Nutrition Syllabus Summer 2022

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Course Syllabus

NUTR 4352: Child & Adolescent Nutrition

Online: Summer 2022

Instructor: Kirstin Vollrath MS, RD, LD

Office: Cameron 213
Office Hours: Wednesdays 9-10am and by appointment
On MS Teams (see course link in first course announcement)
Prerequisites: NUTR 2332 Introduction to Human Nutrition
Junior standing

Required Text: Brown. (2017). Nutrition Through the Lifecycle. Cengage Learning. ISBN:

Required Technology: PC or Mac (no Chromebooks) with working webcam and microphone (see
UH minimum technology requirements: Please see the
sections on Resources for Online Learning and Webcams at end of this document for more

**The most effective method of contacting me is via email. To avoid a delay in response,
please contact me by email. I will respond to you within 24 hours on the weekdays and
24-48 hours on the weekends. In most cases, I will respond much sooner.**

Student Learning Outcomes - Core Knowledge Requirements (KRDNs) for the RD:

• 1.1: Demonstrate how to locate, interpret, evaluate, and use professional literature to
make ethical, evidence-based practice decisions.
• 1.2: Use current information technologies to locate and apply evidence-based guidelines
and protocols.
• 1.3: Apply critical thinking skills.
• 2.1: Demonstrate effective and professional oral and written communication and

Learning objectives:
• Demonstrate knowledge of pre-conception, lactation, and pregnancy nutrition requirements.
• Demonstrate knowledge of infant, toddler, school-aged children, and adolescent feeding
guidelines and practices for normal nutrition and those at nutritional risk.

Student Evaluations will be based on 575 points as follows: (specific course activities
& evaluation guidelines will be outlined in each module in Blackboard).

Syllabus Quiz 25 points

Module One (Preconception to Pregnancy & Lactation)
Module One Chapter Quizzes 30 points
Module One Discussion Board 10 points
Module One Questions 50 points
Exam (Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) 100 points

Module Two (Infants to Early Childhood)

Module Two Chapter Quizzes 20 points
Module Two Discussion Board 10 points
Module Two Questions 50 points
Exam 2 (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11) 100 points

Module Three (Childhood/Pre-Adolescent to Adolescent)

Module Three Chapter Quizzes 20 points
Module Three Discussion Board 10 points
Module Three Questions 50 points
Exam 3 (Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15) 100 points
A 94 - 100% A- 90 – 93%
B+ 87 – 89% B 84 – 86%
B- 80 – 83% C+ 77 – 79%
C 73 – 76% C- 70 – 73%
D+ 67 – 69% D 64 – 66%
D- 60 – 63% F < 59%

Grades are not curved. Students are responsible for calculating their own grade. Please do
not ask about curves or rounding with grades. The grade you earn is the grade you earn.

Syllabus Quiz: Students must read the syllabus. After reading the information, students are
required to take a quiz on Blackboard by Thursday, June 9. This quiz is pass/fail. If you do not
receive a perfect score (25 points), you will get a zero (0). The quiz does include a statement
indicating that the student has read and understood all the university, departmental and course
policies outlined in this syllabus. In addition, the quiz includes a statement that it is the student’s
responsibility to notify Professor Vollrath whether a course modification is necessary related to
disability‐related need. For those students for whom this is applicable, please provide the
necessary paperwork as soon as possible.

Exams: There will be a total of 3 topical exams throughout the semester. All exams will count
towards your final grade. The exams will require students to integrate information they have
learned from the course materials in each module. Exams are posted to Blackboard and will be
taken online. They require Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor. There is a
practice test posted on Blackboard so that you can be sure you have properly downloaded
Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor and can access the exams. You have 60 minutes to
complete each 50-question exam (multiple choice, T/F). Each exam will count 100 points for a
total of 300 maximum points towards the final grade. Exams will open at 12:01AM and close at
11:59PM. I will not reopen exams for students for missing the exam date.

EXAM Dates Exam Offered Location
1 6/13 Online
2 6/22 Online
3 7/1 Online
NO Final

If you do not take your exam on the days it is available online, without a documented
excused absence, you will receive a zero for that test. Make up exams will only be
considered for documented excused absences that are communicated according to
university Undergraduate Excused Absence Policy.

Module Questions: Module questions are to be found on blackboard within each module. Each
question set has a component that corresponds directly with each chapter/topic. It is advised
that you complete each section of the project when you are reviewing the associated chapter.
You may save your answers and return to the questions as many times as you like but you can
only submit once.

