Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma
Edited by
Demetrios Demetriades MD PhD FACS
Professor of Surgery at the University of Southern California, and Director of Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care at the
Los Angeles County and University of Southern California Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA
Information on this title:
© Cambridge University Press 2015
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First published 2015
Printed in the United Kingdom by Bell and Bain Ltd
A catalog record for this publication is available from the British
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data
Atlas of surgical techniques in trauma / edited by Demetrios
Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, George Velmahos.
p. ; cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-107-04459-3 (Hardback)
I. Demetriades, Demetrios, 1951– , editor. II. Inaba, Kenji, editor.
III. Velmahos, George C., editor.
[DNLM: 1. Wounds and Injuries–surgery–Atlases. WO 517]
617.044–dc23 2014023642
ISBN 978-1-107-04459-3 Hardback
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To my parents, wife Susie and son Koji, thank you for all of your support.
K. Inaba
List of contributors
The aim of this Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma is to What makes this atlas unique is the use of images obtained
provide a valuable companion in the operating room to the from fresh, perfused, and ventilated human cadavers. Many
surgeons who provide care to the injured. It is designed to be a hundreds of hours were spent in the USC Fresh Tissue Dissec-
rapid, highly visual summary of the critical anatomy, proced- tion Lab for this project. The critical aspects of each surgical
ural sequencing, and pitfalls associated with these procedures, exposure and procedure are clearly demonstrated in these
ideal for trainees as well as for those in practice, as a rapid high-fidelity models, allowing the reader to rapidly understand
review of both common and uncommonly performed proced- the technical key points, which are often difficult to convey
ures prior to proceeding to the operating room. using words alone. The extensive real-world clinical experience
The atlas is organized into chapters and sections according of the editors and senior authors in managing complex injuries
to anatomical areas. It includes more than 630 high-quality at large trauma centers, combined with these high-quality
photographs and illustrations and is written in a reader- operative photos and technical illustrations make this atlas an
friendly format, which includes practical surgical anatomy, important tool in the armamentarium of the practicing
general principles, exposure, definitive management, and tech- surgeon.
nical tips and pitfalls. It guides the surgeon, step by step,
through the entire procedure, from incision to closure. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos
The editors and authors greatly acknowledge the major contri- with the anatomical dissections and photos in the Fresh Tissue
butions of Alexis Demetriades, Scientific Illustrator; Michael Dissection Lab.
Minneti and Andrew Cervantes for coordinating and helping
A contemporary focused Atlas of surgical techniques in standardized material that is easily remembered and recalled
trauma has been a much needed adjunct to the didactic text- because of its unique presentation.
books, conferences and symposia, and other instructional Finally, any user of this atlas must grant me some moments
material available in the field of acute care surgery and trauma. of historic reflection and confession. Although I spent much of
Although adjunctive descriptors have been part of many my medical school days trying to impress by taking detailed
monographs and formal textbooks on the subject of trauma lecture notes, subscribing to and “fake reading” the New Eng-
techniques, this unique atlas will significantly aid all who care land Journal of Medicine, buying the recommended detailed
for injured patients. long textbooks on the subject de jour, and trying to remain
This book is Unique in a number of aspects. It is a work awake in my usual seat in the third row of the lecture room,
product of a single group of physicians who are, or have been my medical school and residency life suddenly became pro-
in the past, in the faculty of a single institution with a singular ductively alive when I discovered the Surgical Technique atlases
approach to most operative techniques in this field. The sur- in the library. I avidly consumed these books. They were
geons in this institution, Los Angeles County & Southern always huge and could not easily be carried around, but I
California Medical Center in Los Angeles, also have integrated managed to do just that. Becoming a surgical resident, I
their educational material using human cadaver material in a purchased and still own the (“big names”) popular surgical
standardized and innovative approach. The cadaver anatomic technique atlases of the day (1967–1971). As the big names
material is correlated in a standardized manner, facilitating an stopped producing new atlases with their wonderful artwork,
appreciation of the dynamics of exposure, control, and man- they became historic memories on the shelves of my office. For
agement. Anatomic drawings benefit the detailed learner decades, I could find no quality renewals or replacements.
during course instruction as well as the surgeon seeking Now, with this well-organized, standardized, focused Atlas of
rapid review at the time of an urgent operation. Once the Surgical Techniques in Trauma, those experiences no longer
reader recognizes the standardized approach to teaching, pro- will be mere memories. Thank you, Demetrios and your won-
gressing through any chapter or subject in the atlas is quick derful team of artists, pathologists, and surgeons for this beau-
and easy. This atlas material is also very amenable to small tiful and innovative atlas and for the incredible learning
portable electronic devices, allowing a ready source for anat- experience it will give all caring for injured patients.
omy correlations, exposure recommendations, and reconstruc-
tion details – anywhere and at any time. Kenneth L. Mattox, MD, FACS
This Atlas is Not simply a collection of drawings. It is an Distinguished Service Professor Baylor College of Medicine
Atlas textbook of techniques. It is a philosophy of surgical Chief of Staff/Chief of Surgery
approaches – “a recipe.” It is the type of book that would/ Ben Taub General Hospital
should have been shared with the learner by his/her mentor Houston
very early on. It is like bedtime reading – to be enthusiastically
rendered to an enthusiastic recipient. It is the type of
Section 1 Operating Room General Conduct
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 1: Operating Room General Conduct
Setup and equipment standard suture tree including sternal closure wires,
vascular sutures, and liver sutures
Nursing staff should be regularly in-serviced about the
trauma room setup, supplies, and common practices such adult and pediatric code cart
as massive transfusion to minimize problems due to service high volume suction canister and device
line cross-coverage. tourniquets
While all attempts should be made to count instruments endotracheal tube occluders
and ensure a correct final count, this may be postponed in rigid sigmoidoscope, bronchoscope, gastroscope
life-threatening or damage control situations. Radio- portable fluoroscopy and personnel shielding devices
frequency ID device embedded laparotomy sponges are a should be immediately available for use in the OR
useful adjunct to these emergency situations. an electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing system device
(LigaSure device) is desirable.
The following should be readily available:
instrument trays including laparotomy, sternotomy with Warming
pneumatic sternal saw, thoracotomy, emergency airway, Due to the large surface area exposed, trauma patients are
amputation, and peripheral vascular susceptible to hypothermia.
a wide selection of vascular shunts, catheters, vascular The room should not be cold.
conduits, chest tubes, drains, staplers, local hemostatic Forced air blankets should be used.
agents, advanced thermal cutting devices, and temporary Warmed intravenous fluids should be available at all times.
abdominal closure supplies All irrigation fluids should be warmed.
Chapter 1. Trauma operating room
A type and screen should be sent immediately to the
laboratory upon patient arrival to the emergency
Emergency release products (uncross-matched O or O+
packed red blood cells as well as thawed AB or low titer
A plasma) should be readily available in the emergency
department and in the operating room.
A rapid transfusion device should be available.
Section 2 Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
(a) (b)
Thyroid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage Cricothyroid muscles
Cricothyroid muscle
Cricoid Trachea
Cricothyroid membrane
Fig. 2.1(a), (b). Anatomy of the cricothyroid space. The cricothyroid space includes the inferior border of the thyroid cartilage and the superior rim of the cricoid
arch that are connected by the cricothyroid membrane, and are partially covered by the cricothyroid muscles.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the ER
Special instruments
The open cricothyrotomy instrument set should include
endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes (size 6 French),
Thyroid cartilage
scalpel, tracheal hook, Senn retractors, Kelly clamp,
Cricothyroid space Metzenbaum scissors, and forceps.
Cricoid Suction with an endoluminal suction catheter
Alternatively, commercially available percutaneous
Suprasternal notch cricothyrotomy sets can also be used.
End-tidal CO2 detector should be available.
Adequate lighting.
Fig. 2.2(a). Surface anatomy of the cricothyroid space. The cricothyroid
space includes the inferior border of the thyroid cartilage and the superior rim (a)
of the cricoid arch. In adults the cricothyroid membrane is about 1 cm in height
and about 2–3 cm wide.
Suprasternal notch
Fig. 2.3(a). Open cricothyrotomy instrument set should include endotracheal
and tracheostomy tubes, scalpel, tracheal hook (A), Senn retractors (B), Kelly
clamp, Metzenbaum scissors, and forceps.
General principles
Cricothyrotomy is indicated in patients requiring emergent
airway management who cannot be intubated by the oral or
nasal route, and cannot be oxygenated with alternative rescue
techniques such as the Laryngeal mask airway, or Combitube.
Severe maxillofacial trauma, or edema of the glottis are
common conditions requiring cricothyrotomy.
Cricothyrotomy is relatively contraindicated in patients
under 8 years of age, because of the small size of the
cricothyroid membrane and propensity to develop post-
procedure stenosis. In these pediatric patients, needle jet Fig. 2.3(b). Commercial percutaneous cricothyrotomy set.
Chapter 2. Cricothyrotomy
(a) (b)
Suprasternal notch
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 2.5(a)–(f). Technique of percutaneous cricothyrotomy. The finder needle attached to a saline-filled syringe is inserted into the cricothyroid
membrane, directed caudally at a 45o angle to avoid puncturing the posterior wall of the trachea. The needle and syringe are removed, leaving the small
catheter in place. The guidewire is advanced through the catheter, and the catheter is removed once the guidewire is in place (b) and (c). The assembled dilator
and airway catheter are inserted together, over the guidewire, into the trachea (d); the guidewire and dilator are removed once the airway tube has been secured (e);
airway cannula in place (f).
Chapter 2. Cricothyrotomy
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.6(a). Technique of open cricothyrotomy. The trachea is immobilized Fig. 2.6(b). A horizontal incision is made through the cricothyroid membrane
with the non-dominant hand. A 3-cm midline vertical skin incision is performed to enter the trachea. This incision should be made in the lower half of the
over the cricothyroid membrane. cricothyroid membrane, along the superior border of the cricoid cartilage, in
order to avoid injuring the cricothyroid artery.
(c) (d)
Chest HEAD
Fig. 2.6(c), (d). Following entry into the trachea, a tracheal hook is placed at the edge of the thyroid cartilage (arrow), and firm retraction is applied upward and
toward the head (c). Alternatively, the tracheal hook may be placed inferiorly, on the cricoid ring with traction toward the patient’s chest (d). The skin incision is
retracted laterally, with Senn retractors.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the ER
Fig. 2.6(e), (f). Insertion of the airway cannula in a caudal direction. Airway
access is obtained, and appropriate location of the airway cannula is ensured
with end-tidal CO2.
Chapter 2. Cricothyrotomy
Tips and pitfalls cartilage with a tracheal hook and direct visualization of
tube entry into the airway.
A cricothyrotomy may be a difficult procedure in patients
The thyrohyoid space may be mistaken for the cricothyroid
with a short and thick neck.
space and the tube is inserted too high. In order to avoid
In obese patients, it is often difficult to palpate the this complication, both the thyroid cartilage and cricoid
cricothyroid space. In these cases, the cricothyroid membrane
ring should be clearly identified.
is usually located four finger breadths above the suprasternal
Posterior tracheal wall perforation is a serious
notch (the “four fingers” trick). Once the skin incision is
complication. Avoid pushing any instruments or the tube
made, the underlying structures become easier to palpate.
in the anteroposterior direction. Instead, follow the
Reduce the risk of bleeding from the anterior jugular veins direction of the trachea.
by performing a vertical skin incision.
Cricothyrotomy can be utilized in adults for prolonged
If the skin incision is too low, the thyroid isthmus is in the airway access with a low incidence of subglottic stenosis.
way and its division may cause bleeding.
The authors do not advocate routine conversion of a
An insufficient skin incision is often the primary cricothyrotomy to a tracheostomy.
obstruction to smooth insertion of the tube into the airway.
In pediatric patients consider using needle jet insufflation
Incorrect placement of the tube into the subcutaneous rather than cricothyrotomy.
tissues can be mitigated by immobilization of the thyroid
Section 2 Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
The patient should be placed in the supine position with the
arm abducted at 90 degrees and elbow fully extended or flexed
at 90 degrees cephalad. Adduction and internal rotation of the
arm is a suboptimal position and should not be used.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 3. Thoracostomy tube insertion
Open technique
Usual thoracostomy tube sizes for adults are 28–32 Fr;
there is no advantage to using larger tubes. For pediatric
cases, refer to the Broselow tape. Fig. 3.2. Preparation of the chest tube: the tube is grasped with a clamp
After local anesthetic is injected in the skin, soft tissue, and through its distal fenestration. The distal end of the tube (left) is clamped to
along the periosteum, a 1.5–2.0 cm incision is made avoid splashing of blood.
through the skin and subcutaneous fat. The greater the soft
tissue thickness, the longer the skin incision should be. An
inadequate incision can compromise safe and accurate
placement in the obese patient.
A Kelly forceps is used to enter the pleural cavity.
Dissection should be kept close to the upper edge of the rib
to avoid injury to the intercostal vessels. The Kelly forceps
is inserted into the pleural cavity in a controlled manner to HEAD
avoid injury to the intrathoracic organs.
There is no need for subcutaneous tunneling as it is painful
and does not reduce the risk of empyema or air leak.
A finger should be inserted into the pleural cavity, and
swept 360 degrees to evaluate for adhesions and avoid
intrapulmonary placement of the tube.
The tube is grasped with a clamp through its distal
fenestration. The distal end of the tube is clamped to avoid
uncontrolled drainage of blood. The tube is firmly inserted Fig. 3.3. A 1.5–2.0 cm incision is made through the skin and subcutaneous fat,
into the pleural cavity. As soon as it enters the cavity, the in the fourth or fifth intercostal space at the mid axillary line.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.4(a),(b). Kelly forceps are used to enter the pleural cavity just over the top of the rib. Spreading of the subcutaneous fat and tissue occurs as the Kelly clamp is
withdrawn from the pleural cavity.
Fig. 3.6(a),(b). The tube is grasped with a Kelly clamp through its distal
fenestration and is firmly forced into the pleural cavity.
Fig. 3.5. Digital exploration of the pleural cavity to rule out adhesions.
Fig. 3.6(c). When the tip of the tube enters the cavity, the clamp is released
and withdrawn, while the tube is advanced in a twisting fashion towards the
Fig. 3.6(a),(b). (cont.) apex and posteriorly.
Chapter 3. Thoracostomy tube insertion
Percutaneous technique
Less painful than the open technique.
After infiltrating the area with local anesthetic, an
introducer needle attached to a syringe with sterile saline is
inserted into the chest cavity. Insert close to the upper Fig. 3.7. A percutaneous chest tube tray.
Fig. 3.8. The percutaneous dilational insertion of chest tube utilizes the Seldinger guidewire technique with progressive dilation.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
Fig. 3.9. The step-by-step insertion of a percutaneous chest tube by the dilational technique: photograph of the external portion of procedure (a), illustration (b),
thoracoscopic view (c). The introducer needle with a syringe with saline is used to confirm entrance into the thorax with the return of blood or air bubbles. It is
inserted in the fourth or fifth intercostal space, just above the rib to avoid injury to the neurovascular bundle.
Fig. 3.10. A guidewire is inserted through the introducer needle and the needle is removed.
Fig. 3.11. Using the Seldinger technique, the tract is sequentially dilated after making a small skin incision for the tube.
Fig. 3.12. The tube is passed into the thoracic cavity over the guidewire.
Chapter 3. Thoracostomy tube insertion
Fig. 3.13. Final position of the tube after removal of the guidewire.
Removal of the chest tube trocar is associated with an increased risk of injury. Digital
exploration of the pleura to rule out adhesions reduces the
The chest tube can be removed once there is no air leak and risk of lung injury.
the output is less than 200 mL per day. The duration of the
Iatrogenic injuries to the diaphragm, liver, or the spleen
chest tube is an independent risk factor for empyema.
may occur if the tube is placed too low. Avoid this serious
The tube can be safely removed at maximal deep complication by staying at or above the fourth or fifth
inspiration or expiration.
intercostal space.
Tube misplacement is another common complication.
Autotransfusion Insertion of the tube too far into the pleural cavity may
Blood autotransfusion is fast, inexpensive relative to result in kinking and poor drainage. In a normal habitus
banked blood product, and simple. It provides the patient adult patient, do not insert the tube beyond 8–10 cm.
with safe, matched, warm blood with coagulant factors. Misplacement of the tube into the subcutaneous tissues is
There are numerous autotransfusion systems available another technical complication, especially in obese
commercially. patients.
It is recommended for use in all patients with chest trauma, Persistent air leaks can be due to technical problems or to
both blunt and penetrating, with large hemothoraces. the injury itself. Make sure that all of the tube perforations
Anticoagulant, citrate 1 mL per 10 mL of blood, can be are located within the chest cavity and that the incision
used, but is not absolutely necessary. It should be added to around the tube is tightly sealed. All connections should be
the connection with the chest tube. taped. If there are no technical problems, the differential
diagnosis should include tracheobronchial injury or
bronchopleural fistula.
Tips and pitfalls Larger size tubes do not drain more effectively. They can be
Technical complications include bleeding secondary to more painful and more difficult to insert. In adults, do not
injury of the intercostal vessels, the lung, heart, diaphragm, exceed size 28–32 Fr. For pneumothoraces, use smaller size
liver, or spleen. Insertion of the tube with the use of a chest tubes.
Section 2 Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 4. ER resuscitative thoracotomy
Fig. 4.1. The emergency room resuscitative thoracotomy tray should include
only the absolutely essential instruments (scalpel, Finochietto retractor, two
Duval lung forceps, two vascular clamps, one long Russian forceps, four
hemostats, one bone cutter, long scissors).
Supine position with the left arm abducted at 90 degrees or
above the head. Antiseptic skin preparation may be performed;
however, rapid entry with release of tamponade and control of
hemorrhage trumps sterility and should take precedence over
meticulous antiseptic precautions. Draping is not required, as
it is time consuming and prevents a global view of the anatomy
and patient condition.
The left anterolateral incision is the standard incision for
resuscitative thoracotomy. It provides good exposure to the
heart and the left lung and allows cross-clamping of the
thoracic aorta. If necessary, it can be extended as a
clamshell incision into the right chest through a mirror
incision and division of the sternum.
The incision is performed through the fourth to
fifth intercostal space, at the nipple line in males or
infra-mammary fold in females. It starts at the left
parasternal border and ends at the sheets on the gurney.
Follow the curve of the ribs by aiming towards the
axilla. The pectoralis major and pectoralis minor are
encountered and divided in the anterior part of the
incision and the serratus anterior in the posterior part
of the incision.
The intercostal muscles are divided close to the superior Fig. 4.2(a),(b). The resuscitative thoracotomy incision is placed just below
the nipple in males or in the infra-mammary crease in females (through the
border of the rib, in order to avoid the neurovascular fourth to fifth intercostal space). It starts at the left parasternal border and
bundle, and the pleural cavity is entered with the use of extends to the mid-axillary line, with a direction toward the axilla.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
(a) (b)
Pectoralis minor m
Fifth rib
(c) (d)
Left axilla
Diaphragm Left phrenic nerve
Fig. 4.3(a)–(d). Division of the pectoralis major and the underlying pectoralis minor muscles. The intercostal muscles are divided at the superior border of the
rib with scissors, taking care to avoid injury to the lung. A Finochietto retractor is placed, and the left lung and the heart are exposed. The left lower lobe of the lung
is grasped with Duval forceps and retracted towards the patient’s head and laterally to improve the exposure of the heart and the thoracic aorta.
In some patients with injuries to the right chest or the heavy scissors into a symmetrical right thoracotomy.
upper mediastinal vessels, a clamshell incision may be During the division of the sternum, both internal
needed for bleeding control and improved exposure. mammary arteries are transected, and clamping or ligation
The left thoracotomy incision is extended through a should be performed after restoration of cardiac activity
transverse division of the sternum with a bone cutter or and circulation.
Chapter 4. ER resuscitative thoracotomy
(a) (b)
Gunshot wound
Divided sternum
Fig. 4.4(a),(b). Clamshell incision: the left thoracotomy incision is extended through a transverse division of the sternum into a symmetrical right thoracotomy.
It provides good exposure of the anterior aspect of the heart, the superior mediastinal vessels, and both lungs.
Procedure The left phrenic nerve is identified along the lateral surface
of the pericardium. In the absence of cardiac tamponade,
After entering the left pleural cavity, any free blood is
the pericardium is grasped with two hemostats anterior to
evacuated and any obvious significant bleeding from the
the nerve and a small incision is made. However, in the
lung or thoracic vessels is controlled, initially by direct
presence of tamponade the pericardium is tense and it may
pressure, and subsequently with a vascular clamp.
be difficult to apply a hemostat. In these cases a small
The next step is to open the pericardium to release any pericardiotomy is performed with a scalpel and the
tamponade, repair any cardiac injury and perform direct pericardium is then opened longitudinally and parallel to
cardiac resuscitation with cardiac massage, defibrillation, the phrenic nerve.
and the intracardiac injection of medication.
(a) (b)
Phrenic nerve
Opened pericardium
Diaphragm Diaphragm
Fig. 4.5(a)–(c). The phrenic nerve is seen on the lateral border of the pericardium and should be protected. The pericardium is opened in front
and parallel to the nerve.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
Repaired cardiac
Phrenic nerve
Left diaphragm
Chapter 4. ER resuscitative thoracotomy
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.7(a),(b). In some cases with small cardiac wounds, temporary bleeding control may be achieved by inserting and inflating a Foley catheter.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
Fig. 4.8. Technique of internal cardiac massage: the heart is held between the
two palms, squeezing from the apex towards the base of the heart.
Left diaphragm
Fig. 4.9. Internal defibrillation: the two internal cardiac paddles are placed on
the anterior and posterior walls of the heart.
Epicardial pacing
Intraoperative and early postoperative temporary
epicardial pacing should be considered in patients with
Fig. 4.10(a). The pacing wires are usually placed on the upper part of the
arrhythmias, in order to improve haemodynamic function anterior wall of the right ventricle, with the second wire about 1 cm below the
and suppress tachyarrhythmias. first (circle). Note repair of penetrating cardiac wound (box).
Chapter 4. ER resuscitative thoracotomy
(b) (c)
Fig. 4.10(b). The pacing wires are brought out through the skin and
connected to the pacer.
Aortic cross-clamping
The most accessible site of the thoracic aorta for cross-
clamping is approximately 2–4 cm above the diaphragm. The
left lower lobe of the lung is grasped and retracted upwards
with a Duval clamp in order to improve the exposure of the
aorta. In cardiac arrest the aorta is collapsed and might be
difficult to distinguish from the esophagus. The aorta is the
first structure felt while sliding the fingers along the left pos-
terior wall towards the spine. The esophagus is more anterior Fig. 4.10(c). Cardiac pacer: the usual settings of the pacer are: heart rate
70–90 per minute and V output 10 mA.
and medial. The inferior pulmonary ligament may be divided
to improve exposure. The mediastinal pleura over the aorta is
then incised with long scissors and a vascular clamp is applied.
The dissection of the aorta should be kept to a minimum
seen in the coronary veins. In these cases control of the source
because of the risk of avulsion of the intercostal arteries. The
of the air should be obtained immediately, followed by needle
aortic clamp is removed as soon as the cardiac activity returns
aspiration of the air from the ventricles.
and the carotid pulse is palpable.
Section 2: Resuscitative Procedures in the Emergency Room
(a) (c)
Retracted left
lower lobe
Thoracic aorta
Thoracic aorta Diaphragm
Thoracic aorta
between the index finger and the thumb. A vascular clamp can
replace the digital compression.
Hilar twist
This is an alternative approach to the digital or clamp occlu-
sion of the hilum. The inferior pulmonary ligament, which is a
double layer of pleura joining the lower lobe of the lung to the
Fig. 4.12. Air embolism with air bubbles in the coronary vessels. This
mediastinum and the medial part of the diaphragm, is divided, complication should be suspected in injuries to the low-pressure cardiac
taking care to avoid injury to the inferior pulmonary vein. chambers, the lung, or major veins.
Chapter 4. ER resuscitative thoracotomy
Incision closure and poor exposure of the upper part of the heart, (b) the
incision does not follow the curve of the ribs, (c) division of
The thoracotomy incision should be closed in the operating the intercostal muscles with the scalpel with the potential
room, as described in Chapter 14.
for injury to the underlying inflated lung, (d) injury to the
Damage control with temporary closure of the left internal mammary artery if the incision is too close to
thoracotomy incision should be considered in patients with the sternum, which can be especially problematic if not
persistent arrhythmias or who are at high risk for cardiac immediately recognized.
arrest during the ICU phase of resuscitation. In these cases
Common errors during aortic cross-clamping include (a)
immediate access to the heart for cardiac massage may be
clamping the esophagus (the aorta is the first structure felt
life-saving. Temporary incision closure is best achieved
while sliding the fingers along the left posterior wall
with the VAC technique.
towards the spine); a nasogastric tube may help in
identifying the esophagus, which is anteromedial to the
Tips and pitfalls aorta, (b) injury to the esophagus, (c) avulsion of
Common errors with the incision include (a) low incision intercostal arteries, and (d) attempting to clamp a collapsed
with an increased risk of injury to the elevated diaphragm aorta without any pleural dissection.
Section 3 Head
5 catheter
Howard Belzberg and Matthew D. Tadlock
Surgical anatomy Another useful point for the insertion of the catheter is the
Keens point, which is about 2.5 cm posterior and superior
The intracranial pressure can be monitored via a catheter to the top of the ear.
placed in one of the lateral ventricles, or with devices placed
intracranially, in the subarachnoid, subdural or epidural
spaces or in the brain parenchyma.
Intraventricular Subdural
Kocher’s point
Midpupilllary midline
Ventricle Fig. 5.2. Identification of the Kocher’s point (red X) for insertion of the ICP
monitor: Mid pupillary line, about 2 cm anterior to the coronal line.
Fig. 5.1. The intracranial pressure can be monitored via a catheter placed in
one of the lateral ventricles, or with devices placed in the epidural, subdural, or
subarachnoid spaces, or in the brain parenchyma.
General principles
The ICP monitor should be placed in the non- Insertion of ICP catheter may be performed in the
dominant hemisphere (right hemisphere in right-handed operating room, emergency room, or intensive care unit.
people). Avoid ICP placement if the INR is >1.5.
The Kocher’s point is the external skin landmark for the The Brain Trauma Foundation recommends intracranial
insertion point of the catheter; at this point, the device pressure (ICP) monitoring in salvageable victims of
insertion avoids the bridging veins, the superior sagittal traumatic brain injury (TBI) with a Glasgow Coma Score
sinus, and the motor strip, and allows the placement of the (GCS) of 8 or less and an abnormal head computed
catheter in the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle. Kocher’s tomography (CT) scan. With a normal CT scan, ICP
point is at the mid pupillary line (2–3 cm lateral to midline monitoring is recommended after TBI in patients with two
or the sagittal line) and 2 cm anterior to the coronal suture. of the following criteria: (1) age over 40, (2) motor
The coronal suture is about 11–12 cm from the base of posturing (unilateral or bilateral) (3) systolic blood
the nose. pressure < 90 mm Hg.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 3: Head
Subarachnoid bolt
The subarachnoid screw or bolt allows for continuous
fluid coupled ICP monitoring within the subarachnoid Bolt
Epidural or subdural ICP monitor drill bit
These are the least accurate of the ICP monitors. Subdural
monitors utilize fluid coupled, fiber optic transducers.
Epidural monitors utilize either a fluid coupled or fiber
optic tip catheter.
Infection risk is lower with intraparenchymal monitors Fig. 5.3(b). Additional components required to place a subarachnoid bolt.
than with EVD. Note that the smaller drill bit comes with the bolt kit.
Chapter 5. Intracranial pressure monitoring
Patient position then made down to the bone at Kocher’s point, and the
skull is cleared of periosteum.
The patient should be positioned with the head of the bed
A self-retaining retractor (comes with the drill kit) is used
elevated at 30 degrees, with the head immobilized in a
to expose the skull below. Holding the twist drill
neutral position.
perpendicular to the skull, a burr hole is made, penetrating
both the outer and the inner tables of the skull. The stop
guard should be used to prevent accidental entry into the
Procedure brain parenchyma when the inner table of the skull is
Intraventricular ICP monitor breached. A probe/spinal needle is introduced through
the opening to ensure that the drill completely penetrated
Administer adequate analgesia and sedation. the bone. Use saline to irrigate the bone fragments in the
The hair should be clipped around the incision and exit burr hole to expose the dura matter. Using an 11-blade,
sites. Hair should not be shaved due to increased risk of make a small cruciate incision in the dura.
wound infection. The site should be prepared with
antiseptic solution and draped in the standard sterile
surgical fashion. The person performing the procedure (a)
should wear appropriate sterile gown and gloves, surgical FACE
mask, eye protection, and hair covering.
With a marking pen, mark the mid pupillary line (with
forward gaze), the sagittal line (skull midline starting at the
base of the nose), and the coronal suture. The coronal
suture is located at about 11–12 cm from the root of Kocher’s
the nose. Next, identify the Kocher’s point, which is
on the mid pupillary line, about 2 cm in front of the
coronal line.
Sagittal suture
Mid-pupillary line
Kocher’s point
Coronal suture
Fig. 5.4. Kocher’s point is on the mid pupillary line, about 2 cm anterior to the
coronal suture. The coronal suture is about 11–12 cm from the root of the nose.
Section 3: Head
Ipsilateral canthus
Fig. 5.6. Hold the twist drill perpendicular to the skull and make a burr hole,
penetrating both the outer and the inner tables of the skull.
Fig. 5.7. Insert a spinal needle through the burr hole to ensure complete
penetration through the bone.
The ventricular catheter is inserted perpendicular
to the brain parenchyma and aiming towards the inner
canthus of the ipsilateral eye. The catheter is advanced
5–7 cm to enter the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle.
Usually, a “pop” or a “give in” is felt and cerebral spinal
fluid (CSF) is encountered, indicating entry into the
ventricle. If CSF is not encountered, two additional
attempts may be made directing the catheter slightly Fig. 5.9(a),(b). Using a tunneler, the catheter is tunneled through an incision
more medial, either toward the bridge of the nose or to 5 cm posterior to the initial incision. The primary incision is sutured
the inner canthus of the contralateral eye. If no CSF with a running suture.
Chapter 5. Intracranial pressure monitoring
Primary incision
Fig. 5.10. Insertion of a subarachnoid bolt: the twist drill is used to make a
burr hole. Note the smaller drill bit utilized for the subarachnoid screw.
Zero the monitor at the level of external auditory
Subarachnoid bolt
The initial incision is the same as for an EVD or
intraparenchymal monitor, but the bit for the twist drill is
wider. Once the burr hole has been made, make a cruciate Fig. 5.11(a)–(c). The subarachnoid bolt is screwed into place through
incision in the dura and open the arachnoid. The threaded the skull so that it abuts the dura. Then the transducer is placed through
bolt is placed so that it abuts the dura. the bolt.
Section 3: Head
Fig. 5.12. Picture demonstrating the subarachnoid screw dressed with sterile
gauze and attached to the transducer.
Section 3 Head
6 hematomas
Gabriel Zada and Kazuhide Matsushima
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 3: Head
Fig. 6.2(b). Appearance of the intact dura mater after evacuation of the EDH.
Note the fracture of the skull, which was the primary cause of the bleeding.
Dura flap
Scalp flap
Skin hemostatic
Fig. 6.2(a). Appearance of a large epidural hematoma (EDH) after clips
Chapter 6. Acute epidural and subdural hematomas
(b) (b)
Scalp flap
Edge of craniectomy
Fig. 6.3(b). Intraoperative appearance after evacuation of the SDH. Note the
exposed and edematous brain.
Section 3: Head
Indications for surgical intervention (pneumatic) drill, burrs, and Gigli wire saw, or electric
bone saw (craniotome).
The decision for surgical evacuation of an EDH or SDH is
Head lights and surgical loupes are recommended.
typically based on an assessment of a variety of clinical,
systemic, and imaging findings. The neurological Hemostatic products (e.g., oxidized cellulose, gelatin
sponge, etc.).
examination, including the Glasgow coma scale (GCS),
pupillary findings, and motor function is a major
consideration. Systemic considerations may include (a)
restrictions due to polytrauma, hemodynamic instability,
hypocoaguable states, and comorbidities. Other objective
information that weighs on this decision-making process
includes CT imaging findings (i.e., large EDH in a patient
with only headache) and intracranial pressure (ICP)
concerns in patients with ICP monitors.
