Estrella Is Action Research

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The Department of Education, through the curriculum instruction division, reported that 5 out
of ten or 50 percent of the grade 3 learners belong to frustrated readers, and out of 50 percent,
40 percent or 4 out of 10 are non-readers. It is an alarming issue in the field. Regional
Memorandum 205 series of 2021 instructed the area, emphasizing the importance of an
enhanced reading program at all levels (Oclarit et al., 2021). In recent years, the Fuller Method
has gained recognition as a promising approach to enhance reading ability of struggling readers.
Fuller Method, is a combination of the alphabet, phonics and whole methods of teaching word
recognition (Jalal,,2007), was then employed by the teacher-advisers to test its
extent/effects in enhancing the reading ability of these struggling readers. Fuller Method is the
strategic instructional materials the research used in teaching reading. This is composed of
lessons on sounding out letters, words, phrases, sentences and story reading with picture
matching activities. As cited by Gunning (2003), teachers have a pivotal role in helping children
to develop and maintain a positive attitude towards learning and literacy. To motivate children
to read, classroom teachers demonstrate a passion for reading; act as model readers for their
students; know how children perceive the value of reading and support them in developing a
positive self-image by having them work with text that is at their current reading level.
Reading is a topic of enormous societal importance because it relates to literacy concerns.
Reading is linked to a variety of cognitive processes in terms of learning. Learning to read and
write can have a significant effect on a child's life, as well as expose them to humanity's
collective knowledge. The first stage, readiness, includes the abilities that young children
develop before they may benefit from regular reading instruction, but they can also gain from
exposure and discovery experiences. Reading's value in many developing nations should not be
underestimated but rather stressed. It necessitates a review of classroom programs by regular
classroom teachers, school administration, parents or caregivers, and, most all, curriculum
developers to meet the needs of beginning readers in schools (Orchard et al., 2021)
Teaching Reading to Estrella Integrated School Learners has also been challenging in this
context, Also, various programs and initiatives were undertaken to equip teachers with
different pedagogies in teaching learners the concepts in comprehension with ease and through
simple processes. However, for learners, stereotyping in reading has always remained the same
as it is complicated, affecting their motivation to learn. Also, the literacy skills level of the
learners may have influenced their comprehension of reading simple words and sentences
(Harris et al., 2020).
Thus, this study aims to develop the learners reading skills and to determine the effectiveness
of Fuller Approach in enhancing the reading ability of struggling readers in Grade Three at
Estrella Integrated School.


This study was conducted to determine the level of effectiveness of Fuller Approach in
enhancing the reading ability of struggling readers of Grade Three learners at Estrella
Integrated School.
The following specific questions were answered in this action research:

1.What is the level of reading ability of Grade Three Learners in Estrella Integrated
School before the implementation of Fuller Approach?

In Terms of:

1.1 Identifying initial sound

1.2 Word recognition
1.3 Reading oral passage
1.4 Reading Comprehension

2.What is the level of reading ability of Grade Three Learners in Estrella Integrated
School after the implementation of Fuller Approach?

2.1 Identifying initial Sound

2.2 Word Recognition

2.3Reading oral passage

2.4 Reading Comprehension

3.Is there a significant difference in the reading abilities of Grade Three learners in
Estrella Integrated School before and after conducting Fuller Approach?
4.What are the issues and concerns in implementing the Fuller Approach at Estrella
Integrated School?


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