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Chemistry Study Material XII - Part 2 - 0

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The placement of hydrogen atom(s) in a hydrocarbon, aliphatic or aromatic, by halogen
atom(s) results in the formation of alkylhalide
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(haloalkane) and arylhalide (haloarene), respectively


+ X2 HEAT R-X + H-X

i) Finkelstein Reaction II ) Swarts Reaction

R- X Ag F, Hg2F2, Co F2 OR Sb F3 R-F

1. Carbylamines reaction

R – NH2 +CHCl3 +3 KOH R.NC + 3KCl+3H2O

C6H5NH2 + CHCl3 + 3 KOH C6H5NC +3KCl + 3H2O

2. Sandmeyer's reaction

3. Wurtz Reaction R – X + 2Na +RX R – R +2 NaX

4. Wurtz Fittig reaction:‐ ( in dry ether)

5. Fittig reaction

6. Grignardreagent: RMgX+ H2O →RH+ Mg(OH)X

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R‐X + AgCN →RNC + AgX

R‐X + Na‐C ≡C‐R → R‐C≡ C‐R +
Na‐X R-X + KNO2 → R-O-N=O +
i) Elimination reaction : Haloalkanes having hydrogen atom, when heated with
alcoholic KOH, there is elimination of hydrogen atom from β‐carbon and ahalogen atom
from the α‐ carbon atom & alkene is formed. Saytzeff rule“in dehydrohalogenation
reactions, the preferred product is thatalkene which has the

greater number of alkyl groups attached to the doubly bonded carbon atoms.”

ii) Electrophilic substitution:‐ substitution occurs at ortho‐ and para‐ positions with
respect to the halogen atom.
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Q.1 What are ambident nucleophiles? (1 Mark)

Ans. Nucleophiles which can attack through two different sites are called ambident
nucleophiles. Example:‐Cyanide ion:CN–: & C=N:–
Q.2 Whichis a better nucleophile,a bromide ion or iodide ion? (1Mark)
Ans. Iodide ion because ithaslowerelectronegativity andlargersize.

Q.3 Arrange the compounds of each set in order of reactivity towards SN2 displacement:
2‐ Bromo‐2‐methylbutane,1‐Bromopentane,2‐Bromopentane. (1Mark)
Ans. The reactivity in SN2 reactions depend upon steric hindrance; more the steric
hindrance slower the reaction.The order ofreactivityin SN2 reactions followstheorder
:10>20>30. 1‐ Bromopentane> 2‐Bromopentane>2‐Bromo‐2‐methylbutane .
Q.4 Arrange thefollowing in increasing orderof boiling point.
CH3CH2CH2CH2Br, (CH3)3CBr, (CH3)2CHCH2Br. (1Mark)
Ans. The boiling point increases as the branching decreases, so the increasing
order of boiling point is:‐(CH3)3CBr < (CH3)2CHCH2Br < CH3CH2CH2CH2Br
Q.5 Defineopticalactivity? (1Mark)
Ans. The compounds which rotate the plane of polarized light when it is passed
through their solutions are called optically active compounds and this property is known
as optical activity.
Q.6 What is racemic mixture or racemic modification? (1 Mark)
Ans. Amixturecontaining two enantiomers in equal proportions will have zero optical
As the rotation due to one isomer will becancelled by therotationdue to other
isomer.Such a mixtureis known as racemic mixture or racemic modification.
Q. 7 What are enantiomers? (1 Mark)
Ans. The stereo isomers related to each other as non□superimposable mirror
images arecalled enantiomers.
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A statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason.
Mark the correct choice from the options given below:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.

1. Assertion : SN2 reactions do not proceed with retention of configuration.

Reason : SN2 reactions proceed in a single step. ( Ans - b)
2. Assertion : Chloroform is generally stored in dark coloured bottles filled to the brim.
Reason : Chloroform reacts with glass in the presence of sun light. ( Ans - c)
3. Assertion : CH3-CH=CH2 Cl-CH2-CH=CH2 + HCl

Reason : At high temperature, Cl 2 dissociates into chlorine free radicals which bring about allylic
substitution. ( Ans - a)
4. Assertion : Nucleophilic substitution reaction in an optically active alkyl halide gives a
mixture of enantiomers.
Reason : Reaction occurs by SN1 mechanism. ( Ans - a)
5. Assertion : Primary allylic halides show higher reactivity in SN1 reactions than other primary
alkyl halides.
Reason : Intermediate carbocation is stabilised by resonance. ( Ans - a)
One - word answer
1. Name the poisonous compound obtained when chloroform is exposed to air, in
presence of sunlight. ( Ans - Phosgene)
2. Name the compound formed when Grignard’ s reagent is exposed to moisture. ( Ans - Alkane)
Q.8 Haloalkanes react with aq. KOH to form alcohols but react with alc. KOH to
form alkenes. Why?
(2 Marks)
Ans. KOHis a strong base, soit completely ionizes in aqueous solution. OH– ions are strong
nucleophile, so
it replaces the halogenatoms and form alcohols. In contrast, an alcoholic solution of KOH contains
alkoxide (R‐O–
) ions which being a much stronger base than (OH-) ionspreferentially eliminates a
molecule of HCl from an alkylchloride to form an alkene.
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Ans. Haloalkanes are more polar than haloarenes. As a result the carbon atom carrying the
halogen in haloalkanes is more electron‐deficient than that in haloarenes. So, haloalkanes
undergo nucleophilic substitution more readily than haloarenes.
In contrast, haloarenes contain a benzene ring. Since the typical reactions of benzene are
electrophilic substitutions, therefore, haloarenes undergo electrophilic substitution while
haloalkanes which do not contain a benzene ring do not undergo electrophilic substitution.
Q. 10 Explain why?
(a) Alkylhalides,thoughpolar,areimmiscible in water.
(b) Grignard reagents should be prepared under anhydrous conditions?(3Marks)
Ans. (a) Alkyl halides are polar in nature but it is insoluble in water because alkyl halide
molecules are held together by dipole‐dipole attraction and water molecules are held
together by H‐bonds. More energy is required to overcome these attractive forces between
the haloalkanes. But less energy is released when haloalkanes and water molecules come
together,so haloalkanes are not soluble in water.
(b) Grignard reagents are very reactive, so they react with
moisture and form alkane. R‐Mg‐X + H‐OH → R‐H +
Therefore,it must be prepared and stored under anhydrous conditions..
Q.9 Haloalkanes undergo nucleophilic substitution whereas haloarenes
undergo electrophilic substitution.Why?
Q1 In the following pairs of halogen compounds,which would undergo SN2 reaction faster?

Q2 Although chlorine is an electron withdrawing group, yet it is ortho‐, para‐ directing in

electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. Why?
Q3 In the following pairs of halogen compounds,which compound undergoes fasterSN1reaction?

Q4 Why is sulphuric acid not used during the reaction of alcohols with KI?
Q5 p‐Dichlorobenzene has higher m.p.and solubility than those of o‐and m‐isomers.Discuss.
Q6 Hydrocarbon C5H10 does not react with chlorine in dark but gives a single
monochloro compound C5H9Cl in bright sunlight. Identify the hydrocarbon.
Q7.Chloroform is stored in dark coloured & sealedbottle.Why?
Q8 Arylhalidescannot be prepared by the action of sodium halide in the presence o f H2SO4. Why?
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1). Identiy the following compounds as primary halide:
(i) 1-Bromobut-2-ene
(ii) 4-Bromopent-2-ene
(iii) 2-Bromo-2-methylpropane
Ans :(i) 1-Bromobut-2-ene (1o alkyl halide)
2). Which of the following compounds are gem-dihalides ?
(a) Ethylidene chloride (b) Ethylene dichloride
(c) Methyl chloride (d) Benzyl chloride
Ans : Option (a) is correct . In gem-dihalides both the halogens are attached to the same carbon
3). Which is the correct IUPAC name for

ii)1-Bromo-2-ethyl-2-methylethane iii)1-Bromo-2-methylbutane iv)
Ans. iii)1-Bromo-2-methylbutane
4). What should be the correct IUPAC name for
diethylbromomethane? i)1-Bromo-1,1-diethylmethane
iv)1-Bromopentane Ans.ii). 3-Bromopentane
5). Which of the following is /are secondary bromide?
(i) CH3CH2Br
(ii) (CH3)3C CH2Br
(iii) CH3CH(Br)CH2CH3
(iv) (CH3)2CBrCH2CH3
Ans.(iii) CH3CH(Br)CH2CH3
6.) Pure chloroform is obtained by treating
(i) Ethanol with bleaching powder (ii) Acetone with bleaching powder
(iii) Chloral with Sodium hydroxide (iv) CCl4 with moist Iron
Ans : (iii) Chloral with Sodium hydroxide
7.) 1,1-Dichloropropane on hydrolysis gives
a) Propanone
b) Propanal
c) Ethanal
d) 1,1-Propa
ndiol Ans : b)
8.). Among the following , the molecule with the highest dipole moment is :
a) CH3Cl
b) CH2Cl2
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c) CHCl3
d) CCl4
Ans : a) CH3Cl


1.Write the IUPAC name of (CH3)3 CCH2 Cl
2.Which of the following under goes SN1 faster: 2-chlorobutane or 1-chlorobutane
3. Arrange each set of compounds in order of increasing boiling points.
(i) Bromomethane, (ii) Bromoform, (iii) Chloromethane, (iv)
Dibromomethane. 4.Write the product formed when toluene is
chlorinated in presence of sunlight. 5.Write the product formed when
n-butyl chloride is treated with alcoholic KOH ?
6. Which is a better nucleophile, a bromide ion or an iodide ion ?
7. Which has higher dipole moment, Chlorobenzene or Cyclohexyl chloride?
8. Draw the structure of DDT.
9. Give formula of Benzyl chloride
10.How many centres of chirality are present in 3-Bromopent-1-ene.
1. 1- chloro-2,2-dimethylpropane
2. 2-chlorobutane.
3. (iii) < (i)< (iv)< (ii)
4. Chloromethylbenzene
5. But-2-ene
6. Iodide ion
7. Cyclohexyl chloride
8. Correct structure(Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane)
9. C6H5 -CH2 -Cl
10. one


Last 10 years CBSE Board questions from the chapter for practice

2020(SET I)
Q1 Out of and CH2-Cl,which one is more reactive towards SN1
reactions ?
Q2(i) Write the structure of major alkene formed by ß(beta)-elimination of 2,2,3 trimethyl-3-
bormopentane with sodium ethoxide in ethanol.
(ii)Which one of the compounds in the following pairs is chiral.

(iii) Identify (A) and (B) in the followig.
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(A) 🡨-----Na/dry ether + + Mg/dry ether--------------🡪 (B)

How can you convert the followings?
(i)But-1-ene to 1-iodobutane
(ii)Benzene to acetophenone
(iii) Ethanol to propanenitrile
2020 SET -II

Q1 Out of and CH2-Cl which will react faster in SN1

reaction with OH- ?
2020 SET III
Q1 Out of CH3-CH2-CH2-Cl and CH2=CH-CH2-Cl which one is more reactive towards SN1 reaction?

Q1. Out of chlorobenzene and cyclohexyl chloride which one is more reactivity towards nucleophilic
substitution reaction and why?
Q2 Among all the isomers of molecular formula C4H9Br, identify
(a), the one isomer which is optically active.
(b) the one isomer which is highly reactive towards SN2.
(c) the two isomers which give some product on dehydro-halogenation with alcoholic KOH.
Q1.Out of chlorobenzene & Benzyl-chloride ,which one gets easily hydrolyzed by aqueous NaOH & why ? (IN
SET 2) -1M
Write the IUPAC name of following compound CH3-C(CH3)(C2H5)-CH(CH3)-OH (IN SET 1)

Q2.b) Write the structure of the product when chlorobenzene is treated with methylchloride in the presence of
Na metal &dry ether? -1M
c)Write the structure of the alkane formed by dehydrohalogenation of 1-Bromo-1-methylcyclohexane with
alcoholic KOH? -1M
Q1.IUPAC name of CH3-C(CH3)=C(Br)-CH2-OH

Q2.Out of & which is an example of allylic halide? -1M

Q3.The following compounds are given to you –
2-Bromopentane, 2-Bromo-2methylbutane, 1-Bromopentane
a)Which compound is most reactive towards SN2 reaction.
b)Write the compound which is optically active
c)Wrtie the compound which is most reactive towards ß elimination reaction.
Q1Which of the following reactions is SN2 and why?

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Q2 Draw the structure of major mono halo product in each of the following reaction;

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?
Q1Which would undergo SN2 reaction faster in the following pair?
C6H5-CH2-CH2-Br and C6H5-CH(Br)-CH3
Q2How do you convert the following
1:-Prop1ene to Propan2ol 2:-Bromobenzene to 2Bromoacetophenone 3:-2Bromobutane to But2ene
What happens when --1:-ethyl chloride is treated with NaI in the presence of acetone
2:-Chloro benzene is treated with NaI in the presence dry ether
3:-methyl chloride Is treated with KNO2
Q1Identify the chiral molecule in the following pair:--

1. and 2.

Q2Draw the structure of major monohalo products in each of the following reactions 1:-

1. ?

