SIbatik Hyundai Motor Indonesia

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E-ISSN: 2809-8544


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2*, Rayhani Jastika3, Sean Nalendra Hakim4,
Stefanie Liman5
Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

The interest in purchasing electric vehicles in Indonesia is influenced by high prices, inadequate
charging infrastructure, and low public awareness of their benefits. However, the market potential
for electric vehicles in Indonesia remains promising due to growing environmental consciousness
and the government's target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Currently, Hyundai and Wuling are
the only car manufacturers with electric vehicle factories in Indonesia. This research aims to explain
the marketing communication strategy of Hyundai Motor Indonesia's electric vehicle. This research
focuses on explaining Hyundai Motor Indonesia's marketing communication strategy in introducing
their electric vehicle. The research uses a case study method on Hyundai Motor Indonesia by
conducting observations and interviews as data collection methods. The results showed that Hyundai
Motor Indonesia uses various promotional channels as a medium for their electric vehicle campaign.
Through the use of various promotional channels, focus on public awareness, market segmentation,
emphasis on environmental and economic advantages, and special after-sales programs, Hyundai is
trying to increase public awareness, understanding, and buying interest in electric vehicle.
Keywords: marketing communication, electric vehicle, Hyundai, buying interest, consumers.

Environmental issues and energy security have become major global challenges, and
an agreement was reached at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015
to address them. The agreement aims to limit the global temperature increase to no more
than 2 degrees Celsius and recommends aiming for 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2022 (YKAN,
2022). Achieving this goal will require efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions and
promote the use of renewable energy in all human activities. This goal is a focus of
competition for sectors responsible for 70% of global emissions, in line with the ambition to
achieve zero-carbon solutions by 2030 (YKAN, 2022).
Electric vehicles can make an important contribution to efforts to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. They increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 intensity. However, the
increased use of electric vehicles will require a significant supply of electrical energy
(Wartoyo & Wening, 2021). Recently, in an effort to minimize carbon dioxide gas emissions,
electric vehicles have become one of the automotive products that many consumers are
looking at. The development of battery technology has made it possible for electric vehicles
to be a more environmentally friendly alternative and has the potential to reduce air pollution
and the emission of carbon dioxide gas. Electric vehicles can be an alternative. That is,
electric vehicles can be more profitable over a period of time, with a lower cost per kilometer
than oil-fueled vehicles (Nugraha &; Kusumathalhah, 2022).
The main factors affecting the interest in buying electric vehicles in Indonesia are high
prices, insufficient charging infrastructure and low public awareness of the benefits of

Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

electric vehicles. Nonetheless, the market potential for electric vehicles in Indonesia remains
high. With increasing awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and
reducing exhaust emissions, many consumers are starting to look for more environmentally
friendly alternatives. The Indonesian government has also set a target to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions by 29% by 2030, making it one of the factors that can drive the growth of
the electric vehicle market in Indonesia (Baketrans, 2023). The increase in the use of electric
vehicles will have a significant impact on the reduction of CO2 gas emissions and the
reduction of greenhouse effect, especially if supported by SPKLU and SBKLU electricity
sources from renewable energy. In this scenario, electric vehicles will contribute 100 per
cent to efforts to improve the environment and overall air quality (Nugraha &;
Kusumathalhah, 2022).
Furthermore, only two car manufacturers, namely Hyundai and Wuling, have electric
vehicle factories in Indonesia (Cahyoputra, 2023). Hyundai Motor Indonesia responded
positively to the company's achievements during 2022, where they managed to reach the
eighth position as the best-selling car brand in the Indonesian car market and managed to
beat its competitor, Wuling (CNN Indonesia, 2023). Furthermore, the study will be further
focused on Hyundai. Hyundai, a South Korean automaker, has entered the electric vehicle
market with models such as the Kona Electric and Ioniq Electric.
A good marketing communication strategy is the key to increasing interest in buying
Hyundai electric vehicles in Indonesia. Promotion can be done through various means, such
as television commercials, advertisements on social media, and promotional events.
However, before developing a marketing communication strategy, it is necessary to conduct
an analysis first to understand the condition of the electric vehicle market in Indonesia and
find out what consumers want. In 2022, the distribution of electric vehicles in Indonesia, as
reported by the Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gakindo), reached more than
10,000 units, an increase of up to 10 times from 2021, when the figure was only 1,000 units.
This increase reflects the widespread adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia and shows
the positive development of the shift towards low-emission vehicles in the country (Gakindo,
Promotion strategy, facilities, price and location are some of the most important factors
that influence consumers' purchasing decisions for a product. (Memah, et al., 2015).
Promotion can be interpreted as a type of communication in the form of explanation and
persuasion of potential customers about a specific product, namely goods and services with
the main objective of attracting attention, persuading and educating potential customers.
(Memah, et al., 2015). Choosing the right marketing strategy will increase the chances of
increasing the sales of a product offered. Hyundai, one of the world's leading car
manufacturers, has long had a vision to produce environmentally friendly vehicles and
promote electric vehicle technology. In recent times, sustainable marketing has gained
prominence as a noteworthy trend, propelled by the growing awareness and concern among
consumers regarding environmental and social matters (Susilo & Mendoza, 2023; Susilo &
Santos, 2023).


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

Previous research, PT. Hyundai Mobil Indonesia Pekanbaru branch showed that the
promotional activities such as advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion
were being done quite well by PT. Hyundai Mobil Indonesia Pekanbaru branch. Hyundai
Mobil Indonesia in Pekanbaru. The promotions carried out were successful in attracting
consumers and had an impact on achieving the company's sales targets. The type of
promotion that most affects the sales of Hyundai's automotive products is sales promotion
(Slamat & Heriyanto, 2015).
In addition, marketing communication strategy can have an impact on increasing
interest in buying Mitsubishi cars. Another research, Expander car sales by PT. Bosowa
Berlian Motor Kairagi, Manado is done by paying attention to friendly and dexterous human
resources in offering products to customers on promotional aspects, so it can provide
additional value and influence customers to buy Mitsubishi Xpander cars in the company
(Taroreh et al., 2018). In addition, the business communication strategy implemented by
Wuling in Makassar in promoting Wuling Air EV electric vehicles carries out business
strategy planning by identifying target audiences, positioning and differentiation, and
carrying out advertising activities, events, community activities and word-of-mouth
marketing. They also consider the business and marketing mix (4P) and conduct evaluations
to improve the business communication process carried out (Rahman et al., 2023).
Based on the above picture, the focus of this study is to further provide an explanation
on how Hyundai Motor Indonesia can increase the awareness and popularity of its electric
vehicles. With a strong promotional campaign and electric vehicle trial program, if
implemented with the right marketing communication strategy and according to the target
market, Hyundai Motor Indonesia is able to introduce environmentally friendly technology
to consumers and expand its reach in the global automotive market. This research was
conducted to explain Hyundai Motor Indonesia's marketing communication strategy in
electric vehicles.

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
There are several different concepts of the idea of integrated marketing communication
(IMC). IMC is an integrated strategy that seeks to increase efficiency through collaboration
by bringing together various different communications, which allows companies to
communicate a message consistently and from a single point of view (Fitzpatric, 2005). IMC
is a concept that combines thorough planning to evaluate and incorporate the strategic
objectives of many forms of communication in order to achieve the maximum possible
results (Rehman & Ibrahim, 2011). According to Smith and Zook, IMC is a form of
integrated marketing communication in business. In order to market their goods and services
and achieve monetary and non-monetary goals, modern companies, both profit and non-
profit, use a variety of marketing communication strategy. Some of the main types of
marketing communication are advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public
relations, sponsorship, exhibitions, packaging, merchandising, distribution and sales
management, and social media and websites.


