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Job Satisfaction Employees Hospital

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Business and Entrepreneurial Review Vol.19, No.

1, April 2019
E-ISSN : 2252-4614 Page 81 - 92

Job Satisfaction Employees Hospital

Siti Mariam
Jakarta Institute of Social Sciences and Management STIAMI
Email: siti.mariam@stiami.ac.id


The design of this research applies descriptive research and correlation research with
etchical leadership, organizational commitment and job satisfaction as dependent
variables. The primary data is taken from respondents which are employees of the Private
hospital at Jakarta Barat. As conclusion, the are has influence positive and significance of
etchical leadership toward organizational commitment, the are has influence positive and
significance of etchical leadership toward job satisfaction, the are has influence positive
and significance of organizational commitment toward job satisfaction, the are has
influence positive and significance of etchical leadership toward job satisfaction with
organizational commitment as mediating variable.

Keyword: Etchical leadership; Organizational commitment; job satisfaction.

82 Business and Entrepreneurial Review Vol.19, No.1, April 2019

Human Resource Management (HR) is a crucial internal factor in a company. HR has a
very important role to increase company productivity (Ramli, 2013; Imran & Ramli,
2019; Mariam, 2016; Ramli, 2016a). Advances in existing technology will not develop
without the support of competent human resources and have good skills (Ramli &
Sjahruddin, 2015; Ramli, 2016b; Mariam & Ramli, 2017; Mariam & Ramli, 2019; Takaya,
Ramli & Lukito, 2019; Ramli, 2017a). According to research conducted by Rizwan et al,
(2017), there are several important components that can be managed by companies in
order to achieve the existing vision and mission, such as the application of ethical
leadership, the application of good culture, strong organizational commitment and good
job satisfaction felt by employees who work in the company.
For the achievement of the goals owned by the company, the leader has an equally
important role because a leader will be a role model and driving force in directing and
guiding employees to achieve the goals of the company (Ramli, 2010; Puteri & Ramli,
2017; Ramli, 2012a; Ramli, 2012b). A good leader who can apply ethical leadership is a
leader who is able to be fair, communicate in two directions, and be able to make
decisions by considering the opinions of his subordinates (Ramli, 2019; Ramli &
Yudhistira, 2018). The better the application of ethical leadership, the better the level of
organizational commitment and job satisfaction felt by employees (Celik, et al., 2015;
Ramli, 2017b; Ramli & Maniagasi, 2018; Ramli, 2018). This is supported by research
conducted by Rizwan, et al (2017), which says that there are several main variables that
can increase job satisfaction felt by employees within the company, namely ethical
leadership, organizational commitment.
The author wants to see the interrelationship of ethical leadership variables,
organizational commitment to employees working in Private Hospitals in West Jakarta.
The results of this study will be compared with one another, the extent to which the
application of ethical leadership affects the commitment and job satisfaction felt by
employees and the extent to which it affects the commitment and job satisfaction of
employees who work in private hospitals located in West Jakarta.

Formulation of The Problem

Based on the description above, the research problem can be formulated as follows:
Business and Entrepreneurial Review Siti Mariam 83

(1). Is there a positive and significant influence on ethical leadership on organizational

commitment? (2). Is there a positive and significant influence on ethical leadership
(ethical leadership) on job satisfaction?; (3). Is there a positive and significant influence
on job commitment on job satisfaction ?; (4). Is there a positive and significant influence
on ethical leadership on job satisfaction mediated by organizational commitment?


Job Satisfaction
According to Rivai, et all, (2015), job satisfaction explains the feelings of pleasure and
displeasure felt by employees, these feelings are the result of evaluating all aspects of
their work. Job satisfaction is how employees' attitudes and feelings about the work
they do are shown by their attitude towards their work (Robbins & Judge, 2006).
According to Howell and Dipboye (in Munandar, 2008) job satisfaction is the emotional
state employees feel about their work and considers what they get and what they expect
from the job.

Organizational Commitment
According to Robbins, (2001), organizational commitment is the level of loyalty an
employee has to side with the organization and intends to remain a part of it.
Organizational commitment can be interpreted as a manifestation of the willingness of
members to remain attached to the organization, this can be demonstrated by the
efforts made by employees to achieve the vision and mission owned by the organization
(Wayan, 2015). According to Triatna, (2015), organizational commitment is where
members remain part of the organization, are willing to do the best for the organization,
and maintain the good name of the organization in which it belongs.