2. ?
Q3Which halogen compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN2 reactions
1: CH3Br OR CH3I 2 :(CH3)3C-Cl and CH3-Cl
Q1Give reasons for the followings :-
1- ethyl iodide undergoes SN2 reactions faster than ethyl bromide
2- (+-)2-Butanol is optically inactive
3- C-X bond in halo benzene is smaller than C-X bond in CH3-X
Q1 What happens when bromine attacks CH2=CH-CH2-CH2-C≡CH
Q2 Answer the Following questions
1:-What is meant by chirality of compound? Give an example.
2:-Which one of the following compounds is more easily hydrolyzed by KOH and why?
Q3 Which one undergoes SN2 substitution reaction faster and why?
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Q1Rearrange the compounds of each of the following sets in order of reactivity towards SN2
1 2-Bromo-2-Methyl Butane, 1Bromo pentane, 2Bromo pentane

2 :-1Bromo- 3-Methyl butane, 2-Bromo-2-Methyl- butane, 2-Bromo 3-methyl butane

3:- 1-Bromo butane, 1-Bromo 2,2dimethyl Propane, 1Bromo 2-methyl butane

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An alcohol is any organic compound in which a hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound
to a carbon atom, usually connected to other carbon or hydrogen atoms.
⮚ CH3─CH2─CH2─OH 1‐propanol
⮚ OH

CH3─CH─CH3 2‐propanol
│ │

CH3─CH─CH2─CH2─CH─CH3 5‐methyl‐2‐hexanol


Physical Properties
1. Alcoholsare polarmolecules(becauseofO‐H andC‐O).
2. Hydrogen bonding occurs between alcohol molecules relatively weak bond
(represented bydots) Ohas a partially negative charge δ‐& H has a partially
positive charge.
3. They are weak acids(alkyl alcohols weaker than Phenol):
Although alkyl alcohols have an ‐OH group, they do not ionize in water, whereas phenols
ionize like acids (donating a proton to water).
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4. Solubility in water(Molecular weight↑: solubility↓)

nonpolar polar

As the chain of the R group increases the hydrocarbon (non‐ polar) character of the
compound also increases. Consequently, the solubility and boiling point of an alcohol
are affected by the
1) Length of the carbon chain and
2) The shape of the molecule.
The short chain alcohols are soluble in water, whereas the longer chain alcohols are insoluble
in water.
In general a molecule which is more compact (i.e., more branched) will be more soluble
in water and will have a lower boiling point than the straight chain isomer. (for isomeric
Chemical Properties of Alcohols
1. AcidityofAlcohols / Phenols

2. Acid‐Catalysed Dehydration:

3. Oxidation of Alcohols: (1°), (2°) & (3°) Using potassium dichromate & sulphuric Acid
as catalysts In the oxidation [O] of a primary alcohol( 1°) , aldehyde is produced
Primary alcohol → aldehyde →carboxylicacid
On oxidation of 20 alcohols a ketone is formed. Secondary alcohol →
ketone Tertiary alcohols do not oxidize.
Tertiary alcohol → No reaction
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Q1) Preparation of ethers by acid dehydration of secondary or 30 alcohols is not a suitable
Ans. The formation of ethers by dehydration of alcohol is a bimolecular reaction (SN2) group
is hindered. As a result elimination dominates substitution as 30 carbocation is more stable.
Hence in place of ethers, alkenes are formed.
Q2) Phenols do not give protonation reactions readily. Why?
Ans. The lone pair on oxygen of O‐H in phenol is being shared with benzene ring through
resonance. Thus,lone pair is not fully present on oxygen and hence phenols do not undergo
protonation reactions.
Q1. Explain why propanol has higher boiling point than that of the hydrocarbon, butane?
Ans. The molecules of butane are held together by weak van der Waal's forces of attraction
while those of propanol are held together by stronger intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
Q2. Alcohols are comparatively more soluble in water than hydrocarbons of
comparable molecular masses. Explainthis fact.
Ans. Alcohols can form hydrogen bonds with water and break the hydrogen bonds already
existing between water molecules Therefore they are soluble in water, whereas
hydrocarbons cannot form hydrogen bonds with water and hence are insoluble in water.
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Q3 While separating a mixture of ortho and para nitro phenols by steam

distillation, name the isomerwhich will besteamvolatile.Give reason.
Ans. O‐nitrophenol is steam volatile due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding and hence
can be separated by steam distillationfromp‐nitrophenol whichis not steam volatilebecause
of inter‐molecular hydrogen bonding. Q4. Explain why is ortho-nitrophenol more
acidic than ortho - methoxyphenol?
Ans. The nitro‐group is an electron‐withdrawing group. Therefore decreases the electron
density of the ring as well as oxygen.. As a result, it is easier to lose a proton. Also, the
o‐nitrophenoxideionformedaftertheloss of protonis stabilizedbyresonance.Hence,o‐ nitro
phenol is stronger acid. On the other hand, methoxy group is an electron‐releasing group.
Thus, it increases the electron density of the oxygen atom and hence, the proton cannot be
given out easily. Therefore, o‐nitrophenol is more acidic than o-methoxyphenol.

Q5. Write chemical reaction for the preparation of phenol from chlorobenzene.
Ans. Chlorobenzene is fused with NaOH at 623K and 320 atmospheric pressure.
Phenol is obtained by acidification of sodium phenoxide so produced.

Q6. How is aspirin (Acetylsalicylicacid) prepared fromsalicylic acid?

Ans. Acetylation of salicylic acid produces aspirin.

Q7. Which outofpropan‐1‐oland propan‐2‐ol isstronger acid?

Ans. Propan‐1‐ol is stronger acid than propan‐2-ol.The acidic strength of alcohols
is in the order 10>20>30.

Q8. Give IUPAC name of CH3OCH2OCH3

Ans. Dimethoxymethane
Q9. Diethylether does not reactwithsodium.Explain.
Ans. Diethyl ether does not contain any active hydrogen.
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A statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason.
Mark the correct choice from the options given below :
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion : Methyl alcohol is a weaker acid than water.
Reason : Among the aliphatic monohydric alcohols, methyl alcohol is the strongest acid. (Ans - b)
2. Assertion : o - Nitrophenol and p - Nitrophenol are separated by steam distillation.
Reason : o-Nitrophenol has intramolecular H - bonding while molecules of p-nitrophenol are linked
by intermolecular H - bonding. ( Ans - a)
3. Assertion : Phenols do not react with phosphorus halides while alcohols do not react.
Reason : In phenols C-O bond has partial double bond character due to resonance while it is not
so in alcohols. ( Ans - a)
4. Assertion : Phenol is acidic in nature.
Reason : Phenate ion is less resonance stabilised than phenol. ( Ans - a)
One - word answer
1. Name a compound which can be used as an anesthetic in surgery ? ( Ans - Ethrane)
2. In Williamson synthesis , which type of halide should not be used ? ( Ans - Tertiary alkylhalide)

Q1. Givetworeactionsthat show theacidicnatureof phenol.Compareacidityof
phenolwith thatofethanol. Ans. The acidic nature of phenol can be represented by the
following two reactions:
(i) Phenol reacts with sodium to give sodiumphenoxide, liberating H2.

(ii) Phenol reacts with sodium hydroxide to give sodium phenoxide and water.

The acidity of phenol is more than that of ethanol. This is because after losing a proton,
the phenoxide ion undergoes resonance and gets stabilized whereas ethoxide ion does

Q2. How does phenol react with Br2in CS2 and brominewater?
Ans. (i) When thereaction is carried out in solvents of low polarity such as CHCl3 or CS2 and at low
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temperature, monobromophenols are formed .

ii. When phenol is treated with bromine water,2,4,6-tribromophenol is formed as white precipitate.

Q4. How do you account for the fact that unlike phenol, 2, 4‐dinitrophenol and 2,
4, 6‐ trinitrophenol are soluble in aqueous solution of sodium carbonate?
Ans. 2, 4‐Dinitrophenol and 2, 4, 6‐trinitrophenol are stronger acids then carbonic acid
(H2CO3) due to the presence ofelectronwithdrawing – NO2 group.Hence,theyreactwith
Na2CO3 to form their corresponding salts and dissolve in aq. Na2CO3 solution.
Q5. Account for the following
a. Boiling point ofthe C2H5OH is more than that of C2H5Cl
b. The solubility of alcohols in water decreases with
increase in molecular mass. Ans. a. Because of hydrogen
b. With increase in molecular mass the non‐polar alkyl group
becomes more predominant.
Q6. Answerthefollowing
a. What is the order of reactivity of10,20 and30 alcohols with sodium metal?
b. How will you account for the solubility of lower alcohols in water?
Ans, a. 10>20>30
b. Here‐OH group is predominant and the alcohol molecules can form hydrogen
bonds with water molecules.
Q7. Give reasons:
i) Nitration of phenol gives ortho‐and para‐productsonly.
ii) Why do alcohols have higher boiling points than the haloalkanes of the same
Ans. (1) ‐OH group increases the electron densitymore at ortho and para positions
through its electron releasing resonance effect.
(2) Alcohols are capableof forming intermolecular H‐bonds.while alkylhalidedonot.
Q8. Explain the fact that in aryl alkyl ethers
(i) The alkoxy group activates the benzene ring towardselectrophilic substitution and
(ii) Itdirects the incoming substituents to ortho and para positions in benzene ring.
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Q.1 What is the IUPAC name of Vinyl alcohol ?

(a) Ethanol
(b) Methanol
(c) Ethenol
(d) Methe
nol ANS: (c)
Q.2. Which of the following is more acidic than alcohol ?
(a) Phenol
(b) Cyclohexanol
(c) Benzyl alcohol
(d) Ethen
ol ANS: ( a)
Q.3. Which one of the following compound is obtained by dehydrogenation of secondary alcohols?
a) Ketone
b) Aldehyde
c) Carboxylic acid
d) Am
ine ANS:
Q.4. The reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohol catalysed by conc.H2SO4 is called ?
a) Dehydration
b) Saponification
c) Esterification
d) Neutralisat
ion ANS: (c)
Q.5. Which of the following alcohol is most soluble in water
a) Propanol
b) Hexanol
c) Pentanol
d) Buta
nol ANS:(
Q.6. On heating aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride , which of the following is formed
(a) benzene
(b) chloro benzene
(c) phenol
(d) an
ANS:( c)
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Q.7. Catalytic dehydrogenation of a primary alcohol gives a

(a) Ketone
(b) Aldehyde
(c) Sec . alcohol
(d) Es
ANS:( b)
Q.8 Ethyl alcohol obtained by fermentation of starch is called wash and what is its purity?
(a) 15%
(b) 99%
(c) 99.9%
(d) 95%
ANS:( a)
Q.9 Which chemical is used to distinguish between phenol and benzyl
alcohol. a). NaHCO3
b). FeCl3
c). Iodoform test
d). none of the
above ANS:( b)
Q.10 Which is most
acidic a). Phenol
b). 4-nitrophenol
c). Cresol
d). 2-nitrophenol
ANS:( d)
1. Write the IUPAC names of CH2 = (CH)CH2OH
2. Which of the following has higher pKa value : Nitrophenol OR phenol
3. Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing boiling points.
(i) Bromoethane, (ii) Ethanol (iii) Methoxymethane
4. Write the structure of 2-Ethoxy-3-methyl pentane
5. Write the product formed when Ethoxy benzene reacts with HI
6. Which is more acidic : ortho-nitrophenol or ortho-methoxyphenol?
7. Name the chemical test used to distinguish between Phenol and Ethanoic acid?
8. Write the name of the product of reaction of Bromine in CS2 with phenol
9. What is the condition of the compound to undergo Iodoform test?
10. Write the structure of
cumene. ANSWERS
1. Prop-2-en-1-ol

2. Phenol
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3. (i)<(iii)<(ii)



CH3 5 Phenol + Iodoethane

6. ortho-nitrophenol (Due to electron withdrawing group)

7. FeCl3 test or sodium bicarbonate test

8. o-bromophenol and p-bromophenol

9.precence of terminal methyl group with alcoholic / carbonyl group

10. CH3-CH[C6H5]-CH3 [Isopropylbenzene]



2020 SET 1
For question 1 choose any one option from following four options.
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct statements, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the
Assertion (A).
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct statements, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the
Assertion (A).
(C) Assertion (A) is correct, but Reason (R) is wrong statement.
(D) Assertion (A) is wrong, but Reason (R) is correct statement.

Q1 Assertion (A): (CH3)3C-O-CH3 gives (CH3)3C-I and CH3-OH on treatment with HI.
Reason (R) :.The reaction occurs by SN1 mechanism.
Q2 Write the product(s) of the following reactions;

+ PCC -------------------🡪 ?

(ii) + (CH3CO)2O/CH3COOH------------🡪 ?

(iii) + CH3MgBr/H3O+ ----------------🡪 ?

(a) Write the mechanism of the following SN1 reaction.
(CH3)3-C-Br + Aq. NaOH --------------------🡪 (CH3)3-OH + NaBr
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(b) Write the equation for the preparation of 2-methyl-2-methoxypropane by Williamson synthesis.

Q1 (a) Give equations of the following reactions
(i) Phenol is treated with conc. HNO3.
(ii) Propene is treated with B2H6 followed by H2O2/OH-.
(iii) Sodium t-butoxide is treated with CH3Cl.
(b) How will you distinguish between butan-1-ol and butan-4-ol?
(c) Arrange the following in increasing order of acidity?
Phenol, ethanol, water
(a) How can you obtain Phenol form (i) Cumene (ii) Benzene sulphonic acid (iii) Benzene
diazonium choride?
(b) Write the structure of the major product obtained from dinitration of 3-methylphenol
(c) Write the reaction involed in Kolbe’s reaction.
1. Write the structure of the main products in the following reaction:

(i) ?


