Prepare 6 Video Answer Key
Prepare 6 Video Answer Key
Prepare 6 Video Answer Key
UNIT 3 Great sounds 2 With their partner from Exercise 1, give students a
few minutes to try and do the matching activity, based
1 Go through the questions with the class, checking
on what they can remember from the film. Then play
that students understand what they have to do. Then
the film again for them to complete/correct the matches
play the film for students to answer the questions. Put
they have. Check the answers with the whole class.
students in pairs to compare their answers, then elicit
the correct answers from the class. Answers
1 b, e 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 b 6 d 7 c 8 e
1 There are 2 boys and 2 girls. 3 Write the sentence stems on the board. Play the film
2 He asks four questions.
again, pausing after each of the target sentences, and
2 Play the film to the end of the speakers’ answers replaying each one two or three times, for students to
to the first question for students to decide whether the complete the sentences. Elicit the full sentences from the
sentences are right or wrong. Get students to compare class and complete each sentence on the board.
their answers in their pairs, then go through the answers Answers
with the whole class. 1 to be anything else
2 enjoy and (I) spend a lot of time doing it
3 maths and I like the designs of old buildings
1 R 2 R 3 W 4 W 4 animals and I’ve got a dog
3 Play the film to the end of the speakers’ answers to 4 Ask students to turn to page 40 of the Student’s
the question ‘And do you listen to music with friends or Book. Write the first question on the board, model the
on your own?’ for students to do the matching activity. pronunciation and get students to repeat it after you.
It might be useful here to remind students that alone Then get two students to ask and answer the question,
and on your own mean they listen without anyone else as an example to the rest of the class. Then put students
around. Get students to compare their answers in their into pairs and they ask and answer the two questions.
pairs, then check the answers with the whole class.
Answers UNIT 7 Holidays
1 c 2 a and b 3 d 1 Put students into pairs and give them a couple of
minutes to do the matching activity.
4 Play the film to the end for students to complete
Then check answers with the whole class.
the sentences. Get students to compare their answers in
pairs, then check the answers with the whole class. Answers
1 e 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 a
1 ukulele 2 guitar 3 trumpet 4 good 5 drums 2 Before playing the film, check that students understand
6 guitar 7 ukulele 8 guitar 9 can’t
that they’re just filling in the places, i.e. spaces 1–5, the first
5 Ask students to turn to page 24 of the Student’s Book. time they watch. After watching, get students to compare
Point out that the questions are from the video. Refer their answers with their partner from Exercise 1. Then check
the class to Question 1 and write it on the board. Model answers with the whole class.
the pronunciation and get students to repeat it after Answers
you. Then get a student to ask you the question and 1 Paris 2 Barcelona 3 Berlin 4 Sorrento 5 Athens
you give them your answer. Repeat this procedure for
Questions 2–4. Then put students into pairs and they ask 3 Give students a few minutes in their pairs to do the
and answer the four questions. You could also add the activity. Then play the film for them to complete/correct
additional questions How often do you listen to music? the information. Finally, check the answers with the
and What kind of music don’t you like listening to? to the whole class.
list on the board for students to ask and answer. Answers
6 Eiffel Tower 7 friends 8 museums 9 sightseeing
UNIT 6 Jobs 10 market 11 cake 12 ferry 13 island 14 family
15 Acropolis
1 Explain the activity to the class, then play the film
for them to count the number of jobs mentioned. Get 4 Ask students to turn to page 49 of the Student’s Book.
students to compare their answers in pairs, before going Write the first question on the board, model the
through the answers with the whole class. pronunciation and get students to repeat it after you.
Answer Then get a student to ask you the question and you give
They talk about four jobs: TV presenter, vet, architect, butcher. them your answer. Repeat this procedure for the other
Also: something with music, anything sporty, a desk job. questions. Then put students into pairs and they ask and
answer the four questions.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2023 Prepare Grade 6. Ukrainian edition
Prepare Grade 6. Ukrainian edition VIDEO ANSWER KEY
UNIT 11 Street foods 2 Play the film for students to identify the health
problems mentioned. They could compare their
1 Put students into pairs. Give them a couple of minutes to
answers in pairs, before you check the answers with
go through the list of foods. Then check the meaning of
the whole class.
the items with the whole class.
