Rasoolpoor 2021

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Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91



A numerical investigation on low velocity impact response

of polymer‑based nanocomposite plates containing multiscale
M. Rasoolpoor1 · R. Ansari1 · M. K. Hassanzadeh‑Aghdam2

Received: 23 November 2020 / Accepted: 12 January 2021 / Published online: 23 January 2021
© The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2021

The hybridization of carbon fibers (CFs) with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is a new way of improving the mechanical and
physical performances of composite materials. The aim of this work is to evaluate the low velocity impact response of
polymer-based hybrid composite plates reinforced by the chopped CFs and CNTs using finite element method (FEM). A
nested micromechanical FEM considering interphase region created by the non-bonded van der Waals interactions between
the CNTs and polymer is developed for predicting the mechanical properties of hybrid composites. The predictions of the
proposed numerical model are compared with the results of experiment and other numerical methods. It is demonstrated
that adding a small amount of CNTs into the chopped CF-reinforced polymer composites can increase the contact force and
decrease the center deflection of hybrid composite plates. The influences of volume fractions of CF and CNT, thickness and
elastic modulus of interphase region, diameter and initial velocity of projectile, dimensions and boundary conditions of plate
on the dynamic response of hybrid composite structures are discussed.

Keywords Hybrid composite plate · Carbon nanotube · Low velocity impact · Finite element method · Nested model

1 Introduction Despite the aforementioned applications, the CNTs are

introduced as reinforcing agents in polymer materials and
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been the subject of deep fiber-reinforced polymer composites (FRPCs) [8–12]. The
research, since their discovery by Iijima [1], mainly due to traditional FRPCs are used in aerospace, sports goods and
the extraordinary properties, including low density, high automotive industries, etc. [13, 14]. But, the addition of sec-
aspect ratio, high strength (up to 150 GPa) and high stiffness ond nanoscale fillers, such as CNTs, can further improve
(up to 1 TPa) [2–4]. The excellent physical and mechani- the effective properties of such polymer-based composite
cal characteristics of CNTs have revealed high potential materials [15–17].
for a wide variety of engineering applications, for instance, Polymer-based materials reinforced with traditional
semiconductors, nanotransistors, hydrogen storage devices, microscale short CFs and CNTs form a hybrid composite
fuel cells, molecular sensors and structural materials [5–7]. where the characteristic length scales of CFs and CNTs
differ by multiple orders of magnitude. Recently, some
researches have demonstrated that addition of a small
Technical Editor: João Marciano Laredo dos Reis.
amount of CNTs inside the short CF-reinforced polymer
* R. Ansari composites enhances both structural performance like elastic
r_ansari@guilan.ac.ir modulus and strength, as well as the functional performance
M. K. Hassanzadeh‑Aghdam like electrical and thermal conductivities of the resulting
Mk.hassanzadeh@gmail.com hybrid composites [18–20]. For example, Kundalwal and
1 Ray [21] analyzed the effective elastic properties of poly-
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Guilan,
Rasht, Iran imide hybrid composites reinforced with aligned short CFs
2 and CNTs. It was shown that the effective elastic proper-
Department of Engineering Science, Faculty of Technology
and Engineering, East of Guilan, University of Guilan, ties of the hybrid composite along the transverse direction
Rudsar‑Vajargah, Iran are enhanced considerably because of the radial growing

