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(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
2nd Floor, Indian red Cross Society Building
1, Red Cross Road, New Delhi-110001



Department of health research (DHR) has a scheme to provide advanced training in India
and abroad to medical and health research personnel in cutting edge research areas
concerning medicine and health to create trained human resource for carrying out research
activities. The scheme has following components:

1. Long Term Fellowship for 6-12 months in identified areas from regular faculty
of Medical Colleges/Universities/Research Institutes for training in
Foreign/Indian Institutes (Age: upto 45 years)
2. Short Term Fellowships for 1-3 months in identified areas from regular faculty
of Medical Colleges/Universities/Research Institutes for training in
Foreign/Indian Institutes for training in Indian Institutes (Age: upto 55 years)
3. Programme specifically for Women who have had a break in their career
4. Scholarships/fellowship to young scientists (medical/non-medical) in newer
5. Programme to encourage health research personnel [Non-resident Indian (NRI),
Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)] serving
abroad, to come back to India for undertaking research in identified areas.
6. Support to Indian Institutes for imparting training in identified areas to the
Faculty of Medical Colleges/Research Institutes.
7. Support to Scientific/Professional Associations/Bodies for organizing technical
meetings/conferences/seminars etc.

Applications are invited in the prescribed format. Eligibility criteria, format of application,
terms and conditions, whom to apply and guidelines of the scheme are available on
www.dhr.gov.in and www.icmr.nic.in. One hard copy of the Application along with soft copy
should be addressed to: The Scientist, HRD Scheme, 2nd floor, IRCS Building, Red Cross
Road, New Delhi-110001 (Kindly mail a copy to hrd-dhr@nic.in )(23736085)

Last date of Application: The Scheme is open throughout the year. Therefore, there is no last
date of application.
(Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)


The vision of the Department of Health Research (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) is to
bring modern health technology to the people through innovations related to diagnostic,
treatment methods and vaccines for prevention and to coordinate the research activities in the
different areas of Health Research in the country. The country has attained considerable
progress in biomedical research and patient care and management over the years but new
emerging infections, resistance of the causative agents to existing common drugs coupled
with emergence of non-communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular
disorders, mental and neurological disorders, poses a new challenge to the medical and
scientific fraternity.

Objectives of the scheme:

i. To increase the overall availability of trained personnel for health research from
medical colleges across the country through scholarships, fellowships and career
advancement scheme etc. for faculty and young medical doctors and other scientists to
take up medical and health research as a career.
ii. To focus on the creation of a cadre of trained medical/health researchers in specific
identified priority areas of health research viz., Clinical Trials; Toxicology; Good
Clinical Practices (GCP); Good Laboratory Practices (GLP); Quality Control (QC) &
QA; Genomics; Proteomics; Clinical Psychology, Geriatrics; Modern Biology;
Biotechnology; Stem cells; Genetics; Drugs chemistry; and operational research etc..
iii. To create, support, nurture and encourage the trainees from these medical colleges to
forge linkages with other scientists from universities, research institutes etc. to develop
multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral teams necessary for addressing critical national and
local health problems.
iv. To establish suitable online teaching and learning facilities to facilitate training in
health research in various subjects in a more effective manner and for promoting
biomedical/health research.
 Applications are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates as specified
against each category for award of fellowship to get training in identified/ cutting
edge areas of health research under its new schemes ‘Human Resources
Development for Health Research’. The main aim of the scheme is to provide
‘Advanced training in cutting edge research areas concerning medicine and
health for training in India and abroad and to encourage trained manpower to
carryout research activities in cutting edge areas and management of patients in
the medical colleges across the country’. About 2/3rdof the fellowships will be
given to medical colleges /medical institutions in Government sector.
Who can apply for training/ fellowship/Projects?

 Scientists/ Health Researchers/Professionals in regular employment in the

universities, medical colleges, postgraduate institutions, recognized
research and development laboratories and Non-Government
Organizations who fulfill the eligibility criteria and have a concept
research proposals in the identified area to carryout research at present
institute / organization. If the Institution is Private/NGO, it must be
recognized by DSIR.
 Women scientists with break in career who want to pursue health research
 Young scientists who have completed the degree as per essential
qualification, with an aptitude for clinical, biomedical , public health
research to pursue career in Health Research
 Non-resident Indian (NRI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas
Citizen of India (OCI) serving abroad who want to come back to India for
undertaking health research in identified areas

When and how to submit a proposal

The components of the scheme, format of application, eligibility criteria and terms
and conditions can be downloaded from the websites of DHR and ICMR
(www.dhr.gov.in and www.icmr.nic.in).

One typed copy of the completed applications, duly approved and forwarded by the
Head of Institute along with a soft copy (in word format) is to be submitted to The
Director, HRD Scheme, 2nd floor, IRCS Building, Red Cross Road, New Delhi-
110001 (Kindly mail a copy to hrd-dhr@nic.in) (23736085)

Download the Guidelines of scheme

Download the components of scheme and eligibility criteria

Download Application Format

 Application form for long term/short term fellowship in foreign/Indian institutes -

 Application form for Women fellowship/Young Scientist/NRI-Annexure-II
 Application form for fellowship to NRI/PIO/OCI-Annexure-III
 Application form for submission of research proposal-Annexure-IV
 Application form for Support to Institutions-Annexure-V
 Application form for Support to Scientific /Professional Associations/Bodies -
Mechanism of implementation:

(i) Procedure followed in award of fellowship

The applications in the prescribed format are reviewed by Technical Evaluation

Committee of the scheme (TEC). Most of these projects are also reviewed by subject
specialists/ subcommittees before being considered by the TECs. The applications/
proposals recommended by the TECs are submitted before the Approval Committee.