Medical management in patients with EDH or SDH, and a
concern for elevated ICPs include elevating the head of the
bed, sedation/intubation as needed, mild hyperventilation,
hyperosmolar therapy, reversal of hypocoagulable state,
seizure control, and potentially local or systemic
Surgical evacuation is generally recommended for adult
patients with an EDH volume >30 cm3 on CT scan,
regardless of GCS. In many patients with GCS<9,
anisocoria on pupillary exam, thickness of hematoma
>15 mm, or midline shift >5 mm on CT scan, surgical
evacuation may also be warranted. In pediatric patients Craniotome
with acute EDH, the threshold for surgery is often lower
than in adult patients. Location of the EDH also plays an
important role, with temporal and posterior fossa EDHs
often warranting a lower threshold for evacuation because
of their propensity to cause uncal herniation and
hydrocephalus or brainstem compression, respectively. Perforator
The indication for surgical evacuation of acute SDHs often drill
includes hematoma thickness >10 mm or midline shift Hole-maker
>5 mm on the CT scan (regardless of GCS), anisocoria,
sustained ICP>20 mmHg, or decreased GCS by 2 points
from injury to admission.
Fig. 6.5(a), (b). Essential instruments for craniectomy.
Chapter 6. Acute epidural and subdural hematomas
dissectors Periosteal
clips & appliers
Section 3: Head
Major scalp bleeding is controlled with the electrocautery, muscle are split, and the scalp/temporalis
and Raney clips are applied to achieve hemostasis along the musculocutaneous flap are elevated together to avoid
edge of the scalp incision. The temporalis fascial and injury to the frontalis branch of the facial nerve.
Temporal muscle
Chapter 6. Acute epidural and subdural hematomas
Scalp flap
Behind the zygomatic arch
Temporal squama
Parietal area
Frontal area
Section 3: Head
In patients with localized/confined EDH The pneumatic drill bit stops spinning on penetrating
(i.e., temporal EDH), three burr holes can be the inner table of the skull. A curette or rongeur is used
placed surrounding the confines of the hematoma. to remove the remaining bone fragments.
(In cases of EDH, the hematoma is often The dura is dissected off the inner table of the skull using a
encountered immediately following placement of the Penfield dissector or angled Fukushima instrument to
burr hole.) prevent the violation of the dura and brain tissue
The Burr holes can be created using a hand-held or a underneath. Bony bleeding is controlled with bone wax.
pneumatic drill. The drill is always placed perpendicular to The burr holes are then connected using an air-powered
the skull. bone saw (craniotome). A thin metal strip can be placed
The hand-held drill should be advanced carefully with a between the skull and the dura. The craniotome also has a
pointed bit (first bit) until the inner table is penetrated protective footplate. The bone flap is subsequently removed
and the dura is barely exposed. Then the drill bit with carefully from the underlying dura. Again, great care should
more of a curvature (second/third bit) is used to widen be taken to avoid midline structures (sagittal sinus) with this
the hole. step. The bone flap is preserved in a sterile location.
Chapter 6. Acute epidural and subdural hematomas
Subdural hematoma
Fig. 6.12(b). Exposure of the dura mater after removal of the bone flap.
In patients with EDH, the hematoma can be evacuated at Tips and pitfalls
this time. The offending (bleeding) vessel can be identified
To avoid injury of the superior sagittal sinus or arachnoid
and coagulated at this time. The dura is tacked up to the
granulation by making the burr holes in the frontal and
surrounding bone to prevent reaccumulation of
parietal area, these holes should be created at least 1–2 cm
off the midline.
In cases of SDH, the durotomy is created in a cruciate,
Additional bone removal at the temporal base may be
stellate, or semicircular fashion. The dura is tacked up, and
performed using a single-action or double-action rongeur
the hematoma is evacuated using gentle suction and
to achieve complete decompression of the medial temporal
structures (uncus), ambient cisterns, and brainstem.
Section 3: Head
Chapter 6. Acute epidural and subdural hematomas
To prevent the development or recurrence of EDH A separate drain can be placed underneath the galea as
postoperatively, the dura can be tacked up to the needed. The temporalis fascia is reapproximated.
surrounding bone in a circumferential manner by Following irrigation, closure of scalp proceeds in two layers
drilling small holes in the surrounding bony edges, and (galea aponeurotica, skin).
suturing the dura to these holes using 4–0 Neurilon sutures.
Intracranial cerebral pressure (ICP) monitoring may be a
useful adjunct, and a monitor can be placed (often
contralateral to the operative site) prior to, during, or Tips and pitfalls
following the operation. In cases of significant brain edema, the bone
When indicated, the bone flap is replaced and secured flap should not be replaced (decompressive
using standard bone fixation plates. This is not possible in craniectomy).
the presence of severe brain swelling.
Skull flap
Section 4 Neck
Zone II Zone II
Zone I Zone I
Fig. 7.1. For trauma purposes, the neck is divided into three distinct anatomical zones: Zone I, from the sternal notch to the cricoid cartilage; Zone II, from the
cricoid to the angle of the mandible; Zone III, from the mandible to the base of the skull.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 4: Neck
At the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage Overall, approximately 20% of gunshot wounds and 10% of
the common carotid artery bifurcates into the internal and stab wounds require operation. The remaining patients
external carotid arteries. can be managed non-operatively.
At the level of the angle of the mandible, the internal and Patients with hard signs of vascular injury (pulsatile bleeding,
external carotid arteries are crossed superficially by the large or expanding hematoma, bruit or thrill, and shock)
hypoglossal nerve and the posterior belly of the digastric or aerodigestive tract injury (hemoptysis, hematemesis,
muscle. air bubbling), should proceed directly to the OR.
The external landmark of the pharyngoesophageal and Asymptomatic patients can be observed with local
laryngotracheal junctions is the cricoid cartilage. On wound care. All remaining patients with soft signs of
esophagoscopy, this is located 15 cm from the upper vascular or aerodigestive tract injury should undergo CT
incisor teeth. angiography with the selective use of catheter-based
The inferior border of the middle of the clavicle is the angiography, endoscopy, and contrast swallow for
external landmark for the transition of the subclavian equivocal CT results.
artery to the axillary artery. About 10% of patients with penetrating neck
trauma present with airway compromise due to direct
trauma to the larynx or trachea or due to external
General principles compression by a large hematoma. Airway
establishment can be a difficult and potentially dangerous
Overall, approximately 35% of all gunshot wounds and 20% procedure. The surgeon should be ready to perform a
of stab wounds to the neck result in significant injuries to surgical airway.
vital structures. Transcervical gunshot wounds are associated Bleeding from a deep penetrating injury to
with the highest incidence of significant injuries. the neck may be controlled by direct digital pressure
In penetrating trauma, the most commonly injured in the wound or placement of a Foley catheter
structures are the vessels, followed by the spinal cord, into the wound and inflation of the balloon with
aerodigestive tract, and nerves. sterile water.
(a) (b)
Chapter 7. Neck operations for trauma
(c) (d)
Fig. 7.2(c),(d).
Fig. 7.2(a-d). Bleeding from a deep penetrating injury to the neck may be controlled by placement of a Foley catheter into the wound and inflation of the balloon
with sterile water.
The patient should be in the supine position.
If the cervical spine has been cleared, a roll should be
placed under the shoulders to provide extension of
the neck.
If a sternocleidomastoid incision is planned, the head is
slightly extended with the placement of a shoulder roll and
turned to the opposite side of the injury. For a collar
incision the head is kept in the midline position.
Fig. 7.3(a). Position of patient for a sternocleidomastoid incision: the head is
slightly extended with the placement of a shoulder roll and turned to the
opposite side of the injury.
Section 4: Neck
Fig. 7.3(b). Position of patient for a collar incision: the head is kept in the
midline position and slightly extended with the placement of a shoulder roll.
Special instruments
A rigid or flexible endoscope should be available for
intraoperative esophagoscopy if necessary.
Chapter 7. Neck operations for trauma
Anterior border of
left SCM muscle
Collar incision
The collar incision is made approximately two finger
breadths above the sternal notch, extending to the medial
borders of the sternocleidomastoid muscles.
This is the preferred incision if the injury is central.
It is commonly used for repair of a central airway injury.
When a skin wound exists, it can be incorporated into the
incision. Head
This incision can also be extended to either side.
Clavicular incision
This is the standard incision for the exposure of the
subclavian vessels on both the right and the left. It may
be combined with a median sternotomy, for exposure
of the proximal subclavian vessels or upper mediastinal
vascular structures.
It begins at the sternoclavicular junction, extends over
the medial half of the clavicle, and at the middle portion
of the clavicle it curves downwards into the
deltopectoral grove.
The clavicle may be divided near the sternum and retracted
to expose the proximal subclavian artery. Further details
can be found in the chapter addressing subclavian injuries.
Suprasternal notch
Fig. 7.6. The collar incision is made approximately two finger breadths
above the sternal notch, extending to the medial borders of the
sternocleidomastoid muscles.
Section 4: Neck
Fig. 7.8. The clavicular incision can be combined with a median sternotomy
for improved exposure of the proximal left subclavian artery and upper
mediastinal vessels.
Section 4 Neck
Surgical anatomy The carotid sheath and its contents are covered
superficially by the platysma, the anterior margin of the
The right common carotid artery originates from the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the omohyoid muscle.
innominate (brachiocephalic) artery. The external
Deep to the vessels are the longus colli and longus capitis
landmark is the right sternoclavicular joint. The left
muscles. Medial to the carotid sheath are the esophagus
common carotid artery originates directly from the aortic
and the trachea.
arch in the superior mediastinum.
At the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage,
The carotid sheath contains the common and internal carotid the common carotid artery bifurcates into the internal and
arteries, the internal jugular vein, and the vagus nerve. The
external carotid arteries.
internal jugular vein lies lateral and superficial to the
The facial vein crosses the carotid sheath superficially to
common carotid artery and vagus nerve. The vagus nerve lies
enter the internal jugular vein at the level of the carotid
posteriorly, between the artery and the vein. On occasion,
the vagus nerve may be located anterior to the vessels.
The external carotid artery lies medial to the
Digastric m Hypoglossal n internal carotid artery for the majority of their course.
The first branch of the external carotid artery is the
superior thyroid artery located near the carotid
The internal carotid artery does not have any extracranial
At the level of the angle of the mandible, the
ICA internal and external carotid arteries are crossed
superficially by the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII)
Facial v and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. The
CCA glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) passes in
IJV front of the internal carotid artery, above the
hypoglossal nerve.
The external carotid arteries terminate in the parotid gland,
Omohyoid m where they divide into the superficial temporal and
maxillary arteries.
At the level of the skull base, the internal carotid
arteries cross deep and medial to the external carotid
arteries to enter the carotid canal behind the styloid
Fig. 8.1. Surface anatomy and key anatomical relationships of the
carotid artery.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 4: Neck
Common carotid artery Vagus nerve Fig. 8.2. Carotid sheath contents. The carotid
sheath contains the common carotid and internal
carotid arteries medially, the internal jugular vein
laterally, and the vagus nerve posteriorly between
the vessels.
Internal jugular vein Facial vein Fig. 8.3. The facial vein is the anatomical
landmark approximating the location of the carotid
bifurcation deep to it. The facial vein is ligated and
divided in order to mobilize the internal jugular
vein laterally and provide exposure to the
underlying carotid bifurcation.
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
External carotid artery Superior thyroid artery Lingual artery Fig. 8.4. The external carotid lies medial to the
internal carotid artery and gives several branches
(the first branches are the superior thyroid and
lingual arteries). The internal carotid artery has no
extracranial branches. Note the hypoglossal nerve
(yellow loop) crossing over the two arteries.
Hypoglossal nerve CN XII Posterior belly of digastric muscle Fig. 8.5. Distal carotid artery anatomy. At the
angle of the mandible, the carotid arteries are
crossed superficially by the hypoglossal nerve, the
posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and the
glossopharyngeal nerve.
Stylohyoid muscle
Glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
Section 4: Neck
hemorrhage. Temporary shunt placement is a preferred segment of the carotid arteries or internal jugular veins
method of damage control for these injuries. may be required, a chest tray, sternal saw, and sternal
Prophylactic shunting of the common or internal carotid retractor should always be available. 1% lidocaine should
arteries should be considered intraoperatively in patients also be readily available for possible injection of the carotid
requiring reconstruction with grafts. body if necessary, as well as prosthetic graft materials
Minor carotid injuries, such as small intimal tears, may be (PTFE or Dacron) in the event that reconstruction requires
managed non-operatively with antithrombotic therapy and a conduit.
imaging to document resolution. Headlights and surgical loupes are strongly recommended.
Select patients with extremely proximal or distal carotid
injuries may be best managed with angiographically placed Positioning
The patient is positioned supine on the operating room
The external carotid artery can be ligated without table with adduction of the ipsilateral arm or bilateral arms
significant sequelae. if the neck injuries are bilateral.
Systemic heparinization (100 u/kg) should be considered in The neck should be slightly extended and the head turned
patients with no other injuries. Alternatively, heparin saline to the contralateral side. If possible, elevation of the
solution (5000 units in 100 mL normal saline) can be shoulders with a shoulder roll will facilitate extension of
injected locally, both proximal and distal into the injured the neck.
The patient should be prepped to include the entirety of the
Unilateral internal jugular vein injuries can be repaired if neck from the earlobes to the base of the skull and
the patient condition allows and if there is no significant extending to the inferior aspect of the mandible down to
stenosis (<50%). However, unilateral ligation is well the chest. The chest should be included to facilitate
tolerated. If there are bilateral internal jugular vein injuries, proximal control. The groins should also be included in the
at least one vein should be repaired. field, in case a saphenous vein graft is required.
Vascular repairs should be protected in the presence of
tracheal or esophageal injuries with interposed tissue,
usually the strap muscles.
The standard incision for exposure to the cervical carotid
arteries and internal jugular veins is a longitudinal incision
Special surgical instruments along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
Complete vascular tray, Fogarty catheters, a carotid shunt, muscle, extending from the suprasternal notch to just
and rummel tourniquets. As exposure of the mediastinal below the mastoid process.
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
For proximal common carotid artery or internal jugular retracted laterally. At the upper part of the incision, the
vein injuries, the combination of a sternocleidomastoid accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) enters the
incision and median sternotomy provides the optimal sternocleidomastoid muscle and care should be taken to
exposure (see Chapter 16). avoid injury.
The carotid sheath is now visible and is incised along its
Operative technique length. If more proximal exposure is required, the
omohyoid muscle may be divided.
Exposure The contents of the carotid sheath are now exposed.
A longitudinal incision is made along the anterior border The internal jugular vein is then mobilized and retracted
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle from the mastoid laterally and the common carotid artery is retracted
process to the suprasternal notch. The incision is carried anteromedially. The vagus nerve, located posteriorly
through the platysma to expose the anterior border of the between the vessels, is identified and protected. Vessel
sternocleidomastoid muscle. loops are placed around the artery, vein, and nerve. For
The anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid exposure of the carotid bifurcation, the facial vein is
muscle is then dissected free along its length and identified and ligated.
Section 4: Neck
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
Omohyoid muscle
Common carotid artery Fig. 8.9. Carotid sheath contents. The common
carotid artery and internal jugular vein are identified
and looped. The vagus nerve is identified posterior
and between the vessels (yellow loop).
Section 4: Neck
During dissection of the carotid bifurcation, the carotid The ansa cervicalis should be visible anterior to
body may be stimulated causing hemodynamic instability the carotid bifurcation and can be followed to the
(hypotension and bradycardia). If this is encountered, the hypoglossal nerve. Once the hypoglossal nerve
carotid body may be injected with 1% lidocaine. The (cranial nerve XII) is identified and protected, the
external and internal carotid arteries are then dissected and ansa cervicalis may be divided if necessary for
isolated using vessel loops. exposure.
Common carotid artery External carotid artery Carotid body Fig. 8.10. Carotid body injection. During the
dissection of the carotid bifurcation, the carotid
body may become stimulated causing hypotension
and bradycardia. If this situation is encountered, 1%
lidocaine may be injected into the carotid body
located in the crotch of the bifurcation.
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
Vagus nerve
Exposure of the distal internal carotid artery is challenging Exposure to internal carotid at the base of the skull is
and may require techniques such as subluxation of the achieved by extending the surgical incision posteriorly
mandible and possibly mandibular osteotomy. around the ear and dividing the posterior belly of the
Subluxation of the mandible may be achieved by digastric, stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, and styloglossus
grasping the lower teeth with two hands and pulling the muscles. The styloid process is then removed. Care
mandible downward and anteriorly. An assistant may should be taken to avoid injury to the glossopharyngeal
hold the jaw in position as the surgeon exposes the nerve (cranial nerve IX) deep to the posterior digastric
vessel. and along the stylohyoid muscle.
Section 4: Neck
Common carotid artery
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
Division of the posterior belly of Fig. 8.13(b). Division of the posterior belly of the
(b) digastric muscle digastric muscle. Care should be taken to avoid
injury to the underlying glossopharyngeal nerve
during division.
Hypoglossal nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Section 4: Neck
Stylohyoid ligament
Styloid process
Glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
Internal carotid artery Division of styloid process Fig. 8.15(a). Styloid process. Once the muscles
are divided, the styloid process is divided with a
(a) rongeur to gain exposure to the internal carotid
artery at the carotid canal.
nerve CN XII
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
Exposure to proximal cervical carotid or jugular injuries mobilization and primary suturing with 5–0 monofilament
may require the addition of a sternotomy to the standard non-absorbable suture. The intima should be inspected
sternocleidomastoid incision. This technique is described through the injury to ensure back wall integrity prior to
in the chapter on mediastinal vascular injuries. closure.
Carotid shunts should be utilized during more
complex repairs to protect against ischemic
Repair stroke.
Small carotid artery injuries without significant tissue loss
(usually secondary to knife wounds) may be repaired by
Rummel tourniquets
Section 4: Neck
If the repair is not possible without causing stenosis, a For destructive injuries with significant tissue loss (usually
patch angioplasty can be performed using either a vein secondary to firearm injuries or blunt trauma), an
patch (saphenous vein or external jugular vein) or interposition graft with either reverse saphenous vein or
prosthetic material (Dacron, PTFE, bovine pericardium) prosthetic material (Dacron, PTFE) should be used.
sutured in a running continuous fashion circumferentially Alternatively, transposition of the external carotid artery
around the defect using a 5–0 monofilament non- may be possible in select circumstances to reconstruct the
absorbable suture. internal carotid artery injury.
(a) Graft in progress with shunt in place Fig. 8.17(a). Graft reconstruction with temporary
shunt. A temporary shunt is placed in the lumen of
the injured vessel to maintain cerebral perfusion,
while a graft is sutured in place. Note that the same
technique may be used during a patch angioplasty
Chapter 8. Carotid artery/internal jugular vein injuries
Proximal external carotid artery Anastomosis Fig. 8.18. External to internal carotid
transposition. In rare circumstances transposition of
the external carotid artery proximal to the injury to
the distal internal carotid artery may be used to
reconstruct the injured vessel.
If the patient is not stable enough to undergo definitive to maintain cerebral blood flow during the resuscitative
repair of the carotid vessels, a carotid shunt may be placed period with delayed reconstruction.
Damage control shunt Fig. 8.19. Damage control carotid shunt. The
shunt is secured with silk ties around the proximal
and distal arterial segments as well as the shunt
itself, to prevent migration of the shunt.
Section 4: Neck
Section 4 Neck
Subclavian vessels
Surgical anatomy may have a common origin with the left common
On the right side, the subclavian artery originates from carotid artery.
the innominate (brachiocephalic) artery, which branches The subclavian artery courses laterally, passing between the
into the right subclavian and right common carotid anterior and middle scalene muscles. This is in contrast to
arteries. On the left side, it originates directly from the the subclavian vein, which is located superficial to the
aortic arch. In some individuals the left subclavian artery anterior scalene muscle.
Left common carotid artery Fig. 9.1. The right subclavian originates from the
Right common carotid artery
innominate artery and the left subclavian directly
from the aortic arch. Note the major branches of
Costocervical artery the subclavian artery.
Thyrocervical trunk
Vertebral artery
Aortic arch
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 4: Neck
Vagus nerve
Anterior scalenus
Vertebral artery
Internal thoracic
First rib
artery Thyrocervical trunk
Innominate artery
First rib
Fig. 9.2. The subclavian vein is anterior to the anterior scalene muscle and the
artery is posterior. Notice the phrenic nerve on the anterior surface of the muscle.
The brachial plexus is between the anterior and middle scalene muscles.
Fig. 9.3. Anatomy and branches of the right subclavian artery. Note the
The subclavian artery is divided into three parts on the three branches of the first part of the artery (vertebral and thyrocervical
basis of its relationship to the anterior scalene muscle. The arteries coursing superiorly, and the internal thoracic artery coursing inferiorly).
The phrenic nerve crosses over the anterior scalenus muscle and lies lateral
first part extends from its origin to the medial border of the to the internal thoracic artery. The vagus nerve is medial to the internal
anterior scalene muscle, coursing deep to the thoracic artery.
Thyrocervical trunk
Vertebral a.
Internal mammary a.
Subclavian a.
Chapter 9. Subclavian vessels
The subclavian artery continues as the axillary artery, as it The vagus nerve is in close proximity to the first
passes over the first rib. The external landmark for this part of the subclavian artery and it lies medial to the
transition is the lower border of the middle of the clavicle. internal thoracic artery. On the right side, it crosses
The external landmark for the axillary artery is a curved in front of the artery and immediately gives off the
line from the middle of the clavicle to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN), which loops behind
deltopectoral grove. the subclavian artery and ascends behind the
The subclavian vein is the continuation of the axillary vein common carotid artery into the tracheoesophageal
and originates at the level of the outer border of the first groove. On the left side, the vagus nerve travels
rib. It crosses in front of the anterior scalene muscle, between the common carotid and subclavian arteries
and at the medial border of the muscle it joins the internal and immediately gives rise to the RLN, which loops
jugular vein to form the innominate (brachiocephalic) around the aortic arch and ascends into the
vein. The left thoracic duct drains into the left subclavian tracheoesophageal groove.
vein at its junction with the left internal jugular vein. The
right thoracic duct drains into the junction of the right
subclavian vein and right internal jugular vein.
Right subclavian v.
Left subclavian v.
Section 4: Neck
The patient is placed supine on the operating room table with
the ipsilateral arm abducted to 30 degrees. Avoid excessive
abduction. The patient’s head should be turned to the contra-
lateral side. Ensure that the patient is prepped from the chin to
RLN the knees and include the entire ipsilateral arm within the
Vagus n surgical field.
Vagus n
Depending on the site of the subclavian vascular trauma
(left or right, proximal or distal) and on surgeon
preference, a variety of incisions and exposures can be
ITA used, the most common being the clavicular incision with
or without a median sternotomy, and the trap door
Generally, for injuries to the middle or lateral part of the
subclavian vessels, a clavicular incision provides good
exposure. For more proximal injuries, the clavicular
incision can be combined with a median sternotomy,
facilitating excellent exposure of both the left and right
subclavian arteries.
For proximal injuries on the left side, classically a “trap
door” incision has been described; however, it does not
improve surgical exposure and is associated with greater
postoperative morbidity.
Fig. 9.6. Anatomical relationship between the vagus and recurrent laryngeal In rare cases, if the injury is located at the mid or
nerves and the subclavian artery. The vagus nerve crosses over the first part of distal subclavian artery, exposure can be obtained
the subclavian artery, medial to the internal thoracic artery. On the left, the
recurrent nerve loops around the aortic arch and on the right, around the through a supraclavicular incision made directly over
subclavian artery. the site of injury. The proximal and distal exposures
are severely limited, however, and not generally
General principles
Ligation of the subclavian artery is associated with Exposure through a clavicular incision
a high incidence of limb loss and should not be This is the preferred starting incision and provides good
performed. In critically unstable patients, temporary exposure of the second and third parts of the subclavian
shunting with delayed reconstruction should be artery. It begins at the sternoclavicular junction, extends
considered. over the medial half of the clavicle, and at the middle
Vascular reconstruction usually requires a 6 mm or portion of the clavicle it curves downward into the
8 mm polytetrafluoroethylene graft. A saphenous deltopectoral groove.
Chapter 9. Subclavian vessels
(a) (b)
Suprasternal notch
Deltopectoral groove
Fig. 9.7(a),(b). Patient positioning and clavicular incision for surgical exposure of the left subclavian artery. The head is turned to the opposite site and the arm
is abducted to 30 degrees. The clavicular incision begins at the sternoclavicular junction, extends over the medial half of the clavicle, and at the middle of the clavicle
it curves downward into the deltopectoral groove. The axillary vessels are deep to this groove.
Each of the muscles attached to the medial half of the detached with a combination of cautery, periosteal
clavicle (platysma and clavicular head of the elevator, and Doyen Rasp. The proximal half of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle superiorly, pectoralis clavicle is now exposed and stripped of all muscular
major and subclavius muscles inferiorly) are attachments.
Fig. 9.8(a)–(e). Subclavian vascular exposure through a clavicular incision. All the muscles attached to the medial half of the clavicle (platysma and clavicular
head of the SCM superiorly, and pectoralis major and subclavius inferiorly, are divided, using cautery and the periosteal elevator. Note the deltopectoral groove,
deep to which are the axillary vessels.
Section 4: Neck
Deltopectoral groove
Sternal head of SCM
deep to which
are the axillary vessels
(c) (d)
Chapter 9. Subclavian vessels
The subclavian vessels lie deep to the clavicle, and their Excision of the medial half of the clavicle is also an
exposure requires the dislocation or division or excision of acceptable option. It does not result in any functional
the clavicle. disability but the cosmetic results are inferior to
The fastest approach is division of the clavicle with the clavicular reconstruction.
Gigli saw close to the sternoclavicular junction. At the end In clavicle-sparing procedures, the clavicle is
of the procedure, the anatomic integrity of the clavicle can grasped with a towel clamp and retracted upward
be restored by wiring together the divided ends. or downward to expose the underlying
Disarticulation of the sternoclavicular joint is another tissues.
option, but it takes significantly longer than division of
the clavicle.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9.9(a)–(d). The medial part of the clavicle has been freed from all muscle attachments. The clavicle is divided with a Gigli saw, close to the sternoclavicular
junction. The clavicle is retracted and the underlying tissues are exposed (circle). These fatty tissues need to be dissected in order to identify the vessels.
Section 4: Neck
(c) (d)
Gigli saw
Head of clavicle
Distal clavicle
The subclavian vessels, especially the artery, lie deep under Exposure of the first and second part of the artery requires
the clavicular bed and their identification requires division of the strap muscles and the anterior scalene
extensive dissection of the surrounding tissues. The vein is muscle. The phrenic nerve, which lies anterior to the
located superficial and inferior to the artery and is the first anterior scalene muscle, should be identified and
vessel to come into view. The artery is significantly deeper preserved.
than most surgeons think.
Subclavian v.
Chapter 9. Subclavian vessels
Phrenic n
Thyrocervical trunk
Vertebral a. Phrenic n.
Subclavian a.
Subclavian v.
Internal mammary a.
Identification of the artery may be difficult if there is no obtain proximal control of either a left or right subclavian
pulsation because of proximal injury, thrombosis, or artery injury.
retraction of the transected ends. In these cases, it is easier For very proximal control, the artery can be dissected
to expose the axillary artery first (see Chapter 10) and at its origin from the brachiocephalic artery on the right or
proceed proximally. from the aortic arch on the left. This can be done by
dissecting and lifting the thymic remnant and surrounding
fat in the upper mediastinum. This exposes the left
Exposure through a combined clavicular incision innominate vein and the aortic arch with its branches.
The origin of the subclavian artery (innominate artery on
and median sternotomy the right and aortic arch on the left side) is then identified
After successfully performing the clavicular exposure, a and isolated. This approach is described in detail in
standard median sternotomy should be performed to Chapter 16.
Section 4: Neck
Divided anterior
TCT scalene m
Subclavian a
Left innominate v
Subclavian v
(a) Fig. 9.12(a)–(c). Combined clavicular and
sternotomy incisions. The aortic arch with the
innominate artery, left common carotid artery, and
the left subclavian artery exposed. The left
innominate vein is seen retracted superiorly (a).
Left internal jugular vein Complete exposure of the left subclavian artery.
Left common carotid artery (IJV ¼ internal jugular vein, VA ¼ vertebral artery). (b).
Left subclavian vein
Exposure of the left proximal subclavian artery and
its major branches. Note the phrenic nerve, which is
Left innominate vein lateral to the internal thoracic artery and the vagus
nerve, which is medial (c).
Retracted clavicle
Left innominate vein
Subclavian vein
Aortic arch
Divided sternum
Phrenic nerve
Vagus nerve
Innominate vein
Section 4: Neck
Exposure through a supraclavicular incision The subcutaneous tissue above the clavicle is dissected to
expose and identify the subclavian vein, which courses
This incision is rarely used in trauma, because of the more superficial and inferior relative to the artery.
limited exposure and poor proximal and distal control it
The anterior scalene muscle is then divided 1 cm
provides. It may be considered in stable patients with distal
above its insertion onto the first rib. The vein is located in
subclavian arterial injuries.
front of the artery. Identify and preserve the phrenic nerve
A 6-cm transverse skin incision is made 1 cm above the located on the anterior surface of the muscle. The
medial half of the clavicle. The platysma is then divided. subclavian artery is then identified and isolated.
The clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is
divided approximately 1 cm from its clavicular insertion.
Chapter 9. Subclavian vessels
Exposure through a “trap door” incision greater morbidity including bleeding, iatrogenic rib fractures,
severe postoperative pain and more common respiratory com-
This incision has been used by some surgeons to expose the
plications when compared to the above described clavicular/
proximal left subclavian artery. The “trap door” approach
median sternotomy approach.
combines a clavicular incision, an upper median sternotomy,
and an anterior left thoracotomy through the third or fourth
intercostal space. This exposure is, however, associated with Vascular reconstruction
Primary arterial repair is rarely possible. In the majority of
cases reconstruction using a synthetic or an autologous
saphenous vein graft is necessary. The choice of graft
(autologous or synthetic) is a matter of personal
preference, the general condition of the patient, and the
availability of an appropriately sized saphenous vein.
Standard vascular techniques are used.
The subclavian artery should not be ligated, even in
clinically unstable patients, because of the significant risk
of limb ischemia. For patients requiring damage control, a
temporary shunt with subsequent semi-elective definitive
reconstruction is recommended.
The subclavian vein can be ligated without any
significant complications. Repair should be considered
only if it can be done with simple techniques and
without producing significant stenosis. Stenosis greater
than 50% increases the risk of thrombosis and pulmonary
At the completion of the operation, assess for a palpable
peripheral pulse and for any evidence of compartment
syndrome. On-table angiography should be considered in
cases with only a Doppler signal present. Routine
prophylactic fasciotomies are not necessary; however,
Fig. 9.15. Trap door incision combines a clavicular incision, upper median therapeutic fasciotomies should be performed
sternotomy, and a third or fourth intercostal space left thoracotomy. without delay.
Reapproximated clavicle
Subclavian vein
Section 4: Neck
Tips and pitfalls The phrenic nerve is at risk of transection during the division
of the anterior scalene muscle for proximal injuries. This will
The subclavian artery lies deep behind the clavicle and its result in paralysis of the ipsilateral diaphragm. Identify and
exposure can be challenging. Its proximal segment is approxi- protect it prior to the division of the muscle.
mately 5–6 cm from the skin and extensive dissection of the During dissection of the right subclavian artery, isolate and
surrounding pre-scalene muscle fat is required. preserve the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which loops around the
Intraoperative use of ultrasound may be helpful to identify proximal subclavian artery anteriorly prior to ascending (pos-
the artery. teriorly) into the neck.
In the absence of pulsation (thrombosis or complete During dissection of the subclavian vein near its junction
transection), start with the much easier exposure of the with the internal jugular vein, protect the thoracic duct, which
axillary artery and proceed proximally towards the injury. drains into this part of the vein. If injured, ligate both ends.
For very proximal injuries, start with the isolation Failure to recognize and ligate the injured duct results in a
of the origin of the subclavian artery, through the troublesome postoperative chyle leak.
Section 4 Neck
Axillary vessels
Surgical anatomy surrounded by the cords of the brachial plexus, and gives
External landmarks: the axillary vessels start at the two branches. The third part lies lateral to the muscle, is
middle of the clavicle, course deep, under the surrounded by the nerves of the brachial plexus, and gives
deltopectoral groove and end at the lateral border of three branches.
the axilla. The axillary vein is the continuation of the basilic vein.
The axillary artery is divided by the pectoralis minor into Prior to its transition to the subclavian vein, the cephalic
three parts: the first part is proximal to the muscle and vein joins it. Its middle segment lies under the pectoralis
gives one branch. The second part is under the muscle, is minor muscle, inferior to the axillary artery.
pectoralis major m
Axillary v
Axillary art
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 4: Neck
The patient should be in the supine position, with the Fig. 10.2(a),(b). (cont.)
injured arm abducted from the body at about 30 degrees.
The head is slightly turned to the opposite side.
The neck, arm, and entire chest should be fully prepped.
The groin should be included in the surgical field in case a
Vascular exposure
vein harvest is needed. The subcutaneous tissue under the incision is dissected into
the deltopectoral groove. The cephalic vein will come into
view and can be retracted or ligated.
