Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

1. In 1848, Frederic Sorrieu, a French artist, Frédéric Sorrieu Painting 1848

prepared a series of four prints visualising his
dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and
social Republics’, as he called them.

2. In one of the print, it shows the peoples of

Europe and America - men and women of all
ages and social classes - marching in a long
train, and offering homage to the statue of
Liberty as they pass by it.

3. On the earth in the foreground of the image

lie the shattered remains of the symbols of
absolutist institutions. In Sorrieu’s utopian
vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as
distinct nations, identified through their flags
and national costume.

4. Leading the procession, way past the statue

of Liberty, are the United States and
Switzerland, which by this time were already
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Absolutist: A government or system of rule that has no

restraints on the power exercised. In history, the term What is
refers to a form of monarchical government that was Absolutist?
centralised, militarised and repressive. What is
Utopian: A vision of a society that is so ideal that it is
unlikely to actually exist.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

● During 19th century - nationalism emerged as a force which brought about

sweeping changes in the political and mental world of Europe.
● End result - Origin of nation-state.

Modern state came first!

Then came the nation state in place of
the multinational dynastic empires

Element of National State

Majority of
Sense of
its citizen Shared
not only it's history
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

First clear expression of nationalism

came up with French Revolution in 1789.

France was a full-fledged territorial

state in 1789 under the rule of an
absolute monarch.

Transfer of sovereignty from the

monarchy to a body of French citizens.

The revolution proclaimed that it was the

people who would henceforth constitute
the nation and shape its destiny.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Steps taken by French Revolutionaries

The idea of la patrie (the fatherland), and le citoyen (the citizen)

New French flag, replacing the former Royal flag.

Estates General was elected and renamed as National Assembly.

Centralised Administrative system with uniform laws for all citizens.

Internal customs duties and dues were abolished.

A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted.

French became the common language of the nation.

Regional dialects were discouraged.

New hymns composed and Oaths taken.

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

● The revolutionaries further declared that it was the mission

and the destiny of the French nation to liberate the peoples
of Europe from despotism, in other words to help other
peoples of Europe to become nations.
● Establishment of Jacobin Clubs, paved way for French
armies that carried the idea of nationalism and moved to
Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy.
● With the outbreak of the revolutionary wars, the French
armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Napoleonic code/ ● Established equality before law & took away all
Civil Code of privileges based on birth.

1804 ● Secured the Right to Property.

● Simplified administrative divisions, abolished the
feudal system.
● Freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
● Guilds restrictions were removed.
● Transportation and communication systems were
● Standardised weights and measures.
● A common national currency to facilitate the
movement and exchange of goods.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

He was the military leader.

● Due to political vacuum, Napoleon came into
BONAPARTE the picture.

I have read in my book

that with his
democracy was
destroyed in France.
But why?
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Reaction to Napoleon in Europe?

● In the areas conquered, the reactions of the local
populations to French rule were mixed.
● Initially, French armies were welcomed as Harbingers
of liberty, in certain cities like Brussels, Holland,
Switzerland, etc.
● But, initial enthusiasm later turned hostile due to
increased taxation, censorship, and forced
● All seemed to outweigh the advantages of the
administrative changes.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Mid 18th century- No nation states in Europe were there.

❏ There were only kingdoms, duchies and cantons

whose rulers had their autonomous territories

❏ Eastern and Central Europe were under autocratic


❏ In these kingdoms lived different people, with different

culture and identities. They even spoke different
languages and belonged to different ethnic groups.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

For example: The Habsburg Empire was a patchwork of

many different regions and peoples.

It included: the Alpine regions, the Tyrol, Austria and the

Sudetenland – as well as Bohemia, Italian-speaking
provinces of Lombardy and Venetia.

In Hungary, half of the population spoke Magyar while the

other half spoke a variety of dialects.
In Galicia, the aristocracy spoke Polish.
there also lived within the boundaries of the empire, a mass
of subject peasant peoples –
● Bohemians and Slovaks to the north
● Slovenes in Carniola, Croats to the south
● Roumans to the east in Transylvania.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Socially & politically powerful. Comprised majority population.

United by a common way of life. Western Europe- majority land farmed

by tenants and small owners.
Owned estates & townhouses in the
countryside. Eastern and Central Europe- Serfs
cultivated land.
Spoke French for purposes of
diplomacy and in high society.
Families often connected by way of
However, the aristocrats comprised
a small group.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Emergence of the New Middle Class, second half of 18th century

Western and parts of Central Europe- Growth of industrial

production and trade lead to growth of towns and
emergence of commercial classes whose existence was
based on production for the market.