The criteria adopted for evaluation include relevance of the topic to national health
priorities, possible advancement of knowledge at local institute, improved deliverable
basic and clinical science in that particular area and the Potential Clinical application
of the knowledge to be generated, the scientific merit of the proposal, availability of
basic infrastructure in the host Institution; capability of the applicant to undertake the
training and research project. Final approval is given by the Approval Committee
under the chairmanship of the Secretary DHR on the recommendation of the TEC.

(ii) Monitoring Mechanism

The Fellows will be submitting the progress report of the fellowship and a
report from the mentor of the host institute in a prescribed format. The mechanism of
monitoring of project is broadly the same as for adhoc research proposal of ICMR.

(iii) Publication of Results/Presentation of Papers:

The research papers & publications, patents and products developed based on the
results of the research project should acknowledge assistance by the DHR. Copies/
reprints of papers published should be sent along with the progress/ final report.

(iv) Intellectual Property Rights

All new intellectual property viz., patents, designs etc. generated as part of the
research supported by DHR would belong to the Department. The Department
shall have the right to take up patent/design in respect of inventions/discoveries
made in research schemes financed by the Department. The project investigators
and the staff employed on the project shall not apply or obtain patents without the
approval of Department/ICMR. All patents shall be registered in the name of
Department of Health Research. The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell of
ICMR/ DHR can provide all necessary assistance in the IPR related issues
including patent applications. The fellows are encouraged to publish research
papers in the Indian Journal of Medical research, a journal of ICMR.
Contact Address

Scientist-D, HRD Scheme

Department of Health Research
(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
2nd Floor, Indian Red Cross Building
Red Cross Road,
New Delhi- 110001
[Phone No.011-23736085]
Components of the HRD scheme and Eligibility Criteria

I. Long Term Fellowship (6-12 months) in Indian institutes:

Areas for fellowship:

Toxicology, Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance

Genomics Modern Biology
Proteomics Biotechnology
Geriatrics Genetics
Stem cell research. Drugs Chemistry
Clinical Trials Operational Research
Good Clinical Practices (GCP) Health Informatics
Good laboratory Practices (GLP) Medical Ethics
Disease Modeling Health Economics
Environmental Health Any other area recommended by the
committee as per National Health Policy/
National Health Goals
Mental Health/Clinical

1. Only Indian citizens working in Indian institutes are eligible.
2. Having M.D./ M.S./ M.D.S. or MBBS/BDS/ MVSc./ M.Sc./ M.Pharma/ M.Tech or
equivalent with Ph.D. in topic related to health research.
3. Faculty having at least three experience in the institute as regular employee.
4. Person with below 45 years of age as on last date of receipt of application
1. Person should not have any fellowship of one month or above duration from any of
the agency of Govt. of India / State Govt in the last three years.
6. Fellowship is scientist and area specific and cannot be transferred.

Financial mechanism:
1. A consolidated stipend of Rs. 40,000/- per month for a period of stay in host institute,
which is at different station from the parent Institute. In case, the training is at the
same station, the rate of stipend payable will be Rs.20, 000/- per month.
2. Expenditure on travel will be as per the T.A. rules of the parent organization.
3. One time contingency grant of Rs. 30,000 (maximum) to meet the expenses of travel,
local taxi charges, attending meetings etc.
4. The amount (stipend and contingency) will be placed at the disposal of the parent
institute for disbursement to the fellow as per the prescribed norms and the parent
institute will submit the utilization certificate for the expenditure incurred.
5. The amount released under the scheme will be kept in separate bank account by the
concerned institute and a separate account of expenditure will be maintained.
6. The institute shall submit the utilization report and audited statement of accounts
carried out by the statutory body of the institute.
Mode of Selection:

1. Selection of the “Fellows” will be made through a two tier system of screening.
Screening based on the details provided in the prescribed applications by an
Expert/ Technical Evaluation Committee at ICMR, followed by interview of short
listed candidates, based on merit, by specially constituted Committee by the
Secretary DHR. Candidate must route their applications through the Head of the
institute agreeing to the terms and conditions.
2. The proposals duly recommended by the Screening Committee and Evaluation
Committee of ICMR fulfilling technical and administrative criteria would be
referred to the DHR for final approval to Approval Committee constituted by
Secretary DHR.

II. Short Term Fellowship (1-3 months) in Indian institutes

Areas for fellowship:

Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Indian Institutes
1. Person with below 55 years of age as on last date of receipt of application.
2. Others conditions are the same as for Long Terms Fellowships in Indian Institutes.
Financial mechanism:
Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Indian Institutes

Mode of Selection:
Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Indian Institutes
III. Long Term Fellowship (6-12 months) in Foreign Institutes
Areas for fellowship:

Stem cell research.
Any other area recommended by the committee as per National Health Policy/
National Health Goals

1. Only Indian citizens working in Indian institutes are eligible.
2. They should hold M.D./ M.S./ M.D.S. or MBBS/BDS/ MVSc./
M.Sc./M.Pharma/M.Tech or equivalent with Ph.D. in health / biomedical research
3. Faculty having at least three experience in the college/institute as a regular employee.
4. Person’s upto 45 years of age as on last date of receipt of application will be eligible.
5. They should not have availed any similar fellowship of duration of one month or
above duration from any of the agency of Govt. of India / State Govts in the last three
6. Fellowship is non transferrable.

