DATE : 04.01.2024
In the digital age, where data is a driving force behind decision-
making and system functionalities, Structured Query Language (SQL)
emerges as a fundamental tool for efficient data management. This
short preface introduces the reader to the world of SQL, a language
designed for interacting with relational databases.
This sa sfac on that accompanies the successful comple on of any task is incomplete without
men oning those people whose ceaseless coopera on constant guidance and encouragement
crown all efforts with success.
With Condor and please we take the opportunity to express our sincere thanks and gra tude to
Respected Ma'am Ms. Nandini Dasgupta, Director Principal , Techno India Group Public School
Jalpaiguri. It is because of her able and mature guidance, that it has been possible for us to
complete our final project on me.
We are also very grateful to our esteemed guide Mr. Vaskar Chakraborty, Assistant Teacher,
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Techno India Group Public School Jalpaiguri. It is
it is because of his mature guidance co-opera on supervision les help and encouragement
throughout the project work, that, it has been possible for us to complete our final project on me.
We are also very grateful to the other respected teachers of our school who help us with their
valuable advice and guidance for the development of the project.
We would like to convey our hear elt gra tude to Ms. Sneha Mitra , the Assistant Teacher, Techno
India Group Public School Jalpaiguri_ who extended us with all the necessary facili es in ensuring
the successful comple on of our project.
it is also our pleasure to thank all the students of our department and fellow students of other
departments, they never hesitate to us for me to me during the project by providing us the
informa on and the reference materials necessary for the development of the project.
Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the support, encouragement and pa ence of our families and as
always, nothing in our life would be possible without God, thank you!
1. Title: "Learning SQL"
Author: Alan Beaulieu
Year: 2009
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
2. Title: "SQL Performance Explained"
Author: Markus Winand
Year: 2012
Publisher: Markus Winand (available online)
3. Title: "SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database
Author: Bill Karwin
Year: 2010
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
4. Title: "SQL in 10 Minutes, Sams Teach Yourself"
Author: Ben Forta
Year: 2012
Publisher: Sams Publishing
5. Title: "Pro SQL Server Internals"
Author: Dmitri Korotkevitch
Year: 2014
Publisher: Apress