Chapter Quizzes: There is a quiz for each chapter. You have 10 minutes to complete each 5-
question quiz (multiple choice, T/F). Each quiz will count 5 points for a total of 70 maximum points
towards the final grade. You may attempt each quiz up to 3 times. Only your highest quiz grade
for each chapter will count toward your final grade. Quizzes are open only during the time we are
covering the module. You must complete the quizzes prior to the module exam opening. IF YOU
YOUR MODULE EXAM. There are no extensions on quizzes since they are open for the
entire module. Plan accordingly and do NOT wait until the last minute.

Module Discussion Boards: Students are assigned alphabetically by last name to a group
discussion board for each module. You will be graded on both quality and quantity of postings to
the discussion board. To receive full credit, you must post an initial comment to the prompt as
well as reply to at least 3 other student postings. The initial comment MUST BE posted by the
Initial Comment due date to ensure adequate time for responses. Each module discussion is
worth 10 points for a maximum of 30 points for all three modules.

Extra Credit: Turn in a copy of the screen shot stating that you have completed the course
evaluations for NUTR 4352. Turn in by uploading the image on Blackboard through the link
provided NO LATER than Wednesday, July 6. Note: This link will not be available until later in the

Students are expected to complete their work independently. Academic dishonesty of

any kind will result in an automatic failure of the course, no exceptions.

Additional Notes:
1. The schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating
2. The prerequisites are a necessary foundation for the successful completion of this course. If
you have not completed any portion of the prerequisites, you are taking this course at your own
3. No late assignments will be accepted.
4. Extra credit will only be available by completing a course evaluation.
5. Students will not be allowed to take an Incomplete in this course due to poor planning
on their part. If you find you do have a legitimate reason for an Incomplete, please talk with
me as soon as possible to discuss the situation and to identify the documentation that will

be required to support your request. Review the University of Houston catalog to review
conditions under which an incomplete may be granted.
6. This course strictly follows the university academic honesty policy.
7. This course utilizes university progress notes. If you receive a progress note during the
semester, you may be at risk for failing the course and should take appropriate steps
including contacting the professor for help.

Plagiarism, “Representing as one’s own work the work of another without acknowledging
the source,” whether intentional or unintentional, will not be tolerated. This includes
cheating during exams/quizzes, theft of materials etc.


(See each module for MODULE GUIDELINES, which outline module expectations)

Syllabus Quiz Due June 9 (11:59 pm)

Module One: Preconception to Pregnancy & Lactation (chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

June 6 – June 13

Module One Discussion Board Initial Comment Due June 9 (11:59 pm)

Module One Questions, Quizzes, and Discussion Boards Due June 12 (11:59 pm)

June 13: exam open 12:00am – 11:59pm

Module Two: Infants to Early Childhood (chapters 8, 9, 10, 11)

June 14 – June 22

Module Two Discussion Board Initial Comment Due June 17 (11:59 pm)

Module Two Questions, Quizzes, and Discussion Boards Due June 21 (11:59 pm)

June 22: exam open 12:00am – 11:59pm

Module Three: Childhood/Preadolescent to Adolescent (chapters 12, 13, 14, 15)

June 23 – July 1

Module Three Discussion Board Initial Comment Due June 27 (11:59 pm)

Module Three Questions, Quizzes, and Discussion Boards Due June 30 (11:59 pm)

July 1: exam open 12:00am – 11:59pm

*Exams administered utilizing Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor

**You MUST attempt each quiz AT LEAST to be able to access your Module Exam**

Course and University Policies:

Face Covering Policy: To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the University strongly encourages
everyone (vaccinated or not) to wear face coverings indoors on campus including classrooms for
both faculty and students.

Presence in Class: Your presence in class each session means that you:
o Are NOT exhibiting any Coronavirus Symptoms that makes you think that you may have
o Have NOT tested positive or been diagnosed for COVID-19
o Have NOT knowingly been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or suspected/presumed

If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms that are not clearly related to a pre-existing
medical condition, do not come to class. Please see Student Protocols for what to do if you
experience symptoms and Potential Exposure to Coronavirus for what to do if you have potentially
been exposed to COVID-19. Consult the Undergraduate Excused Absence Policy for information
regarding excused absences due to medical reasons.

COVID-19 Information: Students are encouraged to visit the University’s COVID-19 website for
important information including on-campus testing, vaccines, diagnosis and symptom protocols,
campus cleaning and safety practices, report forms, and positive cases on campus. Please check
the website throughout the semester for updates.

Vaccinations Data suggests that vaccination remains the best intervention for reliable protection
against COVID-19. Students are asked to familiarize themselves with pertinent vaccine
information, consult with their health care provider. The University strongly encourages all
students, faculty and staff to be vaccinated.