91 Page 2 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91

of CNTs on the circumferential surface of the short CFs It was observed that the increase in cell wall thickness or
[21]. By means of floating catalyst chemical vapor deposi- the reduction in side length of honeycomb core has sub-
tion, Rahmanian et al. [22] uniformly dispersed the CNTs stantial influences on the peak load. The residual flexural
on the surface of chopped CFs and glass fibers (GFs) to strength decreased clearly even through the impact dam-
create multiscale reinforcements. Then, some experimental age was barely evident [27]. He et al. [28] explored the low
tests have been performed to measure the tensile and flex- velocity impact behavior and post-impact flexural response
ural properties of the hybrid composites. The test results of sandwich structures consisted of CF-reinforced polymer
revealed an evident improvement in the mechanical proper- face sheets and Al alloy corrugated cores. It was indicated
ties of the hybrid composites with multiscale reinforcements that the damage is dependent on the energy and location of
as compared to the short fiber-reinforced composites [22]. impact [28]. In another work, He et al. [29] experimentally
Growth of CNTs on the fiber surfaces increases Young’s and numerically examined the low velocity impact perfor-
modulus around 57% and 40% for CF and GF composites, mance and resultant damage behavior of Al honeycomb
respectively [22]. In another study, CNTs and short CFs have sandwich structures with CF-reinforced polymer face sheets.
been simultaneously incorporated into the epoxy matrix to The results depicted that the increase in core height pos-
manufacture the high-performance hybrid composites [23]. sesses relatively little influence on the initial stiffness and
The weight fraction of CNT varied from 0.2 to 0.5% of energy absorption [29]. Up to now, extensive investigations
composites combined with 1 and 3% of short CF. Based on have been made to evaluate the low velocity impact behav-
the experimental observation, the hybrid composites pre- iors of FRPC and CNT-reinforced polymer composite struc-
sented the significant enhancement in the elastic and stor- tures [30, 31]. In the light of an increment of the safety of
age moduli, strength and impact resistance in comparison hybrid composite components under low velocity impacts,
with the CNT-reinforced epoxy and short CF-reinforced the identification of the effects of microstructural features
epoxy composites [23]. Also, Haghgoo et al. [24] evalu- on the contact force and deflection time histories is desired.
ated the effective electrical conductivity of the chopped CF/ Because the experimentation of the hybrid composite mate-
CNT-reinforced polymer hybrid composites. The results rials containing nanoscale fillers is still a developing field,
confirmed that the addition of CNTs into the short CF- the most effective way of predicting the mechanical behavior
reinforced polymer composites can increase the effective is predominantly via computational modeling techniques.
electrical conductivity and electrical percolation threshold In the current study, the authors have attempted to esti-
of the resulting hybrid composites [24]. In general, some mate the dynamic behavior of polymer-based hybrid com-
issues pertaining to the alignment, dispersion, length, size posite plates reinforced by chopped CFs and CNTs by
and volume fraction of reinforcements, interaction between employing the nested FEM. Special attention is directed
the phases and constituent properties must be incorporated to the exploration of the effects of microstructure features
and optimized to obtain the best properties of the hybrid of the hybrid composite systems. The rest of the paper is
composites. Due to the wide application of polymer hybrid organized as follows. The details of the micromechani-
composites with short fiber/CNT multiscale reinforcements, cal FEM for predicting the mechanical properties of CF/
there is a need to understand more about the evaluation of CNT-reinforced polymer hybrid composites are presented
their mechanical properties. in Sect. 2. In Sects. 3, framework of the impact analysis
It has been shown that the composite structures are sus- together with the element type is introduced. The numerical
ceptible to low velocity impact which could lead to differ- predictions of the contact force and deflection time histories
ent damages, such as matrix cracks, delamination and fiber for the hybrid composite plates are provided in Sect. 4. The
breakage [25]. These damages are actual difficult to be effects of volume fractions of CF and CNT, thickness and
noticed by naked eyes and may cause noteworthy decreases elastic modulus of interphase region, diameter and initial
in the strength and stiffness of the composite systems. velocity of projectile, dimensions and boundary conditions
Yao et al. [26] experimentally and numerically examined on the plate dynamic response are explored. The present
the low velocity impact response of fiber metal laminates predictions are compared to the other results available in
consisted of CF-reinforced layers and aluminum (Al) sheets. the literature to confirm the correctness of the procedure.
It was found that multiple impacts with lesser energy divi- Finally, Sect. 5 provides the concluding remarks. The find-
sion and smaller initial impact energy lead to minor damage ings of the current research may present a new insight in
in fiber metal laminates. The impact load, energy absorp- understanding the dynamic behavior of hybrid composite
tion, damage morphologies and the delamination were structures under low velocity impacts.
associated with the level, sequence and division of impact
energy [26]. He et al. [27] experimentally and numerically
studied the effects of impact-induced failure on the resid-
ual flexural strength of honeycomb core sandwich panels.