Incision The lower skin flap is mobilized to allow good exposure of
The incision starts just below the middle of the clavicle, and the pectoralis major and its insertion into the humerus.
courses over the deltopectoral groove. The pectoralis major muscle fibers are split and retracted,
In very proximal injuries the incision should start at the exposing the underlying pectoralis minor muscle. However,
sternoclavicular junction, course directly over the medial in severe active bleeding or if the exposure is not satisfactory,
half of the clavicle and, at the middle of the clavicle, curve the pectoralis major is divided about 2–3 cm from its
downward into the deltopectoral groove. The clavicle may insertion into the humerus and retracted medially. The
have to be divided to allow proximal vascular control (see underlying pectoralis minor muscle comes into full view.
Chapter 9).
Left shoulder
vic Pectoralis
Cla Left arm
Fig. 10.3(a),(b). The lower skin flap is mobilized to allow good exposure of
Fig. 10.2(a),(b). The standard incision for the exposure of the axillary vessels the pectoralis major and its insertion into the humerus (circle). The muscle
starts just below the middle of the clavicle, and courses over the deltopectoral might be split to expose the underlying pectoralis minor. However, for faster
groove. The cephalic vein courses superficially in the groove and should be and better exposure its insertion into the humerus may be divided 2–3 cm from
avoided. the bone.
Chapter 10. Axillary vessels
(b) (b)
Left arm
Pectoralis minor
Fig. 10.3(a),(b). (cont.) Fig. 10.4(b). Retraction of the divided pectoralis major exposes the
underlying pectoralis minor and the distal subclavian vessels and brachial
plexus. Note the roots of the brachial plexus (artery in red vessel loop, vein in
blue, and nerves in yellow). The middle part of the axillary vessels are
The pectoralis minor is then retracted laterally or divided underneath the pectoralis minor muscle.
near its insertion into the coracoid process and retracted
The vein will first come into view, inferior and anterior to
the artery. (a)
The axillary vessels are now fully exposed, with the brachial
plexus roots and nerves surrounding them.
Left shoulder
Left arm
Retracted pectoralis
Left arm
Fig. 10.5(a). Division of the pectotalis minor exposes the middle part of the
subclavian vessels.
Divided and retracted
pectoralis major
Fig. 10.4(a). Heavy absorbable sutures are placed on the divided edges of the
pectoralis major. The edges are retracted to expose the underlying pectoralis
minor muscle. At the completion of the operation, the sutures are tied together
to reconstruct the muscle.
Section 4: Neck
Left Left
shoulder shoulder
pectoralis minor
Fig. 10.7. Damage control with temporary shunt (arrow). The sutures securing
Fig. 10.5(b). After division of the pectoralis minor muscle, the axillary vessels the tube proximally and distally are tied together to prevent accidental
are completely exposed (artery in red vessel loop, vein in blue, and nerves in dislodgement (vein in blue loop and nerves in yellow).
Left arm
v icle
Cla Fig. 10.8. Reconstruction of the pectoralis major muscle.
Chapter 10. Axillary vessels
If there is ongoing bleeding and rapid exposure is needed, In cases where there was prolonged ischemia due to an
the pectoralis major and minor muscles should be divided, arterial injury, monitor closely for compartment syndrome.
as described above. There is no need for routine prophylactic arm fasciotomy.
Care must be taken not to injure the brachial plexus, which Intraoperative administration of mannitol in stable patients
is intimately associated with the axillary vessels. may reduce the risk of compartment syndrome.
Section 4 Neck
Surgical anatomy
The vertebral artery (VA) is the first cephalad branch of
the subclavian artery. From the trauma surgery perspective,
it is divided into three parts: Part I, from its origin at the
subclavian artery to C6, where it enters the vertebral
foramen; Part II, which courses in the vertebral bony canal,
formed by the transverse foramen, from C6 to C1; Part III,
which runs outside the vertebral canal, from C1 to the base
of the skull. The VA enters the skull through the foramen
magnum, piercing the dura mater. It joins the opposite VA
to form the basilar artery, which is part of the circle of Willis.
The first part of the VA courses superiorly and posteriorly
between the anterior scalenus and the longus colli muscles,
before entering the vertebral canal at the C6 level.
The carotid sheath is anterior and medial to the first part of
the VA. C6
The first part of the VA is located in the triangle formed by
the sternal and clavicular insertions of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle and the clavicle.
The external landmark of C6, where the VA enters into the
vertebral canal, is the cricoid cartilage.
The VA is surrounded by a venous plexus.
General principles
Many vertebral artery (VA) injuries can be effectively
managed with angioembolization. Due to the difficult
anatomy and complex operative exposure, angiographic
intervention remains the preferred therapeutic modality.
Operative management and direct surgical control of the
bleeding are reserved only for cases with severe active Fig. 11.1. The vertebral artery (VA) is the first cephalad branch of the
bleeding or if interventional radiology is not available. subclavian artery. It enters the vertebral canal at the C6 level and exits the canal
at the C2 level.
Ligation or endovascular occlusion of the VA is tolerated
well and rarely causes neurological deficits.
Gunshot wounds to the VA are often associated with spinal
fractures and spinal cord injuries.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 11. Vertebral artery injuries
SCM muscle
Right clavicle
Section 4: Neck
Clavicular head
Sternal head
Right clavicle
Chapter 11. Vertebral artery injuries
Scalene fat pad Internal jugular The dissection is continued through the subcutaneous
tissues and platysma, until the anterior border of the SCM
is encountered. The SCM is retracted laterally to expose the
carotid sheath. The jugular vein is more superficial and
lateral, the common carotid artery medial, and the vagus
nerve will lie posterior.
The contents of the carotid sheath are all identified
and retracted medially. The midline structures of the
neck, which include the esophagus, trachea, and larynx,
may also be encountered during this portion of the
Right clavicle
dissection and should be gently retracted medially as
The anterior scalene muscle is retracted laterally or
divided while protecting the phrenic nerve which lies on
Fig. 11.3. The internal jugular vein with the carotid sheath is retracted the surface of the muscle. The longus colli muscle,
medially and the scalene fat pad is exposed. Dissection in this area exposes the
anterior scalene muscle, which is retracted laterally or divided (protect the which is on the anterolateral surface of the vertebra,
phrenic nerve crossing over the anterior scalene). and the prevertebral fascia, are swept off the bone with
a periosteal elevator, exposing the anterior rim of the
vertebral foramen. The rim is located between the
vertebral body and the anterior tubercle of the
transverse process and is best identified by palpation
with the tip of the index finger. This rim is excised
Vertebral (a)
Fig. 11.4. Exposure of the first part of the VA, prior to its entry into the
vertebral canal. The anterior scalene muscle along with the phrenic nerve have
been retracted laterally and the VA is exposed just deep to it.
Suprasternal notch
Sternocleidomastoid incision approach
Incision Fig. 11.5(a)–(c). Exposure of the left VA in the vertebral canal through an
SCM incision. An incision is made along the anterior border of the SCM, and
This is the preferred incision in trauma. It allows exploration extends from below the mastoid process to the suprasternal notch (arrow) (a),
of the carotid artery, the internal jugular vein, the (b). (b) The anterior border of the SCM is mobilized and SCM is retracted laterally
aerodigestive tract, and the first and second parts of the VA. to expose the carotid sheath (c).
Section 4: Neck
Suprasternal notch
Left carotid sheath
Longus colli m.
Anterior border of
(c) Fig. 11.6. The carotid sheath structures have been retracted medially. The
forceps and arrow are pointing to the anterior rim of the vertebral foramen, that
has already been cleared of its longus colli muscle attachments with a periosteal
elevator. The vertebral artery lies in the canal, directly below this bony rim.
Left carotid art
Left internal
jugular vein (a)
Longus colli muscle
Unroofed vertebral
Anterior tubercle
Nerve root
Vertebral foramen
with VA
Left vagus nerve
Fig. 11.7(a),(b). The longus colli muscle is detached and retracted. With
the help of bone rongeurs, the vertebral canal is unroofed by excising the
anterior rim to expose the VA. The rim can easily be palpated with the tip of the
finger, and is located between the body of the vertebra and the anterior
tubercle of the transverse process (a). The vertebral canal is unroofed (arrows)
and the VA is exposed (b).
(a) (b)
Vagus n
Fig. 11.8(a),(b). Following unroofing of the vertebral canal (circle), the VA (red vessel loop) is exposed. (CCA ¼ common carotid artery, IJV ¼ internal jugular
vein, VA ¼ vertebral artery.) Arrows in Fig. 11.8(b) show the edges of the unroofed canal. Note the carotid sheath contents retracted medially (yellow vessel loop is
around the vagus nerve).
Section 4 Neck
Anatomy The paired strap muscles lie in front of the trachea and
larynx. These include superficially the sternohyoid muscles
The trachea is 10–12 cm long and 2–2.5 cm wide, and the underlying sternothyroid and thyrohyoid muscles.
extending from C6 to T5.
The thyroid cartilage is suspended from the hyoid bone by
The trachea is composed of 16–20 incomplete rings with a
the thyrohyoid membrane. The cricothyroid ligament
flattened posterior wall of muscle and fibrous tissue.
connects the inferior portion of the thyroid cartilage to the
The anatomic borders of the trachea include the cricoid cartilage. Inferior to this is the first tracheal ring.
isthmus of the thyroid and paired strap muscles
The larynx is composed of three paired (arytenoid,
anteriorly, the common carotid arteries, thyroid lobes,
corniculate, and cuneiform), and three unpaired (cricoid,
and recurrent laryngeal nerves laterally and the esophagus
thyroid, and epiglottic) cartilages.
he us
rac hag
T Es
Fig. 12.1(b). Lateral view of the midline neck structures from a left
sternocleidomastoid incision. The trachea is the most anterior structure. The
posterior membranous portion of the trachea abuts the anterior surface of the
Fig. 12.1(a). The trachea is composed of 16–20 incomplete rings. The esophagus and the recurrent laryngeal nerve runs in the trachea–esophageal
posterior membranous portion of the trachea lies just anterior to the groove. Posterior to the esophagus is the spine. The carotid sheath and
esophagus. sternocleidomastoid muscle are retracted laterally to provide this exposure.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 12. Trachea and larynx
Subclavian artery
Aortic arch
Fig. 12.1(c). The recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLN) run laterally along the
trachea–esophageal groove.
Fig. 12.2. A bump is placed between the patient’s shoulder blades to allow
General principles hyperextension of the neck and improved exposure of the underlying structures.
Section 4: Neck
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.3. A curvilinear incision is made two finger breadths above the sternal
notch and extending laterally to the sternocleidomastoid muscles (a), (b). This
incision is carried through the platysma (c).
Platysmal flap
Strap muscles
Chapter 12. Trachea and larynx
(a) (b)
Sternohyoid m
Strap muscles
Thyroid isthmus
Fig. 12.5(a),(b). The paired strap muscles are split at the midline to expose the trachea, larynx, and thyroid. The most superficial strap muscle encountered is the
sternohyoid muscle.
(a) (c)
Thyroid isthmus
Divided isthmus
Fig. 12.6(a). The thyroid gland overlies the trachea and might interfere with Fig. 12.6(c). Exposure of the trachea after division of the isthmus of the
adequate exposure of the underlying trachea. thyroid.
Sternocleidomastoid incision
In patients with suspected associated injuries to the
esophagus or major vessels, an incision over the anterior
border of the sternocleidomastoid is preferable (see
Chapter 7).
A neck incision is made through the skin and the platysma
is divided.
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is retracted laterally to
expose the carotid sheath.
Division of the omohyoid muscle allows for exposure of
the deep structures of the neck.
The carotid sheath is then retracted laterally with the
sternocleidomastoid muscle to expose the trachea and
Fig. 12.6(b). Division of the thyroid isthmus for better exposure of the trachea. esophagus.
Section 4: Neck
(a) (a)
Innominate a
Carotid a Divided
Trachea sternum Trachea
Brachiocephalic v
Aortic arch (divided)
Left brachiocephalic v
Aortic arch
Innominate a
Fig. 12.8(b). Repair of simple penetrating wound (circle) to the lower trachea,
through a combined collar incision and median sternotomy.
Chapter 12. Trachea and larynx
The sternum is divided using an electric saw or Lebsche Prior to placing sutures through the trachea, it is important
knife, providing exposure to the substernal trachea. to deflate the endotracheal balloon in order to avoid
For inferior tracheal injuries, rarely the damage or inclusion of the balloon in the repair.
brachiocephalic vein may need to be divided for In rare cases, when the injury is not amenable to primary
additional exposure. repair, a tracheal resection and anastamosis is performed.
If resection is to be performed, the trachea is mobilized
superiorly and inferiorly using sharp dissection to
Repair minimize potential recurrent laryngeal nerve injury.
The injured section of trachea is sharply debrided.
Most penetrating laryngotracheal injuries without
The trachea is reapproximated using interrupted 3–0
significant tissue loss can safely be managed by primary
absorbable sutures.
repair and without a tracheostomy.
The endotracheal tube cuff is advanced and inflated
All devitalized tissue must be debrided prior to repair or distal to the repair or, in the event of a complex repair, a
tracheostomy may be performed.
Most injuries to the cervical trachea can be primarily
All efforts should be made for early postoperative
repaired using simple interrupted absorbable suture.
In complex injuries, the repair should be buttressed with an
adjacent muscle flap. A protective tracheostomy should be
Strap muscle
Strap muscle
Fig. 12.9(a). Buttressing of the tracheal repair (circle) with muscle flap:
preparation of strap muscle flap. Fig. 12.9(b). Strap muscle flap sutured over the tracheal repair.
Section 4: Neck
Section 4 Neck
Cervical esophagus
muscle Special instruments
In addition to a standard instrument tray, for the neck
exploration, a self-retaining Weitlaner or cerebellar
he us retractor will be necessary.
ac ag
Tr h
op ne If there is concern for thoracic extension of the esophageal
Es Spi
injury, the surgeon should be prepared to perform a high
right thoracotomy to expose the proximal thoracic
SCM A rigid and flexible endoscope should be available for
RLN intraoperative esophagoscopy if necessary.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 4: Neck
Standard exposure of the cervical esophagus is
Sternohyoid Omohyoid SCM
through a left-sided oblique neck incision running
along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle and extending from the mastoid to the
suprasternal notch.
Fig. 13.4. The sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) runs tangentially across the
neck and must be retracted laterally to expose the vascular and aerodigestive
structures of the neck. The omohyoid and sternohyoid muscles are medial and
just deep to the SCM.
Fig. 13.2. To access the cervical esophagus, the patient’s head is turned to the
right and the neck is extended. The incision is made along the anterior border Omohyoid
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Esophageal exposure
An incision is made through the skin and dermis and the
platysma is divided.
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is retracted laterally to
expose the carotid sheath.
Division of the omohyoid muscle allows for exposure of
the deep structures of the neck.
Fig. 13.5. The omohyoid is isolated and divided in order to expose the deep
structures of the neck.
Chapter 13. Cervical esophagus
Cut edge omohyoid Repair
Traumatic cervical esophageal injury can often be
identified on gross inspection. Intraoperative endoscopy
or esophageal insufflation with air or methylene blue
can also be useful adjuncts to identify an injury.
Trachea The majority of injuries can be repaired primarily
Spine without tension. The wound edges are first debrided
of any devitalized tissue and the mucosal defect
is identified. The injury can be closed in one or two
RLN layers however, when possible, a two-layer closure
using absorbable suture is recommended.
The inner layer should reapproximate mucosal
Neighboring strap muscle can be used to buttress the
Fig. 13.6. The thyroid is anterior on the trachea and can be retracted medially. esophageal repair and isolate the suture line from
With the omohyoid divided, the tracheal–esophageal groove is exposed. The
recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) runs in this groove, anterior to the cervical
associated tracheal or vascular injuries.
esophagus. From this exposure, the esophagus is directly posterior and left A closed suction drain is typically placed outside
lateral to the trachea and anterior to the spine. the esophageal repair. This drain is removed on
POD #5–7 after anastamotic leak is ruled out by
contrast study.
(a) (b)
Fig. 13.7(a),(b). Additional exposure can be obtained by mobilization and gentle retraction of the esophagus.
Section 4: Neck
(a) (b)
Fig. 13.8(a),(b). A full thickness defect of the left lateral wall of the cervical esophagus (circle).
Fig. 13.9. Esophageal injuries are repaired with absorbable suture in one or
two layers. Repair must include reapproximation of the mucosa.
(a) (b)
Fig. 13.10(a). Neighboring strap muscle can be mobilized to provide a Fig. 13.10(b). Mobilized strap muscle placed over esophageal
buttress or be used to isolate the esophageal repair. repair (circle).
Chapter 13. Cervical esophagus
Tips and pitfalls Care must be taken with the outer layer not to
cause narrowing of the esophagus. It is often helpful
The recurrent laryngeal nerve runs in the
to close these injuries over a nasogastric tube
tracheoesophageal groove and can easily be injured during
or bougie.
exposure of the esophagus.
Care should be taken to avoid missing a second esophageal
The posterior membranous portion of the trachea is
injury on the opposite site. Check carefully with
very delicate, and injury can easily occur with dissection
appropriate circumferential mobilization of the esophagus
of the trachea off the anterior esophagus.
or on table endoscopy.
The inner layer of the esophageal repair must reapproximate
the mucosal edges to minimize the rate of postoperative leak.
Section 5 Chest
Surgical anatomy
The following are the major muscles that will be encountered
and may be divided during thoracic operations for trauma:
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 5: Chest
The selection of incision should be based on the clinical
condition of the patient, the location of the operation (emer- Scoring of the
gency room versus operating room), the need for thoracic middle
aortic cross-clamping, the location of any penetrating of the sternum
injuries and the suspected injured organs. Incisions such
as a posterolateral thoracotomy requiring special time-
consuming positioning of the patient should be avoided in Xiphoid
the unstable patient.
Chapter 14. Chest trauma operations
(a) (a)
Digital confirmation
of the clearance
of the soft tissues
behind the manubrium
Fig. 14.6(a)–(c). Division of the sternum with the pneumatic saw (a) and the
Lebsche knife (b). A Finochietto retractor is placed in the upper part of the
sternotomy and the sternum is spread open (c).
Section 5: Chest
(c) Finochietto placed in the
superior sternum
Anterolateral thoracotomy
This is the incision of choice for resuscitative thoracotomy,
suspected injuries to the lung or the posterior heart, and
cross-clamping of the aorta for resuscitation; it provides
poor exposure of the anterior mediastinal vessels.
Mark the incision with a marking pen prior to skin incision.
The incision is made through the fourth to fifth intercostal
space (below the nipple in males, infra-mammary fold in
females), starting from the parasternal border and extending
to the posterior axillary line, aiming towards the axilla.
The pectoralis major and pectoralis minor are encountered
and divided in the anterior part of the incision.
The serratus anterior muscle is encountered and divided in
the posterior part of the incision.
The intercostal muscles are then divided close to the superior
border of the rib in order to avoid the neurovascular bundle,
and the pleural cavity is entered with the use of scissors,
taking care to avoid injuring the underlying inflated lung.
Withholding ventilation during entry into the pleural
cavity reduces the risk of iatrogenic lung injury.
A Finochietto retractor is then placed and the ribs are
Fig. 14.7(a),(b). Closure of the median sternotomy with steel wires. spread slowly to avoid rib fractures.
Chapter 14. Chest trauma operations
(a) (a)
Incision curves
towards the axilla
Pectoralis major m
(b) (b)
Division of
pectoralis major m.
Fig. 14.8(a),(b). The incision for an anterolateral thoracotomy is placed Fig. 14.9(a)–(e). Anterolateral thoracotomy: the pectoralis major muscle is
through the fourth to fifth intercostal space, starting from the parasternal encountered in the anterior part of the incision and is divided (a), (b). The lower
border and extending to the posterior axillary line, aiming towards the axilla. part of the pectoralis major is encountered under the pectoralis major and
divided (c). The serratus anterior muscle is encountered and divided in the
lateral part of the incision. The intercostal muscles are then divided with the use
of scissors, close to the superior border of the rib (d). A Finochietto retractor is
then placed and the ribs are spread slowly to avoid rib fractures (e).
Section 5: Chest
(c) (e)
pectoralis major m.
Clamshell incision
It is usually performed as an extension of a standard
anterolateral thoracotomy to the opposite side, for
suspected bilateral lung injuries, superior mediastinal
Superior border vascular injuries or cardiac resuscitation and aortic
of the rib cross-clamping.
It provides good exposure of the anterior aspect of the
heart, the superior mediastinal vessels (aortic arch and
branches, superior vena cava and innominate veins), and
both lungs.
The incision is made through the fourth to fifth intercostal
spaces bilaterally with transverse division of the sternum,
using bone cutters or heavy scissors.
During division of the sternum, both internal mammary
arteries are transected and identification and ligation of the
proximal and distal ends should be performed.
Chapter 14. Chest trauma operations
Section 5: Chest
Section 5 Chest
Cardiac injuries
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 5: Chest
Special surgical instruments This incision is fast, does not need power instruments, and
allows cross-clamping of the thoracic aorta for
The emergency room thoracotomy tray should be kept resuscitation purposes (see Chapter 4).
simple, with only the absolutely necessary instruments
In most patients undergoing an operation in the operating
(scalpel, Finochietto retractor, two Duval lung forceps, two
room, a median sternotomy is the incision of choice. It
vascular clamps, one long Russian forceps, four hemostats,
provides good exposure to the heart and both lungs, it is
one bone cutter, one pair of long scissors, one pair of suture
relatively bloodless and is associated with less postoperative
scissors). In addition, good lighting, working suction, and
pain and fewer complications. However, the exposure of the
an internal defibrillator should be immediately available.
posterior heart or cross-clamping of the aorta may be difficult.
In the operating room, the thoracotomy trauma tray should
A left thoracotomy in the operating room is preferable to
include a power sternal saw, Lebsche knife with hammer,
sternotomy in patients who might need cross-clamping of
and bone cutter. The surgeon should wear a headlamp for
the aorta or in suspected cases of injury to the posterior
optimal lighting in anatomically difficult areas.
wall of the heart.
Extension of the left thoracotomy into the right chest to
create a clamshell incision may be required in patients with
bilateral chest trauma (see Chapter 14).
The choice of incision depends on the clinical condition of the
patient, the location of the operation (emergency room or
operating room), the need for thoracic aortic cross-clamping,
and the suspected anatomical site of cardiac injury.
Patients transported to the emergency room with no vital
Fig. 15.3. Median sternotomy incision extends from the suprasternal notch
signs or in imminent cardiac arrest should undergo an superiorly to the xiphoid process inferiorly, and is carried down to the sternum.
immediate left antero-lateral thoracotomy on the gurney. The sternum is scored in the midline to guide the sternal saw.
Chapter 15. Cardiac injuries
(a) (a)
Dissection of
Fig. 15.5(a),(b). The hook of the saw or Lebsche knife is placed under the
suprasternal notch and the sternum is lifted slightly upward. The sternum is
divided with constant upward traction, always keeping in the scored midline.
Section 5: Chest
Chapter 15. Cardiac injuries
(b) (d)
Dome Left lung
Head left diaphragm
Phrenic n
Fig. 15.8(a). The pericardiotomy through a left thoracotomy should be
performed in front of the left phrenic nerve. The tip of the forceps shows the
site of the pericardiotomy, in front of the nerve.
Fig. 15.7(b),(c). In the presence of a tense cardiac tamponade, the Fig. 15.8(b). The pericardium is opened and the heart exposed.
pericardium is entered with a scalpel and opened longitudinally with scissors.
Section 5: Chest
Fig. 15.9(a). Digital compression between the thumb and index finger is used
initially to control bleeding from the cardiac wound and allow suturing.
Chapter 15. Cardiac injuries
Section 5: Chest
Fig. 15.12(a),(b). The posterior aspect of the heart can be exposed and
repaired by grasping the apex with a Duval clamp and gently elevating the heart.
Posterior heart
(b) Diaphragm
Pericardial closure
Coronary art Following cardiac repair and stabilization of the patient, the
pericardium is closed with continuous 2–0 sutures, leaving an
opening near the base of the pericardium to avoid tamponade
in case of a rebleed. In patients with acute cardiac enlargement
due to cardiac failure or massive fluid resuscitation, the peri-
cardium should be left open to prevent arrhythmias.
Section 5: Chest
(c) (d)
Closed presternal
Chapter 15. Cardiac injuries
Section 5 Chest
Thoracic vessels
Innominate artery Left CCA Fig. 16.1. Anatomy of the vessels of the superior
mediastinum. Note the left innominate vein
transversing over the superior border of the aortic
arch and its major branches (SVC ¼ superior vena
Left internal jugular cava, RLN ¼ recurrent laryngeal nerve, CCA ¼
common carotid artery.)
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 16. Thoracic vessels
Fig. 16.2. The roots of the major vessels (aorta, superior vena cava, and
pulmonary trunk) are covered by the pericardium.
Aortic arch
SVC Pulmonary trunk
Left SCA
Innominate artery Aortic
Left SCA
om inate Phrenic nerve
Left inn
Left IMA
Vagus nerve
Divided sternum
Section 5: Chest
The left vagus nerve travels between the left common carotid loops behind the subclavian artery and ascends behind the
and subclavian arteries just anterior to the arch and branches common carotid artery along the tracheoesophageal groove.
off into the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which loops around the The thoracic or descending aorta begins at the fourth
aortic arch and ascends along the tracheoesophageal groove. thoracic vertebra on the left side of the vertebral column.
The right vagus nerve crosses over the right subclavian artery, Below the root of the lung, it courses to a position anterior
immediately gives off the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which to the vertebral column as it passes into the abdominal
cavity through the aortic hiatus in the diaphragm at the
twelfth thoracic vertebra.
The esophagus lies on the right side of the aorta
proximally. Distally, as it enters the diaphragm, it courses
in front of the aorta.
The aorta has nine pairs of aortic intercostal arteries that arise
Right Left from the posterior of the aorta and travel to the associated
CCA CCA intercostal spaces. The bronchial and esophageal arteries are
additional branches of the aorta as it descends in the thorax.
Vagus nerve
Vagus nerve
Left SCA
Right SCA Esophagus
left lung
Fig. 16.5. Anatomical relationship between the vagus nerves and the major
vessels. They cross in front of the proximal subclavian artery. The recurrent
laryngeal nerve loops around the subclavian on the right side and around the
aortic arch on the left side. (SCA ¼ subclavian artery, CCA ¼ common carotid
artery, IMA ¼ internal mammary artery, RLN ¼ recurrent laryngeal nerve.)
Fig. 16.7. Anatomical relationship between the esophagus and the thoracic
aorta: the esophagus lies on the right side of the aorta. Above the diaphragm, it
courses in front of the aorta.
Phrenic n
Left SCA
Vagus n
Chapter 16. Thoracic vessels
General principles The median sternotomy incision can also be extended into
the neck with a sternocleidomastoid incision or a clavicular
Greater than 90% of thoracic great vessel injuries are due to
extension to allow more distal exposure of the common
penetrating trauma. Most patients with penetrating trauma
carotid or the subclavian vessels.
to the major mediastinal vessels die at the scene and never
reach hospital care.
For those who survive to present to a hospital, most
patients arrive with hemodynamic instability and require
emergency operation without any diagnostic studies.
Patients with no vital signs or imminent cardiac arrest on
arrival should be managed with a resuscitative emergency
room thoracotomy (see Chapter 4).
In hemodynamically stable patients with suspected injuries
to the mediastinal vessels, CT arteriography is the most
effective screening diagnostic investigation.
Thoracic great vessel injuries can present with external or
internal hemorrhage, vascular thrombosis from intimal
flaps, or pseudoaneurysms. Consequently, the absence of a
significant amount of bleeding does not rule out a vascular
Patient positioning
Fig. 16.8. The median sternotomy incision may be extended into the neck
Positioning for upper mediastinal vascular injuries with a sternocleidomastoid incision for improved exposure of the common
The patient is placed in the supine position with both arms carotids or a clavicular incision to allow more distal exposure of the subclavian
abducted at 90 degrees to allow anesthesia access to the
Skin preparation and draping should include the neck,
anterior chest, and hemithoraces. As for all acute trauma
operations, the abdomen and groin should be prepared as
Clamshell incision
well in case of an unexpected missile trajectory or the need The clamshell incision provides good exposure of the
for saphenous vein conduit. anterior aspect of the heart, the superior mediastinal
vessels, and both lungs. It is usually performed as an
extension of a standard anterolateral thoracotomy to the
Positioning for exposure of the descending opposite side.
thoracic aorta The incision is made through the fourth to fifth intercostal
Place patient in right lateral decubitus position (see space bilaterally with transverse division of the sternum,
Chapter 14). using a bone cutter or heavy scissors.
If possible use a double-lumen endotracheal tube and have During the division of the sternum, both internal
the left lung deflated once the pleura has been entered. mammary arteries are transected, and identification and
ligation of the proximal and distal ends should be
Median sternotomy
A median sternotomy provides excellent exposure of the
upper mediastinal vessels. In addition, it provides good
exposure to the heart and to both lungs.
Section 5: Chest
Divided sternum
Fig. 16.10. Positioning and incision for the exposure of the descending
thoracic aorta.
Exposure of the upper mediastinal vessels
Divided sternum Following median sternotomy or clamshell incision, the
first step is to open the pericardium to rule out injury to
the heart or the intrapericardial segment of the great
Fig. 16.9(a),(b). The clamshell incision is made through the fourth to fifth
intercostal space bilaterally with transverse division of the sternum. It provides a All mediastinal hematomas due to penetrating trauma
good exposure of the anterior aspect of the heart, the superior mediastinal should be explored, if possible after proximal and distal
vessels, and both lungs. control.
The first tissues encountered under the sternum in the upper
mediastinum are the thymus remnant with surrounding fat
pad, which lies directly over the left innominate vein and the
Posterolateral thoracotomy aortic arch. These tissues are grasped with an Allis forceps
This is the optimal incision for the management of injuries and lifted towards the patient’s head. Careful blunt dissection
to the descending thoracic aorta. However, in the majority exposes the left innominate vein.
of penetrating trauma cases, due to severe hemodynamic Vessel loops are placed around the left innominate vein.
instability, the patient is placed in the supine position and Dissection of the vessel allows identification of its near
an extended anterolateral incision is performed. perpendicular junction with the right innominate vein,
If possible, use a double-lumen endotracheal tube and have where the SVC begins. The SVC lies parallel and to the
the left lung deflated once the pleura has been entered. right of the ascending aorta.
Chapter 16. Thoracic vessels
(a) (b)
Mobilized thymus
and fat
Left innominate
Fig. 16.11(a),(b). Mobilization of the thymus and upper mediastinal fat pad. The first tissues encountered under the sternum in the upper mediastinum are
the thymus remnant with the surrounding fat pad, which lie directly over the left innominate vein and the aortic arch. Mobilization of these tissues exposes
the left innominate vein, which is encircled with a vessel loop.
Head Exposure of the aortic arch and the origins of the major
vessels requires retraction of the left innominate vein,
which lies directly over the upper border of the arch. On
rare occasions, the left innominate vein may need to be
ligated to provide better exposure of the transverse aorta
and its branches.
The innominate and left carotid arteries originate from the
Left innominate
anterosuperior aspect of the aortic arch and are easy to
identify and control with vessel loops. However, the left
Ascending aorta subclavian artery is more posterior and more difficult to
Mobilization and isolation of the distal innominate artery
may be difficult through a median sternotomy. In these
cases the incision may be extended to the right neck
through a standard sternocleidomastoid incision, to
improve the exposure.
Mobilization and isolation of the left subclavian artery may
Heart require a combination of a median sternotomy with a left
clavicular incision.
Identify and protect the left vagus nerve as it descends into
the mediastinum between the left carotid and the left
subclavian arteries, over the aortic arch.
Section 5: Chest
Left IJV
Left SCV
Left innominate
Left CCA
Innominate artery
Left SCA
Left CCA
Innominate artery
Left innominate
tic ar
Chapter 16. Thoracic vessels
Left SCA
Left CCA
Innominate artery
Left SCV
Left innominate
c arc
(a) (b)
Left innominate
vein Left innominate
Innominate a Left CCA
Fig. 16.14(a)–(c). The left innominate vein may be ligated and divided to allow for greater exposure to the transverse aorta and proximal innominate artery.
Section 5: Chest
(c) HEAD
Right CCA
Left CCA
Innominate a
Right SCA
Left SCA
Innominate artery
left innominate v
Right lung arch
Left CCA
Fig. 16.14(a)–(c). (cont.) Fig. 16.15. The aortic arch after division of the left innominate vein.
The innominate artery, with the origins of the right common carotid and
right subclavian arteries are identified. Note the limited exposure of the left
subclavian artery due to its posterior position. (SCA ¼ subclavian artery,
CCA ¼ common carotid artery.)