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

Furthermore, advertising can be seen as a type of communication that excludes direct

interaction between communicants and communicators, according to a study conducted in
2011 by Smith and Zook (Smith & Zook, 2011:265), an advertisement is usually funded by
a single sponsor that is clearly known and focused on promoting a particular business, item,
idea or service. When used in this context, the word "paid" indicates that money is exchanged
to secure time or space in the medium for the presentation of a commercial message. The
use of mass media that can reach a large audience simultaneously, such as television, radio,
magazines or newspapers, is referred to as the impersonal nature of advertising. However,
because it is impersonal, there is usually no face-to-face communication or input from the
recipient of the message, with the exception of direct response advertising or commonly
referred to as direct marketing (Morissan, 2010: 17).
There are two types of message delivery media in the world of advertising, 'above the
line' and 'below the line'. In this type of advertising, "above the line" uses mass media to
deliver advertising messages simultaneously to different audiences. Newspapers, magazines,
tabloids, television, films, radio and the Internet are some of the media that fall into the
"above the line" category. Specialized media such as leaflets, stickers, billboards, x-banners,
posters, banners and point-of-purchase (POP) banners are used for below-the-line
advertising. Most often, below-the-line promotions take place on different occasions or at
different times. Sales promotion is another component of integrated marketing
communications aimed at persuading consumers to buy or at least try products. Direct
marketing, which includes direct mail, or the provision of services, can also take the form of
online e-commerce.
Another component of integrated marketing communications (IMC) is public
relations, where the activity is to develop and maintain positive relationships with people or
stakeholders of a company. Another component of IMC is sponsorship, which seeks to
provide ongoing support to others in achieving specific communication objectives.
Exhibitions are also a key component of IMC. Exhibitions bring together all the relevant
parties in one place for several days, including buyers, sellers and competitors. This event
gives sellers the opportunity to showcase and test the products or goods they are selling,
while building new relationships with many people in a short period of time (Smith &; Zook,
It is understandable that the implementation of this IMC has a significant impact on
the achievement of the company's marketing strategy objectives and consumer loyalty,
especially for Hyundai Motor Indonesia, which competes in a tight market. This conclusion
can be drawn from the previous discussion of the IMC that Hyundai needs to focus on
retaining customers and increasing its market share as an international company that
produces its cars, especially the subject of this study, its electric vehicles. To understand how
the IMC is applied in Hyundai's strategic efforts to attract and retain customers, this study
uses the IMC concept to evaluate Hyundai Motor Indonesia's electric vehicle promotion


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

This section describes the research techniques used. This section can begin with a
conceptual explanation of the research method used. This research uses a descriptive model
with a case study approach, which is a type of qualitative research. According to (Creswell
& Creswell, 2018: 14), a case study is an investigation of a limited system or a specific case,
which becomes interesting to study when the case shows a certain pattern that is significant
to other individuals, at least to the researcher. This research attempts to describe or provide
an overview of the conditions, participants, or objects of research, such as companies,
organizations, or community institutions. According to (Bungin, 2008: 68), the purpose of
qualitative descriptive method is to identify characteristics, features, models, signs,
descriptions of certain conditions, situations or phenomena, other than that this method also
has the purpose of describing and summarizing conditions, situations or social phenomena
that exist in the society as the object of research. So, the main purpose of this research is that
researchers want to provide a general understanding of what strategies are carried out by
Hyundai Motors Indonesia to promote its electric vehicles.
Furthermore, procedurally we conduct the steps that have been done. First, we conduct
observations on Hyundai's electric vehicle promotion strategy, such as providing various
relevant questions regarding Hyundai's electric vehicle promotion strategy and how the
target consumers are determined and observe online media of Hyundai Motor Indonesia.
Second, we conduct an in-depth interview with Hyundai internal parties who have in-depth
knowledge of Hyundai electric vehicles. This interview was conducted via phone/video call
and aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of their perceptions, needs, and preferences
regarding Hyundai's electric vehicle marketing communication strategy. The main informant
selected was Astrid Ariani Wijaya, who is the Marketing Manager of Hyundai Motor
Indonesia. The selection of informants was based on their extensive expertise and knowledge
of Hyundai Motor's car company promotion strategies in Indonesia. The selection of Astrid
Ariani Wijaya as the key informant was based on the consideration that her views and
knowledge would provide valuable insights in providing Hyundai Motor Indonesia's
marketing communication strategy.