(iii) ------------🡪 ?
1.(a) Arrange the following compound in increasing order of their acidic strength :
p-cresol, p-nitrophenol & phenol
(b) Write the mechanism (using curved arrow notation) of the following reaction:
CH2=CH2 H3O+ CH3-CH2+ + H2O

Write the structure of the products when Butan-2-ol reacts with the following:
Q1. Write the chemical equations involved in
1. Kolbe’s reaction
2. Friedal craft Acetylation of Anisole
26 | Page

Q. How do you convert
1. Phenol to Toluene
2. Formaldehyde to Ethanol
Q2. Give reasons for the following :
1. Protonation of phenols is difficult whereas ethanol easily undergoes protonation.
2. Boiling point of ethanol is higher than that of CH3-O-CH3
3. Anisole on reaction with HI gives phenol and CH3-I as main products and not
Iodobenzene and CH3-OH.
Q1. IUPAC name of

Q2 Give reasons for the following :

1. p – nitrophenol is acidic than p – methyl phenol.
2. Bond length of C-O in phenol is shorter than that in methanol.
3. (CH3)3 C-Br on reaction with sodium methoxide (Na+- O-CH3) gives alkene as the main
product and not an ether.

Q1. Write the equations involved in the following reactions:
1. Reimer – Tieman reaction
2. Williamson Synthesis
Q2. Write the mechanism of the following reaction.
CH3-CH2-OH + HBr ----------------🡪 CH3-CH2-Br + H2O
Q1. Explain the mechanism of the following reaction:
H+ (443K)
CH3-CH2-OH -----------------🡪 CH2=CH2 + H2O
Q2. Write the equations involved in the following reactions:
1. Reimer – Tiemann reaction
2. Williamson’s ether synthesis
Q1. Explain the mechanism of acid catalysed hydration of an alkene to form corresponding
Q2. Explain the following behaviours
27 | Page

1. Alcohols are more soluble in water than the hydrocarbons of the comparable molecular
2. Ortho nitrophenol is more acidic than ortho methoxy phenol.
Q1. How would you obtain the following:-
1. Benzoquinone from phenol
2. 2 methyl propan2ol from methyl Magnesium bromide
3. Propan2ol from propene
4. Ethanol to ethene
28 | Page

Aldehydes ,Ketones and Carboxylic Acids(UNIT‐11)

29 | Page

🕐 Form aldehyde cannot be prepared by Rosenmund's reaction since

formyl chloride is unstable at room temperature.
🕐 Benzaldehyde is less reactive than aliphatic aldehydes towards nucleophilic addition reaction.
🕐 In reaction of toluene with CrO , acetic anhydride is used to protect

benzaldehyde as benzylidenediacetate to avoid further oxidation to benzoic

🕐 Aromatic ketones are less reactive,they do not react with NaHSO . 3

🕐 In reaction of aldehydes and ketones with ammonia derivatives, the medium should be
slightly acidic (pH=4.5). In too highly acidic medium, ammonia derivatives being acidic form
salts and not act as nucleophile
🕐 Benzaldehyde although reduces Tollens' reagent, it does not reduce
Fehling's and Benedictt’s soluution.
🕐 Ketones donot give Tollens reagent and Fehling’s solution test.
🕐 Only CH CHO and all methylketones give Iodoform test.

🕐 A stronger acid has higher pK but lower pK a.

🕐 Benzoic acid is a stronger acid than aceticacid.


🕐 -CHO and–COOHgroup,attached to benzene ring,are deactivating and m‐directing.

🕐 Methanoicacid decolouries the pink colour of acidified KMnO solution but aceticaciddoes not.

🕐 A 40% aqueous solution of fomaldehyde is known as formalin and is used to

preserve biological specimens, and to prepare bakelite.
30 | Page

🕐 Benzaldehyde is used in perfumeryand in dye industries.

Q 1. Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of their reactivity towards
nucleophilic addition reaction.
Q2. Name the reagent which is used to convert allylalcohol to propanol. Ans.
PCC (Pyridinium Chlorochromate)
Q3. Name the aldehyde which does not give
Fehling solution test. Ans. Benzaldehyde.
Q4. Write IUPAC name of the compound CH2
=CHCOCH2COOH Ans. 3‐Oxopent‐4‐ enoic
Q5. Complete the reaction:
CH3‐C≡CH + H2O HgSO /H SO 4 2 4

Ans. CH3‐C≡CH + H2O HgSO /H SO

4 2 4
31 | Page


A statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason.
Mark the correct choice from the options given below.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion : Carbonyl compounds take part in nucleophilic addition reactions.
Reason : These reactions are initiated by nucleophilic attack at the electron deficient carbon
atom. ( Ans - a)
2. Assertion : All aldehydes do not take part in aldol condensation.
Reason : In the aldol condensation, cabanion is generated by the abstraction of α - H atom by
base. (Ans - b)
3. Assertion : Acetone is less reactive towards nucleophilic addition than acetaldehyde.
Reason : The alkyl groups hinder the nucleophilic attack on carbonyl carbon atom. ( Ans - a)
4. Assertion : The α - H atom in carbonyl compounds is less acidic.
Reason : The anion formed after the loss of α - H atom is not resonance stabilized. ( Ans - d)
5. Assertion : Aldehydes and ketones both react with Tollen’s reagent to form silver mirror.
Reason : Both aldehydes and ketones contain a carboxylic group. ( Ans - d)
One - word answer
1. Name the reagent used to distinguish between methanoic acid and ethanoic
acid. ( Ans - Tollen’ s reagent)
2. Name the product obtained by reaction of hydroxylamine with carbonyl compound?
( Ans - Oxime)
Q1. Write chemical equation to illustrate following name reactions:‐
(a) Cannizzaro's reaction
(b) Hell‐Volhard‐
Zelinskyreaction Ans. (a)
Cannizzaro's reaction

(b) Hell - Volhard Zelinsky

R‐CH2‐COOH R‐CH(X)‐COOH ( X = Cl , Br)

(i) X2/P(red)

(ii) H2O

Q2. Give a chemical test to distinguish between the following pairs:‐

(i) Phenol and benzoic acid
(ii) Benzaldehyde and Acetophenone
32 | Page

Ans. (i) Benzoicacid reacts with NaHCO3 giving CO2 gas with effervescence where as phenol does not
C6H5 COOH +NaHCO3 → C6H5COONa + H2O + CO2
(ii) Acetophenone on reacting with hot NaOH / I 2 gives yellow ppt of
CHI3while Benzophenone doesnot.CH3COC6H5
Q3. Accountfor thefollowing:‐
(i) Chloroaceticacid Cl‐CH2COOH is a stronger acidthan aceticacid CH3COOH.
(ii)Carboxylic acids do not give the reaction of carbonyl group.
Ans. (i) The–I effect of Cl atom in ClCH2 COOH stabiles the ClCH COO- ion while +I e ffect of CH ‐
2 2
CH3 COOH destabilizes the CH3COO - . 3

(ii) In the resonating structu3res of carboxylic acid and ca3rbonyls, the carbonyl carbon of
carboxylic acid is less electro‐positive (less electrophile) than carbonyl carbon in aldehydes
and ketones. Therefore carboxylic acids do not give the reaction of carbonyl group
Q4. Arrange the following.
(i) C6H5COOH,FCH2COOH,NO2CH2COOH(decreasing order of their acidic character)
(ii) Ethanal, Propanal, Propanone, Butanone reaction (increasing order of their
nucleophilic addition reaction)
Ans. (i) NO2‐CH2‐COOH> F‐CH2‐COOH >C6H5‐COOH
(ii) Butanone < Propanone < Propanal < Ethanal
Q5. An organic compound 'A' with molecular formula C8H8O gives positive DNP and
iododorm test. It does not reduce Tollens' or Fehling's reagent and does not decolourise
bromine water also . On oxidation with chromic acid, it gives a carboxylic acid 'B' with
molecular formula C7H6O2. Deduce the structures A and B. Ans. Since A does not give
Fehling's or Tollen‘s test but gives iodoform test and 2,4‐ DNP test so it has CH3 CO‐ group.
(A) H2CrO4 6

Write chemical equation for the following conversion ( not more than two steps)
(i) Acetaldehyde to butane ‐1,3 –diol
33 | Page

(ii)Acetone to propene
Ans. (i) CH3‐CHO CH3‐CHOH‐CH2‐CHO CH3‐

(ii) CH3CH = CH2

34 | Page


Q1. Explain the following name reaction by giving one suitable

example of each:‐ (i)Wolff‐kishnerreduction (ii)Aldol condensation
Ans. (i) Wolff‐kishner reduction

(ii) Aldol condensation

Carbonyl compounds with α‐ hydrogen in basic medium undergo condensation to give

Hydroxy aldehydes and ketones.

CH3CHO+NaOH →CH3-CHOH-CH2-CHO (heat)------🡪 CH3-CH=CH-CHO + H2O

(iii) Clemensen's reduction

R2CO Q2.

Write the products in the following reactions:

(a) CH3COCH3 ?

(b) CH3‐CO‐Cl + H2 Pd – BaSO4 /S ?

(c) C6H5CHO+ NaOH →?

Ans. (a) CH3COCH3

CH3CH2CH3+ H2O (b)CH3‐CO‐Cl +


© C6H5CHO+ NaOH→
35 | Page

3 . Explain : (i) Ethanal is more reactive than acetophenone towards

nucleophilic addition reaction. (ii)(CH3)3C‐CHO does not undergo aldol
(iii)Carboxylic acids arehigher boilingliquids than alcohols.
Ans. (i) The presence of two alkyl groups in ketones hinder the approach of nucleophile to
carbonyl carbon, and reduce the positive charge on carbonyl carbon more effectively in
ketones than in aldehydes.
(i) Due to unavailabilityof α‐hydrogen in the given compound it does not undergo aldol condensation.
(ii) Due to extensive association of carboxylic acid molecules through
intermolecular hydrogen bonding,(exist as dimer)
Q1. (a) Although phenoxide ion has more number of resonating structures than carboxylate
ion,carboxylic acid is a stronger acidthanphenol.Givetworeasons.
(b) How will you bring about the following conversions?
(i) Acetic acid to Acetaldehyde
(ii) Propylene to Acetone
(iii) Ethanal to but‐2‐enal
Ans. (a) (i) resonating structuresofcarboxylateionaremorestablethanphenoxideion.
(ii) Negative charge is dispersing on two electronegative oxygen in carboxylate ion
whereas in phenoxide ion itis on one oxygen .
(b) Conversions:
CH COCl H2 /Pd – BaSO4

(ii) CH3-CH=CH2 □
+ CH3-CH2(OH)-CH3


Q2. (a)
Write the structures of A,B, C and D in the following reactions:


Ans : A- Benzoyl
chloride B- Benzaldehyde C -
D - Sodium benzoate
(b) Distinguish between: (i) Acetone and Acetaldehyde (ii) Benzaldehyde
and Benzophenone

Ans. (i) prous

CH3CHO + 2Cu(OH)2+ NaOH →CH3COONa + Cu2O + 3H2O (on heating)

(Red ppt)
36 | Page

(iii) Bezaldehyde gives Tollens' test, while

benzophenonedoes not. C6H5CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]
→ C6H5COONH4 +2Ag +
3NH3 +H2O
37 | Page

1. Arrangethefollowing:
(i) (a) Benzoic acid
(b) 4‐Nitrobenzoic acid
(c) 3,4‐Dintrobenzoic acid
(d) 4‐Methoxybenzoic acid (increasing acidic character)
(ii) CH3CHO, C6H5CHO,HCHO (reactivity towards nucleophilic additionreaction)
2. Writethereactionmechanismforthereaction. R‐CHO + HCN → R‐CHCN‐OH
3. Draw the molecular structure of the compounds:‐
(i) 4‐ methylpent‐3‐en‐2‐one.
(iii) Hexane‐1,6‐dioic acid
4. Howwillyoupreparebenzyl alcohol frombenzaldehyde without using a
reducingagent? Identify the compounds A, B and C in the following reactions:
CH3‐Br CO2 /(ii)H2O (B) (i)CH3-OH/H+ (C)
Mg/ether (A)

1. How do you convert th(ie) following?

(i) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde
(ii) Ethyne to ethanoic acid
2. (a) Account for the following‐
(i) The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than their corresponding carboxylic acids.
(ii)The aldehydes andketones undergo a number of addition reactions
(iii) In the reaction of ammonia derivatives with carbonyl compounds the pH should not be lesser than
(b) Give chemical test to distinguish between:
(i) Acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde (ii) Propanone and propanal
3. Distinguish between the following:
(a) (i) Butanone and Butanal
(ii)Ethanal and ethanoic acid
(b) Write a suitable example of each:
(i) Rosenmund reaction
(ii)Etard reaction
1. Addition of water to alkynes occurs in acidic medium and in the
presence of Hg2+ ions as a catalyst. Which of the following products will be
formed on addition of water to but-1-yne under these conditions.
i). CH3-CH2-CH2-CHO (ii). CH3-CH2-CO-CH3
(iii). CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH + CO2 (iv). CH3-COOH + H-COOH
Ans: (ii)
2. Which of the following compounds is most reactive towards
nucleophilic addition reactions?
38 | Page

