International Conventions One Health

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Indian J Med Res 153, March 2021, pp 253-255 Quick Response Code:

DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_644_21


International Conventions & One Health

The effect of environmental changes and erosion of ripple effect on global GDP (gross domestic product)
the biosphere by unchecked human habitat expansion highlighting the urgent need to integrate cross-sectorial
poses a collective risk to both human and animal health. studies on disease economics of current and emerging
Introduction of new infections from hitherto unknown zoonosis9-11. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is a
animal reservoirs to humans followed by devastating classic example.
outbreaks and pandemics have altered the course of
The concept of human, animal and environmental
human history and footprints of civilization1. Human
interaction and disease origin has been reflected in
health is universally connected to animal health and
the annals of medical history12-14. The need to develop
vice-versa. The activity of the Ebola virus in Africa,
interactive platforms and action agendas has also found
avian influenza in different parts of the world, Nipah
early intellectual pursuits15. In 1964, Professor C.W.
virus in South Asia, and the ongoing COVID-19
Schwabe developed on this fundamental integration
pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
approach of human and veterinary health that was later
have been a wake-up call for the Governments of
recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and
various countries and International agencies responsible
Prevention, USA, and an integrated programme on
for combating infectious diseases2. Thus, a collective,
human and animal health interface studies formed at
well-coordinated, interdisciplinary approach pooling
the University of California1,15,16.
diverse resources and multiple stakeholders is a need
of the hour requirement to prevent, respond and contain The United Nations took cognizance of this
these emerging zoonotic pathogens3. emerging threat and formed the UN Convention
of Biodiversity. This Convention took shape as an
The One Health concept is thus the most
international treaty, formally signed by State parties in
fundamental approach for combating emerging
1992 and 199317 and aggressively evolved more formal
zoonotic disease threats, develop relevant policies,
components of a multilateral dialogue with national
create new legislation/national programmes and also
implementation nodes and urged Member States for
coordinate multi-stakeholder investments to redefine
continuous need-based evolution and implementation of
the future horizon for better public health outcomes
consensus action points. Further value-addition to this
during an unprecedented public health crisis4. The
Convention took place through the Cartagena protocol
extent of the problem is however, multi-faceted. A
on biosafety (2000,
large fraction of recent novel human infections are
and Nagoya Protocol (2014)18 ratifications. All these
of zoonotic origin5-7. On a month-wise timescale the
collective initiatives supplement the One Health effort
World Health Organization (WHO) receives about
at regional, national and international levels.
7,000 new signals of potential outbreaks that need
investigation ( The International Health Regulation (IHR) formed
work/category/12/programme/12.003/eba). Between in 1969 makes it mandatory for signatory nations to
1980 and 2013, approximately 44 million cases were report all notified public health incidences through
investigated globally. It has been estimated that for an national implementation nodes. This agreement
outbreak to travel from a remote village to any major further expanded its scope to include existing,
city in the world, a timeline of 36 hours is sufficient8. novel, re-emerging diseases and other public health
Any outbreak, anywhere in the world ultimately emergencies19. Through a new legal framework
translates to massive economic losses that have a binding to 196 signatory countries, the IHR ensured

© 2021 Indian Journal of Medical Research, published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow for Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research

fast collection of real-time disease information and The United Nations Environment Protection
provided conceptual clarity on what may constitute a Programme (UNEPP) created in 2016
public health emergency threat/event of international ( e
concern and mobilized international reporting and =view&type=30022&nr=243&menu=3170),
assistance19. Multiple agencies of the United Nations addresses the challenges of the One Health Approach
(UN) like the WHO, in partnership with the Food and as its core concept. Emergence of COVID-19 pandemic
Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Organization stresses the need for further strengthening this
for Animal Health (OIE) and other international programme, widening its objectives and interlinking
and national partners included the relevant animal a cross platform dialogue with other climate change
health component within the framework of the IHR and biodiversity conventions to create a new
which is core to the fundamental of One Health comprehensive and strategic global framework called
approach. The WHO has declared five global health the 2021-2030 Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
emergencies since the 2009 pandemic of novel human Programme (DERP)23.
influenza virus H1N1 of swine origin20. The IHR
As the world grapples to equilibrate and recover
monitoring framework builds upon strengthening
from the multiple collateral damages from the
the One Health component further21. This instrument
COVID-19 pandemic, these emerging UN conventions
further supplements other platforms of international
and frameworks including the Convention on
health emergency responses like the WHO GOARN
Biodiversity (CBD)24 attempt to glue in a practical,
(Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network)
fast onset, sustainable international effort towards
( and also has overlaps
with the Biological Weapons Convention (https:// restoring the environment and mitigating future risks from emerging zoonosis. The One Health concept is
fundamental and core to this effort.
One Health is also an integral part of the
sustainable developmental goals (SDGs) of the The importance of One Health fundamentals
UN and covered under the mandates 3 and 15 has been further highlighted by the ongoing
( COVID-19 pandemic. It has indicated the lacunae
development-goals#tab=tab_3). This is highly in the existing structure and highlighted weaknesses
relevant as UN SDG forms the core guiding principle of in synchronized response-mitigation deployment
developmental programmes of many nations, specially tools for fighting public health emergencies25. It
developing countries where the threats from emerging is high time to comprehend, expand the scope of
zoonosis are high. animal-human-environment interaction on health,
One Health, deploy appropriate actions, introduce
The aforementioned issues highlight the crucial new legislations, frame international laws, adapt
interface of One Health with another very important and renovate relevant existing conventions,
international platform, the Global Health Security enhance agreements, and deploy at all levels
Agenda (GHSA) that is a convergence of multiple (local, national and global) to combat the threat of
international conventions like WHO, IHR, OIE, emerging future pandemics.
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 1540.
Biological Weapons Convention and other relevant Financial support & sponsorship: None
conventions addressing issues of health security22.
The GHSA has now been further strengthened through Conflicts of Interest: None
the 2017 “Kampala Declaration” (https://ghsagenda.
org/2017/11/09/kampala-declaration-2017/) that Atanu Basu1,* & Harpreet Sandhu2
emphasizes a more streamlined framework: GHSA Electron Microscopy & Histopathology Group,

2024- addressing the post-COVID-19 lacunae. ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune 411 001,
Many countries have adapted from GHSA resources Maharashtra & 2International Health Division,
material for developing their own national guidelines Indian Council of Medical Research,
of biosafety and biosecurity. The current COVID-19 New Delhi 110 029, India
pandemic further emphasizes the need for expansion of
For correspondence:
the scope of such international agreements interfacing
with One Health policies at the national level. Received: March 3, 2021.

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