FF January 2024

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

55January 2024
August 2016 First Friday FIRST FRIDAY
Year C

Let Us Love in Deed and Truth

n this First Friday of the New Year 2024 we are reminded
of what really matters in life: TO LOVE IN DEED and
TRUTH, according to the example of God’s incarnate
Son. It was for love of all mankind that he took flesh in the
womb of the Virgin Mary and was born in the poverty of Beth-
lehem, as we have been meditating in these days. It was out of
love that he called people to follow him in order to train them
to be heralds of his love to all mankind as we reflect upon in
today’s Gospel passage. It was for love of all human beings
that he died on the Cross and allowed his heart to be pierced
by a spear. From his wounded heart flowed the stream of blood
and water, symbols of the sacramental life of the Church.
On this First Friday of January, let us renew our allegiance
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us also ask that we may be
filled with his love, and become instruments of his love to all
our brothers and sisters throughout this New Year.

peace be with you all. All – Lord, have mercy!

All – And with your spirit!
P –May almighty God have
Penitential Act mercy on us, forgive us our
Entrance Antiphon P –Coming together as devotees sins and bring us to everlast-
(To be recited only when no Entrance of the Sacred Heart, on this First ing life.
Hymn is sung.) Friday of the New Year, let us All – Amen!
A light has risen in the humbly acknowledge our sinful-
darkness for the upright of ness and implore God’s forgive- Collect (Opening Prayer)
heart; the Lord is generous, ness and guidance. (Pause)
merciful and just. P –You who alone love us with P –Cast your kindly light
an everlasting love, Lord, upon your faithful, Lord, we
Greeting have mercy! pray, and with the splendor
All – Lord, have mercy! of your glory set their hearts
P – In the name of the Father, ever aflame, that they may
and of the Son, and of the Holy P –You who make the sun shine
Spirit! on bad and good people never cease to acknowledge
All –Amen! alike, Christ, have mercy! their Savior and may truly
P –Blessed be God our Father All – Christ, have mercy! hold fast to him.
who sent to us His eternal Son to P –You who alone showed the Who lives and reigns with
be the revelation and instrument depths of your love in deeds you in the unity of the Holy
of His love in the power of the and in truth by dying for us, Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
Holy Spirit. May His grace and Lord, have mercy! All – Amen!