This study aims to examine the strategies used by Hyundai Motor Indonesia in
increasing public awareness and understanding of electric vehicles through promotional
campaigns. This research will explore how Hyundai has made efforts in adapting their
promotional campaigns to the trends and changes in the electric vehicle market, this research
will also give a review of what kind of target market Hyundai has set for electric vehicles,
as well as how Hyundai segments as a target market.
The main focus of this study is to understand the marketing communication strategy
carried out by Hyundai in marketing its electric vehicles. In this study, it was found that
Hyundai Motor Indonesia uses various promotional channels as a medium for electric
vehicle campaigns. This is consistent with the study of Slamat and Heriyanto (2015), who
concluded that the implementation of promotions in PT. Hyundai Mobil Indonesia includes


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion activities. This previous study
supports the strategy of using various promotional channels as an effective approach in the
introduction of automotive products. The use of multiple promotional channels by Hyundai
Motor Indonesia also reflects the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications
(IMC). In the IMC concept, it is important to combine various communication channels such
as advertising, personal selling, publicity and sales promotion to achieve maximum effect.
By using different promotional channels, Hyundai Motor Indonesia can increase the reach
and effectiveness of its messages to the targeted market.

Increase Public Awareness

This research shows that Hyundai Motor Indonesia is trying to increase public
awareness of the benefits of using electric vehicles. By increasing awareness of the benefits
of electric vehicles, Hyundai Motor Indonesia hopes to increase consumer interest and desire
to buy electric vehicles. Hyundai Motor Indonesia's strategy to increase public awareness of
electric vehicles reflects the communication component in IMC. IMC emphasizes the
importance of creating a strong awareness and understanding of the product or service in the
minds of consumers. Social media has become a key channel through which companies can
minimize misinformation among consumers on social media (Wibowo et al., 20-23), as well
as showcase company products or information updates on social media.

Figure 1. Hyundai Motor Indonesia Profile on Twitter

The results of the study will focus on the promotional strategies Hyundai Electric
vehicles is using to help increase public awareness and understanding of electric vehicles.
Hyundai uses an approach based on effective media consumption and channel research.
During the pandemic, the campaign focused on digital channels, including the involvement
of automotive media through press conferences and product knowledge.


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

Hyundai's campaign also includes the use of TVCs (television commercials), out-of-
home materials (e.g., billboards), and the placement of materials in odd-even areas to
communicate the benefits of using electric vehicles associated with the policy. In addition,
Hyundai also takes an educational approach through their own channels, such as Instagram
and YouTube. They also work with KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders). KOLs have influential
followers and personas that match the target audience.

Figure 2. Hyundai Motor Indonesia Profile on Instagram

with Highlight Story

In order to educate the public, Hyundai is using a series of videos that explain the
preparation, the benefits and the experience of using an electric vehicle. This approach aims
to provide the public with complete and thorough information so that they can have a good
understanding of electric vehicles and consider adopting the technology.
Overall, Hyundai Electric vehicle's advertising campaign strategy involves various
channels and media with the aim of increasing public awareness, understanding and purchase
interest in electric vehicles. Through this planned and diverse approach, Hyundai aims to
present electric vehicles as an attractive alternative and educate the public about the benefits
and experience of using electric vehicles. By increasing awareness of the benefits of electric
vehicles, Hyundai Motor Indonesia can influence consumers' interest and desire to buy its
products. All of the information related to Hyundai Motor Indonesia can be made widely
available, especially in the online media.


