Just because something is in our visual field doesn’t mean we pay attention to it, or that
it is encoded, or actively remembered.
Stored memory includes personal details and interpretations.
Retrieved memory may be altered or lost.
3 Processes of Memory:
Each word connects the word before and after it; like pearls in a necklace.
Our ability to recall recently encoded information decreases rapidly over time.
o Ability to recall words was highest immediately following learning.
Results overtime:
1 encoding phase/4 retrieval phases > 4 encoding phases/1 retrieval phase
Recall Test – generate as many items as one can remember; not given
any external cues. Ex. Short Answer
Recognition Test – several items shown; asked to mark whether each item is
new or old, cue similarities can lead to false memories. Ex. Multiple Choice
Reduces the potential interference from out-of-date memories; allows for more
efficient remembering of current information i.e. Ebbinghaus studying nonsense
Decay Theory – memories fade with time; explains STM loss, but not LTM
loss as forgotten memories can later be recalled regardless of time passed
Memory loss due to not having the right cue to retrieve memory i.e.
Interference – a cue that was once associated with one memory is now
associated with another, making it more difficult to retrieve the original memory.
Proactive Interference:
Interfering information was learned prior to the specific memory; ex. old memory
from French interfering with the retrieval of one’s newer memory for Spanish words.
Experimental group reads lists A and B; control group reads B.
Proactive interference in play if the experimental group remembers fewer
words than the control group.
Retroactive Interference:
New information interferes with the retrieval of old information.
Experimental group studies lists A and B; control group studies list A and is
Both groups recall words from list A; retroactive interference occurs if the
experimental group remembers fewer words than the control group.
Jeopardy-like, low frequency word test i.e. What is plasma
Words that induce this state in the past will do so in the future; word is more
associated with error-prone process each time it’s in this state.
Freud – horrific memories can be repressed as a defense mechanism.
Directed forgetting paradigm: subjects told to intentionally forget studied items and thus
recall fewer of the intentionally forgotten words
*therapy like hypnosis can sometimes plant false memories
Multi-Store Model:
Proposed by Atkinson & Shiffrin.
Memory is composed of short and long-term storage systems.
Sensory Memory:
Transient maintenance of perceptual and physical information from the recent past; not
limited by attention.
Iconic Memory – visual information; represented by the visual system.
Echoic Memory – auditory information; represented by the auditory system.
Participants view arrays of 3 rows of #s for 50ms, then listened for a low, medium, high
tone to indicate which row to report to. Accurate reporting if tone immediately follows
presentation, if tone 1s later, no recollection/reporting thus sensory memory decays at
an extremely fast rate.
Long-Term Memory:
Once information is transferred from STM into LTM, new information is organized
according to prior knowledge.
Concepts that are more closely related are more directly connected.
Information transferred both ways; ex. remembering the past (LTM → STM).
Past memories largely linked to attention (top-down control).
Schemas – mental frameworks for interpreting the world around us based upon
prior experiences. Leads to expectations i.e expect to see books in a professors
If LTM and STM represent separate stores of memory that interact dynamically,
changes caused by manipulating specific variables can be isolated.
Improving Primacy:
Primacy effect is enhanced when using a longer time interval, relative to a shorter
time interval between presented items.
↑ time between item presentations ↑:
b) Amount of times each item can be repeated.
c) Probability of item being stored in long-term memory.
d) Performance recalling first couple of items.
Diminishing Recency:
A manipulation that causes the most recent contents of the STM to be
replaced/disrupted ↓ the Recency Effect.
Disrupting the short-term memory buffer affects the Recency Effect.
Performing a distracting task ↓ the Recency Effect.
Distractions require STM resources; causes the most recent items to be
disrupted from the STM buffer.
Something can influence both Primacy and Recency Effects however, RE is never
increased in this course
Since principle deals with traces, knowing how info transferred is not
The more we try to organize and understand the material, the better we
remember it; paying attention to surface details leads to poorer recall.
Criticism: Vague model; does not go in-depth about what a “deeper”
level is.
Shallow Level:
Encode physical characteristics.
Encoding requires little effort.
Poor memory performance.
Deeper Level:
Encode semantic characteristics.
Encoding requires significant effort.
Better memory performance.
Enriched Encoding:
Mnemonic Strategy – information encoded with yourself in mind is better
remembered than if you had someone else in mind; also known as the self-
referent effect.
Reflects the deepest level of processing: self>meaning>rhyme>case
Encoding Specificity:
Memory encodes all aspects of an experience; the context that we learn
information in is encoded along with the information itself.
Environmental cues are encoded together with memories for items and events.
Preserving encoding context improves subsequent recall of a memory.
The effectiveness of the context as a cue is largely dependent on the specificity of its
relations to the item i.e. water + scuba divers
Transfer-Appropriate Processing:
Memory is aided when similar processes are engaged at encoding and retrieval.
Words processed/encoded in semantic sentences are better remembered than those
in rhyming sentences and vice versa
Loftus’ Experiment/Evidence:
Lost in a mall experiment: researchers ask kids 4 questions about childhood, 1 is a
fake story about being lost in the mall and being comforted by a kind old lady before
being reunited with family, 20% of participants were convinced this false memory is
true therefore proving memory is a reconstructive process
Loftus’ Experiment/Evidence:
Fake Disney land advertisements featuring bugs bunny (Warner Brothers) 16%
recalled shaking hands with him as a child
Source Confusion:
Source Monitoring Error – failing to recall exactly where you learned this
Attribution – judgment tying together causes with effects; used to make sense
of fluency.
The time between exposure and recall affects our attributions to fluency.
Ex: Becoming famous overnight experiment: Phase 1 subject asked to read
names off a list, followed by immediate or a delayed presentation of a second list
with both old normal names and new names in Phase 2 and then rate names
based on celebrity status. If phase 2 presented immediately after phase 1 list,
subjects able to accurately. If phase 2 presentation is delayed by 24hrs, the old
normal names are rated more famous than the new names even though they are
not celebrities.
This is False Fame Effect – form of source monitoring error; incorrectly
judging a name as being famous because it seems familiar (fluently
Reality Monitoring – ability to discriminate real memories from those that are
Repeated imagination of any event can lead to the event being falsely
remembered; can confuse false events with actual events.
Imagining a familiar action would most likely lead to the formation of a false memory
over that of a bizarre action