Left IJV
Left innominate v
Left SCV
Aortic arch
Left SCA
Divided sternum
Fig. 16.16. Satisfactory exposure of the left subclavian artery may require a combination of a median sternotomy with a left clavicular incision (inset). Note the
junction of the left internal jugular and left subclavian vein to form the left innominate vein. (IJV ¼ internal jugular vein, SCV ¼ subclavian vein.)
Chapter 16. Thoracic vessels
Exposure of the descending thoracic aorta Identify and protect the right vagus nerve, as it crosses over
the subclavian artery.
Optimal exposure is achieved through a generous left
posterolateral incision through the fourth intercostal space. In selected patients with small partial tears in the vessel,
primary repair is often possible. Use a 4–0 polypropylene
During dissection and isolation of the aorta, the esophagus
suture for a lateral arteriorrhaphy.
should be identified and protected. It lies on the right side
of the aorta, but as it enters the diaphragm it courses in In most cases with gunshot wounds or blunt injury to the
innominate artery, repair using the bypass exclusion
front of the aorta.
technique is required.
The left vagus nerve courses over the aortic arch, between
the subclavian and left common carotid arteries. In Gently palpate the aortic arch to determine suitability
proximal dissections it should be isolated and protected. for clamping. A side biting clamp is applied just
proximal to the innominate take off. Resect the injured
artery and examine the intima in the proximal end. If
Management of mediastinal venous injuries the intimal disruption extends into the aortic arch, this
Ligation of the innominate vein is usually well tolerated. area is not suitable for proximal graft placement.
Transient arm edema is the most common complication. If unable to use the proximal end of the innominate
Repair of the vein should be considered only if it can be artery, place the clamp on the proximal intrapericardial
done with lateral venorrhaphy and without stricture ascending aorta using a side-biting C clamp. Make an
formation. For an acute injury, especially in the aortotomy with an 11-blade.
hemodynamically compromised patient, complex Select an 8–10 mm low-porosity knitted polyester graft
reconstruction with synthetic grafts should not be and bevel it appropriately to avoid an acute right angle
performed. at its origin. This graft is then placed from the
Ligation of the SVC is not compatible with life because of ascending aorta to the distal innominate artery
the development of massive brain edema. Repair or immediately proximal to the bifurcation of the
reconstruction should always be attempted.
Intraoperative air embolism is a common and potentially (a)
lethal complication because of the negative venous
pressures in the severely hypovolemic patient. Early HEAD
occlusion of the venous tear by compression or application
of a vascular clamp helps to prevent this complication.
Fig. 16.17(a),(b). Repair of a simple injury (circle) of the innominate artery
with continuous suture.
Section 5: Chest
Right lung
Left CCA
Fig. 16.18(a),(b),(c)
Section 5: Chest
Heart HEAD
Left SCA
ding ao
Left vagus nerve
Incised pleura
Left phrenic n
Proximal control
Distal control
Descending aorta
Chapter 16. Thoracic vessels
Section 5 Chest
Lung injuries
Surgical anatomy to alveoli where gas exchange occurs. These vessels are
large in diameter, but supply blood in a low pressure
The trachea divides into the right and left main bronchi at system.
the level of the sternal angle. The right bronchus is wider,
The bronchial arteries arise directly from the thoracic
shorter, and more vertical compared to the left. The right
aorta. These vessels are smaller in diameter, and supply the
bronchus divides into three lobar bronchi, supplying the
trachea, bronchial tree, and visceral pleura.
right upper, middle, and lower lung lobes, respectively. The
left bronchus divides into two lobar bronchi, supplying the The venous drainage of the lungs occurs via the pulmonary
left upper and lower lobes. veins. They originate at the level of the alveoli. There are
two pulmonary veins on the right and two on the left.
The lung has a unique dual blood supply. The pulmonary
These four veins join at or near their junction with the
arteries originate from the right ventricle. The right
left atrium, usually within the pericardium. These veins
pulmonary artery passes posterior to the aorta and superior
carry oxygenated blood back to the heart for distribution
vena cava. The left pulmonary artery courses anterior to
to the systemic circulation.
the left mainstem bronchus. The pulmonary arteries supply
deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation directly The lung is covered superiorly, anteriorly, and posteriorly
by pleura. At its inferior border, the investing layers come
(a) into contact forming the inferior pulmonary ligament that
connects the lower lobe of the lung, from the inferior
pulmonary vein to the mediastinum and the medial part of
Left main the diaphragm. It serves to retain the lower lung lobe in
bronchus position.
Fig. 17.1(a)–(d). Anatomy of the left hilum. The pulmonary artery is the Posterior Anterior
superior most structure within the pulmonary hilum. Note the close relationship
between the inferior pulmonary vein and inferior pulmonary ligament. Caution
should be taken to avoid injury to the vein during division of the ligament.
Fig. 17.1(a)–(d). (cont.)
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 17. Lung injuries
Superior PV
Left bronchus
Inferior PV
Pulmonary artery
Superior pulmonary
Left bronchus
Inferior pulmonary
Section 5: Chest
(a) (a)
Right bronchus
Pulmonary artery
Superior pulmonary
vein Inferior pulmonary
Inferior pulmonary
Left lower
lung lobe
Left diaphragm
Right bronchus
Inferior pulmonary
Right pulmonary vein
Superior pulmonary
Fig. 17.3(a),(b). The inferior pulmonary ligament (a) connects the lower lobe
of the lung, from the inferior pulmonary vein to the mediastinum and the
medial part of the diaphragm. During division of the ligament, accidental injury
Fig. 17.2(a),(b). Anatomy of the right hilum. There are two structures located to the vein may occur (b).
anteriorly; the pulmonary artery superiorly, and the superior pulmonary vein
inferiorly. The posterior most structure is the right main stem bronchus. The
inferior-most structure is the inferior pulmonary vein.
General principles
Lungs have high blood flow, but are part of a low pressure
system. In addition, the lung tissue is rich in tissue
thromboplastin. This combination results in spontaneous
hemostasis from the lung parenchyma in the majority of
cases. Hilar or central lung injuries are the most common
cause of massive lung hemorrhage requiring operative
About 80%–85% of penetrating and more than 90%
of blunt trauma to the lungs can safely be managed with
thoracotomy tube drainage and supportive measures alone.
Lung-sparing non-anatomical lung resections are preferable
to more extensive anatomical resections after injury.
Pneumonectomy after trauma is associated with very high
Chapter 17. Lung injuries
Anterolateral thoracotomy
It is the preferred incision in cases with lung injuries. The
technique is described in Chapter 14. (b)
Clamshell thoracotomy
It is usually performed as an extension of a standard antero-
lateral thoracotomy to the opposite side, for suspected bilateral
lung injuries, superior mediastinal vascular injuries or cardiac
resuscitation, and for aortic cross-clamping purposes. The
technique is described in Chapter 14.
Operative techniques
The type of lung operation is determined by the site and
severity of lung injury, the shape and direction of the lung
wound, the hemodynamic condition of the patient, and the
experience of the surgeon. The operative techniques may
include suturing of the bleeding lung, lung tractotomy,
wedge resection, lobectomy, and total pneumonectomy.
There is a stepwise increase in both mortality and
complications with more extensive resections. This is Fig. 17.4(a),(b). Peripheral stab wound to the lung, amenable to primary
independent of injury severity and the presence of associated repair. Pneumonorrhaphy with figure-of-eight repair.
Section 5: Chest
the bronchial tree, including the contralateral lung. These suture ligated under direct visualization. Application of
cases should be managed with lung tractotomy or tissue glue may be helpful in decreasing any diffuse
segmental resection. bleeding and minor air leaks. The tract may be closed with
figure-of-eight absorbable sutures on a large tapered
Lung tractotomy On rare occasions, tractotomy may devascularize
This is the procedure of choice in cases with bleeding and/or segments of the lung, resulting in subsequent ischemic
major air leaks from deep, penetrating injuries. Tractotomy necrosis and lung abscess. The tractotomy should be
is not indicated in suspected hilar injuries. These injuries performed parallel to the vascular supply whenever
usually require lobectomy or total pneumonectomy. possible. The lung adjacent to the tractotomy should
The wound tract is opened with a GIA stapler with a always be assessed for viability and any questionable tissue
2.5 mm white load. Any significant bleeders or air leaks are should be resected.
(c) (d)
Fig. 17.5(a)–(d). Technique of stapled tractotomy in a through-and-through penetrating injury to the lung (a). Placement of a GIA stapler through the wound (b).
Opened tract after tractotomy (c). Oversewing of bleeders and areas of air leak in the tract (d).
Chapter 17. Lung injuries
Fig. 17.6. Devascularized and dead lung tissue after tractotomy. To prevent
this complication, the tractotomy should be parallel to the vessels.
Wedge resection
For larger peripheral injuries, the injured lung may be resected
non-anatomically. Using a GIA stapler with a 2.5 mm white
load, “wedge out” the injured tissue. Any persisting bleeding or
air leaks can be managed with additional sutures and/or tissue
glue. Alternatively, if a stapling device is not available, the
injured tissue may be placed between clamps and the tissue
“cut out.” The edges are then oversewn using a running
Section 5: Chest
(a) (a)
Right lung
Left diaphragm
(b) Heart
Right lung
Fig. 17.9(a)–(c). Dissection of the left hilar vessels to determine the need for
lobectomy or total pneumonectomy (a). En-masse stapled left lower lobectomy.
If necessary, additional sutures may be placed for better hemostasis (circle
shows the stump, arrow shows the stay suture to prevent retraction of the
stump and check for hemostasis or air leaks). Stapled left lower lobectomy
146 specimen (c).
Chapter 17. Lung injuries
Fig. 17.10. Torsion and ischemic necrosis of the normal upper lobe following
lower lobectomy. Left
A total pneumonectomy may be necessary in severe hilar
injuries not amenable to repair or lobectomy.
In hilar vascular injuries the patient is usually
hemodynamically unstable and there is severe active bleeding.
The fastest way to achieve temporary bleeding control is
digital compression of the hilum and subsequent application
of a vascular clamp, as described above. This maneuver is
critical for effective bleeding control, and prevention of air Heart
embolism and hemorrhagic flooding of the normal bronchial
tree. Acute occlusion may aggravate the hemodynamic
condition of the patient because of acute right-sided cardiac
strain. An alternative to clamping the hilum is to perform a
“hilar twist” after release of the inferior pulmonary ligament.
The whole lung is twisted 180o around the hilum.
Pneumonectomy normally involves individual isolation,
ligation, and division of the hilar structures. However, this
approach is time-consuming and requires significant Left
technical skills and experience. In the decompensated diaphragm
trauma patient, an acceptable alternative to the anatomical
pneumonectomy is the en-masse stapled pneumonectomy.
Fig. 17.11(a),(b). Hilar twist for temporary control of hilar bleeding. After
The en-masse pneumonectomy can be rapidly performed division of the inferior pulmonary ligament to free the lung, the lung is grasped
using a TA stapler. in its entirety and rotated 180° in a clockwise direction.
The main bronchus should be divided as close to the
carina as possible to avoid pooling of secretions and to
reduce the risk of breakdown of the stump. stapler is released. This prevents retraction of the stump
Following division of the inferior pulmonary ligament, after the removal of the stapler and facilitates
the hilum is isolated and the index finger is placed identification and control of any bleeding or air leaks.
around it. Buttressing of the stump with adjacent tissues, such as
After application and firing of the TA stapler around all the pericardial fat pad, parietal pleura, or intercostal
hilar structures, the vessels and bronchus are divided muscle flap may be used.
approximately 0.5 cm above the instrument. Total pneumonectomy is associated with a very high
Two figure-of-eight stay sutures or two Allis forceps are mortality, usually due to hemorrhage or acute right cardiac
placed at the two corners of the stump, before the failure.
Section 5: Chest
(a) (c)
Left lung
Hilar stump
Allis forceps
Left lung
Fig. 17.12(a)–(e). (cont.)
Fig. 17.12(a)–(e). Technique of en-masse stapled left total
pneumonectomy. The hilum is isolated and the index finger is placed
around it (a). A TA stapler is placed around all the structures of the pulmonary
hilum (b). Division of all hilar structures with scalpel, about 0.5 cm above the
stapler (c). Placement of two stay sutures or Allis forceps on the stump before
removal of the stapling device to prevent retraction of the stump (d). Any
bleeding or air leaks can be controlled with additional figure-of-eight
absorbable sutures (e).
Chapter 17. Lung injuries
Hilar stump
The techniques of sternotomy or thoracotomy closure are
described in Chapter 14.
Air embolism
This is a potentially lethal complication and may occur in
deep penetrating or hilar injuries involving both the Fig. 17.13. Massive air embolism with air bubbles seen in the coronary veins (circles).
bronchial tree and the pulmonary veins.
Suturing of the entry and exit wounds of a deep tract During lung tractotomy or non-anatomic resection,
creates the ideal conditions for air embolism and should portions of the residual lung may become ischemic and
never be done. The appropriate procedure is a tractotomy necrotic. Orient the tractotomy or resection lines parallel to
or a resection. the vessels and check the residual lung for viability.
Air embolism should be suspected when the patient During stapled lobectomy or total pneumonectomy, the
develops arrhythmias or cardiac arrest. Sometimes, air hilar stump retracts and can make identification of any
bubbles may be seen in the coronary veins. persistent bleeding difficult. This may be life threatening if
In suspected air embolism the patient is placed in the the stapler misfires. Never release the stapling device before
Trendelenberg position, the apex of the heart is elevated placement of two stay sutures or Allis forceps on the stump.
and both ventricles are aspirated. Anatomic lung resections have limited or no role in trauma.
Perform non-anatomic, lung-preserving resections.
During division of the inferior pulmonary ligament, there is a
Right heart failure risk of injury to the inferior pulmonary vein. Proceed cautiously
This occurs when a large volume of lung parenchyma is and divide only the semi-transparent part of the ligament.
removed acutely. The volume of blood is now distributed After major lung resections it is essential to reduce the tidal
over a smaller volume of parenchyma. This complication volume accordingly. Also, restrict fluid administration
requires careful fluid status titration and cardiac output because many patients develop acute right cardiac failure.
support with the use of inotropes. This is a common cause of postoperative death.
After major lung operations, perform a bronchoscopy
Tips and pitfalls routinely to aspirate any blood from the remaining and
Suturing of the entry and exit wounds of a deep tract contralateral bronchial tree.
creates the ideal conditions for air embolism and should The main bronchus should be divided as close to the carina
never be done. The appropriate procedure is a tractotomy as possible to avoid pooling of secretions and reduce the
or a resection. risk of breakdown of the stump.
Section 5 Chest
Thoracic esophagus
Surgical anatomy The thoracic duct lies between the esophagus, the
The esophagus is approximately 25 cm in length and begins aorta and the azygos vein before crossing over, just
at the level of the C6 vertebra. The external landmark is the below the level of the tracheal bifurcation, to the
cricoid cartilage. It terminates 2–3 cm below the left hemithorax where it drains into the left
diaphragmatic hiatus, which corresponds to the T11 vertebra. subclavian vein.
The esophagus is divided into three parts: cervical, The esophagus does not have a serosal layer.
thoracic, and intra-abdominal. The cervical esophagus The arterial and venous blood supply and drainage of the
begins approximately 15 cm from the upper incisors and is esophagus are segmental. The cervical esophagus is
approximately 6–8 cm long. The thoracic esophagus begins supplied by branches of the inferior thyroid artery. The
approximately 23 cm from the incisors and is upper thoracic esophagus is supplied by the inferior
approximately 15 cm in length. The intra-abdominal thyroid artery and an anterior esophagotracheal branch
esophagus begins approximately 38 cm from the incisors at directly from the aorta. The middle and lower esophagus
the diaphragmatic hiatus and extends for 2–3 cm distally receives its arterial supply directly from the aorta via a
before becoming the gastric cardia. bronchoesophageal branch. The lower esophagus and
The thoracic esophagus rests on the thoracic spine and the intraabdominal esophagus portions are supplied by small
longus colli muscles. It passes posterior to the trachea, the branches from the left gastric artery and the left inferior
tracheal bifurcation, the left main stem bronchus, and the phrenic artery.
left atrium. It descends to the right of the thoracic aorta The parasympathetic innervation of the esophagus is
and moves anterior to the aorta, just above the diaphragm. through the vagal nerves. The right and left recurrent
The azygos vein lies in front of the bodies of the lower laryngeal nerves travel in the tracheoesophageal groove,
thoracic vertebrae and to the right of the esophagus. At the giving off branches to both the trachea and the cervical and
level of the bifurcation of the trachea, it arches anteriorly to upper esophagus. The vagal nerves join with the fibers of
drain into the superior vena cava, just before it enters the the sympathetic chain to form the esophageal plexus.
pericardium. Together with the esophagus, the vagi pass through the
The hemiazygos vein passes from the left side of the spine diaphragm and continue along the lesser curvature of the
to the right, after crossing the spine and traveling in front stomach.
of the aorta and behind the esophagus and thoracic duct, to The sympathetic innervation comes from the cervical and
drain into the azygos vein. thoracic sympathetic chains.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 18. Thoracic esophagus
wall of the
Fig. 18.1(a). Anatomy of the esophagus and its Fig. 18.1(b). Anatomical relationship between the cervical and upper thoracic esophagus and the larynx
relationship with the spine, trachea, and and trachea.
thoracic aorta.
Section 5: Chest
Chapter 18. Thoracic esophagus
Choice of incision depends on the location of the injury. Fig. 18.3(a),(b). The skin incision for a posterolateral thoracotomy extends
from the anterior axillary line, coursing about one to two finger breadths below
Cervical esophagus: standard left neck incision along the the tip of the scapula, and extends posteriorly and cephalad midway between
sternocleidomastoid muscle (see Chapter 7). the spine and the medial border of the scapula.
Upper and middle thoracic esophagus: right
posterolateral thoracotomy in the fifth or sixth
intercostal space. Divide the subcutaneous tissue. Identify and divide the
Lower thoracic esophagus: left posterolateral latissimus dorsi muscle, but can preserve the rhomboid
thoracotomy in the seventh or eighth intercostal muscle posteriorly. This muscle can be avoided by
space. locating the “empty triangle” between the two muscle
Intra-abdominal esophagus: laparotomy.
Use the scapula retractor and palpate the number
of rib spaces.
Divide the intercostal muscle from its insertion site on the
Standard posterolateral thoracotomy superior border of the sixth rib to avoid the neurovascular
Identify the scapula border and mark the skin. bundle coursing along the inferior rib border.
The skin incision for a posterolateral thoracotomy extends Remove a 2 cm segment of rib using the Bethune
from the anterior axillary line, coursing about 1–2 finger rib shears in order to prevent rib fracture during
breadths below the tip of the scapula, and extends Finochietto retractor placement. If further exposure
posteriorly and cephalad midway between the spine and is needed, a subtotal rib resection may be done.
the medial border of the scapula. Place the Finochietto retractor.
Section 5: Chest
dorsi muscle
Ribs and
intercostal muscles
Fig. 18.4. Exposure of the latissimus dorsi muscle. Note the “empty triangle”
(arrow), which separates the latissimus from the more posterior rhomboid
Fig. 18.5. Cephalad retraction of the scapula exposes the underlying ribs
and intercostal spaces (the tip of the scapula is usually over the sixth or seventh
intercostal space).
Chapter 18. Thoracic esophagus
(a) (c)
Fig. 18.6(a). Division of the intercostal muscle at its insertion on the superior
border of the rib (arrows) to avoid the neurovascular bundle, which is located at
the inferior border of the rib.
Section 5: Chest
Incised pleura
Azygos vein
Chapter 18. Thoracic esophagus
Esophagus azygos vein
Fig. 18.8. A Penrose drain is placed around the esophagus for retraction.
Section 5: Chest
(a) (b)
Fig. 18.9(b). The esophageal muscle fibers (white arrows) are opened
longitudinally to fully expose the extent of the mucosal injury (black arrows).
Chapter 18. Thoracic esophagus
(a) (c)
Muscle layer
Mucosal repair
Section 5: Chest
(a) (b)
Fig. 18.11(b). The pleural flap is sutured over the esophageal repair (circle).
Fig. 18.11(a). A flap (white arrow) from the parietal pleura is created and
brought over the esophageal repair.
Right scapula
Fig. 18.12(a). Creation of an intercostal muscle flap (white arrows) with its Fig. 18.12(b). Suturing of the muscle flap over the esophageal
neurovascular bundle from an adjacent intercostal space. repair (circle).
Chapter 18. Thoracic esophagus
Section 5 Chest
Diaphragm injury
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 19. Diaphragm injury
Fig. 19.2. Trocar placement for diagnostic laparoscopy for diaphragm evaluation.
(b) Lacerations should be repaired with interrupted non-
absorbable sutures. Alternatively, laparoscopic hernia
staples may be used.
Diaphragm laceration with
omental herniation
Open repair
Patient should be placed in the supine position with both
arms abducted.
A standard trauma preparation from the chin to the knees
is used as access to the chest may be necessary.
Fig. 19.3(a),(b). Diagnostic laparoscopy view of diaphragm injury with A standard midline laparotomy incision should be used for
omental herniation. repair of the diaphragm to enable a complete investigation
Section 5: Chest
Superior cephalad retraction of the costal margins is key to
adequate exposure of the diaphragm. The use of a fixed
retractor such as the Bookwalter retractor is strongly Liver
The diaphragmatic wound edges are grasped with Allis
clamps and pulled anteriorly, to improve exposure and Spleen
repair. Clamps can be placed at the apices to line up the
edges of the laceration and facilitate suturing. This is Stomach
particularly important for posterior injuries, which are
difficult to access.
If there is a diaphragmatic hernia, reduce the contents with
gentle traction. If necessary, enlarge the diaphragmatic
defect to reduce incarcerated contents. Inspect contents for
any ischemic necrosis.
Section 6 Abdomen
20 for trauma
Heidi L. Frankel and Lisa L. Schlitzkus
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 6: Abdomen
Chapter 20. Abdominal trauma operations
(a) Incisions
HEAD A full midline laparotomy is the standard incision in
trauma. The extent of the incision is determined by the
location of any penetrating injury and the condition of the
patient. The incision should be long enough to provide
comfortable exposure and allow a complete exploration of
the abdomen. A xiphoid to pubic symphysis incision
should be considered in hemodynamically unstable
patients with penetrating trauma and unknown missile
trajectories. The concept of routine xiphoid to pubic
symphysis incision in all trauma laparotomies is not
In a hypotensive patient, the abdomen should be entered
quickly, without wasting time for local hemostasis. The
skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the linea alba are incised
sharply. The best place to incise the linea alba is 2–3 cm
above the umbilicus, where the aponeurosis is at its widest
part and where there is a reduced risk of entering the rectus
sheath. The preperitoneal fat is then swept away, and the
peritoneum is identified and entered. A finger can be used
to enter the peritoneal cavity just superior to the umbilicus
at the thinnest point.
Preperitoneal fat
Linea alba
Fig. 20.4(a),(b). The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the linea alba are
Fig. 20.3(a). Bookwalter retractor in place. (b) Electrothermal bipolar vessel incised. The preperitoneal fat is then swept away and the peritoneum is
sealing system device (LigaSure device). identified and entered.
Section 6: Abdomen
(b) (a)
Chapter 20. Abdominal trauma operations
(a) Fig. 20.6(a) Cranial In severe bleeding, which is not compressible, consider
extension of the midline
to either side of the
temporary aortic compression below the diaphragm.
xiphoid can provide Clamping of the infradiaphragmatic aorta can be facilitated
several more centimeters by dividing the left crux of the diaphragm at 2 o’clock. At
of exposure.
Xiphoid process this site there are no vessels. However, if there is a
supramesocolic hematoma or bleeding, infradiaphragmatic
aortic clamping may not be possible. In these cases a left
thoracotomy with supradiaphragmatic cross-clamping of
the aorta may be needed. Another alternative is placement
of an endovascular aortic occlusion balloon, insufflated
above the diaphragm.
The exposure and exploration are facilitated by complete
evisceration of the small bowel. Keep the eviscerated bowel
covered with warm and moist towels.
All hematomas due to penetrating trauma should be
explored! The only exception is a stable retrohepatic
hematoma, because it is a difficult and potentially
dangerous maneuver.
Stable hematomas due to blunt trauma should not be
explored. However, exploration should be considered for
all paraduodenal hematomas and for large, expanding, or
(b) leaking hematomas.
After bleeding control, the abdominal cavity should be
explored systematically to identify and treat other injuries.
The intestine should be examined from the ligament of
Treitz to the rectum. Grasp the transverse colon with
two hands and retract towards the patient’s chest. The
ligament of Treitz is at the center and base of the
transverse mesocolon. Ensure that both sides of the
small bowel and mesenteric border are carefully
examined so as to not miss an injury. This is
erse co
Fig. 20.6(b). Extension of the midline laparotomy into a median sternotomy
in cases with associated intrathoracic injuries or severe liver injuries requiring
atriocaval shunt or total liver vascular isolation.
Abdominal exploration mesocolon
Upon entering the abdomen, the top priority is the
temporary control of all significant bleeding. This can be
achieved by a combination of packing and direct Treitz ligament
Blind four-quadrant packing is not as effective as directed
packing! There is no point in packing all quadrants in a Fig. 20.7. Identification of the beginning of the small bowel at the Treitz
ligament. Grasp the transverse colon with two hands and retract towards the
patient with an isolated stab wound to the left upper patient’s chest. The Treitz ligament is at the middle and base of the transverse
quadrant. mesocolon.
Section 6: Abdomen
particularly germane to penetrating injuries, especially colon wall should be explored to exclude an
shotgun wounds. underlying injury.
Evisceration of the small bowel to the left or The anterior wall of the stomach and the proximal
right allows careful evaluation of the right and left duodenum can be exposed and inspected by retracting
colon. Hematomas in the fat surrounding the the transverse colon toward the patient’s pelvis.
(a) (b)
Right colon
Left colon
Fig. 20.8(a),(b). Evisceration of the small bowel to the left allows good exposure and visualization of the right colon (a). Evisceration to the right allows exposure of
the left colon (b). Note the small bowel retracted under the dark blue towel.
Chapter 20. Abdominal trauma operations
The posterior wall of the stomach and the pancreas can closure is acceptable. In all patients, close postoperative
be inspected by dividing the gastrocolic ligament and monitoring of intra-abdominal pressures is warranted
entering the lesser sac. (see Chapter 21).
The liver and spleen should be palpated and visually The skin should be left open in cases where there was intra-
inspected for injuries. The inspection may be operative contamination.
improved by placing laparotomy pads behind the
liver or spleen.
All hollow viscus subserosal hematomas should be
unroofed and examined for underlying perforations.
The diaphragm should always be palpated and Tips and pitfalls
inspected for injuries. Ongoing communication with the anesthesia team is
Both kidneys should be palpated for their presence and critical during the operation.
normal size. This step is important if a nephrectomy is In penetrating abdominal injuries with hemodynamic
considered. If the patient can tolerate it, preserve kidney instability, avoid venous access in the lower extremities,
mass whenever possible. because of the possibility of iliac vein or inferior vena
cava injuries.
The surgeon should consider using a head light,
Intestinal anastomosis especially for injuries located in difficult anatomical
In trauma, the outcomes are similar for hand-sewn versus
stapled anastomoses or one-layer versus two-layer Open the linea alba 2–3 cm above the umbilicus, where the
anastomosis, and continuous versus interrupted sutures. In aponeurosis is widest to reduce the risk of entering the
pediatric cases a one-layer anastomosis is recommended to rectus sheath.
avoid anastomotic stenosis. All hematomas due to penetrating trauma, irrespective of
size, should be explored. The only exception is a stable
retrohepatic hematoma.
Abdominal closure In multiple small bowel perforations, identify all
perforations before starting repairs. Resecting one segment
Closed drains are recommended in selected cases, such as with a single anastomosis may be safer than multiple
complex liver or pancreatic injuries. There is no role for intestinal repairs in close proximity.
routine drainage. In complex abdominal trauma where the abdominal wall is
Fascial closure should be attempted whenever possible. closed at the index operation, monitor bladder pressures
However, for patients at risk of abdominal compartment postoperatively for the development of intra-abdominal
syndrome or intra-abdominal hypertension, temporary hypertension.
Section 6 Abdomen
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 21. Damage control surgery
performed semi-electively, at a later stage, after venous injuries, temporary shunting of injured arteries, or
physiological stabilization. any combination of the above (see Chapter 24).
Temporary closure can be obtained by use of a vacuum- The technique of liver gauze packing (also see Chapter 24),
assisted closure system. following ligation of major sites of bleeding and non-
anatomical resection of non-viable liver, for damage
Temporary control of abdominal control with tight packing tamponade should be
considered if there is persistent bleeding. The liver is
bleeding wrapped with absorbable mesh and gauze packing is
Temporary bleeding control can be achieved by tight gauze applied around it. The mesh stays permanently in the
packing of the source of the bleeding (liver, abdomen and facilitates the removal of the gauze at the
retroperitoneum, and pelvis), application of local second-look laparotomy, without causing bleeding.
hemostatic agents, balloon tamponade in some cases (i.e., Local hemostatic agents are usually effective in
bleeding from a deep penetrating tract in the liver or the controlling minor bleeding, but they rarely work in
retroperitoneum), ligation instead of repair of major major hemorrhage.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 21.1(a)–(d). Severe liver injury requiring damage control with packing (a). After ligation of major bleeders and non-anatomical debridement, the liver is tightly
wrapped with absorbable mesh (b). Tight gauze packing is applied over the mesh (c). Temporary abdominal wall closure with ABThera negative pressure system.
Section 6: Abdomen
Chapter 21. Damage control surgery
(a) (b)
Fig. 21.3(a)–(c). Barker’s vacuum pack technique: fenestrated, non-adherent polyethylene sheet is placed over the bowel and under the peritoneum (a), and
covered by moist surgical towels or gauze. Two silicone drains are placed over the gauze (b), and a transparent adhesive drape is placed over the wound to maintain
a closed seal. The drains are connected to continuous wall suction.
(b) The V.A.C.® Abdominal Dressing System (KCI) is a placed directly over the bowel and tucked under the
negative pressure dressing system, which includes peritoneum, into the paracolic gutters and pelvis. The
polyurethane foam, covered with a protective, VPL does not need to be cut; however, if it is, the foam
fenestrated, non-adherent layer, tubing, a collection squares should be divided in the middle, with the
canister, and a computerized pump. The system pulls residual foam pulled out and discarded. Lateral slits
the fascia edges together and prevents adhesions should be made at the level of any ostomies or feeding
between the bowel and anterior abdominal wall, tubes to allow the VPL to fully extend around them. The
making subsequent re-exploration of the abdomen and second layer consists of fenestrated foam cut into the
fascia closure easier and safer. In addition, it actively correct size and shape and placed over the protective
removes any contaminated or inflammatory fluid from foam, under the peritoneum. The third layer consists of
the peritoneal cavity. a similar foam placed over the previous layer, between
(c) The ABThera (KCI) is a new NPT device. It consists of a the fascia edges. The dressing is then covered with a
visceral protective layer (VPL), made of a polyurethane semi-occlusive adhesive drape. A small piece of the
foam with six radiating foam extensions enveloped in a adhesive drape and underlying sponge are excised and
polyethylene sheet with small fenestrations. This layer is an interface pad with a tubing system is applied over this
Section 6: Abdomen
(a) (b)
Fig. 21.4(a)–(c). The V.A.C.® Abdominal Dressing System (KCI). A polyurethane foam, covered with a protective, fenestrated, non-adherent layer (a), is placed over
the intestine, under the peritoneum (b). A perforated polyurethane foam is placed over the first covered foam, covered with transparent adhesive drapes and
connected to a computerized pump (c).
(a) (b)
Fig. 21.6(a)–(d). Application of ABThera (KCI) for temporary abdominal closure. (a) Severe liver injury with perihepatic packing (arrow). (b) Application of the
visceral protective layer over the intestine and under the peritoneum. (c) Application of two layers of fenestrated foam (one under the peritoneum and one between
the edges of the abdominal wound), covered with transparent occlusive adhesive drape. (d) Interface pad and suction tubing.
Section 6: Abdomen
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
2 2 2
2 2 12
12 12
8 8 8
8 8 12 19
9 9 19 19 12
2 8 9 9 9 8 2 19 43 43 19
9 9
12 12
19 43 43 43 19
8 8
8 8 8 43 43
19 19
2 2
12 19 19 12
2 2 2
12 12
Fig. 21.7. Distribution of negative pressure of 125 mmHg with the Barker’s (a), V.A.C.® abdominal dressing system (b), and ABThera system (c). The distribution of
negative pressures affects the efficacy of removal of any intraperitoneal fluid (d).
Chapter 21. Damage control surgery
(c) (d)
15 0.900
71 71 0.800 ABThera
15 73 26 73 15
26 26
Volume (liters)
88 88 0.600 VAC
71 73 88 88 88 73 71
88 88
26 26 0.400 BARKER’s
15 73 26 73 15 0.300
71 71 0.200
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
Time (minutes)
Comparison of NPT techniques for temporary In patients with persistent large fascial defects, definitive
reconstruction should be considered, using synthetic or
abdominal closure biological meshes or sheets, or autologous tissue transfer
There is evidence that the ABThera™ Negative Pressure with component separation.