(i). CH3-COOH ii). CH3-CO-CH3

(iii) C6H5-CHO iv). C6H5-CO-CH3
Ans: (i)
3. The correct order of increasing acidic strength is .
(i) Phenol < Ethanol < Chloroacetic acid < Acetic acid
(ii) Ethanol < Phenol < Chloroacetic acid < Acetic acid
(iii) Ethanol < Phenol < Acetic acid < Chloroacetic acid
(iv) Chloroacetic acid < Acetic acid < Phenol <
Ethanol Ans: (iii)
4. Compound can be prepared by the reaction of .
(i) Phenol and benzoic acid in the presence of NaOH
(ii) Phenol and benzoyl chloride in the presence of pyridine
(iii) Phenol and benzoyl chloride in the presence of ZnCl2
(iv) Phenol and benzaldehyde in the presence of
palladium Ans: (ii)
5. The reagent which does not react with both, acetone and benzaldehyde.
(i) Sodium hydrogensulphite
(ii) Phenyl hydrazine
(iii) Fehling’s solution
(iv) Grignard
reagent Ans: (iii)
6. Cannizaro’s reaction is not given by .
(i). Cyclohexanone
(ii). C6H5-CHO
(iii) H CHO
(iv) CH3C
HO Ans: (iv)

7. CH3-CΞC-H H2SO4/HgSO4
A Isomerisaion CH3-CO-CH3
Structure of ‘A’ and type of isomerism in the above reaction are respectively.
(i) Prop–1–en–2–ol, metamerism
(ii) Prop-1-en-1-ol, tautomerism
(iii) Prop-2-en-2-ol, geometrical isomerism
(iv) Prop-1-en-2-ol,
tautomerism Ans: (iv)
8. Which is the most suitable reagent for the following conversion?
(i) Tollen’s reagent
(ii) Benzoyl peroxide
(iii) I2 and NaOH solution
39 | Page

(iv) Sn and NaOH

solution Ans: (iii)
9. Which of the following compounds will give butanone on
oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 solution?
(i) Butan-1-ol
(ii) Butan-2-ol
(iii) Both of these
(iv) None of
these Ans: (ii)

10. In Clemmensen Reduction carbonyl compound is treated with .

(i) Zinc amalgam + HCl
(ii) Sodium amalgam + HCl
(iii) Zinc amalgam + nitric acid
(iv) Sodium amalgam +
HNO3 Ans: (i)


1. Why carboxylic acid have higher boiling point than alcohols as both have
intermolecular hydrogen bonding?
Ans. Carboxylic acid forms a dimer due to double H-bonding. So it has higher boiling point than
2. Arrange the following in increasing order of acidic character : HCOOH,
3. Why is the boiling point of an acid anhydride higher than the acid from which it is derived?
Ans. Acid anhydrides are bigger in size than corresponding acid. These have more surface area so
have strong van der Waals Force of attractions. Hence they have higher boiling point.
4. Why do carboxylic acids not give the characteristic reactions of a carbonyl
group? Ans. Due to resonance, It does not have free carbonyl.
5. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their boiling
points. CH3CHO, CH3CH2OH, CH3OCH3, CH3CH2CH3
6. What happens when ethanoyl chloride is subjected to rosenmund
reduction? Ans. Ethanoyl chloride is converted in to Ethanal. OR
CH3COCl + H2 Pd-BaSO4/S CH3CHO + HCl
7. Why does solubility decrease with increasing molecular mass in carboxylic acid?
Ans. Because with increase of molecular mass size of hydrophobic carbon chain length increases.
8. Why PCC cannot oxidize methanol to methanoic acid while KMnO4 can?
40 | Page

Ans. This is because PCC is a mild oxidizing agent and can oxidize methanol to methanal only.
while KMnO4 is strong oxidizing agent which oxidizes it to methanoic acid.
9. Aromatic acids are solid while most of aliphatic acids are liquids. Why?
Ans. Aromatic acids have higher molecular weight and strong Van der Waals force of attraction as
compared to aliphatic acids so they are solids.
10. The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than that of the corresponding
acids. Why?
Ans. This is due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding in carboxylic acids.

__ Last 10 years CBSE Board questions from the chapter for practice

2020 set 1
For question 1 choose one option from following four options.
(E) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct statements, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion
(F) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct statements, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the Assertion
(G) Assertion (A) is correct, but Reason (R) is wrong statement.
(H) Assertion (A) is wrong, but Reason (R) is correct statement.

Q1 Assertion (A): Benzoic acid does not undergoes Friedal Crafts reaction.
Reason (R) : The carboxyl group is activating and undergo electrophilic substitution reaction. Ans.
Q2 (a) An organic compound (A) having molecular formula C4H8O gives orange red precipitate with 2,4 –DNP
reagent. It does not reduce Tollens’ reagent but gives yellow precipitate of iodoform on heating with NaOH and
I2.Compound (A) on reduction with NaBH4 gives compound (B) which undergoes dehydration reaction on heating
with conc. H2SO4 to form compound (C). Compound (C) on Ozonolysis gives two molecules of ethanal.
Identify (A), (B) and (C) and write their structures. Write the reactions of compound (A) with (i) NaOH/I2 and (ii)
(b) Give reasons;
(i) Oxidation of propanal is easier than propanone.
(ii) alpha-hydrogen of aldehydes and ketones is acidic in nature.
(a) Draw structures of the following derivatives :
(i) Cyanohydrin of cyclobutane
(ii) Hemiacetal of ethanal
(b) Write the major product(s) in the following :
(i)DIBAL-H (ii) H3O+
(i) CH3-CH=CH-CH2-CN -----------------------------🡪 ?
(ii) CH3-CH2-OH ---------------------🡪 ?
(C) How can you distinguish between propanal and propanone ?
Q1. Write structure of main compound A and B in each of the following reactions
PCl5 H2/Pd-BaSO4
(a) C6H5-COOH---------------🡪 A -------------------------🡪 B

(i)CH3MgBr (ii)H3O+ Zn(Hg)/Con HCl

(b) CH3-CN -------------------------------🡪 A ------ --------------------🡪 B
41 | Page

Q2 Give reasons
(i) Benzoic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid.
(ii) Methonal is more reactive towards nucleophilic addition reaction than ethanal.
(iii) Give a simple chemical test to distinguish between propanal and propanone.
1.How will you convert the following:
(i) Ethanol to Propanone
(ii) Toluene to Benzoic acid.
Account for the following:
(i) Aromatic Carboxylic Acids don’t undergo Friedal Craft Reaction.
(ii) pKa value of 4-Nitrobenzoic acid is lower than that of Benzoic acid.
2. A, B, and C are three non-cyclic functional isomers of a carbonyl compound with molecular formula C4H8O.
Isomers A and C give positive Tollen’s Test whereas B don’t give Tollen’s Test, but gives positive Iodoform Test.
Isomers A and B on reduction with Zn(Hg)/ Conc. HCl give the same product D.
(i) Write the structure of A,B,C and D.
(ii)Out of A, B and C isomers which one is least reactive towards addition of HCN?
Q1 Write the product(s) in the following reactions

1) + HCN--🡪?
2) C6H5-COONa

3) CH3-CH=CH-CN ----DIBAL-H/H2O---🡪?

Q2 Give simple chemical test to distinguish between following pairs-

1) Butanal and Butane-2-one
2) Benzoic acid and phenol
A) Write the reactions involved in the following
1) Etard reaction
2) Stephen reduction
B) How will you convert (not more than two steps)
1) Benzoic acid to benzaldehyde
2) Acetophenone to benzoic acid
3) Etanoic acid to 2- hydroxyl ethanaoic acid
42 | Page

1. A. Write the structures of A,B,C and D in the following reactions :
(i)SnCl2-HCl Dil NaOH Heat
CH3-CN ---------------🡪 A -----------------🡪 B -----------------🡪 C
(ii)H2O HCN

B. Distinguish between
1. C6H5-CH=CH-COCH3 and C6H5-CH=CH-CO-CH2-CH3
2. CH3-CH2-COOH and H-COOH
C. Arrange the following in the increasing order of their boiling points:
1. Write the chemical reaction involved in Etard reaction:
2. Arrange the following in the increasing order of their reactivity towards nucleophilic addition reaction
3. Why pKa of Cl-CH2-COOH is lower than the pKa of CH3-COOH?
4. Write the product in the following reaction : (i) (i-Bu)2AlH (ii)H2O
CH3-CH2-CH=CH-CH2-CN ---------------------------🡪 ?
5. A and B are two functional isomers of compound C 3H6O. On heating with NaOH and I2, isomer A forms
yellow precipitate of iodoform whereas isomer B does not form any precipitate. Write the formula of A
and B.
2015( SET I)
1. Write the reagents used in the following reactions:
a. C6H5-CO-CH3 --------------------------> C6H5-CH2-CH3
b. CH3-COOH --------------------------> CH3-COCl
1. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their property as indicated:
a. CH3-CHO , C6H5-CHO, H-CHO
(reactivity towards Nucleophilic addition reaction)
b. 2,4Dinitrobenzoic acid, 4methoxybenzoic acid, 4Nitrobenzoic acid
(Acidic character)
Q.2 Predict the products of the following reactions:
1.CH3-CO-CH3 ---------------------> ?
(a)KMnO4/KOH (b)H+
2.C6H5-CH2-CH3 --------------------> ?

3. ?
2014 (SET I)
1. Write the products formed when CH3CHO reacts with the following reagents:
a. HCN b. H2H-OH c. CH3CHO in the presence of dilute NaOH.
2. Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds.
a. Benzoic acid and phenol
b. Propanal and propanone
43 | Page

1. Account for the following

a. Cl-CH2COOH is a stronger acid than CH3COOH
b. Carboxylic acid do not give reactions of Carbonyl group.
2. Write the chemical equations to illustrate the following reactions:
a. Rosenmund’s reaction
b. Cannizzaro’s reaction
c. Out of CH3-CH2-CO-CH2-CH3 and CH3-CH2-CH2-CO-CH3, which gives the iodoform test?
2013 (SET III)
1. Rearrange the following compounds in the increasing order of their boiling point.
2. A) How will you convert the following:
a. Propanone to propan2ol
b. Ethanal to 2Hydroxypropanoic acid
c. Toluene to Benzoic acid
B) Give simple chemical test to distinguish between
a. Pentan2one and Pentan3one
b. Ethanal and propanal
(A) Write the products of the following reactions;

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?
B)Which acid of each pair shown here would you expect to be stronger?
a. F-CH2-COOH or Cl-CH2-COOH

b. or CH3-COOH
1. Ethanal is soluble in water. Why?
1. Write a suitable chemical equation to complete each of the following transformations :
a. Butan1ol to butanoic acid
b. 4methylacetophenone to benzene1-4dicarboxylic acid
2. An organic compound with molecular formula C9H10O forms 2,4DNP derivatives, reduce tollen’s reagent
and undergoes Cannizzao’s reaction, on vigorous oxidation it gives 1,2benzene dicarboxylic acid.
Identify the compound.
1. Give chemical tests to distinguish between-
a) Propanol and propanone.
b) Benzaldehyde and acetophenone
2. Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order order of their property as indicated :
44 | Page

a) Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Methyl tertiary butyl ketone(reactivity towords HCN)

b) Benzoic acid, 3,4DiNitrobenzoic acid and 4methoxybenzoicacid (acid strength)
c) CH3-CH2-CH(Br)COOH, CH3CH(Br)CH2.COOH, (CH3)2CHCOOH (acid strength)
1. Give equation for A) Cannizzaro reaction B) Clemmensen reaction
2. Obtain following
a. But2enal from Ethanal
b. Butanoic acid from Butanol
c. Benzoic acid from Ethylbenzene
1. A) Distinguish
a. Benzoic acid and Ethylbenzoate
b. Benzaldehyde and Acetophenone
2. Complete with giving missing reagents or products in following:



45 | Page


Classification:□ Amines are classified according to the number of carbon atoms bonded
directly to the nitrogen atom. A primary (1°) amine has one alkyl (or aryl) group on the
nitrogen atom, a secondary (2°) amine has two, and a tertiary (3°) amine has three.

Physical Properties of Amines

1. The lower aliphatic amines are gases with fishy smell. Primary amines with three or
more carbon atoms are liquid and higher members are all solids.
2. Lower aliphatic amines are water soluble because they can form hydrogen bonds with
water molecules, however the solubility decreases with increase in hydrophobic alkyl
3. Boiling points order: primary amine > secondary amine > tertiary amine



46 | Page

Chemical Properties Basic Strength of Amines

Amines act as Lewis bases due to the presence of lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen
atom. More the Kb (dissociation constant of base), higher is the basicity of amines. Lesser
the pKb higher is the basicity of amines. Aliphatic amines (R‐NH2) are stronger bases than
NH3due to the electron releasing +I effect of the alkyl group. Among aliphatic methylamines,
the order of basic strength in aqueous solution is as follows:
(C2H5)2NH > (C2H5)3N > C2H5NH2> NH3 (CH3)2NH>CH3NH2>(CH3)3N>NH3
Aromatic amines are weaker bases than aliphatic amines and NH3, due to the fact that
the electron pair on the nitrogen atom is involved in resonance with the π‐electron pairs
of the ring.


