Rosenberg Koehler 2015 HRTEDA
Rosenberg Koehler 2015 HRTEDA
Rosenberg Koehler 2015 HRTEDA
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Chapter 17
Context and Teaching with
Technology in the Digital Age
Joshua M. Rosenberg
Michigan State University, USA
Matthew J. Koehler
Michigan State University, USA
Context is an essential aspect of educational research. In this chapter, the authors discuss how context
has been avoided or has referred to different constructs among educational technology research, espe-
cially among research on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. The
authors discuss the descriptive, inferential, and practical implications of the framework for the context
of teachers’ TPACK advanced by Porras-Hernández and Salinas-Amescua (2013). Then, they exemplify
the power of this framework by using it to guide a descriptive study conducted to determine the extent
to which the publications included context. They also describe what researchers meant by context as
understood through the framework for context. The authors found that context was important but often
missing from research about TPACK and that the meaning of context has differed widely. They discuss
these findings in relation to the TPACK literature as well as for educational technology research.
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Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Despite the essential nature of context in practically. Fourth, we describe the design, results,
educational research, there are some signs that and significance of our content analysis on the
educational technology research has avoided extent to which context is included in publications
context (Garrison, 2003; Kelly, 2010). Among about TPACK, as well as what researchers mean
research on the knowledge needed to teach with by context as guided by the framework for context.
technology as understood through the Techno- Finally, we describe future research directions for
logical Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) TPACK and educational technology.
framework (cf. Koehler, Mishra, Kereluik, Shin,
& Graham, 2014), context is conspicuously miss-
ing (Kelly, 2010; Porras-Hernández & Salinas- BACKGROUND
Amescua, 2013). Indeed, Kelly (2010) described
the “virtual absence of the fourth element of the Although educational technology research has
TPACK model—context—in conceptual analyses rarely included context, educational research
and applications of TPACK as well as in research broadly defined has a rather extensive history with
studies” (p. 3887). One effect of not considering context. In 1938, Dewey used the word “situation”
teachers’ context is theoretical: There are com- in a way that aligns with present definitions for
paratively few frameworks or theories to guide the “context” and its stated importance. Around the
consideration of context in educational technology same time, Vygotsky suggested that individuals’
research and development. Another effect is that contexts mediate their psychological develop-
the field’s understanding of how technology is ment. In this section, we review of more recent
used in the messiness of classrooms and schools definitions as a way of introducing key ideas
is limited. In addition, educational technology has and research approaches relevant to considering
not made a “contextual turn” like the one that oc- context in educational research.
curred in educational psychology as sociocultural
perspectives were integrated into psychology Definitions
(Cole, 1998; Rogoff, 2003). Finally, educational
technology research has lagged in areas in which Context has taken many different meanings across
it could lead, such as how increasingly diverse time and scholarly traditions. In modern usage,
students are (or are not) provided opportunities to the meaning of “context” varies for researchers in
become educated in increasingly diverse learning different fields. In social psychology, for example,
environments. context implies the social environment, meaning
Considering this lack of attention to context, the presence of others and their effects on individu-
there is a need to bring together research about als (Ross & Nisbett, 2011). In cultural psychology,
context and research about educational technology. on the other hand, context denotes the cultural
We argue that considering context is essential to context, the shared values of a group of individu-
understanding teaching with technology in the als (Heine, 2011). In other fields, context has a
digital age. We use this chapter first to define broad meaning that is not specific to a discipline
context and review the literature on prior research or topic. In such cases, context means the things
relating to context in different scholarly traditions. in the environment around the object of study.
Second, we describe a conceptual framework Although a consensus about what context means
as advanced by Porras-Hernández and Salinas- has differed across time and scholarly traditions,
Amescua (2013) for thinking about context in the scholars know that context has become increas-
TPACK framework. Third, we discuss the value ingly important to many social science fields
of the framework descriptively, inferentially, and since the 1970s (Burke, 1999). Two perspectives
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
have been distinguished in a disagreement about On the contrary, from the view of context as
whether the word “context” describes conditions that which surrounds teachers and their knowledge,
around an object of study or conditions that are context must be conceptualized and analyzed
inseparable from an object of study. The former together as parts of a complex system. This view
view, context as that which surrounds, assumes of context suggests that teachers and their practice
context is independent of and external to an object can be understood and measured only in relation
of study—in our case, teachers. The latter view, to their context. Moreover, this view of context
context as woven together with, assumes context suggests that teachers’ knowledge of their context
to be inseparable from a teacher. is less important than the ways in which teachers
These views have important implications for and their context mutually constitute one another.
thinking about and studying teachers and their From the view of context as that which is woven
practice with respect to teaching with technology. together with teachers, context is conceptually and
From the view of context as that which surrounds analytically inseparable from teachers. From this
teachers, specific aspects of an individual’s con- view, context can be thought of as the environment
text affect their teaching and practice. This view in which teachers’ situated, or context-sensitive,
suggests that context can be thought about and knowledge develops. Thus, an important implica-
measured in analyses as an independent variable. tion of viewing context as woven together with
From this view, context may affect teachers, but teachers is studying how teachers develop situated
it is conceptually and analytically separate from knowledge of technology, pedagogy, content, and
them. This recognition also suggests that because their intersections in-context. From this view, then,
context is external and separate from teachers, the relationship between context and teachers’
it is something about which teachers can easily TPACK is that teachers develop their knowledge
develop their knowledge. From this view, context in-context. Considering context as woven together
is conceptually and operationally separate from with teachers and as the site of the development
teachers. Since context is surrounding teachers, of teachers’ knowledge in-context represent the
then, it can be thought of as something that inde- view of context as inseparable from teachers.