Industrialisation began in England in the second half of the

18th century, but in France and parts of the German states it
occurred only during the 19th century.

New social groups came into being a working class

population, and middle-classes.

Both the classes were made up of industrialists,

businessmen, and professionals.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Liberalism: Ideas of national unity in

early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied
to the ideology of liberalism.
What is

Derived from Latin term- “Liber” (free), and stood

for: Equality before law.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

● Equality before the law did not necessarily

POLITICAL LIBERALISM stand for universal suffrage (right to vote).

● Government by consent. ● During revolutionary France, the right to vote

and to get elected was granted exclusively to
● End of autocracy & of Clerical
property-owning men. Men without property
and all women were excluded from political
● Inviolability of private property. rights.
● Constitution & representative ● Only for a brief period under the Jacobins did all
government through parliament. adult males enjoy suffrage.
● No voting rights for those without
● However, the Napoleonic Code went back to
limited suffrage and reduced women to the
status of a minor, subject to the authority of
fathers and husbands.

● Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries

women and non-propertied men organised
opposition movements demanding equal
political rights.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

ECONOMIC LIBERALISM Such conditions were viewed as

obstacles to economic exchange
● Stood for freedom of markets. and growth by the new
● Abolition of state-imposed restrictions on commercial classes,
the movement of goods and capital.
Example: During the first half of the 19th
century - Napoleon administration created a
confederation of 39 states.
- Each has its own currency, and weights and
measures. This involved time-consuming
- For ex, was the elle which in each region
stood for a different length. An elle of textile
material bought in Frankfurt would get you
54.7 cm of cloth, in Mainz 55.1 cm, in
Nuremberg 65.6 cm, in Freiburg 53.5 cm
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


● Initiative of Prussia in 1834.
● Abolished tariff barriers.
● Reduced the number of currencies
from 30 to 2.
● The creation of network of railways
promoted mobility.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European

governments were driven by a spirit of

In 1815, Britain, Russia, Prussia and

● Conservatives: People who believed in Austria –collectively defeated
traditional institutions of State & Napoleon
Society (e.g. Monarchy, church, family,
etc.), with changes initiated by
● Most conservatives realised, from the
changes initiated by Napoleon, that
modernisation could in fact strengthen
traditional institutions like the
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Member States:
Where: When:
BARP (Britain; Austria;
Vienna 1815
Russia; Prussia)

Who Hosted:
Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich

Why: To bring back conservatism (restore

Monarchy) in Europe after Napoleon’s defeat.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Changes brought by Treaty

● The Bourbon dynasty was restored to power in

● France lost the territories it had annexed under
● The kingdom of the Netherlands was set up in
north and Genoa was added to Piedmont in the
● Prussia was given territories on western
frontiers, while Austria was given control of
northern Italy.
● But the German confederation of 39 states that
had been set up by Napoleon was left untouched.
● In the east, Russia was given part of Poland while
Prussia was given a portion of Saxony.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Conservative regimes set up in 1815 were autocratic

● Did not tolerate criticism and dissent.

● Sought to curb activities that
questioned legitimacy of autocratic
● Censorship law imposed on newspaper,
books, plays, etc.

This motivated liberal-nationalists to fight for

Freedom of Press.
The Club of Thinkers
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

● Revolutionaries were liberal-nationalists who

belonged to educated middle-class elite.
● These liberals became revolutionaries with a
Who were
motive to overthrow monarchy. revolutionaries?
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

After 1815, fear of repression drove many liberal-nationalists

underground, and led to the formation of Secret societies.

Members: Liberal Nationalists (began to operate underground)

● Commitment to oppose monarchical forms

● Fight for freedom & liberty.

● Oppose autocratic regime.

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Giuseppe Mazzini

● Born in Genoa (1807)

● Member of secret society of the Carbonari.

● Founded two societies- Young Italy in Marseilles,

& Young Europe in Berne.

● Unification alone could be the basis of Italian


● Mazzini’s relentless opposition to monarchy and Italian revolutionary.

his vision of democratic republics frightened the
conservatives. Metternich described him as ‘the Following his model, secret
most dangerous enemy of our social order’. societies were set up in
Germany, France,
Switzerland and Poland.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Revolution was Led by the liberal-nationalists belonging to the educated

middle-class (professors, schoolteachers, clerks and members of the
commercial middle classes.)