N.N-Diethylbenzenesulphonamide (Insoluble in KOH)

Tertiaryamines do notreact with benzene sulphonyl chloride. ELECTROPHILIC
To prepare monosubstituted derivative, activating effect of –NH2 group must be controlled by
47 | Page

protecting–NH2 by acetylation with acetic anhydride.

NITRATION: Direct nitration of aniline is not

possible as it is susceptible to
oxidation, thus amino group is first
protected by acetylation

In strongly acidic
medium, aniline is
protonated to form
anilinium ion which is
meta directing so it
gives meta product also

Aniline does not
undergo Friedel Craft
reaction due to salt
formation with
aluminium chloride, the
Lewis acid, which is
used as a catalyst.
48 | Page

Very Short Answer questions: (1 Mark)
Q.1 What is Hinsberg's reagent? Ans. Benzene sulphonyl chloride
Q.2 Whyis
anilineacylatedbeforeitsnitration? Ans.
Toprevent it from oxidation
Q.3 Ethylamine is soluble in water but aniline is not, why?
Ans. Ethylamine forms intermolecular H‐bond with water, but aniline does not form
H‐bond to a very large extent dueto the presence oflarge hydrophobic –C6H5 group.
Q.4 Write the structure of

N‐Ethyl‐N‐methylaniline. Ans.

Q.5 Write structures and IUPAC names of the amide which gives propanamine by
Hoffmann bromamide reaction.
Ans. , Butanamide


A statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason.
Mark the correct choice from the options given below.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion : The diazotisation reaction must be carried in ice cold solution ( 0-4⁰C).
Reason : At higher temperature, benzenediazonium chloride reacts with water to give phenol.
( Ans - a)
2. Assertion : In strongly acidic solution aniline becomes less reactive towards
electrophilic reagents.
Reason : Due to protonation of amino group the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen is not available
for resonance. ( Ans - a)
3. Assertion : Gabriel phthalimide synthesis can be used to convert alkyl chlorides into
primary amines.
Reason : With proper choice of reagent Gabriel synthesis can be used to prepare primary,
secondary and tertiary amines. ( Ans - c)
4. Assertion : N-Ethylbenzenesulphonamide is soluble in alkali.
Reason : Hydrogen attached to nitrogen in sulphonamide is strongly acidic in nature. (Ans - a)
49 | Page

5. Assertion : Benzenediazonium chloride can not be stored and is used immediately

after its preparation.
Reason : It is very unstable and dissociates to give nitrogen. (Ans - a)
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One - word answer

1. Which one is more acidic : anilinium ion or p-fluoroanilinium ion ? (Ans - p-fluoroanilinium ion)
2. Name the effect due to which nitrobenzene does not undergo Friedal Craft reaction.
3. ( Ans - Deactivating)
Short Answer questions: (2 Mark)
Q.6 WriteIUPACnamesofthefollowingcompoundsandclassifythemintoprimary,secon
dary and tertiary amines.
(i) C6H5NHCH3
Ans. (i) N‐Methyl aniline 20
(ii) (CH CH ) NCH
(ii) N‐Ethyl‐N‐methylethanamine 30
Q.7 Give plausible explanation for each of the following:
(i) Why do primary amines have higher boiling pointthan tertiary amines?
(ii) Why are aliphatic amines stronger bases than
aromatic amines? Ans. (i) Due to strong intermolecular
H‐bonding in primary amines.
(ii) In aromatic amines lone pairis engaged with benzene in resonance.
Q.8 How can you convert an amide into an amine having one carbon less than the
starting compound? Name the reaction.
Ans. By using Hoffmann bromamide reaction
Q.9 Write the structures of: (a) 3‐Bromobenzenamine (b)
3‐Chlorobutanamide Ans: (a) (b)

Q.10 Arrange the following:

(i) In decreasing order of the pKbvalues:
C2H5NH2, C6H5NHCH3, (C2H5)2NH and C6H5NH2
(ii) Inincreasingorder ofbasicstrength: Aniline,p‐nitroanilineandp‐toluidine
Ans: (i) C6H5NH2, C6H5NHCH3,C2H5NH2,(C2H5)2NH
(ii) p‐Nitroaniline , aniline, p‐toluidine
Short Answer questions: (3 Marks)
Q.11 Giveonechemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds.
(i) Methylamineand dimethylamine
(ii)Ethylamine and aniline
(iii) Aniline and
benzylamine Ans: (i)
Carbylamine reaction
(ii) Azo dye Test
(iii) Azo dye Test
51 | Page

Q.12 Account for the following:

(i) Although amino group is o, p− directing in aromatic electrophilic substitution
reactions,aniline onnitrationgives asubstantial amountofm‐nitroaniline.
(ii)Aniline does not undergo Friedel‐Crafts reaction.
(iii) Gabriel phthalimide synthesisis preferred for synthesizing primary amines.
Ans. (i) Because nitration is carried out in an acidic medium. In an acidic medium, aniline
is protonated to give anilinium ion which is meta‐directing.
(ii)Friedel‐Craft reaction is carried out in the presence of AlCl3. But AlCl3 acts as a
Lewis acid, while aniline acts as a Lewis base. Thus, aniline reacts with AlCl3 to
form a salt.
(iii) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis results in the formation of primary amines only.
Secondary and tertiary amines are not formed in this synthesis. Thus, a pure
primary amine can be obtained. Therefore,Gabriel phthalimide synthesis is
preferred for synthesizing primary amines.

Q.13 How will you convert:

(i) Benzyl chloride to 2‐phenylethanamine
(ii) Benzene to Aniline
(iii) Aniline to p‐bromoaniline

Ethanolic NaCN
Ans: (i) C6H5CH2Cl C6H5CH2CN H2/N1 C6H5CH2CH2NH

Q.14 An organic compound [A] C3H6O2 on reaction with ammonia followed by heating yield
B. Compound B on reaction with Br2 and alc. NaOH gives compound C
(C2H7N). Compound C forms a foul smelling compound D on reaction with chloroform and
NaOH. Identify A, B, C, D and the write the equations of reactions involved.
[Hint: (A) CH3CH2COOH (B) CH2CH2CONH2 (C) CH3CH2NH2 (D) CH3CH2NC.]
1. Arrange the following in decreasing order of their basic strength: C2H5NH2,
C6H5NHCH3, (C2H5)2NHand C6H5NH2
2. Methylaminein water reacts withferricchloridetoprecipitatehydratedferricoxide.Why?
52 | Page

3. Diazonium salts of aromatic amines are more stable than those of aliphatic amines. Why?
4. Whyaromatic primary amines cannot be prepared by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis?
5. Write structures and IUPAC names of the amine produced by the Hoffmann degradation of
Q1. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Carbylamine reaction
(ii)Hofmann's reaction
53 | Page

Q1. How will you convert?
i) Benzene into N, N□dimethylaniline
ii) Aniline to phenol

Q2. An aromatic compound 'A' on treatment with aqueous ammonia and heating forms
compound 'B' which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms a compound 'C' of molecular
formula C6H7N. Write the structures and IUPAC names of compounds A, B and C.


1. Which of the following is a 3° amine?

(i) 1-methylcyclohexylamine
(ii) Triethylamine
(iii) tert-butylamine
(iv) N-methylani
line Ans: (ii)
2. The correct IUPAC name for CH2=CHCH2 NHCH3 is
(i) Allylmethylamine
(ii) 2-amino-4-pentene
(iii) 4-aminopent-1-ene
(iv) N-methylprop-2-en-1-a
mine Ans:(iv)
3. Amongst the following, the strongest base in aqueous medium is .
(i) CH3NH2
(ii) NCCH2NH2
(iii) (CH3)2 NH
(iv) C6H5NH
CH3 Ans: (iii)
54 | Page

4. Benzylamine may be alkylated as shown in the following

equation : C6H5CH2NH2 + R—X ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ C6H5CH2NHR
Which of the following alkylhalides is best suited for this reaction through SN1 mechanism?
(i) CH3Br
(ii) C6H5Br
(iii) C6H5CH2Br
(iv) C2H5
Br Ans: (iii)
5. Which of the following reagents would not be a good choice for reducing an aryl nitro
compound to an amine?
(i) H2 (excess)/Pt
(ii) LiAlH4 in ether
(iii) Fe and HCl
(iv) Sn and
HCl Ans: (ii)
6. In order to prepare a 1° amine from an alkyl halide with simultaneous addition of one CH2
group in the carbon chain, the reagent used as source of nitrogen is .
(i) Sodium amide, NaNH2
(ii) Sodium azide, NaN3
(iii) Potassium cyanide, KCN
(iv) Potassium phthalimide,
C6H4(CO)2N–K+ Ans: (iii)
7. The source of nitrogen in Gabriel synthesis of amines is .
(i) Sodium azide, NaN3
(ii) Sodium nitrite, NaNO2
(iii) Potassium cyanide, KCN
(iv) Potassium phthalimide,
C6H4(CO)2N–K+ Ans: (iv)
8. The best reagent for converting
2–phenylpropanamide into 2-phenylpropanamine is .
(i) excess H2
(ii) Br2 in aqueous NaOH
(iii) iodine in the presence of red phosphorus
(iv) LiAlH4 in
ether Ans: (iv)
9. The best reagent for converting,
2-phenylpropanamide into 1- phenylethanamine is .
(i) excess H2/Pt
(ii) NaOH/Br2
(iii) NaBH4/methanol
55 | Page

(iv) LiAlH4/et
her Ans: (ii)
10. Hoffmann Bromamide Degradation reaction is shown by .
(i) ArNH2
(ii) ArCONH2
(iii) ArNO2
(iv) ArCH2
NH2 Ans: (ii)
1. What is the hybridisation of N in (CH3)3N and shape of (CH3)3N ?

Ans. Hybridisation of N in (CH3)3N is sp3 and shape of (CH3)3N is trigonal pyramidal.

2. Which diazonium salt is stable at room temprature.

Ans. Benzene diazonium fluoro borate(C6H5N2 F).

3. Which diazonium salt is insoluble in water at room temprature?

Ans. Benzene diazonium fluoro borate (C6H5N2 F).

4. Out of CH3NH2 and CH3CH2NH2 which has higher boiling point and why ?

Ans. CH3CH2NH2 because bigger the alkyl group more is the surface area higher is the magnitude

of van der Waals force.

5. Why are primary amines higher boiling than tertiary amines ?

Ans. Primary amines have two hydrogen atoms on the N atom and therefore form intermolecular

hydrogen bonding. Tertiary amines do not have hydrogen atoms on the N atom and therefore,these

do not form hydrogen bonds.

6. Write the structure and IUPAC name of t-butylamine.

Ans. 2-Methylpropan-2-amine

7. Which one is more basic CH3NH2 or (CH3)3N in gaseous phase and why ?

Ans. (CH3)3N is more basic because greater number of alkyl groups increase the magnitude of +I

effect so increase the basicity .

8. Which one is more basic CH3NH2 or (CH3)3N in gaseous phase and why ?

Ans. (CH3)3N is more basic because greater number of alkyl groups

56 | Page

increase the magnitude of +I effect so increase the basicity .

9. Out of Butan-1-ol and butan-1-amine ,which will be more soluble in water and why?

Ans. Butan-1-ol are more polar than amines and forms stronger

intermolecular hydrogen bonds with water molecules than amines.

10. Why ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not ?

Ans. Ethylamine when added to water forms intermolecular H−bonds with water.
Hence, it is

soluble in water.

Q1 Choose one option from following four options. 1M

(I) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct statements, and Reason
(R) is the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(J) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct statements, but Reason (R)
is not the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(K) Assertion (A) is corr ect, but Reason (R) is wrong statement.
(L) Assertion (A) is wrong, but Reason (R) is correct statement.
(A)ASSERTION:- Lower aliphatic amines are soluble in water but higher amines are
(B) REASON:- Amines can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. However,
solubility decreases with increase in molar mass of amines due to increase in size
of the hydrophobic alkyl part

(A)ASSERTION:-Amines can be considered as derivatives of ammonia

(B) REASON:- Amines can be obtained by replacement of one, two or all the three
hydrogen atoms of NH3 by alkyl and/or aryl groups.

(A)ASSERTION:- In amines the angle C–N–E, (where E is C or H) is less than 109.5°;

(B) REASON:- Due to the presence of unshared pair of electrons on N atom.

(A)ASSERTION:- In ammonolysis of halide the primary amine is obtained as a

major product by taking large excess of ammonia.
(B) REASON:- Ammonolysis of alkyl amine has the disadvantage of yielding a
mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines and also a quaternary
ammonium salt.

