Behavioral Approach
Behavioral Approach
Behavioral Approach
public information
Market Price Behavior Learning Goals -Any price anomalies are quickly found out and the stock
Describe the characteristics of an efficient market, explain market adjusts
what market anomalies are, and note some of the challenges Strong Form EMH
that investors face when markets are efficient. -There is no information, public or private, that allows
Summarize the evidence which indicates that the stock investors to consistently earn abnormally high returns
market is efficient.
List four “decision traps” that may lead investors to make 10 Figure 9.3 Daily Stock Price Reactions Surrounding Positive
systematic errors in their investment decisions. Earnings News
Source: Andreas Neuhierl, Anna Scherbina, and Bernd
3 Market Price Behavior Learning Goals (cont’d) Schlusche. “Market Reaction to Corporate Press Releases,”
Explain how behavioral finance links market anomalies to forthcoming in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative
investors’ cognitive biases. Analysis.
Describe some of the approaches to technical analysis.
Compute and use technical trading rules for individual stocks 11 Market Anomalies
and the market as a whole. Calendar Effects Small-Firm Effect
- Stocks returns may be closely tied to the time of year or
Random Walks and Efficient Markets time of week
Random Walk: the theory that stock price movements are - Questionable if really provide opportunity
unpredictable, so there is no way to know where prices are - Examples: January effect, weekend effect
- Studies of stock price movements indicate that they do not Small-Firm Effect
move in neat patterns -Size of a firm impacts stock returns
- This random pattern is a natural outcome of markets that -Small firms may offer higher returns than larger firms, even
are highly efficient and respond quickly to changes in after adjusting for risk
material information -(market impact of trading?)
- Definition of random walk: The best prediction of the future
price is today’s price. Post Earnings Announcement Drift (Momentum)
-Stock price adjustments may continue after earnings
Efficient Market: a market in which securities reflect all adjustments have been announced
possible information quickly and accurately -Unusually good quarterly earnings reports may signal buying
To have an efficient market, you must have: opportunity
- Many knowledgeable investors actively analyzing and
trading stocks Value Effect
- Information is widely available to all investors - Uses P/E ratio to value stocks
- Events, such as labor strikes or accidents, tend to happen - Low P/E stocks may outperform high P/E stocks, even after
randomly adjusting for risk
- Investors react quickly and accurately to new information
13 Figure 9.4 Post Earnings Announcement Drift
6 Figure 9.1 Walmart Quarterly Revenues
7 Figure 9.2 Walmart’s Stock Price
8 Efficient Market Hypothesis
19 Behavioral Finance at Work in the Markets (cont’d) 26 Market Technical Indicators (cont’d)
Investor Behavior Breadth of the Market
-Investors who believe they have superior information tend - Looks at number of stock prices that go up (advances)
to trade more, but earn lower returns versus number of stock prices that go down (declines)
- Investors tend to sell stocks that have risen in value rather - Strong market when advances outnumber declines
than declined - Weak market when declines outnumber advances
- Investors acting on emotions instead of facts may reduce
market efficiency 27 Market Technical Indicators (cont’d)
Short Interest
20 Behavioral Finance at Work in the Markets (cont’d) - Looks at number of stocks that have been sold short at any
Analyst Behavior given time
- Analysts may be biased by “herding” behavior, where they - Can give two different interpretations:
tend to issue similar recommendations for stocks Measure of Future Demand for Stock
- Analysts may be overly optimistic about a favorite stock’s - Strong market when short sales are high since guarantees
future future stock sales to cover the short positions
On Balance Volume
Measure of Present Market Optimism or Pessimism - Tracks the volume to price change relationship as a running
- Weak market when short sales are high since professional total
short sellers think stocks will decline - Up-volume occurs when stock closes higher and is added to
running total; down-volume occurs when stock closes lower
28 Market Technical Indicators (cont’d) and is subtracted from running total
Contrary Opinion and Odd-Lot Trading - Direction of indicator is more important than actual value
- Measures the volume of small traders - Used to confirm price trends
- Assumes that small traders will do just the opposite of what - Bull market when OBV values are higher
should be done - Bear market when OBV values are lower
Panic and sell when market is low
Speculate and buy when market is high 35 Using Technical Analysis
- Bull market when odd-lot sales significantly outnumber Charting
odd-lot purchases - Shows visual summary of stock activity over time
- Bear market when odd-lot purchases significantly - Easy to use and to understand
outnumber odd-lot sales - Use to spot developing trends