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Responsorial Psalm Ps 100 to him, “Can anything good
R – Let all the earth cry out to come from Nazareth?” Philip
God with joy! said to him, “Come and see.”
Jesus saw Nathanael coming
1st Reading 1 Jn 3:11-21 * Sing joyfully to the Lord, toward him and said of him,
The apostle John had been all you lands; serve the Lord “Here is a true child of Israel.
fascinated by the sincerity with gladness; come before There is no duplicity in him.”
and depth of the love of Christ him with joyful song. R. Nathanael said to him, “How
and made the imitation of this do you know me?” Jesus an-
* Know that the Lord is God; swered and said to him, “Be-
love the main purpose of his he made us, his we are; his
letters to the first generations fore Philip called you, I saw
people, the flock he tends. R. you under the fig tree.” Na-
of believers. In today’s brief
excerpt, he emphasizes the * Enter his gates with thanael answered him, “Rab-
relationship between love and thanksgiving, his courts with bi, you are the Son of God;
life and on the need that we praise; give thanks to him; you are the King of Israel.”
love not just in words, but in bless his name. R. Jesus answered and said to
deeds and all sincerity, just as him, “Do you believe because
* The Lord is good: the Lord, I told you that I saw you un-
Christ loves us. whose kindness endures forev- der the fig tree? You will see
R –A proclamation from the er, and his faithfulness, to all greater things than this.” And
First Letter of John generations. R. he said to him, “Amen, amen, I
Beloved: This is the mes- say to you, you will see the sky
Gospel Acclamation opened and the angels of God
sage you have heard from
the beginning: we should A –Alleluia! Alleluia! ascending and descending on
love one another, unlike Cain A holy day has dawned the Son of Man.”
who belonged to the Evil One upon us. Come, you na- The Gospel of the Lord!
and slaughtered his brother. tions, and adore the Lord. All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Why did he slaughter him? Today a great light has Christ!
Because his own works were come upon the earth.
evil, and those of his brother Alleluia! Alleluia! Homily
righteous. Do not be amazed,
then, brothers and sisters, if Gospel Jn 1:43-51 Prayer of the Faithful
the world hates you. We know No sooner has Jesus started
his apostolic mission than he P – Deeply impressed by
that we have passed from John’s insistence of the neces-
death to life because we love invites people to become his
disciples. Today’s Gospel pas- sity that we show our brotherly
our brothers. Whoever does love in truth and deeds, let us
not love remains in death. Ev- sage describes two calls: one
made by Jesus directly, and implore this grace for ourselves
eryone who hates his brother and the whole of humankind.
is a murderer, and you know the other made through Philip,
that no murderer has eternal one of his first followers. The All – God of love, teach us to
purpose and the result are love as you do!
life remaining in him.
The way we came to know the same: “Come and see!” – C –For the Universal Church,
love was that he laid down his
Come and experience the depth the Mystical Body of Christ:
of God’s love as revealed in May she constantly be the cred-
life for us; so we ought to lay
Jesus. ible sign and instrument of God’s
down our lives for our broth-
ers. If someone who has world- P –The Lord be with you! love for all humankind. Let us
ly means sees a brother in need All –And with your spirit! pray! R.
and refuses him compassion, P –A proclamation from the C – For the Holy Father, our
how can the love of God re- holy Gospel according to Bishop and all other spiritual
main in him? Children, let us John leaders: May they be convincing
love not in word or speech but All –Glory to you, O Lord!
heralds of God’s love for all and
in deed and truth. Jesus decided to go to Gali- succeed in leading people ever
Now this is how we shall lee, and he found Philip. And closer to Jesus. Let us pray! R.
know that we belong to the Jesus said to him, “Follow
truth and reassure our hearts C –For our civil servants and
me.” Now Philip was from leaders: May they unflinching-
before him in whatever our Bethsaida, the town of An-
hearts condemn, for God is ly promote justice and peace in
drew and Peter. Philip found society, totally devoted to bring
greater than our hearts and Nathanael and told him, “We
knows everything. Beloved, if about the common good, par-
have found the one about ticularly that of the poor and the
our hearts do not condemn us, whom Moses wrote in the law,
we have confidence in God. marginalized. Let us pray! R.
and also the prophets, Jesus,
The Word of the Lord! son of Joseph, from Naza- C –For our community: May
All – Thanks be to God! reth.” But Nathanael said it be characterized by sincere
5 January 2024
solidarity, cooperation, and our duty and our salvation, Memorial Acclamation
harmony among all its members always and everywhere to
and thereby mirror the brotherly give you thanks, Lord, holy P –The mystery of faith!
love of the early Christian com- Father, almighty and eternal All – When we eat this Bread
munities. Let us pray! R. God, through Christ our Lord. and drink this Cup, we
For on the feast of this proclaim your Death,
C –For each of us and the mem- O Lord, until you come
bers of our families: May we awe-filled mystery, though
invisible in his own divine again!
show the sincerity of our devo-
tion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus nature, he has appeared vis-
by the way we treat one another ibly in ours; and begotten
and extend help to those in need. before all ages, he has begun
Let us pray! R. to exist in time; so that, rais-
ing up in himself all that was All – Our Father . . .
C – We pray that the Holy cast down, he might restore P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
Spirit may help us to recognize unity to all creation and call All – For the kingdom, the pow-
the gift of different charisms straying humanity back to the er, and the glory are yours,
within the Christian commu- heavenly Kingdom. now and for ever.
nity and to discover the rich- And so, with all the An-
ness of different traditions and gels, we praise you, as in joy- Sign of Peace
rituals in the Catholic Church. ful celebration we acclaim:
Let us pray. R. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, Breaking of the Bread
P –Lord, God of love and God of hosts. Heaven and All – Lamb of God, you take
mercy, we thank you for hav- earth are full of your glory. away the sins of the world: have
ing revealed to us that broth- Hosanna in the highest! mercy on us. (2x)
erly love is what really mat- Blessed is he who comes in Lamb of God, you take
ters in life. Grant us the grace the name of the Lord. Hosan- away the sins of the world:
to live as real disciples of na in the highest! grant us peace.
Your Son who laid down his
life for all and now lives and
loves for ever and ever.
Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive; Ć seek,
and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto you.‰ Ć Behold
me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively faith and confidence Ć in
Preparation of the Gifts the promises dictated by your Sacred Heart Ć and pronounced by your
adorable lips. Ć I come to ask this favor: (Silently mention your petitions.)
P –Pray, brethren . . . To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source of
All – May the Lord accept the all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the treasure Ć
sacrifice at your hands, for the which contains all the riches of your kindness and mercy? Ć Where
praise and glory of his name, should I knock Ć if not at the door through which God gives himself
for our good and the good of to us Ć and through which we go to God? Ć I have recourse to you,
all his holy Church. Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find consolation when afflicted, Ć protection
when persecuted, Ć strength when burdened with trials, Ć and light
Prayer over the Offerings in doubt and darkness.
P –Receive with favor, O Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the grace I
Lord, we pray, the offerings implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć You have only
of your people, that what they to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I admit that I am most
profess with devotion and unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not a reason for me to be
faith may be theirs through discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy Ć and you will not refuse
these heavenly mysteries. a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a look of mercy, I beg of you, Ć and
Through Christ our Lord. your kind heart will find in my miseries and weaknesses Ć a reason
All – Amen! for granting my prayer.
O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard to
Preface of Nativity II my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and serving
you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this, my act of perfect resigna-
P –The Lord be with you! tion Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć which I sincerely desire
All –And with your spirit! may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by all your creatures for ever.
P –Lift up your hearts! Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing impossible
All – We lift them up to the Lord! to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suffering or in distress. Ć
P –Let us give thanks to the Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus, Ć and grant me the grace for
Lord our God! which I humbly implore you Ć through the Immaculate Heart of your
All –It is right and just! most sorrowful Mother. Ć You have entrusted me to her as her child,
P –It is truly right and just, Ć and her prayers are all-powerful with you. Ć Amen!