Ethical Leadership
According to Brown et al., In Celik et al., (2015) explains that ethical leadership is a form
of demonstration of appropriate normative behavior through personal actions and
interpersonal relationships, and exemplifies such behavior to members in organizations
through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making. Zhu, May &
Avolio, (2004), ethical leadership is an individual who is impartial, clear, and can
84 Business and Entrepreneurial Review Vol.19, No.1, April 2019

display ethical behavior, such as paying attention and protecting the rights of
employees in a fair manner. Ethical or ethical behavior is good and valuable behavior
(Northouse, 2016: 407). According to Resick et al., (2006) in Celik et al., (2015) there
are 6 general characteristics of ethical leaders, namely character and honesty, ethical
awareness, focus on the community, motivating, encouraging and empowering and
having ethical responsibilities.

Many previous studies have discussed the impact of ethical leadership on the
commitment felt by members in an organization. Research conducted by Chinwe,
(2017), says that ethical leadership has a positive and significant influence on work
commitments held by employees who work in Nigeria. Ethical leadership has a positive
and significant influence on the work commitments of employees working in the
Republic of Congo (Mitonga-Monga & Cilliers, 2017). Ethical leadership has a positive
and significant influence on the work commitment of employees who work at Isfahan
University (Tabatabae & Soleimanian, 2015). Based on the results of previous studies,
then the hypothesis can be determined as follows:
H1: There is a positive and significant influence of ethical leadership on organizational

Research conducted by Ghahroodi, (2013) says that there is a positive and significant
influence between ethical leadership on job satisfaction felt by employees in a company.
Based on previous research, the following hypotheses can be determined:
H2: There is a positive and significant influence of ethical leadership on job satisfaction.

Many previous studies that have discussed the impact of organizational commitment
have job satisfaction felt by employees. Research conducted by Khan, (2017), said that
there is a positive and significant influence between organizational commitment to job
satisfaction felt by employees working at SMEs in Karachi, organizational commitment
has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction felt by
employees working in Malaysia (Omar & Ahmad, 2014). Based on previous research,
the following hypotheses can be determined:
Business and Entrepreneurial Review Siti Mariam 85

H3: There is a positive and significant influence on organizational commitment job


Research conducted by Celik, (2015) says that there is a positive and significant
influence between ethical leadership on job satisfaction felt by employees mediated by
organizational commitment of workers who work in the hospitality sector. Based on
previous research, the following hypotheses can be determined:
H4: There is a positive and significant influence of ethical leadership on job satisfaction
mediated by organizational commitment.


This research refers to previous research conducted by Rizwan et al., (2017) with the
title "The Impact of Perceived Ethchical Leadership and on Job Satisfaction with the
Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the Private Education Sector of Islam,
Pakistan". This study has the aim to be able to uncover and test the hypotheses of this
study and see the effect of the independent variable, Ethical Leadership, on the
dependent variable, Job Satisfaction through moderating variables, namely
Organizational Commitment. According to Sugiyono (2015: 56), "Causal relationships
are relationships that originate from cause and effect, where the independent variable
will influence the dependent variable". The research sample is all employees working at
Private Hospitals in West Jakarta totaling 134 employees whose total population is not
known with certainty. Based on the calculation of the rule of thumb sample in Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) (Hair, 2006), sample measurements are determined based on
a minimum ratio of 5 respondents for each 1 indicator. This study has 17 question
indicators, with a minimum sample size:
N = Number of Indicators x 5
= 17 x 5
= 85 respondents
86 Business and Entrepreneurial Review Vol.19, No.1, April 2019

Data Analysis Method

Validity Test
Validity test is carried out aiming to determine the relevance and validity of each
question item raised. The validity test tool performed with SPSS software can be seen
based on the values contained in the corrected item total correlation column where the
benchmark for assessing valid items is ≥ 0.20 Nisfiannoor (2013). If all variables have
been tested for validity and all indicators on the questionnaire are declared valid, then
the data processor can proceed to the next stage.

Table 1: Results of the Ethcihal Leadership Test Validity

Corrected Item
No Question Variables and Indicators Total Correlation Information
My boss shows ethical behavior in his
1 0.454 Valid
daily life.
My boss defines success not only in terms of
2 0.526 Valid
results, but also in how to achieve success.
My boss acts decisively against employees
3 0.577 Valid
who commit ethical violations.
My boss made a fair and balanced decision.
4 0.511 Valid
When making a decision, my boss asked,
5 0.558 Valid
"What is the right thing to do?"
6 My boss can be trusted 0.548 Valid
My boss always discusses business ethics or
7 0.513 Valid
values with his employees.
My boss always prioritizes the interests of
8 0.475 Valid
his employees.

Based on table 1, it can be seen that all indicators on the Ethical Leadership dimension
show the value of Corrected Item Total Correlation ≥ 0.40 which means that all items in
question can be declared valid and can be used in further research.