Financial mechanism:
1. A consolidated stipends of US $ 3000/- per month (or equivalent in other foreign
currency) for the period of stay in host institute abroad.
2. Cost of air passage in economy class by Air India from the parent institute to the
foreign host institute by the shortest possible route.
3. One time contingency grant of Rs. 50,000 (maximum) to meet the expenses of local
taxi charges visa fee and Health insurance, attending meetings etc.
4. A grant of US $ 600 for fellowship duration for attending conferences /institutes of
interest may be given with the recommendations of the Guide in the foreign host
5. The stipend will be given to the ‘selected fellow’ through bank transaction. In the
beginning the equivalent amount in Indian Rs. for first month will be paid to the
fellow as advance stipend.
6. The expenditure incurred in the head ‘contingency’ will be reimbursed to fellow after
production of the original voucher.

Mode of Selection:

Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Indian Institutes

IV. Short Term Fellowship (1-3 months) in Foreign Institutes

Areas for fellowship:

Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Indian Institutes

1. Person’s upto 55 years of age as on last date of receipt of application will be eligible.
2. Others conditions are the same as for Long Terms Fellowships in Foreign

Financial mechanism:
Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Foreign Institutes

Mode of Selection:
Same as given for Long Term Fellowship in Foreign Institutes
V. Programme specifically for Women:
Short /Long term training in Indian institutes followed by fellowship to women who
have had a break in their carrier but having proven aptitude towards health research in
front line and emerging areas. The fellowship will be awarded on year to year basis,
not exceeding three years, based on the satisfactory progress/ research output. Two
categories of the fellowships are given below:
a Category A -Fellowships for women who hold MD/ MS/MDS/ or PhD in
bio-medical sciences and stipend and contingency grant upto Rs 10 lakhs
per year.
b Category B -Fellowships for women who are MBBS /BDS/ MV Sc. or
M.Sc. in bio-medical sciences and having at least 2 years working
experience in bio-medical contingency grant upto Rs 10 lakhs per year.
(a) Areas identified for fellowship:

Toxicology, Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance

Genomics Modern Biology
Proteomics Biotechnology
Geriatrics Genetics
Stem cell research. Drugs Chemistry
Clinical Trials Operational Research
Good Clinical Practices (GCP) Health Informatics
Good laboratory Practices (GLP) Medical Ethics
Disease Modeling Health Economics
Environmental Health Any other area recommended by the
committee as per National Health Policy/
National Health Goals
Mental Health/Clinical

(b) Duration: Upto three years (to be reviewed annually)

(c) Eligibility
1. Only Indian woman citizen and presently unemployed and having qualifications
as prescribed for category A or category B is eligible in respective category.
2. Having M.D./ M.S. / M.D.S. or M.Sc./M. Pharma /M. Tech or equivalent with
Ph.D. in topic related to health research for category A. Having MBBS / BDS. or
M.Sc. /M. Pharma /M. Tech or equivalent. Atleast two years’ experience after the
degree for category B.
3. The woman shall be submitting the research proposal in either of the identified
area in the prescribed adhoc research scheme format through any medical
college/bio-medical research institute under a regular faculty of the institute. The
research proposal will be reviewed by Technical Evaluation Committee and
Approval Committee (budget upto Rs. 30 lakhs for three years). The approved
projects will be supported financially.
4. Candidate already in job or registered for Ph.D. or having any other fellowship or
support are not eligible.
5. Candidate having research publication in indexed journals will be given
6. Women of 30-50 years of age as on last date of receipt of application are eligible.
7. Fellowship is scientist and area specific and cannot be transferred.

(d) Financial mechanism:

1. Category A: A fellowship of Rs. 60,000/- per month (for medical persons) and Rs.
50,000/- pm for non-medical woman for a period of 2+1 years.
2. Category B: A fellowship of Rs. 50,000/- per month (for medical persons) and Rs.
42,000/- per month for a period of 2+1 years.
3. Expenditure on travel will be as per the T.A. rules of the organization where
research is being carried out.
4. The fellowship will be sanctioned, initially for one year only. It will be reviewed
periodically by expert group and shall continue only after receiving the
satisfactory report from the expert panel.
5. The amount (fellowship and project grant) will be placed at the disposal of the
parent institute for disbursement to the fellow as per the prescribed norms and the
grant rant will be released in two installments every year. The second installment
of the year will be released on receipt of statement of accounts of first installment
and 70% of grant has been utilized.
6. The amount released under the scheme will be kept in separate account by the
concerned institute and a separate account of expenditure will be maintained.
7. The institute shall submit the utilization certificate under GFR and audited
statement of accounts carried out by the statutory body of the institute.

(e) Mode of Selection:

1. Selection of the “Fellows” will be made through a two tier system of screening.
Screening based on the details provided in the prescribed applications by an
Expert/ Technical Evaluation Committee at ICMR, followed by interview of short
listed candidates, based on merit, by specially constituted Committee by the
Secretary DHR. Candidate must route their applications through the Head of the
institute agreeing to the terms and conditions.
2. The proposals duly recommended by the Screening Committee and Evaluation
Committee of ICMR fulfilling technical and administrative criteria would be
referred to the DHR for final approval to Approval Committee constituted by
Secretary DHR.
VI. Scholarship /fellowship programme to young scientists in newer areas for three
These fellowships aim to fulfill the objectives of creation of inclination /
attitude of research among the young bright students from the medical colleges /
universities. Student having bright academic record who are pursuing their
degrees i.e. MD/MS/MDS/MBBS/ M.Pharma/ M.Tech/ M.Sc. etc. will be
considered for scholarships upto three years in cutting edge areas of health
research. These fellows will be carrying out their research activities under the
supervision of some faculty member of institute/ medical college. The fellowship
will be awarded on year to year basis, not exceeding three years, based on the
satisfactory progress/ research output. Two categories of the fellowships are
given below.
a) Category A -Fellows who hold MD/ MS /MDS or MBBS/BDS/ M.Pharma/
M.Tech/ M.Sc along with PhD in bio-medical sciences. The selected
fellows will be provided stipend and a contingency grant upto Rs 10 lakhs
per year.
b) Fellows who hold MBBS/BDS /MVSc. or M. Pharma /M.Tech /M.Sc. or
equivalent in bio-medical sciences. The selected fellows will be provided
stipend and a contingency grant and a contingency grant upto Rs 10 lakhs
per year.
(a) Areas identified for fellowship:

