patients. A retrospec-
ment changes were added to the anal- and cardiac disease are missing, which tive medical record analysis in several

Acta Ophthalmologica 2013

academic and office-based centres in where the hazard ratio was 1.04 per with such rates in untreated glau-
Sweden and the United States had year of increasing age (Chauhan et al. coma. Two studies provide such nat-
had very similar IOP levels at study 2010, 2008). Here, it was 1.09 per ural history progression rates, the
end, in USA 18.4 ± 4.3 mmHg; Swe- year. A study by Forchheimer et al. CNTGS and the EMGT (Anderson
den 18.8 ± 5.3 mmHg (Kobelt- (2011) reports progression rates that et al. 2001; Heijl et al. 2009).
Nguyen et al. 1998). In a Dutch study are similar to those of Moraes in a Reported mean rates in normal-ten-
of 500 representative patients with similar group of patients. The aim of sion glaucoma eyes are similar in
glaucoma and ocular hypertension, the Forchheimer’s study was to study CNTGS and EMGT, approximately
the mean (±SD) IOP in the 355 the influence of baseline perimetric 0.4 dB ⁄ year. This is less than the
patients with glaucoma was status, and it is likely that there is median rate in the current study of
20.9 ± 6.9 mmHg (Oostenbrink et al. considerable overlap in the patient treated eyes. Untreated rates differ
2001). Thus, IOP levels seem not to groups studied by de Moraes and much between groups of glaucoma
have differed much among the current Forchheimer. patients, however. The mean rate in
and other published studies. We chose to include the worse eye EMGT was 1.08 dB ⁄ year, in high
There are some recent comparable in patients with bilateral glaucoma, tension glaucoma it was 1.31 dB ⁄ year
studies that report rates of visual field mostly to be sure that study eyes and in PEX glaucoma 3.13 dB ⁄ year.
progression, particularly in clinical really had manifest glaucoma. This It is therefore clear that despite the
settings. Several of those come from may have increased the risk of trunca- fact that mean and median progres-
the same research group in New tion (floor effects), when visual fields sion rates in the current study were
York. The closest comparison may be defects become more and more not slow, they were considerably
a study by De Moraes et al. (2011). advanced. All studies like the present slower than in untreated patients
This paper focuses on risk factors for one have some problems with floor from the same population.
progression but also reports global effects, and, therefore, reported mean Reflecting on the generalizability of
rates visual field progression expressed rates of progression should be the results, we must notice that all
as MD loss ⁄ year. The study has sev- regarded as minimum estimates. data were collected at a single site
eral similarities with ours: it is of very The Canadian Glaucoma Study also with mostly Caucasian patients and a
similar size, duration, and also num- reported rates of progression (Chau- rather high percentage of exfoliation
ber of fields, and the study population han et al. 2010). Those rates were glaucoma. We still believe that the
is mainly white, with a majority of much lower than ours, with a mean patient population is reasonably rep-
women. Their patient group was quite rate in 45 progressing patients of resentative of glaucoma patients in
different, however. The authors )0.35 dB ⁄ year and a slightly positive this part of Europe. PEXG is com-
emphasize that they represent a ter- change (+0.05 dB ⁄ year) in 153 nonp- mon in Malmö, but also in the neigh-
tiary referral centre. They included a rogressing patients. Our results are bouring Nordic countries as in many
more mixed patient group including not at all in line with these Canadian other parts of the world, for example,
narrow angle and juvenile glaucoma, results, but the differences between Greece, Russia, Turkey, India, parts
and the patients were on the average the studies were large. Thus, the of Africa (Ritch 2001; Ritch & Schlot-
6.5 years younger at baseline, and Canadian patients were approximately zer-Schrehardt 2001). Stage of disease
mean MD values were better. 8 years younger than the Swedish could be of importance. In Sweden,
As it is known that the risk of pro- patients, their mean IOP was much asymptomatic individuals only rarely
gression in many trials decreases by lower at 14.8 mmHg, the proportion see ophthalmologists for check-ups;
10–19% per mmHg of IOP reduction of PEXG was also much lower, and individuals with a positive family his-