(A)ASSERTION:- Reduction of nitrobenzene in to aniline with iron scrap and

hydrochloric acid is preferred.
57 | Page

(B) REASON:-FeCl2 formed gets hydrolysed to release hydrochloric acid during the
reaction. Thus, only a small amount of hydrochloric acid is required to initiate the

(A)ASSERTION:- In Gabriel phthalimide synthesis the aromatic primary amines

cannot be prepared. (B) REASON:- Aryl halides do not undergo nucleophilic
substitution with the anion formed by phthalimide.
Q2. Choose correct options
Steps of Chemical equations for the following conversions:
(i) CH3–CH2–Cl into CH3–CH2–CH2–NH2
1) (a)ethanolic NaOH then (b) Reduction
2) (a)aqueous KOH (b) Reduction
3) (a) K-CN (b) Oxidation
4) (a) K-CN (b) Reduction
(ii) (ii) C6H5–CH2–Cl into C6H5–CH2–CH2–NH2
1) (a)ethanolic NaOH then (b) Reduction
2) (a)aqueous KOH (b) Reduction
3) (a) Aqueous K-CN (b) Oxidation
4) (a)ethanolic K-CN (b) Reduction
IUPAC name of the amide which gives propanamine by Hoffmann bromamide
Butanamide Pentanamide Propanamide Acetamide
(ii)the amine produced by the Hoffmann degradation of benzamide.
Aniline benzenamine C6H5-NH2 All above

Name of CH2=CH-CH2-NH2 is
(a) Allylamine
(b) Prop-2-en-1-amine
(c) Prop-1-en-3-amine
(d) Vinyl amine
(a) And (b) ans
(b) (a) and (c)
(c) Only (c)
(d) (b) and (d)

pKb Values of Amines in Aqueous Phase

58 | Page

1. N-Methylmethanamine 3.27
2. N,N-Dimethylmethanamine 4.22
3. Ethanmine 3.29
4. N-Ethylethanamine 3.00
5. N,N-Diethylethanamine 3.25

Correct order of their increasing order of basic strength is


Q Illustrate following chemical reactions (02Marks each)

1. Carbyl amine reaction
2. Hoffmann’s Bromamide reaction
3. Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis
4. Hinsberg’s test for Primary amine
5. Sulphonation of aniline
6. Acetylation of ethanamine

2020 SET 1
Q1 Write an isomer of C3H9N which gives foul smell of isocyanide when treated
with chloroform
and ethanolic NaOH.
Q2 Arrange the following compounds as directed: (this Q. is common in all three
(i) In increasing order of solubility in water:
(CH3)2NH, CH3NH2, C6H5NH2 3<1<2
(ii) In decreasing order of basic strength in aqueous solution:
(CH3)3N, (CH3)2NH, CH3NH2 1<3<2
(iii) In increasing order of boiling point:
(C2H5)2NH, (C2H5)3N, C2H5NH2 2<1<3
2020 set 2
Q1 Out of CH3NH2 and CH3OH, which has higher boiling point?
2020 set 3
Write an isomer of C3H9N which does not react with Hinsberg reagent.
Q1 Arrange the following in decreasing order of basic character
C6H5-NH2, (CH3)3N, C2H5-NH2
59 | Page

Q2 Complete following reactions

(a) ?

(b) ?

(c) ?

How do you convert
(a) N-pheny-ethanamide to P-Bromoaniline
(b) Benzene diazonium chloride to Nitro benzene.
(c) Benzoic acid to aniline.
Q1 (a) Write the reactions involved in the followings.
(i) Hoffmann Degradation Reaction
(ii) Diazotisation
(iii) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
(b) Give reasons
(i) (CH3)2NH is more basic than (CH3)3N in an aqueous solution.
(ii) Aromatic diazonium salts are more stable than aliphatic diazonium salt.
(A)Write the structure of the main products of the following reactions.

(i) ?

(ii) -----------------------🡪?

(iii) ?
(B)Give a simple chemical tests to distinguish between Aniline and N,N dimethyl
(C) Arrange the followings in the increasing order of their pKb values.
C6H5-NH2, C2H5-NH2, C6H5-NH-CH3

1. Write the structure of compounds A, B, C in the following:
60 | Page


NaNO2/Cu Fe/HCl CH3COCl/Pyridine

(b) C6H5N BF4 -------------🡪 A -------------------🡪 B ----------------------🡪 C
Q2 Give reasons for the followings
(a) Acetylation of aniline reduce its activation effect.
(b) CH3NH2 is more basic than C6H5NH2.
(c) Although –NH2 is o/p directing group, yet aniline on nitration gives a
significant amount of m-nitroaniline.
1. Write IUPAC name of
2. Write the structures of A,B AND C in following

Br2+KOH CH3COCl/Pyridine
- +
a. C₆H₅―COO NH₄ A ---------🡪 B -----------------🡪C

NaNO2/Cu Sn/HCl CH3Cl + KOH

+ -
b. C₆H₅―N₂ BF 4 A ----------------🡪B --------------🡪C

1. An aromatic compound A of molecular formula C₇H₇ON undergoes a series of reactions
as shown below. Write the structure of A,B,C,D and E in the following reactions.
Br2 + KOH NaNO2 + HCl(273K) H2O
C₇H₇ON C₆H₅NH₂ (B)-------------🡪E
CHCl3 + NaOH
a) Write the structures of the main products when aniline reacts with the following
- 1, Br₂ water 2, HCl 3,(CH₃CO)₂O / pyridine
b) arrange the following in the increasing order of their boiling point
- C₂H₅-NH₂, C₂H₅-OH, (CH₃)₃N
61 | Page

c) give a sample chemical test to distinguish between the following pair of compounds
- (CH₃)₂NH and (CH₃)₃N

1. Account for the following :
(i) primary amines (R-NH₂) have higher boiling points than tertiary amines
(ii)aniline does not undergoes friedel craft reaction
(iii)(CH₃)₂NH is more basic than (CH₃)₃N in an aqueous soltion.
Give the structure of A,B and C in the following reactions
Sn + HCl NaNO2 +HCl (273K) H2O
(i)C₆H₅NO₂ (A) B) (C)
H2O /H NH3 Br2 + KOH
(ii)CH₃-CN (A) (B) (C)
Write the main products of the following reactions.
HNO2 00C
(i) CH₃-CH₂-NH₂ ?

(ii) ?

(iii) ----------------🡪?
Q1describe the following giving the relevant chemical equation in each case.
1.Carbylamine reaction 2.Hoffrnamm’s bromamide reaction
1. complete the following reaction
(i)C₆H₅NH₂ + Br₂(aq) ?
Q1 Rearrange the following in an increasing order of their basic strength

, , (C6H5)2NH and CH3NH2

Q2 State reasons for the following
(a) pkb value for aniline is more than that for methyl amine.
(b) Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not.
(c) Primary amines have higher boiling points than tertiary amines.

Q3 Give chemical test to distinguish ethylamine and aniline

62 | Page



Reducing sugars Aldehydic/ ketonic groups free so reduce Fehling’s/ Tollen’s
solution and. e.g.‐ maltose and lactose
Non reducing sugars Aldehydic/ ketonic groups are bonded so cannot reduce
Fehling’s solution and Tollen’s reagent. E.g.‐ Sucrose
Anomers. The two cyclic hemiacetal forms of glucose differ only in the
configuration of the hydroxyl group at C1, called anomeric
Such isomers, i.e., α –form and β ‐form, arecalled
Invert sugar Sucrose is dextrorotatory but after hydrolysis gives
dextrorotatory glucose and laevorotatory fructose. Since
the laevorotation of fructose (–92.4°) is more than
dextrorotation of glucose (+ 52.5°), the mixture is
laevorotatory. Thus, hydrolysis of sucrose brings about a
change in the sign of rotation, from dextro(+)tolaevo
(–)andthe product is named asinvert sugar.
Glycosidic linkage Linkage between two mono saccharide

Importance of Major portion of our food. / used as storage molecules as

Carbohydrates starch in plants and glycogen in animal. Cell wall of
bacteria and plants is made up of cellulose.Wood and cloth
are cellulose, provide raw materials for many important
industries like textiles, paper, lacquers and breweries.
Essential amino acids Whichcannot besynthesized inthebodyand must be
obtained through diet, e.g.‐ Valine, Leucine
63 | Page

Non-essential aminoacids Which can be synthesised in the body, eg‐Glycine, Alanine

Zwitter ion. In aqueous solution,amino acids exist as adipolar ion
known as
zwitter ion.
Peptide linkage peptide linkageis an amide formed between –COOH group
–NH2 group of two successive amino acids in peptide
0 sequence of aminoacidsthatis said tobe
1 ‐ str. Of proteins:
theprimary structure of protein

0 secondary structure of protein refers to the shape in

2 ‐ str. of proteins:
which a long polypeptide chain can exist. They are found
to exist in two types of structures viz. α‐helix
andβ‐pleated sheet structure.
Tertiary structure of further folding of the secondary structure. It gives rise to
proteins: two major molecularshapes viz. fibrous andglobular.
Fibrous proteins Polypeptide chains run parallel, held together by
hydrogen and disulphide bonds, fiber– like structure.
Water insoluble.Eg‐ are keratin
Globular proteins chains of polypeptides coil around to give a spherical
shape. water soluble. Eg‐Insulin and albumins
Stab. forces 2°& 3° Hydrogen bonds, disulphide linkages, van der Waals and
electrostatic forces of attraction.
Denaturation of Proteins When a protein is subjected to physical change like
change in temperature or chemical change like change
in pH, the hydrogen bonds are disturbed. Due to this,
globules unfold and helix get uncoiled and protein loses
its biological activity. This is called denaturation of
protein. (During denaturation 2° and 3° structures are
destroyed but 1°structure remains intact.) eg‐
DNA pentose sugar (D‐2‐deoxyribose) + phosphoric acid +
nitrogenous bases ( A , G , C, T )
64 | Page

RNA pentose sugar (ribose) + phosphoric acid + nitrogenous

bases (A, G , C, U )

Nucleoside/tides Nucleoside → sugar + base Nucleotides→ sugar+base


Phosphodiester link Linkage between two nucleotides in polynucleotides

FunctionsofNucleicAcids DNA reserve genetic information, maintain the identity

of different species is capable of self-duplication during
cell division, synthesizes proteinin thecell.
65 | Page


1. How many asymmetric carbon atoms are present in D (+) glucose?

2. Give the significance of (+)-sign in the name D- (+)-glucose.
3. Give the significance of prefix ‘D’ in the name D- (+)-glucose.
4. Why is sucrose called invert sugar?
5. Write the Zwitter ionic form of amino acetic acid. (H2NCH2COOH).
6. How would you explain the amphoteric behaviour of amino acids?
7. Which nucleic acid is responsible for carrying out protein synthesis in the cell?
8. The two strands in DNA are not identical but complementary. Explain.
9. What type of linkage holds together the monomers of DNA and RNA?
10. Mention the number of hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine.

1. 4
2. (+) sign indicates dextrorotatory nature of glucose.
3. ‘D’ Signifies that –OH group on C-5 is on the right hand side
4.When sucrose is hydrolyzed by water, the optical rotation of solution
changes from positive to negative.
5. Amino acids are amphoteric due to the presence of both
acidic and basic functional groups.
6. Amphoteric
behavior. 7.RNA
8. complementary bases are prepared.
9.H-bonding is present between specific pairs of bases present in strands.
10.Phosphodiester linkage.
66 | Page

(Q.) What is difference between reducing and non‐reducing sugars or carbohydrates?

(1 Mark)
(Ans) All those carbohydrates which contain aldehydic and ketonic group in the hemiacetal
or hemiketal form and reduce Tollen's reagent or Fehling's solution are called reducing
carbohydrates while others which do not reduce thesereagents are called non‐reducing
(Q.) Explain the term mutarotation? (1Mark)
(Ans) Mutarotation is the change in the specific rotation of an optically active compound
with time, to an equilibrium mixture.
(Q.) Defineglycosidic linkage? (1Mark)
(Ans) The two monosaccharide units are joined together through an ethereal or oxide
linkage formed by the loss of a molecule of H2O. Such a linkage between two
monosaccharide units through oxygen atoms is called glycosidic linkage.
(Q.) Give a chemical equation for obtaining maltose? (1Mark)
(Ans) Maltose is obtained by partial hydrolysis of starch by the enzyme diastase
present in malt i.e., sprouted barley seeds.
2(C6H10O5)n + n H 2O Diastase n C6H12O6
67 | Page


A statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason.
Mark the correct choice from the options given below:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion : D - glucose is dextrorotatory whereas L - glucose is laevorotatory.
Reason : D - compounds are always dextro and L - compounds are always laevo. ( Ans - b)

2. Assertion : Purine bases present in DNA are adenine and guanine.

Reason : The base thymine is present in RNA while base uracil is present in DNA. (Ans - c)
3. Assertion : α - Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
Reason : Natural amino acids are mostly α - amino acids. (Ans - b)
One - word answer
1. Name the linkage used to link different monosaccharide in a polysaccharide ? (Ans - Glycosidic)
2. Name a water soluble vitamin which is not excreted from our body? ( Ans - Vitamin - B12)
(Q.) What do you understand by denaturation of proteins? (2Marks)
(Ans) When a protein in its native form, is subjected to physical change like in temperature
or chemical change like change in pH, the hydrogen bonds are disturbed. Due to this,
globules unfold and helix get uncoiled and protein loses its biological activity. This is called
denaturation of protein.

(Q.) Give the chemical structure of (2 Marks)

sucrose & explain why sucrose is non
reducing sugar.