Toxicology, Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance

Genomics Modern Biology
Proteomics Biotechnology
Geriatrics Genetics
Stem cell research. Drugs Chemistry
Clinical Trials Operational Research
Good Clinical Practices (GCP) Health Informatics
Good laboratory Practices (GLP) Medical Ethics
Disease Modeling Health Economics
Environmental Health Any other area recommended by the
committee as per National Health Policy/
National Health Goals
Mental Health/Clinical

(b) Duration: Upto three years (to be reviewed annually)

(c) Eligibility
1. Only Indian citizen are eligible.
2. Persons with MD/MS/MDS or M.Sc. /M.Tech. /M.Pharma with Ph.D. or MBBS/
BDS/ M.Sc. /M.Tech. /M.Pharma who have high academic record.
3. The persons should have proven aptitude for research in new areas.
4. The young scientist shall be submitting the research proposal in the prescribed
adhoc research scheme format in either of the identified area through any medical
college/bio-medical research institute under a regular faculty of the institute. The
research proposal will be reviewed by Technical Evaluation Committee and
Approval Committee (budget upto Rs. 30 lakhs for three years). The approved
projects will be supported financially.
5. Age limit: 30 years
6. Fellowship is scientist and area specific and cannot be transferred
7. The fellow shall submit a research proposal and shall be working with or under
the supervision of a regular faculty of a Research Institute.

(d) Financial mechanism

1. A fellowship of Rs. 65,000/- per month (for medical persons with post graduate
degree) and Rs. 50,000/- pm for non-medical (with Ph.D.) for a period of 2+1
years for category A.
2. A fellowship of Rs. 50,000/- per month (for medical persons with MBBS) and Rs.
42,000/- per month for others for a period of 2+1 years for category B.
3. The amount (fellowship and contingency) will be released to the institute in
favour of the Head, and will be kept in separate account.
4. Work of the fellow will be reviewed periodically by expert group and shall
continue only after receiving the satisfactory report from the expert panel.
5. Expenditure on travel will be as per the T.A. rules of the organization where
research is being carried out.
6. The fellowship will be sanctioned, initially for one year only. It will be reviewed
periodically by expert group and shall continue only after receiving the
satisfactory report from the expert panel.
7. The amount (fellowship and project grant) will be placed at the disposal of the
parent institute for disbursement to the fellow as per the prescribed norms and the
grant rant will be released in two installments every year. The second installment
of the year will be released on receipt of statement of accounts of first installment
and 70% of grant has been utilized.
8. The institute shall submit the utilization certificate under GFR and audited
statement of accounts carried out by the statutory body of the institute.

Mode of Selection:

Same as for item No. V, i.e. Fellowship for women candidate.

VII. Programme to encourage research personnel [Non-resident Indian (NRI),
Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)] serving
abroad, to come back to India for undertaking health research in identified

A large number of Indian scientists go to foreign countries, especially the

European and North American countries, after completing their education in India and
many of them are working in reputed medical/health research organizations. A
number of these scientists are willing to return back to India to serve the country in
the field of health research, provided they get suitable opportunities. Since many of
these scientists have exposure to high technologies in the front areas of research,
country will benefit greatly if they are provided some platform to work in Indian
institutes. The Department of Health Research (Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare), Government of India, has launched the programme “to encourage
research personnel [Non-resident Indian (NRI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO),
Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)] serving abroad, to come back to India for
undertaking research in identified areas”.The scheme will provide contractual
research positions on a fulltime basis for short duration to pursue medical/health
research in India and take up health research projects in collaboration with Indian
scientists, particularly in areas of national priority.

(a) Areas identified for Research:

Stem cell research.
Any other area recommended by the committee as per National Health

(b) Eligibility
1. Only persons of Indian origin, non-resident Indian, and oversea citizen of India, as
defined by Government of India, and currently working abroad.
2. Having M.D./ M.S. / M.D.S. or M.Tech / MVSc./ M.Sc./M. Pharma /M. Tech or
equivalent with Ph.D. in topic related to health research.
3. The candidate shall be submitting the research plan in either of the identified area
through any medical college/bio-medical research institute under a regular faculty
of the institute (http://www.icmr.nic.in/Forms/Download_Forms.html).
4. Candidate should be below the age of 40 years.
5. Programme is scientist and area specific and cannot be transferred.
6. Work of the fellow will be reviewed periodically by expert group and shall
continue only after receiving the satisfactory report from the expert panel.