Therapy System (KCI USA, Inc., San Antonio, TX, USA),
is associated with a significantly higher 30-day primary
fascia closure rate and a lower mortality rate than the Tips and pitfalls
Barker’s technique. The superior outcomes with ABThera Consider early damage control, before the patient becomes
have been attributed to the more effective removal of toxic in extremis. The timing of damage control is critical in
lymph and cytokine and toxin-loaded peritoneal fluid. determining the outcome.
Interventional radiology is an important component of
damage control. Consider going to the angiography suite
Definitive fascia closure straight from the operating room or utilize a hybrid
Early, definitive closure of the abdomen reduces the operating room if available.
complications associated with the open abdomen. The Postoperative continuous bleeding after damage
closure should be achieved without tension or risk of control must be examined in the operating room
recurrence of IAH. immediately. Do not assume that it is coagulopathic
Primary fascia closure may be possible in many cases within bleeding!
a few days of the initial operation, and should be considered The type of negative pressure therapy used for temporary
when all intra-abdominal packing has been removed, any abdominal closure can influence outcomes.
residual infection is cleared, and the bowel edema subsides. In the presence of bleeding avoid using high negative
In some patients early definitive fascial closure may not be pressure therapy.
possible because of persistent bowel edema or intra- In applying ABThera or any other NPT, make sure
abdominal sepsis. In these cases, progressive closure should that the foam does not come into direct contact
be attempted at every return to the operating room for with the bowel because of the risk of fistula
dressing change, by placing a few interrupted sutures at the formation.
top and bottom of the fascia defect.
Section 6 Abdomen
Gastrointestinal tract
Special surgical instruments Subcostal extensions may be required for cases with
complex hepatic or gastroesophageal (GE) junction injuries.
General laparotomy tray
In a hypotensive patient, the abdomen should be entered
Bookwalter or other fixed abdominal retractor
using the scalpel in three strokes. First, the skin is incised,
Both TA and GIA stapling devices followed by the subcuticular tissue, and then the linea alba.
Ostomy supplies A finger can be used to enter the peritoneal cavity just
An electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing system device superior to the umbilicus at the thinnest point. Mayo scissors
(LigaSure device) can then be used to extend the peritoneal incision. Cautery
Adequate lighting including a headlight. electrodissection may be used in hemodynamically stable
patients under direct visualization.
The patient should be placed in the supine position with Stomach
the arms abducted to 90 degrees.
The bed rails should be free and exposed for retractor placement.
Surgical anatomy
The lesser curvature is supplied by the left and right gastric
Standard trauma preparation of skin from chin to knees
arteries. The origin of the right gastric artery is highly
and laterally to the bed.
variable, but generally originates from the proper hepatic
If based on pre-operative imaging, there is a possibility of artery. The left gastric artery arises from the celiac trunk
multiple compartment operations including a laparotomy
and is encased in the hepatogastric ligament. It gives off the
and thoracotomy with one hemithorax involved, the patient
esophageal artery before following the lesser curvature to
can be positioned in a modified taxi-cab hailing position. The
anastomose with the right gastric artery.
patient is placed supine with the injured hemithorax medially
The greater curvature is supplied by the left and right
rotated 30° anterior to the coronal plane, facilitating further
gastroepiploic arteries. The right gastroepiploic artery is an
exposure of the chest wall. A beanbag, folded blankets, or a
end branch of the gastroduodenal artery. The left
roll may be used to elevate and support the chest. Abduct the
gastroepiploic artery branches off the splenic artery and
arm and slightly flex the elbow. The arm can be prepped into
anastomoses with the right.
the field if manipulation is required. In general, however, to
accommodate any injuries that may be encountered, it is The fundus of the stomach is also supplied by the short
gastric arteries that arise from the distal splenic artery.
preferable to use the utility supine position.
The venous drainage parallels the arteries. The gastric veins
In suspected low rectal injuries, the patient may be placed
drain into the portal veins, while the left gastroepiploic and
in the lithotomy position to facilitate diagnostic
short gastric veins first enter the splenic vein and ultimately
sigmoidoscopy or transanal repair of a rectal injury.
the portal vein. The right gastroepiploic vein drains directly
into the superior mesenteric vein.
Incisions The angular incisure is the indentation approximately two-
A midline laparotomy incision provides the ideal thirds of the way along the lesser curvature, and is a
exposure for all gastrointestinal tract injuries. landmark for the end of the body and the beginning of the
Adequate visualization and access should not be pyloric antrum.
compromised by the length of the incision. Extension The upper part of the stomach begins with a physiologic
from xiphoid to pubic symphysis may be required, sphincter, the lower esophageal sphincter. The outlet
especially in hemodynamically compromised patients. consists of a thickened muscular ring called the pylorus.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 22. Gastrointestinal tract
(a) Fig. 22.1(a). One surgeon grasps the stomach with one hand and the opposite
transverse colon in the other hand. The second surgeon or assistant enters
the avascular plane of the gastrocolic ligament.
(b) Fig. 22.1(b). After division of the gastrocolic ligament, elevating the stomach
with downward traction of the transverse colon provides the critical view of
the posterior wall of the stomach and the pancreas.
Posterior wall
of the
Transverse colon
Section 6: Abdomen
Left triangular
Fig. 22.2(c). Vessel loop around the esophagus and enter downward, caudal
retraction on the stomach, exposes the esophagus and gastroesophageal
Left lobe, liver
Left diaphragm
Chapter 22. Gastrointestinal tract
(a) (b)
Left diaphragm
Esophagus Stomach
Fig. 22.3(a). Stapled esophago-gastrostomy: the EEA anvil can be placed through Fig. 22.3(b). A separate gastrotomy can be made to insert the EEA stapler.
the injury site and pushed cranially in the esophagus. The injured GE junction can
then be resected, and the anvil brought out the distal healthy end of the esophagus.
(c) (d)
Fig. 22.3(c). The circular stapler creates a neo-gastroesophageal junction (arrows). Fig. 22.3(d). The gastrotomy can later be closed with a TA or GIA stapler.
General principles
Injury should be suspected in any penetrating trauma that
enters or traverses the peritoneal cavity. Multiple
concurrent injuries may be present along the length of the
small bowel.
Perforation after blunt trauma results from shearing forces
or bowel entrapment causing a closed loop obstruction
with perforation due to a sudden increase in intraluminal Fig. 22.4(b). Bucket handle injury of the small bowel mesentery due to
pressure. Traction injuries may occur at points of fixation deceleration injury. Note the ischemic necrosis of the bowel.
such as the ligament of Treitz or the ileocecal junction.
A bucket handle injury of the mesentery may also occur
where the bowel is initially intact and viable, but later
necroses due to impaired blood supply from an injured The small intestine must be examined from the ligament of
mesentery. Treitz to the ileocecal valve. The entire circumference of
the intestine including the mesenteric border should be
(a) visualized. Stay methodical to avoid missing injuries.
Chapter 22. Gastrointestinal tract
Resection versus repair In planning major small bowel resections, try to preserve a
minimum of 100 cm of small bowel to avoid “short bowel
If multiple injuries are identified, consider a single rather
than multiple anastomoses.
Consider hand-sewn rather than stapled anastomosis in the
All injuries should be closed in a transverse orientation to
presence of bowel edema.
avoid narrowing the lumen.
Bowel left in discontinuity following damage control may
Resection versus primary repair will depend on the extent
be at risk of ischemia; when able, perform the anastomosis
of the injury.
at the index operation.
Intestinal anastomosis
The outcomes are similar for hand-sewn versus stapled Colon
anastomoses for trauma.
In settings where the bowel is edematous, friable, or where Surgical anatomy
there is a large size mismatch, a hand-sewn anastomosis The colon is divided into four parts: the ascending,
may be preferred. transverse, descending, and sigmoid. Along the length of the
Even in the damage control setting, always attempt to colon are three longitudinal muscles called the taenia coli.
perform the gastrointestinal tract anastomosis at the first The cecum is the first part of the ascending colon. It has no
operation. If unable, stapling and leaving the patient in mesentery, is almost entirely covered by peritoneum, and
discontinuity may be considered. gives off the appendix. Its vascular supply is the ileocolic
artery and vein, an end branch of the SMA and SMV. The
appendiceal artery, a branch of the ileocolic, lies within the
mesentery of the appendix.
The remainder of the ascending colon is retroperitoneal
and can be freed by taking down the white line of Toldt. It
is supplied by the right colic artery, a branch of the SMA,
and drains by the right colic vein into the SMV. The
ascending colon transitions into the transverse colon at the
hepatic flexure located at the inferior edge of the liver.
The transverse colon is the largest and most mobile part of
the colon. It is supplied by the middle colic artery from the
SMA with the parallel veins draining into the SMV. The
transverse colon ends at the splenic flexure. This turn is
more acute, less mobile and more superior than the hepatic
flexure. This is also the watershed transition point of the
vascular supply from the superior mesenteric vessels to the
inferior mesenteric vessels.
The descending colon mirrors the ascending, but on the
left. It is supplied by the left colic artery and vein, which
originate from the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) and
Fig. 22.6. Distended and ischemic segment of bowel proximal to the staple inferior mesenteric vein (IMV). As the descending colon
line in a patient who had a damage control procedure with bowel stapled and becomes more mobile and turns midline to drop down into
left in discontinuity. the pelvis, it becomes the sigmoid colon supplied by the
sigmoid artery. The sigmoid and left colic vein drain into
Tips and pitfalls the IMV, then the splenic vein to enter the portal vein.
All bowel wall hematomas due to penetrating trauma must
be unroofed and explored. A common error is the failure to
explore hematomas at the junction of the bowel and the General principles
mesentery. Hemorrhage must first be controlled, followed by
Perform a complete evaluation of the small bowel before contamination control. Once all injuries are identified,
starting any repairs or resections. The presence of other definitive repair can be undertaken. Contamination control
perforations may change the management plan. may include placing a Babcock on the injury, oversewing,
In cases with multiple small bowel perforations, a single or stapling the injury.
resection of a larger segment is preferable to multiple Antibiotics to include aerobic and anaerobic coverage
smaller resections. should be given preoperatively to all suspected colon
Section 6: Abdomen
Left colon
Fig. 22.7. Mobilization and medial rotation of the right colon exposes the Fig. 22.8(b). Excessive traction on the splenic flexure of the colon may cause
C loop of the duodenum. avulsion of the splenic capsule and bleeding.
Chapter 22. Gastrointestinal tract
Section 6: Abdomen
(a) (b)
Proximal loop
Distal loop
Distal loop
Fig. 22.9(b). Loop colostomy with complete fecal diversion, using a heavy
horizontal mattress suture as a temporary bridge (thick arrows), close to the
distal loop of the colostomy, through the aponeurosis of the external oblique
possible trans-anal repair. In the hemodynamically Associated bladder or iliac vascular injuries are common.
unstable patient due to associated intra-abdominal injuries, Every effort should be made to separate the repairs with
an exploratory laparotomy for bleeding control precedes well-vascularized tissue such as omentum, in order to
the rectal evaluation. reduce the risk of vascular graft infection or the formation
A properly constructed loop colostomy can provide of a rectovesical fistula.
effective fecal diversion and be the primary treatment for Complex anorectal injuries after open pelvic fractures
an extraperitoneal rectal injury. Alternatively, a heavy should be managed acutely with hemostasis, wound
horizontal mattress suture (silk 1) through the aponeurosis packing, and a sigmoid colostomy.
of the external oblique muscle and the mesocolon can
achieve an excellent fecal diversion.
Section 6 Abdomen
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 6: Abdomen
Superior mesenteric
General principles
All periduodenal hematomas secondary to blunt or
penetrating trauma found during laparotomy should be
explored to rule out underlying perforation.
First part
Hematoma duodenum
second part duodenum
Head of
Chapter 23. Duodenum
The majority of duodenal lacerations can be managed with Special surgical instruments
debridement and transverse duodenorrhaphy.
Complete trauma laparotomy tray, Bookwalter
Resection and primary anastomosis of the second portion self-retaining abdominal retractor, surgical headlight,
of the duodenum are tenuous due to the high risk of
and tube for possible jejunal feeding access.
vascular compromise during mobilization and proximity
to the ampulla of Vater.
Injuries involving the medial aspect of the second portion
of the duodenum may be more effectively explored from Positioning
within the lumen via a lateral duodenotomy. Avoid Standard supine positioning with arms abducted to 90
dissection of the duodenum from the head of the pancreas degrees
due to the high risk of devascularization and duodenal Standard trauma preparation from the nipples to the mid
necrosis. thighs.
Routine pyloric exclusion should not be performed.
Exclusion should be reserved for severe injuries requiring a
complex repair or a repair with tenuous blood supply.
In complex pancreaticoduodenal injuries, consider damage
control techniques and delayed reconstruction. A standard midline laparotomy incision from the xiphoid
Wide local drainage with closed suction drains of duodenal process to the pubic symphysis.
repairs should be performed. The drains should not
directly overlie the repair.
Distal feeding access, through a feeding jejunostomy, Operative technique
should routinely be considered in patients with complex
duodenal injuries. Exposure
Although rare, severe destructive injuries to the duodenum A self-retaining abdominal retractor is useful to retract the
that include the pancreatic head may require a abdominal wall and the liver cephalad to expose the
pancreaticoduodenal resection. These cases should be duodenal–pyloric junction.
handled using damage control principles with a staged The anterior surface of the first portion of the duodenum is
resection followed by delayed reconstruction. readily visible.
Second portion of
Hepatic flexure
Gastrocolic ligament
Section 6: Abdomen
A Kocher maneuver is performed by incising The C-loop of the duodenum and the pancreatic head
the lateral peritoneal attachments of the first, are retracted medially to expose their posterior surfaces.
second, and proximal third portions of the Avoid excessive superior traction to prevent superior
duodenum to the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) mesenteric vein injury.
exposing their lateral aspects. Avoid injury to Gerota’s fascia of the right kidney and the inferior vena
the SMV. cava are visible posteriorly.
Fig. 23.5. Kocher maneuver: the posterior and lateral aspects of the second
portion of the duodenum may be exposed by performing a Kocher maneuver.
The lateral peritoneal attachments of the first, second, and proximal third
portions of the duodenum are incised and the pancreaticoduodenal complex is
retracted medially. Note the exposure of the inferior vena cava and renal veins,
deep to the pancreaticoduodenal complex.
Third portion of
Chapter 23. Duodenum
Second portion of
retracted medially
Hepatic flexure
To increase exposure to the remainder of the third and small bowel mesentery, in an oblique fashion from the
fourth portions of the duodenum and retroperitoneal ileocecal junction towards the ligament of Treitz. The
vessels, a right medial visceral rotation or Cattell–Braasch right colon and small bowel are retracted cephalad and
maneuver is performed. to the left.
Incise the lateral peritoneal attachments of the right The superior mesenteric vessels are retracted
colon from the hepatic flexure to the cecum and retract with the small bowel, towards the patient’s head
the colon medially. and left side, and are no longer crossing the
Continue the inferior margin of the lateral peritoneal duodenum. The third and fourth portions are now
incision onto the visceral peritoneum, posterior to the accessible.
Section 6: Abdomen
Bowel tracted
to the right
Ligament of Treitz
Ileocecal junction
First portion of duodenum
superiorly and
to the left
Head of
Second portion
of duodenum
Fig. 23.7(b). Complete exposure of all parts of the duodenum after Cattell–Braasch maneuver. The viscera is retracted superiorly and to the left. Note the superior
mesenteric vessels are no longer crossing the duodenum.
Chapter 23. Duodenum
The distal fourth portion of the duodenum can also be duodenum emerges from the retroperitoneum attached
exposed by incising the ligament of Treitz. to the superior aspect of the duodenum.
The transverse colon is retracted superiorly and the The root of the mesentery should be palpated to
small bowel is gently retracted inferiorly and to the identify the location of the superior mesenteric vessels
right. The ligament of Treitz is identified at the root of to the right of the ligament of Treitz to prevent injury
the mesentery where the fourth portion of the prior to division.
(a) Fig. 23.8(a). The distal most part of the fourth portion of the duodenum is
attached to the ligament of Treitz. The Treitz ligament is at the middle and
base of the transverse mesocolon.
erse c
Proximal jejunum
(b) Fig. 23.8(b). Division of the ligament of Treitz to the right of the
duodenojejunal junction. The superior mesenteric artery is to the left of the
Transverse colon and mesocolon
retracted superiorly
jejunal junction
Ligament of Treitz
Section 6: Abdomen
Alternatively, the hepatic flexure of the colon can be An anterior gastrotomy is created along the greater
mobilized inferiorly by serially ligating and dividing the curvature of the stomach, near the pylorus.
gastrocolic omentum from the mid transverse colon to the The pylorus is identified and grasped via the
hepatic flexure and incising the peritoneal attachments gastrotomy with a Babcock clamp and a purse-string
laterally. An electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing system suture using a size 0 absorbable suture is placed.
(LigaSure device) may be used as a safe and faster An alternative technique involves stapling of the post-
alternative to vessel ligation and division. pyloric duodenum with a TA 55 4.8 mm stapling
The lesser sac is exposed and the anteromedial surfaces of device.
the second portion of the duodenum and head of the A gastrojejunostomy is created utilizing the previous
pancreas are visible. gastrotomy.
Repair (a)
Chapter 23. Duodenum
Section 6 Abdomen
Liver injuries
Left hepatic vein Fig. 24.1. Surgical anatomy of the liver. The plane
Right hepatic vein between the gallbladder and inferior vena cava
Middle hepatic vein (IVC) (interrupted line) runs along the middle
Coronary ligament hepatic vein. Dissection along the falciform
ligament should be done carefully, so as to avoid
injury to the portal venous supply to the medial
segment of the left lobe.
Falciform ligament
Portal vein
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 24. Liver injuries
The retrohepatic IVC is approximately 8–10 cm long and is the superior mesenteric artery. Alternatively, the left
partially embedded into the liver parenchyma. In hepatic artery may arise from the left gastric artery.
approximately 7% of individuals the IVC is completely The portal vein provides approximately 70% of hepatic
encircled by the liver. blood flow, and the remaining 50% of the hepatic
There are three major hepatic veins (right, middle, and oxygenation. It is formed by the confluence of the superior
left), as well as multiple accessory veins. The first 1–2 cm of mesenteric vein and the splenic vein behind the head of the
the major hepatic veins are extrahepatic, with the pancreas. The portal vein divides into right and left
remaining 8–10 cm intrahepatic. In approximately 70% of extrahepatic branches at the level of the liver parenchyma.
patients, the middle hepatic vein joins the left hepatic vein, The porta hepatis contains the hepatic artery (left),
near the IVC. common bile duct (right), and portal vein (posterior,
The common hepatic artery originates from the celiac between the common bile duct and the hepatic artery).
artery. It is responsible for approximately 30% of the The right hepatic duct is easier to expose after removal of
hepatic blood flow, but supplies 50% of the hepatic the gallbladder.
oxygenation. It branches into the left and right hepatic The left hepatic bile duct, the left hepatic artery, and the left
arteries at the liver hilum in the majority of patients. In an portal vein enter the under-surface of the liver near the
anatomical variant, the right hepatic artery may arise from falciform ligament.
Common bile
Portal vein
Section 6: Abdomen
Portal vein
Chapter 24. Liver injuries
Section 6: Abdomen
Chapter 24. Liver injuries
Rummel tourniquet
Fig. 24.6. Temporary control of liver bleeding may be achieved by finger
compression of the liver wound.
Adequate exposure of the liver is critical in the Fig. 24.7(b). Pringle maneuver with Rummel tourniquet around the porta
hepatis stuctures (portal vein: blue vessel loop; common bile duct: yellow vessel
management of severe injuries. The first step is to loop; hepatic artery: red vessel loop).
place three to four laparotomy pads behind the liver,
under the diaphragm, and retract the liver anteriorly and
inferiorly. If this maneuver does not provide adequate
exposure, the next step is mobilization of the liver by between two of your fingers and sharply divide the
taking down the falciform and coronary ligaments. avascular ligament.
During division of the falciform ligament, care should be Bleeding from deep liver lacerations can often be controlled
taken to avoid injury to the hepatic veins, as the dissection by direct suture-ligation or clipping of any major bleeders,
progresses posteriorly. To facilitate this in a rapid fashion, followed by deep, figure-of-eight, tension-free sutures,
place gentle pressure down on the liver with the falciform using 0-chromic on a large blunt-tip liver needle.
Section 6: Abdomen
Falciform ligament
Chapter 24. Liver injuries
Section 6: Abdomen
(a) (b)
Fig. 24.12(a). Grade 4 injury to the right lobe of the liver, undergoing a non- Fig. 24.12(b). Completion of non-anatomical resection of part of the right
anatomical resection. Major vessels and bile ducts are individually ligated and lobe (circle). The edges may be approximated with interrupted figure-of-eight
divided. sutures. Circle demonstrates the cut edge of the resected liver.
Common hepatic
Chapter 24. Liver injuries
Ligation can also be considered for the rare occasion The atriocaval shunt reduces retrohepatic venous
where there is direct injury to the hepatic artery. bleeding, but does not achieve complete cessation of the
Shunting is an alternative damage control option that bleeding.
may be considered, depending on the size and location The experience of the surgical team and the timing
of injury. of the shunt are critical factors in determining
outcome. It should be considered early, before the
In cases of ineffective perihepatic packing when the injury is development of major coagulopathy and severe
not amenable to resection, temporary control of the bleeding hypothermia.
can be achieved by using vascular isolation of the liver. This
will facilitate visualization and possible repair of the area of
Vascular isolation consists of cross-clamping the aorta Extrahepatic biliary tract injuries
below the diaphragm, the suprahepatic and infraheptic Most injuries to the gallbladder are best treated by
IVC, and the porta hepatis. cholecystectomy, although cholecystorrhaphy with
Clamping the aorta is essential and should be done first absorbable sutures has been recommended for small
in order to prevent hypovolemic cardiac arrest. wounds.
Suprahepatic cross-clamping of the IVC can be Injuries to the common bile duct (CBD) are difficult to
performed by applying a vascular clamp on the IVC, repair because of the small duct size in young, healthy
between the diaphragm and the dome of the liver. individuals, and a high incidence of postoperative stenosis
Practically, however, total hepatic vascular isolation is can be expected.
very rarely necessary because of the increased use of Complete CBD transection is best managed with a
packing and is employed only for very severe injuries, Roux-en-Y biliary enteric anastomosis.
often where the retrohepatic IVC or hepatic veins are Incomplete transection of the CBD may be repaired
injured. In these patients, attempting to place a clamp primarily. Insertion of a T-tube through a separate
on the IVC in this location is extremely difficult due to choledochotomy and repair of the duct injury over the
the hematoma and bleeding, and there is a high T-tube can reduce the risk of stenosis.
probability of worsening the injury by clamping here.
In patients presenting in extremis no definitive CBD
Control of the intrapericardial IVC through a limited
reconstruction should be attempted. In these cases the
lower sternotomy may be preferable in this situation.
CBD can be ligated. Alternatively, a catheter can be
The use of atriocaval shunting may be considered in selected placed into the proximal duct and brought out through
complex retrohepatic venous injuries that cannot be managed the skin for external drainage. Reconstruction with a
by other less aggressive approaches. bilioenteric anastomosis is performed after patient
(Details of the atriocaval shunt are shown in Chapter 30.) stabilization.
Section 6: Abdomen
Section 6 Abdomen
Splenic injuries
Surgical anatomy of the left kidney and extends to the splenic hilum, as a
The spleen lies under the ninth to eleventh ribs, under two-layered fold that invests the tail of the pancreas and
the diaphragm. It is lateral to the stomach and splenic vessels. The splenophrenic ligament connects the
anterosuperior to the left kidney. The tail of the pancreas posteromedial part of the spleen to the diaphragm, and the
is in close anatomical proximity to the splenic hilum splenocolic ligament connects the inferior pole of the
and amenable to injury during splenectomy or hilar spleen to the splenic flexure of the colon. The splenogastric
clamping. ligament is the only vascular ligament and contains five to
The spleen is held in place by four ligaments, which seven short gastric vessels, which originate from the distal
include the splenophrenic and splenorenal ligaments splenic artery and enter the greater curvature of the
posterolaterally, the splenogastric ligament medially, and stomach. Excessive retraction of the splenic flexure or the
the splenocolic ligament inferiorly. The splenorenal gastrosplenic ligaments can easily tear the splenic capsule
ligament begins at the anterior surface of Gerota’s fascia and cause troublesome bleeding.
Splenocolic ligament
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 6: Abdomen
(b) (a)
Splenorenal ligament
Spleen Diaphragm
Splenorenal ligament
Fig. 25.1(b). Undue traction on the spleen, the stomach, or the colon may Fig. 25.2(a),(b). Medial rotation of the spleen exposes the splenorenal
cause capsular avulsion and bleeding. ligament, which begins at the anterior surface of the Gerota’s fascia of the left
kidney and extends to the splenic hilum.
Chapter 25. Splenic injuries
Splenocolic ligament
General principles
Gastrosplenic ligament The spleen is the second most commonly injured
with short gastric vessels abdominal solid organ after blunt trauma and the
second most commonly injured after penetrating
Nearly 80% of patients with splenic injury after blunt
Fig. 25.4. The stomach is retracted medially and the spleen laterally, revealing trauma can be managed non-operatively, but only if they
the gastrosplenic ligament and the short gastric vessels.
are hemodynamically stable with a stable hemoglobin and
without peritonitis. Non-operative management of splenic
injuries is ill-advised in patients with a significant injury
The mobility of the spleen depends on the architecture of
burden, coagulopathy, or a severe traumatic brain injury.
these ligaments. In patients with short and well-developed
ligaments mobilization is more difficult and requires Angioembolization is an adjunct to the non-operative
management of high-grade splenic injuries, especially in
careful dissection in order to avoid further
patients with evidence of active extravasation on contrast-
splenic damage.
enhanced CT scan.
The splenic hilum contains the splenic artery and vein and
is often intimately associated with the tail of the pancreas. All patients who undergo emergent splenectomy should
receive vaccinations for encapsulated organisms prior to
The extent of the space between the tail of the pancreas and
hospital discharge.
the splenic hilum varies from person to person.
The splenic artery is a branch of the celiac axis that courses
superior to the pancreas towards the splenic hilum where it Special surgical instruments
divides into an upper and lower pole artery. There is A standard trauma laparotomy tray, which includes
significant variability in where this branching occurs. vascular instruments.
Section 6: Abdomen
Fig. 25.5(b). With the surgeon’s left hand, the spleen is gently rotated
Exposure medially and downward to facilitate the placement of laparotomy pads.
Upon entry into the peritoneal cavity, the surgeon often
encounters a significant amount of blood. The blood
should be removed quickly and the left upper quadrant (c)
packed with laparotomy pads, to temporarily control the
The next step is full exposure and inspection of the spleen
in order to plan the definitive management of the injury.
The surgeon should slide his hand gently over the
posterolateral surface of the spleen and exert slight medial
and downward traction. Three or four laparotomy pads are
then placed under the left diaphragm and behind the
spleen, providing excellent exposure.
The surgeon should be gentle during exposure of the spleen
because undue traction on the stomach or the splenic
Fig. 25.5(c). Laparotomy pads are placed above and behind the spleen, to
keep the spleen in a downward and medial position. Note the significantly
improved exposure.
Chapter 25. Splenic injuries
In order to facilitate splenectomy or complex splenic system such as the LigaSure device may be used as a safe
preservation operations using splenic mesh or partial and faster alternative to vessel ligation and division.
splenectomy, the spleen should be adequately mobilized. The The spleen now is attached only by the splenic vessels,
first step is division of the splenophrenic and splenorenal along with the tail of the pancreas, at the hilum.
ligaments posterolaterally. These ligaments are avascular and
can be divided sharply. The next step is the en-bloc medial (a)
mobilization of the spleen and the tail of the pancreas.
Mobilization of the tail of the pancreas may not be necessary
in patients with a short pancreas and a long distance between
the tail and the hilum. The next step is division of the
vascular gastrosplenic ligament, as far away from the
stomach as possible, in order to avoid injury or ischemic
Hilum of spleen
necrosis of the gastric wall. The final step is division of the
splenocolic ligament. Although this stepped approach for the
mobilization of the spleen is applicable to most patients, the
surgeon should have in mind that the order of taking down
the splenic ligaments should be flexible and determined by
the local anatomy, and may vary from patient to patient. Ruptured lower pole
For the patient with a partially avulsed spleen that is actively of spleen
hemorrhaging, rapid hilar vascular control takes precedence
over meticulous ligament identification and division.
ligament Splenic artery Splenic vein
Fig. 25.6. The spleen is mobilized, reflected medially, and the splenic vessels
The first step is adequate mobilization of the spleen and
delivery of the spleen towards the midline. Temporary
bleeding control and division of the ligaments are
performed as described. The short gastric vessels in the
gastrosplenic ligament should be ligated away from the Fig. 25.7(a),(b). After division of the splenic ligaments and medial rotation,
the spleen remains attached only by the splenic vessels. Bleeding control is
stomach, in order to avoid damage or ischemic necrosis of achieved by compressing the hilar structures between the fingers. The vessels
the gastric wall. An electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing are individually ligated and divided (b). Splenectomy specimen (b).
Section 6: Abdomen
The splenic artery and vein should be individually ligated of the distal pancreas may need to be resected to
as close to the hilum as possible to avoid injuring the safely perform the splenectomy. This can be done
pancreas. Use of an electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing with a TA stapling device or an electrothermal bipolar
system is an alternative to ligation and division of the vessel sealing system. In these cases care should be
vessels. taken to ensure hemostasis of the superior pancreatic
Occasionally, the splenic hilum and tail of the artery that runs along the superior portion of
pancreas are so intimately related that a small portion the pancreas.
(a) (b)
Tail of
Fig. 25.8(a),(b). Stapled splenectomy technique. Sometimes the tail of the pancreas is so intimately related to the splenic hilum, that it may be necessary to
remove a small part of the pancreas with the spleen. A stapled en-masse resection is an effective resection technique. (The splenic artery is shown encircled with a
red vessel loop and the splenic vein with a blue vessel loop.) The photo shows medial mobilization of the spleen and pancreas and application of the TA stapler on
the tail of the pancreas. Circle shows staple line of the distal pancreas after distal pancreatectomy.
Chapter 25. Splenic injuries
The size, site, and shape of the splenic injury and the
hemodynamic condition of the patient will determine the
feasibility of a spleen-preserving operation.
For capsular avulsions or superficial parenchymal
lacerations, there is no need for full splenic mobilization
with division of the splenic ligaments. Placement of two to
three laparotomy pads behind the spleen usually provides
adequate exposure.
For complex repairs, full mobilization of the spleen, as
described above, may be necessary.
In cases with avulsion of the splenic capsule or minor
lacerations, hemostasis can be achieved with local
hemostatic agents.
Superficial lacerations may be repaired with figure-of-eight
or horizontal mattress absorbable sutures, on a blunt
liver needle. The presence of an intact splenic capsule
makes the placement of the sutures technically easier,
because it prevents tearing of the parenchyma. If the
parenchyma is fragile and does not hold sutures, pledgets
may be used.
Fig. 25.9(b). Alternatively, the surgeon compresses the spleen with the non-
dominant hand and places the sutures with the dominant hand.
Section 6: Abdomen
Partial splenectomy
A partial splenectomy is possible because of the segmental
blood supply of the spleen, with the vessels traveling in a
parallel fashion. It should be considered in injuries
localized to either the upper or lower pole of the spleen.
Full splenic mobilization, as described above, is essential
before attempting partial splenic resection. Fig. 25.10(b). Vertical mattress sutures with pledgets may be used for
persistent oozing from the cut edge.
If the individual vessels to the injured pole can be
identified, they should be ligated at the hilum before
entering the spleen, for better hemostasis.
A capsular incision is made with electrocautery, parallel to
(a) the lobar arteries. Using blunt finger dissection or fine-
tipped suction, the underlying parenchyma of the avascular
tissues is divided and individual intrasplenic vessels are
identified and ligated with a 3–0 or 4–0 silk. Alternatively
an electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing system (LigaSure
device) or a TA stapling device may be used.
Chapter 25. Splenic injuries
(b) (a)
Splenic mesh
An absorbable mesh can also be utilized for splenic salvage,
in cases with multiple stellate parenchymal injuries or with Fig. 25.12(a),(b). Application of a splenic mesh may be a good adjunct
in splenic preservation operations, in multiple stellate parenchymal
extensive avulsion of the splenic capsule. lacerations, or in extensive capsular avulsion (a). Commercially available
Bean-shaped mesh pouches are commercially available, or splenic mesh (b).
a mesh wrap can be constructed by the surgeon. Local
hemostatic agents may be used as adjuncts to the mesh.