2 Play the film for students to tick the food items Answers
mentioned. Elicit the correct answers from the class. a cold, a headache, flu, a broken arm
Answers Answers
They talk about nine different animals: dog, fish, pigeon, cat,
a laptop, a mobile phone, an e-reader, a computer
hamster, chicken, horse, giraffe, tiger.
3 Give students a few minutes in their pairs to complete
2 Put students into pairs. Give them a few minutes
the information about the students’ use of technology.
to do the matching activity, then play the film to Both
Then play the film for them to check their answers. Finally,
our dogs can sit, stay and give me their paws. for them
check the answers with the whole class.
to check/correct their answers. Go through the answers
Answers with the whole class.
1 laptop 2 laptop 3 (up to)10 4 mobile phone 5 2, 3
6 e-reader 7 evening 8 2, 3
1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a 6 b 7 d 8 b, c
4 Ask students to turn to page 72 of the Student’s Book.
Point out that the questions are from the video. Write 3 Play the second part of the film again for students to
the first question on the board, model the pronunciation tick the answers to the questions about zoos. Get them to
and get students to repeat it after you. Then get a compare the answers they’ve ticked with their partners,
student to ask you the question and you give them your then check the answers with the whole class.
answer. Repeat this procedure for the other questions. Answers
Then put students into pairs and they ask and answer 1, 3, 5, 7
the questions.
4 Ask students to turn to page 94 of the Student’s Book.
UNIT 13 Health problems Write the first question on the board, model the
pronunciation and get students to repeat after you. Get
1 Put students into pairs. Give them a couple of minutes a student to ask you the question and give them your
to do the matching activity, then check the answers with answer. Then students ask and answer the questions in
the whole class. their pairs.
a a broken arm b stomach ache c toothache d flu
e a broken leg f a cold g a headache
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2023 Prepare Grade 6. Ukrainian edition
Prepare Grade 6. Ukrainian edition VIDEO ANSWER KEY
UNIT 18 Books we like 3 Give students a few minutes in their pairs to try and
remember the subjects that the students mention. Play
1 Explain the activity to the class, then play the film
the next part of the film for them to check/correct their
for them to count the number of questions that Alex
answers. Then go through the answers with the whole
asks. Get students to compare their answers in pairs.
class. As a follow up here, you could ask students if they
Note: Students will discuss the questions in Activity 5.
study any of the less mainstream subjects that students
2 Put students into pairs and give them a couple of at Redroofs Theatre School do, such as dancing, acting,
minutes to do the matching activity. Play the first part singing and drama, and if they enjoy them.
of the film for them to check/correct their answers. Then
check the answers with the whole class. Answers
dance ✔ drama/acting ✔ English ✔ French geography
Answers history maths ✔ singing ✔
1 c 2 b 3 d 4 a
4 Go through the gapped sentences and elicit from
3 Give students a couple of minutes to do this activity the class the words that could go in the spaces, but don’t
in their pairs, then play the first part of the film again for confirm the correct answers yet. Play the last part of the
them to check/correct their answers. Check the answers film again for students to complete the sentences. Get
with the whole class. them to compare their answers in their pairs, then elicit the
Answers correct answers from the class.
1 b (Anas) 2 a (James) 3 c (Kirstie) Answers
1 experience 2 nice 3 creative 4 friendly 5 nice
4 Give students a few minutes to complete the sentences 6 helpful
in their pairs, then play the second part of the film again for
them to check/correct their answers. Elicit the completed 5 Ask students to turn to page 114 in the Student’s Book.
sentences from the class. Point out that the questions are from the video. Model
Answers the pronunciation of the questions and get students
1 is called 2 finding out, going on 3 the films 4 Nothing
to repeat them. Then students ask and answer the
questions in their pairs.
5 Ask students to turn to page 106 of the Student’s Book.
Point out that the questions are from the video. Model
the pronunciation of the questions and get students
to repeat them. Then students ask and answer the
questions in their pairs.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2023 Prepare Grade 6. Ukrainian edition