(c) Financial mechanism

1. Each selected candidate shall be eligible to receive a consolidated amount of
Rs.10.00 lakhs per annum (or equivalent to the scale of the Assistant
Professor/Scientist ‘C’ in the Medical Colleges/Research Institutions), for 3 years,
extendable upto a maximum period of 5 years.
2. In case the researcher finds a permanent position during the tenure of the position,
the remuneration shall be discontinued from the day he/she joins in permanent
position but he/she may continue with the research project awarded in the scheme
for the balance period to carry out research at the new position.
3. Provision would be available for supporting a research staff out of Research Grant
during the tenure of the award.
4. In the event of getting employment elsewhere other than the present Host
Institute, the Awardees could also be allowed to move the research student along
with him/her to new place within the country.
5. Additional Funding would be available for research studies/projects costing up to
Rs.1.00 crore, for the entire duration of the study. The proposed expenditure on
the study would not include the expenditure on the salary of the Research
6. The selected proposal of the NRI/OCI/PIO would be funded under this scheme for
project duration of up to three years, extendable at the discretion of the Expert
Committee up to a maximum of 5 years.
7. The Research Grant for the project which mostly will be of laboratory nature;
shall be trifurcated into three broad budget heads with the following indicative
break up:
a) Recurring (including Project Manpower, Travel, Consumables &
Contingencies - 60%
b) Capital Equipment- 35%
c) Overhead - 5%
However, Travel and Contingencies would be limited to 10% each.
8. Each Awardees needs to provide proposal with detailed break up as above for
utilization of Research Grant and the Host Institution needs to adhere the
approved breakup for entire project period.
9. The amount (consolidated salary and fund for the research project) will be
released in favour of the Head of the Host Indian Institution, where the
research project will be undertaken, and will be kept in separate account.

(d) Duration: Upto 3 years (To be renewed annually)

(e) Mode of Selection:

1. Selection of the “Fellows” will be made through a two tier system of screening.
Screening based on the details provided in the prescribed applications by an
Expert/ Technical Evaluation Committee at ICMR, followed by interview of short
listed candidates, based on merit, by specially constituted Committee by the
Secretary DHR. Candidate must route their applications through the Head of the
institute agreeing to the terms and conditions.
2. The proposals duly recommended by the Screening Committee and Evaluation
Committee of ICMR fulfilling technical and administrative criteria would be
referred to the DHR for final approval to Approval Committee constituted by
Secretary DHR.
Monitoring of the work:

4.1 The work/ progress will be evaluated periodically by the Technical Evaluation
Committee or Expert Committee constituted by Secretary DHR following the
guidelines being adopted at ICMR.

Roles and requirements of host institutions:

i. Host institutions should be encouraged to provide a congenial atmosphere for the
awardees to excel in their work.
ii. Access to all common infrastructural facilities, acceptable laboratory and office space
(Independently or on shared basis), computing, library access, etc.,
iii. Host-institution’s willingness to consider the candidate for a permanent position in
due course will be subject to meeting, rules, regulations and all relevant statutory
iv. Furnishing of the Utilization Certificate (UC) and the audited statement of account
from the audit authority, as applicable to the Host Institute, as per the provisions of
the General Financial Rules.

VIII. Support to Indian Institutes for imparting training to the Faculty

of Medical Colleges/ Research Institutes:
(a) Eligibility
1. Institutes having state of the art facility in either one or more disciplines identified in
the high focus areas of the scheme will be identified by the Expert Committee
constituted by the Secretary, DHR from the various institutes all over the country.
2. A committee of experts constituted by the Secretary DHR shall draft the
structure/content of the course.
3. The institutes will impart training to the selected fellows as per the “designed training
course /structure”.

(b) Areas of Training: Geriatrics, Stem Cell Research, Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Good
Laboratory Practices (GLP), Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA), Modern
Biology, Genetics, Drugs Chemistry, Operational Research, Medical Ethics, Disease
Modeling, Health Economics, Environmental Health

(c) Financial mechanism:

1. The Grant of upto Rs. 50 lacs will be given to the institute to upgrade its infra-
structural facilities as relevant/required for the trainees.
2. The identification of the amount of grant will depends of the quantum of facilities
to be upgraded / newly established as identified the Expert Group Committee.
3. The grant will be released to the Head of the institute and a utilization certificate
will be obtained from the institute as per GFR.
4. Utilization certificate will be obtained from the institute.
5. The audited statement of accounts, carried out by ‘statutory audit body’ for the
institute will be obtained.
Annexure I

Application format for Long Term/ Short Term Fellowship in Indian or

Foreign Institutes under the Scheme of Human Resource Development for
Health Research

1.1 Name (in block letters)
1.2 Nationality
1.3 Category of Fellowship (Please select: Long
Term/ Short Term Fellowship in Indian / Foreign
1.4 Gender
1.5 Qualification
1.6 Postal address for correspondence with Pin
Mobile No.
1.7 Permanent address
Also give the domicile in India along with address
1.8 Date of Birth and age as on date of submission
of application; with proof
1.9 Present Employment
Post held
Grade of Pay
Salary drawn
Total experience (in years) as a regular employee:
Type of Institute: Govt./ Pvt./NGO
Is your Institute DSIR certified? (In case of
Private/ NGOs)
1.10 Employer’s name and address with Pin code:
Mobile No.
1.11 State whether you availed any similar
fellowship/training of duration one month or above
from any agency of GOI/State Govt. in last 3 years
If yes, please provide the following details:
i) Name of the fellowship and funding agency
ii) Year of award
iii) Duration of fellowship/training
iv) Name of the Institution, where training was
v) Area of training
vi) Research techniques in which training was
vii) How was the training utilized?

1.12 State whether you belong to

OBC/SC/ST/Physically handicapped category. If
yes, attach document proof
1.13 Have you ever been debarred from fellowship
by DHR?

1.14 Adhaar Number

1.15 Name and address of two referees


2.1 List serially, the particulars of all examinations passed from Graduation onwards.
Attach copies of each Degree/certificate.

Degree/ Name of the Year of Name of %age of Subject of

Examination degree passing the marks thesis, if
alongwith College/ obtained any
subjects University
Any other

2.2 State Medals, Scholarships, Prizes and any other award, distinction or honour won


List all appointments held in chronological order up to the present one (both
teaching/research) (attach copies of relevant certificates)

Post Period Name of Govt. / Temporar Pay Salary Natur Special

held From - employer Pvt y / Grad last e of remark
To & address Regular e drawn duty s if any


4.1 Projects undertaken with title of project and source of funding

4.2 List of publications in indexed journals alongwith Impact Factor and ISSN No. of
the journal. Enclose reprints of very important publications related to the subject of
proposed training.