Section 6: Abdomen
Tips and pitfalls splenic tissue distally. If there is concern about damage to
the stomach, it is advisable to oversew the area with
Non-operative management of severe blunt splenic injuries Lembert sutures.
in patients with traumatic head injury or coagulopathy is
During splenectomy, the splenic vessels should be ligated
generally not recommended.
very close to the spleen to avoid injury to the tail of the
Splenic salvage is a reasonable option in stable patients, if pancreas. If a rim of pancreatic tissue has to be removed
the injury is amenable to simple repair, splenic mesh, or
with the spleen, suture-ligate or use an electrothermal
partial splenectomy. In unstable or coagulopathic patients,
bipolar vessel sealing system to prevent pancreatic leaks or
splenectomy is the procedure of choice.
bleeding from the superior pancreatic artery.
Full mobilization of the spleen is mandatory before
The most common sites of persistent postoperative
attempting splenorrhaphy of deep or complex lacerations,
bleeding are the areas near the tail of the pancreas from the
placement of a splenic mesh, or a partial splenectomy.
superior pancreatic artery and at the insertion of the short
Mobilization of the spleen improves the exposure, but it
gastric vessels into the stomach.
has the potential of making the injury worse, if done
All severe splenic injuries managed with splenic
preservation should undergo a postoperative CT scan with
During splenectomy, ligation of the short gastric vessels intravenous contrast to rule out false aneurysms or
should be performed close to the spleen to avoid damage to
arteriovenous fistulas.
the greater curvature of the stomach. These vessels can be
Remember to vaccinate splenectomy patients for
very short and there is little or no space between the
encapsulated organisms prior to discharge.
stomach and the spleen. In these cases leave a thin rim of
Section 6 Abdomen
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 6: Abdomen
Splenic vein
mesenteric vein
Chapter 26. Pancreas
Lesser omentum
Gastro-colic ligament
Transverse colon
Section 6: Abdomen
Gastrocolic ligament
(avascular part)
Lesser sac
(a) (b)
(Posterior wall)
Posterior wall
of the stomach
Transverse colon Fig. 26.3(b). Complete exposure of the body and tail of the pancreas, after
opening the lesser sac and dividing any attachments between the posterior
wall of the stomach and the pancreas (SMA ¼ superior mesenteric artery, SMV
Fig. 26.3(a). After entering the lesser sac, any attachments between the ¼ superior mesenteric vein.)
pancreas and the posterior wall of the stomach (circle) are divided.
Chapter 26. Pancreas
(a) (b)
Posterior HEAD
head of pancreas OF PANCREAS DUODENUM
Left renal
Fig. 26.4(a),(b). Kocher maneuver: the posterior aspect of the head of the pancreas is exposed after medial rotation of the second portion of the duodenum. The
IVC and left renal vein are directly under the head of the pancreas.
Portal vein
Stapling device behind
neck of pancreas
Pancreatic tail
Section 6: Abdomen
Splenic artery
Splenic vein
mesenteric vein
arcade SMA
Management of pancreatic injuries Pancreatic injuries to the left of the superior mesenteric
vessels are best treated by distal pancreatectomy, often en-
Low-grade injuries without ductal injury are best managed
bloc with the spleen. The first step is to mobilize the body
with conservative debridement of non-viable tissue,
or tail of the pancreas, starting at the point of the injury.
hemostasis, and external drainage with closed suction
The peritoneum at the inferior border of the pancreas is
drains. Repair of the pancreatic capsule is possible,
incised and the plane behind the pancreas is developed
although it is controversial because of concerns about
using blunt dissection, taking care to avoid injury to the
increased risk of pseudocyst formation. Diffuse bleeding
splenic vessels, which are near the superior border and
may be managed with application of topical hemostatics
behind the pancreas. A vessel loop is then placed around
and tissue glue.
the pancreas. The resection of the pancreas is performed
High-grade injuries with ductal involvement or associated just proximal to the injury, through healthy tissues, using a
severe duodenal injuries require more complex procedures.
GIA or TA stapling device (see Fig. 26.5 a,b). If the
The choice of procedure depends on the hemodynamic
proximal end of the pancreatic duct is visible, it should be
condition of the patient, the site of the pancreatic injury
suture ligated with figure-of-eight non-absorbable sutures.
(head and neck versus tail of the pancreas), and the
The splenic artery and vein are then individually suture
experience of the surgeon.
ligated with figure-of-eight sutures. The pancreatectomy is
Splenic vessels
Tail of pancreas
Body of pancreas
Chapter 26. Pancreas
Body of pancreas
Division of pancreas
Fig. 26.7(a),(b). Placement of TA stapling device and division of the body of Fig. 26.7(c). The pancreatic stump is oversewn (circle) with non-absorbable
the pancreas. sutures.
Section 6: Abdomen
(d) (a)
Chapter 26. Pancreas
In destructive injuries to the head of the pancreas or the Tips and pitfalls
duodenum, a pancreaticoduodenectomy may be necessary.
Pancreatic injuries without ductal involvement rarely cause
It should only be performed as a primary procedure in
significant problems and do not require an operation.
hemodynamically stable patients by an experienced
surgeon. In coagulopathic or physiologically compromised Distal pancreatectomy (to the left of the neck of the
pancreas) rarely results in permanent diabetes or
patients the surgeon should opt for damage control and a
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.
two-stage procedure. At the initial operation, damage
control surgery should be performed to control the Mobilization and separation of the head of the pancreas
hemorrhage and any intestinal spillage. The definitive from the medial aspect of the duodenal loop results in
Whipple’s pancreaticoduodenectomy should be deferred duodenal ischemia and necrosis. A minimum of 1 cm of
for 24 to 48 hours after restoration of hemodynamic pancreatic tissue should be left behind in order to preserve
stability, and after correction of any coagulopathy and the pancreaticoduodenal vascular arcades.
hypothermia. The reconstruction, including In isolated injuries involving the head of the pancreas, if
pancreaticojejunostomy, choledochojejunostomy, and the integrity of the duct cannot be confirmed, pancreatic
gastroenterostomy, is similar to that in elective cases and drainage alone should be considered. Radical resections
will not be discussed in the current Atlas. should be avoided because of the high mortality and
Insertion of a jejunal feeding tube beyond the ligament of morbidity. The pancreatic duct should be evaluated
Treitz is recommended in cases undergoing postoperatively by means of MRCP or ERCP. In cases with
pancreaticoduodenectomy or complex duodenal repairs, in ductal injury, ERCP-placed stenting may be considered.
order to allow enteral nutrition in cases with postoperative During tunneling between the neck of the pancreas and the
anastomotic leaks. superior mesenteric vessels and portal vein, stay in the
midline, directly under the neck. This area is avascular.
Section 6 Abdomen
Urological trauma
Surgical anatomy
Both kidneys have similar muscular surroundings.
Posteriorly, the diaphragm covers the upper third of each
kidney. Medially, the lower two-thirds of the kidney lie
against the psoas muscle, and laterally, the quadratus
The right kidney borders the duodenum medially. Its lower Right gonadal vein
pole lies behind the hepatic flexure of the colon. Left gonadal vein
The left kidney is bordered superiorly by the tail of the
pancreas, the spleen superolaterally, and the splenic flexure
of the colon inferiorly.
Gerota’s fascia encloses the kidney and is an effective
barrier for containing blood or a urine leak.
The renal artery and vein travel from the aorta and IVC
just below the SMA at the level of the second lumbar
vertebra. The vein lies anterior to the artery. The renal
pelvis and ureter are located posterior to the vessels.
The right renal artery takes off from the aorta with a
downward slope under the IVC into the right kidney. The
left renal artery courses directly off the aorta into the left Fig. 27.1. Anatomy of the kidneys and ureters and their relationship with the
major vessels. Note the right renal artery coursing under the inferior vena cava.
kidney. Each renal artery branches into five segmental The ureters cross over the bifurcation of the common iliac arteries (circle).
arteries as it approaches the kidney.
The right renal vein is typically 2–4 cm in length, does not
receive any branches and enters into the lateral edge of the
IVC. Ligation of the vein causes hemorrhagic infarction of
the kidney because of the lack of collaterals.
The left renal vein is typically 6–10 cm in length, passes Ureter
posterior to the SMA and anterior to the aorta. The left The ureter courses posterior to the renal artery and travels
renal vein receives branches from the left adrenal vein along the anterior edge of the psoas muscle.
superiorly, lumbar veins posteriorly, and the left gonadal The gonadal vessels cross anterior to the ureter.
vein inferiorly. This allows for ligation of the left renal vein The ureter crosses over the bifurcation of the common iliac
proximal to the kidney close to the IVC. artery.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 27. Urological trauma
Incision Right
Standard midline trauma laparotomy incision. Inferior mesenteric vein
A Bookwalter or other fixed abdominal retractor facilitates
the exposure. Feet
Fig. 27.2. Dissection in the posterior peritoneum lateral to the aorta and just
Kidney exposure above the inferior mesenteric vein, and continuing superiorly along the aorta,
will identify the left renal vein crossing the aorta anteriorly. The left renal artery
Proximal vascular control, before opening the Gerota’s is located posterior to the vein.
fascia, may be considered in stable patients if a kidney-
preserving operation is planned. This approach increases
the chances of kidney salvage.
Section 6: Abdomen
Renal artery
Renal vein
colon Ureter
Left kidney
Fig. 27.3(b). Exposure of the left kidney and the hilum after medial rotation of
the left colon (artery in red, vein in blue and ureter in yellow loop).
Fig. 27.3(a). Incision of the white line of Toldt, and mobilization and medial
rotation of the left colon, exposes the left kidney.
Chapter 27. Urological trauma
Right ureter
Fig. 27.4(b). Exposure of the right kidney and the hilum after medial rotation
of the right colon. Note the renal vein anteriorly, the artery posteriorly and the
Right renal artery ureter inferiorly.
Section 6: Abdomen
Renal capsule
Left kidney
Needle in
ureter, above
clamp Renal injury
Fig. 27.7(a). Suturing of pledgets on intact renal capsule edges, for primary
repair of injury.
Fig. 27.6. Intraoperative evaluation of the integrity of the collecting system: First, attempt to dissect the capsule off the damaged
insertion of a 22-gauge needle into the proximal ureter, with bulldog clamp parenchyma for assistance with closure later.
applied distally, and injection of 2–3 mL of methylene blue into the renal pelvis.
Extravasation of the methylene blue (circle) confirms injury to the collective Perform a guillotine transection of the renal parenchyma
system. back to healthy bleeding tissue. Control small bleeding
vessels with figure-of-eight 4–0 absorbable sutures, and
close the collecting system in a watertight fashion with a
4–0 absorbable suture. Topical hemostatics may be placed
on the renal parenchyma to aid in hemostasis.
If possible, the renal capsule should be primarily closed, If the renal capsule has been preserved, close the capsule
without tension, using pledgets. over the raw surface of the kidney with a 3–0
If the defect in the capsule is large, an omental pedicle flap, polypropylene or vicryl suture with or without pledgets. If
fibrin sealant, or thrombin-soaked GelFoam bolsters can the capsule could not be preserved or if the injury is too
be used to fill the defect. The capsule should then be closed extensive to cover completely, the defect can be covered by
over the bolster or flap with pledgeted 4–0 polypropylene an omental flap or absorbable material such as GelFoam,
sutures. which can be sutured to the remaining renal capsule with
If other intra-abdominal injuries are present, an omental 3–0 polypropylene or vicryl sutures.
interposition flap should be placed over the renal injury to A retroperitoneal drain should be placed at the end of the
separate the kidney from the other injuries. operation.
A retroperitoneal drain should be placed at the end of the
If the injury to the kidney is too extensive for repair, a
nephrectomy is warranted. If the patient is unstable, and
Partial nephrectomy the kidney is the source of hemorrhage, likewise
Extensive damage to the upper or lower poles of the kidney nephrectomy is warranted. No preliminary vascular
requires partial nephrectomy rather than primary repair. isolation is needed. After medial visceral rotation, Gerota’s
Chapter 27. Urological trauma
(b) (a)
Transverse colon
Left kidney
Left kidney
Omental flap
Fig. 27.8(a). Omental pedicle flap may be used to fill in large parenchymal
defects, not amenable to primary repair. The flap is anchored to the capsule
with sutures (red circles).
Fig. 27.7(b). Definitive, tension-free, repair of left kidney injury using pledgets.
Section 6: Abdomen
(a) (c)
Left ureter Fig. 27.9(c). Partial lower pole nephrectomy with preservation of the capsule:
the capsule can close over the raw surface of the kidney.
Fig. 27.9(a). Extensive damage to the lower poles of the kidney is best Postoperative care
managed with partial nephrectomy. Patients who have undergone kidney repair should be
followed with periodic urinalysis, blood pressure
monitoring, and CT scan with intravenous contrast, in
(b) order to rule out early or late complications such as a
urinoma, kidney infarct, false aneurysm, arteriovenous
fistula, or secondary hypertension.
HEAD Urinomas are the most common complication, and they
can be managed by endoscopic stenting with or without
percutaneous drainage.
LEFT KIDNEY False aneurysms, or arteriovenous fistulas can be managed
by angioembolization.
Hypertension can be managed medically, but if medical
management fails, a delayed nephrectomy may be
Ureter injury
General principles
Early recognition and treatment of ureteral injuries is
Feet important because failure to recognize these injuries can
result in loss of renal function, sepsis, or death.
In patients undergoing laparotomy for penetrating trauma,
all retroperitoneal hematomas should be explored and the
Fig. 27.9(b). Partial lower pole nephrectomy with the raw surface covered
with absorbable materials such as GelFoam, which can be sutured to the
ureter examined for any injury. The ureter can be inspected
remaining renal capsule. with or without the use of intravenous or intraureteral dye.
Chapter 27. Urological trauma
The ureter can be divided into three separate anatomical The injured part of the ureter should be debrided to viable
areas when considering repair, including the proximal, mid tissue.
and distal ureter. The proximal ureter is the segment above Take care not to injure or devitalize the ureter.
the iliac bifurcation. The mid ureter is the segment between The ureter is mobilized to allow the proximal and distal
the iliac bifurcation and the deep pelvis. The distal ureter is ends to come together without tension.
defined as the segment of ureter below the internal iliac Spatulate the ends of the ureter to prevent stenosis at the
artery. Each of these anatomic areas requires a different suture line.
type of repair. Place an indwelling double-J-type stent into the proximal
The type of ureteral repair depends on the level of the and distal ends of the ureter.
injury, the amount of ureteral loss, and the condition of the Perform a tension-free, mucosa-to-mucosa anastomosis
patient. The general principles for all ureteral repairs are using an interrupted 4–0 or 5–0 absorbable suture.
debridement to healthy tissue with a tension-free Place a retroperitoneal drain near the repair site. In the case
watertight repair over a stent. of bowel or pancreatic injuries in addition to ureteral
In severe trauma the patient may not be stable enough to injuries, every attempt should be made to isolate the
undergo extensive ureteral repair during the initial ureteral repair from the other injuries by covering it with
operation. In these cases a damage control procedure an omental flap or local tissue.
should be considered. If a ureteral transection is identified,
the proximal and distal ends of the ureter can be ligated
and tagged and left in place to be repaired semi-electively
after the patient has stabilized. Alternatively, an external Repair of the distal ureter
stent can be placed in the proximal ureter and brought out Distal ureter injuries usually occur in the setting of a pelvic
through the abdominal wall through a separate stab hematoma, making the dissection difficult. If an injury is
incision in the abdomen to allow for monitoring of urine identified, direct re-implantation of the distal ureter into
output during resuscitation. Immediate diversion is not the bladder is preferable if it can be performed tension-free.
necessary, as the affected kidney can tolerate complete This should be done in an anti-refluxing fashion if possible
obstruction for several days until a definitive repair can be over a stent.
performed. If repair will be significantly delayed for clinical Although anti-refluxing is not crucial in the adult patient,
reasons, a percutaneous nephrostomy tube should be an attempt should be made to perform an anti-refluxing
considered. tunnel with an extravesical reimplant if a psoas hitch is not
required. Once the ureter has been adequately mobilized, a
tunnel is created in the posterolateral dome, by dissecting
Repair of the proximal and mid ureter off the detrusor muscle, leaving small muscle flaps on
Explore the retroperitoneum by performing a medial either side. A hole can be made in the bladder mucosa at
visceral rotation, mobilizing the ipsilateral colon by the apex of this trough, and the spatulated ureteral end can
incising the white line of Toldt and reflecting it medially. be anastomosed over a stent with interrupted 4–0 vicryl
Identify the ureter and trace it proximally and distally to suture. The muscle flaps are then laid over the ureter in this
examine the extent of injury. trough, and secured with 3–0 vicryl absorbable suture.
Distal ureter
Section 6: Abdomen
Distal ureter
Proximal ureter
Double-J-type stent
Chapter 27. Urological trauma
Distal ureter
Proximal ureter
Double-J-type stent
Distal ureter
Omental flap
Proximal ureter
Section 6: Abdomen
(a) (c)
Proximal ureter
Fig. 27.15(c). Closure of detrusor muscle flaps over the ureteral anastomosis
Fig. 27.15(a). Preparation of the bladder for distal ureter anastomosis. with 3–0 absorbable sutures.
A tunnel is made in the ipsilateral, posterolateral dome by dissecting off
the detrusor muscle, leaving small muscle flaps on either side to cover
anastomosis later. A hole is made in the bladder mucosa at the apex of
this trough.
Bladder injury
General principles
Injuries to the bladder are classified according to the location
of rupture. Intraperitoneal bladder rupture always requires
operative repair. Extraperitoneal ruptures can be managed
with urethral catheter drainage alone. Some bladder injuries
can be a combination of both intraperitoneal and
Spatulated proximal
extraperitoneal ruptures and should be fixed surgically.
Chapter 27. Urological trauma
Postoperative care
Intraperitoneal drains should be left in place until output
is minimal. The urethral catheter should be left in place
for 7 to 10 days. If there is any concern about bladder
healing, a cystogram can be performed to evaluate for urine
Opened bladder Head leakage from the repair. This should be considered for all
complex repairs, and for those involving the trigone of the
Fig. 27.16. Intraperitoneal bladder rupture with laceration extended into an
anterior midline cystotomy to fully visualize the inside of the bladder.
Section 6 Abdomen
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
Phrenic a Phrenic a
Celiac a
Celiac a
Renal a Superior mesenteric a
Renal a
Gonadal a
Iliac a
Inferior mesenteric a
Fig. 28.3. Anatomy of the major branches of the abdominal aorta. Note the
site of division (dashed line) of the left crux of the diaphragm, at the avascular 2
o’clock, for exposure of the lower thoracic aorta.
Fig. 28.2. Lateral view of the major visceral branches of the abdominal aorta.
Note the tight concentration of the supramesocolic vessels: celiac artery,
superior mesenteric artery (SMA), and renal vessels. artery, an arterial arcade with 12–18 intestinal
branches, the right colic artery, and the ileocolic artery.
Renal arteries. The right renal artery emerges at a
Celiac artery. The main trunk is 1 to 1.5 cm long and at slightly higher level and is longer than the left and
the upper border of the pancreas it separates into three courses under the inferior vena cava. Approximately
branches (the tripod of Haller), which includes the 30% of the population have more than one renal
common hepatic, left gastric, and splenic arteries. Due artery, usually an accessory artery supplying the
to the extensive fibrous, ganglionic, and lymphatic lower pole of the kidney. The renal vein lies in front
tissues which surround the trunk, surgical dissection in of the renal artery. The left renal vein is significantly
this area is difficult. longer than the right and courses in front of the
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA). The SMA originates aorta and drains the left gonadal vein inferiorly, the
from the anterior surface of the aorta, 1 cm to 2 cm left adrenal vein superiorly, and a lumbar vein
below the celiac artery, behind the pancreas, at the level posteriorly.
of L1. It then courses over the uncinate process of the Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA). The IMA provides
pancreas and the third part of the duodenum and enters blood supply to the left colon, sigmoid, and upper part
into the root of the mesentery. Branches include the of the rectum. It communicates with the SMA through
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, the middle colic the marginal artery of Drummond.
Section 6: Abdomen
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
The first step for this approach is to mobilize the left lobe Using blunt digital dissection, the distal thoracic
of the liver. The round ligament of the liver is divided aorta is isolated and a DeBakey or Cooley aortic
between clamps and ligated, and the falciform ligament aneurysm clamp is applied. After adequately
is divided with electrocautery. The left triangular positioning, the clamp should be stabilized using an
ligament of the liver is then divided. This maneuver is umbilical tape or a vessel loop secured to the surgical
facilitated by positioning the surgeon’s right hand drapes. Blind application of a clamp in this area is
behind the left lobe of the liver, using the right thumb ineffective and may cause iatrogenic injury.
to retract the liver caudad. The left triangular ligament An alternative strategy for rapid temporary supraceliac
is then divided with electrocautery over the surgeon’s aortic control is the utilization of a U-shaped aortic
right index finger and the left lateral segment of the compression device. This handheld device is positioned
liver is folded medially, exposing the esophageal over the supraceliac aorta through the lesser sac. Applying
hiatus. constant anteroposterior pressure, the device compresses
While the left lobe of the liver is folded medially, the the aorta against the spine until definitive control of the
stomach is retracted to the patient’s left and downward bleeding is achieved. The advantage of this technique is the
to expose the gastrohepatic ligament. The ligament is minimal dissection needed for application of the device,
then opened and the crux of the diaphragm is exposed. but a second assistant is required to hold pressure while
The esophagus is circumferentially dissected at the definitive bleeding control is pursued.
gastroesophageal junction and encircled with a Penrose In cases with a high supramesocolic hematoma where
drain for traction. infradiaphragmatic exposure of the aorta is difficult or not
The left diaphragmatic crux is then divided at the possible, a left thoracotomy may be necessary for aortic
avascular 2 o’clock position. control.
Section 6: Abdomen
Left lateral
HEAD ligament
Left lateral
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
Lesser curve
Left lateral
Section 6: Abdomen
crus divided
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
Section 6: Abdomen
Clamped aorta
Fig. 28.8. Aortic cava), the difficult exposure of many of these vessels, and
compression device the difficult proximal control of the
applied on the
supraceliac aorta through
infradiaphragmatic aorta.
the lesser sac. The aorta is The supramesocolic aorta with the origins of its major
compressed against visceral branches is best exposed by mobilization and
the spine.
medial rotation of the viscera, with or without mobilization
of the left kidney.
The first step of this approach is the division of the
peritoneal reflection lateral to the left colon (white line
of Toldt) and dissection of the left colon from the
lateral abdominal wall. This retroperitoneal plane is
developed anteriorly to the Gerota’s fascia if the
intention is to leave the left kidney in place.
The retroperitoneal dissection is continued cephalad
and the spleen is completely mobilized after division of
the splenophrenic ligament. Avoid excessive traction to
the splenic flexure of the colon or the spleen in order to
prevent inadvertent avulsion of the splenic capsule and
bleeding. The spleen, fundus of the stomach, pancreas,
colon, and small bowel are then rotated en-bloc
medially, exposing the aortic hiatus and origins of the
celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and left renal
Exposure of the aorta directly under the left renal vein
may be difficult. In this case, there are three possible
Exposure of the supramesocolic aorta options: (1) include the left kidney in the visceral
rotation, (2) mobilize the left renal vein, often after
and visceral branches ligation and division of its three tributaries (left
Zone I supramesocolic bleeding or hematomas are the gonadal vein, left adrenal vein, and ascending lumbar
most difficult to approach because of the dense vein), (3) division of the left renal vein. In this case the
concentration of major vessels (aorta, celiac artery, tributaries must be preserved and the left renal vein
superior mesenteric artery, renal vessels, inferior vena ligated and divided as close to the inferior vena
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
Left colon
Line of Toldt,
Left colon
cava as possible in order to maintain venous outflow iatrogenic injury to the spleen and the tail of
from the left kidney. the pancreas.
The left visceral rotation provides good exposure to the Following medial visceral rotation, the exposure of the
supramesocolic aorta and its major branches. However, abdominal aorta is carried out by division of the tissues
it is associated with a significant risk of overlying its anterolateral surface.
Section 6: Abdomen
Left kidney
Left kidney
Left renal
Left colon
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
Stomach Esophagus
Left kidney
Left renal
Section 6: Abdomen
Celiac artery trunk
Common hepatic
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
SMA, zone 1
Left renal vein
Infrarenal aorta
Common iliac
In cases with severe bleeding where immediate Reconstruction of the very proximal SMA is usually
exposure of the retropancreatic SMA is critical, performed with an autologous venous or synthetic
stapled division of the neck of the pancreas graft, between the distal stump of the SMA and the
provides fast and direct exposure of the SMA and the anterior surface of the aorta. For more distal injuries,
portal vein. an interposition venous graft between the transected
Exposure of the infrapancreatic SMA can be achieved ends of the vessel is usually required.
by cephalad retraction of the inferior border of the For patients in critical condition with severe hypothermia,
pancreas and direct dissection of the vessel. For more acidosis, and coagulopathy, a damage control procedure
distal injuries, exposure can be achieved with dissection with temporary endoluminal shunting should be
through the root of the small bowel mesentery, to the considered. This is preferable to ligation. Definitive
right of the ligament of Treitz. reconstruction is performed at a later stage after
In contrast to the celiac artery, ligation of the SMA results resuscitation and correction of the physiologic parameters
in variable degrees of ischemia according to the zone of the patient. The technique of temporary endoluminal
involved. Ligation at Zones I and II leads to extensive shunt placement is described in other chapters.
ischemia to the entire small bowel and right colon. Ligation of the SMA below the middle colic artery is
Ligation at Zones III and IV results in segmental small usually associated with a moderate risk of ischemia of
bowel ischemia. Unless irreversible bowel ischemia is the bowel. However, ligation of the proximal SMA
present at laparotomy, ligation of the SMA, especially in results in ischemic necrosis involving the small bowel
Zones I and II, should generally be avoided, if possible. and the right colon. The first 10 to 20 cm of the
Primary repair of the SMA may be possible in selected jejunum may survive via collaterals from the superior
cases of sharp transection of the vessel, usually inflicted by pancreaticoduodenal artery. Ligation of the SMA
knife wounds. The repair can be performed with 6–0 proximal to the origin of the inferior
vascular sutures. pancreaticoduodenal artery may preserve critical
In the presence of even limited tissue loss, an end-to-end collateral circulation to the proximal jejunum and is
anastomosis is rarely possible, because mobilization of the preferable to a more distal ligation. Ligation of the
SMA is restricted due to the surrounding dense proximal SMA should be performed only in the
neuroganglionic tissue and its multiple branches. presence of necrotic bowel. Ligation should be avoided
The management of complex SMA injuries not amenable in all other circumstances because of the catastrophic
to simple arteriorrhaphy should be determined by consequences of short bowel syndrome.
the condition of the patient, the site of the injury, and In the presence of an associated pancreatic injury the
the experience of the surgeon. The surgical options vascular anastomosis should be performed away from
for these patients include reconstruction with an the pancreas, if possible. The anastomosis should be
interposition graft, ligation, or damage control with protected with the use of omentum and surrounding
temporary shunting. soft tissues.
Section 6: Abdomen
Chapter 28. Abdominal aorta/visceral branches
(a) (b)
Transverse colon
Left renal
Left renal
Middle colic Treitz vein
Proximal IVC
jejunum Infrarenal
Fig. 28.16(a). Transverse colon is retracted anteriorly and cephalad, placing Fig. 28.16(b). Midline retroperitoneal exploration after the ligament of
the transverse mesocolon under tension, exposing the fourth portion of the Treitz had been divided and the duodenum retracted caudad and to the right.
duodenum and the ligament of Treitz. Note the left renal vein crossing over anteriorly to the aorta. Mobilization of
the left renal vein provides access to the origin of bilateral renal arteries.
Left renal
SMA artery
Right renal
Left renal
Infrarenal vein
Section 6: Abdomen
Section 6 Abdomen
Iliac injuries
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 6: Abdomen
The patient should be supine on the operating table,
prepped to include access to the lower extremities.
The majority of injuries can be adequately managed using
an extended midline laparotomy incision.
If the exposure of the distal iliac vessels is difficult, usually
due to a narrow pelvis, extension of the midline incision by
adding a transverse lower abdominal incision or
Fig. 29.2(a). Exposure of the retroperitoneum with underlying distal aorta
longitudinal incision over the groin and division of the and iliac vessels after retraction of the bowel cephalad and toward the
inguinal ligament may be necessary. opposite side.
Chapter 29. Iliac injuries
(b) (b)
Right CIA
External iliac v
Fig. 29.2(b). Retraction of the bowel cephalad and exposure of the Left CIA
retroperitoneum with underlying hematoma, secondary to iliac vascular injury.
The vessels can be exposed with an incision on the peritoneum, directly over Right CIA
the vessels, or by medial rotation of the left or right colon. Ureter
Left CIV
The ureter crosses over the bifurcation of the common iliac
artery and should be gently retracted with a vessel loop and
protected from accidental injury.
Left EIA
Left IIA
External iliac a Internal iliac a Exposure of the iliac veins is technically more challenging
than the iliac arteries, because of their position underneath
the arteries, especially on the right side. Some authors even
External iliac v recommend transection of the artery in order to gain
adequate access to the underlying vein. This approach is
not recommended, especially in a critically injured and
coagulopathic patient! Adequate venous exposure can be
Fig. 29.3(a),(b). Right common iliac artery branching to external and achieved with mobilization of the artery and gentle
internal iliac arteries. The external iliac vein is identified medial to the
artery. The common iliac vein courses under the artery. The ureter crosses
traction with vessel loops. Ligation and division of the
over the bifurcation of the common iliac artery to the internal and external internal iliac artery provides additional mobilization and
iliac arteries. better venous exposure.
Section 6: Abdomen
Left common iliac
External iliac v
Small arterial injuries without significant tissue loss may be Left external iliac
repaired with adequate mobilization of the vessel and artery
primary suturing. However, in most cases a more complex Left internal iliac
reconstruction with a size 6–8 synthetic graft is necessary. artery
Due to size mismatch, it is rarely possible to use a
saphenous vein autologous graft.
Iliac artery transposition may be a reconstruction option
in selected stable patients. The procedure involves
ligation of the proximal common iliac artery, near the
aortic bifurcation. The distal external and internal iliac
arteries are mobilized to allow for adequate length. The
contralateral common and external iliac arteries are
exposed. The injured artery is then anastomosed
end-to-side to the contralateral common or external Fig. 29.5. Mobilization and lateral retraction of the left common iliac artery
iliac artery (depending on anatomy), using a running, allows good exposure of the common iliac vein. Additional mobilization of
4–0 monofilament non-absorbable suture. the common iliac artery can be obtained by ligating and dividing the internal
iliac artery.
In patients in extremis consider early damage control
with temporary shunting. Semi-elective definitive
reconstruction is performed after patient stabilization. authors recommend venous reconstruction with patch
Venous repair with lateral venorrhaphy should be venoplasty or PTFE grafts, although there is no evidence of
considered in small injuries that can be repaired without improved outcome with this approach. Most surgeons do
producing significant stenosis (<50% of the lumen). In not recommend complex venous reconstructions, because
most cases the vein can safely be ligated. These patients these patients are often in extremis and any procedures that
should be monitored closely for extremity compartment prolong the operation may be counterproductive.
syndrome. In rare cases with post-ligation massive edema The best damage control option is temporary shunting.
of the leg, reconstruction with ring graft may be necessary. Ligation of the common or external iliac artery should be
The management of iliac venous injuries in the presence of avoided whenever possible to prevent irreversible limb
associated iliac artery injuries is controversial. Some ischemia.
Chapter 29. Iliac injuries
Left CIA
Left CIV
Section 6 Abdomen
Surgical anatomy The IVC receives four or five pairs of lumbar veins, the
right gonadal vein, the renal veins, the right adrenal vein,
The inferior vena cava (IVC) is formed by the confluence the hepatic veins and the phrenic veins. It is of practical
of the common iliac veins, just anterior to the L5 vertebral
importance to remember that all lumbar veins are below
body, and posterior to the right common iliac artery. As it
the renal veins and that between the renal veins and the
courses superiorly towards the diaphragm, it lies to the
hepatic veins, besides the right adrenal vein there are no
right of the lumbar and thoracic vertebral bodies. It enters
other venous branches. The left lumbar veins pass behind
the thorax at T8, where the right crus of the diaphragm
the abdominal aorta.
separates the IVC and aorta. In most individuals, there is a
The confluence of the renal veins with the IVC lies
small segment of suprahepatic IVC, about 1 cm in length,
posterior to the duodenum and the head of the pancreas.
between the liver and diaphragm, which is amenable to
cross clamping. The retrohepatic IVC is about 8–10 cm in length and is
adhered to the posterior liver, helping to anchor the liver in
place. In this liver “tunnel” several accessory veins from the
caudate lobe and right lobe drain directly into the IVC.