First Upheaval: France ‘When France

sneezes,’ ‘the
(JULY 1830)
rest of Europe
The Bourbon kings who had been restored catches cold.’
to power during the conservative reaction said by
after 1815, were now overthrown by liberal Metternich

Established- Constitutional
Louis Philippe was its head.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848

The July Revolution sparked THE GREECE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE (1832)

an uprising in Brussels which Greece had been part of the Ottoman Empire since the
led to Belgium breaking away fifteenth century.
from the United Kingdom of The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe sparked
the Netherlands. off a struggle for independence amongst the Greeks which
began in 1821.

Nationalists in Greece got support from other Greeks living

in exile and also from many West Europeans who had
sympathies for ancient Greek culture.

Poets and artists lauded Greece as the cradle of European

civilisation and mobilised public opinion to support its
struggle against a Muslim empire.

The English poet Lord Byron organised funds and later went
to fight in the war, where he died of fever in 1824.

Finally, the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised

Greece as an independent nation.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Romanticism: Cultural movement which sought to develop a form of

nationalist sentiment through arts, poetry, stories, and music.
People who contribute to it are known as Romantic artists.

Common Mystical
Culture Feeling

They criticized glorification of reason & science.

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Johann Gottfried Herder

● He was a German philosopher. He gave two concepts:
- Das Volk- Culture can only be seen among Common
- Volksgeist- True spirit of the nation
● Collecting and recording forms of folk culture was
essential to the project of nation-building.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
How language played an important role?

● 18th century- Poland was partitioned by Great Powers (Prussia, Austria

& Russia).
● Even though Poland no longer existed as an independent territory,
national feelings were kept alive through music and language.
● Karol Kurpinski celebrated national struggle through operas & music,
turning folk dances like the polonaise and mazurka into nationalist
● Poland used language as a weapon of national resistance.
● For example: Struggle for Polish language over Russian language in
● A large number of priests and bishops were put in jail or sent to Siberia
by the Russian authorities- refusal to preach in Russian.
● The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against
Russian dominance.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The Massacre at Chios, Eugene Delacroix, 1824.

The French painter Delacroix was one of the

most important French Romantic painters. This
huge painting depicts an incident in which
20,000 Greeks were said to have been killed by
Turks on the island of Chios. By dramatising the
incident, focusing on the suffering of women
and children, Delacroix sought to appeal to the
emotions of the spectators.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The 1830s were years of great economic hardship in Europe.

The first half of the 19th century saw an enormous increase
in population all over Europe.

In most countries there were more seekers of jobs than


Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live

in overcrowded slums

Small producers in towns were often faced with stiff

competition from imports of cheap machine-made goods
from England, where industrialisation was more advanced
than on the continent.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

This was especially so in textile production, which was carried out

mainly in homes or small workshops and was only partly mechanised.

In those regions of Europe where the aristocracy still enjoyed power,

peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligation.

The rise of food prices or a year of bad harvest led to widespread

pauperism (state of utter poverty) in town and country
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

● In 1848- widespread food shortage &

unemployment brought the population of Paris out
on the roads.
● Barricades were erected and Louis Philippe was
forced to flee.
● National Assembly proclaimed republic.
● France became a Republic (suffrage to all adult
males above 21).
● National workshops setup to provide employment.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Silesia Revolt, 1845

● Issue: Between Cotton contractor and

Cotton weaver.
● Contractor supplied them raw material and
gave them orders for finished textiles but
drastically reduced their payments.
● Crowd of weavers marched to the mansion
of their contractor demanding higher

● Weavers’ demand were not considered.

● They were treated with scorn and threats


● Eleven weavers were shot

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

1848: The Revolution of the Liberals

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Liberals comprised educated middle class

people (Germany, Italy, Poland, and the
liberals? Austro-Hungarian Empire), who led the
revolution in Europe.

Events of February 1848 in France had brought about the

abdication of the monarch and a republic based on universal
male suffrage had been proclaimed.

● In other parts of Europe- such as Germany, Italy, Poland,

the Austro-Hungarian Empire– men and women of the
liberal middle classes combined their demands for
constitutionalism with national unification.
● They took advantage of the growing popular unrest to
push their demands.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

When did Parallel to the revolts by

the peasants, and workers in
revolution Europe in 1848.

What was
the reason
Constitution; for revolt?