pendently affects how teachers develop the capac- In summary, viewing context as that which
ity to teach with technology. Accordingly, context surrounds teachers affords analyses of how context
can also be thought of as something about which independently affects teachers or of how teachers
teachers easily develop knowledge, or more spe- develop knowledge of context. On the contrary,
cifically knowledge of context. Teacher knowledge viewing context as that which is woven together
of context with respect to teaching with technology with teachers affords analyses of how teachers’
has been explored through other frameworks in develop their knowledge in-context and as part of
addition to TPACK, such as the Comprehensive a complex system. We develop these ideas further
Framework for Teacher Knowledge (CFTK; Ronau in the next section in order to describe how the
& Rakes, 2011). Considering context as that conceptual framework for context can apply to
which surrounds teachers, as factors that affect analyses of both teachers’ knowledge of context
teachers, or as something about which teachers and knowledge in-context and to studies of other
easily develop knowledge all represent the view of aspects of teaching with technology. We do not
context as fundamentally separate from teachers. argue that either view is superior to the other.
This distinction is important in light of the views Rather, “context as that which surrounds” and
of context discussed in the next paragraph, through “context as that which is woven together with” pro-
which context is not separate but rather connected vide researchers with a unique lens through which
with teachers and their knowledge. context is analyzed with respect to teaching with
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
technology. Moreover, knowledge of context and and learning through experimental designs that
the development of knowledge in-context provide control for the effects of context and contextual
analytic tools to distinguish between potentially variables, but controlling for these variables can
confusing meanings for context. Throughout this limit the extent to which findings are externally
chapter, we develop these views of context, both (or ecologically) valid.
knowledge of and knowledge in, in more detail in Second, research conducted in classrooms and
order to make clear their potential implications for schools provides a more direct path for teachers to
conceptualizing teachers’ knowledge and in order implement research within their practice compared
to be careful to not oversimplify the use of these to research conducted in laboratory settings, or
views. These views also have important implica- other settings removed from the complexity of
tions for thinking about and studying TPACK classrooms and schools (Berliner, 2006; Bereiter,
2014; Design-based Research Collective, 2003).
Impact on Educational Research Traditionally, educational researchers (espe-
cially educational psychology researchers) have
A review of prior research reveals that context has characterized the relationship between theory
affected education research in three main ways: it and practice as unidirectional: theories should
has shaped the very nature of educational inquiry guide practice. Although a more careful analysis
(Berliner, 2002), informed practice (Berliner, reveals that the relationship is not this extreme,
2006; Bereiter, 2014), and informed the develop- the overall tendency in educational psychol-
ment of theories (Design-based Research Collec- ogy scholarship has been to conduct research in
tive, 2003). First, consider how context shapes ways that minimize the complexity, messiness,
the very nature of inquiry. In general, teaching and difficulty of obtaining experimental control
and learning are poorly structured domains in characteristic of classrooms and schools (Berliner,
comparison to domains such as chemistry and 2006). This focus on experimental designs has led
physics. Berliner (2002) contrasts the hard sci- to sophisticated theories of teaching and learning
ences, such as the natural sciences and physics, but sometimes at the expense of understanding
with the soft sciences, such as the social sciences how those theories are applied in practice. An
and educational psychology. Unlike in the natural alternate pathway embraces the complexity of
sciences, according to Berliner: schools and classrooms as the sites for research.
In this pathway, research is directly usable because
Broad theories and ecological generalizations it was developed and constructed in practice. This
often fail [in educational research] because they research conducted in teaching and learning con-
cannot incorporate the enormous number or texts needs to be synthesized and adapted to best
determine the power of the contexts within which practices to a lesser extent than research conducted
human beings find themselves . . . A science that in more controlled environments. As a result of
must always be sure the myriad particulars are research being conducted in-context, findings can
well-understood is harder to build than a science be applied to contexts similar to those in which
that can focus on the regularities of nature across the research was conducted.
contexts. (p. 19) Third, attention to context improves theories.
Theories of teaching and learning developed
Thus, context is important because it is part without attention to context have not been
of the complex, messy domain of education. field-tested across contexts. What works in, for
Attempts to remove the messiness of teaching example, supported and well-resourced school
and learning can be done by studying teaching districts may not work in the same ways in high-
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
poverty, urban school districts. An affordance of meaning of context in the field is not always clear
this context-sensitivity is the potential to not only (Alexander, Murphy, & Greene, 2011; Anderman
explain phenomena in more diverse contexts, but & Anderman, 2000; Kagan, 2011; Wieman, 2014).