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

Hyundai's segmentation and positioning

The strategy of Hyundai Motor Indonesia in the production of electric vehicles as an
alternative to conventional cars. Through this strategy, Hyundai Motor Indonesia hopes to
change people's perception of electric vehicles and expand their market. Hyundai Motor
Indonesia's strategy to make electric vehicles an alternative to conventional cars reflects the
concept of positioning in IMC. Positioning involves placing a product or brand in the
consumer's mind as a unique solution or attractive alternative. With this strategy, Hyundai
Motor Indonesia aims to construct people's perception of electric vehicles and expand their
market share.
In addition, targeting segments of the population in Jakarta and surrounding areas is
an important aspect of Hyundai's marketing strategy. This segment was chosen because it
will benefit significantly from the odd-even policy and electric vehicle fuel savings. Hyundai
is measuring the potential sales volume of this segment and monitoring related regulations
and purchasing processes. Changes in tax policies also affect market segmentation. There is
a 10% VAT exemption incentive that only applies to electric vehicles produced in Indonesia
with a certain level of local content (TKDN), such as Hyundai's Air EV and IONIQ 5. This
affects the strategy of defining target markets and demand for electric vehicles. Hyundai is
aware that the main factors for the growth of electric vehicles depend not only on Hyundai's
own efforts, but also on government regulations, public acceptance of electric vehicle
technology and support from support industries.
In this regard, Hyundai recognizes the importance of understanding and responding to
regulatory changes and market dynamics as a whole. A comprehensive understanding of
these external factors is key to planning an effective marketing strategy and ensuring
successful penetration of the electric vehicle market. Hyundai recognizes that cooperation
with the government, society and supporting industries is essential to drive the growth and
acceptance of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

Making Electric vehicles an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle

In this study, it was found that Hyundai Motor Indonesia produces electric vehicles as
one of the environmentally friendly lifestyle choices. Hyundai Motor Indonesia aims to
attract consumers with high environmental awareness by promoting electric vehicles as a
symbol of environmental concern. In IMC, it is important to differentiate a product or brand
from competitors by highlighting its unique features or benefits. By promoting electric
vehicles as a symbol of going green, Hyundai Motor Indonesia is trying to differentiate itself
from conventional cars and attract consumers who care about the environment.
Hyundai's electric vehicles offer a number of significant environmental and economic
benefits. First, Hyundai's electric vehicles can reduce air and noise pollution because they
produce no carbon emissions and have low noise levels. In this regard, electric vehicles play
an important role in reducing the negative impact on air quality and the environment, as well
as reducing the noise generated by conventional vehicles.
In addition, the use of energy in Hyundai electric vehicles is more efficient compared
to conventional vehicles. This is due to the smaller number of motion components in electric


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

vehicles, which enables energy conversion efficiency of nearly 100%. As a result, electric
vehicles are able to maximize the use of energy generated by their batteries, reducing energy
waste and increasing usage efficiency.
In addition, the cost of electricity charging for Hyundai electric vehicles is also lower
than the cost of conventional fuel. In addition to being cost-effective, electric vehicles also
have a longer mileage compared to common assumptions. Thus, Hyundai's electric vehicles
are not only environmentally friendly, but also provide economic benefits with lower
operating costs.
Overall, Hyundai's electric vehicles are a beneficial solution in both environmental and
economic contexts. By reducing air and noise pollution, as well as having high energy
efficiency, Hyundai electric vehicles make a positive contribution to environmental
protection. In addition, the low cost of ownership and long mileage of Hyundai's electric
vehicles make them an attractive option in terms of economy. Hyundai electric vehicles offer
a sustainable alternative and have the potential to reduce the negative impact of
transportation on the environment in an era of growing environmental awareness.