4.3 List of books/ chapters in books published.

4.4 List of workshop/seminars/conferences attended in the relevant/associated field.

4.5 Research/academic credentials/patents/vaccines/any other relevant achievements



5.1 Area of Fellowship (as per the priority

areas identified for each type of fellowship)
5.2 Proposed duration of Fellowship
5.3 Name, designation and address of the
Mentor. Please attached Consent letter
from the Mentor.
5.4 In case of fellowships proposed in
foreign Institutes, state whether the training
facility is available in Indian Institutes
alongwith justification for requirement of
training in Foreign Institute.
5.5 Justification for the need of the training in
relation to the ongoing research work (if any)
and utilization plan of knowledge gained.
5.6 Techniques to be learnt during training
5.7 Relevance of the training in public
5.8 Brief concept proposal with title, aims
and objectives (About 300 words)
5.9 State whether all the facilities and
essential equipment needed to carry out the
research work after availing the training are
already available in the institute where the
candidate is employed.
*NOTE: If selected, each candidate is required to submit a research proposal (on the basis of
expertise acquired during training) under ‘Startup Grant’ (for details, see the Guidelines of
HRD Scheme) after the completion of training. Brief concept proposal (upto 300 words)
regarding the proposed project has to be submitted alongwith the application form.


I have read the terms and conditions of the award and accept them and agree to abide by them
if the fellowship is offered to me.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the particulars given in this application are

I also give an undertaking to report to DHR/ICMR regarding my research output (projects,

publications etc), if selected , thereafter for 3 years after completion of training/project.

Signature of the applicant


Certificate by the Head of the Institute

I recommend _______________________________________ for the fellowship/training

applied for and certify that he/she is actually engaged in of the institute as relevant to the
project mentioned in the application. The training desired is essential for carrying out the
proposed research project. All the facilities and equipment needed for the proposed research
work are available in the Institute or shall be made available to him/her on his/her return from
the training. The institute shall continue to pay salary and other benefits such as leave,
medical gratuity, GPF, pension as applicable to the applicant while he/she is away for the
fellowship. The Institute shall relieve_______________________________________, if
selected for the training programme.

It is certified that all the particulars furnished above are correct as per the official record
available in the Institute.


Name in Block Letters

(Head of the Institution/Organization)

(a) Kindly submit typed applications only.
(b) All answers should be given in words and not by dashes. Strike off those not
(c) Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Annexure II

Application format for Fellowship Programme for Women scientists with

break in career and Young scientists under the Scheme of Human
Resource Development for Health Research

1.1 Name (in block letters)
1.2 Nationality
1.3 Fellowship Programme applied for:
Women Scientist/Young Scientist
1.4 Category of the fellowship applied for :
Category A(Medical/Non Medical)
Category B (Medical/ Non Medical)
1.5 Area of fellowship (as per the priority areas identified for the
1.6 Postal address for correspondence with Pin code:
Mobile No.
1.7 Permanent address
Also give the domicile in India along with address proof
1.8 Date of Birth and age as on date of submission of application;
with proof
1.9 Current employment: Yes/No
If yes, give details regarding post, nature of employment
(temporary or permanent), pay scale.

1.10 Are you currently registered for Ph.D? (Yes /no)

1.11 Are you currently availing or previously availed fellowship
through any other scheme?
If yes, give the following details:
i) Name of the fellowship and funding agency
ii) Year of award
ii) Duration of fellowship (From ---to…)
iii) Name of the Institution, where research was undertaken
iv) Title of the project undertaken

1.12 No. of Years of service before Break in Career (give period

of break in date/month/year) Applicable only for women with
break in career.
1.13 No. of Years of Break in career (give period of break in
date/month/year) Applicable only for women with break in career
1.14 Reason for break in career (Please attach supporting
1.15 Name, designation and address of the mentor/ supervisor
1.16 Particulars of the Institution where research project will be
a) Name
b) Type of Institute: Govt./ Pvt./NGO
If Pvt or NGO, is the Institution DSIR certified
1.17 Name and address of two referees

1.18 Whether belonging to OBC/SC/ST/Physically handicapped

category –Attach supporting documents

1.19 Adhaar Number


2.1 List serially, the particulars of all examinations passed from Graduation onwards.
Attach copies of each Degree/certificate.

Degree/ Name of the Year of Name of %age of Subject of

Examination degree passing the marks thesis, if
alongwith College/ obtained any
subjects University
Any other

2.2 State Medals, Scholarships, Prizes and any other award, distinction or honour won


List all appointments held in past in chronological order: ( both teaching/research) (attach
copies of relevant certificates)

Post Period Name of Govt. / Temporar Pay Salary Natur Special

held From - employer Pvt y / Grad last e of remark
To & address Regular e drawn duty s if any


4.1 Projects undertaken, if any, with title of project and source of funding
4.2 List of publications in indexed journals alongwith Impact Factor and ISSN No. of
the journal. Enclose reprints of very important publications related to the subject of
proposed training.

4.3 List of books/ chapters in books published, if any.

4.4 List of workshop/seminars/conferences attended in the relevant/associated field.

4.5 Research/academic credentials/patents/vaccines/any other relevant achievements,

if any


Research proposal in the format given at Annexure IV


I have read the terms and conditions of the award and accept them and agree to abide by them
if the fellowship is offered to me.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the particulars given in this application are

I also give an undertaking to report to DHR/ICMR regarding my research output (projects,

publications etc), if selected , thereafter for 3 years after completion of training/project.