also to improve understanding of how findings Context in the learning sciences has been
from diverse contexts can lead researchers to prominent since the field’s inception (Brown,
question important existing theories. It was in this 1992; Cobb, Confrey, Lehrer, & Schauble, 2003;
spirit that researchers questioned and advanced Collins, Joseph, & Bielaczyc, 2004). However, as
Piaget’s theories of cognitive development from a in educational psychology, context’s meaning has
sociocultural perspective (cf., Cole, 1998; Lave & not always been clear (Design-based Research Col-
Wenger, 1991; Rogoff, 2003). These “contextual- lective, 2003; McCandliss, Kalchman, & Bryant,
ized theories,” those informed by findings from 2003; Tabak, 2004). Context is a central concern
diverse contexts, may prove more externally or in design-based research, a common methodology
ecologically valid (Design-based Research Col- in learning sciences research, because teaching
lective, 2003). In the next section, we discuss and learning take place in a complex “ecological”
the impact of research about context on different system that is woven together with teachers and
scholarly traditions, broadly those most relevant learners (Cobb, Confrey, Lehrer, & Schauble,
to educational research. 2003). Context has been and continues to be
important in the learning sciences, but important
Impact on Different topics for future research remain. Future research
Scholarly Traditions needs to move beyond identifying the importance
of context to clarifying what context means and
Context has had an impact on different scholarly describing how and why it affects teachers and
traditions under the broad umbrella of educational students (Lave & Wenger, 1991).
research. We highlight its impact upon three fields Context has long been a focus in teacher
in particular: educational psychology, the learn- education research. However, the focus has been
ing sciences, and teacher education. Context in more on preparing teachers to function in diverse
educational psychology research has begun to be contexts rather than on conceptual or method-
more important, as psychology and educational ological issues related to including context in
psychology have incorporated sociocultural views analyses. The expansion of alternate entryways
of behavior, learning, and development (Alexan- into teaching has made this debate more salient.
der, Murphy, & Greene, 2013; Cole, 1998; Göncü Zeichner (2008) described how “one of the most
& Gauvain, 2013; Rogoff, 2003). Researchers vigorously debated issues throughout the history
in educational psychology, then, began to study of formal teacher education has been concerned
individuals in the contexts—such as their social, with the role of various settings on the formation
cultural, and physical contexts—in which they of teachers” (p. 263). An example of the focus on
regularly act. To Anderman and Anderman (2000), context in teacher education research is Zygmunt-
a special issue of Educational Psychologist marked Fillwalk, Malaby, and Clausen’s (2010) work in
the beginning of the recent focus in educational which they placed pre-service teachers in diverse
psychology upon context—or, recalling Dewey’s communities for their teaching internships in order
(1938) and Vygotsky’s (1978) references to to enhance the capacity of teachers to teach in such
similar constructs, the renewal of what has been locations. Helping teachers to understand the con-
a historical focus. Despite the influence of the texts in which they teach or will teach is supported
sociocultural perspective and the importance of through a body of extant research (An and Shin,
context in educational psychology, the nature and 2010; Birmingham, Pineda, & Greenwalt, 2013;
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2007; Mouza, (Figure 1) suggests that teaching with technology
2011; Zeichner, 2006). This type of internship is an act of understanding how knowledge of tech-
placement helps teachers to develop situated—or nology, pedagogy, and content interact with one
context-specific—knowledge of the communities, another as teachers make instructional decisions.
schools, and classrooms, and students, colleagues, Context has been described as important by the
and parents with whom they work. developers of the TPACK framework and is clearly
depicted in their diagrams of the framework (Koe-
Role of Context in hler & Mishra, 2008; Koehler, Mishra, Kereluik,
Educational Technology Shin, & Graham, 2014; Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
As Mishra and Koehler (2006) argue, “technology
There is evidence that the field of educational use in the classroom is context-bound and is, or
technology has focused on the effects of tech- at least needs to be, dependent on subject matter,
nology use more than contextual considerations grade level, student background, and the kinds of
like social interactions, resources, scaffolds, and computers and software programs available (p.
support for learners (Garrison, 2003; Garrison & 1032). Others have also described the importance
Bromley, 2004). Educational technology, broadly of context to TPACK. For example, Kelly (2010)
defined, is the study of the use of technology in characterized context as “one of the most complex,
teaching and learning. Educational technology important, and least understood components” (p.
interacts with multiple disciplinary traditions, 52) of the TPACK framework. Kelly wrote exten-
including educational psychology, the learning sively about the nature of context and TPACK in
sciences, teacher education, and computer science other venues (e.g., 2007, 2008a, 2008b).
(cf. Spector, Merrill, Elen, & Bishop, 2014). Ac- In addition to describing the importance of
cording to Garrison (2003), when context has been TPACK, others have developed the idea of con-
included in research, it has been treated as a list text further. Angeli and Valanides (2009, 2013)
of variables, which reflects the view of context as advanced a model for context now referred to as
that which surrounds, but is not woven together a transformative perspective on TPACK, or a per-
with teachers. To Garrison and others in related spective in which it is not possible to distinguish
fields (e.g., Cole, 1998; Tabak, 2004, 2013), this between knowledge of technology, knowledge of
idea is an important but incomplete treatment of pedagogy, and knowledge of content or between
context. We agree with this interpretation because learners and context. This transformative view is
thinking about context exclusively as a list of vari- different from the integrative perspective, wherein
ables omits the active role that teachers, students, it is possible to distinguish between the areas of
and the learning environment play in shaping the knowledge and context is represented as separate
context of teaching and learning with technology. from the three areas of knowledge. Although
The exception for the purposes of this chap- Porras-Hernandez and Salinas-Amescua (2013)
ter, however, concerns the TPACK framework. do not state whether the framework for context
TPACK is noteworthy because of the centrality that they advance represents either the integra-
of context within the framework and the growing tive or transformative perspective, they included
prominence of the TPACK framework in research actors (teacher and student), which aligns with
about the role of technology in teacher education Angeli and Valanides’ inclusion of learners in
and teacher professional development (Brantley- their description of the transformative perspective.