The two monosaccharide are held together by a glycosidic linkage between C1 of ♋– glucose and C2
♌ ‐ fructose. Since the reducing groups of glucose and fructose are involved in glycosidic
bond formation, sucrose is a non‐reducing sugar.
68 | Page

(Q.) Write a short note on cellulose and give its chemical structure. (3Marks)

Cellulose occurs exclusively in plants and it is the most abundant organic substance in plant
kingdom. It is a predominant constituent of cell wall of plant cells. Cellulose is a straight
chain polysaccharide composed only of α– D‐glucose units which are joined by glycosidic l
inkagebetween C1 of one glucose unit and C4 of the next glucose unit
(Q.) Give a short note on Zwitter ion? (3Marks)
(Ans) Amino acids are usually colourless, crystalline solids. These are water soluble, high
melting solids and behave like salts rather than simple amines or carboxylic acids. This
behaviour is due to the presence of both acidic (carboxylic group) and basic (amino group)
groups in the same molecule. In aqueous solution, the carboxyl group can lose a proton
and amino groupcan accept aproton, giving riseto adipolarionknown as zwitterion.
(Q.) Howarepeptidesformed.Showtheformationof peptidebondwithdiagram. (3 Marks)
(Ans) Peptides are amides formed by the condensation of amino group of one NH2–
amino group with the carboxyl group of another molecule of the same or different
69 | Page

Chemicals released by
endocrine glands
70 | Page

Concept of vitamins deleted this year

71 | Page

1.The function of enzymes in the living system is to–
(a) Transport oxygen (b) Provide immunity (c)Catalyze biochemical reactions (d)Provide energy
Ans c

2.Which statement is incorrect about peptide bond?

(a) N bond length in proteins is longer than usual bond length of C – N bond
(b) Spectroscopic analysis shows planar structure of – CO – NH – group
© C – N bond length in proteins is smaller than usual bond length of C – N bond
(d) None of the above
Ans a

3.The functional group which is found in amino acid is

(a) – COOH (b) – NH2 (c) – CH3 (d) both (a) and (b)
Ans d

4. Which of the following structures represents the peptide chain?

Ans c

5. Insulin production and its action in human body are responsible for the level of diabetes. This
compound belongs to which of the following categories –
(a) A coenzyme (b) a hormone (c) an enzyme (d) An antibiotic
Ans b

6. Which base is present in RNA but not in DNA?

(a) Uracil (b) Cytosine (c) Guanine (d) Thymine
Ans d

7. The nucleic acid base having two possible binding sites is –

(a) Thymine (b) cytosine (c) Guanine (d) Adenine
Ans c

8. Which functional group participates in disulphide bond formation in proteins?

(a) Thioether (b) Thiol (c) Thioester (d) Thiolactone
72 | Page

Ans b

9. In both DNA and RNA, heterocyclic base and phosphate ester linkages are at –
a. C5' and C2' respectively of the sugar molecule
b. C2' and C5' respectively of the sugar molecule
c. C1' and C5' respectively of the sugar molecule
d. C5' and C1' respectively of the sugar
molecule Ans c

10.The human body does not produce –

(a) Enzymes (b) DNA (c) Vitamins (d) Hormones
Ans c

11. The Pyrimidine bases presentin DNA are –

a) cytosine and adenine (b) cytosine and guanine
c) cytosine and thymine (d) cytosine, thiamine and uracil
Ans d

Q1. How is globular protein different from fibrous protein?
Globular Protein Fibrous Protein

1.they form α‐helix 1. they have β‐pleated structure.

structure. 2.they are water 2. they are water insoluble.
soluble. 3. they have strong intermolecular
3.they involve H bonding. forces of attraction.

Q2. (i) What products would be formed when a nucleotide from DNA containing thymine is
(ii)How will you distinguish 1° and 2° hydroxyl groups present in glucose?
Ans. (i) Complete hydrolysis of DNA yields a pentose sugar, phosphoric acid and thymine
(ii) On oxidation with nitric acid, glucose as well as gluconic acid both yield a dicarboxylic acid,
saccharic acid. This indicates the presence of a primary alcoholic (–OH) group in glucose.

Q3. Explain tertiary structure of Protein.

Ans. Tertiary structure of proteins: The tertiary structure of proteins represents overall folding of
the polypeptide chains i.e., further folding of the secondary structure. It gives rise to two major
molecular shapes viz. fibrous and globular. The main forces which stabilize the 2° and 3° structures
of proteins are hydrogen bonds, disulphide linkages, van der Waals and electrostatic forces of
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2020set 1
Q1 Write the name of component of starch which is water soluble.
Q2 An alpha – helix is a structural feature of
(a) Sucrose (b) Polypeptide (c) Nucleotide (d) Starch
Q3 Write the reactions showing the presence of following in the open structure of
(i) A carbonyl group (ii) Straight chain with six carbon atoms.
2020 set 2
Q1 Write the name of linkage joining two monosaccharides.
Q2 α − 𝐷(+)glucose and β − 𝐷(+) 𝑔𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒
(a) Geometrical isomers (b) Enantiomers (c) Anomers (d) Optical isomers
2020 set 3
Q1 What type of protein is present in keratin?
Q2 Which one is the complementary base of cystosine in one strand to that in other
strand of DNA?
(a) Adenine (b) Guanine (c) Thymine (d) Uracil
Q1 What is the basic structural differences between Starch and Cellulose?
Write the products obtained after hydrolysis of DNA.
Q2 (a) What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?
(b) What type of bonding provides stability to alpha – helix structure of protein.
(c) Name the vitamin whose deficiency causes pernicious anaemia.
Define following (i) Invert sugar (ii) Native protein (iii) Nucleotide
Q1 Define the followings with an example of each.
(a) Polysaccharides (b) Denaturated protein (c) Essential amino acids
(a) Write the product when D-glucose reacts with conc. HNO3.
(b) Amino acids shows amphoteric behavior. Why?
(c) Write one difference between alpha – Helix and beta- pleated structures of
Q1 (a)Which polysaccharide component of carbohydrates is commonly present in
(b) Write the two types of secondary structure of proteins.
(c) Give two examples of water soluble vitamins.
Q1. 1. Write one reaction of D glucose which cannot be explained by its open chain
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2. What type of linkage is present in nucleic acids?

3. Give one example each for water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins?
2015 (set 1)
. 1. Which one of the following is a disaccharide –
Starch, maltose, fructose, glucose
2. What is the difference between acidic and basic amino acids?
3. Write the name of the linkage joining nucleotides.
2014(set 1)
Q1 What are the products of hydrolysis of sucrose?
Q2 Define the following terms related to proteins-
(i) Peptide linkage (ii) primary structure
(iii) Denaturation
Q1What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?
Q2Define the following terms –
(i) Glcosidic linkage (ii) invert sugar
(iii) Oligosaccharides
(Set 3)
Q1Write the products of hydrolysis of lactose?

Q2Define the following terms

(i) Nucleotide (ii) anomers (iii) Essential amino acid
2013 (set 3)
Q1What are the products of hydrolysis of lactose?
Q2Value based question –
(i) Name the vitamins whose deficiency causes pernicious anemia.
(ii)Give an example of a water soluble vitamin.
(Set 2)
Q1Write the name of linkage joining two amino acids.

Q1Write the structure of the product obtained when glucose is oxidized with nitric acid
Q2What is essentially the difference between α glucose and β glucose? What is meant
by pyranose structure of glucose?

(set 3)
Q3Write a reaction which shows that all the carbon atoms in glucose are linked in a
straight chain.

Q4Define the following as related to proteins.

75 | Page

(i) Peptide linkage (ii) primary structure (iii) Denaturation

Q1Explain what is meant by the following
(i) Peptide linkage
(ii) Pyranose structure of glucose
Q2Write the main structural difference between DNA and RNA of the four – N.base,
name those which are common to both DNA and RNA.
Q3Write such reactions and facts about glucose which cannot be explained by its open
chain structure.

Important formula (from unit 1 ‐ 3)
HENRY'SLAW P=KHX KH is Henry's law constant .
P =P +
RAOULT'SLAW:‐ P = P0 X ; P = P0 X total A



P0 – P /P0 = X X = n / n +n

For dilute solution,nB <<nA,hencenB is

neglected in the
denominator. P0 – P / P0 = n /n
P0 – P / P0 = W *M /M *W
∆Tb= kb m


76 | Page











T f f f
M= kf
8. O
77 | Page

R= 0.0821 Latm mol ; □1

i = normal molecular mass/ observed molecular mass

i = observed colligative properties/ calculated value of
colligative properties i<1 (for association) i>1 (for
5) P0 – P / P0 = i n /n
6) ∆Tb = i Kb m
7) ∆Tf = i Kf m
8) Π=i CRT
78 | Page

1.) ƿ= Ra\l
2.) K =1\ƿ
3.) K = 1\R l\a
4.) ᴧm = k100\c
5.) E cell = Ecell
‐ 2.303R.T\nF log K

6.) At 25 C E =E0 ‐
0.0591\n log K 7.) At equilibrium
cell cell
E0 =0.0591\n logK 8.) ∆ G = ‐ nFE0


1. 1. Rate of reaction:‐ For a reaction R →P,

Rate of reaction = change of conc. of R or P / T time interval

2. Order ofreaction:□ 2. For the reaction aA+bB → cC+d

3. Rate = K[A]x [B]y

4. Units of rateconstants and graph between rateand conc. of reactat

Order of zero first second third


Unit of rate molL‐ 1s‐ 1 s‐ 1 mol‐ 1L+1s‐ 1 mol‐ 2L+2s‐ 1


Relation b/w R α [A]0 R α [A]1 R α [A]2 R α [A]3

rate& concof


Graph b/w R R R R
rate & conc
of Reactant

[A] [A] [A]

1 2 3
79 | Page

5. Integrated rate equation for zeroorder and first order reaction

for zero order reaction for first order reaction
Integrated rate equation

Half life t1/2 = [R]0 /2K t1/2 = 0.693/K

Graph b/w half□life & conc

of Reactant

t1/2 t1/2

[R] [R]
Graphb/wconc.ofreactant &
time [R] log[R]

Time Time

6. t α [conc]
where n = order ofreaction.
7. Arrhenius equation

log K = log A – Ea/2.303RT

80 | Page

Distinguish By a Single Chemical Test
1. All aldehydes ( R-CHO) give Tollens'Test and produce silver mirror.
RCHO + 2 [Ag(NH3 )2 ]+ + 3 OH– → RCOO– + 2 Ag ↓ + 2H2O + 4 NH3
Tollens'Reagent silver ppt
Note:HCOOH(methanoic acid)also gives this test,ketones (RCOR)do not give this test
2. All aldehydes (R-CHO) and ketones (RCOR) give 2,4-DNP test
RCOR + 2,4-DNP→ Orangeppt R-CHO + 2,4-DNP → Orange ppt
3. Aldehydes and ketones having CH3CO- (keto methyl) group give IodoformTest. Alcohols
having CH3CH-OH group also give Iodoform Test.
CH3CHO + 3I2 + 4 NaOH → CHI3 ↓ + HCOONa + 3 NaI + 3H2O
Yellow ppt
4. The following compounds give Iodoform Test: ethanol (C2H5OH), propan-2-ol
(CH3CH(OH)CH3), ethanal(CH3CHO), propanone(CH3COCH3),
butanone (CH3COCH2CH3), pentan-2-one
(CH3COCH2 CH2CH3), acetophenone ( PhCOCH3 )
5. All carboxylic acids (R-COOH) give Bicarbonate Test
RCOOH + NaHCO3 → RCOONa + CO2 ↑ +H2O
6. Phenol gives FeCl3 Test
C6H5OH +FeCl3 → (C6H5O)3Fe + 3 HCl(neutral)

(violet color)
81 | Page

7. All primary amines (R/Ar -NH2) give Carbyl Amine Test

R□NH2 + CHCl3 + KOH(alc) → R-NC+KCl + H2O
offensive smell
8. Aniline gives Azo Dye Test ( Only for aromatic amines)
C6 H5 NH2 + NaNO3 + HCl → C 6H5 N2 +Cl– ; then add β□naphthol orange dye
9. All alcohols (ROH) give Na-metal test
R□OH + Na → R-ONa + H2
10. For esters(RCOOR) : Hydrolyses first. Then see theproducts( acid & alcohol) andgivea test to identify
11. All alkenes (C=C) and alkynes (C≡C) decolorizes Br2 – water from red to colourless
12. LucasTest to distinguish primary, secondary andtertiary alcohols
Lucas reagent: ZnCl2/HCl
30□alcohol+Lucasreagent→immediateturbidity 20□alcohol+Lucasreagent→

turbidityafter sometime 10□alcohol + Lucas reagent → no turbidity

82 | Page

1 Bondenthalpy decreasesas:CH3‐F>CH3‐Cl>CH3‐Br>CH3‐I BecauseC‐X bond length
increasesfrom F toI duetogreatersize
2 Phenol can not be converted into chlorobenzene by using HCl
Because C‐O bond in phenol has partial double bond character and- OH gr is attached to sp2 carbon
3 Thionyl chloride is preferred to convert ROH into RCl
Because the side products are gases and the product can be obtained as pure
4 30 alcohol easily can be converted into alkyl halide Because 30 carbocations are stable
5 Benzene Is converted intoiodobenzene in presence of oxidizing agent like HNO3
or HIO3 C6H6 + I2/Fe C6H5I + HI Because HNO3 or HIO3 oxidises HI andprevent
backward reaction
6 ROH is converted into RIby using KIin presence of H3PO4 not H2SO4 H2SO4 converts KI
into HI and than into I2
7 B.pt. Of alkyl halides (RX) is higher than hydrocarbons Because R‐X is polar so there is
dipole- dipole attraction
8 B.pt : R‐I > R‐Br > R‐Cl > R‐F
Because molecular mass decreases so Van der Waals force decreases from RI to RF
9 B.pt : CH3‐CH2-CH2-CH2-Br > CH3-CH2-CH(Br)-CH3> (CH3)CBr
Because as the branching increases surface area decreases so Van der Waals
force of attraction decreases
10P-dichloro benzene has higher m.pt than ortho and meta isomer
Because p-dichloro benzene has symmetrical structure so it fits well in the crystal lattice
11 Alkyl halide (RX) with KCN gives alkyl cyanide (RCN) where as with AgCN it gives
isocyanide(RNC) KCN is ionic and CN‐ is ambident nucleophile but it link through C because
C‐C bond is more stable thanC‐N.In theotherhand AgCNiscovalentand linksthrough Nonly.
12 S 2 reactivity : ( 10>20>30)
Due to stearic hindrance nucleophile can not approach easily. In S 2 path release of X and linking of
take place
simultaneously 13
SN1reactivity:( 10<20<30)
Because SN1 path involves formation of carbocation intermediate. And
stability of Carbocation is in theorder : ( 10<20<30)
14SN1reactivity : R-I > R-Br > R-Cl > R-F
Because as the size of halogen increases C-X bond becomes weaker
15Aryl halides ( C6H5□X) are less reactive than alkyl halides(R□X) towards nucleophilic
substitution Becausein aryl halideC‐X bond has partial double bondcharacter and X is
attachedtosp2 C, there isalso the repulsion between Nu‐and benzene ringwhichis electron rich.
16Chloroformisstoredin dark coloured bottleas closed andcompletelyfilled, because in air
and light it converts into poisonous phosgene gas(COCl2).
83 | Page