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91 Page 3 of 12 91

2 The micromechanical FEM second part, nanofibers are randomly dispersed into the
polymer matrix to predict the mechanical properties of
Figure 1 displays the various portions with the schematics CNT-reinforced nanocomposites illustrated in Fig. 1c by
of respective microstructure of the hybrid composite plate the FEM. Finally, the homogenized mechanical properties
for the simulation strategy by the micromechanical FEM. of chopped CF/CNT-reinforced polymer hybrid compos-
The interfacial bonding between the CNT and surround- ite consisted of randomly distributed CFs and nanocom-
ing polymer matrix significantly controls the performance posite matrix are calculated using the micromechanical
of a polymer material filled with the CNTs. Raman scat- FEM. The CNT and CF are considered to be transversely
tering and X-ray diffraction have indicated that there is isotropic materials. The polymer matrix and interphase
no chemical bonding between the CNT and the polymer behave as isotropic materials. Table 1 shows the materials
matrix [32]. In this situation, only non-bonded electro- properties, including longitudinal Young’s modulus (EL),
static and van der Waals (vdW) interactions are reflected transverse Young’s modulus (ET), shear modulus in lon-
between the CNT and polymer matrix [33, 34]. Because of gitudinal direction (GL), longitudinal Poisson’s ratio (vL),
the fact that vdW interactions contribute more extremely transverse Poisson’s ratio (vT) and density (ρ) of CNT, CF,
in three higher orders of magnitude than electrostatic polymer matrix and interphase [34, 40]. The thickness of
energy, the electrostatic interactions are ignored in com- interphase region is 0.333 nm [34].
parison with vdW interactions [35–37]. In the micro- A uniaxial tensile test is performed on the representative
mechanics approaches, an equivalent solid continuum volume element (RVE) of the CNT-polymer nanocompos-
interphase is usually taken into account between the CNT ite to calculate its mechanical properties. Figure 2 displays
and the polymer matrix characterizing the vdW interac- a schematic view for boundary and loading conditions in
tions [34, 36, 38, 39]. Therefore, in the first step shown in determining the nanocomposite mechanical properties. It is
Fig. 1a, b, the CNTs covered by a thin layer of interphase supposed that the effective properties of the CNT-polymer
region are converted into the equivalent nanofibers. In the nanocomposite are similar to the properties of the RVE. As
can be seen in Fig. 2, two sides of the RVE including left

Fig. 1  Schematic representation of the micromechanical FEM for the interphase, b effective nanofiber, c CNT-polymer nanocompos-
predicting the effective mechanical properties of chopped CF/CNT- ites, d chopped CF/CNT-polymer hybrid composite and e hybrid
reinforced polymer-based hybrid composites: a CNT surrounded by composite plates

Table 1  Material properties Material EL (GPa) ET (GPa) vL vT GL (GPa) ρ (Kg/m3)

of CNT, CF, polyimide and
interphase [34, 40] CF 294 18.5 0.27 0.3 25 1760
CNT 1382.5 645 0.272 0.2 1120 1300
Polyimide 4.2 4.2 0.4 0.4 1.5 1310
Interphase 19.29 19.29 0.34 0.34 7.2 1305

91 Page 4 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91

Fig. 2  Boundary conditions

and loading on the RVE of
CNT-polymer nanocomposites
to obtain the mechanical proper-