Dias & Ertmer, 2013; Chai, Koh, & Tsai, 2012;
Voogt, Fisser, Desimone, Roblin, Tondeur, & van
Braak, 2012). In short, the TPACK framework
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Figure 1. The TPACK framework. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Figure 2. Our Representation of the conceptual framework for context as described by Porras-Hernández
and Salinas-Amescua (2013)
Note. TPACK develops in the contexts categorized through the three levels (micro, meso, and macro) and two actors (teacher
and student). These categories can also be considered areas about which teachers develop knowledge.
TPACK, we propose this approach as a starting and disciplinary practices. The characteristics of
point for thinking more broadly about teaching others involved with teaching with technology,
with technology. To summarize Schwab (1978) including teachers in informal educational settings,
through the description of his work by Alexan- parents, and even peers engaged in teaching one
der, Murphy, and Greene’s (2011), education another, could also be substituted for TPACK as
is fundamentally an act of “someone teaching the focus of the framework. In short, because the
something to someone else in some context” (p. framework can be used to think and talk about
17). Thus, the framework as it is designed then context in teaching, it offers a fundamental way to
has applications well beyond TPACK. Indeed, think about wide scope of educational technology
the framework may be used to think about a wide topics that involve teachers, students, and their
scope of educational technology topics and their rich interactions with context.
rich interactions with context. Particularly relevant The framework has origins in ecological
to this chapter are topics related to teaching with theories of human learning and development
technology in the digital age. That is, one could (e.g., Bronfenbrenner, 1981; Bronfenbrenner &
easily imagine a number of easy substitutions in Morris, 2006), but there are important differences
Figure 1 for the grey circle representing TPACK, between the framework and ecological theories.
including teachers’ beliefs about technology use, In ecological theories, aspects of context are
their creativity, and their pedagogical practice, as described with respect to how they reciprocally
well as students’ prior knowledge, their problem affect individuals. Thus, although social aspects
solving skill, and their engagement in classroom enter analyses through processes that occur in
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
tigation of the ways in which teachers’ knowledge is a difference between definitions. To Porras-
shapes the classroom contexts in which they func- Hernández and Salinas-Amescua, meso is the
tion. A final example of micro characteristics is next level of context within which micro factors
Kelly’s (2008) study of digital divides of access are located, such as a school or neighborhood,
to technology, access to technology-enhanced whereas to Bronfenbrenner and Morris mesosys-
instruction, and access to culturally sensitive tems comprise two or more microsystems, so that
technology-enhanced instruction. There are a mesosystem is characterized as both a classroom
examples of micro characteristics of context in and a home. In this chapter, meso as described by
other areas educational technology research: For Porras-Hernández and Salinas-Amescua as this
example, Bell, Maeng, and Binns (2013) worked works to characterize the way micro is nested
with pre-service science teachers to integrate tech- within meso, despite the conceptual incongruence
nology in order to support science teaching that with Bronfenbrenner and Morris’ work.
is aligned with recent reform efforts, such as the Prior research by Zygmunt-Fillwalk, Malaby,
Next Generation Science Standards (e.g., NGSS and Clausen (2010), Cuban, Kirkpatrick, and Peck
Lead States, 2013). They integrated technology (2001), and Zhao and Frank (2003) illustrate meso
into how pre-service teachers first learned (and factors’ relations with teachers’ TPACK. For ex-
later taught in their internships) science content ample, Zygmunt-Fillwalk et al. (2010) focused on
and pedagogical practices and found that “situat- how diverse settings at the community level (rather
ing” technology into teaching and learning in this than the classroom level discussed in the previous
way—rather than in a stand-alone educational section) affect teachers’ knowledge, although the
technology course—facilitated their learning and authors did not specifically focus on the develop-
development. ment of TPACK. Specifically, Zygmunt-Fillwalk
et al. (2010) sought to involve teachers in diverse
Meso communities near their university for their teach-
ing internships. They argued that “teachers in the
Meso factors are things in the school or another school represented another perspective and reality,
setting in which the classroom or learning environ- and pre-service teachers were challenged to jux-
ment are found. Porras-Hernández and Salinas- tapose the school and neighborhood cultures for
Amescua (2013) described meso as “the social, supportive or potentially dichotomous values and
cultural, political, organizational, and economic practices” (p. 61). From this experience, teachers
conditions established in the local community made connections in their knowledge between the
and the educational institution” (p. 229-230). schools in which they were assigned internships,
Thus, meso factors are proximal to teachers but the broader community, and the relation between
are not the contexts where teaching and learning the school and the community.