(Gordon et al. 2002; Leske et al. 2003; the patients had considerably earlier tory of glaucoma may be an excep-
Miglior et al. 2007; Chauhan et al. glaucoma (study eligibility required tion. Glasses are often dispensed by
2008), it might be permissible to MD values better than )10 dB). opticians with limited capability of
assume that rates of progression are Another factor that may have contrib- detecting glaucoma by means other
similarly influenced by IOP, particu- uted to the considerably better pro- than with tonometry, which is often
larly because risk calculations in trials gression rates in the Canadian study performed by opticians in customers
often are based on analyses that are was that these patients were followed over the age of 50. As a result, clinical
based on time to progression. If mean in a well-organized, prospective study. diagnoses of glaucoma are often made
IOP in our cohort had been at the Patients in such studies are generally late (Grødum et al. 2002). Mean MD
same level as that in de Moraes’ assumed to have considerably better at study start was also worse
group, and assuming that the risk ⁄ rate adherence to prescribed therapy than ()10.0 dB) in this study than in sev-
reduction per mmHg is similar to that patients in routine medical care. It is eral other large studies reporting rates
discussed above, it is reasonable to tempting to guess that this might be of progression (Ahrlich et al. 2010;
assume that our progression rates had the main factor, because mean age Chauhan et al. 2010; De Moraes et al.
been 30–40% slower and thus quite and mean IOP are in fact quite similar 2011; Forchheimer et al. 2011).
similar to those reported by Moraes. in the Canadian study and the studies Our analyses of factors associated
We therefore feel that the results of from New York (De Moraes et al. with progression confirm some other
the two studies are in agreement. The 2011; Forchheimer et al. 2011), while risk factors that have been identified
effect of age on progression has been progression rates are very different. in controlled trials. IOP was found to
estimated, for example in a report It is of some interest to also com- be a risk factor in the EMGT (Leske
from the Canadian glaucoma study, pare our observed progression rates, et al. 2003, 2007), AGIS (The AGIS

Acta Ophthalmologica 2013

Investigators 2000), CIGTS (Lichter Our drug change score can be criti- Anderson DR, Drance SM & Schulzer M
et al. 2001) and Canadian Glaucoma cized for being arbitrary and not dif- (2001): Natural history of normal-tension
Study (Chauhan et al. 2008), while ferentiating between changes initiated glaucoma. Ophthalmology 108: 247–253.
Bengtsson B, Olsson J, Heijl A & Rootzen H
EMGT and AGIS (The AGIS Investi- to further decrease IOP or for other
(1997): A new generation of algorithms for
gators 2002) also found age to be sig- reasons, for example, encountered side computerized threshold perimetry, SITA.
nificant factors. Age was a significant effects. In a retrospective chart analy- Acta Ophthalmol Scand 75: 368–375.
factor also in the Canadian Glaucoma sis like the present one, it is not Bengtsson B, Leske MC, Hyman L & Heijl A
Study (Chauhan et al. 2008). EMGT always clear why a prescription has (2007): Fluctuation of intraocular pressure
results additionally defined presence been changed, however, but the and glaucoma progression in the early
of PEX as a risk factor (Leske et al. change itself is clearly documented. manifest glaucoma trial. Ophthalmology
2007). This is one reason why we decided to 114: 205–209.
Caprioli J & Coleman AL (2008): Intraocular
Several treatment trials have indi- simply add management changes. pressure fluctuation a risk factor for visual
cated higher risk of progression in Another advantage is that this field progression at low intraocular pres-
eyes with worse MD values (The approach leaves no room for subjec- sures in the advanced glaucoma interven-
AGIS Investigators 2002, Leske et al. tive biases when data are extracted tion study. Ophthalmology 115: 1123–1129
2007). In the current study, worse and analysed. e1123.
visual field status was not a risk factor The results support the notion that Chauhan BC, Mikelberg FS, Balaszi AG,
for more rapid progression, but the this study like any other study that LeBlanc RP, Lesk MR & Trope GE (2008):
Canadian Glaucoma Study: 2. risk factors
opposite. Worse baseline field status allows treatment changes is not really
for the progression of open-angle glaucoma.