Special After-sales Program

Hyundai Motor Indonesia offers a special after-sales program for electric vehicle users
to maintain customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty. The program includes after-
sales service, maintenance and servicing specifically for Hyundai electric vehicles. The
special after-sales program offered by Hyundai Motor Indonesia is part of its efforts to build
long-term relationships with customers. In the IMC concept, it is important to maintain
customer satisfaction and strengthen customer loyalty. Through a special after-sales
program, Hyundai Motor Indonesia can provide additional value to its electric vehicle
consumers, which can increase customer satisfaction and build a strong relationship with
One aspect of Hyundai's unique after-sales service is the mobile charging program,
where Hyundai's fleet of electric vehicles can provide power to customers in emergency
situations. In addition, Hyundai has set up more than 200 charging stations in Indonesia,
including on the Jakarta-Java Toll Road, several shopping malls, as well as dealerships and
their headquarters. At these charging stations, customers can charge their electric vehicles
free of charge.
To raise awareness about electric vehicles and strengthen the brand image, Hyundai
has already conducted various campaigns. One of them is through social media posts to raise
public awareness about electric vehicles. Hyundai also partnered with KOLs (Key Opinion
Leaders), who have a strong influence on social media platforms, to share their experiences
with Hyundai electric vehicles. Furthermore, Hyundai lends electric vehicles to automotive
media to get neutral reviews and opinions to communicate benefits and advantages to
In addition, Hyundai highly values the opinions of automotive experts and journalists
as product experts who can provide a neutral view of the benefits and advantages of electric
vehicles for consumers. Hyundai recognizes the importance of working with these experts


Shafira Fitriani Putri1, Tangguh Okta Wibowo2, Rayhani Jastika3,
Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

to provide accurate and useful information to consumers and to help build a positive image
of Hyundai's electric vehicles. Overall, Hyundai aims to introduce and promote its electric
vehicles to consumers and raise public awareness of the benefits and advantages of using
electric vehicles through mobile charging programs, extensive construction of charging
stations, creative communication campaigns through social media, cooperation with KOLs
and opinions from automotive experts.

It can be concluded that Hyundai's marketing communication strategy efforts to
promote its electric vehicles are by using and maximizing various platforms in its promotion.
Through its marketing communication strategy, Hyundai has succeeded in increasing public
knowledge about the benefits of using electric vehicles, promoting electric vehicles as an
environmentally friendly mode of transportation, and educating the public about the
advantages of electric vehicles as a more environmentally friendly alternative to
conventional vehicles. In addition, as part of its strategy, Hyundai offers a special after-sales
program for Hyundai electric vehicle users, which provides additional benefits for Hyundai
electric vehicle owners. Through its very comprehensive strategy, Hyundai has also been
able to enhance its reputation and position in the electric vehicle market, while promoting
public interest in its electric vehicles as an innovative and environmentally friendly means
of transportation.
In addition, Hyundai Motor Indonesia uses an effective promotional campaign strategy
to increase public awareness and understanding of electric vehicles. Hyundai uses various
promotional channels, including social media such as Twitter and Instagram, and works
closely with KOLs to reach its target audience. This strategy is in line with the concept of
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), which emphasizes the importance of using
various communication channels to achieve maximum impact. In addition, Hyundai has been
successful in changing people's perceptions of electric vehicles through positioning that
emphasizes the benefits and environmental advantages of electric vehicles. They also
segment the market by targeting consumers in Jakarta and surrounding areas who benefit
from odd-even policies and tax incentives. Hyundai also offers a special after-sales program
for electric vehicle users to maintain customer satisfaction and build long-term relationships.
Through its marketing strategy, Hyundai aims to introduce electric vehicles as an attractive
alternative. It also aims to increase public awareness and build customer trust.

The researchers would like to say thank to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN)
for the support provided in this research.

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Sean Nalendra Hakim4, Stefanie Liman5

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