Signature of the applicant


Certificate by the Supervisor and Head of the Institute where research is proposed
i. I recommend _______________________________________ for the fellowship
applied and certify that he/she will be given all the institutional facilities to carry out
the research work. The fellow will also be considered as a potential candidate for a
permanent position in due course subject to meeting, rules, regulations and all
relevant statutory requirements.
ii. All the facilities and equipment needed for use of the research work are available in
the Institute or shall be made available to him/her.

Name & Signature with seal

(Head of the Institution/Organization)

Name & Signature with seal


Kindly submit typed applications only
All answers should be given in words and not by dashes. Strike off those not applicable
Incomplete applications will be rejected

Application format for Fellowship programme for NRIs/OCI/PIO to undertake health
research in India under HRD Scheme of DHR.



i. Name (in block letters)

ii. Nationality

iii. Gender

iv. Permanent address

Also give the domicile in India along with address proof

v. Date of Birth and age as on date of submission of

application; with proof

vi. Postal address for correspondence with Pin code:

Mobile No.

vii. Area of fellowship ( as per the priority areas for the


viii. Current employment (Give designation and name of


ix. Do you have at least three years of research experience in the

foreign country as NRI/PIO/OCI; after obtaining the essential

x. Particulars of the Institution where research project will be


a) Name

b) Type of Institute: Govt./ Pvt./NGO

c) If Pvt or NGO, is the Institution DSIR certified?

xi. Name, designation and address of Co-Investigator for the proposed

xii. Name and address of two referees

xiii. Adhaar Number


2.1 List serially, the particulars of all examinations passed from Graduation onwards.
Attach copies of each Degree/certificate.

Degree/ Name of the Year of Name of %age of Subject of

Examination degree passing the marks thesis, if
alongwith College/ obtained any
subjects University
Any other

2.2 State Medals, Scholarships, Prizes and any other award, distinction or honour won


List all appointments held in past in chronological order: (both teaching/research)

Post Period Name of Govt. / Temporar Pay Salary Natur Special

held From - employer Pvt y / Grad last e of remark
To & address Regular e drawn duty s if any

List all appointments held in past in chronological order: (attach copies of relevant

Post Period Name of Govt / Temporar Pay Nature Special

held (From employer & . Pvt y Grade of duty remarks, if
–To) address / Regular any


I. Post-Doctoral work experience in overseas labs (attach copies of supporting


Designation/Title Organisational address Duration Total duration in

From To months

Total work experience abroad

II. Total no. of research publications (enclose a list alongwith impact factor and ISSN No of
the journal)
III. Total number of publications as first author
IV. Total number of publications as corresponding author
V. Major R& D Projects completed/funding obtained during the last 5 years:
Title of Amount of Duration Name of Funding Brief
the grant of project Institute agency Achievements
project where
project was

VI. Patents awarded/ technology developed


Research proposal in the format given at Annexure IV


I have read the terms and conditions of the award and accept them and agree to abide by them
if the fellowship is offered to me.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the particulars given in this application are

I also give an undertaking to report to DHR/ICMR regarding my research output (projects,

publications etc), if selected , thereafter for 3 years after completion of training/project.

Signature of the applicant

Certificate by the Head of the Institute where research is proposed

i. I recommend _______________________________________ for the fellowship

applied and certify that he/she will be given all the institutional facilities to carry out
the research work. The fellow will also be considered as a potential candidate for a
permanent position in due course subject to meeting, rules, regulations and all
relevant statutory requirements.
ii. All the facilities and equipment needed for use of the research work are available in
the Institute or shall be made available to him/her.

Name & Signature with seal

(Head of the Institution/Organization)

Name & Signature with seal


Kindly submit typed applications only
All answers should be given in words and not by dashes. Strike off those not applicable
Incomplete applications will be rejected
Annexure IV
UNDER HRD SCHEME OF DHR for Young scientist/Women scientist/NRI

Section A

1. Title of the Research Project

2. Name, Designation and email of

i) Fellow ii) Mentor/Co-Investigator

1. Duration of Research Project

i) Period which may be needed for collecting the data

ii) Period that may be required for analyzing the data

2. Objectives

3. Summary of the proposed research (up to 150 words) indicating overall aims of the
research and importance/public health relevance of the research proposal.

4. Present knowledge and relevant bibliography including full titles of articles relating to
the project.

5. Preliminary work already done by the Investigator on this problem, e.g. selection of
subjects, standardization of methods, with results, if any.

6. Links with other ICMR/DHR projects (ad-hoc, task force or collaborative).

7. List of important publications of last 5 years of the fellow and mentor/co-investigator

in the relevant field (enclose reprints, if available)

8. Detailed research plan. (give here the design of study, indicating the total number of
cases/samples/animals to be studied, the mode of selection of subjects specially in
experiments involving human beings, equipments and other materials to be used,
methodology/techniques to be employed for evaluating the results including statistical
methods any potential to obtain patents etc.)

9. Facilities in terms of equipment, etc, available at the sponsoring institution for the
proposed investigation.

Total Amount of grant-in-aid asked for the project:

Budget 1st 2nd year 3rd year Total Justification
requirements year


7. Is radio tagged material proposed to be used in the project either for clinical trials or
experimental purposes? If so, clearance from Nuclear Medicine Committee, Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, indicating should be attached.

8. Projects involving recombinant DNA/Genetic engineering work should be examined and

certificate by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) to be enclosed. Guidelines for
constitution of IBSC can be obtained from Secretary, Department of Biotechnology,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.