was associated with slower measured suited to investigate the effect IOP Arch Ophthalmol 126: 1030–1036.
progression. It is likely that this was variation. If clinical care is delivered Chauhan BC, Mikelberg FS, Artes PH, Bala-
attributable to truncation; a visual in an optimal way, one would expect zsi AG, LeBlanc RP, Lesk MR, Nicolela
field with very advance cannot pro- treating physicians to intensify treat- MT & Trope GE (2010): Canadian glau-
gress as much as a field with smaller ment in progressing patients, thus pro- coma study: 3. Impact of risk factors and
defects. A recent study by Forchhei- ducing a larger IOP variation in eyes intraocular pressure reduction on the rates
mer et al. (2011) found no difference with more rapid progression. Our of visual field change. Arch Ophthalmol
128: 1249–1255.
in progression rates depending on analyses showed that this was indeed
Collaborative Normal-Tension Glaucoma
MD after correcting for IOP. the case. Study Group (1998): The effectiveness of
The appearance and disappearance Thus, we found that rates of visual intraocular pressure reduction in the treat-
of IOP range as a risk factor is very field progression in manifest glaucoma ment of normal-tension glaucoma. Am J
interesting, however, considering the with field loss in ordinary clinical care Ophthalmol 126: 498–505.
widely divided opinions on this mat- were highly variable among patients. De Moraes CG, Juthani VJ, Liebmann JM,
ter (Singh & Shrivastava 2009). In Most study eyes progressed, and pro- Teng CC, Tello C, Susanna R & Ritch R
our initial analyses, which did not gression rates that were rapid enough (2011): Risk factors for visual field progres-
sion in treated glaucoma patients. Arch
take treatment changes into account, to influence quality of life over a 10–
Ophthalmol 129: 562–568.
larger IOP range was a significant 15 year period were common. The risk Eid TM, Spaeth GL, Bitterman A & Stein-
risk factor, but when factors flagging factors for progression were higher mann WC (2003): Rate and amount of
treatment intensity were included in mean IOP and older age. Presence of visual loss in 102 patients with open-angle
the analysis, the significance of range pseudoexfoliations was not a risk fac- glaucoma followed up for at least 15 years.
disappeared. Instead, the results tor in a multivariate analysis, nor was Ophthalmology 110: 900–907.
showed that treatment intensity was IOP range, if treatment factors were European Glaucoma Society (2008): Termi-
nology and guidelines for glaucoma.
indeed positively correlated with included in the analyses.
Savona: Editrice Dogam S.r.l.
worse progression rates. The signifi- Forchheimer I, de Moraes CG, Teng CC,
cance when treatment changes were Folgar F, Tello C, Ritch R & Liebmann
unaccounted for is in agreement with Acknowledgements JM (2011): Baseline mean deviation and
other studies, when results have been This study was supported by the rates of visual field change in treated glau-
analysed without correcting for such Swedish Research Council K2005-
coma patients. Eye 25: 626–632.
changes (Nouri-Mahdavi et al. 2004; Gliklich RE, Steinmann WC & Spaeth GL
74X-10426-13A, by the Järnhardt (1989): Visual field change in low-tension
Bengtsson et al. 2007; Singh & Shriv- Foundation and by an unrestricted glaucoma over a five-year follow-up. Oph-
astava 2009). Also, the AGIS investi- grant from Allergan Inc., Irvine CA, thalmology 96: 316–320.
gators found that IOP variation was USA. This study was presented in Gordon MO, Beiser JA, Brandt JD et al.
less important and only significant in part at ARVO Fort Lauderdale, 28 (2002): The Ocular Hypertension Treat-
eyes with low IOP levels, when they April 2008. ment Study: baseline factors that predict
limited their analysis to eyes that the onset of primary open-angle glaucoma.
had only one intervention (Caprioli Arch Ophthalmol 120: 714–720; discussion
& Coleman 2008). We have previ- References 829–730.
Grødum K, Heijl A & Bengtsson B (2002): A
ously shown that if treatment
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