usually take place; instead, meso factors influence
teachers through the ways in which the custom Macro
and norms of communities and institutions shape
teachers’ micro context. Bronfenbrenner and Macro factors are the societal conditions—such
Morris described mesosystems as “the linkages as those present among states and regions as well
and processes taking place between two or more as among national and international institutions—
settings containing the developing person (e.g., that affect teaching, learning, and other aspects
the relations between home and school, school and of teachers and students’ development. Porras-
workplace, etc.). In other words, a mesosystem Hernández and Salinas-Amescua (2013) described
is a system of microsystems” (p. 40). Thus, there macro as “social, political, technological, and
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
economic conditions. These include the rapid the ways in which macro factors affect teachers’
technological developments worldwide, which knowledge and argued that in their “Community
require constant learning, as well as national and and Schools” project discussed in detail in the
global policies that, in the case of teacher tech- meso section:
nology integration, become especially relevant” Preservice teachers were challenged to exam-
(p. 228). Thus, these factors are the most distal. ine the larger, more amorphous structures repre-
They are neither at the institution or community senting perceptions in the immediate and larger
level nor at the classroom or learning environ- community and society relative to the school and
ment level—but they can still affect teaching with its population of children and families . . . These
technology in important ways. Bronfenbrenner larger factors, although the least direct in their
(1994) described macrosystems as: impact, exert a nonetheless daunting influence on
the promise and potential of children and schools.
The overarching pattern of micro-, meso-, and It is not only necessary, but also imperative that
exosystems characteristic of a given culture or preservice teachers consider these issues in rela-
subculture, with particular reference to the belief tionship to their future work. (p. 62)
systems, bodies of knowledge, material resources, Thus, state and national factors can impact
customs, life-styles, opportunity structures, haz- teaching and learning in important ways, and
ards, and life course options that are embedded there are strategies, such as those illustrated in
in each of these broader systems. (p. 40) the “Community and Schools” project, that can
help teachers to consider these parts of context.
Porras-Hernández and Salinas-Amescua
(2013) did not refer to exosystems, another part Teacher
of Bronfenbrenner and Morris’ ecological model.
Bronfenbrenner and Morris (2006) described Teacher factors are all of the characteristics of
exosystems as “the linkages and processes taking teachers except their TPACK. Porras-Hernández
place between two or more settings, at least one and Salinas-Amescua described teacher factors as
of which does not contain the developing person, “beliefs, motives, and a teacher’s raison d’être” (p.
but in which events occur that indirectly influence 233). Thus, teacher factors are inside of teachers
processes within the immediate setting in which but shape and are shaped by contextual factors.
the developing person lives (e.g., for a child, the “Teacher” is not a category in ecological theo-
relationship between the home and the parent’s ries, although, of course, the individual who is
workplace, for a parent, the relation between the the focus of analysis is; in other words, a teacher
school and the neighborhood peer group)” (p. 40). could be considered a category in an ecological
Although it is not necessary to include exosystems, theory if he or she were the focus of analysis.
it is worth discussing whether important facets of Similarly, Ertmer and Ottenbreit-Leftwich (2010)
context are omitted. directed attention to the complexity of teaching
The impact of curricular standards such as the with technology because of contextual factors
Common Core State Standards (e.g., National related to teachers and argued that “effective teach-
Governors Association, 2010) and the Next Gen- ing requires teacher knowledge change, teacher
eration Science Standards (NGSS; e.g., NGSS beliefs change, and teacher culture change” (p.
Lead States, 2013) upon teachers, administrators, 277). Their solution is in “involving teachers
and other stakeholders illustrate some of the ways in the visioning process, either through teacher
macro factors can relate to teachers’ TPACK. participatory efforts or through teacher education
Zygmunt-Fillwalk et al. (2010) also illustrated and professional development efforts” (p. 277).
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
This research identifies the ways in which factors in which the framework for context described in
related to the teacher category of context affect the previous section is valuable descriptively,
teaching and learning with technology. inferentially, and in terms of practice.
Student factors are all of the characteristics of By descriptive value, the value of the framework
students. Porras-Hernández and Salinas-Amescua for context in terms of its capacity is to describe,
(2013) described student as “consideration of stu- explain, or help operationalize phenomena related
dents’ previous knowledge, attitudes, preconcep- to teaching and learning with technology. The
tions, and interests” (p. 231). Similar to the teacher framework helps researchers describe and under-
category, “student” is not a category in ecological stand what they and others mean by context. This
theories. Student-related contextual factors can use of the framework is critical to addressing con-
affect teachers’ knowledge (Warschauer & Ma- text in a consistent way, unlike the inconsistency
tuchniak, 2010; Thompson, 2013). For example, of the “folk definition” criticized by Alexander,
Warschauer and Matuchniak (2010) proposed a Murphy, and Greene (2011). Thus, the descriptive
framework for understanding challenges related to value of the framework for context aligns with our
students’ learning with technology based around suggestion that the framework for context be used
three areas: access, use, and outcomes. From this to systematically and comprehensively consider
framework, scholars can describe challenges of the role of context in scholarship on teaching with
students’ learning with technology and the specific technology in the digital age.