Diaphragm There are three major hepatic veins that drain the liver into
the IVC. The extrahepatic portion of these veins is short,
measuring about 0.5 to 1.5 cm in length. The right hepatic
Hepatic veins vein is the largest. In about 70% of individuals, the middle
vein drains into the left hepatic vein to enter the IVC as a
single vein.
The thoracic IVC is almost entirely in the pericardium.
General principles
The IVC is the most frequently injured abdominal vessel
following penetrating trauma.
Blunt trauma to the IVC usually involves the retrohepatic
part of the vein.
Patients with intra-abdominal IVC injury, who present to
the hospital alive, typically have a contained retroperitoneal
hematoma and therefore may initially appear to be
hemodynamically stable.
Avoid femoral vein catheters in patients with penetrating
abdominal trauma, because of the possibility of proximal
Fig. 30.1. Anatomy of the inferior vena cava (IVC). Note the right renal artery iliac or IVC injury.
coursing behind the IVC.
In abdominal gunshot wounds obtain a plain abdominal
radiograph prior to going to the operating room if time
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 30. Inferior vena cava
Patient positioning
Supine, with upper extremities abducted to 90 degrees.
Skin antiseptic preparation should include the chest,
abdomen, and groin.
Use upper and lower body warming devices.
Extended midline trauma laparotomy, from xiphoid to
pubic symphysis.
The laparotomy may be extended through a subcostal
incision to provide exposure to the retrohepatic IVC (see
Chapter 20).
Section 6: Abdomen
Fig. 30.3. Medial rotation of the right colon combined with Kocher
mobilization of the duodenum provides good exposure of the inferior vena
cava, the right renal vessels, and the right iliac vessels.
Chapter 30. Inferior vena cava
(b) The IVC is then visualized with the aorta to the left of the
IVC. The paired renal veins and the right gonadal vein are
visualized draining into the IVC.
Fig. 30.4(b). The duodenum is mobilized medially and the IVC is exposed.
Fig. 30.6. Exposure of the juxtarenal IVC, after Kocher maneuver and medial
visceral rotation.
Section 6: Abdomen
Right kidney
Circumferential infrarenal IVC control may be necessary in The initial hemorrhage control can be achieved by direct
cases where larger injuries or concern for posterior injury digital compression and subsequent application of a side
is suspected. The IVC should be carefully encircled with a vascular clamp, if possible. Alternatively, two sponge sticks are
right angle, taking care to avoid injury to the lumbar veins. placed above and below the IVC injury compressing the vein
against the vertebral bodies. Ligation or clipping of some of the
lumbar veins may be necessary for complete vascular control.
renal vein
Fig. 30.8. Control of the IVC can be achieved by encircling it, being careful
not to avulse any of the lumbar veins. Taking a medial to lateral approach IVC
will ensure no injury to the aorta.
common iliac artery
Chapter 30. Inferior vena cava
Many IVC lacerations can be repaired primarily with a 4–0 While some stenosis of the IVC after repair is of little
or 5–0 non-absorbable monofilament suture. consequence, more than 50% stenosis is associated with a
significant risk of thromboembolism. In these cases, other
options should be considered:
(a) Repair of the IVC with an autologous venous or
biologic or synthetic patch, sutured in place with a 4–0
or 5–0 non-absorbable monofilament suture.
Fig. 30.10(a). Primary repair of the IVC with nonabsorbable 4–0 or 5–0
monofilament is usually possible in most knife wounds and in some
low-velocity gunshot wounds.
Left renal vein
Right renal
Fig. 30.10(c). Primary repair of the IVC with significant stenosis. If the Fig. 30.11(a),(b). Synthetic or venous patches can be used to avoid >50%
stenosis is >50% of the lumen, there is an increased risk of thrombosis and stenosis for repair of the IVC. The patch is sutured in using a 5–0 or 6–0
pulmonary embolism. non-absorbable monofilament suture.
Section 6: Abdomen
(b) Place a caval filter above the area of stenosis. This can be Mobilize the IVC, rotate it medially, and repair the
done intraoperatively with the application of a caval clip injury being cautious of avulsing the lumbar veins.
or postoperatively with the insertion of a caval filter. An anterior caval venotomy is another option to access
(c) Ligation of the infrarenal IVC should be considered in a posterior injury. Once the posterior cava is repaired,
cases with extensive tissue loss or if the patient is in the anterior injury can be repaired primarily or with a
extremis. vascular patch, depending on the degree of stenosis that
The graft or patch should be covered with any surrounding results after primary repair.
tissues or omentum, to protect from infection or Complete reconstruction of the IVC with a prosthetic
pancreatic leaks. interposition graft inserted to re-establish IVC continuity, in
Exposure of posterior IVC injuries can be achieved selected cases involving the suprarenal IVC, which are not
through circumferential mobilization of the IVC or within amenable to simpler repairs. The injured portion is resected
the lumen through an anterior venotomy. and an end-to-end anastomosis to the IVC is performed with
a Dacron or PTFE graft. The graft must be 6 mm or larger.
Left renal vein
Repair, posterior Left renal vein
wall of the IVC
Repaired posterior
Retracted edges of
wall of the IVC
anterior venotomy
Chapter 30. Inferior vena cava
For juxtarenal injuries, ligation of the right renal vein Repair should be attempted, if technically
necessitates a right nephrectomy. The left renal vein can possible. The exposure of the laceration can be
be ligated close to the IVC, preserving the left gonadal improved by applying Allis or Babcock
vein, which provides adequate venous drainage. traumatic clamps, to control the bleeding and
The suprarenal cava is a very short segment of IVC pull down suprarenal injuries, facilitating
just below the liver and above the renal veins that is venorrhaphy.
difficult to expose.
Caudate lobe
Minor hepatic
Right renal
IVC Left renal
Allis clamps
Section 6: Abdomen
In cases with significant tissue loss a vascular patch can sternotomy, or a right thoracotomy, is needed for good
be placed. For complex injuries not amenable to simple visualization of the retrohepatic vessels.
venorrhaphy or a vascular patch, a synthetic A subcostal incision (see Fig. 30.2a) is the most
interposition or native vein graft can be utilized. common option and provides good exposure to the
Ligation of the suprarenal cava should be avoided posterior right lobe of the liver and to the retrohepatic
because it results in renal failure in all cases. However, vessels. Division of the falciform and coronary
in patients in extremis it might be the only option. ligaments should be performed to allow inferior-medial
Damage control procedures should be considered in rotation of the liver.
patients in extremis with severe coagulopathy, A right thoracotomy incision, through the 6–7
hemodynamic instability, or acidosis. They include the intercostal space to join up with the midline
following. laparotomy incision, and division of the diaphragm
(a) Ligation of the infrarenal IVC. straight down to the IVC diaphragmatic foramen,
(b) Placement of a temporary shunt and semi-elective allows exposure of the entire length of the retrohepatic
reconstruction at a later stage. A chest tube can be and suprahepatic IVC.
used, being mindful to include vents near the renal Extension of the laparotomy incision into a median
veins if the shunt traverses them. The shunt is secured sternotomy (see Fig. 30.2b) should be done only if an
with either vessel loops that are double looped and atriocaval shunt is planned.
secured with clips, or with a braided suture anchoring Complete vascular control of the retrohepatic IVC requires
the shunt in place. many steps: infradiaphragmatic clamping of the aorta,
followed by clamping of the infrahepatic IVC, the
suprahepatic IVC, and the portal triad (Pringle maneuver,
for hepatic artery and portal vein control).
Retrohepatic IVC Aortic control should always be done first, in order to
A retrohepatic hematoma or bleeding are suggestive of an reduce the risk of hypovolemic cardiac arrest. The
injury to the retrohepatic IVC or hepatic veins. technique is described in Chapter 28.
Characteristically, the bleeding becomes worse when the Suprahepatic IVC control can be achieved at two
liver is retracted anteriorly, and the Pringle maneuver is different locations:
not effective in controlling bleeding.
Exposure of the retrohepatic IVC is technically very – Between the liver and the diaphragm. In most
difficult and should be avoided, if possible. If the individuals there is typically a 0.5–1.0 cm portion of
hematoma is not bleeding actively or expanding rapidly, it the IVC where a vascular clamp can be placed.
should be left undisturbed. The liver ligaments should not Follow the falciform ligament posteriorly until the
be divided. hepatic veins and IVC is encountered and apply a
If the retrohepatic bleeding can be controlled with vascular clamp.
gauze packing, this technique should be the operative – In the pericardium: this approach requires the
treatment of choice and the operation should be addition of a right thoracotomy or a median
terminated. The patient should be returned to the sternotomy, as decribed above.
operating room for removal of the packing after
Infrahepatic IVC control is achieved by placing a
complete physiological stabilization of the patient, usually
suprararenal vascular clamp.
after 24–36 hours after the initial procedure. If after
removal of the packs there is still bleeding, repacking The portal triad control, or the Pringle maneuver, is
performed through the foramen of Winslow. The portal
should be done.
triad can be clamped or encircled with a vessel loop (see
The effective packing of the retrohepatic bleeding requires
Chapter 24).
posterior compression of the liver. The packs should be
placed between the liver and the anterior abdominal wall In extreme situations, the retrohepatic IVC injury can be
bypassed with the insertion of an atrio-caval shunt.
and also under the inferior surface of the liver. This
packing compresses the liver posteriorly, against the IVC, The laparotomy incision is extended into a median
and produces a more effective tamponade. No packs should sternotomy and the pericardium is opened.
be placed between the liver and IVC. A tape tourniquet is then applied around the
If the perihepatic packing is not effective in controlling intrapericardial IVC. The right atrial appendage is
bleeding, exposure and repair of the venous bleeding occluded with a vascular clamp and a 2–0 silk purse-
remain the only option. The standard midline laparotomy string suture is placed in the appendage. A size
alone does not provide appropriate exposure. Additional 8 endotracheal tube with a side hole cut at about
exposure through a subcostal incision, or a median 8 to 10 cm from the clamped proximal end of the
Chapter 30. Inferior vena cava
tube is then inserted through the purse-string. The Alternatively, a size 36 chest tube, with cut fenestrations
tube is guided by the surgeon into the IVC, the balloon in its proximal part, to allow blood from the IVC to
is inflated just above the renal veins, and the tape drain into the right atrium, might be used as a shunt.
tourniquet around the intra-pericardial IVC is A second tape tourniquet placed around the suprarenal
tightened. IVC is applied.
Right Atrium
Section 6: Abdomen
Right Atrium
Inflated balloon
IVC Right Renal Vein
Section 7 Pelvis
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 7: Pelvis
Chapter 31. Surgical control of pelvic fracture hemorrhage
Special instruments
The optimal operating room is the hybrid operating room
with surgical and interventional radiology capabilities
simultaneously available.
Operating-table mounted laparotomy retractor systems Umbilicus
facilitate surgical exposure.
Major trauma laparotomy tray and vascular tray must be
Large and medium clips and applier.
Vessel loops.
Local hemostatic sealants based on fibrin, thrombin,
collagen sponge, cellulose, microfibrillar collagen, and
bone wax facilitate local hemostasis and effective packing.
Angiography equipment with embolization coils and
Gelfoam particles.
Patient positioning
The patient is positioned in the supine position for trauma
laparotomy and resuscitative thoracotomy when
warranted. Skin preparation should include the chest,
abdomen, and lower extremities to the knees.
Access to the femoral artery below the inguinal ligament
should be available for interventional radiology.
Extra-peritoneal pelvic packing
An 8–10 cm skin incision is made midline below the umbilicus. Fig. 31.3(a),(b). (cont.)
The midline fascia is exposed and incised down to the
peritoneum. The peritoneum is not entered. The prevesical
space of Retzius is now exposed.
While the clots are removed from the prevesical space, the
bladder and peritoneum are swept posteriorly to allow
effective packing.
Midline incision
Section 7: Pelvis
(a) (b)
Incision of the
Fig. 31.4(a). The midline fascia is exposed and incised down to the Fig. 31.4(b). The prevesical space of Retzius (arrow).
peritoneum. The peritoneum is not entered.
Space of Retzius
Right packing
Pelvic sidewall
Left packing
Fig. 31.6(a),(b). The fascia is closed over the extraperitoneal pelvic packing.
Fig. 31.5(a),(b). Packs are placed posteriorly towards the sacroiliac joint and
internal iliac vessels. Three packs are placed on each pelvic sidewall.
Section 7: Pelvis
Pelvic hematoma
Chapter 31. Surgical control of pelvic fracture hemorrhage
Left ureter
Fig. 31.9(a). Two clips (black circle) are placed on the vessel loop to facilitate
temporary occlusion of the internal iliac artery.
Fig. 31.8(a). The sigmoid colon has been reflected medially and the
retroperitoneum has been opened exposing the left external and internal iliac
arteries. The left external iliac vein is seen posterior and medial to the left
external iliac artery. (b)
Section 7: Pelvis
Failure to activate massive transfusion protocol early in the Avoid ligation of the internal iliac artery in cases with
management of the hemodynamically compromised acetabular fractures because it may interfere with
patient. subsequent surgical exposure and repair of the fracture.
Failure to appreciate the high incidence of intra-abdominal Inadequate knowledge of the anatomy of the iliac vessels
associated injuries. and their relationship to the ureter may result in iatrogenic
Failure to take the severely hemodynamically compromised injury to the ureter.
patient to the operating room for abdominal exploration
for associated injuries and possible damage control in the
Section 8 Upper Extremities
Surgical anatomy
The brachial artery lies in the groove between the biceps
and triceps muscles. The proximal brachial artery lies
medial to the humerus and gradually travels lateral to lie
anterior to the humerus distally. At the antecubital fossa, it
runs deep to the bicipital aponeurosis and bifurcates into Median n
the radial and ulnar arteries, just below the elbow. The
Biceps m Brachial a
artery is surrounded by the two brachial veins, which run
on either side of the artery. At the upper part of the arm,
they join to form the axillary vein.
Ulnar n
The profunda brachial artery is a large branch arising from
the medial and posterior part of the proximal brachial
artery and follows the radial nerve closely. It provides
collateral circulation to the lower arm.
The basilic vein courses in the subcutaneous tissue in the
medial aspect of the lower arm. At the mid arm, it
penetrates the fascia to join one of the brachial veins.
The cephalic vein is entirely in the subcutaneous tissues,
courses in the deltopectoral groove, and empties at the
junction of the brachial and axillary veins.
In the upper arm, the median nerve is in front of the
brachial artery. It then crosses over the artery mid upper
arm and distally it lies behind the artery. Fig. 32.1. The brachial artery lies in the groove between the biceps and
triceps muscles. Note the close anatomical relationship with the median and
The ulnar nerve is behind the artery in the upper half of the ulnar nerves. In the upper arm the median nerve is anterolateral to the artery
arm. At about the middle, it pierces the intermuscular and at the middle it crosses over to course posteromedial to the artery. The
septum and courses more posteriorly, away from the artery bifurcates into the ulnar and radial arteries under the bicipital
aponeurosis, at the antecubital fossa.
artery, behind the medial epicondyle.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 8: Upper Extremities
Chapter 32. Brachial artery injury
Incision (a)
Fig. 32.4(a). The neurovascular bundle runs between the biceps and triceps
brachii muscles, under the fascia.
(b) Biceps m
Section 8: Upper Extremities
The profunda brachial artery is a medial branch of Mid arm, the median nerve crosses over the brachial artery
the brachial artery in the proximal third of the and then courses medial to the artery as it bifurcates into
upper arm and is accompanied by the radial nerve. the radial and ulnar arteries at the antecubital fossa.
It is important to preserve this branch if not In order to access the brachial artery bifurcation, the
injured as it provides collateral circulation to the bicipital aponeurosis must be divided. Division of this
lower arm. aponeurosis has no clinical consequence and it does not
require reconstruction.
Median nerve
Brachial artery
Ulnar nerve
Chapter 32. Brachial artery injury
(a) (b)
Radial a
Ulnar a
bicipital aponeurosis
Fig. 32.7(a),(b). Division of the bicipital aponeurosis at the antecubital fossa exposes the bifurcation of the brachial artery into the radial and ulnar arteries.
Section 8: Upper Extremities
A 3Fr Fogarty catheter is passed proximally and distally to minimize the risk of intimal flaps and dissection. The more
clear the vessel of clots. technically complex anastomosis is created first, and the
Regional heparinization is achieved using heparinized artery is vented to release air bubbles prior to securing the
saline solution (5000 units in 100 mL normal saline), final suture line.
50 mL proximally, and 50 mL distally followed by After restoration of blood flow, distal pulses should be
reapplication of the vessel clamps. documented and the surgeon should consider an on-table
1 cm de heparina en 100 ml de sf angiogram prior to leaving the operating room if there is
(a) any question regarding flow.
Temporary shunt
When a temporary shunt is utilized as part of damage
control, a 0 silk tie is used to secure the shunt proximally
and distally. These ties are then tied together around the
center of the shunt.
The presence of distal flow must be confirmed after shunt
placement with Doppler ultrasound.
Fig. 32.9(a),(b). Prior to shunt placement, repair, or graft, the artery is cleared
of clot by proximal and distal passage of a 3Fr Fogarty catheter.
Chapter 32. Brachial artery injury
Tips and pitfalls interfere with graft and wound healing and lead to
secondary infection.
The median and ulnar nerves are in close proximity
When sizing the length of the saphenous vein graft, it is
to the brachial artery and it is important to prevent
important to place the arm in gentle flexion of 10–20
iatrogenic nerve injury. High risk areas for injury
degrees. A common mistake is redundant graft length,
include ulnar nerve injury with initial exposure prior
which will lead to kinking of the graft.
to inferior retraction of the nerve with the triceps
brachii and injury to the median nerve as it crosses Arterial repair or anastomosis must be performed without
anteriorly over the brachial artery as they course down tension. In select cases, such as in knife wounds, gentle
the arm. mobilization of the proximal and distal ends of the artery
can allow primary anastomosis. In most cases with gunshot
During proximal brachial artery dissection, whenever
wounds or blunt trauma, a reversed interposition vein graft
possible, preserve the profunda brachial artery as it
is required.
provides significant collateral circulation to the lower arm.
During shunt placement, avoid debridement of the injured
A single individual should perform the Fogarty catheter
vessel. This should be performed at the time of definitive
passage. The resistance placed on the balloon during
reconstruction, in order to preserve as much normal artery
thrombus extraction is a dynamic process, and care must
as possible.
be taken not to exert excessive force on the intima and
create iatrogenic injury. Compartment syndrome of the forearm is a common
complication after brachial artery injury, especially with
After thrombus extraction, there should be generous
associated extensive soft tissue trauma or prolonged
forward and adequate backflow. If there is not adequate
ischemia. Evaluate intraoperatively and postoperatively for
flow prior to creation of the anastomosis, there is a risk of a
clinical signs of compartment syndrome. In appropriate
distal clot or missed injury.
cases measure the compartment pressures. Postoperatively
In the event of a destructive injury, it is important routine monitoring of CK levels is important. Consider
to adequately prepare the anastomotic bed by
early fasciotomy in appropriate cases (see Chapter 33).
debridement of all devitalized tissues. Failure to do so can
Section 8 Upper Extremities
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 33. Upper extremity fasciotomies
The affected arm is placed 90 degrees from the body on an arm
board. The entire chest, arm, forearm, and hand are prepped
into the surgical field.
Section 8: Upper Extremities
Forearm and hand fasciotomies approach utilizes two incisions (a dorsal and a volar
incision) to decompress the three compartments.
Incisions The most commonly described volar or anterior incision
A variety of incisions are described to decompress the three is the so-called “Lazy S.” The incision begins just proximal
compartments of the forearm. The most common to the antecubital fossa on the medial aspect of the forearm
Chapter 33. Upper extremity fasciotomies
in the groove between the biceps and triceps. It is extended the forearm at the wrist. The incision is then carried
in a curvilinear fashion toward the radial aspect of the mid transversely to the center of the wrist and then carried on
forearm and then curved back toward the ulnar aspect of to the hand curving up on to the thenar eminence.
The skin flap of the forearm is then elevated and the
underlying fascia encasing the flexor muscle bellies are
exposed and opened with scissors.
At the wrist, the carpal tunnel is completely decompressed,
taking care to prevent injury to the median nerve found
just deep to the divided flexor retinaculum (transverse
carpal ligament).
Adequate decompression of the volar forearm and
palmar hand requires wide epimysiotomy (sectioning
of the muscle sheath) over all muscle bellies of the volar
forearm as well as carrying the incision well on to the
thenar aspect of the palm to completely decompress the
Fig. 33.3. The Lazy S incision used to open the volar (anterior) and mobile
wad (lateral) compartments demonstrated on the right arm. flexor retinaculum, which extends well beyond
the wrist.
Ulnar art
Ulnar n
Section 8: Upper Extremities
(a) Median n
transverse ligament (a)
Median n
Fig. 33.6(a). The incision for the decompression of the dorsal compartment
of the forearm extends from the elbow to proximal to the wrist.
Chapter 33. Upper extremity fasciotomies
Section 8 Upper Extremities
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 34. Upper extremity amputations
Preserve as much functional length as possible to improve Compression wraps for postoperative dressings are helpful
prosthesis fitting and functionality of the remaining limb. to decrease edema and to shape the stump for early fitting
Use tourniquets to minimize blood loss. Elevation of the of prosthetics.
arm and the use of bandage or tourniquet exsanguinators
should be considered. The inflation pressure is usually set
at approximately 250 mmHg in adults or about 100 mmHg Patient positioning
above the systolic pressure. Supine position with the injured arm abducted 90 degrees
All non-viable tissues must be removed. on an arm table board.
Nerves should be sharply divided as high as possible and Skin preparation should include the hand, and the entire
allowed to retract. The ends of the nerves should be away arm circumferentially, including the axilla and shoulder.
from areas of pressure. The hand should be covered with a sterile stockinette.
Preserve sufficient soft tissues to cover the end of the bone A Doppler probe should be in the sterile field to assess
without tension. However, avoid excessive amount of soft arterial supply.
tissues because it may interfere with skin closure and Apply a sterile pneumatic tourniquet if possible.
prosthesis fitting.
Bone edges should be filed to remove any sharp edges.
Wounds should be closed without tension and suture lines
should be placed away from weight-bearing surfaces when
Above-elbow amputation
possible. Incision
In the multiply injured patient in extremis, a guillotine Perform a fish-mouth incision and create symmetrical
amputation should be considered. The definitive stump anterior and posterior flaps. The medial and lateral apexes
closure may be performed once the condition of the patient of the incision should be distal to the level of the planned
stabilizes. osteotomy.
For amputations proximal to the middle of the humerus,
preserve as much bone length as possible.
Special instruments For distal above-elbow amputation, preserve part of the
Use a wide arm table board to rest the injured extremity. humerus condyles to create a solid bone base for
Pneumatic tourniquet and bandage or tourniquet interaction with the prosthesis. If the condyles cannot be
exsanguinator. spared, remove at least 4 cm of the distal humerus to
Power saw or Gigli saw. facilitate prosthesis fitting with an elbow-lock mechanism
Bone files or rasps. that is equal in length to the contralateral arm.
Bone rasps and elevator
Gigli hand
Traditional amputation knife
Section 8: Upper Extremities
Fig. 34.3. Left arm amputation: fish-mouth incision with equal anterior and
posterior musculocutaneous flaps.
Left shoulder
Brachial artery
Divided biceps
Divided biceps
Median nerve
Triceps muscle
Chapter 34. Upper extremity amputations
Left shoulder
Divided biceps
Triceps muscle
Ulnar nerve
Biceps muscle
Biceps muscle
Brachial artery
Median nerve
Section 8: Upper Extremities
Triceps muscle
The periosteum is elevated proximal to the skin and muscle The divided end of the humerus is then smoothed with
flap up to the point of planned bone division. The humerus a rasp.
is then divided with the power saw or Gigli saw.
(a) (b)
Periosteal elevator
Gigli saw
Triceps muscle
Fig. 34.8(a). Cobb’s periosteal elevator is used to clear the osteotomy site Fig. 34.8(b). Division of the humerus with the Gigli saw.
from the periosteum and soft tissues.
Chapter 34. Upper extremity amputations
(c) (b)
Biceps muscle
Bone rasp
Triceps muscle
Fig. 34.8(c). Bone rasp is utilized to smooth the edges of osteotomy. Fig. 34.9(b). Myoplasty (circle) using biceps and triceps muscles over the
humerus stump.
Fascia closure
Fig. 34.9(a). The triceps flap is used to cover the bone stump.
Perform a fish-mouth incision, with symmetrical anterior
and posterior flaps. The medial and lateral apexes of the
incision should be distal to the level of planned bone Left hand
Ulnar artery
Fig. 34.12(b). The ulnar artery is identified between the flexor digitorum
profundus and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles and ligated.
The skin incision is carried through the subcutaneous Left hand
tissue and fascia.
The radial and ulnar arteries should be identified laterally
and medially, respectively, and ligated.
Similarly, the radial and ulnar nerves should be identified.
Traction should be applied to the nerves prior to sharp
Ulnar artery
division and ligation as described above.
The muscles are then divided. Adequate soft tissue should
be preserved to allow coverage of the bone. Avoid excess
Fig. 34.12(c). Photograph depicting volar aspect of the forearm amputation
with ligated radial and ulnar arteries.
Left hand
Fig. 34.12(a). The radial artery is identified under the brachioradial muscle
and ligated. Fig. 34.12(d). Photograph showing the median nerve located on the
300 interosseous membrane in a deep aspect of the forearm.
Chapter 34. Upper extremity amputations
Left hand
and ulna are divided separately at the same length with the
use of a power saw or Gigli saw.
Left Sharp ends of bone should be smoothed with a rasp.
The anterior and posterior deep fascia are re-approximated
and closed over the divided bones.
Fig. 34.13(a). Cobb’s periosteal elevator is used to clear the radius and ulna The skin is closed over the muscle.
of the periosteum and soft tissues.
Left elbow
Left hand
Section 8: Upper Extremities
Section 9 Lower Extremities
Surgical anatomy plane between the vastus medialis and adductor longus
and the adductor magnus covers the canal (see
The common femoral artery is a continuation of the Fig. 35.7).
external iliac artery and is approximately 4 cm long. It
The canal contains the femoral artery and vein, the
begins directly behind the inguinal ligament, midway
saphenous nerve which crosses from lateral to medial,
between the anterior superior iliac spine and the
and branches of the femoral nerve.
symphysis pubis.
The femoral vein courses from a medial position in the
The profunda femoris artery arises from the lateral aspect
groin to a posterior and then to a lateral position with
of the common femoral artery, towards the femur,
respect to the artery as it moves distally towards
approximately 3 to 4 cm below the inguinal ligament. The
the knee.
common femoral artery continues obliquely down the
anteromedial aspect of the thigh as the superficial femoral The greater saphenous vein courses medially to lie on
artery. the anterior surface of the thigh before entering the
fascia lata and joining the common femoral vein at the
The superficial femoral artery exits the femoral triangle to
sapheno-femoral junction near the femoral triangle.
enter the subsartorial canal and ends by passing through an
opening in the adductor magnus to become the popliteal
In the upper third of the thigh the femoral vessels
are contained within the femoral triangle (Scarpa’s
The femoral triangle is formed laterally by the medial Sartorius m
border of the sartorius muscle, medially by the Adductor longus m
adductor longus and superiorly by the inguinal
In the femoral triangle the femoral vein lies medial to
the femoral artery. The long saphenous vein drains into
the femoral vein about 3–4 cm below the inguinal
ligament. Further distally, the femoral vein lies
posterior to the artery and maintains this relationship
in the popliteal fossa. The femoral nerve and its
branches are found lateral to the common femoral
In the middle third of the thigh the femoral artery lies
within the adductor canal (Hunter’s canal), an aponeurotic
tunnel that extends from the apex of the femoral triangle to
the opening in the adductor magnus.
Fig. 35.1. Anatomical relationship of the femoral artery and vein as they
The adductor canal is bounded by the sartorius muscle course down the anteromedial aspect of the thigh. Note the femoral vein
anteriorly, the vastus medialis laterally, and the coursing from a medial position to a posterior and then lateral position with
adductor longus and magnus posteromedially. A fascial respect to the artery as it moves distally towards the knee (thick arrow).
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Fig. 35.2. Schematic (a) and photograph (b) showing the anatomy of the
right femoral triangle. The femoral vein lies medial to the femoral artery, while
the femoral nerve and its branches are found lateral to the femoral artery. Positioning
The patient should be placed in the supine position with
the hip and knee slightly flexed and externally rotated.
A bolster can be placed under the thigh and the knee.
A vertical incision is made approximately halfway between the
pubic tubercle and the anterior iliac spine, directed towards the
medial femoral condyle. The length of the incision is deter-
Femoral artery mined by the site of the vascular injury.
Femoral vein
For proximal common femoral vascular injuries, the
Vastus medialis Adductor longus incision may have to be extended proximally through the
muscle muscle
inguinal ligament to gain adequate proximal control at the
external iliac artery level. It can also be curved superiorly
and laterally, parallel to the inguinal ligament, to allow for
retroperitoneal exposure of the iliac vessels.
For injuries to the superficial femoral artery, a longitudinal
incision is extended over the anterior border of the
Fig. 35.3. The adductor canal is bounded by the sartorius muscle anteriorly,
the vastus medialis laterally, and the adductor longus and magnus sartorius muscle. A useful external landmark is a line
posteromedially; a fascia between the vastus medialis and adductor longus and
magnus covers the canal.
Chapter 35. Femoral artery injuries
Femoral artery
Sartorius muscle
Anterior superior
iliac spine
Inguinal ligament
Pubic tubercle
Site of incision
Fig. 35.5. Exposure of the common femoral artery through a standard vertical
incision. In order to expose the superficial femoral artery, the longitudinal
incision is extended over the anterior border of the sartorius muscle, along a
line extending from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial femoral
condyle (interrupted line).
Fig. 35.4. Exposure of the common femoral vessels: a vertical incision is made,
starting approximately halfway between the pubic tubercle and anterior Common femoral
superior iliac spine, and with a direction towards the medial femoral condyle. artery
Profunda femoris
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Fig. 35.7. Exposure of the distal superficial femoral artery requires opening of the
aponeurotic roof of the adductor canal (white box). The artery exits from the adductor
canal through the adductor magnus hiatus (white circle).
femoral artery
In severely injured or unstable patients, or if the skillset of Although prophylactic fasciotomies are not
the surgeon precludes definitive repair, blood flow can be recommended, the patient must be closely monitored
restored temporarily using a shunt. Injuries to the common postoperatively for the development of compartment
femoral and superficial femoral arteries must eventually syndrome.
undergo definitive reconstruction. In hemodynamically stable patients, mannitol may be
The femoral vein can be ligated without any significant given intra- and postoperatively to decrease the risk of
problems. Repair should be considered only if it can be developing compartment syndrome.
performed with simple techniques and without producing Because lymphatics are abundant in this area, lymph
significant stenosis. Stenosis greater than 50% increases the vessels should be ligated or controlled with small
risk of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. hemoclips to prevent formation of a lymphocele or lymph
At the completion of operation, the muscle compartments fistula. The saphenous vein and lymph nodes are medial to
of the lower leg should be evaluated and in appropriate the artery.
cases fasciotomies should be performed. Identification of the common and proximal
superficial femoral artery may be difficult in
cases with thrombosis and no pulse. Remember
Tips and pitfalls the external landmark, a line drawn from the
middle of the inguinal ligament to the medial femoral
Patients with combined venous and arterial injuries are at
particularly high risk of developing compartment syndrome.
Section 9 Lower Extremities
Popliteal artery
Surgical anatomy The popliteal artery gives the superior and inferior
genicular branches, which provide blood supply to the knee
The popliteal fossa is diamond-shaped and its borders are joint and the surrounding tissues.
formed by the semi-membranosus and semi-tendinosus
Popliteal artery below the knee gives the anterior tibial artery
muscles superiomedially, the biceps femoris superolaterally,
and becomes the tibioperoneal trunk. The tibioperoneal
the medial head of the gastrocnemius inferomedially, and the
trunk gives the fibular artery about 2–3 cm distally, and
lateral head of the gastrocnemius inferolaterally. It contains
ultimately continues as the posterior tibial artery.
the popliteal vessels, the tibial and common peroneal nerves
and is covered only by subcutaneous tissue and skin. The anterior tibial artery pierces the upper part of the
interosseous membrane, courses in front of the membrane,
The popliteal artery is the continuation of the superficial
under the extensor muscles of the anterior muscle
femoral artery. It starts at the opening in the adductor magnus
compartment, and becomes distally the dorsalis pedis artery.
muscle, at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the
thigh, and courses downward and laterally, between the two The posterior tibial artery is the continuation of the
condyles of the femur, into the popliteal fossa. popliteal artery, and is located under the gastrocnemius and
muscle Biceps muscle
Peroneal nerve
Popliteal vein
Tibial nerve
Popliteal a
Gastrocnemius muscle
Short saphenous v
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015. 307
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Chapter 36. Popliteal artery
Left thigh
lower leg
Left thigh
Section 9: Lower Extremities
During the skin incision, care should be taken to identify In the superior part of the incision, the groove
and preserve the saphenous vein, because it improves between the vastus medialis of the anterior thigh
venous drainage of the extremity, especially in the presence and the sartorius muscle is entered, with the sartorius
of a concomitant popliteal venous injury. being retracted posteriorly. The popliteal vessels
are located in the fat tissue right under the
distal shaft of the femur in the suprageniculate
Exposure position.