Freedom of Press and Freedom of


Abolition of Monarchy;

Achieve republic based on

Universal Male Suffrage.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Germany’s case

Middle-class people came together in city of

Frankfurt and voted for an all-German National
On 18th May, 831 elected representatives marched to
Frankfurt Parliament (convened in the Church of St.
Drafted constitution for a German headed by a
monarchy subject to a Parliament.
Offered the crown to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of
Prussia, but he rejected the proposal & joined other
monarchs to oppose the elected Assembly.
The parliament consequently lost the middle-class The Frankfurt parliament in the Church of
support. St Paul.

In the end, troops were called in and the assembly

was forced to disband.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Women’s participation Steps to Avoid Revolt
● Formed their own political ● Hence, in the years after 1848, the
associations. autocratic monarchies of Central
● Founded newspaper & taken part in and Eastern Europe began to
political meetings & demonstration.
introduce the changes that had
● Still denied suffrage rights during
already taken place in Western
the election of the Assembly
Europe before 1815.

Serfdom and bonded labour were

Effect of Revolt ●
abolished both in the Habsburg
● Conservatives failed to restore the
old order. dominions and in Russia.

● Monarchs began to realise the ● The Habsburg rulers granted more

cycles of revolution and repression
could only be ended by granting autonomy to the Hungarians in 1867.
concessions to the
liberal-nationalist revolutionaries.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The strange case of Britain

● Nation state formation was not sudden
but a long drawn out process.

● Prior to 18th century there were ethnic

groups like: English;Welsh; Scot; Irish.

English parliament seized power from the

monarchy in 1688.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The Act of Union (1707)

The Act between England and Scotland

formed ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’.

British Parliament was dominated by

English members.

Growth of a British identity suppressed

Scotland’s distinctive culture and
political institutions.

They were forbidden to speak their

Gaelic language or wear National Dress
of Scotland.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Incorporation of Ireland WOLFE TONE

Ireland was a country deeply divided

between Catholics and Protestants.

The English helped the Protestants of

Ireland to establish their dominance over a
largely Catholic country.

Catholic revolts against British

dominance were suppressed.

Revolt led by Wolfe Tone and his United

Irishmen (1798).

Ireland was forcibly incorporated into

the United Kingdom in 1801.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

A new ‘British nation’ was forged Symbols of new Britain- British flag (Union Jack),
through the propagation of a the national anthem (God Save Our Noble King),
dominant English culture. the English language were promoted actively.


These symbols were actively promoted

and the older nations survived only as
subordinate partners in this union.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

● 18th & 19th century Artists personified nation. They

represented a country as if it were a person.

● Nations were portrayed as female figure. The female

figure became an allegory of the nation.

● For e.g.: the French Revolution artists used the female

What is allegory to portray ideas such as Liberty, Justice and the
Allegory? Republic.

Allegory: When an abstract idea (for instance, greed, envy,

freedom, liberty) is expressed through a person or a thing. An
allegorical story has two meanings, one literal and one
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

France: Marianne
● Popular Christian name

● Underlying idea of a People’s Nation

● Characteristics drawn from Liberty

and the Republic (the red cap, the
tricolour, the cockade).

Statues of Marianne to remind the public

of the national symbol of unity and to
persuade them to identify with it.
Marianne images were marked on coins
Allegory of France and stamps.
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Germany: Germania
● She wears a crown of oak leaves &
stand for heroism.

● First time used by Liberals in

Frankfurt Parliament

Allegory of Germany
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The fallen Germania Julius Hübner, 1850

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Last Quarter of the 19th Century

Nationalism no longer retained its idealistic

liberal-democratic sentiment of the first half of
the century, but became a narrow creed with
limited ends.
Nationalist groups became increasingly
intolerant of each other and ever ready to go to
The major European powers, manipulated the
nationalist aspirations of the subject peoples in
Europe to further their own imperialist aims.

History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others.
● Rivalries among– Russia, Germany, England, Austro-Hungary
● Austro-Hungary, was over trade & colonies as well as naval and military might.
● Result- a series of wars in the region and finally the First World War.
Intense Rivalry
History | Class 10 | Marathon | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Nationalism aligned with imperialism,

led to Europe to disaster in 1914.

European ideas of nationalism were

nowhere replicated, for people
everywhere developed their own
specific variety of nationalism.

Anti-imperial movements developed
everywhere were nationalists &
wanted to form ‘nation-state’.

Colonies of the European nations

began to oppose imperial domination.
Chemistry | Class 10 | Marathon | Carbon and its Compounds

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