function of teachers in helping students to learn Harris and Hofer’s (2014) study provides an
with technology. In addition, Thompson (2013) example of a descriptive use of the framework
studied challenges of teaching and learning with for context. They explored how school district
“digital natives,” concluding that understanding administrators such as technology directors
these students (their knowledge, attitudes, precon- conceived and implemented TPACK with the
ceptions, and interests) played a key role in help- teachers in their district and described their focus
ing them learn with technologies. For example, as on the meso level of context. They found that
“teachers can help students develop skills in using contextual similarities and differences helped to
a search engine effectively to exploit the full po- explain how districts used TPACK, such as through
tential of the Web, or help them develop strategies TPACK-based professional development courses
for managing the distractions of technology that and workshops. The conceptual framework for
is sometimes intrusive on study time” (p. 23). context allowed Harris and Hofer to describe their
work with respect to other contextual factors. The
framework also allowed them to focus their work
THE VALUE OF A FRAMEWORK at the school district level in order to advance un-
FOR CONTEXT derstanding of an aspect of context that has been
the subject of comparatively less research. Harris
The framework for context described earlier pro- and Hofer’s work serves as an example of the de-
vides a way to include context systematically and scriptive value of the framework for context with
comprehensively in research about teaching with respect to TPACK. Although this example and the
technology, including research about TPACK. In examples for the inferential and practical value of
this section, we describe the most specific ways the framework concern TPACK, the application of
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
the framework in a broader sense suggests that it macro levels in which they teach as well as how
could be used to study many phenomena related it suits both their own and their students’ char-
to teaching with technology. acteristics. Thus, the framework for context can
be used by researchers and teacher educators to
Inferential Value promote teacher learning and by teachers as a guide
for their lesson planning and instructional design.
Inferential value suggests the value of the frame- Finally, researchers can purposefully con-
work for context in terms of its capacity to assist duct studies in unexamined (or under-examined)
researchers in knowing where to look and what contexts, such as high-poverty, urban schools, in
to look for in terms of teaching with technology. which technology integration presents exceptional
The general categories of micro, meso, macro, challenges, or informal learning environments
teacher, and student are in some ways common such as “makerspaces” (cf. Martinez & Stager,
across teaching and learning contexts. Because 2013) in which students design, program, and
of this understanding, a framework for context tinker with circuits, textiles, and other creations.
helps researchers focus their analysis upon the In this way, TPACK and educational technology
particular processes or mechanisms involved scholars locate their research at the forefront of
with teaching with technology. Researchers can important problems and opportunities with respect
also use the framework to draw inferences about to the diverse settings in which teaching and
what aspects of context have been the subject of learning with technology occur and the diversity
comparatively little scholarship. of teachers and learners in those settings.
Practical Value
Practical value describes the value of the frame-
work for context in terms of how to apply research Previously, Kelly (2010) investigated how prior
about educational technology to teachers’ practice. research about TPACK exhibited various charac-
Researchers can develop interventions, such as teristics, such as the data sources and the validity
technology integration professional development, and reliability of the measures used. Kelly also
that acknowledge or leverage contextual factors investigated the extent to which prior research
across the five categories of context. Many re- included context in analyses and applications of
searchers already design interventions with teach- TPACK. Porras-Hernández and Salinas-Amescua
ers’ contexts in mind but may focus their attention (2013) identified that when context was included
on factors in some but not all of the categories in analyses, it meant many different things, from
of context. Important opportunities may remain teachers’ beliefs to classroom and school condi-
to more systematically and comprehensively ad- tions. To address the widespread meaning for
dress the context of the teachers (and students) context, they proposed the conceptual framework
for whom interventions are designed. for the context of teachers’ TPACK as described
Researchers and teacher educators can also use in the previous section of this chapter.
the framework to help teachers think about and The prior research by Kelly (2010) and Porras-
enact change in their context. For example, teach- Hernández and Salinas-Amescua (2013) provided
ers, engaged in the design of technology-integrated an opportunity to advance their work due to three
lessons as part of coursework or professional limitations. First, the sample that Kelly (2010)
development, can use the framework to examine used in his study was small (n = 16) and perhaps
how well their lesson suits the micro, meso, and not representative of all TPACK publications (as
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Publications were coded “1” (included) or “0” “TPACK is especially referred to as contex-
(not included) for each of the six aspects of the tualized knowledge that integrates technology
coding frame. For example, if school resources and pedagogy on specific content knowledge”
(such as the availability of a computer laboratory) (Lin, Tsai, Chai, Lee, 2013, p. 326). Of those 70
were mentioned in descriptions, explanations, articles, most included only descriptions of context
or operationalizations as factors that affected related to the micro category (84%). Meso (61%),
teachers’ TPACK, then “Meso” was coded “1.” macro (14%), teacher (57%), and student (44%)
Similarly, if teachers’ self-efficacy was mentioned factors were less pronounced within this subset of
as something that affected the development or 70 papers. As an example, in the following text,
assessment of their TPACK, then “Teacher” micro is coded as included: “Most studies did not
was coded “1.” Those variables not present in identify the perspectives of teachers or explore
descriptions, explanations, or operationalizations how teachers develop TPACK in real classrooms.”
were coded “0.” To establish the reliability of the (Liu, 2013, p. 60-61). As another example, in the
coding, a second coder analyzed 35% of the pub- following text, student is coded as included: “This
lications, we computed the percentage agreement context might include students’ prior knowledge
and Cohen’s Kappa statistics for the two coders and learning difficulties.” (Jang & Tsai, 2013,
as presented in Table 2. We interpreted the value p. 568). The results for the categories of context
of Cohen’s Kappa using guidelines from Sim and included are also represented in Figure 3.