Vastus medialis
Saphenous vein
Fig. 36.5. Exposure of the left popliteal artery: the fascia of the thigh has been
entered and the sartorius (inferiorly) and the vastus medialis muscle (superiorly)
Fig. 36.4. Isolation and preservation of the saphenous vein are essential for have been exposed. The popliteal vessels are located in the fat tissue right
venous drainage of the extremity, in suspected cases with popliteal venous injury. under the distal shaft of the femur in the suprageniculate position (circle).
Popliteal artery
Hunter’s canal
Chapter 36. Popliteal artery
The sartorius muscles covering the medial portion of the through the Hunter’s canal, if more proximal control
knee fold can be divided in sequential fashion, including is required.
the semi-membranosus, the semi-tendinosus, and the If more distal control is necessary, the remainder of the
gracilis muscles (pes anserinus). They should be tagged popliteal fossa can be opened by retracting the head of the
proximally and distally with different color sutures to allow gastrocnemius posteriorly, and detaching tibial
their reapproximation during closure of the wound for attachments of the soleus muscle.
optimal functional results.
The femur is palpated, and the dissection continues to
expose the neurovascular bundle directly behind the femur,
with the popliteal artery being the most medial structure Management of the injured vessel
first encountered, followed by the popliteal vein, and then After appropriate proximal and distal control is gained, the
the tibial nerve as the dissection continues laterally. injured portion of the vessel is resected back to
The dissection can be carried more proximally healthy edges.
towards the popliteal artery’s entry into the fossa
Popliteal vein
Tibial nerve
Section 9: Lower Extremities
A Fogarty balloon (3Fr) is then advanced both proximally The tension-free anastomosis is performed using a running
and distally to clear clots, followed by the injection of or interrupted monofilament 5–0 or 6–0 polypropylene
heparinized saline into the two ends. suture, with the needle passing from the intima to
Depending on the extent of the vascular injury, a reverse adventitia on the artery side, in order to minimize the risk
saphenous vein interposition graft for definitive repair or a of intimal flaps and dissection. The more technically
temporary shunt followed by an interposition graft is complex anastomosis is performed first.
performed. Small caliber arteries can be dilated using a Fogarty
Prior to definitive repair, the proximal and distal ends of catheter. Local anesthetic or papaverin can be used locally
the artery are trimmed using Potts scissors to healthy vessel to counteract vasospasm.
ensuring that intima is intact at the free edge. The ends can Distal flow is confirmed by a combination of physical
be spatulated as warranted for repair. examination and an on-table Doppler.
Popliteal artery
Chapter 36. Popliteal artery
If a temporary shunt has been utilized, a 0 silk tie is used to In the presence of associated extensive soft tissue damage,
secure the shunt proximally and distally. These ties are then the devitalized tissues should be excised and the vascular
tied together around the center of the shunt to prevent repair should be covered with surrounding healthy tissues.
dislodgement of the shunt. Prior to shunting, no
debridement of the arterial edges should be performed.
Section 9 Lower Extremities
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Chapter 37. Lower extremity amputations
Periosteal elevator
Bone rasps
and files
Gigli hand
Soft tissue saw
Power saw
Traditional amputation knife blade
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Anterior thigh
(b) (b)
Gigli saw
Chapter 37. Lower extremity amputations
(a) (b)
Distal femur
Proximal femur HEAD
HEAD muscle
Anterior thigh
compartment Ligated
saphenous vein
Posterior thigh
Posterior thigh compartment compartment
Fig. 37.5(a). Sharp division of the posterior thigh compartment muscles. Fig. 37.5(b). Identification and ligation of the femoral artery and vein (white
Sciatic nerve
Anterior thigh
Anterior thigh
Posterior thigh
Fig. 37.5(c). Distal traction of the sciatic nerve with ligation and sharp Femur
Fig. 37.6. Periosteal elevator is used to separate the periosteum from the
femur in preparation for myodesis.
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Myodesis is performed to attach and stabilize muscles Myoplasty is performed by bringing the quadriceps
directly to bone, facilitating fixed resistance against which a femoris over the bone and suturing to the posterior
muscle can move, to maintain function, and to provide fascia using interrupted absorbable sutures over the
distal padding of the osteotomy. Myodesis is performed by drains.
drilling four unicortical holes to the distal femur using a
2.5 mm drill screw to attach the adductor and medial (b)
hamstring muscles to the bone with three absorbable
Anterior thigh
Posterior thigh
Anterior thigh
Adductor fascia
Fig. 37.7(b). Fascia of the adductor and medial hamstring muscles is attached
to the femur through the four unicortical holes with three absorbable sutures.
Posterior thigh
The skin is then closed with staples or interrupted 3–0
nylon vertical mattress sutures without tension.
Fig. 37.7(a). Drilling of four unicortical holes to the distal femur using 2.5 mm
drill screw for myodesis.
Quadriceps femoris
Fig. 37.8. Myoplasty over the femur. The quadriceps femoris is placed over
the bone and sutured to the posterior fascia using interrupted absorbable
sutures (white circle).
Chapter 37. Lower extremity amputations
(a) (b)
Medial calf
Fig. 37.10(b). The posterior skin incision is marked along the vertical axis of
the leg for a length of one and a half times the transverse incision (12–15 cm).
The incision should be gently curved to reduce dog-ears in the closure.
Medial calf
Below-knee amputation
The most commonly used amputation involves the
creation of a long posterior myocutaneous flap.
Mark the skin incision with a marking pen.
Inflate the pneumatic tourniquet.
The anterior skin incision is made transversely and located Fig. 37.11. Identification and division of the saphenous vein in the medial
10–12 cm or approximately one hand breadth below the aspect of the calf.
tibial tuberosity and extended to both sides of the calf for a
distance of about one-half of the calf circumference. Ligate
the saphenous vein when encountered in the medial aspect
of the leg. The anterior compartment muscles are divided sharply in
To construct the posterior flap, extend the skin incision the same plane as the transverse skin incision, and
along the vertical axis of the extremity for a length of one dissection is carried down until the anterior tibial artery
and a half times the transverse incision (12–15 cm). The and vein with the deep peroneal nerve are identified. The
posterior flap should be gently curved to reduce dog-ears in vessels are suture ligated with 2–0 silk sutures and the
the closure. nerve is retracted and divided sharply.
Section 9: Lower Extremities
A periosteal elevator is used to clear muscular attachments transected with the power or Gigli saw 2–3 cm proximal to
to the tibia, and the interosseous membrane is divided the tibia transaction; any sharp edges should be filed down.
sharply. The fibula can be excised in young individuals.
The tibia is then divided using a power or Gigli saw
proximal to the skin incision in a plane perpendicular to
the long axis of the bone. The anterior lip of the tibia is RIGHT KNEE Divided
then beveled and filed down to remove any sharp edges. proximal tibia
Medial calf
Anterior muscle
Fig. 37.13. Identification of the fibula with clearing of the soft tissue
circumferentially with a periosteal elevator and division 2–3 cm above the level
of the divided tibia.
Chapter 37. Lower extremity amputations
(a) (b)
Proximal tibia
Distal tibia
Proximal tibia
Tibial nerve
Posterior muscle
Medial calf
Fig. 37.14(b). Firm traction on the tibial nerve, followed by sharp division
very proximally (red arrow). The nerve stump is then allowed to retract.
Proximal tibia
Anterior muscle
Medial calf
Fig. 37.14(c). Beveling the anterior lip of the tibia (circle) to remove any
sharp edges.
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Section 9 Lower Extremities
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Special instruments The most commonly used technique is with the hand-held
® Stryker® device. An alternative in the ICU is to set up a
The Stryker intracompartmental pressure measuring
pressure transducer connected to a needle that may be
system using an 18-gauge side-ported needle is a readily
inserted into the muscle compartment.
available method for measuring compartment pressures.
Side-port needles are more accurate at measuring the
Basic orthopedic tray.
compartment pressure than regular needles.
For vessel–loop shoelace wound closure: vessel loops, skin
Steps for compartment pressure measurement with a
Stryker® device.
Negative pressure dressing system (NPDS).
1. Connect the side-port needle (A) to the diaphragm
chamber (B) and the diaphragm to the prefilled syringe
(C). Insert the assembled system into the device and snap
Technique of compartment pressure shut without forcing it (D). Turn unit on.
measurement 2. Press the zero button and wait for a few seconds until it
Excellent knowledge of the anatomy of the muscle shows zero.
compartments is critical! The pressure should be measured 3. Insert the needle perpendicular to the skin and insert into
in all compartments individually! Adjacent compartments the muscle.
may have very different pressures. 4. Slowly inject 0.3 mL into the compartment.
Stryker device
Side-port needle
Fig. 38.1(a). Pieces of the Stryker® device for the measurement of muscle compartment pressures.
(b) (c)
Side-port needle
Side-port needle
Prefilled syringe
Digital display
Fig. 38.1(b). Side-port needle provides more accurate measurements of the Fig. 38.1(c). Side-port needle, diaphragm chamber, and prefilled syringe
muscle compartment pressures. assembled and placed in the device.
Chapter 38. Lower extremity fasciotomies
Left buttock
* (b)
Left posterior
Left buttock thigh Head
Greater trochanter
Fig. 38.2(a),(b). Left buttock question mark incision for gluteal fasciotomy. Fig. 38.3(a),(b). Left buttock mid axial longitudinal incision for gluteal
fasciotomy. It begins just lateral to the posterior superior iliac spine and, at the
level of the greater trochanter, it turns inferiorly along the lateral aspect of the
thigh to provide access to the fascia lata.
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Procedure (a)
Left thigh
Fascia over
gluteus maximus (b)
Fig. 38.4(a). Fasciotomy left buttock (patient in prone position): the skin Gluteus medius
incision is carried through the subcutaneous tissue and the fascia over the
gluteus maximus is exposed.
Gluteus maximus
Fig. 38.4(b). The fascia overlying the gluteus maximus is incised to allow
decompression of this compartment.
Thigh fasciotomy
The muscle fibers of the gluteus maximus are split to access The entire extremity is prepared and draped from the iliac
the underlying gluteus medius/minimus compartment. crest to the toenails.
The inferolateral portion of the incision is used to release In most cases, one lateral incision is performed to
the tensor fascia lata. decompress both the anterior and posterior thigh
Following fasciotomy, the viability of the muscles is compartments. The medial compartment rarely needs
ensured with diathermy or forceps-induced muscle decompression, but if needed it can be accomplished
contractions. through a medial incision.
Chapter 38. Lower extremity fasciotomies
Procedure (a)
Posterior compartment
Left knee
Greater trochanter
Fig. 38.7(a). The fascia lata is divided with a longitudinal incision to
decompress the anterior compartment.
Lateral femoral condyle
Anterior compartment
Fig. 38.6(a). Fasciotomy left thigh: the skin incision extends from just below
the major trochanter to a few cm above the lateral femoral condyle.
Intermuscular septum Posterior compartment
fasciotomy Head
Left knee
Anterior compartment
Fig. 38.7(b). To decompress the posterior compartment, a posterior skin
Fascia lata flap is mobilized and an incision is made in the fascia posterior to the
intercompartmental septum.
Posterior compartment
r septu
Fig. 38.6(b). The incision is carried through the subcutaneous tissue and
down to the fascia lata.
Medial incision
This incision is rarely needed because the medial muscle Medial femoral
compartment is rarely affected. condyle
By decompressing the anterior and posterior
compartments, pressures in the medial compartment
secondarily drop as well. Measure the medial compartment
pressures before proceeding to fasciotomy.
In the average size male, a 20- to 25-cm medial incision Fig. 38.9(a). Left medial thigh fasciotomy incision: the incision courses along
courses along the greater saphenous vein, extending to a the greater saphenous vein extending to a few cm above the medial femoral
few cm above the medial femoral condyle.
If decompression of the medial compartment is warranted,
the saphenous vein should be preserved.
Chapter 38. Lower extremity fasciotomies
Adductor muscles
Gracilis muscle
Lower leg fasciotomy The lateral incision decompresses the anterior and lateral
Incisions The medial incision decompresses the superficial and deep
The standard four-compartment fasciotomy of the lower posterior compartments.
leg is achieved through two incisions.
Deep posterior
Superficial posterior
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Lateral malleolus
Chapter 38. Lower extremity fasciotomies
The lateral compartment is decompressed with a lateral malleolus is critical in order to avoid injury of the
longitudinal incision behind the intercompartmental superficial peroneal nerve, as it pierces the septum in the
septum. The fascia is incised with a direction towards the distal third of the leg to take a subcutaneous course.
lateral malleolus distally and the head of the fibula
proximally. Directing the distal fasciotomy towards the
nerve Anterior
Lateral compartment
Section 9: Lower Extremities
Left medial
Left medial
Chapter 38. Lower extremity fasciotomies
The medial incision extends from a point below the medial
malleolus to the metatarsophalangeal joint. This incision
risks injury to the neurovascular bundle and some
surgeons avoid it in favor of only two dorsal incisions.
The two dorsal incisions are placed over the second and
fourth metatarsal shafts. Maintain a wide skin bridge to
avoid necrosis. Skin flaps are raised to identify each of the
Deep posterior interosseous compartments.
Superficial posterior
Fig. 38.15(a). Foot fasciotomy. The two dorsal incisions are placed over the
second and fourth metatarsal shafts.
Left medial
(a) (a)
Left buttock
Fasciotomy wound management Split-thickness skin graft may be necessary for wound
closure, if delayed primary closure is not possible.
Negative pressure therapy dressing (VAC) is a useful
modality to manage the fasciotomy sites. It prevents wound
retraction, removes excessive soft tissue edema and
facilitates delayed primary skin closure. However, its
application in the presence of incomplete hemostasis may
Tips and pitfalls
result in severe bleeding. It is advisable that this dressing is Delayed diagnosis is the most common problem in the
used after the second look operation, when hemostasis is management of the compartment syndrome. A high index
complete. of suspicion, serial clinical examinations, compartment
pressure measurements, and serial CK levels remain the
Vessel-loop shoelace wound closure is a useful technique to
cornerstone of early diagnosis and timely fasciotomy.
achieve delayed primary skin closure.
Chapter 38. Lower extremity fasciotomies
The CK levels may be normal in delayed recognition of the The deep posterior compartment of the lower leg is the
compartment syndrome and completely dead muscle. most commonly missed or incompletely released
In suspected compartment syndrome, the pressures should compartment. The easiest location to identify the deep
be measured in all compartments. The pressures may be posterior compartment is distal in the calf.
normal in one compartment and abnormal in the Short skin incisions may result in an inadequate fasciotomy
adjacent one. and progression of the ischemic neuromuscular damage or
Poor knowledge of the anatomy of the extremity muscle renal failure.
compartments is the most common cause of incomplete Open fractures do not preclude compartment syndrome in
fasciotomy or iatrogenic damage to the neurovascular the affected compartments.
The superficial peroneal nerve is the most commonly
injured nerve.
Section 10 Orthopedic Damage Control
90 Degree
angled posts
10 Hole 30 Degree
pin clamps angled posts
Self-drilling pins
Couplers Carbon pin
5 Hole pin clamps
with angled posts
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, ed. Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, and George Velmahos. Published by Cambridge University
Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
Section 10: Orthopedic Damage Control
For pin selection, the choice is between a blunt and a Management of specific fractures
self-drilling pin. Blunt pins require pre-drilling of holes
in the cortex. Self-drilling pins can be mounted directly Mid shaft tibia fracture
on to the drill and drilled into place. After the decision has been made to stabilize a tibial
Another screw that may be necessary is a centrally fracture with an external fixator, the locations of the
threaded pin. This long pin has a self-drilling tip, but anchoring pins must be decided. Two pins should be
the threads are located in the middle of the pin, not at placed on each side of a fracture site. One pin is inadequate
the end. This pin is placed across the calcaneus when an to provide stability.
ankle-bridging external fixator must be placed. When choosing a location, the pin closest to the
fracture site must be greater than 2 cm away. Pin
(a) placement too close to the fracture could prevent
adequate stabilization.
Care must be taken to avoid placing a pin in the
metaphysis or intra-articular area.
If the fracture is very proximal or distal and there isn’t
adequate tibial shaft to place pins, an articular-spanning
fixator must be placed (see below). The safest area to
place pins into the tibia is anywhere between the
anterior tibial ridge and 60° medially.
Self-drilling tip
Fig. 39.2(a). A self-drilling pin. Pre-drilling the bone prior to placement is not >2 cm
Proximal Distal
pin sites Fracture
pin sites
Fig. 39.3. Pin site placement in relation to the fracture. Safe placement is
along the anterior aspect of the tibia, with pins placed > 2 cm from fracture.
Avoid the metaphysis.
Chapter 39. Orthopedic damage control
the pins as far apart as possible, but still be able to fit them Repeat the above process with the distal pins.
into one clamp. The second pin should be placed parallel to Pin clamps must now be secured around the pins. The
the first. clamp should be placed roughly 1.5 – 2 cm from the skin,
or two finger breadths.
Tighten all fasteners with a full hand torque while applying
a counter-torque to prevent damage to the fixator
1.5 – 2 cm
Fig. 39.4(a). Drilling the pin into the tibia. It is important that the pin has a
bicortical purchase for maximum stability.
Fig. 39.5(a). Pin clamp placement. The 5-hole pin clamps used here have
30 degree angled posts. Pin clamps allow for placement of different angled
posts, pointing in any direction. The clamp should be placed approximately
1.5 – 2 cm from the skin/soft tissue. Two finger breadths is a good way to judge
adequate placement.
Fig. 39.4(b). Placement of the second pin. The pin should be placed parallel
to the first, with the largest distance between the two pins allowed by the
pin clamp.
Fig. 39.5(b). Tighten all bolts with full torque while applying counter-torque
to prevent damage to the fixator hardware.
Fig. 39.4(c). Repeat the previous step distal to the fracture site.
Section 10: Orthopedic Damage Control
Attach rod-to-rod couplers to the posts, one on each side of external fixator must be placed. The proximal pins are
the clamp. The optimal location is mid post. placed in the tibia as described above. For the distal pin, a
calcaneal pin must be placed. An incision is made over the
medial aspect of the center of the calcaneus.
Using a centrally threaded pin, drill the pin medial to
lateral. Care must be taken to avoid the posterior tibial
artery. This should be inserted until the threads have a
bicortical purchase in both sides of the calcaneus.
Rod-to-rod couplers
Fig. 39.6. Applying the couplers to the angled posts. They should be placed
near mid post to provide better stability.
Carbon connecting
Posterior tibial
Fig. 39.7. Final hardware apparatus after insertion of the connecting rods and
tightening of all fasteners.
Fig. 39.8(b). Take care to avoid injury to the posterior tibial artery.
Distal tibia and fibula fracture/ankle Semicircle representing tibial artery needs to be moved clockwise to run along
posterior portion of medical malleolus from superior to inferior.
In the event that a tibial fracture is too distal to allow for
pin placement above the metaphysis, an ankle-bridging
Chapter 39. Orthopedic damage control
(a) (b)
Fig. 39.9(a). The centrally threaded pin in place, with the threads engaged in
the cortex on both sides of the calcaneus.
Section 10: Orthopedic Damage Control
Pin sites
Fig. 39.11. Pin site selection for a mid shaft femur fracture. Safe placement is
from the lateral approach.
Fig. 39.13(b). Both pin clamps in place with attached post-to-rod couplers.
Pin clamp selection is the same as for the tibia. Be sure that Fig. 39.13(c). The final femur external fixation hardware with connecting rods
they are two finger breadths away from the skin. in place.
Angled or straight posts can be used.
Fig. 39.13(a). Pin clamp with angled posts being placed two finger breadths Fig. 39.14. Proximal and distal pin sites for treatment of distal femur/proximal
from the skin. tibia fractures. For the proximal pins, the lateral approach is safest.
Chapter 39. Orthopedic damage control
(a) (b)
Fig. 39.15(a). Proximal pins in place. Fig. 39.15(b). Distal pin placement into the tibia. As with a tibia fracture, the
safe pin approach is along the anterior surface.
As with the tibia, the femur should be pulled to length
before completely tightening the fasteners on the
connecting rods.
Fig. 39.15(c). Distal pins are in place. Since the length of the external fixator is
significantly longer when bridging the knee, placing the distal pins further apart
will provide an increase in stability.
Fig. 39.16(b). The knee-spanning external fixator in place. Only one spanning
rod is present in the picture. If the surgeon feels that there isn’t enough stability,
Fig. 39.16(a). Pin-to-rod couplers in place. Because the pins were placed far a second spanning bar could be placed.
apart to increase stability, pin clamps will likely not be long enough to use.
Couplers are necessary for connecting hardware.
Section 10: Orthopedic Damage Control
abdominal aorta surgical technique, 315, 315, postoperative care, 239 surgical principles, 115
anatomy of, 240, 240–241 317, 318, 320, 322 surgical principles, 238 surgical technique, 116,
complications, 256 amputations (upper extremity) surgical technique, 238 116–123, 117, 118, 120, 122,
instruments, 242 anatomy of, 294, 294 bleeding. See also hemorrhage 123
patient positioning, 242 complications, 302 abdominal injuries, 169, thoracic vessels, 126–139
surgical principles, 242 instruments, 295, 295, 296 169–171, 170, 173, 179 cardiac massage, 22, 24
surgical technique, 242–256, surgical principles, 294–295 and EDH/SDH, 36 carotid artery
243, 245, 248, 250, 252, 253, surgical technique, 295–301, and laryngotracheal injuries, anatomy of, 53, 53, 54
254, 255 296, 297, 300, 301 100 complications, 68
abdominal injuries anastomosis cardiac repair, 120, 120–122, instruments, 56
aorta, 240–256 esophageal, 152, 161 122 patient positioning, 56
DC in, 172–179 intestinal, 171, 185 kidney, 229, 229–231, 231 surgical principles, 55–56
duodenum, 189–197 popliteal artery, 312–313 liver, 203, 203–207, 205 surgical technique, 56–68, 57,
gastrointestinal tract, 180–188 ureter, 235–236 operating room supply, 3 60, 65, 66, 135, 135–136
general principles, 165–171 angioembolization (vertebral spleen, 212 catheter
iliac, 257–261 artery), 93 blunt trauma EVD, 30, 34
inferior vena cava, 262–272 aorta abdominal, 184, 204, 262 ICP, 29–34
liver, 198–208 abdominal, 240–256 and EDH/SDH, 35 celiac artery, 251
pancreas, 219–227 cross-clamping, 27 arterial, 66, 135, 137, 254, 308 cerebral spinal fluid (CSF),
spleen, 209–218 thoracotomy cross-clamping, cardiac rupture, 115 32–33
urological, 228–239 26 lung, 142 cervical esophagus
above-knee amputation (AKA), artery parenchymal damage, 205 anatomy of, 101
315, 315, 317, 318 brachial, 281–287 retroperitoneal hematoma, complications, 101–105
ABThera technique, 175–179, carotid, 53–68, 135–136 242, 264 instruments, 101
177 celiac, 251 spleen, 211 patient positioning, 101
acute epidural hematomas femoral, 303–306 Bogota bag technique, 174 surgical principles, 101
(EDH) mesenteric, 252–253, 256 brachial artery surgical technique, 102, 102,
surgical principles, 35–38, 36 renal, 253–255 anatomy of, 281, 281 103, 104
surgical technique, 41, 41–45, subclavian, 72–81 complications, 287 chest trauma
44 axillary artery, 83–87 instruments, 282 cardiac injuries, 115–125
adductor canal, 303, 303 axillary vessels patient positioning, 282 DC in, 172
air embolism complications, 86–87 surgical principles, 282 general operation principles,
arrhythmias, 26 instruments, 84 surgical technique, 283, 107–114
in cardiac injuries, 115 patient positioning, 84, 86 283–286, 285, 286 clamshell incision
lung injuries, 149 surgical anatomy, 83 Burr holes, 41, 41–43, 42 general chest operation, 108,
neck trauma, 52 surgical principles, 84 113, 114
thoracic vessels, 135, 139 surgical technique, 84, 84–86, cardiac arrest. See also heart lung injuries, 143
airway management 86 failure thoracic vessel, 130
cricothyrotomy, 6 air embolism, 26 clavicular incision
neck trauma, 52 Barker’s vacuum technique, 174, pharmacological treatment of, general neck trauma, 52
amputations (lower extremity) 179 23 subclavian vessels, 72–77, 73,
anatomy of, 314 below-knee amputation, cardiac defibrillation 75
complications, 319, 321 319–322, 320, 322 (thoracotomy), 24 supra, 80
instruments, 315 billary tract injuries, 207 cardiac injuries with median sternotomy, 78
patient positioning, 315 bladder anatomy of, 115, 115 collar incision
postoperative care, 322 anatomy of, 229 instruments, 116 general neck trauma, 51, 51
surgical principles, 314 complications, 239 patient positioning, 116 trachea and larynx, 96, 96
colon cervical, 101–105 surgical principles, 107 esophageal, 153, 153, 154
anatomy of, 185 complications, 161 surgical technique, 108, femoral artery, 304–305, 305
complications, 187 instruments, 152 108–113, 110, 111, 113, 114 foot fasciotomy, 333
surgical principles, 185–187, patient positioning, 152–153, general gastrointestinal operation general abdominal operation,
186 153 instruments, 180 167, 167–169, 169
common bile duct injuries surgical principles, 152, 181, 183 patient positioning, 180 general chest operation, 108,
(CBD), 207 surgical technique, 153, 153, surgical technique, 180 108–113, 110, 111, 113, 114
compartment pressure 154, 156, 158 gluteal compartment fasciotomy, gluteal compartment
measurement technique, EVD. See external ventricular 325–326 fasciotomy, 325, 325–326
324, 324–325 drain guillotine amputation (below iliac injuries, 258
compartment syndrome external ventricular drain (EVD), knee), 322 IVC, 263
and axillary vessels, 87 30, 34 gunshot wounds kidney, 229
upper extremity fasciotomy, cardiac injuries, 115 liver, 201, 201, 202
293 fasciotomies (lower extremity) liver, 204 lower leg fasciotomy, 329, 329,
complications anatomy of, 323 mediastinal artery, 135 330, 331
abdominal DC, 179 complications, 334–335 to neck, 48 lung injuries, 143
cardiac injuries, 118, 120, 125 instruments, 324 neck trauma, 50, 50, 51, 52
gastrointestinal tract, 183 surgical principles, 323 hand fasciotomies, 290, 292 pancreatic, 220
general neck trauma, 52 surgical technique, 324, head trauma procedures popliteal artery, 309, 309–310
thoracostomy tube, 17 324–325, 325, 327, 327, 328, hemotomas, 35–45 spleen, 212
craniectomy incision, 39–40, 40 331 intracranial pressure subclavian vessels, 72–81, 73,
cricothyrotomy fasciotomies (upper extremity) monitoring, 29–34 75, 78, 81
anatomy of, 5, 5 anatomy of, 288 heart failure, 149, See also cardiac thigh fasciotomy, 326, 328
difficulties with, 11 complications, 293 arrest thoracic vessels, 129–130
instruments, 6, 6 instruments, 289 hematomas thoracotomy, 19, 19–21, 21, 27
patient positioning, 7 patient positioning, 289 abdominal aorta, 242 trachea and larynx, 96, 96, 98
surgical principles, 6 surgical principles, 288 abdominal injuries, 169, upper extremity, 289–291, 290
surgical technique, 7–11, 8, 9, surgical technique, 289, 291, 169–171, 170 vertebral artery, 89, 89, 91, 92
10 292 duodenum, 196 indications
femoral artery retroperitoneal, 264 DC, 172
damage control (DC) anatomy of, 303, 303 hematomas (cranial) enteric contamination, 258
abdominal, 172–179, 173, 174, complications, 306 anatomy of, 35, 35 for EDH/SDH surgery, 34, 38
175, 177 patient positioning, 304 instruments, 39 pelvic, 274
extremities, 172 surgical principles, 304 patient positioning, 39 thoracotomy, 18
orthopedic, 337–344 surgical technique, 304–306, problems, 41, 43 upper extremity operation, 282
pelvic, 275, 275–280, 278, 279 305 surgical principles, 35–38, 36 inferior mesenteric artery, 256
surgical principles, 172 femoral triangle, 303 surgical technique, 40, 41, 44, inferior vena cava (IVC)
vascular trauma, 172 femur fracture, 341–343, 342 45 anatomy of, 262
DC, See damage control fibula fracture, 340 hemorrhage. See also bleeding complications, 272
diaphram floating knee, 344 IVC, 266, 266–270, 267, 269 instruments, 263
anatomy of, 162 foot fasciotomy, 333 pelvic, 273–280 patient positioning, 263
complications, 164 forearm fasciotomies, 290, 292 hilar occlusion, 26 surgical principles, 262–263
instruments, 162 fractures hilar twist, 26 surgical technique, 263, 263,
surgical principles, 162 femur, 340, 340, 342, 342 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 271
surgical technique, 162–164, management of, 338, 338–344, ICP. See intracranial pressure innominate artery, 135, 135–136
163, 164 339, 342 monitoring intestines
distal femur fracture, 342, 343 pelvic, 187–188, 273–274 iliac injuries small, 183–185, 184, 185
distal tibia fracture, 340 rib, 107, 114, 153 anatomy of, 257, 257 spillage control, 174
duodenum skull, 36–37 complications, 261 intracranial pressure monitoring
anatomy of, 189–190 spinal, 88 instruments, 258 (ICP)
complications, 197 tibia, 338, 338–340, 339, 340 patient positioning, 258 anatomy of, 29
instruments, 191 surgical principles, 257–258 and SDH/EDH, 45
patient positioning, 191 gallbladder injuries, 207 surgical technique, 258, instruments, 30
surgical principles, 190–191 general abdominal operation 258–261, 261 patient positioning, 31
surgical technique, 191, anatomy of, 165, 165 incision problems, 34
191–197, 194, 196 complications, 171 abdominal aorta, 242 surgical principles, 29
instruments, 167 above-elbow amputation, surgical technique, 31, 31, 32
EDH. See acute epidural patient positioning, 166 295–296, 296, 297 types of, 30
hematomas surgical principles, 165–166 axillary vessels, 84 intraparenchymal intracranial
epicardial pacing, 24, 24–27 surgical technique, 167, below-elbow amputation, 299 pressure monitoring (ICP),
epidural intracranial pressure 167–171, 169, 170 brachial artery, 283, 283 30, 33
monitoring (ICP), 30, 34 general chest operation cardiac injuries, 116, 116–123, intraventricular intracranial
esophagus anatomy of, 107, 107 117, 118, 122, 123 pressure monitoring (ICP),
anatomy of, 150–152, 151 complications, 114 carotid artery, 56 30, 31, 32
anesthesia, 152 patient positioning, 108, 108 duodenum, 191 IVC. See inferior vena cava
thoracic vessels (cont.) surgical principles, 18 laryngotracheal, 99 surgical technique, 235, 235,
surgical technique, 129, 129, surgical technique, 19, 19–27, tractotomy 236, 238
130, 131, 133, 136, 137 21, 24 liver, 204 urological trauma, 228–239
thoracostomy tube thoracotomy incision lung, 144
autotransfusion in, 17 abdominal injuries, 242 trap door incision (subclavian vacuum-assisted closure
difficulties with, 17 general chest operation, 108, vessels), 81, 94–100 technique (VAC), 176
insertion site, 12 110–112, 111, 114 vascular trauma
patient positioning, 12 lung injuries, 143 ultrasound, 82 abdominal aorta, 240, 240
removal, 17 tibia fracture, 338, 338–340, 339, upper arm fasciotomy, 289 damage control, 172
surgical principles, 12 340 upper extremities DC in, 172
surgical technique, 12–17, 14, trachea amputations, 294–302 popliteal artery, 308
15 anatomy of, 94 brachial artery injury, retroperitoneum, 165, 165
thoracotomy complications, 100, 105 281–287 vertebral artery
anatomy of, 18 instruments, 95 fasciotomies, 288–293 complications, 93
instruments, 19 patient positioning, 95 ureter instruments, 89
patient positioning, 19 surgical principles, 95 anatomy of, 228 patient positioning, 89
posterolateral, 108, 113–114, surgical technique, 96, 96, 98 complications, 236 surgical anatomy, 88, 88
114, 130, 153, 154 tracheostomy postoperative care, 237 surgical principles, 88
problems, 27 and cricothyrotomy, 6 surgical principles, 234–235 surgical technique, 89, 89, 91, 92