Table 2: Organizational Commitment Validity Test Results

Corrected Item Total

No Question Variables and Indicators Keterangan
Organizational Commitment
I would feel very happy to spend the
1 0.498 Valid
rest of my career in this organization.
Business and Entrepreneurial Review Siti Mariam 87

Corrected Item Total

No Question Variables and Indicators Keterangan
I really feel that organizational
2 0.512 Valid
problems are also my own.
It is very difficult for me to leave the
3 0.592 Valid
organization at this time, even if I
want to.
One of the biggest reasons why I
decided to continue working at this
organization is that leaving the
organization would require great
4 0.553 Valid
self-sacrifice (other organizations
may not have in common with all the
benefits that I can here).
Although it benefits me, I feel it's not
the right thing to do
5 leaving the organization at this time. 0.593 Valid
My organization has the right to get
6 0.427 Valid
my loyalty.
Source: SPSS Processing Results
Based on table 2 it can be seen that all indicators on the dimensions of the
Organizational Commitment show the value of Corrected Item Total Correlation ≥ 0.40
which means all items in question can be declared valid and can be used in further

Table 3: Job Satisfaction Test Validity Results

Corrected Item
No Question Variables and Indicators Information
Total Correlation
Job Satisfaction
1 I feel quite satisfied with my current job. 0.596 Valid
Every day I feel enthusiastic about my work.
2 0.452 Valid
3 I find comfort in my workplace. 0.581 Valid
Source: SPSS Processing Results
Based on table 3, it can be seen that all indicators on the Job Satisfaction dimension
show the value of Corrected Item Total Correlation ≥ 0.40 which means all items in
question can be declared valid and can be used in further research.
88 Business and Entrepreneurial Review Vol.19, No.1, April 2019


Data Analyst Method

Structural Equation Model (SEM)
This study uses the LISREL 8.8 data management system, this system is a software part
of the structural equation model (SEM). With this SEM method, it can be seen more
accurately and in detail about the suitability of a data processing model and the
relationship between variables that occur. SEM analysis technique allows testing a
series of relationships simultaneously, where the relationship is built between one with
several independent variables with one or several dependent variables that are
measured and linked into an integrated model (Malhotra, 2010).

Hypothesis 1
This hypothesis examines whether there is a positive and significant influence between
etchical leadership on organizational commitment.
H1: There is a positive and significant effect of etchical leadership on organizational
Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the value of t statistic = 2.23.
Because the results show a significant value, namely t statistic> 1.96, then H1 is
accepted, which means there is a positive and significant influence of etchical leadership
on organizational commitment. Thus the better the application of etchical the
leadership applied by the leader, the higher organizational commitment of employees
working in private hospitals in West Jakarta.

Hypothesis 2
This hypothesis examines whether there is a positive and significant influence between
ethical leadership on job satisfaction.
H2: There is a positive and significant influence of ethical leadership on job satisfaction.
Based on the results of data analysis it is known that the value of t statistic = 2.05.
Because the results show a significant value, namely t statistic> 1.96, H3 is accepted,
which means there is a positive and significant influence of etchical leadership on job
satisfaction. Thus the better the implementation of etchical leadership, the higher the
level of job satisfaction felt by employees in private hospitals located in West Jakarta.
Business and Entrepreneurial Review Siti Mariam 89

Hypothesis 3
This hypothesis tests whether there is a positive and significant effect between
organizational commitment on job satisfaction.
H3:There is a positive and significant effect of organizational commitment on job
Based on the results of data analysis it is known that the value of t statistic = 5.38.
Because the results show a significant value, namely t statistics> 1.96, H5 is accepted
which means there is a positive and significant influence on organizational commitment
to job satisfaction. Thus the better organizational commitment employees have, the
higher the level job satisfaction felt by employees at private hospitals located in West

Hypothesis 4
This hypothesis examines whether there is a positive and significant influence between
etchical leadership on job satisfaction through organizational commitment.
H4: There is a positive and significant influence of etchical leadership on job satisfaction
mediated by organizational commitment.
Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the value of t statistic = 2.06.
Because the results show a significant value, namely t statistic > 1.96, H6 is accepted,
which means there is a positive and significant influence of etchical leadership on job
satisfaction mediated by organizational commitment. Thus the better implementation of
ethical leadership that can be applied, it will have an impact on increasing job
satisfaction felt by employees in private hospitals in West Jakarta, in this case increasing
job satisfaction can be helped by organizational commitment owned by employees as a
mediating variable between ethical leadership with job satisfaction.


Based on the results of the analysis and discussion carried out, the following
conclusions are obtained: 1) Etchical leadership has a positive and significant effect on
organizational commitment of employees of Private Hospitals in West Jakarta. 2)
Etchical leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of employees
90 Business and Entrepreneurial Review Vol.19, No.1, April 2019

of Private Hospitals in West Jakarta. 3) Organizational commitment has a positive and

significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of Private Hospitals in West Jakarta. 4)
Etchical leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction through
organizational employees in Private Hospitals in West Jakarta.


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