Wright (2005), which takes account of chance
agreement in its calculation of the percentage
agreement between coders. DISCUSSION
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
of context in TPACK research as described by its Since the results of this study indicated that
developers and others (Angeli & Valanides, 2009; most descriptions or definitions of context focused
Harris & Hofer, 2014; Kelly, 2007; 2008a; 2008b; on micro factors, these results also suggest that
2010; Koh, Chai, & Tsai, 2014; Porras-Hernández there are opportunities to expand research on
& Salinas-Amescua, 2013), there are opportunities context at the meso and macro levels, and with
for context to be included more often in studies of respect to the teacher and student actors. Indeed,
TPACK. Greater inclusion of context can help to macro factors were included in only 14% of the 70
align TPACK research with the focus on context publications that included context. Thus, although
present in educational research. we know, for example, that state and national fac-
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
tors profoundly affect how individuals learn and research. We discuss additional recommendations
develop (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006; Ratner, that emerged from this study in the section on
2011), these factors are rarely being included in directions for future research.
analyses of TPACK. We consider this finding an
example of an important inference made possible
through the use of the framework for context. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
Although not as pressing as the opportunities to
study the effects of factors at the macro level, op- We distinguish between future research directions
portunities to better understand the meso, teacher, for TPACK and educational technology, although
and student categories of context call for further both future directions can be considered part of the
research. same endeavor to enhance teaching and learning
An unanticipated finding was that there are with technology. We make two recommendations
many more journal articles about TPACK than for future research directions for TPACK. First,
we expected based on literature reviews by Chai the nature of context within TPACK research is
et al. (2013) and Voogt et al. (2012), who reported an important open question. Knowledge of context
61 and 74 extant publications respectively about and knowledge in-context provide convenient
TPACK based on comprehensive searches of the shorthand to talk and think about two different
literature. The larger number of peer-reviewed relationships between TPACK and context, and
journal articles about TPACK reported in our future research can investigate the ways in which
study may be the product of our searches of the teachers develop either type of knowledge. With
TPACK group on Mendeley and the TPACK respect to their knowledge of context, items could
newsletters in addition to our search of databases. be added to existing measures of teachers’ TPACK,
Thus, there may be more publications about such as the TPACK survey (e.g., Schmidt, Baran,
TPACK than researchers initially consider, and Thompson, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009), which
searching the TPACK group on Mendeley and does not include teacher’s knowledge of context.
the TPACK newsletters may enhance the impact Including context in measures of TPACK may
of already-published work and advance studies contribute to a better understanding of the ways
being designed or conducted. in which knowledge of context does (or does
This study has implications for research on not) develop along with teacher development of
teaching with technology and on TPACK specifi- TPACK. With respect to the development of teach-
cally. First, this study illustrated how a framework ers’ knowledge in-context, researchers could use
for context can serve as a descriptive lens to re- the conceptual framework for context or activity
searchers: Not only did the framework guide the theories as lenses with which to view how teachers
research questions about how researchers included and their TPACK interact and change along with
elements of context, but it also provided a coding the contexts in which they function.
framework to guide their analysis. In a similar Second, teachers’ knowledge of and knowledge
manner, researchers can use the framework for in-context may not need to represent an “either/
context in order to address context in their future or” scenario, and researchers could study how
research. Second, this study provides empirical both teachers’ knowledge of context and knowl-
evidence that context, as researchers have warned edge in-context develop over time. A possible
(Angeli & Valanides, 2009; Doering, Veletsianos, synthesis that could be studied is that teachers’
Scharber, & Miller, 2009) is missing from TPACK knowledge of their context is a part of teachers’
research. This reality is important because of the situated knowledge in-context. In this way, teach-
centrality of TPACK to educational technology ers’ TPACK is woven together with the contexts
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
in which it is developed and enacted, and so a contexts, which also change. By focusing on
subset of each of the domains of knowledge in changes in both teachers and their context, this
the TPACK framework is knowledge of how the kind of research would allow a better understand-
domain relates to factors at the micro, meso, and ing of how teachers can become agents of change
macro levels and the teacher and students as actors. in their classrooms, schools, and communities,
Viewing context as central to educational Third, researchers can explicitly include more
technology research has important implications information about context when they collect data.
for educational technology generally, for which we This additional information about the context
make three recommendations. First, researchers of teachers—such as the ability for students to
can pay more attention to the impact of context technology at home or in the community, or the
in other educational technology outcomes. This availability of high-quality professional develop-
research may contribute to a better understand- ment and other resources for teachers—could be
ing of the specific ways in which contexts affect treated as independent variables in studies. In
teachers and teaching with technology. Re- this way, researchers would contribute a better
searchers can use the framework for context to understanding of how aspects of context support
study how various categories in the framework (or undermine) teaching with technology. In terms
(micro, meso, macro, student, teacher) impact of educational technology research in a broader
teachers’ development and pedagogical practice sense, this research can also contribute to a better
in their schools and classrooms. For example, understanding of how teaching and learning with
researchers could study what specific contextual technology are similar or different across learning
factors affect teaching with technology in diverse environments, so that both may be better supported
settings, especially those that present particular and enhanced through the design of curricula,
challenges, including high-poverty urban settings, resources, scaffolds, and supports.