9. Approval of the institutional ethics committee (IEC) should be enclosed. Guidelines for
IEC for animal experiments should follow CPCSEA requirements and for human
studies should follow ICMR guidelines.
10. The Institution where the study is being done should ensure that there is no financial
conflict of interest by the investigators.


i. I/We have read the terms and conditions for HRD Scheme of D/O Health Research. All
necessary Institutional facilities will be provided if the research project is approved for
financial assistance.
ii. I/We agree to submit within one month from the date of termination of the project the
final report and a list of articles, both expendable and non-expendable, left on the closure
of the project.
iii. I/We agree to submit audited statement of accounts duly audited by the auditors as
stipulated by the ICMR/DHR.
iv. It is certified that the equipment(s) is/are not available in the Institute/Department or
these are available but cannot be spared for the project
v. It is further certified that the equipment(s) required for the project have not been
purchased from the funds provided by ICMR/DHR for another project(s) in the Institute.
vi. I/We agree to submit (online) all the raw data (along with descriptions) generated from
the project to the ICMR/DHR Data Repository within one month from the date of
completion /termination of the project.
If any equipment already exists with the Department/Institute, the investigator should justify
purchase of the another equipment.

Signature of the:
a) Fellow_______________________________
b) Mentor /Co-Investigator _______________________________
c) Head of the Department _______________________________

Signature of the Head of the Institution with seal


Adequate information must be furnished in a brief but self-contained manner.



1. Name (Dr./Kum./Smt./Shri) _____________________________________________

First name(s) Surname

2. Designation:

3. Complete Postal Address, Telephone Number, Fax, e-mail etc.

4. Date of Birth:

5. Educational Qualification : Degrees obtained (Begin with Bachelor’s Degree)

Degree Institution Field(s) Year


6. Research/Training Experience

Duration Institution Particulars of work done

7. Research specialization (Major scientific fields of interest)

8. Important recent publications (last 5 years, with titles and References), including
papers In press

9. *Financial support received

1. From ICMR/DHR
2. From other sources

* This information must be given, otherwise the application will be returned. In case no
financial assistance has been received, nil should be stated. Indicate titles of the projects and
reference number, if available, for ICMR/DHR grants.
Annexure V

‘Support to Indian Institutes for imparting training’ to the Faculty of

Medical Colleges/ Research Institutes under HRD Scheme of DHR
Performa for inviting applications for support to institutions to impart training

1. Area of Training

Toxicology, Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance

Genomics Modern Biology
Proteomics Biotechnology
Geriatrics Genetics
Stem cell research. Drugs Chemistry
Clinical Trials Operational Research
Good Clinical Practices (GCP) Health Informatics
Good laboratory Practices (GLP) Medical Ethics
Disease Modeling Health Economics
Environmental Health

Mental Health/Clinical Any other area recommended by the

Psychology committee as per National Health Policy/
National Health Goals

2. Name of the Institution and contact details

3. Head of the Institution and contact details

4. (a) Name of the Applicant/Principal Investigator and contact details

(b) Name of the Co-Applicant/Co-Principal Investigator and contact details

(c) Head of the Department and contact detail

(d) Any prior experience / expertise in providing training courses / programmes (both
conventional and online) in above areas of research: Please state the duration and
the category of participants in the given tabular format

S. No. Area Duration Type of Programme Category of participants-

Undergraduate/ Post graduate/Post
Doctoral faculty/
1 Conventional/Online
5. The Detail of training modules for faculty of Medical Colleges /Research
institutions. Duration should be at least of 4 to 6 weeks to 12 weeks depending
upon the training programme. Please include a programme of research mythology
of 3 to 4 days.


Programme (Duration of the training (4 to12 weeks and /or long term
programmes of 6 to 12 months).)

S No Topics with Schedule Training to be provided to the candidate (day-

to-day teaching program, theory and practical

1. A

2. Relevance in Public

Guideline: Please prepare a module covering the basic/generalized & advance

application topics in the identified area and the disease specific approach using the
technology can be added to explain the application of technology.

6. Existing faculty members, their details, positions, posts available with the
institution for imparting proposal programme.

S. Faculty i.e. with names and Research interest of faculty (Please attach a
No. designation brief biodata of faculty)

7. Available infrastructure facilities

a. Existing laboratory facilities to be (Please attach a brief biodata used

importing training)
b. Back-up existing internet facilities to provide online course
c. Hostel

d. Others

8. Additional resources required from DHR to strengthen the existing institutional

facilities for providing training courses / programmes (both conventional and
online). Provide detail lists along with justifications:
a. Non-recurring (equipment, internet facilities)

b. Recurring

c. Miscellaneous

S. Category. Budget Required (Year-wise)

No. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total
Year Year Year Year Year
1. Hardwar/equipment/
2. Recurring
3. Research Support/contingency
4. Travel
5 Miscellaneous

9. Please prepare an Advertisement of the training programme for display on the

web site of DHR to call applications from the faculty of the medical colleges/
research institutes.
Annexure VI

1. Name of the Institution/Scientific Body/Association

2. Title of the conference/symposium/workshop for which support is requested

3. Name and Designation of

i. Organizers
ii. Co organizers
4. Duration and Date of the event:
5. Programme schedule:
6. Name, designation and address of Scientific speakers

7. Amount of grant-in-aid required for the conference/workshop/symposia

a. Contingency
b. Recurring
c. Non recurring
d. Overhead charges
8. No of participants expected

9. Category of participants
10. Outcome of the conference/workshop/symposia
11. Significance of the conference/workshop/symposia in the field of health
12. Conference/workshop/symposia earlier conducted in the last 5 years

13. Signature of the Organizer/Head of the institution

14. Place and date

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