NOSE MCQs Points Rida Naqvi-1

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Nose Mcq Points

1 Inf meatus nasolacrimal

2 Middle meatus ant ethmoidal maxillary frontal
3 sup meatus post ethmoidal
4 sphenoethmoidal recess spheniod
5 opening of maxillary sinus in middle meatus level of hiatus semilunaris
6 inf turbiante separate bone
7 4th turbinate agger nasi cells(ant ethmoidal)
8 articulation of ethmoid is with inf turbinate
9 external nose 2 paired 2 unpaired cartilage
10 chona post nares
11 direction of NLD down back lateral
12 nasal valve lower end of uper nasal cartilage
13 osteomeatal complex connect nasal cavity with maxillary sinus
14 nasal mucosa supplied by external carotid artery
15 ciliary movement rate of nasal mucosa 5 to 10mm/min
16 nasal cycle 2 1/2 - 4 hrs
17 rhinophyma hypertrophy of sebaceous glands
18 choanal atresia CHARGE syndrome (coloboma of eye, heart defects, chonal atresia, Retarded growth,
genital defects, ear defects)
19 nasolabial cyst originate from ofontogenic epithelium
20 percentage of newborn with dns 20%
21 killian incision smr freer incision septoplasty
22 mitomycin prevebr synechae formation
23 bony septal perforation syphilis cartilagenous tb leprosy
24 cottle test DNS
25 ant ethmoidal or sluder neuralgia middle turbiante pressing on septum
26 diabetes mucormycosis
27 rhinosporiodosis fungus
28 rhinoscleroma klebsella rhinoscleromatis mukilvz cells russel bodies
29 apple jelly nodules lupus vulgaris
30 antrachoanal polyp in children intranasal polypectomy n recurrent caldwell luc operation n old age
31 recurrence common ethmoidal
32 ethmoidal polyp tretment intranasal in multiple n extranasal in recurrent
33 bernouli theourm nasal polyp
34 caldwell luc nasoantral window inf meatus
35 MC complication of caldwell luc infraorbital palsy
36 U/L nasal discharge in child foreign body
37 rhinolith Ca deposits
38 atrophic rhinitis klebsella ozena, merciful ansomia, young operation
39 nasal obstruction in atrophic rhinitis is due to crusting
40 mullbery appearance chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
41 vasomotor rhinitis vidian neurectomy
42 ant epistaxis little area post epistaxis woodruf plexus
43 MC cause of epistaxis trauma
44 atery of epistaxis sphenopalatine artery
45 uncontrolled epistaxis sphenopalatine is ligated
46 maxillary n ethmoid sinus present at birth
47 maxillary sinus reaches max size at secondary dentition 9 years
48 MC sinusitis in child ethmoid MC in children maxillary
49 MC cause of fungal mycoses aspergillus fumigatas
50 frontal sinusitis office headache or vaccum headache
51 Mucocele n osteoma common in frontal
52 antrum of highmore n largest sinus is maxillary sinus
53 MC tumor of PNS and nasal cavity squamous Ca
54 wood workers adeno Ca
55 most effective traetment of nasal polyp topical steroids
56 potts puffy tumor frontal sinus infection
57 rhinitis medicamentoda xylometazoline
58 MC etiology of maxillary sinusitis mucosal swelling in ethmoid infundibulum
58 caldwell luc entry to maxillary sinus is made through canine fossa
59 distance of ant ethmoidal artery from ant lacrimal crest 24mm
60 site of origin of antrachoanal polyp maxillary sinus
61 ENT manifestation of peutz jegher syndrome perioral n bucal mucosa pigmentation
62 ganglion associated with lacrimation sphenopalatine
63 inspiration airflow middle part of cavity in middle meatus in a parabolic curve
64 distance between opening of sphenoid sinus n nasal spine is 7cm
65 bleeding polyp of nose hemangioma of nasal septum
66 pt of ethmoidal cancer die of meningitis
67 trotter syndrome triad of conductive hearing loss, ipsilateral immobility of palate and neuralgic pain
68 MCC for acute sinusitis is acute rhinitis
69 trismis accompanying peritonsillar abcess is due to spasm of medial pterygoid
70 waldeyer ring both nasopharynx n oropharynx
71 sinuses drain anterior to basal lamella maxillary, frontal and agger nasi cells
72 transillumination test for maxillary n frontal sinusitis
73 orodental fistula after extraction of 1st molar
74 chances of metastes high in nasopharynx CA
75 better prognosis in keratinizing squamous cell CA
76 nasopharyngeal CA origninates from notochord
77 juvenile agniofibroma arises from sphenopalatins foramen, antral sign(holman miller sign), treatment
of choice surgical excision
78 histo diagnosis of angiofibroma is made ny excision biopsy
79 MC sites of CSF rhinorrhea is ethmoid sinus n cribriform palate
80 CSF rhinorrhea beta 2 transferin
81 common site for rhabdomyosarcoma of head n neck orbit

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