and those that present particular opportunities, We consider these future directions for research
including informal learning environments such as starting points for considering the ways in which
as makerspaces. Turner and Meyer (2001) made educational technology research can be enhanced
recommendations for studying context in learning through greater attention to context. Bringing
settings that are relevant and helpful to this future together research about context and educational
research direction: Researchers should investigate technology suggests significant opportunities to
more than one variable at a time, involve qualitative advance research and practice in critically impor-
and inductive methodologies, describe how and tant areas related to teaching with technology in
why aspects of context affect teaching and learn- the digital age. Educational technology research-
ing with technology, and involve rich interactions ers are well positioned to address such important
between teachers and researchers. areas, and including context more extensively is
Second, researchers can pay more attention critical to this endeavor.
to the ways in which teachers and contexts re- Given our call for greater attention to context,
ciprocally affect each other. This future research we would be remiss to not acknowledge the need
direction involves expanding the unit of analysis for our scholarship to be modified to the different
used in research to include both teachers and their settings—both with respect to research and prac-
different contexts as described by the framework tice—to which it may be relevant. More broadly,
used in this chapter. Both the categories of context we are sensitive to the ways this work does (or
and the object of study would be considered equal does not) contribute to teachers’ practice due to the
in terms of researchers’ focus. Thus, researchers complexity and particularity of teaching, which is
would focus on how teachers develop in their made even more complex through the integration
Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
of technology. In this spirit, then, we encourage the Our over-arching goal was to bring together
adaptation and appropriation of this scholarship research about context and educational technol-
and related scholarship, with the overall aim of ogy in order to consider the role of context in
enhancing teaching with technology in the digital research on teaching with technology. We focused
age in the buzzing, complex contexts in which on a conceptual framework for context with three
teachers and students function. levels, micro, meso, and macro, and two actors,
teacher and student. Because there are different
interpretations of what context has meant in edu-
CONCLUSION cational research, we unpacked the implications of
viewing context as that which surrounds and that
Considering context in educational technology which is woven together with teachers. Viewing
research makes research more messy and compli- context as that which surrounds helps us to study
cated, but its benefits are many. First, including how three levels (micro, meso, macro) and two
context helps educational technology theory to actors (teacher, student) impact teachers and their
bridge the gap from research to practice in schools practice or how teachers develop knowledge of
and classrooms. Bridging this gap is important different contextual factors. Alternatively, viewing
because teaching and learning take place not in context as that which is woven together helps us
controlled settings but instead in classrooms and to study how teachers are situated in the settings
schools that reflect the multiple functions and goals in which teachers’ knowledge and practice are
of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and developed and enacted and how teachers and
other stakeholders. Context, along with teachers, their context reciprocally develop and change as
students, and what is being learned is at the core a complex system.
of education. Second, including context also helps
to align educational technology research with
other disciplines that honor context and its role. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Educational psychology and related fields have
demonstrated a renewed, recent focus on including We are thankful to Mete Akcaoglu, Spencer
context in analyses. In addition to aligning educa- Greenhalgh, and Garth Sabo for their feedback
tional technology research with research in other on an earlier version of this chapter.
disciplines, educational technology researchers
have an opportunity to lead inquiry in areas that
are critically important to teaching and learning in REFERENCES
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Context and Teaching with Technology in the Digital Age
Context as That Which Surrounds an Ob- Meso: School factors such as the resources
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analytically are around an object of study, in our ers and their practice.
case a teacher. Micro: Classroom factors such as available
Knowledge In-Context: A view of the relation technologies that reciprocally affect teachers and
between teachers’ TPACK and their context in their practice.
which teachers develop knowledge of context in Sociocultural Perspective: A psychological
addition to knowledge of technology, pedagogy, perspective that integrates cognitive, social, and
and content, and the areas of knowledge that motivational aspects of learning and development
result from considering technology, pedagogy, into a framework in which individuals learn and
and content in various combinations. From this develop through participation in social activities.
view, directing attention to context in research on From this perspective, individuals do not learn
TPACK is achieved by considering context as an and develop independently; instead, learning and
additional area of knowledge. development are inherently a process that occurs
Knowledge of Context: A view of the rela- in complex contexts.
tion between teachers’ TPACK and their context Student: Student characteristics such as their
in which teachers develop situated knowledge of beliefs, motivations, and other factors that recipro-
technology, pedagogy, and content, and the areas cally affect teachers and their practice.
of knowledge that result from considering technol- Teacher: Teacher characteristics such as their
ogy, pedagogy, and content in various combination beliefs, motivations, and other factors that affect
in-context. From this view, directing attention teachers and their practice.
to context in research on TPACK is achieved by Technological Pedagogical Content Knowl-
considering how teachers develop situated, or edge (TPACK): The knowledge teachers need to
context-dependent, knowledge in-context. develop in order to be able to integrate technol-
Macro: Societal factor such as national cur- ogy into teaching. Specifically, teachers need to
ricular standards that reciprocally affect teachers develop knowledge of technology, pedagogy, and
and their practice. content, and the domains of knowledge comprised
from considering technology, pedagogy, and
content together.
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