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OBTEC 1-14, Team A - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, focused on K-16


Team A (Groups 1 & 2)


Literacy and Numeracy Crisis Curriculum Enhancement and Tara Basa Program (DepEd)
in Levels K-6 Learners Feasible Intervention for All- The Tara Basa Programs of the
kinds of Learners and Department of Education
The learning crisis in the Educators endeavor to assist parents in
Philippines has been a pressing Improving the education system
acquiring fundamental
issue for several years. When in the Philippines is a complex
knowledge regarding the
examining data and assessments issue that requires a multifaceted
implementation of home-based
conducted by various approach and time-bound
learning and after-school
organizations worldwide, it relevance. Addressing the
programs and interventions. This
becomes quite clear that the problem of illiteracy and poor
advocacy aims to enhance and
country's literacy and numeracy numeracy skills requires a
reinforce students' learning in the
results are lacking in comparison combination of efforts from the
comforts of their respective
to other nations. Shockingly, government, schools, teachers,
homes, with the active
according to the World Bank, over parents, and the community.
involvement of their parents.
90% of Filipino students are not Some possible solutions include
able to read and comprehend age- investing in teacher training, Early Childhood Care and
appropriate text by the age of 10. mental health seminars, Development Council (Eccd
Furthermore, Filipino students professional development Council)
perform poorly in comparison to programs, providing more Implementation of programs that
their peers in other countries, resources and support for will boost the existing principles
especially when it comes to schools, implementing innovative in teaching is a highly encouraged
reading, math, and science, as teaching methods and technology, move for agencies such as the
evidenced by standardized and improving the curriculum to ECCD. Early childhood education
assessments like the Programme better meet the needs of students. is as important as the other levels
for International Student Additionally, parents and the of education for it has to deal with
Assessment and TIMSS (Trends community can play a crucial role nurturing the children’s basic
in International Mathematics by supporting education knowledge, and application of
and Science Study). initiatives and advocating for learning through peer
change with an open-minded cooperation and collective
attitude. learning.

National Council for Children’s

Television (Ncct)
Technology integration through
heightened technological
innovations is now evident and
must be applied in teaching and
learning processes. NCCT aims to
provide these learning
opportunities in a fun and
developmentally appropriate way
for children to utilize.
Lack of infrastructure and Increase Financial Provision Department of Education
To address this problem, it is This department, being the
According to Vice President Sara crucial to prioritize investments primarily in charge of managing
Duterte "The most pressing issue in school infrastructure, the deficiencies of the country's
pounding the Philippine basic particularly in rural areas, basic education system, can
education is the lack of school ensuring that all students have collaborate with its board officials
infrastructure and resources to access to quality education. The particularly about the planning
support the ideal teaching government should allocate and development of educational
process." She presented the most sufficient funds for improving infrastructure such as classrooms,
OBTEC 1-14, Team A - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, focused on K-16

recent government inventory, school infrastructure, and schools, and other necessary
which reveals that only 104,536 encourage funding infrastructure facilities.
of the 327,851 school buildings in projects in schools.
the nation are in good condition. Department of Budget and
21,727 school buildings are Management
scheduled for condemnation,
89,252 requiring major repairs Being the department that deals
and 100,072 requiring minor with the distribution and release
repairs, leading learners to have of funds for government
difficulties with learning. initiatives, this can direct to the
increase and allotment of
sufficient funds to recognize the
necessity and impacts of the
deficiencies, particularly the
budget planning for the
construction, maintenance, and
enhancement of educational
infrastructure. This includes
identifying which regions suffer
from major gaps in educational
facilities and prioritizing
vulnerable areas.
Technology Integration Digital storytelling activity S&P Global Philippines

Using smartphones in learning is S&P Global Philippines conducted S&P Global delivers data,
helpful. However, students might a digital storytelling activity last research, credit ratings,
get easily distracted because of February 2021. It aimed to help benchmarks, and ESG
several social media apps such as the level of knowledge of street (Environmental, Social, and
Facebook and Twitter. An children under our program Governance) solutions for
unstable net connection is also a about their rights as children. It governments, companies, and
challenge to many and it can also nurtured street children to individuals. The company turns
hinder them from fully learning act toward respecting, protecting, information into insights,
online. and fulfilling these rights. providing essential intelligence
that accelerates progress in our
Also, online classes these days are Access to Technology ever-changing world.
a challenge to many students. Ensure that all students have
They are at risk of developing access to necessary technology by S&P Global delivers data,
screen fatigue and burnout. Many implementing initiatives such as research, credit ratings,
are also having a hard time one-to-one device programs or benchmarks, and ESG
separating their school tasks from providing access to computer (Environmental, Social, and
the personal duties at home. labs. Collaborate with community Governance) solutions for
organizations or government governments, companies, and
agencies to bridge the digital individuals. The company turns
divide. information into insights,
providing essential intelligence
that accelerates progress in our
ever-changing world.

ASUS Philippines

ASUS Philippines helps to beat the

technology gap of Lamo
Elementary School with ASUS
donated laptops.