and lower sides are constrained in the x and y , respectively, Too, C3D4 element that is a 4-node linear tetrahedron ele-
and the strain (𝜀A) of 0.01 is imposed to the upper side. By ment has been utilized to mesh the projectile.
calculating the boundary reaction force and determining the
stress value (𝜎A), the effective elastic modulus of the nano-
composite RVE ( ENC ) is achieved by the Hooke’s law as 4 Results and discussion
ENC = . (1) The predictions of the micromechanical FEM are compared
with the available test results of the elastic modulus of
The Poisson’s ratio of the nanocomposite RVE ( vNC ) is CNT-reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites [44]. López
calculated as Manchado et al. [44] evaluated the elastic modulus of CNT-
polypropylene nanocomposites with uniform dispersion of
single-walled CNTs. So, the FEM predictions are compared
vNC = − . (2)
𝜀A with experimental results measured by López Manchado
In the meshing of nanocomposite RVE, 8-node biquad- et al. [44]. Figure 3 shows this comparison. The normalized
ratic plane stress quadrilateral elements are used. A simi- elastic modulus of polypropylene nanocomposites versus
lar procedure is again performed for the CF/CNT-polymer the CNT concentration in the range of 0–0.5 vol% is plot-
composite RVE (Fig. 1c) to obtain the mechanical properties ted. Note that the nanocomposite elastic modulus is normal-
of hybrid composite. It is worth mentioning that for each ized with respect to matrix elastic modulus. The constituent
reinforcement type, the results are determined using average properties of the nanocomposite are tabulated in Table 2
values of five analyses with different random microstructures [45]. The aspect ratio (length/diameter) of CNTs has been
so as to decrease the effect of chance as a result of random considered to be equal to 100 [44, 45]. It can be perceived
dispersion on the final predictions. The density of hybrid that good agreement exists between two sets of results. The
composite is achieved by the rule of mixture method.
Experiment [44]
Normalized elastic modulus

3 Impact analysis using FEM

The selected structure in this research is CF/CNT-polyimide

hybrid composite plate with the length a, width b and thick-
ness h under a spherical projectile. The finite element analy- 1.12
sis in the current research has been carried out by means of
commercial software ABAQUS package. More information 1
about the impact analysis can be found in the available litera- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
ture [41–43]. For the meshing of the hybrid composite plate, CNT volume fraction (%)
C3D8R element has been used which is an 8-node linear
brick, reduced integration element with hourglass control. Fig. 3  Comparison between the FEM predictions and experimental
data [44] of elastic modulus of polypropylene nanocomposites

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91 Page 5 of 12 91

Table 2  Material properties of single-walled CNT and polypropylene 2.8

[45] Experiment [23]

Material Young’s modulus Poisson’s ratio FEM

Elastic modulus (GPa)

Single-wall CNT 2520 0.25
polypropylene 0.855 0.43 2.2

reinforcing influence of CNT is very significant, and as the 1.8

CNT volume fraction increases, the nanocomposite Young’s 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
modulus enhances quickly. CNT weight fraction (%)
Now, the predicted results of the FEM are compared with
the experimental outcomes of elastic modulus of chopped Fig. 4  Comparison between the FEM predictions and experimental
CF/CNT-reinforced epoxy hybrid composites [23]. This data [23] of elastic modulus of chopped CF/CNT-reinforced epoxy
hybrid composites
comparison is made to further verify the validity of the pre-
sent FEM. The material properties of the reinforcements and
epoxy matrix are given in Table 3 [23, 46]. The aspect ratios both contact force and center deflection. A reason of the
of CF and CNT are 100 and 50, respectively [23]. The com- difference between the results might be primarily because
parison between the results of the present FEM and experi- of employing different plate theories.
ment [23] is shown in Fig. 4. According to Ref. [23], the After addressing the validity of the present FEM, some
FEM is used to calculate the elastic modulus of the hybrid parametric studies are accomplished to display the influences
composites with 1 wt.% chopped CF and different contents of different factors on the dynamic response of chopped CF/
of CNTs. Up to 0.3 wt.% CNT, good correlation between the CNT-reinforced polyimide hybrid composite plates under
numerical and experimental results exists which confirms low velocity impact. As mentioned earlier, the constituent
the effectiveness and rationality of the proposed numeri- properties of the hybrid composite are given in Table 1.
cal model. It is illustrated that higher content of CNT can Also, the aspect ratios of CF and CNT are selected to be 10
decrease the Young’s modulus of hybrid composites owing and 100, respectively The projectile is a steel sphere ( Ei =
to the CNT agglomeration. But, agglomeration state is not 207 GPa, vi = 0.3, 𝜌i=7960 kg/m3) with a radius of = 40 mm.
considered in the present FEM. Therefore, the predicted The initial velocity of projectile is chosen to be equal to
graph increases continuously with the rise of CNT content. 1 m/s. The square plate in-plane dimensions are a = b =
Because no data exist for the low velocity impact of 500 mm, and its thickness is considered to be 10 mm. It is
hybrid composite plates in the literature consequently, the assumed that the hybrid composite plate to be under fully
FEM results are compared with those of other available solu- clamped boundary condition and the impact occurs exactly
tions for the mechanical behavior on a clamped square iso- in its center.
tropic plate under low velocity impact [42]. It may confirm The effects of volume fraction (VF) of reinforcements,
the accuracy of the present numerical model. A plate made including chopped CF and CNT on the dynamic behavior
of Al material ( E = 69 GPa, v = 0.33, 𝜌=2700 kg/m3) with of hybrid composite plate under low velocity impact, are
length a = b = 500 mm and thickness h = 10 mm has been shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Figure 6a–c shows the contact force
chosen [42]. The Al plate is under a spherical steel projectile as a function of time for three different volume fractions of
( Ei = 207 GPa, vi = 0.3, 𝜌i=7960 kg/m3) with a diameter CNT, including 1, 2 and 3%, respectively. Also, the FEM
of 40 mm. The velocity of projectile is 0.3 m/s [42]. Note predictions are provided for four different volume fractions
that the impact exactly occurs in the center of the Al plate. of CF, including 0, 5, 10 and 15%. Figure 7 indicates the
The time histories of plate/projectile contact force and plate time history of center deflection of hybrid composite plate.
center deflection are illustrated in Fig. 5a, b, respectively. It can be noticed from Figs. 6 and 7 that a greater value of
Good agreement is found between two sets of results for reinforcement volume fraction causes a larger peak contact