First Friday
Communion through our partaking of your P –May He empower you
P –Behold the Lord Jesus, Sacrament, work, we pray, the to be instruments of His
who commanded his disci- effects of its power in our hearts, love to all through your
ples to love one another as he that we may be made fit to re- patience, kindness, for-
loved them. He is the Lamb of ceive your gift through this very giveness, and generos-
God who takes upon himself gift itself. ity!
the sins of the world! Blessed Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen!
are those who are called to his All –Amen!
P –May He affirm and sup-
Supper! port you in every effort
All –Lord, I am not worthy you make to show to all
that you should enter under that love is the answer to
my roof, but only say the word all difficulties and the ba-
and my soul shall be healed. sic condition to promote
P –The Lord be with you.
All – And with your spirit! peace throughout this
Communion Antiphon New Year!
(To be recited only when no Com- P –Bow your heads and All – Amen!
munion Hymn is sung.) pray for God’s blessing.
By this the love of God was (Pause) P – May almighty God bless
revealed to us: God sent his – The Lord has given us a you: the Father, and the
Only Begotten Son into the New Year. May He enable Son, and the Holy Spirit.
world, so that we might have you to experience all the All – Amen!
life through him. depth and transforming P –Go in the peace of Christ
richness of His love all the to renew the world with
Prayer after Communion days of the year 2024! his love!
P – O God, who touch us All – Amen! All –Thanks be to God!

Kalakbay at Katoto

n a recent book, Matthew Kelly writes
about the need to “live meaningfully in a
culture.” This current age, he says,
in after a few minutes of silence and sepa-
ration from the world and an infinite list of
worldly concerns.
“celebrates triviality and builds pedestals
for the most trivial.” He suggests that all Kelly has a wonderful practical sugges-
those who now live in the last quarter of tion for his “hour” to shun out triviality and
their lives, ought to “forge a new path – a welcome meaningfulness in life – make a
deeply meaningful path.” He counsels us triple list of: a) activities you find meaning-
all to fill one hour – just one hour! (empha- ful, b) three people you have meaningful
sis mine) . . . with what he terms “meaning- conversations with, and c) three material
ful interactions, activities, and things.” things that bring meaning to your life.
One hour! I am in the last quarter of my life right now.
I have no idea if this last quarter would be
Today, most Catholic parishes will spend a as long as the first quarter had been. But I
Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament. have a growing realization that I would like
Too bad, we still refer to it as “holy hour.” to share with you.
Most of us nowadays would be fortunate
to take part in just a little over half an hour First, praying is meaningful. There is a
period of silence and prayer before the whole lot of reasons now to be sad, de-
Eucharistic Lord. spondent and hopeless. For one born a
decade after the second world war, I never
The age of triviality has made spending a for once thought when young that another
full hour with the Lord ever so difficult and war could ever happen in my lifetime. But
inconvenient. In a culture that extols the just look at Gaza, Israel, Ukraine and so
trivial and the inconsequential, one hour of many other places.
intense prayerful encounter with God could
be very taxing, especially if the disease Second, conversing with God is consoling
called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) creeps and fulfilling. It is hard now to find anyone
to talk to at length. Everyone is busy. Every- On all three categories suggested by Kelly,
one is looking endlessly at his or her gadget Christ gets a plum post. Spending an hour
and waiting for that endless notification. But before Him is a meaningful activity. Put-
God is always there ever ready to give us ting as number 1 in the list of conversation
an ear. partner also comes in as valid, and this is
the best for today, First Friday . . .
Third, if my theology serves me right, the
Eucharist is both “res et sacramentum” According to St Mary Margaret Alacoque,
(both a “thing” and a deep symbol that ef- the Sacred Eucharist is the Sacred Heart.
fects what it signifies). The original “thing” She is right. The Holy Eucharist is the
was bread and wine, that was transubstan- whole Christ. And the whole Christ includes
tiated to be Christ whole and entire, Christ His human heart.
the Son of God, the Incarnate Son of God,
who shed his blood and offered His Body Do something meaningful today.
for us sinners!

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PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: wordandlifepublications@gmail.com • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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