17 In many countries DDT has been banned now, because of its slow metabolism and it
has toxic effect on aquatic animals.
18 Cyclohexyl chloride has greater dipole moment than chloro benzene.
19 Alkyl halides are immiscible in water although they are polar,
inwaterthereisintermolecularH□bonding butthereislessattractionbetweenR-XandH2O.
20 Grignard reagent (RMgX) should be prepared in anhydrous condition because
RMgXreacts with water and gives corresponding alkane.
21 Alkyl halides undergo substitution when treated with aq KOH but in presence of alc
KOH elimination takes place Alcohol + KOH produces RO– which is a strong base so it
extract H+ and elimination takes place.
22 C-O-H bond angle in alcohol is less than regular tetrahedral angle due to lp-lp repulsion.
23 In phenol the C-O bond length is less
Due to i) partial double bond character ii) O is attached to sp2 carbon.
24 Inetherthe R-O-R bondangleis greater, duetorepulsion between twobulkier R-group
25 To convert acid into alcohol LiAlH4 is not used, becauseit is expensive so: RCOOH →
RCOOR’ then ester isreduced into RCH 2OHby Hg 2/Pd.
26 b.pt of alcohol(ROH) is higher than alkane(RH), ether(R-O-R), alkyl halide(R-X) and
aryl halide(Ar- X), due to inter molecular H-bonding in R-O-H.
27 b.pt : n-butyl alcohol > sec. butyl alcohol > tert. Butyl alcohol, because as the
branching increases surface area decreases so Van der Waals force of attraction
28 Alcohols are highly miscible in water, due to H-bonding with water.
84 | Page

29 Acidity of alcohol : R-CH2-OH > R2CH-OH > R3C-OH

Becauseas the R gr increases +I effect increasessoalkoxideion becomes less stable.
30 Alcohol is weaker acid than water, because R-O– is less stablethanHO–
31 Phenol (Ph-OH) is acidic in nature
Because phenoxide ion( Ph-O–) is resonance stabilized.
32 Acidity: nitrophenol>phenol>methylphenol.
Because –NO2 group is electron withdrawing it further increases the stability of
phenoxide ion where as - CH3 group is electron donating it destabilizes phenoxideion.
33 Esterificationis carriedoutin presenceof small amount of conc.H2SO4 because it
absorbs the water produced and accelerate the forward reaction.
34 R’COCl +R-OH →R’COOR+HCl. Pyridineis usedin thisreaction. It is toremoveHCl
produced andto prevent the backward reaction.
35 Tert. Alcohols are easier to dehydrate
Because the intermediate tert. carbo cation is stable.
36 -OH groupin benzene ring is ortho and para directing for electrophilicsubstitution,
due to+ R effect it increases the electron density at orthoand para positions.
37 O-nitro phenol is steam volatile( low b.pt) but p-nitro phenol is not
In o-nitro phenol there is intra molecular H-bonding. But in p-nitro phenol there is inter
molecular H- bonding so molecules get associated and hence it has comparatively
higher b.pt.
38 Phenol with aq bromine gives 2,4,6-tribromophenol but in non polar medium mono
-substitution takes place.
39 CuSO4 andpyridinearemixedwithethanol used for industrial purpose, toprevent its
misuse.CuSO4 gives colour pyridine gives smell.
40 Ethers ( R-O-R) are polar.
41 Ethers are soluble in water, due to H-bond with water and ether.
42 Aldehydes (R-CHO) and ketones (R-CO-R) have higher b.pt than hydrocarbon and
ether, because they are polar so thereis dipole-dipoleattraction in aldehyde
43 Lower aldehydes and ketones are miscible with water, becausethey form hydrogen bond
44 Aldehydes(R-CHO) are morereactive than ketones(R-CO-R) in nucleophilic
addition, in ketone the two alkyl groups ( R ) have +I effect so they reduce the
85 | Page

carbonyl carbon. Also there is stearic hindrance in ketone.

45 Benzaldehyde ( C6H5CHO ) is less reactive than propanal ( CH3CH2CHO )
due to resonance the electrophilicity of carbonyl carbon is less in benzaldehyde.
46 NaHSO3 is used for separation of aldehydes.
It forms a soluble compound with aldehyde which on hydrolysis gives back the aldehyde.
47 Α-H of aldehyde and ketone is acidic in nature, because the corresponding carbanion
is resonance stabilized.
48 Carboxylic acids ( R-COOH ) do not give nucleophilic addition reaction like RCHO &
RCOR although it has >C=O due to resonance the carbonyl carbon looses its
49 Carboxylic acids have higher b.pt thanaldehyde, ketones andeventhanalcohols.
There is extensive inter molecular H-bonding in carboxylic acid (RCOOH). Even in
vapour phase it exists as dimer.
50 Carboxylic acids are miscible in water, due to H-bonding with water.
51 R-COOH is acidic in nature, because the conjugate base R-COO□ (carboxylate ion) is
stable due to resonance
52 Acidic Strength : Cl-CH2-COOH > CH3-COOH > CH3CH2-COOH
BecauseCl has –I effect which stabilizes the conjugate baseandethyl gr has +I effect.
53 In amines the C-N-H/C bond angle is less than 109.5o , due to lp-bp repulsion.
54 For reduction of nitro compounds into amines Fe/HCl is preferred instead of
Sn/HCl, because Fe+HCl → FeCl2.Onhydrolysis FeCl2 givesHCl, so just
smallquantityof HCl is required to initiate the reaction.
55 To convert alkyl halide(R-X) into amines (R-NH2) ammonolysis is not
suitable, because on ammonolysis a mixture of pri, sec, tert and
quaternary amine will be produced.
56 Aniline on exposure to air and light turns into coloured, due tto atmospheric oxidation.
57 Lower amines are soluble in water, duetoH-bondingwith water. Incase of higher amine
alkyl group is larger whichis hydrophobic.
58 Amines (R-NH2) are less soluble than alcohols (R-OH), inalcohol theH-bondingwith
water isstronger becauseOismoreelectronegativethanN.
59 Amines (R-NH2) are lower boiling than alcohols (R-OH), in alcohol the
intermolecular H-bonding is stronger because O is more electronegative than N.
60 Order of b.pt : primary amine > sec. amine > tert. amine
86 | Page

The no. of N-H bond decreases so extent of H-bonding also decreases.

87 | Page

61 In gaseous phase the order of basic strength: 30-amine>20-amine>10-amine> NH3

Due to +I effect of alkyl groups the electron density on N increases. So 3°is

strongest as it has 3 alkyl groups.

62 In aqueous state the base strength order : (20>30>10> NH3 ) : ( 20> 10> 30> NH3 )

In aqueous state+I effect, steric effect and solvation effect interplay. So the

order is not regular 63 R-NH2 is stronger base than NH3

Due to +I effect of alkyl group electron density on N increases in R-NH2

64 Aniline ( C 6H5-NH2) is weaker base than NH3 and R-NH2

In anilinethe lone pair of electron of N is involvedin resonance. Soitis less available.

65 Base strength : p-methoxy aniline > aniline > p-nitro aniline

Methoxy group (-OCH3) has +R effect where as –NO2 group has –R effect so electron

density in the first case increases but in the second case it decreases.

66Acylation of aniline is carried out in presence of pyridine .PyridineremovesHCl

producedand favours forwardreaction.

67-NH2 group in benzene ring is ortho –para directing for electrphilic substitution Due to +R

effect it increases the electron density at ortho and para position.

68Bromination of aniline gives 2,4,6-tribromo aniline

Because –NH2 groupactivatesbenzeneringby+R effect.Soformonosubstitution–NH2 group is


69Nitration of aniline gives un usual meta□nitro aniline although–NH2 group is

ortho□para directing In presence of acid –NH is

converted into –NH + which is meta directing

70Aniline does not undergo Friedel Craft reaction

Anilineis base andreactswith anhydrous AlCl 3 so N becomes positive which deactivates benzene
88 | Page



1. Biological 5. This type of polymer has extensive cross links between
macromolecules with its chains.
which drugs usually 7. Globular proteins on heating or due to pH change
undergoes coagulation & loose biological activity. The
2. An analgesic prepared Phenomenon is-
from salicylicacid. 8. In DNA thymine pairs with -
3. The building blocks of a 9. Optically inactive amino acid –
polymer are small 11. Commercial name of poly totrafluroethylene is
13. Polymerization ofchloroprene forms -
4. Natural Catalyst. 14. Element with Which natural rubber is heated
for vulcanization-
6. Nucleic acids are polymers
in which are the 15. The polymers in which polymer chainsare held
monomers. together by vander waal’s forces are known as –

12. Monomer of nylon 6 is – 16. And a terpineol are the main

constituents of an antiseptic Dettol.
23. Proteins embedded in the 17. Ranitidine is an-
cell m e m b r a n e t o r e
c e i v e 18. A high potency artificial sweeter -
Chemicalmessenger□ 19. Asweeterthat decomposes at looking temperature-
25. Cetyltrimethyl ammonium 20. Drugs which reduce anxiety and produce feeling of well
chloride is an example of Being

21. It is added tosoapstoimpart antiseptic properties-
26. Soaps are safer to use 22. Chloramphenicolisa Spectrum Antibiotic.
from the environmental
point of 24. Medicines used for the relief of post□operative pain &
Viewbecausetheyare□ Cardiac pain –
89 | Page


Self motivation‐ Honestly write down your aim and all the desires in your life. It will propel you
towards success.
Setup aroutine‐ Prepare smart and successful studying programme.
Finda quiet place,awayfromdistractionsand figureouttime of thedayyoucancontribute best
and that fits into your schedule.
Make a good time table‐A schedule of every subject should be made with different
priorities like tough subjects and theoneinwhichyouareweek
shouldbegivenmorehours.Study atthe same place & at the same time every day. Sit in an
alert posture.
Stay healthymentally and physically get adequate rest, exercise and balanced nutrition.
Manage distractions like cellphones, friends, sms, TV, video games, surfing etc which
are biggest time drains. Avoid doing “marathon” session (i.e. larger than 1 hour) as it is
least productive. Our attention span ranges from 30‐60 minute.
Unwindand relax‐ 10 to 15 min break after every study session.
Study difficult topics first. When mentally fresh, brain can process information more
quickly. Short term planningis more achievable thanlongterm plans.
Don't spend more than three days a week in coaching/tution as self study is the only
real study. Therefore atleast fourdays foruninterruptedselfstudy.
Prepare a competitive study group‐ share useful concepts and questions, your
knowledge, skills andresources, clarify doubts,takehelpofafriendwhois
Give yourself enough time to study. dont leave until the last minute. Use flow charts & mind maps.
Test yourself before actual test–practice previousyear's examination papers.
Review cleardoubts revise‐attempt questions of textbookand previousyear CBSEpapers.
Reduce stress and anxiety.. avoid stressful friends....relax.. eat some brain snacks..
sleep..review main points. Prepare to be prepared: before going to bed before an
exam make sure to collect everything that you will needfor exam– stationery ,
admitcard, wrist watch....
Ensure location of exam centre.
ON EXAMINATION DAY.. leave home in time and ensure your arrival at centre in time..so
that you gointo your exam calmly rather thanin afrantic rush sweaty.
90 | Page

Focus on your exam and not on what other students are doing
Start strategically..begin your exam by skimming through the question quickly and note
down any initial thoughts or related memorised facts beside each question.
Start with the question you know best. This will boost your confidence and give you a good start.
🕐 Read the instructions carefully and follow.
🕐 Answer as per marking scheme.
🕐 Write neat and present well.
🕐 Attempt the easiest part and theunits youaremostconfident.
Managetimesothat time canbe allotted to difficult portion.
🕐 Attempt complete question paper.
🕐 Never cheat
🕐 Review and makesure you have not left outanyquestion unattempted.
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