With ASUS’ continuous

commitment in providing
technological solutions in
education, ASUS Philippines and
its partner ASUS Foundation
have reached a humble school.
With an overall population of
almost 200 young students from
kinder to grade 6, the school
gets support from its alumni and
other partners who are quite
OBTEC 1-14, Team A - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, focused on K-16

active in pushing the school’s

development. Recently, ASUS
Philippines have donated thirty
(30) pcs of pre-owned ASUS
laptops that are installed in the
school’s computer laboratory.
Information and Data Handling Data Privacy Act Department of Education

The nation was thought to be the Parents and children are advised This can assist people in avoiding
last to reopen after a number of by the National Privacy false or misleading information
lockdowns that induced extended Commission (NPC) to thoroughly and making well-informed
closures of school buildings for examine and comprehend the decisions. In this situation, the
over eighteen months. During the features of any third-party development of an online
pandemic, handling of software, including those information system ought to take
information and data is a major produced by the school, as well as precedence in order to supply
concern. With the rise of online what will happen to any private data and information that are
and distance learning in the information that the pupils needed for budgeting, planning,
Philippines, Malindog-Uy (2020) choose to provide. The school's and the distribution of resources
brings up concerns about internet policies clearly address the use of and operational goals. This study
security and privacy. Since the voice recorders and video evaluated the degree of
creation of new teaching recordings, including who will satisfaction with the Department
modalities has received the store them, what will happen to of Education's school
majority of the media's focus them when the course ends, and administration and the usability
during this pandemic, the issue of who can watch the recordings. of EBEIS/LIS data.
data privacy has been neglected. With a solid foundation in the
The utilization of these software Data Privacy Act of 2012, National Privacy Commission
tools and other learning platforms educational institutions are
that entail a third party gives rise strongly recommended to use Individuals whose personal
to privacy concerns because only websites produced by them information is gathered, stored,
educational institutions or the Department of Education in and processed are referred to as
frequently request students' order to secure students' private data subjects under the Data
biometric and health information information. Privacy Act of 2012. Personal
online. The risk of an attack on Information Controllers (PIC) and
data is increased when personal Dayagbil et al. (2021) also stated Personal Information Processors
information is sent via that schools need to put a high (PIP) who manage your personal
smartphones. Exposure of priority on data privacy. This details, whereabouts, and
students to the digital world includes providing teachers with preferences are responsible for
raises their risk of identity theft, additional training and upholding and respecting your
data breaches, and other security orientations to protect student data privacy rights.
issues. privacy, securing student data
stored on online platforms, and
alerting parents, teachers, and
students to any threats of data
privacy breaches.
Delayed Intervention and Adapt to the ever-changing Department of Education
Outdated Curriculum World through participating in
intensive research Deped should prioritize the
According to The Organization for implementation of an excellent
Economic Cooperation and Conduct regular research on how elementary curriculum.
Development (OECD) (2019), in the curriculum implementation
their article titled "Program for helps the changing learning needs Deped should be formulated to
International Student Assessment of the students and teacher. reduce teachers' excessive
(PISA) Results in PISA from 2018," workloads and paperwork, and
the Philippines scored 340 points, Regular visiting and evaluating students should focus on
putting it as one of the lowest the curriculum to help assess how increasing competencies rather
performing countries and existing learning experiences, than activities.
economies among all PISA- materials or instructional
participating countries and strategies are performing while Deped should develop programs
economies. Meanwhile, the making way for the inclusion of and projects to increase pupil
Philippines earned 353 points in new learning activities and proficiency.
mathematics and 357 points in context for the discussion.
science. DepEd should regularly check the
implementing curriculum from
According to Briones (2019) in time to time by consulting experts
her interview titled ''Why PH in different fields of learning
Ranked Low in Reading
OBTEC 1-14, Team A - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, focused on K-16

Comprehension, Math & Science through research and innovation

and How DepEd Plans to Address strategies
This.'' The ten-year educational
system was established in 1940, The education department should
and it was already 79 years old. In focus on making the curriculum
addition, former Education flexible enough to differentiate
Secretary Leonor Magtolis and support the learning needs of
Briones stated that the each student.
government neglected to spend a
portion of its GDP on education,
resulting in the country's present
educational status. As a result,
outdated curriculum impacts
elementary kids, particularly
those under the age of 15. This
low percentage must be
addressed, and the curriculum
should be revised so that the
student may focus on studies
rather than activities. Teachers,
on the other hand, should
prioritize teaching over excessive
workloads or papers.


Abs-Cbn New Channel (ANC). (2019). Why PH Ranked Low in Reading Comprehension, Math & Science
and How DepEd Plans to Address This. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQP9VldMZx4
Attached Agencies | Department of Education. (n.d.). https://www.deped.gov.ph/about-
HOME - National Privacy Commission. (2023, December 11). Retrieved from
Lopez, & Lorejo. (2023). Effectiveness of Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS)/
Learner Information System (LIS)Data and School Management. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). (2019). Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA) Results in PISA from 2018.
Palatino, M. (2023) “The Philippines’ Basic Education Crisis”. The Diplomat.
S&P Global - Great Place to Work Philippines. (2021, October 3). Retrieved from
Staff, C., & Staff, C. (2021, May 6). The Importance of Technology in Education in the Philippines.
Retrieved from https://childhope.org.ph/importance-of-technology-in-philippine-education/
Walker, R. U. M. S. (2023, March 25). Three ways to help fix the learning crisis | Inquirer Opinion.
INQUIRER.net. https://opinion.inquirer.net/161955/three-ways-to-help-fix-the-learning-crisis

MEMBERS: Labasan, Ronadel Aliyah T.

Agtarap, Janella Nicole L. Lucas, Mark James S.
Angeles, Francine Angeli P. Sayat, Dale Gabriel
Bautista, Bern Patrick M. Villaran, Andrea Daphne F.
Castorico, Conrad Mervic
Dela Paz, Lhalayne Aisha R.
Gumba, Nikki Bianca B.

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