Table 3  Material properties Material EL (GPa) ET (GPa) vL vT GL (GPa) ρ (Kg/m3)

of multi-walled CNT, CF and
epoxy [23, 46] CF 294 18.5 0.27 0.3 25 1800
CNT 800 50 0.162 0.47 442 1700
Epoxy 1.75 1.75 0.35 0.35 0.648 1100

91 Page 6 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91

Fig. 5  Comparison of the a contact force and b center deflection of Al plate

Fig. 6  Effect of volume fractions of reinforcements on the time history of contact force for a 1 vol.% CNT, b 2 vol.% CNT and c 3 vol.% CNT

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91 Page 7 of 12 91

Fig. 7  Effect of volume fractions of reinforcements on the time history of hybrid composite plate center deflection for a 1 vol.% CNT, b 2 vol.%
CNT and c 3 vol.% CNT

force, lower center deflection and shorter contact time. It The contact force and center deflection time histories
is due to the increase in hybrid composite stiffness by the of the hybrid composite structure have been presented in
increase in volume fractions of chopped CF or CNT. Fig. 9a, b, respectively, for different values of interphase
Now, to investigate the effect of interphase size on the elastic modulus ( Ei ). The change of interphase material
low velocity impact behavior of hybrid composite plate con- properties insignificant effects on the mechanical behav-
taining multiscale reinforcements, three cases are examined ior of the hybrid composite structures under low velocity
such that in each case the thickness of interphase layer ( t ) impacts.
is different. Figure 8a, b shows the contact force and center The effect of thickness of the hybrid composite plate (h )
deflection time histories of the composite plate, respectively. on the contact force–time and center deflection time curves
The results are provided as the interphase thickness is equal is depicted in Fig. 10a, b, respectively. The impact analysis
to 0.333, 0.666 and 0.999 nm. It is evident from Fig. 8a that of the hybrid composite structures exposes that the plate
the peak contact force increases as the interphase thickness thickness has considerable effects on the low velocity impact
increases. Also, the numerical results of Fig. 8b show that response. It can be observed from Fig. 10a that increasing
the center deflection of a hybrid composite plate has been plate thickness leads to a significant increase in contact force
reduced by increasing the interphase thickness. This trend between the target plate and projectile. The impact duration
can be expected, since the increase in interphase thickness and center deflection of the hybrid composite plates remark-
leads to an enhancement in the elastic modulus of the hybrid ably decrease by increasing the plate thickness as shown in
composite. Fig. 10b.