Reasonable Academic Adjustments/Auxiliary Aids: The University of Houston complies with

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,
pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for disabled
students. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, UH strives to provide reasonable
academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them. If you believe that
you have a disability requiring an academic adjustments/auxiliary aid, please contact the Justin
Dart Jr. Student Accessibility Center (formerly the Justin Dart, Jr. Center for Students with
DisABILITIES). They can also be reached by phone 713-743-5400 or email
at Please present approved documentation to me as soon as possible.

Excused Absence Policy: Regular class attendance, participation, and engagement in

coursework are important contributors to student success. Absences may be excused as provided
in the University of Houston Undergraduate Excused Absence for reasons, including: medical
illness of student or close relative, death of a close family member, legal or government
proceeding that a student is obligated to attend, recognized professional and educational activities
where the student is presenting, and University-sponsored activity or athletic competition. Under
these policies, students with excused absences will be provided with an opportunity to make-up
any quiz, exam, or other work that contributes to the course grade or a satisfactory alternative.
Please read the full policy for details regarding reasons for excused absences, the approval
process, and extended absences. Additional policies address absences related to military service,
religious holy days, pregnancy and related conditions, and disability.

Recording of Class: Students may not record all or part of class, livestream all or part of class, or
make/distribute screen captures, without advanced written consent of the instructor. If you have or
think you may have a disability such that you need to record class-related activities, please contact
the Justin Dart, Jr. Student Accessibility Center. If you have an accommodation to record class-
related activities, those recordings may not be shared with any other student, whether in this
course or not, or with any other person or on any other platform. Classes may be recorded by the
instructor. Students may use instructor’s recordings for their own studying and notetaking.
Instructor’s recordings are not authorized to be shared with anyone without the prior written
approval of the instructor. Failure to comply with requirements regarding recordings will result in a
disciplinary referral to the Dean of Students Office and may result in disciplinary action.

Syllabus Changes: Due to the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, please note that the
instructor may need to make modifications to the course syllabus and may do so at any time.
Notice of such changes will be announced as quickly as possible through Blackboard

Resources for Online Learning: The University of Houston is committed to student success, and
provides information to optimize the online learning experience through our
Power-On website. Please visit this website for a comprehensive set of resources, tools, and tips
including: obtaining access to the internet, AccessUH, and Blackboard; requesting a laptop
through the Laptop Loaner Program; using your smartphone as a webcam; and downloading
Microsoft Office 365 at no cost. For questions or assistance contact

UH Email: Please check and use your Cougarnet email for communications related to this course.
To access this email, login to your Microsoft 365 account with your Cougarnet credentials.

Webcams: Access to a webcam is required for students participating remotely in this course.
Webcams must be turned on during exams to ensure the academic integrity of exam

Honor Code Statement: Students must understand and agree to abide by the provisions in the
University of Houston Undergraduate Academic Honesty Policy. Academic honesty is taken very
seriously and, in the cases of violations, penalties may include suspension or expulsion from the
University of Houston. The Academic Honesty policy extends to student behavior on social
media, texting, email, and un-authorized collaboration on assignments using apps like
GroupMe. “Complicity in Academic Dishonesty” is also covered by the academic honesty policy,
which is defined as “Failing to report to the instructor or departmental hearing officer an incident
which the student believes to be a violation of the academic honesty policy.”

Helpful Information
Coogs Care:
Student Health Center:
For UH Technical Support:
* By Phone: - Call 713-743-1411, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
* By Email:

Counseling and Psychological Services: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)——are available for students having difficulties managing stress, adjusting to
college, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS by calling 713-743-5454 during and
after business hours for routine appointments or if you or somebody you know is in crisis. The

“Let’s Talk” program provides a drop-in consultation service at convenient locations and hours
around campus.

Student Conduct Policy: CLASS students are expected to abide by the University of Houston’s
Code of Student Conduct:

End of the Interim Grade Policy: Please be aware, the Interim Grade Policy ended with the
spring 2021 semester and the university has returned to our standard grading policies. You can
find more information on UH Grade Policy here:

Sexual Misconduct Policy: In accordance with the UHS Sexual Misconduct Policy, your
instructor is a “responsible employee” for reporting purposes under Title IX regulations and state
law and must report incidents of sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual
contact, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual intimidation, intimate partner violence, or
stalking) about which they become aware to the Title IX office. Please know there are places on
campus where you can make a report in confidence. More information can be found on the Title IX
website at

***The instructor reserves the right to make additions and adjustments to syllabus as

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