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Fig. 8  Effect of interphase thickness on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

Fig. 9  Effect of interphase elastic modulus on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

The square plate with three different dimensions (a × b= 1

kp = mV 2 . (3)
0.5 × 0.5, 0.6 × 0.6 and 0.7 × 0.7 m) is analyzed mainly 2
to explore the role of plate dimensions on the low veloc-
where m and V are the mass and velocity of impactor.
ity impact behavior. . Figure 11a, b illustrates the contact
The results show that the projectile velocity is a very effec-
force–time and center deflection time curves, respectively,
tive parameter in the dynamic response of hybrid composite
for three different dimensions of hybrid composite plates.
structures. As the velocity of projectile increases, both con-
Now, the effects of projectile velocity on the dynamic
tact force and center deflection increase.
behavior of chopped CF/CNT-reinforced polyimide hybrid
Another case of study is related to examine the role of
composite plates are investigated. Figure 12a, b shows the
projectile radius in the contact force and center deflec-
time histories of contact force and center deflection of the
tion time histories of hybrid composite plates as revealed
hybrid composite plates for three different initial velocities
in Fig. 13a, b, respectively. Dynamic response of hybrid
of projectile, including 0.5, 1 and 1.5 m/s. The impact ener-
composite structures is significantly affected by the change
gies corresponding to these velocities are 0.267, 1.067 and
of projectile radius. It is clear that both the contact force
2.4 j, respectively. The kinematic energy of the impactor can
and plate center deflection increase with the increase in
be obtained by

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91 Page 9 of 12 91

Fig. 10  Effect of plate thickness on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

Fig. 11  Effect of plate dimension on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

projectile radius. Too, an increase in the projectile radius indicates the effect of number of elements of the low velocity
yields in extending the impact duration. impact model on the first peak contact force and maximum
A sensitivity study is conducted to probe the influence of center deflection of the hybrid composite plate. It is found
boundary conditions on the low velocity impact behavior of that after a peculiar number of elements, further decrease in
hybrid composite plates. Figure 14a, b exhibits the contact mesh size insignificantly affects the impact response of hybrid
force and center deflection time histories of the structure, composite plates. Generally, the size of elements in all calcula-
respectively. The predictions of the numerical model are tions is selected small enough such that further reduction in the
presented for two boundary conditions, including simply element size does not affect the structural responses.
(SSSS) and clamped (CCCC) configurations.
The mesh size can affect the mechanical behaviors of
the composite structures. Thus, the effects of mesh size of 5 Conclusions
hybrid composite RVE and plate impact model are inves-
tigated. Table 4 shows the effect of number of composite The dynamic response of chopped CF/CNT-reinforced
RVE elements on the first peak contact force and maximum polymer hybrid composite plates was investigated by the
center deflection of the hybrid composite plate. Also, Table 5 finite element approach. First, the mechanical properties

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Fig. 12  Effect of projectile velocity on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

Fig. 13  Effect of projectile radius on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

of the hybrid composites were obtained using multi-step • With increase in the volume fraction of both rein-
FEM. Then, the mechanical behavior of the hybrid com- forcements (CNT or CF), the contact force increases
posite structures under low velocity impacts was studied. and both plate center deflection and impact duration
We can draw the following conclusions: decrease.
• Increase in interphase thickness causes an increase in
• Good match was obtained between the numerical pre- the contact force and a reduction in plate center deflec-
dictions and excremental data for mechanical properties tion.
of the hybrid composites. Also, the accuracy of numeri- • Both contact force and center deflection of hybrid com-
cal approach for the low velocity impact response was posite structures increase by increasing the impactor
verified. radius and initial velocity.
• Adding CNTs into the chopped CF-reinforced compos- • Increase in the hybrid composite plate thickness can
ites causes an increase in the peak contact force and a lead to the increase in peak contact force, and the
reduction in both plate center deflection and impact reduction in both center deflection and contact time.

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021) 43:91 Page 11 of 12 91

Fig. 14  Effect of boundary conditions on the a contact force and b center deflection of the hybrid composite plate

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